
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 # Cambridge-Aachen top jet producer parameters
00004 # $Id
00005 CATopJetParameters = cms.PSet(
00006     jetCollInstanceName = cms.string("caTopSubJets"),   # subjet collection
00007     verbose = cms.bool(False),          
00008     algorithm = cms.int32(1),                                   # 0 = KT, 1 = CA, 2 = anti-KT
00009     useAdjacency = cms.int32(2),                                        # veto adjacent subjets
00010                                                                                                                 #  0 = no adjacency
00011                                                                                                                 #  1 = deltar adjacency 
00012                                                         #  2 = modified adjacency
00013                                                         #  3 = calotower neirest neigbor based adjacency (untested)
00014     centralEtaCut = cms.double(2.5),                            # eta for defining "central" jets                                     
00015     sumEtBins = cms.vdouble(0,1600,2600),                       # sumEt bins over which cuts vary. vector={bin 0 lower bound, bin 1 lower bound, ...} 
00016     rBins = cms.vdouble(0.8,0.8,0.8),                           # Jet distance paramter R. R values depend on sumEt bins.
00017     ptFracBins = cms.vdouble(0.05,0.05,0.05),                   # minimum fraction of central jet pt for subjets (deltap)
00018         deltarBins = cms.vdouble(0.19,0.19,0.19),           # Applicable only if useAdjacency=1. deltar adjacency values for each sumEtBin
00019         nCellBins = cms.vdouble(1.9,1.9,1.9),                   # Applicable only if useAdjacency=3. number of cells apart for two subjets to be considered "independent"
00021 #NOT USED:
00022     useMaxTower = cms.bool(False),                              # use max tower in adjacency criterion, otherwise use centroid - NOT USED
00023     sumEtEtaCut = cms.double(3.0),                              # eta for event SumEt - NOT USED                                                 
00024     etFrac = cms.double(0.7),                                   # fraction of event sumEt / 2 for a jet to be considered "hard" - NOT USED
00025     debugLevel = cms.untracked.int32(0)                         # debug level
00026 )