
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 //
00003 // Package:    GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment
00004 // Class:      GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment
00005 // 
00015 //
00016 // Original Author:  Alexandre Spiridonov
00017 //         Created:  Fri Oct 16 15:59:05 CEST 2009
00018 //
00019 // $Id:,v 1.5 2011/03/22 09:49:50 innocent Exp $
00020 //
00022 // system include files
00023 #include <memory>
00024 #include <string>
00025 #include <map>
00026 #include <vector>
00027 #include <fstream>
00028 #include <typeinfo>
00030 // user include files
00032 // Framework
00033 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00034 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EDAnalyzer.h"
00035 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESWatcher.h"
00036 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
00037 //#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EDProducer.h"
00038 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
00039 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
00040 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
00041 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
00042 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00043 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00044 //#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetupRecordImplementation.h"
00046 // references
00047 #include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h"
00048 #include "DataFormats/MuonReco/interface/Muon.h"
00049 #include "DataFormats/MuonReco/interface/MuonFwd.h"
00050 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/Track.h"
00051 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/TrackFwd.h"
00052 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/TangentPlane.h"
00053 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerDigiGeometryRecord.h"
00054 #include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/GlobalTrackingGeometry.h"
00055 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/GlobalTrackingGeometryRecord.h"
00056 #include "Geometry/TrackingGeometryAligner/interface/GeometryAligner.h"
00057 #include "MagneticField/Engine/interface/MagneticField.h"
00058 #include "MagneticField/Records/interface/IdealMagneticFieldRecord.h"
00060 #include "RecoMuon/TransientTrackingRecHit/interface/MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder.h"
00061 #include "TrackingTools/Records/interface/TrackingComponentsRecord.h"
00062 #include "TrackingTools/TrackRefitter/interface/TrackTransformer.h"
00063 #include "TrackingTools/TrajectoryState/interface/TrajectoryStateTransform.h"
00064 #include "TrackingTools/GeomPropagators/interface/Propagator.h"
00065 #include "TrackingTools/GeomPropagators/interface/SmartPropagator.h"
00066 #include "TrackingTools/GeomPropagators/interface/PropagationDirectionChooser.h" 
00067 #include "TrackingTools/TransientTrack/interface/TransientTrack.h"
00068 #include "TrackPropagation/SteppingHelixPropagator/interface/SteppingHelixPropagator.h"
00069 #include "TrackPropagation/RungeKutta/interface/RKTestPropagator.h" 
00070 #include "TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/Trajectory.h"
00071 #include "TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/TrajTrackAssociation.h"
00072 #include "TrackingTools/AnalyticalJacobians/interface/JacobianCartesianToLocal.h"
00074 // Database
00075 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
00076 #include "CondCore/DBOutputService/interface/PoolDBOutputService.h"
00078 // Alignment
00079 #include "CondFormats/Alignment/interface/Alignments.h"
00080 #include "CondFormats/Alignment/interface/AlignTransform.h"
00081 #include "CondFormats/AlignmentRecord/interface/GlobalPositionRcd.h"
00083 // Refit
00084 #include "TrackingTools/KalmanUpdators/interface/KFUpdator.h"
00085 #include "TrackingTools/KalmanUpdators/interface/Chi2MeasurementEstimator.h"
00086 #include "TrackingTools/TrackFitters/interface/KFTrajectoryFitter.h"
00087 #include "TrackingTools/TrackFitters/interface/KFTrajectorySmoother.h"
00088 #include "TrackingTools/TransientTrackingRecHit/interface/TransientTrackingRecHit.h"
00089 #include "TrackingTools/Records/interface/TransientRecHitRecord.h"
00091 #include <TH1.h>
00092 #include <TH2.h>
00093 #include <TFile.h>
00095 #include<iostream>
00096 #include<cmath>
00097 #include<assert.h>
00098 #include<fstream>
00099 #include<iomanip>
00101 using namespace edm; 
00102 using namespace std;
00103 using namespace reco;
00105 //
00106 // class declaration
00107 //
00109 class GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment : public edm::EDAnalyzer {
00110  public:
00111   explicit GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment(const edm::ParameterSet&);
00112   ~GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment();
00114   void analyzeTrackTrack(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&);
00115   void analyzeTrackTrajectory(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&);
00116   void bookHist();
00117   void fitHist();
00118   void trackFitter(reco::TrackRef, reco::TransientTrack&, PropagationDirection, 
00119                   TrajectoryStateOnSurface&);
00120   void muonFitter(reco::TrackRef, reco::TransientTrack&, PropagationDirection, 
00121                   TrajectoryStateOnSurface&);
00122   void debugTrackHit(const std::string, reco::TrackRef);
00123   void debugTrackHit(const std::string, reco::TransientTrack&);
00124   void debugTrajectorySOS(const std::string, TrajectoryStateOnSurface&);
00125   void debugTrajectorySOSv(const std::string, TrajectoryStateOnSurface);
00126   void debugTrajectory(const std::string, Trajectory&);
00128   void gradientGlobal(GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, 
00129                       GlobalVector&, AlgebraicSymMatrix66&);
00130   void gradientLocal(GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, 
00131                      GlobalVector&, CLHEP::HepSymMatrix&, CLHEP::HepMatrix&, 
00132                      CLHEP::HepVector&, AlgebraicVector4&);
00133   void gradientGlobalAlg(GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&,  
00134                          AlgebraicSymMatrix66&);
00135   void misalignMuon(GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, 
00136                     GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&);
00137   void misalignMuonL(GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, 
00138                      GlobalVector&, GlobalVector&, AlgebraicVector4&, 
00139                      TrajectoryStateOnSurface&, TrajectoryStateOnSurface&);
00140   void writeGlPosRcd(CLHEP::HepVector& d3); 
00141   inline double CLHEP_dot(CLHEP::HepVector a, CLHEP::HepVector b)
00142   {
00143     return a(1)*b(1)+a(2)*b(2)+a(3)*b(3);
00144   }
00146  private:
00148   virtual void beginJob() ;
00149   virtual void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&);
00150   virtual void endJob() ;
00152   // ----------member data ---------------------------
00154   edm::InputTag trackTags_;     // used to select what tracks to read from configuration file
00155   edm::InputTag muonTags_;      // used to select what standalone muons
00156   edm::InputTag gmuonTags_;     // used to select what global muons
00157   edm::InputTag smuonTags_;     // used to select what selected muons
00158   string propagator_;           // name of the propagator
00159   bool cosmicMuonMode_;   
00160   bool isolatedMuonMode_;
00161   bool collectionCosmic;        // if true, read muon collection expected for CosmicMu
00162   bool collectionIsolated;      //                                            IsolateMu
00163   bool refitMuon_;              // if true, refit stand alone muon track
00164   bool refitTrack_;             //                tracker track
00165   string rootOutFile_;
00166   string txtOutFile_;
00167   bool writeDB_;                // write results to DB
00168   bool debug_;                  // run in debugging mode
00170   edm::ESWatcher<GlobalTrackingGeometryRecord> watchTrackingGeometry_;
00171   edm::ESHandle<GlobalTrackingGeometry> theTrackingGeometry;
00172   const GlobalTrackingGeometry* trackingGeometry_;
00174   edm::ESWatcher<IdealMagneticFieldRecord> watchMagneticFieldRecord_;
00175   const MagneticField* magneticField_;
00177   edm::ESWatcher<TrackingComponentsRecord> watchTrackingComponentsRecord_;
00179   edm::ESWatcher<GlobalPositionRcd> watchGlobalPositionRcd_;
00180   const Alignments* globalPositionRcd_;
00182   KFTrajectoryFitter* theFitter;
00183   KFTrajectorySmoother* theSmoother;
00184   KFTrajectoryFitter* theFitterOp;
00185   KFTrajectorySmoother* theSmootherOp;
00186   bool defineFitter;
00187   MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder* MuRHBuilder;
00188   const TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder* TTRHBuilder;
00190   //                            // LSF for global d(3):    Inf * d = Gfr 
00191   AlgebraicVector3 Gfr;         // free terms 
00192   AlgebraicSymMatrix33 Inf;     // information matrix 
00193   //                            // LSF for global d(6):    Hess * d = Grad 
00194   CLHEP::HepVector Grad;        // gradient of the objective function in global parameters
00195   CLHEP::HepMatrix Hess;        // Hessian                  -- // ---     
00197   CLHEP::HepVector GradL;       // gradient of the objective function in local parameters
00198   CLHEP::HepMatrix HessL;       // Hessian                  -- // ---     
00200   int N_event;                  // processed events
00201   int N_track;                  // selected tracks
00203   std::vector<AlignTransform>::const_iterator 
00204   iteratorTrackerRcd;           // location of Tracker in container globalPositionRcd_->m_aligm
00205   std::vector<AlignTransform>::const_iterator 
00206   iteratorMuonRcd;              //              Muon
00207   std::vector<AlignTransform>::const_iterator
00208   iteratorEcalRcd;              //              Ecal
00209   std::vector<AlignTransform>::const_iterator
00210   iteratorHcalRcd;              //              Hcal
00212   CLHEP::HepVector MuGlShift;   // evaluated global muon shifts  
00213   CLHEP::HepVector MuGlAngle;   // evaluated global muon angles  
00215   char MuSelect[100];           // what part of muon system is selected for 1st hit 
00217   ofstream OutGlobalTxt;        // output the vector of global alignment as text     
00219   TFile * file;
00220   TH1F * histo;
00221   TH1F * histo2; // outerP
00222   TH1F * histo3; // outerLambda = PI/2-outerTheta
00223   TH1F * histo4; // phi
00224   TH1F * histo5; // outerR
00225   TH1F * histo6; // outerZ
00226   TH1F * histo7; // s
00227   TH1F * histo8; // chi^2 of muon-track
00229   TH1F * histo11; // |Rm-Rt| 
00230   TH1F * histo12; // Xm-Xt 
00231   TH1F * histo13; // Ym-Yt 
00232   TH1F * histo14; // Zm-Zt 
00233   TH1F * histo15; // Nxm-Nxt 
00234   TH1F * histo16; // Nym-Nyt 
00235   TH1F * histo17; // Nzm-Nzt 
00236   TH1F * histo18; // Error X of inner track  
00237   TH1F * histo19; // Error X of muon 
00238   TH1F * histo20; // Error of Xm-Xt 
00239   TH1F * histo21; // pull(Xm-Xt) 
00240   TH1F * histo22; // pull(Ym-Yt) 
00241   TH1F * histo23; // pull(Zm-Zt) 
00242   TH1F * histo24; // pull(PXm-PXt) 
00243   TH1F * histo25; // pull(PYm-Pyt) 
00244   TH1F * histo26; // pull(PZm-PZt) 
00245   TH1F * histo27; // Nx of tangent plane  
00246   TH1F * histo28; // Ny of tangent plane  
00247   TH1F * histo29; // lenght of inner track  
00248   TH1F * histo30; // lenght of muon track  
00249   TH1F * histo31; // chi2 local  
00250   TH1F * histo32; // pull(Pxm/Pzm - Pxt/Pzt) local  
00251   TH1F * histo33; // pull(Pym/Pzm - Pyt/Pzt) local
00252   TH1F * histo34; // pull(Xm - Xt) local
00253   TH1F * histo35; // pull(Ym - Yt) local
00255   TH2F * histo101; // Rtrack/muon vs Ztrack/muon
00256   TH2F * histo102; // Ytrack/muon vs Xtrack/muon
00257 };
00259 //
00260 // constants, enums and typedefs
00261 //
00264 //
00265 // static data member definitions
00266 //
00268 //
00269 // constructors and destructor
00270 //
00271 GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
00272   :trackTags_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("tracks")),
00273    muonTags_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("muons")),
00274    gmuonTags_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("gmuons")),
00275    smuonTags_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("smuons")),
00276    propagator_(iConfig.getParameter<string>("Propagator")),
00278    cosmicMuonMode_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("cosmics")),
00279    isolatedMuonMode_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("isolated")),
00281    refitMuon_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("refitmuon")),
00282    refitTrack_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("refittrack")),
00284    rootOutFile_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<string>("rootOutFile")),
00285    txtOutFile_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<string>("txtOutFile")),
00286    writeDB_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("writeDB")),
00287    debug_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("debug")),
00288    defineFitter(true)
00289 {
00290 #ifdef NO_FALSE_FALSE_MODE 
00291   if (cosmicMuonMode_==false && isolatedMuonMode_==false) {
00292     throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "Muon collection not set! "
00293                                       << "Use from";
00294   }
00295 #endif  
00296   if (cosmicMuonMode_==true && isolatedMuonMode_==true) {
00297     throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "Muon collection can be either cosmic or isolated! "
00298                                       << "Please set only one to true.";
00299   }
00300 }
00302 GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::~GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment()
00303 {
00305    // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
00306    // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)
00308 }
00310 //
00311 // member functions
00312 //
00314 // ------------ method called to for each event  ------------
00315 void
00316 GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup)
00317 {  
00318   //GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::analyzeTrackTrack(iEvent, iSetup);  
00319   GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::analyzeTrackTrajectory(iEvent, iSetup);  
00320 }
00322 // ------------ method called once for job just before starting event loop  ------------
00323 void GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::beginJob()
00324 {
00325   N_event = 0;
00326   N_track = 0;
00328   if (cosmicMuonMode_==true && isolatedMuonMode_==false) {
00329     collectionCosmic = true; collectionIsolated = false;}
00330   else if (cosmicMuonMode_==false && isolatedMuonMode_==true) {
00331     collectionCosmic = false; collectionIsolated = true;}
00332   else {
00333     collectionCosmic = false; collectionIsolated = false;}
00335   for(int i=0; i<=2; i++){
00336     Gfr(i) = 0.;
00337     for(int j=0; j<=2; j++){
00338       Inf(i,j) = 0.;
00339     }}
00341   Grad =  CLHEP::HepVector(6,0);
00342   Hess =  CLHEP::HepSymMatrix(6,0);
00344   GradL =  CLHEP::HepVector(6,0);
00345   HessL =  CLHEP::HepSymMatrix(6,0);
00347   // histograms
00348   TDirectory * dirsave = gDirectory;
00350   file = new TFile(rootOutFile_.c_str(), "recreate"); 
00351   const bool oldAddDir = TH1::AddDirectoryStatus(); 
00353   TH1::AddDirectory(true);
00355   this->bookHist();
00357   TH1::AddDirectory(oldAddDir);
00358   dirsave->cd();
00359 }
00361 // ------------ method called once each job just after ending the event loop  ------------
00362 void GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::endJob() {
00363   bool alarm = false;
00365   this->fitHist();
00367   AlgebraicVector3 d(0., 0., 0.);   // ------------  alignmnet  Global Algebraic
00369   AlgebraicSymMatrix33 InfI;   // inverse it   
00370   for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) 
00371     for(int j=0; j<=2; j++){
00372       if(j < i) continue;
00373       InfI(i,j) += Inf(i,j);}
00374   bool ierr = !InfI.Invert();
00375   if( ierr ) { if(alarm)
00376       std::cout<<" Error inverse  Inf matrix !!!!!!!!!!!"<<std::endl;}
00378   for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) 
00379     for(int k=0; k<=2; k++) d(i) -= InfI(i,k)*Gfr(k);
00380   // end of Global Algebraic
00382   //                                ---------------  alignment Global CLHEP
00383   CLHEP::HepVector d3 = CLHEP::solve(Hess, -Grad);
00384   int iEr3;
00385   CLHEP::HepMatrix Errd3 = Hess.inverse(iEr3);
00386   if( iEr3 != 0) { if(alarm)
00387     std::cout<<" endJob Error inverse Hess matrix !!!!!!!!!!!"<<std::endl;
00388   }
00389   // end of Global CLHEP
00391   //                                ----------------- alignment Local CLHEP
00392   CLHEP::HepVector dLI = CLHEP::solve(HessL, -GradL);
00393   int iErI;
00394   CLHEP::HepMatrix ErrdLI = HessL.inverse(iErI);
00395   if( iErI != 0) { if(alarm)
00396       std::cout<<" endJob Error inverse HessL matrix !!!!!!!!!!!"<<std::endl;
00397   }
00398   // end of Local CLHEP
00400   // printout of final parameters
00401   std::cout<<" ---- "<<N_event<<" event "<<N_track<<" tracks "
00402            <<MuSelect<<" ---- "<<std::endl;
00403   if (collectionIsolated) std::cout<<" ALCARECOMuAlCalIsolatedMu "<<std::endl;
00404   else if (collectionCosmic) std::cout<<"  ALCARECOMuAlGlobalCosmics "<<std::endl; 
00405   else std::cout<<smuonTags_<<std::endl;
00406   std::cout<<" Similated shifts[cm] "
00407            <<MuGlShift(1)<<" "<<MuGlShift(2)<<" "<<MuGlShift(3)<<" "
00408            <<" angles[rad] "<<MuGlAngle(1)<<" "<<MuGlAngle(2)<<" "<<MuGlAngle(3)<<" "
00409            <<std::endl;
00410   std::cout<<" d    "<<-d<<std::endl;;
00411   std::cout<<" +-   "<<sqrt(InfI(0,0))<<" "<<sqrt(InfI(1,1))<<" "<<sqrt(InfI(2,2))
00412            <<std::endl;
00413   std::cout<<" dG   "<<d3(1)<<" "<<d3(2)<<" "<<d3(3)<<" "<<d3(4)<<" "
00414            <<d3(5)<<" "<<d3(6)<<std::endl;;
00415   std::cout<<" +-   "<<sqrt(Errd3(1,1))<<" "<<sqrt(Errd3(2,2))<<" "<<sqrt(Errd3(3,3))
00416            <<" "<<sqrt(Errd3(4,4))<<" "<<sqrt(Errd3(5,5))<<" "<<sqrt(Errd3(6,6))
00417            <<std::endl;
00418   std::cout<<" dL   "<<dLI(1)<<" "<<dLI(2)<<" "<<dLI(3)<<" "<<dLI(4)<<" "
00419            <<dLI(5)<<" "<<dLI(6)<<std::endl;;
00420   std::cout<<" +-   "<<sqrt(ErrdLI(1,1))<<" "<<sqrt(ErrdLI(2,2))<<" "<<sqrt(ErrdLI(3,3))
00421            <<" "<<sqrt(ErrdLI(4,4))<<" "<<sqrt(ErrdLI(5,5))<<" "<<sqrt(ErrdLI(6,6))
00422            <<std::endl;
00424   // what do we write to DB
