
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //   COCOA class implementation file
00002 //Id:
00003 //CAT: Model
00004 //
00005 //   History: v1.0 
00006 //   Pedro Arce
00008 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/Model.h"
00010 #include "Alignment/CocoaUtilities/interface/ALIFileIn.h"
00011 #include "Alignment/CocoaUtilities/interface/GlobalOptionMgr.h"
00012 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OpticalObject.h"
00013 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/Measurement.h"
00014 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/MeasurementSensor2D.h"
00015 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/MeasurementDistancemeter.h"
00016 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/MeasurementDistancemeter3dim.h"
00017 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/MeasurementTiltmeter.h"
00018 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/MeasurementCOPS.h"
00019 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/MeasurementDiffEntry.h"
00020 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/CocoaDaqReaderText.h"
00021 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/CocoaDaqReaderRoot.h"
00022 //t#include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/MeasurementDiffAngle.h"
00023 //t#include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/MeasurementCentreEntry.h"
00024 #include "Alignment/CocoaUtilities/interface/ALIUtils.h"
00025 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/EntryAngle.h"
00026 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/ParameterMgr.h"
00027 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/ErrorCorrelationMgr.h"
00028 //#include "Alignment/Scan/interface/ScanMgr.h"
00029 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/EntryMgr.h"
00030 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/EntryData.h"
00031 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/FittedEntriesReader.h"
00033 #include "CondFormats/OptAlignObjects/interface/OpticalAlignments.h"
00034 #include "CondFormats/OptAlignObjects/interface/OpticalAlignMeasurements.h"
00036 #include <stdlib.h>
00037 #include <ctype.h>
00038 //#include <algo.h>
00039 #include <assert.h>
00040 #include <time.h>
00042 #include <algorithm>
00045   using namespace os_std;
00046 #endif
00048 //using namespace os_std;
00051 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00052 Model* Model::theInstance = 0;
00053 //map< ALIstring, ALIdouble, std::less<ALIstring> > Model::theParameters;
00054 std::vector< std::vector<ALIstring> > Model::theOptODictionary;
00055 //-map< ALIstring, int, std::less<ALIstring> > Model::theStandardMeasurerTypes;
00056 //-multimap< ALIstring, OpticalObject*, std::less<ALIstring> > Model::_OptOtree;
00057 //map< ALIstring, OpticalObject*, std::less<ALIstring> > Model::theOptOlist;
00058 std::vector< OpticalObject* > Model::theOptOList;
00059 std::vector<Entry*> Model::theEntryVector;
00060 std::vector<Measurement*> Model::theMeasurementVector;
00061 std::vector<ALIdouble> Model::theParamFittedSigmaVector;
00062 std::map<ALIstring, ALIdouble, std::less<ALIstring> > Model::theParamFittedValueDisplacementMap;
00063 std::vector<OpticalObject*> Model::theOptOsToCopyList;
00064 std::vector<OpticalObject*>::const_iterator Model::theOptOsToCopyListIterator;
00065 ALIint Model::CMSLinkIteration = 0;
00066 ALIint Model::Ncmslinkrange = 0;
00067 std::vector<ALIdouble> Model::CMSLinkRangeDetValue;
00068 ALIstring Model::theSDFName = "SystemDescription.txt";
00069 ALIstring Model::theMeasFName = "Measurements.txt";
00070 ALIstring Model::theReportFName = "report.out";
00071 ALIstring Model::theMatricesFName = "matrices.out";
00072 //struct tm Model::theMeasurementsTime = struct tm();
00073 // struct tm Model::theMeasurementsTime;
00074 cocoaStatus Model::theCocoaStatus = COCOA_Init;
00075 FittedEntriesReader* Model::theFittedEntriesReader = 0;
00076 std::vector<OpticalAlignInfo> Model::theOpticalAlignments;
00078 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00079 //@@  Gets the only instance of Model
00080 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00081 Model& Model::getInstance()
00082 {
00083   if(!theInstance) {
00084     theInstance = new Model;
00085   }
00086   return *theInstance;
00087 }
00090 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00091 //@@  Constructor
00092 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00093 Model::Model()
00094 {
00095   //  theMeasurementsTime = clock();
00096 }
00098 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00099 //@@  Reads the System Description file section by section and acts accordingly
00100 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00101 void Model::readSystemDescription()
00102 {
00103   Model::setCocoaStatus( COCOA_Init );
00105   ALIint data_reading = 0;  // variable to identify the first line of section SYSTEM_TREE_DATA 
00107   //---------- Open the system description file
00108   ALIFileIn& filein = ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName());
00110   //----------- Set section titles
00111   std::vector<ALIstring> SectionTitle;
00112   SectionTitle.push_back(ALIstring("GLOBAL_OPTIONS"));
00113   SectionTitle.push_back(ALIstring("PARAMETERS"));
00114   SectionTitle.push_back(ALIstring("SYSTEM_TREE_DESCRIPTION"));
00115   SectionTitle.push_back(ALIstring("SYSTEM_TREE_DATA"));
00116   SectionTitle.push_back(ALIstring("MEASUREMENTS"));
00117   SectionTitle.push_back(ALIstring("REPORT.OUT"));
00118   std::vector<ALIstring>::iterator SectionTitleIterator;
00120   //---------------------------------------- Loops lines in SDF file  
00121   std::vector<ALIstring> wordlist;
00122   ALIint InSectionNo = -1; 
00123   ALIint currentSectionNo = -1; 
00124   while (!filein.eof()) {
00126     if( !filein.getWordsInLine(wordlist) ) break;  //----- Read line
00127     assert( wordlist.size() != 0 );
00129     //----- checking
00130     if( ALIUtils::debug > 99) {
00131       ALIUtils::dumpVS( wordlist, " ", std::cout );
00132     }
00134     //---------- Get in which section the current line is and act accordingly
00135 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00136 //@@@ ---------- Check if word is start of section 
00137     SectionTitleIterator = find(SectionTitle.begin(), SectionTitle.end(), *wordlist.begin());
00138     if( SectionTitleIterator != SectionTitle.end() ) { 
00139       //---------- Check that previous sections are correct
00140       currentSectionNo = SectionTitleIterator - SectionTitle.begin();
00141       if ( currentSectionNo != InSectionNo + 1 ) {
00142         if( currentSectionNo != sectReportOut ) {
00143           ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00144           std::cerr << "BAD ORDER OF SECTIONS, reading section " 
00145                << *SectionTitleIterator << std::endl 
00146                << " currentSectionNo = " << currentSectionNo << " InSectionNo = " << InSectionNo << std::endl
00147                << " ---------  Please see documentation  ---------- " << std::endl;
00148           exit(1);
00149         }
00150       } else {
00151         if( currentSectionNo != sectReportOut ) {
00152           InSectionNo++;
00153         }
00154       }
00155       if( currentSectionNo == sectMeasurements ) {
00156         SetValueDisplacementsFromReportOut();
00157       }
00159       if( ALIUtils::debug >= 4) std::cout << std::endl << "START OF SECTION: " << currentSectionNo << " " << *SectionTitleIterator << std::endl;
00161 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00162 //@@@ ---------- Reading GLOBAL_OPTIONS section
00163     } else if( currentSectionNo == sectGlobalOptions ) {
00164       //-       std::cout << "utilsdebug " << ALIUtils::debug << std::endl;
00165       //-------- Check format of line read
00166       //----- Two words
00167       if( wordlist.size() == 2 ) {
00168         //----- Second word is number
00169         int isnumber = ALIUtils::IsNumber( wordlist[1] );
00170         if (!isnumber && wordlist[0] != ALIstring("external_meas")) {
00171           ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00172           std::cerr << ": EXPECTING A NUMBER, FOUND: " << wordlist[1] << std::endl;
00173           exit(2);
00174         }
00176         GlobalOptionMgr* gomgr = GlobalOptionMgr::getInstance();
00177         gomgr->setGlobalOption( wordlist[0], ALIUtils::getFloat(wordlist[1]), ALIFileIn::getInstance(Model::SDFName()) );
00179           //-or    GlobalOptions.insert(std::pair<const ALIstring, ALIdouble>(wordlist[0] , atof(wordlist[1].c_str()) ) );
00181         if( ALIUtils::debug >= 1) {
00182           ALIUtils::dumpVS( wordlist, "GLOBAL_OPTION:  ", std::cout );
00183         }
00185       } else {
00186         std::cout << "error < 1" << std::endl;
00187         ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00188         std::cerr << ": IN GLOBAL_OPTIONS section TWO-WORD LINES ARE EXPECTED " << std::endl;
00189         exit(2);
00190       }
00192       //------- Set dimension factors for lengths and angles
00193       ALIUtils::SetLengthDimensionFactors();
00194       ALIUtils::SetAngleDimensionFactors();
00195       ALIUtils::SetOutputLengthDimensionFactors();
00196       ALIUtils::SetOutputAngleDimensionFactors();
00198 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00199 //@@@ ---------- Reading PARAMETERS section
00200     } else if( currentSectionNo == sectParameters ||
00201                currentSectionNo == -1 ) {  // Allow parameters in first lines (for easy study of different parameter values)
00203       //---------- Check format of line read
00204       //----- Two words
00205       if( wordlist.size() == 2 ) {
00206         /* now checked in ParameterMgr
00207         //----- Second is number
00208         int isnumber = ALIUtils::IsNumber( wordlist[1] );
00209         if( !isnumber ) {
00210           ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00211           std::cerr << ": EXPECTING A NUMBER, FOUND: " << wordlist[1] << std::endl;
00212           exit(2);
00213           } */
00215         //old---------- Create parameter with value read (or overwrite existing value)
00216         //---------- Create parameter with value read if parameter does not exist yet
00217         ParameterMgr* parmgr = ParameterMgr::getInstance();
00218         parmgr->addParameter( wordlist[0], wordlist[1] );
00220       } else if( wordlist.size() == 3 ) {
00221         if( wordlist[1] != "seed" ) { 
00222           ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00223           std::cerr << ": For a three-word parameter line, second has to be 'seed', it is  " << wordlist[1] << std::endl;
00224           exit(1);
00225         } 
00227         if( wordlist[0] == "gauss" || wordlist[0] == "flat" ){ 