00425   CLHEP::HepVector vectorToDb(6,0), vectorErrToDb(6,0);
00426   //vectorToDb = d3;
00427   //for(unsigned int i=1; i<=6; i++) vectorErrToDb(i) = sqrt(Errd3(i,i));
00428   vectorToDb = -dLI;
00429   for(unsigned int i=1; i<=6; i++) vectorErrToDb(i) = sqrt(ErrdLI(i,i));
00431   // write histograms to root file
00432   file->Write(); 
00433   file->Close(); 
00435   // write global parameters to text file 
00436, ios::out);
00437   if(!OutGlobalTxt.is_open()) std::cout<<" outglobal.txt is not open !!!!!"<<std::endl;
00438   else{
00439     OutGlobalTxt<<vectorToDb(1)<<" "<<vectorToDb(2)<<" "<<vectorToDb(3)<<" "<<vectorToDb(4)<<" "
00440                 <<vectorToDb(5)<<" "<<vectorToDb(6)<<" muon Global.\n";
00441     OutGlobalTxt<<vectorErrToDb(1)<<" "<<vectorErrToDb(1)<<" "<<vectorErrToDb(1)<<" "
00442                 <<vectorErrToDb(1)<<" "<<vectorErrToDb(1)<<" "<<vectorErrToDb(1)<<" errors.\n";
00443     OutGlobalTxt<<N_event<<" events are processed.\n";
00445     if (collectionIsolated) OutGlobalTxt<<"ALCARECOMuAlCalIsolatedMu.\n";
00446     else if (collectionCosmic) OutGlobalTxt<<"  ALCARECOMuAlGlobalCosmics.\n"; 
00447     else OutGlobalTxt<<smuonTags_<<".\n";
00448     OutGlobalTxt.close();
00449     std::cout<<" Write to the file outglobal.txt done  "<<std::endl;
00450   }
00452   // write new GlobalPositionRcd to DB
00453   if(debug_)
00454     std::cout<<" writeBD_ "<<writeDB_<<std::endl;
00455   if (writeDB_) 
00456     GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::writeGlPosRcd(vectorToDb);
00457 }
00459 // ------------ book histogram  ------------
00460 void GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::bookHist()
00461 {
00462   double PI = 3.1415927;
00463   histo = new TH1F("Pt","pt",1000,0,100); 
00464   histo2 = new TH1F("P","P [GeV/c]",400,0.,400.);       
00465   histo2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("momentum [GeV/c]");
00466   histo3 = new TH1F("outerLambda","#lambda outer",100,-PI/2.,PI/2.);    
00467   histo3->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#lambda outer");
00468   histo4 = new TH1F("phi","#phi [rad]",100,-PI,PI);       
00469   histo4->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#phi [rad]");
00470   histo5 = new TH1F("Rmuon","inner muon hit R [cm]",100,0.,800.);       
00471   histo5->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("R of muon [cm]");
00472   histo6 = new TH1F("Zmuon","inner muon hit Z[cm]",100,-1000.,1000.);       
00473   histo6->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Z of muon [cm]");
00474   histo7 = new TH1F("(Pm-Pt)/Pt"," (Pmuon-Ptrack)/Ptrack", 100,-2.,2.);       
00475   histo7->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Pmuon-Ptrack)/Ptrack");
00476   histo8 = new TH1F("chi muon-track","#chi^{2}(muon-track)", 1000,0.,1000.);       
00477   histo8->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#chi^{2} of muon w.r.t. propagated track");
00478   histo11 = new TH1F("distance muon-track","distance muon w.r.t track [cm]",100,0.,30.);
00479   histo11->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("distance of muon w.r.t. track [cm]");
00480   histo12 = new TH1F("Xmuon-Xtrack","Xmuon-Xtrack [cm]",200,-20.,20.);
00481   histo12->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Xmuon - Xtrack [cm]"); 
00482   histo13 = new TH1F("Ymuon-Ytrack","Ymuon-Ytrack [cm]",200,-20.,20.);
00483   histo13->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ymuon - Ytrack [cm]");
00484   histo14 = new TH1F("Zmuon-Ztrack","Zmuon-Ztrack [cm]",200,-20.,20.);       
00485   histo14->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Zmuon-Ztrack [cm]");
00486   histo15 = new TH1F("NXmuon-NXtrack","NXmuon-NXtrack [rad]",200,-.1,.1);       
00487   histo15->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("N_{X}(muon)-N_{X}(track) [rad]");
00488   histo16 = new TH1F("NYmuon-NYtrack","NYmuon-NYtrack [rad]",200,-.1,.1);       
00489   histo16->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("N_{Y}(muon)-N_{Y}(track) [rad]");
00490   histo17 = new TH1F("NZmuon-NZtrack","NZmuon-NZtrack [rad]",200,-.1,.1);       
00491   histo17->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("N_{Z}(muon)-N_{Z}(track) [rad]");
00492   histo18 = new TH1F("expected error of Xinner","outer hit of inner tracker",100,0,.01);
00493   histo18->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("expected error of Xinner [cm]");
00494   histo19 = new TH1F("expected error of Xmuon","inner hit of muon",100,0,.1);       
00495   histo19->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("expected error of Xmuon [cm]");
00496   histo20 = new TH1F("expected error of Xmuon-Xtrack","muon w.r.t. propagated track",100,0.,10.);
00497   histo20->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("expected error of Xmuon-Xtrack [cm]");
00498   histo21 = new TH1F("pull of Xmuon-Xtrack","pull of Xmuon-Xtrack",100,-10.,10.);
00499   histo21->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Xmuon-Xtrack)/expected error");
00500   histo22 = new TH1F("pull of Ymuon-Ytrack","pull of Ymuon-Ytrack",100,-10.,10.);       
00501   histo22->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Ymuon-Ytrack)/expected error");
00502   histo23 = new TH1F("pull of Zmuon-Ztrack","pull of Zmuon-Ztrack",100,-10.,10.);       
00503   histo23->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(Zmuon-Ztrack)/expected error");
00504   histo24 = new TH1F("pull of PXmuon-PXtrack","pull of PXmuon-PXtrack",100,-10.,10.);       
00505   histo24->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(P_{X}(muon)-P_{X}(track))/expected error");
00506   histo25 = new TH1F("pull of PYmuon-PYtrack","pull of PYmuon-PYtrack",100,-10.,10.);       
00507   histo25->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(P_{Y}(muon)-P_{Y}(track))/expected error");
00508   histo26 = new TH1F("pull of PZmuon-PZtrack","pull of PZmuon-PZtrack",100,-10.,10.);       
00509   histo26->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("(P_{Z}(muon)-P_{Z}(track))/expected error");
00510   histo27 = new TH1F("N_x","Nx of tangent plane",120,-1.1,1.1); 
00511   histo27->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("normal vector projection N_{X}");
00512   histo28 = new TH1F("N_y","Ny of tangent plane",120,-1.1,1.1); 
00513   histo28->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("normal vector projection N_{Y}");
00514   histo29 = new TH1F("lenght of track","lenght of track",200,0.,400); 
00515   histo29->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("lenght of track [cm]");
00516   histo30 = new TH1F("lenght of muon","lenght of muon",200,0.,800); 
00517   histo30->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("lenght of muon [cm]");
00519   histo31 = new TH1F("local chi muon-track","#local chi^{2}(muon-track)", 1000,0.,1000.);       
00520   histo31->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#local chi^{2} of muon w.r.t. propagated track");
00521   histo32 = new TH1F("pull of Px/Pz local","pull of Px/Pz local",100,-10.,10.);
00522   histo32->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("local (Px/Pz(muon) - Px/Pz(track))/expected error");
00523   histo33 = new TH1F("pull of Py/Pz local","pull of Py/Pz local",100,-10.,10.);
00524   histo33->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("local (Py/Pz(muon) - Py/Pz(track))/expected error");
00525   histo34 = new TH1F("pull of X local","pull of X local",100,-10.,10.);
00526   histo34->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("local (Xmuon - Xtrack)/expected error");
00527   histo35 = new TH1F("pull of Y local","pull of Y local",100,-10.,10.);
00528   histo35->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("local (Ymuon - Ytrack)/expected error");
00530   histo101 = new TH2F("Rtr/mu vs Ztr/mu","hit of track/muon",100,-800.,800.,100,0.,600.);
00531   histo101->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Z of track/muon [cm]");
00532   histo101->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("R of track/muon [cm]");
00533   histo102 = new TH2F("Ytr/mu vs Xtr/mu","hit of track/muon",100,-600.,600.,100,-600.,600.);
00534   histo102->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("X of track/muon [cm]");
00535   histo102->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Y of track/muon [cm]");
00536 }
00538 // ------------ fit histogram  ------------
00539 void GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::fitHist() {
00541   histo7->Fit("gaus","Q");
00543   histo12->Fit("gaus","Q");
00544   histo13->Fit("gaus","Q");
00545   histo14->Fit("gaus","Q");
00546   histo15->Fit("gaus","Q");
00547   histo16->Fit("gaus","Q");
00548   histo17->Fit("gaus","Q");
00550   histo21->Fit("gaus","Q");
00551   histo22->Fit("gaus","Q");
00552   histo23->Fit("gaus","Q");
00553   histo24->Fit("gaus","Q");
00554   histo25->Fit("gaus","Q");
00555   histo26->Fit("gaus","Q");
00557   histo32->Fit("gaus","Q");
00558   histo33->Fit("gaus","Q");
00559   histo34->Fit("gaus","Q");
00560   histo35->Fit("gaus","Q");
00561 }
00563 // ------------ method to analyze recoTrack & recoMuon of Global Muon  ------------
00564 void GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::analyzeTrackTrack
00565 (const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup)
00566 {
00567   using namespace edm;
00568   using namespace reco;  
00569   //debug_ = true;
00570   bool info = false;
00571   bool alarm = false;
00572   //bool alarm = true;
00573   double PI = 3.1415927;
00575   cosmicMuonMode_ = true; // true: both Cosmic and IsolatedMuon are treated with 1,2 tracks
00576   isolatedMuonMode_ = !cosmicMuonMode_; //true: only IsolatedMuon are treated with 1 track
00578   //if(N_event == 1)
00579   //GlobalPositionRcdRead1::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup);
00581   N_event++;
00582   if (info || debug_) {
00583     std::cout << "----- event " << N_event << " -- tracks "<<N_track<<" ---";
00584     if (cosmicMuonMode_) std::cout << " treated as CosmicMu ";
00585     if (isolatedMuonMode_) std::cout <<" treated as IsolatedMu ";
00586     std::cout << std::endl;
00587   }
00589   Handle<reco::TrackCollection> tracks;
00590   Handle<reco::TrackCollection> muons;
00591   Handle<reco::TrackCollection> gmuons;
00592   Handle<reco::MuonCollection> smuons;
00594   if (collectionIsolated){
00595     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlCalIsolatedMu", "TrackerOnly",  tracks);
00596     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlCalIsolatedMu", "StandAlone",  muons);
00597     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlCalIsolatedMu", "GlobalMuon",  gmuons);
00598     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlCalIsolatedMu", "SelectedMuons",  smuons);
00599   }
00600   else if (collectionCosmic){
00601     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlGlobalCosmics", "TrackerOnly",  tracks);
00602     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlGlobalCosmics", "StandAlone",  muons);
00603     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlGlobalCosmics", "GlobalMuon",  gmuons);
00604     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlGlobalCosmics", "SelectedMuons",  smuons);
00605   }
00606   else{
00607     iEvent.getByLabel(trackTags_,tracks);
00608     iEvent.getByLabel(muonTags_,muons);
00609     iEvent.getByLabel(gmuonTags_,gmuons);
00610     iEvent.getByLabel(smuonTags_,smuons);
00611   }  
00613   if (debug_) {
00614     std::cout << " ievBunch " << iEvent.bunchCrossing()
00615               << " runN " << (int) <<std::endl;
00616     std::cout << " N tracks s/amu gmu selmu "<<tracks->size() << " " <<muons->size()
00617               << " "<<gmuons->size() << " " << smuons->size() << std::endl;
00618     for (MuonCollection::const_iterator itMuon = smuons->begin();
00619         itMuon != smuons->end();
00620          ++itMuon) {
00621       std::cout << " is isolatValid Matches " << itMuon->isIsolationValid()
00622                 << " " <<itMuon->isMatchesValid() << std::endl;
00623     }
00624   }
00626   if (isolatedMuonMode_) {                // ---- Only 1 Isolated Muon --------
00627     if (tracks->size() != 1) return;  
00628     if (muons->size()  != 1) return;  
00629     if (gmuons->size() != 1) return; 
00630     if (smuons->size() != 1) return; 
00631   }
00633   if (cosmicMuonMode_){                // ---- 1,2 Cosmic Muon --------
00634     if (smuons->size() > 2) return; 
00635     if (tracks->size() != smuons->size()) return;  
00636     if (muons->size() != smuons->size()) return;  
00637     if (gmuons->size() != smuons->size()) return;  
00638   }
00640   // ok mc_isolated_mu
00641   //edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> trackerGeometry;
00642   //iSetup.get<TrackerDigiGeometryRecord>().get(trackerGeometry);
00643   // ok mc_isolated_mu
00644   //edm::ESHandle<DTGeometry> dtGeometry;
00645   //iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(dtGeometry);
00646   // don't work
00647   //edm::ESHandle<CSCGeometry> cscGeometry;
00648   //iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(cscGeometry);
00650   if (watchTrackingGeometry_.check(iSetup) || !trackingGeometry_) {
00651     edm::ESHandle<GlobalTrackingGeometry> trackingGeometry;
00652     iSetup.get<GlobalTrackingGeometryRecord>().get(trackingGeometry);
00653     trackingGeometry_ = &*trackingGeometry;
00654   }
00656   if (watchMagneticFieldRecord_.check(iSetup) || !magneticField_) {
00657     edm::ESHandle<MagneticField> magneticField;
00658     iSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(magneticField);
00659     magneticField_ = &*magneticField;
00660   }
00662   if (watchGlobalPositionRcd_.check(iSetup) || !globalPositionRcd_) {
00663     edm::ESHandle<Alignments> globalPositionRcd;
00664     iSetup.get<GlobalPositionRcd>().get(globalPositionRcd);
00665     globalPositionRcd_ = &*globalPositionRcd;
00666     for (std::vector<AlignTransform>::const_iterator i 
00667            = globalPositionRcd_->m_align.begin();
00668          i != globalPositionRcd_->m_align.end();  ++i){
00669       if(DetId(DetId::Tracker).rawId() == i->rawId()) iteratorTrackerRcd = i;
00670       if(DetId(DetId::Muon).rawId() == i->rawId()) iteratorMuonRcd = i;
00671       if(DetId(DetId::Ecal).rawId() == i->rawId()) iteratorEcalRcd = i;
00672       if(DetId(DetId::Hcal).rawId() == i->rawId()) iteratorHcalRcd = i;
00673     }
00674     if(true || debug_){
00675       std::cout << "=== iteratorMuonRcd " << iteratorMuonRcd->rawId()<<" ====\n" 
00676                 << " translation " << iteratorMuonRcd->translation()<<"\n" 
00677                 << " angles " << iteratorMuonRcd->rotation().eulerAngles() << std::endl;
00678       std::cout << iteratorMuonRcd->rotation() << std::endl;
00679     }   
00680   } // end of GlobalPositionRcd
00682   ESHandle<Propagator> propagator;
00683   iSetup.get<TrackingComponentsRecord>().get(propagator_, propagator);
00685   SteppingHelixPropagator alongStHePr = 
00686     SteppingHelixPropagator(magneticField_, alongMomentum);  
00687   SteppingHelixPropagator oppositeStHePr = 
00688     SteppingHelixPropagator(magneticField_, oppositeToMomentum);  
00690   //double tolerance = 5.e-5;
00691   RKTestPropagator alongRKPr = 
00692     RKTestPropagator(magneticField_, alongMomentum);
00693   RKTestPropagator oppositeRKPr = 
00694     RKTestPropagator(magneticField_, oppositeToMomentum);
00696   float epsilon = 5.;
00697   SmartPropagator alongSmPr = 
00698     SmartPropagator(alongRKPr, alongStHePr, magneticField_, alongMomentum, epsilon);
00699   SmartPropagator oppositeSmPr = 
00700     SmartPropagator(oppositeRKPr, oppositeStHePr, magneticField_, oppositeToMomentum, epsilon);
00702   // ................................................ selected/global muon
00703   //itMuon -->  Jim's globalMuon  
00704   for(MuonCollection::const_iterator itMuon = smuons->begin();
00705       itMuon != smuons->end(); ++itMuon) {
00707     if(debug_){
00708       std::cout<<" mu gM is GM Mu SaM tM "<<itMuon->isGlobalMuon()<<" "
00709                <<itMuon->isMuon()<<" "<<itMuon->isStandAloneMuon()
00710                <<" "<<itMuon->isTrackerMuon()<<" "
00711                <<std::endl;
00712     }
00714     // get information about the innermost muon hit -------------------------
00715     TransientTrack muTT(itMuon->outerTrack(), magneticField_, trackingGeometry_);
00716     TrajectoryStateOnSurface innerMuTSOS = muTT.innermostMeasurementState();
00717     TrajectoryStateOnSurface outerMuTSOS = muTT.outermostMeasurementState();
00719     // get information about the outermost tracker hit -----------------------
00720     TransientTrack trackTT(itMuon->track(), magneticField_, trackingGeometry_);
00721     TrajectoryStateOnSurface outerTrackTSOS = trackTT.outermostMeasurementState();
00722     TrajectoryStateOnSurface innerTrackTSOS = trackTT.innermostMeasurementState();
00724     GlobalPoint pointTrackIn  = innerTrackTSOS.globalPosition();
00725     GlobalPoint pointTrackOut = outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition();
00726     float lenghtTrack = (pointTrackOut-pointTrackIn).mag();
00727     GlobalPoint pointMuonIn  = innerMuTSOS.globalPosition();
00728     GlobalPoint pointMuonOut = outerMuTSOS.globalPosition();
00729     float lenghtMuon = (pointMuonOut - pointMuonIn).mag();
00730     GlobalVector momentumTrackOut = outerTrackTSOS.globalMomentum();
00731     GlobalVector momentumTrackIn = innerTrackTSOS.globalMomentum();
00732     float distanceInIn   = (pointTrackIn  - pointMuonIn).mag();
00733     float distanceInOut  = (pointTrackIn  - pointMuonOut).mag();
00734     float distanceOutIn  = (pointTrackOut - pointMuonIn).mag();
00735     float distanceOutOut = (pointTrackOut - pointMuonOut).mag();
00737     if(debug_){
00738       std::cout<<" pointTrackIn "<<pointTrackIn<<std::endl;
00739       std::cout<<"          Out "<<pointTrackOut<<" lenght "<<lenghtTrack<<std::endl;
00740       std::cout<<" point MuonIn "<<pointMuonIn<<std::endl;
00741       std::cout<<"          Out "<<pointMuonOut<<" lenght "<<lenghtMuon<<std::endl;
00742       std::cout<<" momeTrackIn Out "<<momentumTrackIn<<" "<<momentumTrackOut<<std::endl;
00743       std::cout<<" doi io ii oo "<<distanceOutIn<<" "<<distanceInOut<<" "
00744                <<distanceInIn<<" "<<distanceOutOut<<std::endl; 
00745   }   
00747     if(lenghtTrack < 90.) continue;
00748     if(lenghtMuon < 300.) continue;
00749     if(momentumTrackIn.mag() < 15. || momentumTrackOut.mag() < 15.) continue;
00750     if(trackTT.charge() != muTT.charge()) continue;
00752     if(debug_)
00753       std::cout<<" passed lenght momentum cuts"<<std::endl;
00755     GlobalVector GRm, GPm, Nl, Rm, Pm, Rt, Pt, Rt0;
00756     AlgebraicSymMatrix66 Cm, C0, Ce, C1;
00758     TrajectoryStateOnSurface extrapolationT;
00759     int tsosMuonIf = 0;
00761     if( isolatedMuonMode_ ){      //------------------------------- Isolated Muon -----
00762       const Surface& refSurface = innerMuTSOS.surface(); 
00763       ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> 
00764         tpMuLocal(refSurface.tangentPlane(innerMuTSOS.localPosition()));
00765       Nl = tpMuLocal->normalVector();
00766       ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> 
00767       tpMuGlobal(refSurface.tangentPlane(innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()));
00768       GlobalVector Ng = tpMuGlobal->normalVector();
00769       Surface* surf = (Surface*)&refSurface;
00770       const Plane* refPlane = dynamic_cast<Plane*>(surf); 
00771       GlobalVector Nlp = refPlane->normalVector();
00773       if(debug_){
00774         std::cout<<" Nlocal "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "
00775          <<" alfa "<<int(asin(Nl.x())*57.29578)<<std::endl;
00776         std::cout<<"  global "<<Ng.x()<<" "<<Ng.y()<<" "<<Ng.z()<<std::endl;
00777         std::cout<<"      lp "<<Nlp.x()<<" "<<Nlp.y()<<" "<<Nlp.z()<<std::endl;
00778         //std::cout<<" Nlocal Nglobal "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "
00779         // <<Ng.x()<<" "<<Ng.y()<<" "<<Ng.z()
00780         //<<" alfa "<<int(asin(Nl.x())*57.29578)<<std::endl;
00781       }
00783       //                          extrapolation to innermost muon hit     
00784       extrapolationT = alongSmPr.propagate(outerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
00785       //extrapolationT = propagator->propagate(outerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
00787       if(!extrapolationT.isValid()){
00788         if(false & alarm)
00789           std::cout<<" !!!!!!!!! Catastrophe Out-In extrapolationT.isValid "
00790             //<<"\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a"<<extrapolationT.isValid()
00791                    <<std::endl;
00792         continue;
00793       }
00794       tsosMuonIf = 1;
00795       Rt = GlobalVector((extrapolationT.globalPosition()).x(),
00796                         (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).y(),
00797                         (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).z());
00799       Pt = extrapolationT.globalMomentum();
00800       //                          global parameters of muon
00801       GRm = GlobalVector((innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
00802                          (innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
00803                          (innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
00804       GPm = innerMuTSOS.globalMomentum();
00805       Rt0 = GlobalVector((outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
00806                          (outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
00807                          (outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
00808       Cm = AlgebraicSymMatrix66 (extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix() + 
00809                                  innerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
00810       C0 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(outerTrackTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());                 
00811       Ce = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix()); 
00812       C1 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(innerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
00814     }  //                    -------------------------------   end Isolated Muon -----
00817     if( cosmicMuonMode_ ){      //------------------------------- Cosmic Muon -----
00819       if((distanceOutIn <= distanceInOut) & (distanceOutIn <= distanceInIn) & 
00820          (distanceOutIn <= distanceOutOut)){             // ----- Out - In ------    
00821         if(debug_) std::cout<<" -----    Out - In -----"<<std::endl;
00823         const Surface& refSurface = innerMuTSOS.surface(); 
00824         ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> 
00825           tpMuGlobal(refSurface.tangentPlane(innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()));
00826         Nl = tpMuGlobal->normalVector();
00828         Surface* surf = (Surface*)&refSurface;
00829         const Plane* refPlane = dynamic_cast<Plane*>(surf); 
00830         GlobalVector Nlp = refPlane->normalVector();
00832         //                          extrapolation to innermost muon hit     
00833         extrapolationT = alongSmPr.propagate(outerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
00834         //extrapolationT = propagator->propagate(outerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
00836         if(!extrapolationT.isValid()){
00837           if(false & alarm)
00838             std::cout<<" !!!!!!!!! Catastrophe Out-In extrapolationT.isValid "
00839               //<<"\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a"<<extrapolationT.isValid()
00840                      <<std::endl;
00841           continue;
00842         }
00843         if(debug_)
00844           std::cout<<" extrapolationT.isValid "<<extrapolationT.isValid()<<std::endl; 
00846         tsosMuonIf = 1;
00847         Rt = GlobalVector((extrapolationT.globalPosition()).x(),
00848                           (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).y(),
00849                           (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).z());
00851         Pt = extrapolationT.globalMomentum();
00852         //                          global parameters of muon
00853         GRm = GlobalVector((innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
00854                            (innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
00855                            (innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
00856         GPm = innerMuTSOS.globalMomentum();
00857         Rt0 = GlobalVector((outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
00858                            (outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
00859                            (outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
00860         Cm = AlgebraicSymMatrix66 (extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix() + 
00861                                    innerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
00862         C0 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(outerTrackTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());               
00863         Ce = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix()); 
00864         C1 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(innerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
00866         if(false & debug_){
00867           //std::cout<<" ->propDir "<<propagator->propagationDirection()<<std::endl;
00868           PropagationDirectionChooser Chooser;
00869           std::cout<<" propDirCh "
00870                    <<Chooser.operator()(*outerTrackTSOS.freeState(), refSurface)
00871                    <<" Ch == along "<<(alongMomentum == 
00872                                        Chooser.operator()(*outerTrackTSOS.freeState(), refSurface))
00873                    <<std::endl;
00874           std::cout<<" --- Nlocal "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "
00875                    <<" alfa "<<int(asin(Nl.x())*57.29578)<<std::endl;
00876         }
00877       }           //                                       enf of ---- Out - In -----
00880       else if((distanceInOut <= distanceInIn) & (distanceInOut <= distanceOutIn) & 
00881               (distanceInOut <= distanceOutOut)){            // ----- In - Out ------    
00882         if(debug_) std::cout<<" -----    In - Out -----"<<std::endl;
00884         const Surface& refSurface = outerMuTSOS.surface(); 
00885         ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> 
00886           tpMuGlobal(refSurface.tangentPlane(outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()));
00887         Nl = tpMuGlobal->normalVector();
00889         //                          extrapolation to outermost muon hit     
00890         extrapolationT = oppositeSmPr.propagate(innerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
00892         if(!extrapolationT.isValid()){
00893           if(false & alarm)
00894             std::cout<<" !!!!!!!!! Catastrophe Out-In extrapolationT.isValid "
00895               <<"\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a"<<extrapolationT.isValid()
00896                      <<std::endl;
00897           continue;
00898         }
00899         if(debug_)
00900           std::cout<<" extrapolationT.isValid "<<extrapolationT.isValid()<<std::endl; 
00902         tsosMuonIf = 2;
00903         Rt = GlobalVector((extrapolationT.globalPosition()).x(),
00904                           (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).y(),
00905                           (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).z());
00907         Pt = extrapolationT.globalMomentum();
00908         //                          global parameters of muon
00909         GRm = GlobalVector((outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
00910                            (outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
00911                            (outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
00912         GPm = outerMuTSOS.globalMomentum();
00913         Rt0 = GlobalVector((innerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
00914                            (innerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
00915                            (innerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
00916         Cm = AlgebraicSymMatrix66 (extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix() + 
00917                                    outerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
00918         C0 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(innerTrackTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());               
00919         Ce = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix()); 
00920         C1 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(outerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
00922         if(false & debug_){
00923           //std::cout<<" ->propDir "<<propagator->propagationDirection()<<std::endl;
00924           PropagationDirectionChooser Chooser;
00925           std::cout<<" propDirCh "
00926                    <<Chooser.operator()(*innerTrackTSOS.freeState(), refSurface)
00927                    <<" Ch == oppisite "<<(oppositeToMomentum == 
00928                                           Chooser.operator()(*innerTrackTSOS.freeState(), refSurface))
00929                    <<std::endl;
00930           std::cout<<" --- Nlocal "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "
00931                    <<" alfa "<<int(asin(Nl.x())*57.29578)<<std::endl;
00932         }
00933       }           //                                        enf of ---- In - Out -----
00935       else if((distanceOutOut <= distanceInOut) & (distanceOutOut <= distanceInIn) & 
00936               (distanceOutOut <= distanceOutIn)){          // ----- Out - Out ------    
00937         if(debug_) std::cout<<" -----    Out - Out -----"<<std::endl;
00939         // reject: momentum of track has opposite direction to muon track
00940         continue;
00942         const Surface& refSurface = outerMuTSOS.surface(); 
00943         ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> 
00944           tpMuGlobal(refSurface.tangentPlane(outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()));
00945         Nl = tpMuGlobal->normalVector();
00947         //                          extrapolation to outermost muon hit     
00948         extrapolationT = alongSmPr.propagate(outerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
00950         if(!extrapolationT.isValid()){
00951           if(alarm)
00952             std::cout<<" !!!!!!!!! Catastrophe Out-Out extrapolationT.isValid "
00953                      <<"\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a"<<extrapolationT.isValid()
00954                      <<std::endl;
00955           continue;
00956         }
00957         if(debug_)
00958           std::cout<<" extrapolationT.isValid "<<extrapolationT.isValid()<<std::endl; 
00960         tsosMuonIf = 2;
00961         Rt = GlobalVector((extrapolationT.globalPosition()).x(),
00962                           (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).y(),
00963                           (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).z());
00965         Pt = extrapolationT.globalMomentum();
00966         //                          global parameters of muon
00967         GRm = GlobalVector((outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
00968                            (outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
00969                            (outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
00970         GPm = outerMuTSOS.globalMomentum();
00971         Rt0 = GlobalVector((outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
00972                            (outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
00973                            (outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
00974         Cm = AlgebraicSymMatrix66 (extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix() + 
00975                                    outerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
00976         C0 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(outerTrackTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());               
00977         Ce = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix()); 
00978         C1 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(outerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
00980         if(debug_){
00981           PropagationDirectionChooser Chooser;
00982           std::cout<<" propDirCh "
00983                    <<Chooser.operator()(*outerTrackTSOS.freeState(), refSurface)
00984                    <<" Ch == along "<<(alongMomentum == 
00985                                        Chooser.operator()(*outerTrackTSOS.freeState(), refSurface))
00986                    <<std::endl;
00987           std::cout<<" --- Nlocal "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "
00988                    <<" alfa "<<int(asin(Nl.x())*57.29578)<<std::endl;
00989           std::cout<<"     Nornal "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "
00990                    <<" alfa "<<int(asin(Nl.x())*57.29578)<<std::endl;
00991         }
00992       }           //                                       enf of ---- Out - Out -----
00993       else{
00994         if(alarm)
00995           std::cout<<" ------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No proper Out - In \a\a\a\a\a\a\a"<<std::endl; 
00996         continue;
00997       }
00999     }  //                     -------------------------------   end Cosmic Muon -----
01001     if(tsosMuonIf == 0) {if(info) {std::cout<<"No tsosMuon !!!!!!"<<std::endl; continue;}}
01002     TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsosMuon;
01003     if(tsosMuonIf == 1) tsosMuon = muTT.innermostMeasurementState();
01004     else tsosMuon = muTT.outermostMeasurementState();
01006     //GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::misalignMuon(GRm, GPm, Nl, Rt, Rm, Pm);
01007     AlgebraicVector4 LPRm;  // muon local (dx/dz, dy/dz, x, y)
01008     GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::misalignMuonL
01009     (GRm, GPm, Nl, Rt, Rm, Pm, LPRm, extrapolationT, tsosMuon);
01011     GlobalVector resR = Rm - Rt;
01012     GlobalVector resP0 = Pm - Pt;
01013     GlobalVector resP = Pm / Pm.mag() - Pt / Pt.mag();
01014     float RelMomResidual = (Pm.mag() - Pt.mag()) / (Pt.mag() + 1.e-6);;
01016     AlgebraicVector6 Vm;
01017     Vm(0) = resR.x();  Vm(1) = resR.y();  Vm(2) = resR.z(); 
01018     Vm(3) = resP0.x();  Vm(4) = resP0.y();  Vm(5) = resP0.z(); 
01019     float Rmuon = Rm.perp();
01020     float Zmuon = Rm.z();
01021     float alfa_x = atan2(Nl.x(),Nl.y())*57.29578;
01023     if(debug_){
01024       std::cout<<" Nx Ny Nz alfa_x "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "<<alfa_x<<std::endl;
01025       //std::cout<<" Rm "<<Rm<<std::endl<<" Rt "<<Rt<<std::endl<<" resR "<<resR<<std::endl
01026       //       <<" resP "<<resP<<" dp/p "<<RelMomResidual<<std::endl;
01027     }
01029     double chi_d = 0;
01030     for(int i=0; i<=5; i++) chi_d += Vm(i)*Vm(i)/Cm(i,i);
01032     AlgebraicVector5 Vml(tsosMuon.localParameters().vector() 
01033                        - extrapolationT.localParameters().vector());
01034     AlgebraicSymMatrix55 m(tsosMuon.localError().matrix() + extrapolationT.localError().matrix());
01035     AlgebraicSymMatrix55 Cml(tsosMuon.localError().matrix() + extrapolationT.localError().matrix());
01036     bool ierrLoc = !m.Invert();
01037     if (ierrLoc && debug_ && info) { 
01038       std::cout<< " ==== Error inverting Local covariance matrix ==== "<<std::cout;
01039       continue;}
01040     double chi_Loc = ROOT::Math::Similarity(Vml,m);
01041     if(debug_)
01042       std::cout<<" chi_Loc px/pz/err "<<chi_Loc<<" "<<Vml(1)/sqrt(Cml(1,1))<<std::endl;
01044     if(Pt.mag() < 15.) continue;
01045     if(Pm.mag() <  5.) continue;
01047     //if(Pt.mag() < 30.) continue;          // momenum cut  < 30GeV
01048     //if(Pt.mag() < 60.) continue;          // momenum cut  < 30GeV
01049     //if(Pt.mag() > 50.) continue;          //  momenum cut > 50GeV
01050     //if(Pt.mag() > 100.) continue;          //  momenum cut > 100GeV
01051     //if(trackTT.charge() < 0) continue;    // select positive charge
01052     //if(trackTT.charge() > 0) continue;    // select negative charge
01054     //if(fabs(resR.x()) > 5.) continue;     // strong cut  X 
01055     //if(fabs(resR.y()) > 5.) continue;     //             Y 
01056     //if(fabs(resR.z()) > 5.) continue;     //             Z
01057     //if(fabs(resR.mag()) > 7.5) continue;   //            dR
01059     /*
01060     //if(fabs(RelMomResidual) > 0.5) continue;
01061     if(fabs(resR.x()) > 20.) continue;
01062     if(fabs(resR.y()) > 20.) continue;
01063     if(fabs(resR.z()) > 20.) continue;
01064     if(fabs(resR.mag()) > 30.) continue;
01065     if(fabs(resP.x()) > 0.06) continue;
01066     if(fabs(resP.y()) > 0.06) continue;
01067     if(fabs(resP.z()) > 0.06) continue;
01068     if(chi_d > 40.) continue;
01069     */
01071     //                                            select Barrel 
01072     //if(Rmuon < 400. || Rmuon > 450.) continue; 