00228           ParameterMgr::getInstance()->setRandomSeed( ALIUtils::getInt( wordlist[2] ));
00229         } else {
00230           ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00231           std::cerr << ": For a three-word parameter line, first has to be 'gauss' or 'flat', it is  " << wordlist[0] << std::endl;
00232           exit(1);
00233         } 
00234       } else if( wordlist.size() == 4 ) {
00235         if( wordlist[0] == "gauss" ) {  
00236           ParameterMgr::getInstance()->addRandomGaussParameter( wordlist[1], wordlist[2], wordlist[3] ); 
00237         } else if( wordlist[0] == "flat" ) {
00238          ParameterMgr::getInstance()->addRandomFlatParameter( wordlist[1], wordlist[2], wordlist[3] ); 
00239         } else {
00240           ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00241           std::cerr << ": For a four-word parameter line, first has to be 'gauss' or 'flat', it is  " << wordlist[0] << std::endl;
00242           exit(1);
00243         } 
00244       } else {
00245         ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00246         std::cerr << ": IN PARAMETERS section TWO-WORD-LINES ARE EXPECTED " << std::endl;
00247         ALIUtils::dumpVS( wordlist , " " );
00248         exit(2);
00249       } 
00251       //print it out
00252       if( ALIUtils::debug >= 1) { 
00253         ALIUtils::dumpVS( wordlist, "PARAMETERS:  ", std::cout );
00254       }
00256 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00257 //@@@ ---------- Reading SYSTEM_TREE_DESCRIPTION section
00258     } else if( currentSectionNo == sectSystemTreeDescription ) {
00260       //---------- Convert the numbers found in list of components (e.g. 2 laser -> laser laser )
00261       //----- Backup wordlist and erase it
00262       std::vector<ALIstring> wordlist2 = wordlist;
00263       std::vector<ALIstring>::iterator vsite;
00264       ALIint wsiz = wordlist.size();
00265       for ( ALIint ii = 0; ii < wsiz; ii++) {
00266         wordlist.pop_back();
00267       }
00268       //----- Loop objects looking for numbers to convert
00269       for ( vsite=wordlist2.begin(); vsite!=wordlist2.end(); vsite++ ) {
00270         if( ALIUtils::IsNumber( *vsite ) ) {
00271           int nOpticalObjects = atoi( (*vsite).c_str() );
00272           //----- If number is 1 it is not necessary
00273           if( nOpticalObjects == 1 ) {
00274             if( ALIUtils::debug >= 0) std::cerr << "WARNING: in line " << ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).nline() 
00275                  << " number of repeated OpticalObjects = 1. Please avoid the numbering " << std::endl; 
00276             //-    wordlist.erase( wordlist.begin() + (vsite-wordlist2.begin()) );
00277           } else {
00278             //----- The number cannot be the last in the list and you cannot put two numbers together
00279             if( vsite+1 == wordlist.end() || ALIUtils::IsNumber(*(vsite+1)) ) {
00280               ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00281               std::cerr << "NUMBER SHOULD BE FOLLOWED BY an OpticalObject type" << std::endl;
00282               exit(2);
00283             }
00284             //----- Right format: convert
00285             //--- Substitute the number by the object type in wordlist
00286             //-   *( wordlist.begin() + (vsite-wordlist2.begin()) ) = *(vsite+1);
00287             //--- Add n-1 object types to wordlist (the nth object will be added as the object taht goes after the number)
00288             for ( ALIint ii=0; ii<nOpticalObjects-1; ii++ ) {
00289               //-std::cout << ii << "inserting in wordlist " << *(vsite+1) << std::endl;
00290               wordlist.push_back( *(vsite+1) ); 
00291             }
00292           }
00293         } else {
00294           //----- Not number, add it to wordlist
00295           wordlist.push_back( *vsite );
00296         }
00297       }
00299       //---------- Dump system structure
00300       if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 1 ) {
00301         ALIUtils::dumpVS( wordlist, "SYSTEM TREE DESCRIPTION: before ordering, OBJECT: ", std::cout );
00302       }
00304       //---------- Fill the list of Optical Object with components (theOptODictionary)
00305       //----- First word is 'object': new OptO
00306       if ( wordlist[0] == ALIstring("object") ) {
00307           //----- Check out repeated objects
00308         std::vector< std::vector<ALIstring> >::iterator vvsite; 
00309         for ( vvsite = theOptODictionary.begin(); vvsite != theOptODictionary.end(); vvsite++) {
00310           //-     std::cout << " system" << vvsite << std::endl;
00312           if( *( (*vvsite).begin() ) == wordlist[1] ) {
00313             ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00314             std::cerr << "SYSTEM_TREE_DESCRIPTION: REPEATED object " << *((*vvsite).begin()) << " ( NOT ALLOWED NEITHER WITH EQUAL NOR WITH DIFFERENT COMPONENTS)" << std::endl;
00315             exit(1);
00316           }
00317         }
00318         //------- Add an item to theOptODictionary
00319         std::vector<ALIstring> vstemp;
00320         copy( wordlist.begin()+1, wordlist.end(),back_inserter( vstemp ) );
00321         Model::OptODictionary().push_back(vstemp);
00322       } else {
00323         //----- First word is not 'object': add to previous OptO
00324         if(OptODictionary().size() == 0) {
00325           ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00326           std::cerr << "SYSTEM_TREE_DESCRIPTION section: FIRST LINE SHOULD START WITH 'object'" << std::endl;
00327           exit(2);
00328         }
00329         copy(wordlist.begin(), wordlist.end(),
00330              back_inserter( *(OptODictionary().end()-1) ) );
00331       }
00333 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00334 //---------------------------------- Reading SYSTEM_TREE_DATA section
00335     } else if( currentSectionNo == sectSystemTreeData ) {
00336       //---------- First line of data:
00337       if ( !data_reading ) {
00338         //        ALIint dictsize = theOptODictionary.size();
00339         //------- Reorder theOptODictionary
00340         std::vector< std::vector<ALIstring> > OptODictionary2; 
00341         reorderOptODictionary( "system", OptODictionary2);
00342         if(OptODictionary2.size() == 0) {
00343           std::cerr << "SYSTEM_TREE_DESCRIPTION section: no object 'system' found " << std::endl;
00344           exit(9);
00345         }
00346         //------- We start reordering with 'system', therefore if 'system' is not the top most object, the objects not hanging from it would not be considered
00347         //---- Check if all the objects are here
00348         std::vector< std::vector<ALIstring> >::const_iterator vvscite, vvscite2; 
00349         //      ALIint dictsizen = 0;
00350         for( vvscite = theOptODictionary.begin(); vvscite != theOptODictionary.end(); vvscite++) {
00351           ALIbool ofound = 0;
00352           for( vvscite2 = OptODictionary2.begin(); vvscite2 != OptODictionary2.end(); vvscite2++) {
00353             if( *( (*vvscite).begin() ) == *( (*vvscite2).begin() ) ) {
00354               ofound = 1;
00355               break;
00356             }
00357           }
00358           if( !ofound  ) {
00359             std::cerr << "!!!SYSTEM_TREE_DESCRIPTION section: object " << *( (*vvscite).begin()) << " is not hanging from object 'system' " << std::endl;
00360             for (vvscite=OptODictionary().begin();vvscite!=OptODictionary().end();vvscite++){
00361               std::vector<ALIstring> ptemp = *vvscite;
00362               ALIUtils::dumpVS( ptemp, "OBJECT ", std::cerr );
00363             }       
00364             exit(9);
00365           }
00366         }
00367         theOptODictionary = OptODictionary2;
00369         data_reading = 1;
00371         //------- Dump ordered OptOs
00372         if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 3) {
00373           std::vector< std::vector<ALIstring> >::iterator itevs;
00374           for (itevs=OptODictionary().begin();itevs!=OptODictionary().end();itevs++){
00375             std::vector<ALIstring> ptemp = *itevs;
00376             ALIUtils::dumpVS( ptemp, " SYSTEM TREE DESCRIPTION: after ordering: OBJECT ", std::cout );
00377           }
00378         }
00380         //---------- Create OpticalObject 'system' (first OpticalObject object): 
00381         //---------- it will create its components and recursively all the System Tree of Optical Objects
00382         if(wordlist[0] != "system" ) {
00383           std::cerr << "SYSTEM_TREE_DATA section: object 'system' is not the first one " << std::endl;
00384           exit(9);
00385         }
00387         OpticalObject* OptOsystem = new OpticalObject( 0, "system", wordlist[1], 0 );
00388         OptOsystem->construct();
00389             //-              Model::_OptOtree.insert( std::multimap< ALIstring, OpticalObject*, std::less<ALIstring> >::value_type(OptOsystem->type(), OptOsystem) );
00390             //              theOptOlist[OptOsystem->name()] = OptOsystem; 
00391         theOptOList.push_back( OptOsystem ); 
00393       } else {      
00394         //----------- All system is read by the Optical Objects, it should not reach here
00395         ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00396         std::cerr << " STILL SOME LINES AFTER ALL SYSTEM TREE IS READ!!!"<< std::endl;
00397         exit(9);
00398       }
00400 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00401 //----------------------------------- Reading MEASUREMENTS section
00402     } else if( currentSectionNo == sectMeasurements ) {
00403       //---------- Create Measurement with appropiate dimension
00404       Measurement* meastemp = 0;
00405       ALIstring measType = wordlist[0];
00406       ALIstring measName;
00407       if( wordlist.size() == 2 ) {
00408         measName = wordlist[1];
00409         wordlist.pop_back();
00410       } else {
00411         measName = "";
00412       }
00413       if ( measType == ALIstring("SENSOR2D") ) {
00414         meastemp = new MeasurementSensor2D( 2, measType, measName );      
00415         meastemp->setConversionFactor( wordlist );
00416         meastemp->construct();
00417       } else if ( measType == ALIstring("DISTANCEMETER3DIM") ) {
00418         meastemp = new MeasurementDistancemeter3dim( 1, measType, measName );
00419         meastemp->setConversionFactor( wordlist );
00420         meastemp->construct();
00421       } else if ( measType == ALIstring("DISTANCEMETER") ||
00422                   measType == ALIstring("DISTANCEMETER1DIM") ) {
00423         meastemp = new MeasurementDistancemeter( 1, measType, measName );
00424         meastemp->setConversionFactor( wordlist );
00425         meastemp->construct();