01073     //if(Zmuon < -600. || Zmuon > 600.) continue;
01074     //if(fabs(Nl.z()) > 0.95) continue;  
01075     //std::sprintf(MuSelect, " Barrel");
01076     //                                                  EndCap1
01077     //if(Rmuon < 120. || Rmuon > 450.) continue;
01078     //if(Zmuon < -720.) continue;
01079     //if(Zmuon > -580.) continue;
01080     //if(fabs(Nl.z()) < 0.95) continue;  
01081     //std::sprintf(MuSelect, " EndCap1");
01082     //                                                  EndCap2
01083     //if(Rmuon < 120. || Rmuon > 450.) continue;
01084     //if(Zmuon >  720.) continue;
01085     //if(Zmuon <  580.) continue;
01086     //if(fabs(Nl.z()) < 0.95) continue;  
01087     //std::sprintf(MuSelect, " EndCap2");
01088     //                                                 select All
01089     if(Rmuon < 120. || Rmuon > 450.) continue;  
01090     if(Zmuon < -720. || Zmuon > 720.) continue;
01091     std::sprintf(MuSelect, " Barrel+EndCaps");
01095     if(debug_)
01096       std::cout<<" .............. passed all cuts"<<std::endl;
01098     N_track++;
01099     //                     gradient and Hessian for each track
01101     GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::gradientGlobalAlg(Rt, Pt, Rm, Nl, Cm);
01102     GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::gradientGlobal(Rt, Pt, Rm, Pm, Nl, Cm); 
01104     CLHEP::HepSymMatrix covLoc(4,0);
01105     for(int i=1; i<=4; i++)
01106       for(int j=1; j<=i; j++){
01107         covLoc(i,j) = (tsosMuon.localError().matrix()
01108                        + extrapolationT.localError().matrix())(i,j);
01109         //if(i != j) Cov(i,j) = 0.;
01110       }
01112     const Surface& refSurface = tsosMuon.surface(); 
01113     CLHEP::HepMatrix rotLoc (3,3,0);
01114     rotLoc(1,1) = refSurface.rotation().xx();
01115     rotLoc(1,2) = refSurface.rotation().xy();
01116     rotLoc(1,3) = refSurface.rotation().xz();
01118     rotLoc(2,1) = refSurface.rotation().yx();
01119     rotLoc(2,2) = refSurface.rotation().yy();
01120     rotLoc(2,3) = refSurface.rotation().yz();
01122     rotLoc(3,1) = refSurface.rotation().zx();
01123     rotLoc(3,2) = refSurface.rotation().zy();
01124     rotLoc(3,3) = refSurface.rotation().zz();
01126     CLHEP::HepVector posLoc(3);
01127     posLoc(1) = refSurface.position().x();
01128     posLoc(2) = refSurface.position().y();
01129     posLoc(3) = refSurface.position().z();
01131     GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::gradientLocal(Rt, Pt, Rm, Pm, Nl, covLoc, rotLoc, posLoc, LPRm);
01133     if(debug_){
01134       std::cout<<" Norm   "<<Nl<<std::endl;
01135       std::cout<<" posLoc "<<posLoc.T()<<std::endl;
01136       std::cout<<" rotLoc "<<rotLoc<<std::endl;
01137     }
01139     // -----------------------------------------------------  fill histogram 
01140     histo->Fill(itMuon->track()->pt()); 
01142     //histo2->Fill(itMuon->track()->outerP()); 
01143     histo2->Fill(Pt.mag()); 
01144     histo3->Fill((PI/2.-itMuon->track()->outerTheta())); 
01145     histo4->Fill(itMuon->track()->phi()); 
01146     histo5->Fill(Rmuon); 
01147     histo6->Fill(Zmuon); 
01148     histo7->Fill(RelMomResidual); 
01149     //histo8->Fill(chi); 
01150     histo8->Fill(chi_d); 
01152     histo101->Fill(Zmuon, Rmuon); 
01153     histo101->Fill(Rt0.z(), Rt0.perp()); 
01154     histo102->Fill(Rt0.x(), Rt0.y()); 
01155     histo102->Fill(Rm.x(), Rm.y()); 
01157     histo11->Fill(resR.mag()); 
01158     if(fabs(Nl.x()) < 0.98) histo12->Fill(resR.x()); 
01159     if(fabs(Nl.y()) < 0.98) histo13->Fill(resR.y()); 
01160     if(fabs(Nl.z()) < 0.98) histo14->Fill(resR.z()); 
01161     histo15->Fill(resP.x()); 
01162     histo16->Fill(resP.y()); 
01163     histo17->Fill(resP.z()); 
01165     if((fabs(Nl.x()) < 0.98) && (fabs(Nl.y()) < 0.98) &&(fabs(Nl.z()) < 0.98))
01166       { 
01167         histo18->Fill(sqrt(C0(0,0))); 
01168         histo19->Fill(sqrt(C1(0,0))); 
01169         histo20->Fill(sqrt(C1(0,0)+Ce(0,0)));              
01170       }
01171     if(fabs(Nl.x()) < 0.98) histo21->Fill(Vm(0)/sqrt(Cm(0,0))); 
01172     if(fabs(Nl.y()) < 0.98) histo22->Fill(Vm(1)/sqrt(Cm(1,1))); 
01173     if(fabs(Nl.z()) < 0.98) histo23->Fill(Vm(2)/sqrt(Cm(2,2))); 
01174     histo24->Fill(Vm(3)/sqrt(C1(3,3)+Ce(3,3))); 
01175     histo25->Fill(Vm(4)/sqrt(C1(4,4)+Ce(4,4))); 
01176     histo26->Fill(Vm(5)/sqrt(C1(5,5)+Ce(5,5))); 
01177     histo27->Fill(Nl.x()); 
01178     histo28->Fill(Nl.y()); 
01179     histo29->Fill(lenghtTrack); 
01180     histo30->Fill(lenghtMuon);     
01181     histo31->Fill(chi_Loc);
01182     histo32->Fill(Vml(1)/sqrt(Cml(1,1))); 
01183     histo33->Fill(Vml(2)/sqrt(Cml(2,2))); 
01184     histo34->Fill(Vml(3)/sqrt(Cml(3,3))); 
01185     histo35->Fill(Vml(4)/sqrt(Cml(4,4))); 
01187     if (debug_) {   //--------------------------------- debug print ----------
01189       std::cout<<" diag 0[ "<<C0(0,0)<<" "<<C0(1,1)<<" "<<C0(2,2)<<" "<<C0(3,3)<<" "
01190                <<C0(4,4)<<" "<<C0(5,5)<<" ]"<<std::endl;
01191       std::cout<<" diag e[ "<<Ce(0,0)<<" "<<Ce(1,1)<<" "<<Ce(2,2)<<" "<<Ce(3,3)<<" "
01192                <<Ce(4,4)<<" "<<Ce(5,5)<<" ]"<<std::endl;
01193       std::cout<<" diag 1[ "<<C1(0,0)<<" "<<C1(1,1)<<" "<<C1(2,2)<<" "<<C1(3,3)<<" "
01194                <<C1(4,4)<<" "<<C1(5,5)<<" ]"<<std::endl;
01195       std::cout<<" Rm   "<<Rm.x()<<" "<<Rm.y()<<" "<<Rm.z()
01196                <<" Pm   "<<Pm.x()<<" "<<Pm.y()<<" "<<Pm.z()<<std::endl;
01197       std::cout<<" Rt   "<<Rt.x()<<" "<<Rt.y()<<" "<<Rt.z()
01198                <<" Pt   "<<Pt.x()<<" "<<Pt.y()<<" "<<Pt.z()<<std::endl;
01199       std::cout<<" Nl*(Rm-Rt) "<<<<std::endl;
01200       std::cout<<" resR "<<resR.x()<<" "<<resR.y()<<" "<<resR.z()
01201                <<" resP "<<resP.x()<<" "<<resP.y()<<" "<<resP.z()<<std::endl;       
01202       std::cout<<" Rm-t "<<(Rm-Rt).x()<<" "<<(Rm-Rt).y()<<" "<<(Rm-Rt).z()
01203                <<" Pm-t "<<(Pm-Pt).x()<<" "<<(Pm-Pt).y()<<" "<<(Pm-Pt).z()<<std::endl;       
01204       std::cout<<" Vm   "<<Vm<<std::endl;
01205       std::cout<<" +-   "<<sqrt(Cm(0,0))<<" "<<sqrt(Cm(1,1))<<" "<<sqrt(Cm(2,2))<<" "
01206                <<sqrt(Cm(3,3))<<" "<<sqrt(Cm(4,4))<<" "<<sqrt(Cm(5,5))<<std::endl;
01207       std::cout<<" Pmuon Ptrack dP/Ptrack "<<itMuon->outerTrack()->p()<<" "
01208                <<itMuon->track()->outerP()<<" "
01209                <<(itMuon->outerTrack()->p() - 
01210                   itMuon->track()->outerP())/itMuon->track()->outerP()<<std::endl;
01211       std::cout<<" cov matrix "<<std::endl;
01212       std::cout<<Cm<<std::endl;
01213       std::cout<<" diag [ "<<Cm(0,0)<<" "<<Cm(1,1)<<" "<<Cm(2,2)<<" "<<Cm(3,3)<<" "
01214                <<Cm(4,4)<<" "<<Cm(5,5)<<" ]"<<std::endl;
01216       static AlgebraicSymMatrix66 Ro;
01217       double Diag[6];
01218       for(int i=0; i<=5; i++) Diag[i] = sqrt(Cm(i,i));
01219       for(int i=0; i<=5; i++)
01220         for(int j=0; j<=5; j++)
01221           Ro(i,j) = Cm(i,j)/Diag[i]/Diag[j];
01222       std::cout<<" correlation matrix "<<std::endl;
01223       std::cout<<Ro<<std::endl;
01225       AlgebraicSymMatrix66 CmI;
01226       for(int i=0; i<=5; i++)
01227         for(int j=0; j<=5; j++)
01228           CmI(i,j) = Cm(i,j);
01230       bool ierr = !CmI.Invert();
01231       if( ierr ) { if(alarm || debug_)
01232           std::cout<<" Error inverse covariance matrix !!!!!!!!!!!"<<std::endl;
01233         continue;
01234       }       
01235       std::cout<<" inverse cov matrix "<<std::endl;
01236       std::cout<<Cm<<std::endl;
01238       double chi = ROOT::Math::Similarity(Vm, CmI);
01239       std::cout<<" chi chi_d "<<chi<<" "<<chi_d<<std::endl;
01240     }  // end of debug_ printout  --------------------------------------------
01242   } // end loop on selected muons, i.e. Jim's globalMuon
01244 } //end of analyzeTrackTrack
01247 // ------- method to analyze recoTrack & trajectoryMuon of Global Muon ------
01248 void GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::analyzeTrackTrajectory
01249 (const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup)
01250 {
01251   using namespace edm;
01252   using namespace reco;  
01253   //debug_ = true;
01254   bool info = false;
01255   bool alarm = false;
01256   //bool alarm = true;
01257   double PI = 3.1415927;
01259   //-*-*-*-*-*-*-
01260   cosmicMuonMode_ = true; // true: both Cosmic and IsolatedMuon are treated with 1,2 tracks
01261   //cosmicMuonMode_ = false; // true: both Cosmic and IsolatedMuon are treated with 1,2 tracks
01262   //-*-*-*-*-*-*-
01263   isolatedMuonMode_ = !cosmicMuonMode_; //true: only IsolatedMuon are treated with 1 track
01265   N_event++;
01266   if (info || debug_) {
01267     std::cout << "----- event " << N_event << " -- tracks "<<N_track<<" ---";
01268     if (cosmicMuonMode_) std::cout << " treated as CosmicMu ";
01269     if (isolatedMuonMode_) std::cout <<" treated as IsolatedMu ";
01270     std::cout << std::endl;
01271   }
01273   Handle<reco::TrackCollection> tracks;
01274   Handle<reco::TrackCollection> muons;
01275   Handle<reco::TrackCollection> gmuons;
01276   Handle<reco::MuonCollection> smuons;
01278   if (collectionIsolated){
01279     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlCalIsolatedMu", "TrackerOnly",  tracks);
01280     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlCalIsolatedMu", "StandAlone",  muons);
01281     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlCalIsolatedMu", "GlobalMuon",  gmuons);
01282     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlCalIsolatedMu", "SelectedMuons",  smuons);
01283   }
01284   else if (collectionCosmic){
01285     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlGlobalCosmics", "TrackerOnly",  tracks);
01286     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlGlobalCosmics", "StandAlone",  muons);
01287     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlGlobalCosmics", "GlobalMuon",  gmuons);
01288     iEvent.getByLabel("ALCARECOMuAlGlobalCosmics", "SelectedMuons",  smuons);
01289   }
01290   else{
01291     iEvent.getByLabel(trackTags_,tracks);
01292     iEvent.getByLabel(muonTags_,muons);
01293     iEvent.getByLabel(gmuonTags_,gmuons);
01294     iEvent.getByLabel(smuonTags_,smuons);
01295   }  
01297   if (debug_) {
01298     std::cout << " ievBunch " << iEvent.bunchCrossing()
01299               << " runN " << (int) <<std::endl;
01300     std::cout << " N tracks s/amu gmu selmu "<<tracks->size() << " " <<muons->size()
01301               << " "<<gmuons->size() << " " << smuons->size() << std::endl;
01302     for (MuonCollection::const_iterator itMuon = smuons->begin();
01303         itMuon != smuons->end();
01304          ++itMuon) {
01305       std::cout << " is isolatValid Matches " << itMuon->isIsolationValid()
01306                 << " " <<itMuon->isMatchesValid() << std::endl;
01307     }
01308   }
01310   if (isolatedMuonMode_) {                // ---- Only 1 Isolated Muon --------
01311     if (tracks->size() != 1) return;  
01312     if (muons->size()  != 1) return;  
01313     if (gmuons->size() != 1) return; 
01314     if (smuons->size() != 1) return; 
01315   }
01317   if (cosmicMuonMode_){                // ---- 1,2 Cosmic Muon --------
01318     if (smuons->size() > 2) return; 
01319     if (tracks->size() != smuons->size()) return;  
01320     if (muons->size() != smuons->size()) return;  
01321     if (gmuons->size() != smuons->size()) return;  
01322   }
01324   // ok mc_isolated_mu
01325   //edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> trackerGeometry;
01326   //iSetup.get<TrackerDigiGeometryRecord>().get(trackerGeometry);
01327   // ok mc_isolated_mu
01328   //edm::ESHandle<DTGeometry> dtGeometry;
01329   //iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(dtGeometry);
01330   // don't work
01331   //edm::ESHandle<CSCGeometry> cscGeometry;
01332   //iSetup.get<MuonGeometryRecord>().get(cscGeometry);
01334   if (watchTrackingGeometry_.check(iSetup) || !trackingGeometry_) {
01335     edm::ESHandle<GlobalTrackingGeometry> trackingGeometry;
01336     iSetup.get<GlobalTrackingGeometryRecord>().get(trackingGeometry);
01337     trackingGeometry_ = &*trackingGeometry;
01338     theTrackingGeometry = trackingGeometry;
01339   }
01341   if (watchMagneticFieldRecord_.check(iSetup) || !magneticField_) {
01342     edm::ESHandle<MagneticField> magneticField;
01343     iSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(magneticField);
01344     magneticField_ = &*magneticField;
01345   }
01347   if (watchGlobalPositionRcd_.check(iSetup) || !globalPositionRcd_) {
01348     edm::ESHandle<Alignments> globalPositionRcd;
01349     iSetup.get<GlobalPositionRcd>().get(globalPositionRcd);
01350     globalPositionRcd_ = &*globalPositionRcd;
01351     for (std::vector<AlignTransform>::const_iterator i 
01352            = globalPositionRcd_->m_align.begin();
01353          i != globalPositionRcd_->m_align.end();  ++i){
01354       if(DetId(DetId::Tracker).rawId() == i->rawId()) iteratorTrackerRcd = i;
01355       if(DetId(DetId::Muon).rawId() == i->rawId()) iteratorMuonRcd = i;
01356       if(DetId(DetId::Ecal).rawId() == i->rawId()) iteratorEcalRcd = i;
01357       if(DetId(DetId::Hcal).rawId() == i->rawId()) iteratorHcalRcd = i;
01358     }
01359     if(debug_){
01360       std::cout << "=== iteratorTrackerRcd " << iteratorTrackerRcd->rawId()<<" ====\n" 
01361                 << " translation " << iteratorTrackerRcd->translation()<<"\n" 
01362                 << " angles " << iteratorTrackerRcd->rotation().eulerAngles() << std::endl;
01363       std::cout << iteratorTrackerRcd->rotation() << std::endl;
01364       std::cout << "=== iteratorMuonRcd " << iteratorMuonRcd->rawId()<<" ====\n" 
01365                 << " translation " << iteratorMuonRcd->translation()<<"\n" 
01366                 << " angles " << iteratorMuonRcd->rotation().eulerAngles() << std::endl;
01367       std::cout << iteratorMuonRcd->rotation() << std::endl;
01368     }   
01369   } // end of GlobalPositionRcd
01371   ESHandle<Propagator> propagator;
01372   iSetup.get<TrackingComponentsRecord>().get(propagator_, propagator);
01374   SteppingHelixPropagator alongStHePr = 
01375     SteppingHelixPropagator(magneticField_, alongMomentum);  
01376   SteppingHelixPropagator oppositeStHePr = 
01377     SteppingHelixPropagator(magneticField_, oppositeToMomentum);  
01379   //double tolerance = 5.e-5;
01380   RKTestPropagator alongRKPr = 
01381     RKTestPropagator(magneticField_, alongMomentum);
01382   RKTestPropagator oppositeRKPr = 
01383     RKTestPropagator(magneticField_, oppositeToMomentum);
01385   float epsilon = 5.;
01386   SmartPropagator alongSmPr = 
01387     SmartPropagator(alongRKPr, alongStHePr, magneticField_, alongMomentum, epsilon);
01388   SmartPropagator oppositeSmPr = 
01389     SmartPropagator(oppositeRKPr, oppositeStHePr, magneticField_, oppositeToMomentum, epsilon);
01391   if(defineFitter){
01392     if(debug_)
01393       std::cout<<" ............... DEFINE FITTER ..................."<<std::endl;
01394     KFUpdator* theUpdator = new KFUpdator();
01395     //Chi2MeasurementEstimator* theEstimator = new Chi2MeasurementEstimator(30);
01396     Chi2MeasurementEstimator* theEstimator = new Chi2MeasurementEstimator(100000,100000);
01397     theFitter = new KFTrajectoryFitter(alongSmPr, 
01398                                        *theUpdator, 
01399                                        *theEstimator);
01400     theSmoother = new KFTrajectorySmoother(alongSmPr,
01401                                            *theUpdator,     
01402                                            *theEstimator);
01403     theFitterOp = new KFTrajectoryFitter(oppositeSmPr, 
01404                                          *theUpdator, 
01405                                          *theEstimator);
01406     theSmootherOp = new KFTrajectorySmoother(oppositeSmPr,
01407                                              *theUpdator,     
01408                                              *theEstimator);
01410     edm::ESHandle<TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder> builder;
01411     iSetup.get<TransientRecHitRecord>().get("WithTrackAngle",builder);
01412     this->TTRHBuilder = &(*builder);
01413     this->MuRHBuilder = new MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder(theTrackingGeometry);
01414     if(debug_){
01415       std::cout<<" theTrackingGeometry.isValid() "<<theTrackingGeometry.isValid()<<std::endl;
01416       std::cout<< "get also the MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder" << "\n";
01417       std::cout<< "get also the TransientTrackingRecHitBuilder" << "\n";
01418     }
01419     defineFitter = false;
01420   }
01422   // ................................................ selected/global muon
01423   //itMuon -->  Jim's globalMuon  
01424   for(MuonCollection::const_iterator itMuon = smuons->begin();
01425       itMuon != smuons->end(); ++itMuon) {
01427     if(debug_){
01428       std::cout<<" mu gM is GM Mu SaM tM "<<itMuon->isGlobalMuon()<<" "
01429                <<itMuon->isMuon()<<" "<<itMuon->isStandAloneMuon()
01430                <<" "<<itMuon->isTrackerMuon()<<" "
01431                <<std::endl;
01432     }
01434     // get information about the innermost muon hit -------------------------
01435     TransientTrack muTT(itMuon->outerTrack(), magneticField_, trackingGeometry_);
01436     TrajectoryStateOnSurface innerMuTSOS = muTT.innermostMeasurementState();
01437     TrajectoryStateOnSurface outerMuTSOS = muTT.outermostMeasurementState();
01439     // get information about the outermost tracker hit -----------------------
01440     TransientTrack trackTT(itMuon->track(), magneticField_, trackingGeometry_);
01441     TrajectoryStateOnSurface outerTrackTSOS = trackTT.outermostMeasurementState();
01442     TrajectoryStateOnSurface innerTrackTSOS = trackTT.innermostMeasurementState();
01444     GlobalPoint pointTrackIn  = innerTrackTSOS.globalPosition();
01445     GlobalPoint pointTrackOut = outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition();
01446     float lenghtTrack = (pointTrackOut-pointTrackIn).mag();
01447     GlobalPoint pointMuonIn  = innerMuTSOS.globalPosition();
01448     GlobalPoint pointMuonOut = outerMuTSOS.globalPosition();
01449     float lenghtMuon = (pointMuonOut - pointMuonIn).mag();
01450     GlobalVector momentumTrackOut = outerTrackTSOS.globalMomentum();
01451     GlobalVector momentumTrackIn = innerTrackTSOS.globalMomentum();
01452     float distanceInIn   = (pointTrackIn  - pointMuonIn).mag();
01453     float distanceInOut  = (pointTrackIn  - pointMuonOut).mag();
01454     float distanceOutIn  = (pointTrackOut - pointMuonIn).mag();
01455     float distanceOutOut = (pointTrackOut - pointMuonOut).mag();
01457     if(debug_){
01458       std::cout<<" pointTrackIn "<<pointTrackIn<<std::endl;