00426       } else if ( measType == ALIstring("TILTMETER") ) {
00427         meastemp = new MeasurementTiltmeter( 1, measType, measName );
00428         meastemp->setConversionFactor( wordlist );
00429         meastemp->construct();
00430       } else if ( measType == ALIstring("COPS") ) {
00431         meastemp = new MeasurementCOPS( 4, measType, measName );
00432         meastemp->setConversionFactor( wordlist );
00433         meastemp->construct();
00434       } else if ( measType == ALIstring("DIFFCENTRE") ) {
00435  //t       meastemp = new MeasurementDiffCentre( 1, measType, measName );
00436         meastemp->construct();
00437       } else if ( measType == ALIstring("DIFFANGLE") ) {
00438 //t        meastemp = new MeasurementDiffAngle( 2, measType, measName );
00439         meastemp->construct();
00440       } else if ( measType == ALIstring("DIFFENTRY") ) {
00441         meastemp = new MeasurementDiffEntry( 1, measType, measName );
00442         meastemp->construct();
00443       } else if ( measType == ALIstring("measurements_from_file") || measType == ALIstring("@measurements_from_file") ) {
00444         new CocoaDaqReaderText( wordlist[1] );
00445         //m Measurement::setMeasurementsFileName( wordlist[1] );
00446         //m if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 2) std::cout << " setting measurements_from_file " << measType << " == " << Measurement::measurementsFileName() << std::endl;
00447         if( wordlist.size() == 4) {
00448           Measurement::only1 = 1; 
00449           Measurement::only1Date = wordlist[2]; 
00450           Measurement::only1Time = wordlist[3]; 
00451           //-      std::cout << " setting Measurement::only1" <<  Measurement::only1 << std::endl;
00452         }
00453       } else if ( measType == ALIstring("measurements_from_file_ROOT") || measType == ALIstring("@measurements_from_file") ) {
00454         new CocoaDaqReaderRoot( wordlist[1] );
00455       } else if ( wordlist[0] == ALIstring("correlations_from_file") || wordlist[0] == ALIstring("@correlations_from_file") ) {
00456         ErrorCorrelationMgr::getInstance()->readFromReportFile( wordlist[1] );
00457       } else if ( wordlist[0] == ALIstring("copy_measurements") || wordlist[0] == ALIstring("@copy_measurements") ) {
00458         copyMeasurements( wordlist );
00459         //      } else if( wordlist[0] == "scan" || wordlist[0] == "@scan" ) {
00460         //      ScanMgr::getInstance()->addOptOEntry( wordlist );
00461       } else if ( wordlist[0] == ALIstring("fittedEntries_from_file") ) {
00462         theFittedEntriesReader = new FittedEntriesReader( wordlist[1] );
00463          if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 2) std::cout << " setting fittedEntries_from_file " << wordlist[0] << " == " << wordlist[1] << std::endl;
00464       } else {
00465         std::cerr << "Measurement:" << std::endl;
00466         ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00467         std::cerr << "!!! type of measurement not allowed: " << wordlist[0] 
00468              << std::endl;
00469         std::cerr << " Allowed types: SENSOR2D, DISTANCEMETER, DISTANCEMETER1DIM, TILTMETER, COPS, DIFFENTRY " << std::endl; 
00470         exit(2);
00471       }
00472 //-      meastemp->setGlobalName( wordlist[0] );
00473 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00474 //@@@ ---------- Reading REPORT OUT  section
00475     } else if( currentSectionNo == sectReportOut ) {
00476       //----- It must be after global options section
00477       if ( InSectionNo+1 != sectParameters ) {
00478         ALIFileIn::getInstance( Model::SDFName() ).ErrorInLine();
00479         std::cerr << "BAD ORDER OF SECTIONS, reading section " 
00480              << *SectionTitleIterator << std::endl 
00481              << " currentSectionNo = " << currentSectionNo << " InSectionNo = " << InSectionNo << std::endl
00482              << " ---------  Please see documentation  ---------- " << std::endl;
00483         exit(1);
00484       }
00486       EntryMgr::getInstance()->readEntryFromReportOut( wordlist );
00487     }
00488   }
00491 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00492 //@@@ All system read
00493   //---------- make Measurements links to their OptOs 
00494   if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 2) std::cout << std::endl << "@@@@ Building Measurements links to OptOs" << std::endl;
00495   Model::buildMeasurementsLinksToOptOs();
00497   if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 1) {
00498       std::cout << "----------  SYSTEM SUCCESFULLY READ ----------" << std::endl << std::endl;
00499   }  
00500   filein.close();
00502   return;
00504 }
00507 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00508 //@@  reorderOptODictionary: REBUILDS THE SYSTEM_TREE_DESCRIPTION SECTION 'objects' 
00509 //@@ (_OptODictionary) IN A HIERARCHICAL (TREE LIKE) ORDER
00510 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00511 void Model::reorderOptODictionary(const ALIstring& ssearch, std::vector< std::vector<ALIstring> >& OptODictionary2 ){
00513   //  int ALIstring_found = 0;
00514   std::vector< std::vector<ALIstring> >::iterator vvsite; 
00515   std::vector< ALIstring >::iterator vsite; 
00517 //---------------------------------------- Look for 'ssearch' as the first ALIstring of an OptODictionary item
00518   for( vvsite = OptODictionary().begin(); vvsite != OptODictionary().end(); ++vvsite) {
00519    if( *( (*vvsite).begin() ) == ssearch ) {
00520      //     ALIstring_found = 1;
00521      OptODictionary2.push_back(*vvsite);
00523      //-    std::cout << "VVSITE";
00524      //-   ostream_iterator<ALIstring> outs(std::cout,"&");
00525      //-   copy( (*vvsite).begin(), (*vvsite).end(), outs);
00527 //---------------------------------- look for components of this _OptODictionary item
00528      for(  vsite = (*vvsite).begin()+1; vsite != (*vvsite).end(); ++vsite ) {
00529        reorderOptODictionary( *vsite, OptODictionary2 );
00530      }
00531      break;
00532    }
00533   }
00535   /*  //------- object 'system' should exist
00536   if(!ALIstring_found && ssearch == "system") {
00537     std::cerr << "SYSTEM_TREE_DATA section: no 'object system' found " << std::endl;
00538     exit(9);
00539     } */
00541 } 
00543 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00544 //@@ BuildMeasurementLinksToOptOs
00545 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00546 void Model::buildMeasurementsLinksToOptOs(){
00548 //---------- Loop Measurements
00549   std::vector< Measurement* >::const_iterator vmcite;
00550   for ( vmcite = MeasurementList().begin(); vmcite != MeasurementList().end(); vmcite++) {
00551 //---------- Transform for each Measurement the Measured OptO names to Measured OptO pointers
00552     //     (*vmcite)->buildOptOList();
00554 //---------- Build list of Entries that affect a Measurement 
00555     // (*vmcite)->buildAffectingEntryList();
00557   }
00559 }
00562 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00563 //@@ Get the value of a parameter in theParameters std::vector
00564 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00565 ALIint Model::getParameterValue( const ALIstring& sstr, ALIdouble& val ) 
00566 {
00567   ParameterMgr* parmgr = ParameterMgr::getInstance();
00568   ALIint iret = parmgr->getParameterValue( sstr, val );
00570   return iret;
00572 }
00575 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00576 //@@ getOptOByName: Find an OptO name in _OptOlist and return a pointer to it
00577 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00578 OpticalObject* Model::getOptOByName( const ALIstring& opto_name ) 
00579 {
00580   //---------- Look for Optical Object name in OptOList
00581   std::vector< OpticalObject* >::const_iterator vocite;
00582   for( vocite = OptOList().begin(); vocite != OptOList().end(); vocite++ ) {
00583     if( (*vocite)->name() == opto_name ) break;
00584   }
00586   if ( vocite == OptOList().end() ) {
00587     //---------- If opto_name not found, exit
00588     std::cerr << " LIST OF OpticalObjects " << std::endl;
00589     for( vocite = OptOList().begin(); vocite != OptOList().end(); vocite++ ) {
00590       std::cerr <<  (*vocite)->name() << std::endl;
00591     }
00592     std::cerr << "!!EXITING at getOptOByName: Optical Object " << opto_name << " doesn't exist!!" << std::endl;
00593     exit(4);
00594        //       return (OpticalObject*)0;
00595   } else {
00596     //---------- If opto_name found, return pointer to it
00597     if( ALIUtils::debug>999) {
00598       std::cout << opto_name.c_str() << "SSOptOitem" << (*vocite) << (*vocite)->name() << "len" << OptOList().size() << std::endl;
00599     }
00600     return (*vocite);
00601   } 
00603 }
00606 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00607 //@@ getOptOByType: Find an OptO type in _OptOList (the first one with this type)
00608 //@@ and return a pointer to it
00609 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00610 OpticalObject* Model::getOptOByType( const ALIstring& opto_type ) 
00611 {
00612   //---------- Look for Optical Object type in OptOList
00613   std::vector< OpticalObject* >::const_iterator vocite;
00614   for( vocite = OptOList().begin(); vocite != OptOList().end(); vocite++ ) {
00615    //   std::cout << "OPTOList" << (*msocite).first << std::endl;
00616     if( (*vocite)->type() == opto_type ) break;
00617   }
00619   if ( vocite == OptOList().end() ) {
00620     //---------- If opto_type not found, exit
00621     std::cerr << "!!EXITING at getOptOByType: Optical Object " << opto_type << " doesn't exist!!" << std::endl;
00622     exit(4);
00623   } else {
00624     //---------- If opto_type found, return pointer to it
00625     return (*vocite);
00626  } 
00628 }
00630 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00631 //@@  Find an Entry name in theEntryVector and return a pointer to it
00632 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00633 Entry* Model::getEntryByName( const ALIstring& opto_name, const ALIstring& entry_name )
00634 {
00635   //---------- Look for Entry name type in EntryList
00636   std::vector<Entry*>::const_iterator vecite;
00637   for( vecite = EntryList().begin(); vecite != EntryList().end(); vecite++) {
00638     if( ALIUtils::debug >= 4 ) std::cout <<  "getEntryByName: " <<(*vecite)->OptOCurrent()->name() 
00639          << " E " << (*vecite)->name() << " Searching: " << opto_name << " E " << entry_name << std::endl; 
00640     //-    std::cout << " optoName " << (*vecite)->OptOCurrent()->name()<< " " << (*vecite)->name() << std::endl;
00641     if( (*vecite)->OptOCurrent()->name() == opto_name &&
00642         (*vecite)->name() == entry_name ) {
00643       return *vecite;
00644     }
00645   }
00646   //---------- Entry not found!
00647   std::cerr << "!!!EXITING at getEntryByName: Entry name not found:" << opto_name << "  " << entry_name << std::endl; 
00648   exit(1);
00649 }
00652 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00653 Measurement* Model::getMeasurementByName( const ALIstring& meas_name, ALIbool exists ) 
00654 {
00655   //---------- Look for Optical Object name in OptOList
00656   std::vector< Measurement* >::const_iterator vmcite;
00657   for( vmcite = theMeasurementVector.begin(); vmcite != theMeasurementVector.end(); vmcite++ ) {
00658     if( (*vmcite)->name() == meas_name ) break;
00659   }
00661   if ( vmcite != theMeasurementVector.end() ) {
00662     //---------- If opto_name found, return pointer to it
00663     return (*vmcite);
00664   }else {
00665     if( exists ) {
00666       //---------- If opto_name not found, exit
00667       std::cerr << " LIST OF Measurements " << std::endl;
00668       for( vmcite = theMeasurementVector.begin(); vmcite != theMeasurementVector.end(); vmcite++ ) {
00669         std::cerr << (*vmcite)->name() << std::endl;
00670       }
00671       std::cerr << "!!EXITING at getMeasurementByName: Measurement " << meas_name << " doesn't exist!!" << std::endl;
00672       abort();
00673       //       return (OpticalObject*)0;
00674     } else {
00675       return 0;
00676     }
00678   } 
00681 }
00684 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00685 //@@  Get an OptO list of components 
00686 //@@  Looks the theOptODictionary item that has 'opto_type' as the first ALIstring,
00687 //@@  copies this item to 'vcomponents', substracting the first ALIstring, that is the opto_type itself,
00688 //@@  Returns 1 if item found, 0 if not 
00689 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00690 ALIbool Model::getComponentOptOTypes( const ALIstring& opto_type, std::vector<ALIstring>& vcomponents )
00691 {
00692   //---------- clean std::vector in which you are going to store opto types
00693   std::vector<ALIstring>::iterator vsite;
00694   for (vsite = vcomponents.begin(); vsite != vcomponents.end(); vsite++) {
00695     vcomponents.pop_back();
00696   }
00698   //---------- Looks the theOptODictionary item that has 'opto_type' as the first ALIstring,
00699   ALIint ALIstring_found = 0;
00700   std::vector< std::vector<ALIstring> >::iterator vvsite; 
00701   for( vvsite = OptODictionary().begin(); vvsite != OptODictionary().end(); ++vvsite) {
00702     if( *( (*vvsite).begin() ) == opto_type ) {
00703       ALIstring_found = 1;
00704       //tt  copies this item to 'vcomponents', substracting the first ALIstring, that is the opto_type itself,
00705       vcomponents = *vvsite;
00706       vcomponents.erase( vcomponents.begin() );
00707       break;
00708     }
00709   }
00711   if ( ALIstring_found ) {
00712     return 1;
00713   } else {
00714     return 0;
00715   } 
00716 } 
00719 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00720 //@@ Get from _OptOList the list of OptOs pointers that has as parent 'opto_name' 
00721 //@@ and store it in vcomponents
00722 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00723 ALIbool Model::getComponentOptOs( const ALIstring& opto_name, std::vector<OpticalObject*>& vcomponents) 
00724 {
00725   //---------- clean std::vector in which you are going to store opto pointers
00726   std::vector<OpticalObject*>::iterator voite;
00727   for (voite = vcomponents.begin(); voite != vcomponents.end(); voite++) {
00728     vcomponents.pop_back();
00729   }
00731   //---------- Get OptO corresponding to name 'opto_name'
00732   OpticalObject* opto = getOptOByName( opto_name );
00734   if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 99) std::cout << opto_name << "getComponentOptOs: opto " << opto << opto->name() << std::endl;
00735   std::vector<OpticalObject*>::const_iterator vocite;
00737   if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 99) std::cout << "optolist size " << OptOList().size() << std::endl;
00738   ALIbool opto_found = 0; 
00739   for (vocite = OptOList().begin(); vocite != OptOList().end(); vocite++) {
00740     if( (*vocite)->parent() != 0 ) {
00741       //        std::cout << "looping OptOlist" << (*vocite)->name() << " parent " <<(*vocite)->parent()->name() << std::endl; 
00742       if( (*vocite)->parent()->name() == opto_name ) {
00743         opto_found = 1;
00744         vcomponents.push_back( (*vocite) );    
00745       }
00746     }
00747   }
00749   /*  std::pair<multimap< ALIstring, OpticalObject*, std::less<ALIstring> >::iterator,
00750        std::multimap< ALIstring, OpticalObject*, std::less<ALIstring> >::iterator> 
00751   pmmao =  _OptOtree.equal_range(opto_name);
00753   if( pmmao.first != _OptOtree.end()) {
00754     std::multimap< ALIstring, OpticalObject*, std::less<ALIstring> >::const_iterator socite;
00755     for (socite = pmmao.first; socite != (pmmao.second); socite++) {
00756          vcomponents.push_back( (*socite).second );
00757     }
00758   }
00759   */
00760   return opto_found;
00762 }
00766 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00767 //@@ createCopyComponentList:
00768 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00769 ALIbool Model::createCopyComponentList( const ALIstring& typ )
00770 {
00772   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 3) std::cout << "createCopyComponentList " << typ << std::endl; 
00773   OpticalObject* start_opto = getOptOByType( typ );
00775   //---------- clean list of OptOs to copy
00776   theOptOsToCopyList.erase( theOptOsToCopyList.begin(), theOptOsToCopyList.end() );
00778   //---------- Fill list of OptOs to copy
00779   fillCopyComponentList( start_opto );
00780   //- if(ALIUtils::debug >= 9) std::cout << "createCopyComponentList " << typ << theOptOsToCopyList.size() << std::endl; 
00782   theOptOsToCopyListIterator = theOptOsToCopyList.begin();
00783   return 1;
00784 }
00787 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00788 //@@ fillCopyOptOList: Fill list of objects to copy with the components of 'opto'
00789 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00790 ALIbool Model::fillCopyComponentList( const OpticalObject* opto )
00791 {
00792   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 3) std::cout << "entering fillCopyComponentList(): OptO" << opto->name() << std::endl;
00793   //---------- Get list of components of 'opto'
00794   std::vector<OpticalObject*> vopto; 
00795   ALIbool opto_found = getComponentOptOs( opto->name(), vopto);
00796   if( !opto_found ) {
00797     if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5) std::cout << "fillCopyComponentList: NO COMPONENTS TO COPY IN THIS OptO" << opto->name() << std::endl ; 
00798   }
00800   //---------- Loop list of components of 'opto'
00801   std::vector<OpticalObject*>::const_iterator vocite;
00802   for( vocite = vopto.begin(); vocite != vopto.end(); vocite++ ){
00803     theOptOsToCopyList.push_back( *vocite );
00804     if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5) std::cout << "fillCopyOptOList " << (*vocite)->type() << " " << (*vocite)->name() << std::endl; 
00805     //---------- Add components of this component
00806     fillCopyComponentList( *vocite );
00807   }
00808   return opto_found;
00809 }
00813 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00814 //@@ nextOptOToCopy: return next object to copy from theOptOsToCopyListIterator
00815 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00816 OpticalObject* Model::nextOptOToCopy()
00817 {
00818   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5) std::cout << "entering nextOptOToCopy() " << std::endl;
00819   theOptOsToCopyListIterator++;
00820   //  if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5) std::cout <<" nextOptOToCopy " << (*(theOptOsToCopyListIterator-1))->name() << std::endl;
00821   return *(theOptOsToCopyListIterator-1);
00822 }
00826 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00827 //@@ If fitting CMS link, it has to be fitted part by part, in several iterations
00828 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00829 void Model::CMSLinkFit( ALIint cmslink)
00830 {
00831   /*
00832   //---------- Get number of fits 
00833   ALIint cmslinkNoFits = 0;
00834   if( cmslink == 1) {
00835     cmslinkNoFits = 3;
00836   } else if( cmslink == 2) {
00837     cmslinkNoFits = 2;
00838   }
00839   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 4) std::cout << " Start CMS link fit with method " << cmslink << " (number of fits = " << cmslinkNoFits << ")" << std::endl;
00841   //----------- Loop number of cms_link fits 
00842   for(ALIint ilink = ALIint(Model::GlobalOptions()["cms_link"]); ilink <= cmslinkNoFits; ilink++) { 
00844   //----- Iteration 2 of method 2 resembles iteration 3 of method 1
00845      ALIdouble cmslink_method;
00846      assert(Model::getGlobalOptionValue("cms_link_method", cmslink_method)); 
00847      if( cmslink_method == 2 && ilink == 2) ilink = 3;
00849 //---- Set variable CMSLinkIteration, Checked in Fit.C and other     //- std::cout << "ilink" << ilink << std::endl;
00850     Model::setGlobalOption("cms_link", ilink); 
00851     Model::CMSLinkIteration = ilink;
00853     if(ilink > 1)Model::readSystemDescription(); //already read once to fill value Model::GlobalOptions()["cms_link"]
00855     //---------- Delete the OptO not fitted in this iteration
00856     //    Model::CMSLinkDeleteOptOs(); 