01459       std::cout<<"          Out "<<pointTrackOut<<" lenght "<<lenghtTrack<<std::endl;
01460       std::cout<<" point MuonIn "<<pointMuonIn<<std::endl;
01461       std::cout<<"          Out "<<pointMuonOut<<" lenght "<<lenghtMuon<<std::endl;
01462       std::cout<<" momeTrackIn Out "<<momentumTrackIn<<" "<<momentumTrackOut<<std::endl;
01463       std::cout<<" doi io ii oo "<<distanceOutIn<<" "<<distanceInOut<<" "
01464                <<distanceInIn<<" "<<distanceOutOut<<std::endl; 
01465   }   
01467     if(lenghtTrack < 90.) continue;
01468     if(lenghtMuon < 300.) continue;
01469     if(innerMuTSOS.globalMomentum().mag() < 5. || outerMuTSOS.globalMomentum().mag() < 5.) continue;
01470     if(momentumTrackIn.mag() < 15. || momentumTrackOut.mag() < 15.) continue;
01471     if(trackTT.charge() != muTT.charge()) continue;
01473     if(debug_)
01474       std::cout<<" passed lenght momentum cuts"<<std::endl;
01476     GlobalVector GRm, GPm, Nl, Rm, Pm, Rt, Pt, Rt0;
01477     AlgebraicSymMatrix66 Cm, C0, Ce, C1;
01479     //extrapolationT = propagator->propagate(outerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
01480     TrajectoryStateOnSurface extrapolationT;
01481     int tsosMuonIf = 0;
01483     TrajectoryStateOnSurface muonFittedTSOS;
01484     TrajectoryStateOnSurface trackFittedTSOS;
01486     if( isolatedMuonMode_ ){      //------------------------------- Isolated Muon --- Out-In --
01487       if(debug_) std::cout<<" ------ Isolated (out-in) ----- "<<std::endl;
01488       const Surface& refSurface = innerMuTSOS.surface(); 
01489       ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> 
01490         tpMuLocal(refSurface.tangentPlane(innerMuTSOS.localPosition()));
01491       Nl = tpMuLocal->normalVector();
01492       ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> 
01493       tpMuGlobal(refSurface.tangentPlane(innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()));
01494       GlobalVector Ng = tpMuGlobal->normalVector();
01495       Surface* surf = (Surface*)&refSurface;
01496       const Plane* refPlane = dynamic_cast<Plane*>(surf); 
01497       GlobalVector Nlp = refPlane->normalVector();
01499       if(debug_){
01500         std::cout<<" Nlocal "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "
01501          <<" alfa "<<int(asin(Nl.x())*57.29578)<<std::endl;
01502         std::cout<<"  global "<<Ng.x()<<" "<<Ng.y()<<" "<<Ng.z()<<std::endl;
01503         std::cout<<"      lp "<<Nlp.x()<<" "<<Nlp.y()<<" "<<Nlp.z()<<std::endl;
01504         //std::cout<<" Nlocal Nglobal "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "
01505         // <<Ng.x()<<" "<<Ng.y()<<" "<<Ng.z()
01506         //<<" alfa "<<int(asin(Nl.x())*57.29578)<<std::endl;
01507       }
01509       //                          extrapolation to innermost muon hit     
01511       //extrapolationT = alongSmPr.propagate(outerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
01512       if(!refitTrack_)
01513         extrapolationT = alongSmPr.propagate(outerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
01514       else{
01515         GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::trackFitter(itMuon->track(),
01516                                                 trackTT,alongMomentum,trackFittedTSOS);
01517         if(trackFittedTSOS.isValid())
01518           extrapolationT = alongSmPr.propagate(trackFittedTSOS, refSurface);       
01519       }   
01521       if(!extrapolationT.isValid()){
01522         if(false & alarm)
01523           std::cout<<" !!!!!!!!! Catastrophe Out-In extrapolationT.isValid "
01524             //<<"\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a"<<extrapolationT.isValid()
01525                    <<std::endl;
01526         continue;
01527       }
01528       tsosMuonIf = 1;
01529       Rt = GlobalVector((extrapolationT.globalPosition()).x(),
01530                         (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).y(),
01531                         (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).z());
01533       Pt = extrapolationT.globalMomentum();
01534       //                          global parameters of muon
01535       GRm = GlobalVector((innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
01536                          (innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
01537                          (innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
01538       GPm = innerMuTSOS.globalMomentum();
01540       Rt0 = GlobalVector((outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
01541                          (outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
01542                          (outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
01543       Cm = AlgebraicSymMatrix66 (extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix() + 
01544                                  innerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
01545       C0 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(outerTrackTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());                 
01546       Ce = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix()); 
01547       C1 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(innerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
01549       if(refitMuon_)
01550         GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::muonFitter(itMuon->outerTrack(),muTT,oppositeToMomentum,muonFittedTSOS);
01552     }  //                    -------------------------------   end Isolated Muon -- Out - In  ---
01555     if( cosmicMuonMode_ ){      //------------------------------- Cosmic Muon -----
01557       if((distanceOutIn <= distanceInOut) & (distanceOutIn <= distanceInIn) & 
01558          (distanceOutIn <= distanceOutOut)){             // ----- Out - In ------    
01559         if(debug_) std::cout<<" -----    Out - In -----"<<std::endl;
01561         const Surface& refSurface = innerMuTSOS.surface(); 
01562         ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> 
01563           tpMuGlobal(refSurface.tangentPlane(innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()));
01564         Nl = tpMuGlobal->normalVector();
01566         Surface* surf = (Surface*)&refSurface;
01567         const Plane* refPlane = dynamic_cast<Plane*>(surf); 
01568         GlobalVector Nlp = refPlane->normalVector();
01570         //                          extrapolation to innermost muon hit     
01571         //extrapolationT = alongSmPr.propagate(outerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
01572         if(!refitTrack_)
01573           extrapolationT = alongSmPr.propagate(outerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
01574         else{
01575           GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::trackFitter(itMuon->track(),
01576                                                   trackTT,alongMomentum,trackFittedTSOS);
01577           if(trackFittedTSOS.isValid())
01578             extrapolationT = alongSmPr.propagate(trackFittedTSOS, refSurface);     
01579         }  
01581         if(!extrapolationT.isValid()){
01582           if(false & alarm)
01583             std::cout<<" !!!!!!!!! Catastrophe Out-In extrapolationT.isValid "
01584               //<<"\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a"<<extrapolationT.isValid()
01585                      <<std::endl;
01586           continue;
01587         }
01588         if(debug_)
01589           std::cout<<" extrapolationT.isValid "<<extrapolationT.isValid()<<std::endl; 
01591         tsosMuonIf = 1;
01592         Rt = GlobalVector((extrapolationT.globalPosition()).x(),
01593                           (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).y(),
01594                           (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).z());
01596         Pt = extrapolationT.globalMomentum();
01597         //                          global parameters of muon
01598         GRm = GlobalVector((innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
01599                            (innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
01600                            (innerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
01601         GPm = innerMuTSOS.globalMomentum();
01602         Rt0 = GlobalVector((outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
01603                            (outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
01604                            (outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
01605         Cm = AlgebraicSymMatrix66 (extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix() + 
01606                                    innerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
01607         C0 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(outerTrackTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());               
01608         Ce = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix()); 
01609         C1 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(innerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
01611         if(refitMuon_)
01612           GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::muonFitter(itMuon->outerTrack(),muTT,oppositeToMomentum,muonFittedTSOS);
01614         if(false & debug_){
01615           //std::cout<<" ->propDir "<<propagator->propagationDirection()<<std::endl;
01616           PropagationDirectionChooser Chooser;
01617           std::cout<<" propDirCh "
01618                    <<Chooser.operator()(*outerTrackTSOS.freeState(), refSurface)
01619                    <<" Ch == along "<<(alongMomentum == 
01620                                        Chooser.operator()(*outerTrackTSOS.freeState(), refSurface))
01621                    <<std::endl;
01622           std::cout<<" --- Nlocal "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "
01623                    <<" alfa "<<int(asin(Nl.x())*57.29578)<<std::endl;
01624         }
01625       }           //                                       enf of ---- Out - In -----
01628       else if((distanceInOut <= distanceInIn) & (distanceInOut <= distanceOutIn) & 
01629               (distanceInOut <= distanceOutOut)){            // ----- In - Out ------    
01630         if(debug_) std::cout<<" -----    In - Out -----"<<std::endl;
01632         const Surface& refSurface = outerMuTSOS.surface(); 
01633         ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> 
01634           tpMuGlobal(refSurface.tangentPlane(outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()));
01635         Nl = tpMuGlobal->normalVector();
01637         //                          extrapolation to outermost muon hit     
01638         //extrapolationT = oppositeSmPr.propagate(innerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
01639         if(!refitTrack_)
01640           extrapolationT = oppositeSmPr.propagate(innerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
01641         else{
01642           GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::trackFitter(itMuon->track(),
01643                                                 trackTT,oppositeToMomentum,trackFittedTSOS);
01644         if(trackFittedTSOS.isValid())
01645           extrapolationT = oppositeSmPr.propagate(trackFittedTSOS, refSurface);    
01646       }   
01648         if(!extrapolationT.isValid()){
01649           if(false & alarm)
01650             std::cout<<" !!!!!!!!! Catastrophe Out-In extrapolationT.isValid "
01651               <<"\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a"<<extrapolationT.isValid()
01652                      <<std::endl;
01653           continue;
01654         }
01655         if(debug_)
01656           std::cout<<" extrapolationT.isValid "<<extrapolationT.isValid()<<std::endl; 
01658         tsosMuonIf = 2;
01659         Rt = GlobalVector((extrapolationT.globalPosition()).x(),
01660                           (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).y(),
01661                           (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).z());
01663         Pt = extrapolationT.globalMomentum();
01664         //                          global parameters of muon
01665         GRm = GlobalVector((outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
01666                            (outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
01667                            (outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
01668         GPm = outerMuTSOS.globalMomentum();
01669         Rt0 = GlobalVector((innerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
01670                            (innerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
01671                            (innerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
01672         Cm = AlgebraicSymMatrix66 (extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix() + 
01673                                    outerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
01674         C0 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(innerTrackTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());               
01675         Ce = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix()); 
01676         C1 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(outerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
01678         if(refitMuon_)
01679           GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::muonFitter(itMuon->outerTrack(),muTT,alongMomentum,muonFittedTSOS);
01681         if(false & debug_){
01682           //std::cout<<" ->propDir "<<propagator->propagationDirection()<<std::endl;
01683           PropagationDirectionChooser Chooser;
01684           std::cout<<" propDirCh "
01685                    <<Chooser.operator()(*innerTrackTSOS.freeState(), refSurface)
01686                    <<" Ch == oppisite "<<(oppositeToMomentum == 
01687                                           Chooser.operator()(*innerTrackTSOS.freeState(), refSurface))
01688                    <<std::endl;
01689           std::cout<<" --- Nlocal "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "
01690                    <<" alfa "<<int(asin(Nl.x())*57.29578)<<std::endl;
01691         }
01692       }           //                                        enf of ---- In - Out -----
01694       else if((distanceOutOut <= distanceInOut) & (distanceOutOut <= distanceInIn) & 
01695               (distanceOutOut <= distanceOutIn)){          // ----- Out - Out ------    
01696         if(debug_) std::cout<<" -----    Out - Out -----"<<std::endl;
01698         // reject: momentum of track has opposite direction to muon track
01699         continue;
01701         const Surface& refSurface = outerMuTSOS.surface(); 
01702         ReferenceCountingPointer<TangentPlane> 
01703           tpMuGlobal(refSurface.tangentPlane(outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()));
01704         Nl = tpMuGlobal->normalVector();
01706         //                          extrapolation to outermost muon hit     
01707         extrapolationT = alongSmPr.propagate(outerTrackTSOS, refSurface);
01709         if(!extrapolationT.isValid()){
01710           if(alarm)
01711             std::cout<<" !!!!!!!!! Catastrophe Out-Out extrapolationT.isValid "
01712                      <<"\a\a\a\a\a\a\a\a"<<extrapolationT.isValid()
01713                      <<std::endl;
01714           continue;
01715         }
01716         if(debug_)
01717           std::cout<<" extrapolationT.isValid "<<extrapolationT.isValid()<<std::endl; 
01719         tsosMuonIf = 2;
01720         Rt = GlobalVector((extrapolationT.globalPosition()).x(),
01721                           (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).y(),
01722                           (extrapolationT.globalPosition()).z());
01724         Pt = extrapolationT.globalMomentum();
01725         //                          global parameters of muon
01726         GRm = GlobalVector((outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
01727                            (outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
01728                            (outerMuTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
01729         GPm = outerMuTSOS.globalMomentum();
01730         Rt0 = GlobalVector((outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
01731                            (outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
01732                            (outerTrackTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
01733         Cm = AlgebraicSymMatrix66 (extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix() + 
01734                                    outerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
01735         C0 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(outerTrackTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());               
01736         Ce = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(extrapolationT.cartesianError().matrix()); 
01737         C1 = AlgebraicSymMatrix66(outerMuTSOS.cartesianError().matrix());
01739         if(debug_){
01740           PropagationDirectionChooser Chooser;
01741           std::cout<<" propDirCh "
01742                    <<Chooser.operator()(*outerTrackTSOS.freeState(), refSurface)
01743                    <<" Ch == along "<<(alongMomentum == 
01744                                        Chooser.operator()(*outerTrackTSOS.freeState(), refSurface))
01745                    <<std::endl;
01746           std::cout<<" --- Nlocal "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "
01747                    <<" alfa "<<int(asin(Nl.x())*57.29578)<<std::endl;
01748           std::cout<<"     Nornal "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "
01749                    <<" alfa "<<int(asin(Nl.x())*57.29578)<<std::endl;
01750         }
01751       }           //                                       enf of ---- Out - Out -----
01752       else{
01753         if(alarm)
01754           std::cout<<" ------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No proper Out - In \a\a\a\a\a\a\a"<<std::endl; 
01755         continue;
01756       }
01758     }  //                     -------------------------------   end Cosmic Muon -----
01760     if(tsosMuonIf == 0) {if(info) {std::cout<<"No tsosMuon !!!!!!"<<std::endl; continue;}}
01761     TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsosMuon;
01762     if(tsosMuonIf == 1) tsosMuon = muTT.innermostMeasurementState();
01763     else tsosMuon = muTT.outermostMeasurementState();
01765     //GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::misalignMuon(GRm, GPm, Nl, Rt, Rm, Pm);
01766     AlgebraicVector4 LPRm;  // muon local (dx/dz, dy/dz, x, y)