00857     // cannot be here because you may recover a parameter saved in previous iteration that now it is deleted (!!MODIFY THIS)  
00859     //---------- Recover parameters fitted in previous iteration
00860     Model::CMSLinkRecoverParamFittedSigma( ilink );
00862     Model::CMSLinkRecoverParamFittedValueDisplacement( ilink );
00864     //---------- Delete the OptO not fitted in this iteration
00865     Model::CMSLinkDeleteOptOs();
00867     //---------- Start fit
00868     Fit::startFit();
00870     //---------- Save parameters fitted in this iteration (to be used in next one)
00871     Model::CMSLinkSaveParamFittedSigma( ilink );
00873     Model::CMSLinkSaveParamFittedValueDisplacement( ilink );
00875     //---------- Delete whole system to start anew in next iteration
00876     Model::CMSLinkCleanModel();
00878   }    
00879   */
00880 }
00883 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00884 //@@ CMSLinkCleanModel: clean Model for new iteration while fitting CMS link 
00885 //@@ part by part
00886 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00887 void Model::CMSLinkCleanModel()
00888 {
00889   deleteOptO("s");
00890   //---------- Clean OptOdicitionary (in case this is not first reading)
00891   ALIuint odsize = theOptODictionary.size(); 
00892   for( ALIuint ii = 0; ii < odsize; ii++) {
00893       theOptODictionary.pop_back(); 
00894   }
00896 }
00899 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00900 //@@ CMSLinkDeleteOptOs
00901 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00902 void Model::CMSLinkDeleteOptOs( )
00903 {
00904   ALIint cmslink_iter = Model::CMSLinkIteration; 
00905   ALIdouble cmslink_method;
00907   GlobalOptionMgr* gomgr = GlobalOptionMgr::getInstance();
00908   assert(gomgr->getGlobalOptionValue("cms_link_method", cmslink_method));
00909   ALIdouble cmslink_halfplanes;
00910   assert(gomgr->getGlobalOptionValue("cms_link_halfplanes", cmslink_halfplanes));
00911   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 2) std::cout << "CMSLinkDeleteOptOs: cms_link_halfplanes " << cmslink_halfplanes <<  cmslink_iter  << std::endl;
00913   if( cmslink_iter == 1){
00914     //---------- First fit: delete everything but laser1 and det_tkU
00915     //    deleteOptO("s/laserboxL/laser2");
00916     //-    std::cout << "delete mabs" << std::endl;
00917     deleteOptO("s/mabsL");
00918     //------- Method 1: detectors at tracker down
00919     if (cmslink_method == 1){
00920       deleteOptO("s/tracker/det_trkDL");
00921       deleteOptO("s/tracker/det_trkDR");
00922     }
00924     if( cmslink_halfplanes == 2) { 
00925       //      deleteOptO("s/laserboxR/laser2");
00926       deleteOptO("s/mabsR");
00927     }
00929   } else if( cmslink_iter == 2) {
00930     //---------- Second fit (method 1): delete everything but laser1 and det3
00931     //    deleteOptO("s/laserboxL/laser2");
00932     deleteOptO("s/mabsL");
00933     deleteOptO("s/tracker/CST/wheel_trkL/peri/mirror"); //??
00934     deleteOptO("s/tracker/CST/wheel_trkL/det_trkU");
00935     //------- Method 1: detectors on CST, Method 2: detectors on tracker
00936       //not necessary    deleteOptO("s/tracker/CST/det6");
00938     if( cmslink_halfplanes <= 1) {  
00939       deleteOptO("s/tracker/CST/wheel_trkR");
00940     } else if( cmslink_halfplanes == 2) { 
00941       //      deleteOptO("s/laserboxR/laser2");
00942       deleteOptO("s/mabsR");
00943       deleteOptO("s/tracker/CST/wheel_trkR/peri/mirror"); //??
00944       deleteOptO("s/tracker/CST/wheel_trkR/det_trkU");
00945     }
00947   } else if( cmslink_iter == 3) {
00948     //---------- Third fit: delete everything but laser2 and mabs
00949     //    deleteOptO("s/laserboxL/laser1");
00950     deleteOptO("s/tracker");
00952     if( cmslink_halfplanes == 2) {  
00953       //      deleteOptO("s/laserboxR/laser1");
00954     }
00955   //---------- Do nothing
00956   } else {
00958   }
00960 }
00963 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00964 //@@ CMSLinkSaveParamFittedSigma
00965 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00966 void Model::CMSLinkSaveParamFittedSigma( ALIint cms_link )
00967 {
00968   /*
00969   ALIdouble cms_link_halfplanes = (GlobalOptions()["cms_link_halfplanes"]);
00971   cleanParamFittedSigmaVector(); 
00973   //---------- First fit: Save laserbox angles fitted at tracker 
00974   if( cms_link == 1) {
00975     //?    if (GlobalOptions()["cms_link_method"] < 10){
00976     saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Angles X");   
00977     saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Angles Y");
00979     saveParamFittedCorrelation("s/laserboxL","Angles X",
00980      "s/tracker/CST","Centre Y");
00981     saveParamFittedCorrelation("s/laserboxL","Angles Y",
00982      "s/tracker/CST","Centre X");
00983     if( cms_link_halfplanes == 2) {  
00984       saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Angles X");   
00985       saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Angles Y");
00987       saveParamFittedCorrelation("s/laserboxR","Angles X",
00988        "s/tracker/CST","Centre Y");
00989       saveParamFittedCorrelation("s/laserboxR","Angles Y",
00990        "s/tracker/CST","Centre X");
00991     }
00993   } else if( cms_link == 2) {
00994   //---------- Second fit: Save laserbox angles and position
00995     saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Centre X");
00996     saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Centre Y");
00997     // Make quality unk to cal
00998     saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Centre Z");
00999     saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Angles X");
01000     saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Angles Y");
01002     saveParamFittedCorrelation("s/laserboxL","Centre X",
01003         "s/laserboxL","Angles Y");
01004     saveParamFittedCorrelation("s/laserboxL","Centre Y",
01005         "s/laserboxL","Angles X");
01007    if( cms_link_halfplanes == 2) {  
01008     saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Centre X");
01009     saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Centre Y");
01010     // Make quality unk to cal
01011     saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Centre Z");
01012     saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Angles X");
01013     saveParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Angles Y");
01015     saveParamFittedCorrelation("s/laserboxR","Centre X",
01016         "s/laserboxR","Angles Y");
01017     saveParamFittedCorrelation("s/laserboxR","Centre Y",
01018         "s/laserboxR","Angles X");
01019    }  
01020   } else {
01021  //---------- Do nothing
01023   }
01024   */
01025 }
01028 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01029 //@@ CMSLinkSaveParamFittedValueDisplacement: 
01030 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01031 void Model::CMSLinkSaveParamFittedValueDisplacement( ALIint cms_link )
01032 {
01033   /*
01034   cleanParamFittedValueDisplacementMap(); 
01036   //---------- 
01037   if( cms_link == 1 || cms_link == 2 ) {
01038     std::vector<Entry*>::const_iterator vecite;
01039     for( vecite = EntryList().begin(); vecite != EntryList().end(); vecite++) {
01040       if( (*vecite)->valueDisplacementByFitting() != 0 ) {
01041         ALIstring names = (*vecite)->OptOCurrent()->name() + "/" + (*vecite)->name();
01042         std::cout << "saeParamFittedValueDisplacementMap" << names << (*vecite)->valueDisplacementByFitting() << std::endl;
01043         theParamFittedValueDisplacementMap[ names ] = (*vecite)->valueDisplacementByFitting();
01044       }
01045     }
01047   //---------- Do nothing
01048   } else {
01050   }
01051   */
01052 }
01055 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01056 //@@ CMSLinkRecoverParamFittedSigma:
01057 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01058 void Model::CMSLinkRecoverParamFittedSigma( ALIint cms_link )
01059 {
01060   /*
01061   ALIdouble cms_link_halfplanes = (GlobalOptions()["cms_link_halfplanes"]);
01063   if( cms_link == 2) {
01064   //---------- Second fit: recover laserbox angles
01065     recoverParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Angles X",0);
01066     recoverParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Angles Y",1);
01068     if( cms_link_halfplanes == 2) {  
01069       recoverParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Angles X",0);
01070       recoverParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Angles Y",1);
01071     }
01073   } else if( cms_link == 3) {
01074   //---------- Third fit: recover laserbox angles and position and rotate angles to mabs
01075     recoverParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Centre X",0);
01076     recoverParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Centre Y",1);
01077     recoverParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Centre Z",2);
01078     recoverParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxL","Angles X",3);
01080     //----- Angle around Y is converted to angle around Z when turning 90 deg
01081     Entry* slaZ = getEntryByName("s/laserboxL","Angles Z");
01082     //--- prec_level_laser
01083     Entry* smaZ = getEntryByName("s/mabsL","Angles Z");
01084     slaZ->setQuality(0);
01085     slaZ->setValue( smaZ->value() );
01086     //    smaZ->setQuality(0); //!!???!!?
01088     Entry* slaY = getEntryByName("s/laserboxL","Angles Y");
01089     slaY->setQuality(0); 
01091     if( cms_link_halfplanes == 2) {   
01092       recoverParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Centre X",0);
01093       recoverParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Centre Y",1);
01094       recoverParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Centre Z",2);
01095       recoverParamFittedSigma("s/laserboxR","Angles X",3);
01097       //----- Angle around Y is converted to angle around Z when turning 90 deg
01098       Entry* slaZ = getEntryByName("s/laserboxR","Angles Z");
01099       //--- prec_level_laser
01100       Entry* smaZ = getEntryByName("s/mabsR","Angles Z");
01101       slaZ->setQuality(0);
01102       slaZ->setValue( smaZ->value() );
01103       //    smaZ->setQuality(0); //!!???!!?
01105       Entry* slaY = getEntryByName("s/laserboxR","Angles Y");
01106       slaY->setQuality(0); 
01107     }
01108   } else {
01109   //---------- Do nothing
01111   }
01112   */
01113 }
01116 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01117 //@@ CMSLinkRecoverParamFittedValueDisplacement:
01118 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01119 void Model::CMSLinkRecoverParamFittedValueDisplacement( ALIint cms_link )
01120 {
01121   /*
01122   //---------- Second fit: recover laserbox angles
01123   if( cms_link == 2 || cms_link == 3 ) {
01125     std::map<ALIstring, ALIdouble, std::less<ALIstring> >::const_iterator vsdmite;
01126     if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 99) std::cout << "theParamFittedValueDisplacementMap.size " << theParamFittedValueDisplacementMap.size() << std::endl;
01127     for( vsdmite =  theParamFittedValueDisplacementMap.begin(); vsdmite !=  theParamFittedValueDisplacementMap.end(); vsdmite++) {
01128       std::cout << "reoverValueDisp" <<  (*vsdmite).first << "  " << (*vsdmite).second << std::endl;
01129       Entry* this_entry = getEntryByName( (*vsdmite).first);
01130       this_entry->displaceOriginal( (*vsdmite).second ); 
01131       this_entry->OptOCurrent()->resetGlobalCoordinates();
01132       this_entry->setValueDisplacementByFitting(  (*vsdmite).second ); 
01134     }
01136   //---------- Do nothing
01137   } else {
01139   }
01140   */
01141 }
01144 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01145 //@@  Delete an OptO
01146 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01147 void Model::deleteOptO( const ALIstring& opto_name )
01148 {
01149   OpticalObject* opto = getOptOByName( opto_name );
01150   deleteOptO( opto );
01151 }
01154 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01155 //@@  deleteOptO: delete OptO, its Entries, and the Measurements in which it participates. Then deleteOptO of components
01156 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01157 void Model::deleteOptO( OpticalObject* opto )
01158 {
01159   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << "DELETING OptO" << opto->name() << std::endl;
01161   //---------- Delete Coordinate Entries of this OptO
01162   std::vector<Entry*>::const_iterator vecite;
01163   std::vector<Entry*>::iterator veite2;
01164   if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 9) std::cout << "SIZE" << theEntryVector.size() <<std::endl;
01165   for( vecite = opto->CoordinateEntryList().begin(); vecite != opto->CoordinateEntryList().end(); vecite++) {
01166     //    ALIuint pos = FindItemInVector( (*veite), opto->CoordinateEntryList() );
01167     veite2 = find( theEntryVector.begin(), theEntryVector.end(), (*vecite) );
01168     //-  if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 9) std::cout << (*veite2) << "DELETE ENTRY " << (*vecite) <<(*veite2)->OptOCurrent()->name() << (*veite2)->name() << std::endl;
01169     delete ( (*veite2) );
01170     theEntryVector.erase( veite2 );
01171   }
01173   for( vecite = opto->ExtraEntryList().begin(); vecite != opto->ExtraEntryList().end(); vecite++) {
01174     //    ALIuint pos = FindItemInVector( (*veite), opto->CoordinateEntryList() );
01175     veite2 = find( theEntryVector.begin(), theEntryVector.end(), (*vecite) );
01176     //-    if(ALIUtils::debug >= 9) std::cout << (*veite2) << "DELETE ENTRY " << (*veite2)->OptOCurrent()->name() << (*veite2)->name() << std::endl;
01177     delete ( (*veite2) );
01178     theEntryVector.erase( veite2 );
01179   }
01182   for( vecite = theEntryVector.begin(); vecite != theEntryVector.end(); vecite++ ) {
01183     //     std::cout << (*vecite) << "ENTReY " << (*vecite)->OptOCurrent()->name() << (*vecite)->name() << std::endl;
01184   }
01186   //---------- Delete all Measurement in which opto takes part
01187   std::vector<Measurement*> MeasToBeDeleted;
01188   std::vector<Measurement*>::const_iterator vmite;
01189   std::vector<OpticalObject*>::const_iterator vocite;
01190   for( vmite = MeasurementList().begin(); vmite != MeasurementList().end(); vmite++ ) {
01191       if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5) std::cout << "Deleting Measurement" << (*vmite)->name() << std::endl;
01192     //----- If any of the OptO Measured is opto, delete this Measurement
01193     for( vocite = (*vmite)->OptOList().begin(); vocite != (*vmite)->OptOList().end(); vocite++) {
01194       if( (*vocite) == opto ) {
01195         //-      std::cout << "MEASTBD" << (*vmite) << std::endl;
01196         MeasToBeDeleted.push_back( *vmite );
01197         //?       delete (*vmite);
01198         break;
01199       }
01200     } 
01201   }
01203  //---------- Delete Measurements from list
01204   std::vector<Measurement*>::const_iterator vmcite;
01205   std::vector<Measurement*>::iterator vmite2;
01206   if ( ALIUtils::debug >= 9) std::cout << "SIZEMEAS" << MeasToBeDeleted.size() <<std::endl;
01207   for( vmcite = MeasToBeDeleted.begin(); vmcite != MeasToBeDeleted.end(); vmcite++) {
01208     vmite2 = find( theMeasurementVector.begin(), theMeasurementVector.end(), (*vmcite) );
01209     //    std::cout << (*vmite2) << "DELETE MSEASU " << (*vmcite) << (*vmite2)->name()[0] << std::endl;
01210     delete ( (*vmite2) );
01211     theMeasurementVector.erase( vmite2 );
01212   }
01215   //---------- Delete components
01216   //  std::vector<OpticalObject*>::iterator voite;
01217   std::vector<OpticalObject*> vopto;
01218   //  ALIbool opto_found = getComponentOptOs( opto->name(), vopto );
01219   for( vocite = vopto.begin(); vocite != vopto.end(); vocite++ ) {
01220     deleteOptO( *vocite );
01221   }
01223   //---------- Delete this OptO
01224   //---------- Delete OptO (only from list, to delete it really first delete components)
01225   /*  map< ALIstring, OpticalObject*, std::less<ALIstring> >::iterator msoite =  
01226 find( theOptOList.begin(), theOptOList.end(), 
01227 map< ALIstring, OpticalObject*, std::less<ALIstring> >::value_type( opto->name(), opto) );*/
01228   std::vector< OpticalObject* >::iterator dvoite =  
01229    find( theOptOList.begin(), theOptOList.end(), 
01230          std::vector< OpticalObject* >::value_type( opto) );
01231   //-  std::cout << (*dvoite) << "DELETE OPTO " << opto <<"WW" << (*dvoite)->name() << std::endl;
01232   theOptOList.erase( dvoite );
01233   delete opto;
01235 }
01238 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01239 //@@  
01240 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01241 void Model::saveParamFittedSigma( const ALIstring& opto_name, const ALIstring& entry_name)
01242 {
01243   /*
01244 //---------- Get sigma of param Optical
01245   Entry* entry = getEntryByName(opto_name, entry_name);
01246   ALIuint fit_pos = entry->fitPos();
01247   if( fit_pos < 0 || fit_pos >= Fit::propagationMatrix().NoLines()) {
01248     std::cerr << "!!EXITING at saveParamFittedSigma: fit position incorrect " <<
01249       fit_pos << "propagationMatrix size =" << Fit::propagationMatrix().NoLines() << opto_name << std::endl;
01250     exit(3);
01251   }
01252   std::cout << entry_name << "saveParamFittedSigma" << fit_pos << sqrt(Fit::propagationMatrix()( fit_pos, fit_pos)) << std::endl;
01253   theParamFittedSigmaVector.push_back( sqrt(Fit::propagationMatrix()( fit_pos, fit_pos)) );
01254   //-    Fit::propagationMatrix().Dump(" the 2PropagationMatrix");
01255   */
01256 }
01259 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01260 //@@  
01261 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01262 void Model::saveParamFittedCorrelation( const ALIstring& opto_name1, const ALIstring& entry_name1, const ALIstring& opto_name2, const ALIstring& entry_name2)
01263 {
01264   /*
01265 //---------- Get sigma of param Optical
01266   Entry* entry1 = getEntryByName(opto_name1, entry_name1);
01267   Entry* entry2 = getEntryByName(opto_name2, entry_name2);
01268   ALIuint fit_pos1 = entry1->fitPos();
01269   ALIuint fit_pos2 = entry2->fitPos();
01271   //---------- Get correlation if entry has been fitted
01272   ALIuint pmsize = Fit::propagationMatrix().NoLines();