01767     GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::misalignMuonL
01768     (GRm, GPm, Nl, Rt, Rm, Pm, LPRm, extrapolationT, tsosMuon);
01770     if(refitTrack_){
01771       if(!trackFittedTSOS.isValid()){ 
01772         if(info) std::cout<<" =================  trackFittedTSOS notValid !!!!!!!! "<<std::endl;
01773         continue;}
01774       if(debug_) this->debugTrajectorySOS(" trackFittedTSOS ", trackFittedTSOS);
01775     }
01777     if(refitMuon_){
01778       if(!muonFittedTSOS.isValid()){ 
01779         if(info) std::cout<<" =================  muonFittedTSOS notValid !!!!!!!! "<<std::endl;
01780         continue;}
01781       if(debug_) this->debugTrajectorySOS(" muonFittedTSOS ", muonFittedTSOS);
01782       Rm = GlobalVector((muonFittedTSOS.globalPosition()).x(),
01783                         (muonFittedTSOS.globalPosition()).y(),
01784                         (muonFittedTSOS.globalPosition()).z());
01785       Pm = muonFittedTSOS.globalMomentum();
01786       LPRm = AlgebraicVector4(muonFittedTSOS.localParameters().vector()(1),
01787                               muonFittedTSOS.localParameters().vector()(2),
01788                               muonFittedTSOS.localParameters().vector()(3),
01789                               muonFittedTSOS.localParameters().vector()(4)); 
01790     }
01791     GlobalVector resR = Rm - Rt;
01792     GlobalVector resP0 = Pm - Pt;
01793     GlobalVector resP = Pm / Pm.mag() - Pt / Pt.mag();
01794     float RelMomResidual = (Pm.mag() - Pt.mag()) / (Pt.mag() + 1.e-6);;
01796     AlgebraicVector6 Vm;
01797     Vm(0) = resR.x();  Vm(1) = resR.y();  Vm(2) = resR.z(); 
01798     Vm(3) = resP0.x();  Vm(4) = resP0.y();  Vm(5) = resP0.z(); 
01799     float Rmuon = Rm.perp();
01800     float Zmuon = Rm.z();
01801     float alfa_x = atan2(Nl.x(),Nl.y())*57.29578;
01803     if(debug_){
01804       std::cout<<" Nx Ny Nz alfa_x "<<Nl.x()<<" "<<Nl.y()<<" "<<Nl.z()<<" "<<alfa_x<<std::endl;
01805       //std::cout<<" Rm "<<Rm<<std::endl<<" Rt "<<Rt<<std::endl<<" resR "<<resR<<std::endl
01806       //       <<" resP "<<resP<<" dp/p "<<RelMomResidual<<std::endl;
01807     }
01809     double chi_d = 0;
01810     for(int i=0; i<=5; i++) chi_d += Vm(i)*Vm(i)/Cm(i,i);
01812     AlgebraicVector5 Vml(tsosMuon.localParameters().vector() 
01813                        - extrapolationT.localParameters().vector());
01814     AlgebraicSymMatrix55 m(tsosMuon.localError().matrix() + extrapolationT.localError().matrix());
01815     AlgebraicSymMatrix55 Cml(tsosMuon.localError().matrix() + extrapolationT.localError().matrix());
01816     bool ierrLoc = !m.Invert();
01817     if (ierrLoc && debug_ && info) { 
01818       std::cout<< " ==== Error inverting Local covariance matrix ==== "<<std::cout;
01819       continue;}
01820     double chi_Loc = ROOT::Math::Similarity(Vml,m);
01821     if(debug_)
01822       std::cout<<" chi_Loc px/pz/err "<<chi_Loc<<" "<<Vml(1)/sqrt(Cml(1,1))<<std::endl;
01824     if(Pt.mag() < 15.) continue;
01825     if(Pm.mag() <  5.) continue;
01827     //if(Pt.mag() < 30.) continue;          // momenum cut  < 30GeV
01828     //if(Pt.mag() < 60.) continue;          // momenum cut  < 30GeV
01829     //if(Pt.mag() > 50.) continue;          //  momenum cut > 50GeV
01830     //if(Pt.mag() > 100.) continue;          //  momenum cut > 100GeV
01831     //if(trackTT.charge() < 0) continue;    // select positive charge
01832     //if(trackTT.charge() > 0) continue;    // select negative charge
01834     //if(fabs(resR.x()) > 5.) continue;     // strong cut  X 
01835     //if(fabs(resR.y()) > 5.) continue;     //             Y 
01836     //if(fabs(resR.z()) > 5.) continue;     //             Z
01837     //if(fabs(resR.mag()) > 7.5) continue;   //            dR
01839     //if(fabs(RelMomResidual) > 0.5) continue;
01840     if(fabs(resR.x()) > 20.) continue;
01841     if(fabs(resR.y()) > 20.) continue;
01842     if(fabs(resR.z()) > 20.) continue;
01843     if(fabs(resR.mag()) > 30.) continue;
01844     if(fabs(resP.x()) > 0.06) continue;
01845     if(fabs(resP.y()) > 0.06) continue;
01846     if(fabs(resP.z()) > 0.06) continue;
01847     if(chi_d > 40.) continue;
01849     //                                            select Barrel 
01850     //if(Rmuon < 400. || Rmuon > 450.) continue; 
01851     //if(Zmuon < -600. || Zmuon > 600.) continue;
01852     //if(fabs(Nl.z()) > 0.95) continue;  
01853     //std::sprintf(MuSelect, " Barrel");
01854     //                                                  EndCap1
01855     //if(Rmuon < 120. || Rmuon > 450.) continue;
01856     //if(Zmuon < -720.) continue;
01857     //if(Zmuon > -580.) continue;
01858     //if(fabs(Nl.z()) < 0.95) continue;  
01859     //std::sprintf(MuSelect, " EndCap1");
01860     //                                                  EndCap2
01861     //if(Rmuon < 120. || Rmuon > 450.) continue;
01862     //if(Zmuon >  720.) continue;
01863     //if(Zmuon <  580.) continue;
01864     //if(fabs(Nl.z()) < 0.95) continue;  
01865     //std::sprintf(MuSelect, " EndCap2");
01866     //                                                 select All
01867     if(Rmuon < 120. || Rmuon > 450.) continue;  
01868     if(Zmuon < -720. || Zmuon > 720.) continue;
01869     std::sprintf(MuSelect, " Barrel+EndCaps");
01871     if(debug_)
01872       std::cout<<" .............. passed all cuts"<<std::endl;
01874     N_track++;
01875     //                     gradient and Hessian for each track
01877     GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::gradientGlobalAlg(Rt, Pt, Rm, Nl, Cm);
01878     GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::gradientGlobal(Rt, Pt, Rm, Pm, Nl, Cm); 
01880     CLHEP::HepSymMatrix covLoc(4,0);
01881     for(int i=1; i<=4; i++)
01882       for(int j=1; j<=i; j++){
01883         covLoc(i,j) = (tsosMuon.localError().matrix()
01884                        + extrapolationT.localError().matrix())(i,j);
01885         //if(i != j) Cov(i,j) = 0.;
01886       }
01888     const Surface& refSurface = tsosMuon.surface(); 
01889     CLHEP::HepMatrix rotLoc (3,3,0);
01890     rotLoc(1,1) = refSurface.rotation().xx();
01891     rotLoc(1,2) = refSurface.rotation().xy();
01892     rotLoc(1,3) = refSurface.rotation().xz();
01894     rotLoc(2,1) = refSurface.rotation().yx();
01895     rotLoc(2,2) = refSurface.rotation().yy();
01896     rotLoc(2,3) = refSurface.rotation().yz();
01898     rotLoc(3,1) = refSurface.rotation().zx();
01899     rotLoc(3,2) = refSurface.rotation().zy();
01900     rotLoc(3,3) = refSurface.rotation().zz();
01902     CLHEP::HepVector posLoc(3);
01903     posLoc(1) = refSurface.position().x();
01904     posLoc(2) = refSurface.position().y();
01905     posLoc(3) = refSurface.position().z();
01907     GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::gradientLocal(Rt, Pt, Rm, Pm, Nl, covLoc, rotLoc, posLoc, LPRm);
01909     if(debug_){
01910       std::cout<<" Norm   "<<Nl<<std::endl;
01911       std::cout<<" posLoc "<<posLoc.T()<<std::endl;
01912       std::cout<<" rotLoc "<<rotLoc<<std::endl;
01913     }
01915     // -----------------------------------------------------  fill histogram 
01916     histo->Fill(itMuon->track()->pt()); 
01918     //histo2->Fill(itMuon->track()->outerP()); 
01919     histo2->Fill(Pt.mag()); 
01920     histo3->Fill((PI/2.-itMuon->track()->outerTheta())); 
01921     histo4->Fill(itMuon->track()->phi()); 
01922     histo5->Fill(Rmuon); 
01923     histo6->Fill(Zmuon); 
01924     histo7->Fill(RelMomResidual); 
01925     //histo8->Fill(chi); 
01926     histo8->Fill(chi_d); 
01928     histo101->Fill(Zmuon, Rmuon); 
01929     histo101->Fill(Rt0.z(), Rt0.perp()); 
01930     histo102->Fill(Rt0.x(), Rt0.y()); 
01931     histo102->Fill(Rm.x(), Rm.y()); 
01933     histo11->Fill(resR.mag()); 
01934     if(fabs(Nl.x()) < 0.98) histo12->Fill(resR.x()); 
01935     if(fabs(Nl.y()) < 0.98) histo13->Fill(resR.y()); 
01936     if(fabs(Nl.z()) < 0.98) histo14->Fill(resR.z()); 
01937     histo15->Fill(resP.x()); 
01938     histo16->Fill(resP.y()); 
01939     histo17->Fill(resP.z()); 
01941     if((fabs(Nl.x()) < 0.98) && (fabs(Nl.y()) < 0.98) &&(fabs(Nl.z()) < 0.98))
01942       { 
01943         histo18->Fill(sqrt(C0(0,0))); 
01944         histo19->Fill(sqrt(C1(0,0))); 
01945         histo20->Fill(sqrt(C1(0,0)+Ce(0,0)));              
01946       }
01947     if(fabs(Nl.x()) < 0.98) histo21->Fill(Vm(0)/sqrt(Cm(0,0))); 
01948     if(fabs(Nl.y()) < 0.98) histo22->Fill(Vm(1)/sqrt(Cm(1,1))); 
01949     if(fabs(Nl.z()) < 0.98) histo23->Fill(Vm(2)/sqrt(Cm(2,2))); 
01950     histo24->Fill(Vm(3)/sqrt(C1(3,3)+Ce(3,3))); 
01951     histo25->Fill(Vm(4)/sqrt(C1(4,4)+Ce(4,4))); 
01952     histo26->Fill(Vm(5)/sqrt(C1(5,5)+Ce(5,5))); 
01953     histo27->Fill(Nl.x()); 
01954     histo28->Fill(Nl.y()); 
01955     histo29->Fill(lenghtTrack); 
01956     histo30->Fill(lenghtMuon);     
01957     histo31->Fill(chi_Loc);
01958     histo32->Fill(Vml(1)/sqrt(Cml(1,1))); 
01959     histo33->Fill(Vml(2)/sqrt(Cml(2,2))); 
01960     histo34->Fill(Vml(3)/sqrt(Cml(3,3))); 
01961     histo35->Fill(Vml(4)/sqrt(Cml(4,4))); 
01963     if (debug_) {   //--------------------------------- debug print ----------
01965       std::cout<<" diag 0[ "<<C0(0,0)<<" "<<C0(1,1)<<" "<<C0(2,2)<<" "<<C0(3,3)<<" "
01966                <<C0(4,4)<<" "<<C0(5,5)<<" ]"<<std::endl;
01967       std::cout<<" diag e[ "<<Ce(0,0)<<" "<<Ce(1,1)<<" "<<Ce(2,2)<<" "<<Ce(3,3)<<" "
01968                <<Ce(4,4)<<" "<<Ce(5,5)<<" ]"<<std::endl;
01969       std::cout<<" diag 1[ "<<C1(0,0)<<" "<<C1(1,1)<<" "<<C1(2,2)<<" "<<C1(3,3)<<" "
01970                <<C1(4,4)<<" "<<C1(5,5)<<" ]"<<std::endl;
01971       std::cout<<" Rm   "<<Rm.x()<<" "<<Rm.y()<<" "<<Rm.z()
01972                <<" Pm   "<<Pm.x()<<" "<<Pm.y()<<" "<<Pm.z()<<std::endl;
01973       std::cout<<" Rt   "<<Rt.x()<<" "<<Rt.y()<<" "<<Rt.z()
01974                <<" Pt   "<<Pt.x()<<" "<<Pt.y()<<" "<<Pt.z()<<std::endl;
01975       std::cout<<" Nl*(Rm-Rt) "<<<<std::endl;
01976       std::cout<<" resR "<<resR.x()<<" "<<resR.y()<<" "<<resR.z()
01977                <<" resP "<<resP.x()<<" "<<resP.y()<<" "<<resP.z()<<std::endl;       
01978       std::cout<<" Rm-t "<<(Rm-Rt).x()<<" "<<(Rm-Rt).y()<<" "<<(Rm-Rt).z()
01979                <<" Pm-t "<<(Pm-Pt).x()<<" "<<(Pm-Pt).y()<<" "<<(Pm-Pt).z()<<std::endl;       
01980       std::cout<<" Vm   "<<Vm<<std::endl;
01981       std::cout<<" +-   "<<sqrt(Cm(0,0))<<" "<<sqrt(Cm(1,1))<<" "<<sqrt(Cm(2,2))<<" "
01982                <<sqrt(Cm(3,3))<<" "<<sqrt(Cm(4,4))<<" "<<sqrt(Cm(5,5))<<std::endl;
01983       std::cout<<" Pmuon Ptrack dP/Ptrack "<<itMuon->outerTrack()->p()<<" "
01984                <<itMuon->track()->outerP()<<" "
01985                <<(itMuon->outerTrack()->p() - 
01986                   itMuon->track()->outerP())/itMuon->track()->outerP()<<std::endl;
01987       std::cout<<" cov matrix "<<std::endl;
01988       std::cout<<Cm<<std::endl;
01989       std::cout<<" diag [ "<<Cm(0,0)<<" "<<Cm(1,1)<<" "<<Cm(2,2)<<" "<<Cm(3,3)<<" "
01990                <<Cm(4,4)<<" "<<Cm(5,5)<<" ]"<<std::endl;
01992       static AlgebraicSymMatrix66 Ro;
01993       double Diag[6];
01994       for(int i=0; i<=5; i++) Diag[i] = sqrt(Cm(i,i));
01995       for(int i=0; i<=5; i++)
01996         for(int j=0; j<=5; j++)
01997           Ro(i,j) = Cm(i,j)/Diag[i]/Diag[j];
01998       std::cout<<" correlation matrix "<<std::endl;
01999       std::cout<<Ro<<std::endl;
02001       AlgebraicSymMatrix66 CmI;
02002       for(int i=0; i<=5; i++)
02003         for(int j=0; j<=5; j++)
02004           CmI(i,j) = Cm(i,j);
02006       bool ierr = !CmI.Invert();
02007       if( ierr ) { if(alarm || debug_)
02008           std::cout<<" Error inverse covariance matrix !!!!!!!!!!!"<<std::endl;
02009         continue;
02010       }       
02011       std::cout<<" inverse cov matrix "<<std::endl;
02012       std::cout<<Cm<<std::endl;
02014       double chi = ROOT::Math::Similarity(Vm, CmI);
02015       std::cout<<" chi chi_d "<<chi<<" "<<chi_d<<std::endl;
02016     }  // end of debug_ printout  --------------------------------------------
02018   } // end loop on selected muons, i.e. Jim's globalMuon
02020 } //end of analyzeTrackTrajectory
02023 // ----  calculate gradient and Hessian matrix (algebraic) to search global shifts ------
02024 void 
02025 GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::gradientGlobalAlg(GlobalVector& Rt, GlobalVector& Pt, 
02026                                      GlobalVector& Rm, GlobalVector& Nl, 
02027                                      AlgebraicSymMatrix66& Cm)
02028 {
02029   // ---------------------------- Calculate Information matrix and Gfree vector
02030   // Information == Hessian , Gfree == gradient of the objective function
02032   AlgebraicMatrix33 Jac; 
02033   AlgebraicVector3 Wi, R_m, R_t, P_t, Norm, dR;   
02035   R_m(0)  = Rm.x();  R_m(1)  = Rm.y();  R_m(2)  = Rm.z(); 
02036   R_t(0)  = Rt.x();  R_t(1)  = Rt.y();  R_t(2)  = Rt.z(); 
02037   P_t(0)  = Pt.x();  P_t(1)  = Pt.y();  P_t(2)  = Pt.z(); 
02038   Norm(0) = Nl.x();  Norm(1) = Nl.y();  Norm(2) = Nl.z(); 
02040   for(int i=0; i<=2; i++){
02041     if(Cm(i,i) > 1.e-20)
02042       Wi(i) = 1./Cm(i,i);
02043     else Wi(i) = 1.e-10;
02044     dR(i) = R_m(i) - R_t(i);
02045   }
02047   float PtN = P_t(0)*Norm(0) + P_t(1)*Norm(1) + P_t(2)*Norm(2);
02049   Jac(0,0) = 1. - P_t(0)*Norm(0)/PtN;
02050   Jac(0,1) =    - P_t(0)*Norm(1)/PtN;
02051   Jac(0,2) =    - P_t(0)*Norm(2)/PtN;
02053   Jac(1,0) =    - P_t(1)*Norm(0)/PtN;
02054   Jac(1,1) = 1. - P_t(1)*Norm(1)/PtN;
02055   Jac(1,2) =    - P_t(1)*Norm(2)/PtN;
02057   Jac(2,0) =    - P_t(2)*Norm(0)/PtN;
02058   Jac(2,1) =    - P_t(2)*Norm(1)/PtN;
02059   Jac(2,2) = 1. - P_t(2)*Norm(2)/PtN;
02061   AlgebraicSymMatrix33 Itr;
02063   for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) 
02064     for(int j=0; j<=2; j++){
02065       if(j < i) continue;
02066       Itr(i,j) = 0.;
02067       //std::cout<<" ij "<<i<<" "<<j<<std::endl;         
02068       for(int k=0; k<=2; k++){
02069         Itr(i,j) += Jac(k,i)*Wi(k)*Jac(k,j);}}
02071   for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) 
02072     for(int j=0; j<=2; j++){
02073       if(j < i) continue;
02074       Inf(i,j) += Itr(i,j);}
02076   AlgebraicVector3 Gtr(0., 0., 0.);
02077   for(int i=0; i<=2; i++)
02078     for(int k=0; k<=2; k++) Gtr(i) += dR(k)*Wi(k)*Jac(k,i);
02079   for(int i=0; i<=2; i++) Gfr(i) += Gtr(i); 
02081   if(debug_){
02082    std::cout<<" Wi  "<<Wi<<std::endl;     
02083    std::cout<<" N   "<<Norm<<std::endl;
02084    std::cout<<" P_t "<<P_t<<std::endl;
02085    std::cout<<" (Pt*N) "<<PtN<<std::endl;  
02086    std::cout<<" dR  "<<dR<<std::endl;
02087    std::cout<<" +/- "<<1./sqrt(Wi(0))<<" "<<1./sqrt(Wi(1))<<" "<<1./sqrt(Wi(2))
02088          <<" "<<std::endl;
02089    std::cout<<" Jacobian dr/ddx "<<std::endl;
02090    std::cout<<Jac<<std::endl;
02091    std::cout<<" G-- "<<Gtr<<std::endl;
02092    std::cout<<" Itrack "<<std::endl;
02093    std::cout<<Itr<<std::endl;
02094    std::cout<<" Gfr "<<Gfr<<std::endl;
02095    std::cout<<" -- Inf --"<<std::endl;
02096    std::cout<<Inf<<std::endl;
02097   }
02099   return;
02100 }
02102 // ----  calculate gradient and Hessian matrix in global parameters ------
02103 void 
02104 GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::gradientGlobal(GlobalVector& GRt, GlobalVector& GPt, 
02105                                   GlobalVector& GRm, GlobalVector& GPm, 
02106                                   GlobalVector& GNorm, AlgebraicSymMatrix66 & GCov)
02107 {
02108   // we search for 6D global correction vector (d, a), where
02109   //                        3D vector of shihts d 
02110   //               3D vector of rotation angles    a   
02112   //bool alarm = true;
02113   bool alarm = false;
02114   bool info = false;
02116   int Nd = 6;     // dimension of vector of alignment pararmeters, d 
02118   //double PtMom = GPt.mag();
02119   CLHEP::HepSymMatrix w(Nd,0);
02120   for (int i=1; i <= Nd; i++)
02121     for (int j=1; j <= Nd; j++){
02122       if(j <= i ) w(i,j) = GCov(i-1, j-1);
02123       //if(i >= 3) w(i,j) /= PtMom;
02124       //if(j >= 3) w(i,j) /= PtMom;
02125       if((i == j) && (i<=3) && (GCov(i-1, j-1) < 1.e-20))  w(i,j) = 1.e20; // w=0  
02126       if(i != j) w(i,j) = 0.;                // use diaginal elements    
02127     }
02129   //GPt /= GPt.mag();
02130   //GPm /= GPm.mag();   // end of transform
02132   CLHEP::HepVector V(Nd), Rt(3), Pt(3), Rm(3), Pm(3), Norm(3);
02133   Rt(1) = GRt.x(); Rt(2) = GRt.y();  Rt(3) = GRt.z();
02134   Pt(1) = GPt.x(); Pt(2) = GPt.y();  Pt(3) = GPt.z();
02135   Rm(1) = GRm.x(); Rm(2) = GRm.y();  Rm(3) = GRm.z();
02136   Pm(1) = GPm.x(); Pm(2) = GPm.y();  Pm(3) = GPm.z();
02137    Norm(1) = GNorm.x(); Norm(2) = GNorm.y(); Norm(3) = GNorm.z(); 
02139   V = dsum(Rm - Rt, Pm - Pt) ;   //std::cout<<" V "<<V.T()<<std::endl;
02141   //double PmN = CLHEP::dot(Pm, Norm);
02142   double PmN = CLHEP_dot(Pm, Norm);
02144   CLHEP::HepMatrix Jac(Nd,Nd,0);
02145   for (int i=1; i <= 3; i++)
02146     for (int j=1; j <= 3; j++){
02147       Jac(i,j) =  Pm(i)*Norm(j) / PmN;
02148       if(i == j ) Jac(i,j) -= 1.;
02149     } 
02151   //                                            dp/da                   
02152   Jac(4,4) =     0.;   // dpx/dax
02153   Jac(5,4) = -Pm(3);   // dpy/dax
02154   Jac(6,4) =  Pm(2);   // dpz/dax
02155   Jac(4,5) =  Pm(3);   // dpx/day
02156   Jac(5,5) =     0.;   // dpy/day
02157   Jac(6,5) = -Pm(1);   // dpz/day
02158   Jac(4,6) = -Pm(2);   // dpx/daz
02159   Jac(5,6) =  Pm(1);   // dpy/daz
02160   Jac(6,6) =     0.;   // dpz/daz
02162   CLHEP::HepVector dsda(3);
02163   dsda(1) = (Norm(2)*Rm(3) - Norm(3)*Rm(2)) / PmN;
02164   dsda(2) = (Norm(3)*Rm(1) - Norm(1)*Rm(3)) / PmN;
02165   dsda(3) = (Norm(1)*Rm(2) - Norm(2)*Rm(1)) / PmN;
02167   //                                             dr/da  
02168   Jac(1,4) =          Pm(1)*dsda(1);  // drx/dax
02169   Jac(2,4) = -Rm(3) + Pm(2)*dsda(1);  // dry/dax
02170   Jac(3,4) =  Rm(2) + Pm(3)*dsda(1);  // drz/dax
02172   Jac(1,5) =  Rm(3) + Pm(1)*dsda(2);  // drx/day
02173   Jac(2,5) =          Pm(2)*dsda(2);  // dry/day
02174   Jac(3,5) = -Rm(1) + Pm(3)*dsda(2);  // drz/day
02176   Jac(1,6) = -Rm(2) + Pm(1)*dsda(3);  // drx/daz
02177   Jac(2,6) =  Rm(1) + Pm(2)*dsda(3);  // dry/daz
02178   Jac(3,6) =          Pm(3)*dsda(3);  // drz/daz
02180   CLHEP::HepSymMatrix W(Nd,0);
02181   int ierr;
02182   W = w.inverse(ierr);
02183   if(ierr != 0) { if(alarm)
02184       std::cout<<" gradientGlobal: inversion of matrix w fail "<<std::endl;
02185     return;
02186   }
02188   CLHEP::HepMatrix W_Jac(Nd,Nd,0);
02189   W_Jac = Jac.T() * W;
02191   CLHEP::HepVector grad3(Nd);
02192   grad3 = W_Jac * V;
02194   CLHEP::HepMatrix hess3(Nd,Nd);
02195   hess3 = Jac.T() * W * Jac;
02196   //hess3(4,4) = 1.e-10;  hess3(5,5) = 1.e-10;  hess3(6,6) = 1.e-10; //????????????????