01273   if( fit_pos1 >= 0 && fit_pos1 < pmsize && fit_pos2 >= 0 && fit_pos2 < pmsize ) {
01274     ALIdouble error1 = sqrt( Fit::propagationMatrix()( fit_pos1, fit_pos1) );
01275     ALIdouble error2 = sqrt( Fit::propagationMatrix()( fit_pos2, fit_pos2) );
01276     ALIdouble correl = Fit::propagationMatrix()( fit_pos1, fit_pos2) / error1 / error2;
01277     theParamFittedSigmaVector.push_back( correl );
01278     if(ALIUtils::debug>=9) {
01279       std::cout  << "saveParamFittedCorre" << opto_name1 << entry_name1 << fit_pos1 << 
01280         opto_name2 << entry_name2 << fit_pos2 << "MM " << correl << std::endl;
01281     }
01282   } else {
01283     if(ALIUtils::debug>=9) {
01284       std::cout  << "NOsaveParamFittedCorre" << opto_name1 << entry_name1 << fit_pos1 << 
01285         opto_name2 << entry_name2 << fit_pos2 << "MM " << std::endl;
01286     theParamFittedSigmaVector.push_back( 0. );
01287     }
01289   }
01290   //-    Fit::propagationMatrix().Dump(" the 2PropagationMatrix");
01291   */
01292 }
01295 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01296 //@@  
01297 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01298 void Model::recoverParamFittedSigma( const ALIstring& opto_name, const ALIstring& entry_name, const ALIuint position )
01299 {
01300   /*
01301   if( position >= theParamFittedSigmaVector.size() ) {
01302     std::cerr << "!!EXITING at recoverParamFittedSigma: position" << position << 
01303  " bigger than dimension of theParamFittedSigmaVector " << theParamFittedSigmaVector.size() << std::endl;
01304     exit(3);
01305   }
01306   ALIdouble sigma = getParamFittedSigmaVectorItem( position );
01308   Entry* entry = getEntryByName(opto_name, entry_name);
01309   entry->setSigma( sigma );
01310   entry->setQuality( 1 );
01311   std::cout << "recover " << opto_name << entry_name << entry->sigma() <<std::endl;
01312   */
01313 }
01316 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01317 //@@  getParamFittedSigmaVectorItem
01318 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01319 ALIdouble Model::getParamFittedSigmaVectorItem( const ALIuint position )
01320 {
01321   if( position >= theParamFittedSigmaVector.size() ) {
01322     std::cerr << "!!EXITING at getParamFittedSigma: position" << position << 
01323  " bigger than dimension of theParamFittedSigmaVector " << theParamFittedSigmaVector.size() << std::endl;
01324     exit(3);
01325   }
01326   std::vector<ALIdouble>::const_iterator vdcite = theParamFittedSigmaVector.begin() + position;
01327   return (*vdcite);
01329 }
01333 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01334 //@@  getParamFittedSigmaVectorItem
01335 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01336 ALIbool Model::readMeasurementsFromFile(ALIstring only1Date, ALIstring only1Time )
01337 {
01338  if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5) std::cout << " readMeasurementsFromFile " << Measurement::measurementsFileName() << std::endl;
01339   if( Measurement::measurementsFileName() == "") return 1;
01341   ALIFileIn& filein = ALIFileIn::getInstance( Measurement::measurementsFileName() );
01342   std::vector<ALIstring> wordlist;
01343   //---------- read date
01344   //  ALIint retfil = filein.getWordsInLine(wordlist);
01345   // std::cout << "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ RETFIL " << retfil << std::endl;
01346   //if( retfil == 0 ) {
01347   if( filein.getWordsInLine(wordlist) == 0 ) {
01348     if(ALIUtils::debug>=4 ) std::cout << "@@@@ No more measurements left" << std::endl;
01349     return 0; 
01350   }
01353   //  struct tm tim;
01354   //t Model::setMeasurementsTime( tim );
01356   //if you are looking for only one measurement with a given date and time, loop all measurements until you find it
01357   if( Measurement::only1 ) {
01358     for(;;) {
01359       if( wordlist[0] == "DATE:" && wordlist[1] == Measurement::only1Date && wordlist[2] == Measurement::only1Time ) break;
01360       filein.getWordsInLine(wordlist); 
01361       if(filein.eof() ) {
01362         std::cerr << "!! EXITING date not found in measurements file" << Measurement::only1Date << " " <<  Measurement::only1Time << std::endl;
01363         exit(1);
01364       }
01365     }
01366   }
01368   //set date and time of current measurement
01369   if( wordlist[0] == "DATE:" ) {
01370     Measurement::setCurrentDate( wordlist ); 
01371   } 
01373   //---------- loop measurements
01374   ALIint nMeas = Model::MeasurementList().size();
01375   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 4) {
01376     std::cout << " Reading " << nMeas << " measurements from file " << Measurement::measurementsFileName() 
01377          << " DATE: " << wordlist[1] << " " << wordlist[1] << std::endl;
01378   }
01379   ALIint ii;
01380   for(ii = 0; ii < nMeas; ii++) {
01381     filein.getWordsInLine(wordlist);  
01382     if( wordlist[0] == ALIstring("SENSOR2D") || wordlist[0] == ALIstring("TILTMETER") || wordlist[0] == ALIstring("DISTANCEMETER")  || wordlist[0] == ALIstring("DISTANCEMETER1DIM")  || wordlist[0] == ALIstring("COPS") ) {
01383       if( wordlist.size() != 2 ) {
01384         std::cerr << "!!!EXITING Model::readMeasurementsFromFile. number of words should be 2 instead of " << wordlist.size() << std::endl;
01385         ALIUtils::dumpVS( wordlist, " " );
01386         exit(1);
01387       }
01388       std::vector< Measurement* >::const_iterator vmcite;
01389       for( vmcite = MeasurementList().begin();  vmcite != MeasurementList().end(); vmcite++ ) {
01390         //-------- Measurement found, fill data
01391         /*      ALIint last_slash =  (*vmcite)->name().rfind('/');
01392         ALIstring oname = (*vmcite)->name();
01393         if( last_slash != -1 ) {
01394           oname = oname.substr(last_slash+1, (*vmcite)->name().size()-1);
01395           } 
01396         */
01397         ALIint fcolon = (*vmcite)->name().find(':');
01398         ALIstring oname = (*vmcite)->name();
01399         oname = oname.substr(fcolon+1,oname.length());
01400         //-    std::cout << " measurement name " << (*vmcite)->name() << " short " << oname << std::endl;
01401         if( oname == wordlist[1] ) {
01402           //-   std::cout << " measurement name found " << oname << std::endl;
01403           if( (*vmcite)->type() != wordlist[0] ) {
01404             std::cerr << "!!! Reading measurement from file: type in file is " 
01405                  << wordlist[0] << " and should be " << (*vmcite)->type() << std::endl;
01406             exit(1);
01407           }
01408           Measurement* meastemp = *vmcite;
01410           GlobalOptionMgr* gomgr = GlobalOptionMgr::getInstance();
01411           ALIbool sigmaFF = gomgr->GlobalOptions()["measurementErrorFromFile"];
01412           //---------- Read the data 
01413           for ( ALIuint ii=0; ii < meastemp->dim(); ii++){
01414             filein.getWordsInLine( wordlist );
01415             ALIdouble sigma = 0.;
01416             if( !sigmaFF ) { 
01417               // keep the sigma, do not read it from file 
01418               const ALIdouble* sigmav = meastemp->sigma();
01419               sigma = sigmav[ii];
01420             }
01421             //---- Check measurement value type is OK
01422             if( meastemp->valueType(ii) != wordlist[0] ) {
01423               filein.ErrorInLine();
01424               std::cerr << "!!!FATAL ERROR: Measurement value type is " << wordlist[0] << " while in setup definition was " << meastemp->valueType(ii) << std::endl;
01425               exit(1);
01426             }
01427             meastemp->fillData( ii, wordlist );
01428             if( !sigmaFF ) { 
01429               meastemp->setSigma( ii, sigma );
01430             }
01431           }
01432           meastemp->correctValueAndSigma();
01433           break;
01434         }
01435       }
01436       if( vmcite == MeasurementList().end() ) {
01437         for( vmcite = MeasurementList().begin(); vmcite != MeasurementList().end(); vmcite++ ) {
01438           std::cerr << "MEAS: " << (*vmcite)->name() << " " << (*vmcite)->type() << std::endl;
01439         }
01440         std::cerr << "!!! Reading measurement from file: measurement not found in list: type in file is "  << wordlist[1]  << std::endl;
01441         exit(1);
01442       }
01443     } else {
01444       std::cerr << " wrong type of measurement: " << wordlist[0] << std::endl
01445            << " Available types are SENSOR2D, TILTMETER, DISTANCEMETER, DISTANCEMETER1DIM, COPS" << std::endl;
01446       exit(1);
01447     }
01448   }
01449   //-  std::cout << " returning readmeasff" << std::endl;
01451   return 1;
01452 }
01455 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01457 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01458 void Model::copyMeasurements( const std::vector<ALIstring>& wl )
01459 {
01461   //----- Check format, e.g.  @copy_measurements _1/_2/*_1 
01464   //----- get list of Measurement's that satisfy the query in their name