02198   Grad += grad3;
02199   Hess += hess3;
02201   CLHEP::HepVector d3I = CLHEP::solve(Hess, -Grad);
02202   int iEr3I;
02203   CLHEP::HepMatrix Errd3I = Hess.inverse(iEr3I);
02204   if( iEr3I != 0) { if(alarm)
02205       std::cout<<" gradientGlobal error inverse  Hess matrix !!!!!!!!!!!"<<std::endl;
02206   }
02208   if(info || debug_){
02209     std::cout<<" dG   "<<d3I(1)<<" "<<d3I(2)<<" "<<d3I(3)<<" "<<d3I(4)<<" "
02210              <<d3I(5)<<" "<<d3I(6)<<std::endl;;
02211     std::cout<<" +-   "<<sqrt(Errd3I(1,1))<<" "<<sqrt(Errd3I(2,2))<<" "<<sqrt(Errd3I(3,3))
02212              <<" "<<sqrt(Errd3I(4,4))<<" "<<sqrt(Errd3I(5,5))<<" "<<sqrt(Errd3I(6,6))
02213              <<std::endl;
02214   }
02217   //              --------------------    check of derivatives
02219   CLHEP::HepVector d(3,0), a(3,0); 
02220   CLHEP::HepMatrix T(3,3,1);
02222   CLHEP::HepMatrix Ti = T.T();
02223   //double A = CLHEP::dot(Ti*Pm, Norm);
02224   //double B = CLHEP::dot((Rt -Ti*Rm + Ti*d), Norm);
02225   double A = CLHEP_dot(Ti*Pm, Norm);
02226   double B = CLHEP_dot((Rt -Ti*Rm + Ti*d), Norm);
02227   double s0 = B / A;
02229   CLHEP::HepVector r0(3,0), p0(3,0);
02230   r0 = Ti*Rm - Ti*d + s0*(Ti*Pm) - Rt;
02231   p0 = Ti*Pm - Pt;
02233   double delta = 0.0001;
02235   int ii = 3; d(ii) += delta; // d
02236   //T(2,3) += delta;   T(3,2) -= delta;  int ii = 1; // a1
02237   //T(3,1) += delta;   T(1,3) -= delta;   int ii = 2; // a2
02238   //T(1,2) += delta;   T(2,1) -= delta;   int ii = 3; // a2
02239   Ti = T.T();
02240   //A = CLHEP::dot(Ti*Pm, Norm);
02241   //B = CLHEP::dot((Rt -Ti*Rm + Ti*d), Norm);
02242   A = CLHEP_dot(Ti*Pm, Norm);
02243   B = CLHEP_dot((Rt -Ti*Rm + Ti*d), Norm);
02244   double s = B / A;
02246   CLHEP::HepVector r(3,0), p(3,0);
02247   r = Ti*Rm - Ti*d + s*(Ti*Pm) - Rt;
02248   p = Ti*Pm - Pt;
02250   std::cout<<" s0 s num dsda("<<ii<<") "<<s0<<" "<<s<<" "
02251            <<(s-s0)/delta<<" "<<dsda(ii)<<endl;
02252   // d(r,p) / d shift
02253   std::cout<<" -- An d(r,p)/d("<<ii<<") "<<Jac(1,ii)<<" "<<Jac(2,ii)<<" "
02254      <<Jac(3,ii)<<" "<<Jac(4,ii)<<" "<<Jac(5,ii)<<" "
02255      <<Jac(6,ii)<<std::endl;
02256   std::cout<<"    Nu d(r,p)/d("<<ii<<") "<<(r(1)-r0(1))/delta<<" "
02257      <<(r(2)-r0(2))/delta<<" "<<(r(3)-r0(3))/delta<<" "
02258      <<(p(1)-p0(1))/delta<<" "<<(p(2)-p0(2))/delta<<" "
02259      <<(p(3)-p0(3))/delta<<std::endl;
02260   // d(r,p) / d angle
02261   std::cout<<" -- An d(r,p)/a("<<ii<<") "<<Jac(1,ii+3)<<" "<<Jac(2,ii+3)<<" "
02262            <<Jac(3,ii+3)<<" "<<Jac(4,ii+3)<<" "<<Jac(5,ii+3)<<" "
02263            <<Jac(6,ii+3)<<std::endl;
02264   std::cout<<"    Nu d(r,p)/a("<<ii<<") "<<(r(1)-r0(1))/delta<<" "
02265            <<(r(2)-r0(2))/delta<<" "<<(r(3)-r0(3))/delta<<" "
02266            <<(p(1)-p0(1))/delta<<" "<<(p(2)-p0(2))/delta<<" "
02267            <<(p(3)-p0(3))/delta<<std::endl;
02268   //               -----------------------------  end of check
02269 #endif
02271   return;
02272 } // end gradientGlobal
02275 // ----  calculate gradient and Hessian matrix in local parameters ------
02276 void 
02277 GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::gradientLocal(GlobalVector& GRt, GlobalVector& GPt, 
02278                                           GlobalVector& GRm, GlobalVector& GPm, 
02279                                           GlobalVector& GNorm, 
02280                                           CLHEP::HepSymMatrix& covLoc,
02281                                           CLHEP::HepMatrix& rotLoc,
02282                                           CLHEP::HepVector& R0,
02283                                           AlgebraicVector4& LPRm) 
02284 {
02285   // we search for 6D global correction vector (d, a), where
02286   //                        3D vector of shihts d 
02287   //               3D vector of rotation angles    a   
02289   bool alarm = true;
02290   //bool alarm = false;
02291   bool info = false;
02293   if(debug_)
02294     std::cout<<" gradientLocal "<<std::endl; 
02296   /*
02297   const Surface& refSurface = tsosMuon.surface();
02299   CLHEP::HepMatrix rotLoc (3,3,0);
02300   rotLoc(1,1) = refSurface.rotation().xx();
02301   rotLoc(1,2) = refSurface.rotation().xy();
02302   rotLoc(1,3) = refSurface.rotation().xz();
02304   rotLoc(2,1) = refSurface.rotation().yx();
02305   rotLoc(2,2) = refSurface.rotation().yy();
02306   rotLoc(2,3) = refSurface.rotation().yz();
02308   rotLoc(3,1) = refSurface.rotation().zx();
02309   rotLoc(3,2) = refSurface.rotation().zy();
02310   rotLoc(3,3) = refSurface.rotation().zz();
02311   */  
02313   CLHEP::HepVector Rt(3), Pt(3), Rm(3), Pm(3), Norm(3);
02314   Rt(1) = GRt.x(); Rt(2) = GRt.y();  Rt(3) = GRt.z();
02315   Pt(1) = GPt.x(); Pt(2) = GPt.y();  Pt(3) = GPt.z();
02316   Rm(1) = GRm.x(); Rm(2) = GRm.y();  Rm(3) = GRm.z();
02317   Pm(1) = GPm.x(); Pm(2) = GPm.y();  Pm(3) = GPm.z();
02318   Norm(1) = GNorm.x(); Norm(2) = GNorm.y(); Norm(3) = GNorm.z(); 
02320   CLHEP::HepVector V(4), Rml(3), Pml(3), Rtl(3), Ptl(3);
02322   /*
02323   R0(1) = refSurface.position().x();
02324   R0(2) = refSurface.position().y();
02325   R0(3) = refSurface.position().z();
02326   */ 
02328   Rml = rotLoc * (Rm - R0);
02329   Rtl = rotLoc * (Rt - R0);
02330   Pml = rotLoc * Pm;
02331   Ptl = rotLoc * Pt;
02333   V(1) = LPRm(0) - Ptl(1)/Ptl(3); 
02334   V(2) = LPRm(1) - Ptl(2)/Ptl(3);   
02335   V(3) = LPRm(2) - Rtl(1);   
02336   V(4) = LPRm(3) - Rtl(2); 
02338   /*
02339   CLHEP::HepSymMatrix Cov(4,0), W(4,0);
02340   for(int i=1; i<=4; i++)
02341     for(int j=1; j<=i; j++){
02342       Cov(i,j) = (tsosMuon.localError().matrix()
02343                   + tsosTrack.localError().matrix())(i,j);
02344       //if(i != j) Cov(i,j) = 0.;
02345       //if((i == j) && ((i==1) || (i==2))) Cov(i,j) = 100.;
02346       //if((i == j) && ((i==3) || (i==4))) Cov(i,j) = 10000.;
02347     }
02348   W = Cov;
02349   */
02351   CLHEP::HepSymMatrix W = covLoc;
02353   int ierr;
02354   W.invert(ierr);
02355   if(ierr != 0) { if(alarm)
02356       std::cout<<" gradientLocal: inversion of matrix W fail "<<std::endl;
02357     return;
02358   }
02360   //                               JacobianCartesianToLocal
02362   //AlgebraicMatrix56 jacobian   // differ from calculation above 
02363   //= JacobianCartesianToLocal::JacobianCartesianToLocal 
02364   //(refSurface, tsosTrack.localParameters()).jacobian();  
02365   //for(int i=1; i<=4; i++) for(int j=1; j<=6; j++){
02366   //int j1 = j - 1; JacToLoc(i,j) = jacobian(i, j1);}
02368   CLHEP::HepMatrix JacToLoc(4,6,0);
02369   for(int i=1; i<=2; i++)
02370     for(int j=1; j<=3; j++){
02371       JacToLoc(i,j+3) = (rotLoc(i,j) - rotLoc(3,j)*Pml(i)/Pml(3))/Pml(3); 
02372       JacToLoc(i+2,j) = rotLoc(i,j);
02373     }
02375   //                                    JacobianCorrectionsToCartesian
02376   //double PmN = CLHEP::dot(Pm, Norm);
02377   double PmN = CLHEP_dot(Pm, Norm);
02379   CLHEP::HepMatrix Jac(6,6,0);
02380   for (int i=1; i <= 3; i++)
02381     for (int j=1; j <= 3; j++){
02382       Jac(i,j) =  Pm(i)*Norm(j) / PmN;
02383       if(i == j ) Jac(i,j) -= 1.;
02384     }  
02386   //                                            dp/da                   
02387   Jac(4,4) =     0.;   // dpx/dax
02388   Jac(5,4) = -Pm(3);   // dpy/dax
02389   Jac(6,4) =  Pm(2);   // dpz/dax
02390   Jac(4,5) =  Pm(3);   // dpx/day
02391   Jac(5,5) =     0.;   // dpy/day
02392   Jac(6,5) = -Pm(1);   // dpz/day
02393   Jac(4,6) = -Pm(2);   // dpx/daz
02394   Jac(5,6) =  Pm(1);   // dpy/daz
02395   Jac(6,6) =     0.;   // dpz/daz
02397   CLHEP::HepVector dsda(3);
02398   dsda(1) = (Norm(2)*Rm(3) - Norm(3)*Rm(2)) / PmN;
02399   dsda(2) = (Norm(3)*Rm(1) - Norm(1)*Rm(3)) / PmN;
02400   dsda(3) = (Norm(1)*Rm(2) - Norm(2)*Rm(1)) / PmN;
02402   //                                             dr/da  
02403   Jac(1,4) =          Pm(1)*dsda(1);  // drx/dax
02404   Jac(2,4) = -Rm(3) + Pm(2)*dsda(1);  // dry/dax
02405   Jac(3,4) =  Rm(2) + Pm(3)*dsda(1);  // drz/dax
02407   Jac(1,5) =  Rm(3) + Pm(1)*dsda(2);  // drx/day
02408   Jac(2,5) =          Pm(2)*dsda(2);  // dry/day
02409   Jac(3,5) = -Rm(1) + Pm(3)*dsda(2);  // drz/day
02411   Jac(1,6) = -Rm(2) + Pm(1)*dsda(3);  // drx/daz
02412   Jac(2,6) =  Rm(1) + Pm(2)*dsda(3);  // dry/daz
02413   Jac(3,6) =          Pm(3)*dsda(3);  // drz/daz
02415   //                                   JacobianCorrectionToLocal
02416   CLHEP::HepMatrix JacCorLoc(4,6,0);
02417   JacCorLoc = JacToLoc * Jac;
02419   //                                   gradient and Hessian 
02420   CLHEP::HepMatrix W_Jac(6,4,0);
02421   W_Jac = JacCorLoc.T() * W;
02423   CLHEP::HepVector gradL(6);
02424   gradL = W_Jac * V;
02426   CLHEP::HepMatrix hessL(6,6);
02427   hessL = JacCorLoc.T() * W * JacCorLoc;
02429   GradL += gradL;
02430   HessL += hessL;
02432   CLHEP::HepVector dLI = CLHEP::solve(HessL, -GradL);
02433   int iErI;
02434   CLHEP::HepMatrix ErrdLI = HessL.inverse(iErI);
02435   if( iErI != 0) { if(alarm)
02436       std::cout<<" gradLocal Error inverse  Hess matrix !!!!!!!!!!!"<<std::endl;
02437   }
02439   if(info || debug_){
02440     std::cout<<" dL   "<<dLI(1)<<" "<<dLI(2)<<" "<<dLI(3)<<" "<<dLI(4)<<" "
02441              <<dLI(5)<<" "<<dLI(6)<<std::endl;;
02442     std::cout<<" +-   "<<sqrt(ErrdLI(1,1))<<" "<<sqrt(ErrdLI(2,2))<<" "<<sqrt(ErrdLI(3,3))
02443              <<" "<<sqrt(ErrdLI(4,4))<<" "<<sqrt(ErrdLI(5,5))<<" "<<sqrt(ErrdLI(6,6))
02444              <<std::endl;
02445   }
02447   if(debug_){
02448     //std::cout<<" dV(da3) {"<<-JacCorLoc(1,6)*0.002<<" "<<-JacCorLoc(2,6)*0.002<<" "
02449     //   <<-JacCorLoc(3,6)*0.002<<" "<<-JacCorLoc(4,6)*0.002<<"}"<<std::endl;
02450     //std::cout<<" JacCLo {"<<JacCorLoc(1,6)<<" "<<JacCorLoc(2,6)<<" "
02451     //   <<JacCorLoc(3,6)<<" "<<JacCorLoc(4,6)<<"}"<<std::endl;
02452     //std::cout<<"Jpx/yx  {"<<Jac(4,6)/Pm(3)<<" "<<Jac(5,6)/Pm(3)<<" "
02453     //   <<Jac(1,6)<<" "<<Jac(2,6)<<"}"<<std::endl;
02454     //std::cout<<"Jac(,a3){"<<Jac(1,6)<<" "<<Jac(2,6)<<" "<<Jac(3,6)<<" "<<Jac(4,6)<<" "
02455     //   <<Jac(5,6)<<" "<<Jac(6,6)<<std::endl;
02456     int i=5;  
02457     if(GNorm.z() > 0.95)
02458       std::cout<<" Ecap1   N "<<GNorm<<std::endl; 
02459     else if(GNorm.z() < -0.95)
02460       std::cout<<" Ecap2   N "<<GNorm<<std::endl; 
02461     else
02462       std::cout<<" Barrel  N "<<GNorm<<std::endl; 
02463     std::cout<<" JacCLo(i,"<<i<<") = {"<<JacCorLoc(1,i)<<" "<<JacCorLoc(2,i)<<" "
02464      <<JacCorLoc(3,i)<<" "<<JacCorLoc(4,i)<<"}"<<std::endl;
02465     std::cout<<"   rotLoc "<<rotLoc<<std::endl;
02466     std::cout<<" position "<<R0<<std::endl;
02467     std::cout<<" Pm,l "<<Pm.T()<<" "<<Pml(1)/Pml(3)<<" "<<Pml(2)/Pml(3)<<std::endl;
02468     std::cout<<" Pt,l "<<Pt.T()<<" "<<Ptl(1)/Ptl(3)<<" "<<Ptl(2)/Ptl(3)<<std::endl;
02469     std::cout<<" V  "<<V.T()<<std::endl;  
02470     std::cout<<" Cov \n"<<covLoc<<std::endl;
02471     std::cout<<" W*Cov "<<W*covLoc<<std::endl;
02472     //std::cout<<" JacCarToLoc = drldrc \n"<<
02473     //JacobianCartesianToLocal::JacobianCartesianToLocal
02474     //(refSurface, tsosTrack.localParameters()).jacobian()<<std::endl;
02475     std::cout<<" JacToLoc "<<JacToLoc<<std::endl;
02477   }
02480   //---------------------- check of derivatives
02481   CLHEP::HepVector V0(4,0);
02482   V0(1) = Pml(1)/Pml(3) - Ptl(1)/Ptl(3); 
02483   V0(2) = Pml(2)/Pml(3) - Ptl(2)/Ptl(3);   
02484   V0(3) = Rml(1) - Rtl(1);   
02485   V0(4) = Rml(2) - Rtl(2); 
02486   int ii = 3; float delta = 0.01;
02487   CLHEP::HepVector V1(4,0);
02488   if(ii <= 3) {Rm(ii) += delta; Rml = rotLoc * (Rm - R0);}
02489   else {Pm(ii-3) += delta; Pml = rotLoc * Pm;}
02490   //if(ii <= 3) {Rt(ii) += delta; Rtl = rotLoc * (Rt - R0);}
02491   //else {Pt(ii-3) += delta; Ptl = rotLoc * Pt;}
02492   V1(1) = Pml(1)/Pml(3) - Ptl(1)/Ptl(3); 
02493   V1(2) = Pml(2)/Pml(3) - Ptl(2)/Ptl(3);   
02494   V1(3) = Rml(1) - Rtl(1);   
02495   V1(4) = Rml(2) - Rtl(2); 
02497   if(GNorm.z() > 0.95)
02498     std::cout<<" Ecap1   N "<<GNorm<<std::endl; 
02499   else if(GNorm.z() < -0.95)
02500     std::cout<<" Ecap2   N "<<GNorm<<std::endl; 
02501   else
02502     std::cout<<" Barrel  N "<<GNorm<<std::endl; 
02503   std::cout<<" dldc Num (i,"<<ii<<") "<<(V1(1)-V0(1))/delta<<" "<<(V1(2)-V0(2))/delta<<" "
02504            <<(V1(3)-V0(3))/delta<<" "<<(V1(4)-V0(4))/delta<<std::endl;
02505   std::cout<<" dldc Ana (i,"<<ii<<") "<<JacToLoc(1,ii)<<" "<<JacToLoc(2,ii)<<" "
02506            <<JacToLoc(3,ii)<<" "<<JacToLoc(4,ii)<<std::endl;
02507   //float dtxdpx = (rotLoc(1,1) - rotLoc(3,1)*Pml(1)/Pml(3))/Pml(3);
02508   //float dtydpx = (rotLoc(2,1) - rotLoc(3,2)*Pml(2)/Pml(3))/Pml(3);
02509   //std::cout<<" dtx/dpx dty/ "<<dtxdpx<<" "<<dtydpx<<std::endl;
02510 #endif                                            
02512   return;
02513 } // end gradientLocal
02516 // ----  simulate a misalignment of muon system   ------
02517 void 
02518 GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::misalignMuon(GlobalVector& GRm, GlobalVector& GPm, GlobalVector& Nl, 
02519                                 GlobalVector& Rt, GlobalVector& Rm, GlobalVector& Pm)
02520 {
02521   CLHEP::HepVector d(3,0), a(3,0), Norm(3), Rm0(3), Pm0(3), Rm1(3), Pm1(3), 
02522     Rmi(3), Pmi(3) ; 
02524   d(1)=0.0; d(2)=0.0; d(3)=0.0; a(1)=0.0000; a(2)=0.0000; a(3)=0.0000; // zero     
02525   //d(1)=0.0; d(2)=0.0; d(3)=0.0; a(1)=0.0020; a(2)=0.0000; a(3)=0.0000; // a1=.002
02526   //d(1)=0.0; d(2)=0.0; d(3)=0.0; a(1)=0.0000; a(2)=0.0020; a(3)=0.0000; // a2=.002
02527   //d(1)=0.0; d(2)=0.0; d(3)=0.0; a(1)=0.0000; a(2)=0.0000; a(3)=0.0020; // a3=.002    
02528   //d(1)=1.0; d(2)=2.0; d(3)=3.0; a(1)=0.0000; a(2)=0.0000; a(3)=0.0000; // 12300     
02529   //d(1)=0.0; d(2)=0.0; d(3)=0.0; a(1)=0.0000; a(2)=0.0000; a(3)=0.0020; // a3=0.002    
02530   //d(1)=10.; d(2)=20.; d(3)=30.; a(1)=0.0100; a(2)=0.0200; a(3)=0.0300; // huge      
02531   //d(1)=10.; d(2)=20.; d(3)=30.; a(1)=0.2000; a(2)=0.2500; a(3)=0.3000; // huge angles      