01465   //t  std::string querystr = wl[1].substr( wl[1].find("/")+1, wl[1].length() );
01466   std::string subsstr1 = wl[1].substr( 0, wl[1].find("/") );
01467   std::string subsstr2 = wl[1].substr( wl[1].find("/")+1, wl[1].rfind("/") - wl[1].find("/")-1 );
01468   std::string querystr = wl[1].substr( wl[1].rfind("/")+1, wl[1].length() );
01470   std::cout << " Model::copyMeasurements " << " subsstr1 " << subsstr1 << " subsstr2 " << subsstr2 << " querystr " << querystr << std::endl;
01472   std::vector< Measurement* > measToCopy;
01473   std::vector< Measurement* >::iterator mite;
01474   for( mite = theMeasurementVector.begin(); mite != theMeasurementVector.end(); mite++) {
01475     Measurement* meas = (*mite);
01476     //improve this
01477     if( meas->name().find( querystr ) != std::string::npos ) {
01478       measToCopy.push_back( meas );
01479     }
01480   }
01482   //---- Build new measurements
01483   Measurement* meastemp = 0;
01484   for( mite = measToCopy.begin(); mite != measToCopy.end(); mite++) {
01485     Measurement* meas = (*mite);
01486     std::vector<ALIstring> wlt;
01487     wlt.push_back( meas->type() );
01489     //---- create new name 
01490     std::string newName = ALIUtils::changeName( meas->name(), subsstr1, subsstr2 );
01491     std::cout << " newName " << newName << std::endl;
01492     wlt.push_back( newName );
01494     ALIstring measType = wlt[0];
01495     ALIstring measName;
01496     if( wlt.size() == 2 ) {
01497       measName = wlt[1];
01498     } else {
01499       measName = "";
01500     }
01501     if ( meas->type() == ALIstring("SENSOR2D") ) {
01502       meastemp = new MeasurementSensor2D( 2, measType, measName );      
01503       //          } else if ( meas->type() == ALIstring("DISTANCEMETER3DIM") ) {
01504       //            meastemp = new MeasurementDistancemeter3dim( 1, measType, measName );
01505     } else if ( meas->type() == ALIstring("DISTANCEMETER") ||
01506                 meas->type() == ALIstring("DISTANCEMETER1DIM") ) {
01507       meastemp = new MeasurementDistancemeter( 1, measType, measName );
01508     } else if ( meas->type() == ALIstring("TILTMETER") ) {
01509       meastemp = new MeasurementTiltmeter( 1, measType, measName );
01510     } else if ( meas->type() == ALIstring("DIFFCENTRE") ) {
01511  //     meastemp = new MeasurementDiffCentre( 1, measType, measName );
01512     } else if ( meas->type() == ALIstring("DIFFANGLE") ) {
01513 //      meastemp = new MeasurementDiffAngle( 1, measType, measName );
01514     } else if ( meas->type() == ALIstring("DIFFENTRY") ) {
01515       meastemp = new MeasurementDiffEntry( 1, measType, measName );
01516     } else if ( meas->type() == ALIstring("COPS") ) {
01517       meastemp = new MeasurementCOPS( 4, measType, measName );
01518     }
01520     //later        meastemp->copyConversionFactor( wordlist );
01521     meastemp->copyMeas(meas, subsstr1, subsstr2);
01523     break;
01524   }
01526 }
01529 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01530 void Model::SetValueDisplacementsFromReportOut()
01531 {
01532   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 3 ) std::cout << " Model::SetValueDisplacementsFromReportOut() " << std::endl;
01534   EntryMgr* entryMgr = EntryMgr::getInstance();
01536   if( entryMgr->numberOfEntries() != 0 ){
01537     EntryData* entryData;
01539     std::vector<Entry*>::const_iterator vecite; 
01540     for ( vecite = Model::EntryList().begin();
01541           vecite != Model::EntryList().end(); vecite++ ) {
01542       //----- Find the EntryData corresponding to this entry
01543       entryData = entryMgr->findEntryByLongName( (*vecite)->OptOCurrent()->longName(), (*vecite)->name() );
01544       if( ALIUtils::debug >= 3 ) std::cout << "SetValueDisplacementsFromReportOut "<< (*vecite)->OptOCurrent()->longName() << " " <<  (*vecite)->name() << " " << entryData->valueDisplacement() << std::endl;
01545       (*vecite)->addFittedDisplacementToValue( entryData->valueDisplacement() );
01546     }   
01547   }
01549 }
01552 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01553 std::string Model::printCocoaStatus(const cocoaStatus cs)
01554 {
01555   std::string str ="";
01557   if( cs == COCOA_Init ) {
01558     str = "COCOA_Init ";
01559   }else if( cs == COCOA_ReadingModel) {
01560     str = "COCOA_ReadingModel";
01561   }else if( cs == COCOA_InitFit) {
01562     str = "COCOA_InitFit";
01563   }else if( cs == COCOA_FitOK) {
01564     str = "COCOA_FitOK";
01565   }else if( cs == COCOA_FitImproving) {
01566     str = "COCOA_FitImproving";
01567   }else if( cs == COCOA_FitCannotImprove) {
01568     str = "COCOA_FitCannotImprove";
01569   }else if( cs == COCOA_FitChi2Worsened) {
01570     str = "COCOA_FitChi2Worsened";
01571   }else if( cs == COCOA_FitMatrixNonInversable) {
01572     str = "COCOA_FitMatrixNonInversable";
01573   }
01575   return str;
01576 }
01579 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01580 void Model::BuildSystemDescriptionFromOA( OpticalAlignments& optAlig )
01581 {
01582   theOpticalAlignments = optAlig.opticalAlignments();
01584   OpticalAlignInfo oai_system = FindOptAlignInfoByType( "system" );
01586   OpticalObject* OptOsystem = new OpticalObject( 0, "system", oai_system.name_, 0 );
01588   OptOsystem->constructFromOptAligInfo( oai_system );
01590   //-              Model::_OptOtree.insert( std::multimap< ALIstring, OpticalObject*, std::less<ALIstring> >::value_type(OptOsystem->type(), OptOsystem) );
01591   //              theOptOlist[OptOsystem->name()] = OptOsystem; 
01592   theOptOList.push_back( OptOsystem ); 
01593 }
01596 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01597 OpticalAlignInfo Model::FindOptAlignInfoByType( const ALIstring& type )
01598 {
01599   OpticalAlignInfo oai;
01601   ALIbool bFound = 0;
01602   std::vector<OpticalAlignInfo>::iterator ite;
01603   for( ite = theOpticalAlignments.begin(); ite != theOpticalAlignments.end(); ite++ ){
01604     //    std::cout << " Model::FindOptAlignInfoByType " <<  (*ite).type_ << " =? " << type << std::endl;
01605     if( (*ite).type_ == type ) {
01606       if( !bFound ){ 
01607         oai = *ite;
01608         bFound = 1;
01609       } else {
01610         std::cerr << "!! WARNING: Model::FindOptAlignInfoByType more than one objects of type " << type << std::endl;
01611         std::cerr << " returning object " << oai.name_ << std::endl
01612                   << " skipping object " << (*ite).name_ << std::endl;
01613       }
01614     }
01615   }
01616   if( !bFound ) { 
01617     std::cerr << "!! ERROR: Model::FindOptAlignInfoByType object not found, of type " << type << std::endl;
01618     std::exception();
01619   }
01621   return oai;
01622 }
01625 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
01626 void Model::BuildMeasurementsFromOA( OpticalAlignMeasurements& measList )
01627 {
01628   std::vector<OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo>::iterator mite;
01630   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << " BuildMeasurementsFromOA " << std::endl;
01631   std::vector<OpticalAlignMeasurementInfo> measInfos = measList.oaMeasurements_;
01632   for( mite = measInfos.begin(); mite != measInfos.end(); mite++ ) {
01633     std::string measType = (*mite).type_;
01634     std::string measName = (*mite).name_;
01635   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 4 ) std::cout << " BuildMeasurementsFromOA measType " << measType << " measName " << measName << std::endl;
01636     //---------- Create Measurement with appropiate dimension
01637     Measurement* meastemp = 0;
01638     if ( measType == ALIstring("SENSOR2D") ) {
01639       meastemp = new MeasurementSensor2D( 2, measType, measName );  
01640     } else if ( measType == ALIstring("DISTANCEMETER3DIM") ) {
01641       meastemp = new MeasurementDistancemeter3dim( 1, measType, measName );
01642     } else if ( measType == ALIstring("DISTANCEMETER") ||
01643                 measType == ALIstring("DISTANCEMETER1DIM") ) {
01644       meastemp = new MeasurementDistancemeter( 1, measType, measName );
01645     } else if ( measType == ALIstring("TILTMETER") ) {
01646       meastemp = new MeasurementTiltmeter( 1, measType, measName );
01647     } else if ( measType == ALIstring("COPS") ) {
01648       meastemp = new MeasurementCOPS( 4, measType, measName );
01649     } else if ( measType == ALIstring("DIFFCENTRE") ) {
01650       //t       meastemp = new MeasurementDiffCentre( 1, measType, measName );
01651     } else if ( measType == ALIstring("DIFFANGLE") ) {
01652       //t        meastemp = new MeasurementDiffAngle( 2, measType, measName );
01653     } else if ( measType == ALIstring("DIFFENTRY") ) {
01654       meastemp = new MeasurementDiffEntry( 1, measType, measName );
01655     } else {
01656       std::cerr << " !!! Model::BuildMeasurementsFromOA : measType not found " << measType << std::endl;
01657     std::exception();
01658     } 
01659     meastemp->constructFromOA( *mite );
01661   }
01662 }