02532   //d(1)=0.3; d(2)=0.4; d(3)=0.5; a(1)=0.0005; a(2)=0.0006; a(3)=0.0007; // 0345 0567
02533   //d(1)=0.3; d(2)=0.4; d(3)=0.5; a(1)=0.0001; a(2)=0.0002; a(3)=0.0003; // 0345 0123
02534   //d(1)=0.2; d(2)=0.2; d(3)=0.2; a(1)=0.0002; a(2)=0.0002; a(3)=0.0002; // 0111 0111
02536   MuGlShift = d; MuGlAngle = a;
02538   if((d(1) == 0.) & (d(2) == 0.) & (d(3) == 0.) & 
02539      (a(1) == 0.) & (a(2) == 0.) & (a(3) == 0.)){
02540     Rm = GRm;
02541     Pm = GPm;
02542     if(debug_)
02543       std::cout<<" ......   without misalignment "<<std::endl;
02544     return;
02545   }
02547   Rm0(1) = GRm.x(); Rm0(2) = GRm.y(); Rm0(3) = GRm.z();
02548   Pm0(1) = GPm.x(); Pm0(2) = GPm.y(); Pm0(3) = GPm.z();  
02549   Norm(1) = Nl.x(); Norm(2) = Nl.y(); Norm(3) = Nl.z();     
02551   CLHEP::HepMatrix T(3,3,1);
02553   //T(1,2) =  a(3); T(1,3) = -a(2);
02554   //T(2,1) = -a(3); T(2,3) =  a(1);
02555   //T(3,1) =  a(2); T(3,2) = -a(1);
02557   double s1 = std::sin(a(1)), c1 = std::cos(a(1));
02558   double s2 = std::sin(a(2)), c2 = std::cos(a(2));
02559   double s3 = std::sin(a(3)), c3 = std::cos(a(3));     
02560   T(1,1) =  c2 * c3;  
02561   T(1,2) =  c1 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3;
02562   T(1,3) =  s1 * s3 - c1 * s2 * c3;
02563   T(2,1) = -c2 * s3; 
02564   T(2,2) =  c1 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3;
02565   T(2,3) =  s1 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
02566   T(3,1) =  s2;
02567   T(3,2) = -s1 * c2;
02568   T(3,3) =  c1 * c2;
02570   //int terr;
02571   //CLHEP::HepMatrix Ti = T.inverse(terr);
02572   CLHEP::HepMatrix Ti = T.T();
02573   CLHEP::HepVector di = -Ti * d;
02575   CLHEP::HepVector ex0(3,0), ey0(3,0), ez0(3,0), ex(3,0), ey(3,0), ez(3,0);
02576   ex0(1) = 1.; ey0(2) = 1.;  ez0(3) = 1.;
02577   ex = Ti*ex0; ey = Ti*ey0; ez = Ti*ez0;
02579   CLHEP::HepVector TiN = Ti * Norm; 
02580   //double si = CLHEP::dot((Ti*Rm0 - Rm0 + di), TiN) / CLHEP::dot(Pm0, TiN); 
02581   //Rm1(1) = CLHEP::dot(ex, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02582   //Rm1(2) = CLHEP::dot(ey, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02583   //Rm1(3) = CLHEP::dot(ez, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02584   double si = CLHEP_dot((Ti*Rm0 - Rm0 + di), TiN) / CLHEP_dot(Pm0, TiN); 
02585   Rm1(1) = CLHEP_dot(ex, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02586   Rm1(2) = CLHEP_dot(ey, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02587   Rm1(3) = CLHEP_dot(ez, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02588   Pm1 = T * Pm0;
02590   Rm = GlobalVector(Rm1(1), Rm1(2), Rm1(3));  
02591   //Pm = GlobalVector(CLHEP::dot(Pm0,ex), CLHEP::dot(Pm0, ey), CLHEP::dot(Pm0,ez));// =T*Pm0 
02592   Pm = GlobalVector(CLHEP_dot(Pm0,ex), CLHEP_dot(Pm0, ey), CLHEP_dot(Pm0,ez));// =T*Pm0 
02594   if(debug_){    //    -------------  debug tranformation 
02596     std::cout<<" ----- Pm "<<Pm<<std::endl;
02597     std::cout<<"    T*Pm0 "<<Pm1.T()<<std::endl;
02598     //std::cout<<" Ti*T*Pm0 "<<(Ti*(T*Pm0)).T()<<std::endl;
02600     //CLHEP::HepVector Rml = (Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di) + di;
02601     CLHEP::HepVector Rml = Rm1(1)*ex + Rm1(2)*ey + Rm1(3)*ez + di;
02603     CLHEP::HepVector Rt0(3); 
02604     Rt0(1)=Rt.x();  Rt0(2)=Rt.y();  Rt0(3)=Rt.z();      
02606     //double sl = CLHEP::dot(T*(Rt0 - Rml), T*Norm) / CLHEP::dot(Ti * Pm1, Norm);     
02607     double sl = CLHEP_dot(T*(Rt0 - Rml), T*Norm) / CLHEP_dot(Ti * Pm1, Norm);     
02608     CLHEP::HepVector Rl = Rml + sl*(Ti*Pm1);
02610     //double A = CLHEP::dot(Ti*Pm1, Norm);
02611     //double B = CLHEP::dot(Rt0, Norm) - CLHEP::dot(Ti*Rm1, Norm) 
02612     //+ CLHEP::dot(Ti*d, Norm); 
02613     double A = CLHEP_dot(Ti*Pm1, Norm);
02614     double B = CLHEP_dot(Rt0, Norm) - CLHEP_dot(Ti*Rm1, Norm) 
02615       + CLHEP_dot(Ti*d, Norm); 
02616     double s = B/A;
02617     CLHEP::HepVector Dr = Ti*Rm1 - Ti*d  + s*(Ti*Pm1) - Rm0;
02618     CLHEP::HepVector Dp = Ti*Pm1 - Pm0;
02620     CLHEP::HepVector TiR = Ti * Rm0 + di;
02621     CLHEP::HepVector Ri = T * TiR + d;
02623     std::cout<<" --TTi-0 "<<(Ri-Rm0).T()<<std::endl;
02624     std::cout<<" --  Dr  "<<Dr.T()<<endl;
02625     std::cout<<" --  Dp  "<<Dp.T()<<endl;
02626     //std::cout<<" ex "<<ex.T()<<endl;
02627     //std::cout<<" ey "<<ey.T()<<endl;
02628     //std::cout<<" ez "<<ez.T()<<endl;
02629     //std::cout<<" ---- T  ---- "<<T<<std::endl;
02630     //std::cout<<" ---- Ti ---- "<<Ti<<std::endl;
02631     //std::cout<<" ---- d  ---- "<<d.T()<<std::endl;
02632     //std::cout<<" ---- di ---- "<<di.T()<<std::endl;
02633     std::cout<<" -- si sl s "<<si<<" "<<sl<<" "<<s<<std::endl;
02634     //std::cout<<" -- si sl "<<si<<" "<<sl<<endl;
02635     //std::cout<<" -- si s "<<si<<" "<<s<<endl;
02636     std::cout<<" -- Rml-(Rm0+si*Pm0) "<<(Rml - Rm0 - si*Pm0).T()<<std::endl;
02637     //std::cout<<" -- Rm0 "<<Rm0.T()<<std::endl;
02638     //std::cout<<" -- Rm1 "<<Rm1.T()<<std::endl;
02639     //std::cout<<" -- Rmi "<<Rmi.T()<<std::endl;
02640     //std::cout<<" --siPm "<<(si*Pm0).T()<<std::endl;
02641     //std::cout<<" --s2Pm "<<(s2*(T * Pm1)).T()<<std::endl;
02642     //std::cout<<" --R1-0 "<<(Rm1-Rm0).T()<<std::endl;
02643     //std::cout<<" --Ri-0 "<<(Rmi-Rm0).T()<<std::endl;
02644     std::cout<<" --Rl-0 "<<(Rl-Rm0).T()<<std::endl;
02645     //std::cout<<" --Pi-0 "<<(Pmi-Pm0).T()<<std::endl;
02646   }      //                                --------   end of debug
02648   return;
02650 } // end of misalignMuon
02652 // ----  simulate a misalignment of muon system with Local  ------
02653 void 
02654 GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::misalignMuonL(GlobalVector& GRm, GlobalVector& GPm, GlobalVector& Nl, 
02655                                           GlobalVector& Rt, GlobalVector& Rm, GlobalVector& Pm,
02656                                           AlgebraicVector4& Vm, 
02657                                           TrajectoryStateOnSurface& tsosTrack,
02658                                           TrajectoryStateOnSurface& tsosMuon)
02659 {
02660   CLHEP::HepVector d(3,0), a(3,0), Norm(3), Rm0(3), Pm0(3), Rm1(3), Pm1(3), 
02661     Rmi(3), Pmi(3); 
02663   d(1)=0.0; d(2)=0.0; d(3)=0.0; a(1)=0.0000; a(2)=0.0000; a(3)=0.0000; // zero     
02664   //d(1)=0.0000001; d(2)=0.0; d(3)=0.0; a(1)=0.0000; a(2)=0.0000; a(3)=0.0000; // nonzero
02665   //d(1)=0.0; d(2)=0.0; d(3)=0.0; a(1)=0.0020; a(2)=0.0000; a(3)=0.0000; // a1=.002
02666   //d(1)=0.0; d(2)=0.0; d(3)=0.0; a(1)=0.0000; a(2)=0.0020; a(3)=0.0000; // a2=.002
02667   //d(1)=0.0; d(2)=0.0; d(3)=0.0; a(1)=0.0000; a(2)=0.0000; a(3)=0.0020; // a3=.002    
02668   //d(1)=0.0; d(2)=0.0; d(3)=0.0; a(1)=0.0000; a(2)=0.0000; a(3)=0.0200; // a3=.020    
02669   //d(1)=1.0; d(2)=2.0; d(3)=3.0; a(1)=0.0000; a(2)=0.0000; a(3)=0.0000; // 12300     
02670   //d(1)=0.0; d(2)=0.0; d(3)=0.0; a(1)=0.0000; a(2)=0.0000; a(3)=0.0020; // a3=0.002    
02671   //d(1)=10.; d(2)=20.; d(3)=30.; a(1)=0.0100; a(2)=0.0200; a(3)=0.0300; // huge      
02672   //d(1)=10.; d(2)=20.; d(3)=30.; a(1)=0.2000; a(2)=0.2500; a(3)=0.3000; // huge angles      
02673   //d(1)=0.3; d(2)=0.4; d(3)=0.5; a(1)=0.0005; a(2)=0.0006; a(3)=0.0007; // 0345 0567
02674   //d(1)=0.3; d(2)=0.4; d(3)=0.5; a(1)=0.0001; a(2)=0.0002; a(3)=0.0003; // 0345 0123
02675   //d(1)=0.1; d(2)=0.2; d(3)=0.3; a(1)=0.0003; a(2)=0.0004; a(3)=0.0005; // 0123 0345
02677   MuGlShift = d; MuGlAngle = a;
02679   if((d(1) == 0.) & (d(2) == 0.) & (d(3) == 0.) & 
02680      (a(1) == 0.) & (a(2) == 0.) & (a(3) == 0.)){
02681     Rm = GRm;
02682     Pm = GPm;
02683     AlgebraicVector4 Vm0;
02684     Vm = AlgebraicVector4(tsosMuon.localParameters().vector()(1),
02685                           tsosMuon.localParameters().vector()(2),
02686                           tsosMuon.localParameters().vector()(3),
02687                           tsosMuon.localParameters().vector()(4)); 
02688     if(debug_)
02689       std::cout<<" ......   without misalignment "<<std::endl;
02690     return;
02691   }
02693   Rm0(1) = GRm.x(); Rm0(2) = GRm.y(); Rm0(3) = GRm.z();
02694   Pm0(1) = GPm.x(); Pm0(2) = GPm.y(); Pm0(3) = GPm.z();  
02695   Norm(1) = Nl.x(); Norm(2) = Nl.y(); Norm(3) = Nl.z();     
02697   CLHEP::HepMatrix T(3,3,1);
02699   //T(1,2) =  a(3); T(1,3) = -a(2);
02700   //T(2,1) = -a(3); T(2,3) =  a(1);
02701   //T(3,1) =  a(2); T(3,2) = -a(1);
02703   double s1 = std::sin(a(1)), c1 = std::cos(a(1));
02704   double s2 = std::sin(a(2)), c2 = std::cos(a(2));
02705   double s3 = std::sin(a(3)), c3 = std::cos(a(3));     
02706   T(1,1) =  c2 * c3;  
02707   T(1,2) =  c1 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3;
02708   T(1,3) =  s1 * s3 - c1 * s2 * c3;
02709   T(2,1) = -c2 * s3; 
02710   T(2,2) =  c1 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3;
02711   T(2,3) =  s1 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3;
02712   T(3,1) =  s2;
02713   T(3,2) = -s1 * c2;
02714   T(3,3) =  c1 * c2;
02716   //                    Ti, di what we have to apply for misalignment  
02717   //int terr;
02718   //CLHEP::HepMatrix Ti = T.inverse(terr);
02719   CLHEP::HepMatrix Ti = T.T();
02720   CLHEP::HepVector di = -Ti * d;
02722   CLHEP::HepVector ex0(3,0), ey0(3,0), ez0(3,0), ex(3,0), ey(3,0), ez(3,0);
02723   ex0(1) = 1.; ey0(2) = 1.;  ez0(3) = 1.;
02724   ex = Ti*ex0; ey = Ti*ey0; ez = Ti*ez0;
02726   CLHEP::HepVector TiN = Ti * Norm; 
02727   //double si = CLHEP::dot((Ti*Rm0 - Rm0 + di), TiN) / CLHEP::dot(Pm0, TiN); 
02728   //Rm1(1) = CLHEP::dot(ex, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02729   //Rm1(2) = CLHEP::dot(ey, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02730   //Rm1(3) = CLHEP::dot(ez, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02731   double si = CLHEP_dot((Ti*Rm0 - Rm0 + di), TiN) / CLHEP_dot(Pm0, TiN); 
02732   Rm1(1) = CLHEP_dot(ex, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02733   Rm1(2) = CLHEP_dot(ey, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02734   Rm1(3) = CLHEP_dot(ez, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02735   Pm1 = T * Pm0;
02737   // Global muon parameters after misalignment
02738   Rm = GlobalVector(Rm1(1), Rm1(2), Rm1(3));  
02739   //Pm = GlobalVector(CLHEP::dot(Pm0,ex), CLHEP::dot(Pm0, ey), CLHEP::dot(Pm0,ez));// =T*Pm0 
02740   Pm = GlobalVector(CLHEP_dot(Pm0,ex), CLHEP_dot(Pm0, ey), CLHEP_dot(Pm0,ez));// =T*Pm0 
02742   // Local muon parameters after misalignment
02743   const Surface& refSurface = tsosMuon.surface();
02744   CLHEP::HepMatrix Tl(3,3,0);
02746   Tl(1,1) = refSurface.rotation().xx();
02747   Tl(1,2) = refSurface.rotation().xy();
02748   Tl(1,3) = refSurface.rotation().xz();
02750   Tl(2,1) = refSurface.rotation().yx();
02751   Tl(2,2) = refSurface.rotation().yy();
02752   Tl(2,3) = refSurface.rotation().yz();
02754   Tl(3,1) = refSurface.rotation().zx();
02755   Tl(3,2) = refSurface.rotation().zy();
02756   Tl(3,3) = refSurface.rotation().zz();
02758   CLHEP::HepVector R0(3,0), newR0(3,0), newRl(3,0), newPl(3,0);
02759   R0(1) = refSurface.position().x();
02760   R0(2) = refSurface.position().y();
02761   R0(3) = refSurface.position().z();
02763   newRl = Tl * (Rm1 - R0);
02764   newPl = Tl * Pm1;
02766   Vm(0) = newPl(1)/newPl(3);
02767   Vm(1) = newPl(2)/newPl(3);
02768   Vm(2) = newRl(1);
02769   Vm(3) = newRl(2);
02772   float del = 0.0001;
02773   //int ii = 1; T(3,2) +=del; T(2,3) -=del;
02774   int ii = 2; T(3,1) -=del; T(1,3) +=del;
02775   //int ii = 3; T(1,2) -=del; T(2,1) +=del;
02776   AlgebraicVector4 Vm0 = Vm;
02777   CLHEP::HepVector Rm10 = Rm1, Pm10 = Pm1;;
02778   CLHEP::HepMatrix newTl = Tl*T;
02779   Ti = T.T();
02780   di = -Ti * d;  
02781   ex = Ti*ex0; ey = Ti*ey0; ez = Ti*ez0;
02782   TiN = Ti * Norm; 
02783   si = CLHEP_dot((Ti*Rm0 - Rm0 + di), TiN) / CLHEP_dot(Pm0, TiN); 
02784   Rm1(1) = CLHEP_dot(ex, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02785   Rm1(2) = CLHEP_dot(ey, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02786   Rm1(3) = CLHEP_dot(ez, Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di);
02787   Pm1 = T * Pm0;
02789   newRl = Tl * (Rm1 - R0);
02790   newPl = Tl * Pm1;
02792   Vm(0) = newPl(1)/newPl(3);
02793   Vm(1) = newPl(2)/newPl(3);
02794   Vm(2) = newRl(1);
02795   Vm(3) = newRl(2);
02796   std::cout<<" ========= dVm/da"<<ii<<" "<<(Vm-Vm0)*(1./del)<<std::endl;
02797 #endif 
02799   if(debug_){
02800   //std::cout<<" dRm/da3 "<<((Rm1-Rm10)*(1./del)).T()<<" "<<((Pm1-Pm10)*(1./del)).T()<<std::endl; 
02801   //std::cout<<"             Norm "<<Norm.T()<<std::endl;
02802   std::cout<<"             ex  "<<(Tl.T()*ex0).T()<<std::endl;
02803   std::cout<<"             ey  "<<(Tl.T()*ey0).T()<<std::endl;
02804   std::cout<<"             ez  "<<(Tl.T()*ez0).T()<<std::endl;
02805   //std::cpot<<" 
02807   std::cout<<"    pxyz/p gl 0 "<<(Pm0/Pm0.norm()).T()<<std::endl;
02808   std::cout<<"    pxyz/p loc0 "<<(Tl*Pm0/(Tl*Pm0).norm()).T()<<std::endl;
02809   std::cout<<"    pxyz/p glob  "<<(Pm1/Pm1.norm()).T()<<std::endl;
02810   std::cout<<"    pxyz/p  loc  "<<(newPl/newPl.norm()).T()<<std::endl;
02812   //std::cout<<"             Rot   "<<refSurface.rotation()<<endl;
02813   //std::cout<<"             Tl   "<<Tl<<endl;
02814   std::cout<<" ---- phi g0 g1 l0 l1  "
02815            <<atan2(Pm0(2),Pm0(1))<<" "<<atan2(Pm1(2),Pm1(1))<<" "
02816            <<atan2((Tl*Pm0)(2),(Tl*Pm0)(1))<<" "
02817            <<atan2(newPl(2),newPl(1))<<std::endl;
02818   std::cout<<" ---- angl Gl Loc "<<atan2(Pm1(2),Pm1(1))-atan2(Pm0(2),Pm0(1))<<" "
02819            <<atan2(newPl(2),newPl(1))-atan2((Tl*Pm0)(2),(Tl*Pm0)(1))<<" "
02820            <<atan2(newPl(3),newPl(2))-atan2((Tl*Pm0)(3),(Tl*Pm0)(2))<<" "
02821            <<atan2(newPl(1),newPl(3))-atan2((Tl*Pm0)(1),(Tl*Pm0)(3))<<" "<<std::endl;
02822   }
02824   if(debug_){
02825     CLHEP::HepMatrix newTl(3,3,0);
02826     CLHEP::HepVector R0(3,0), newRl(3,0), newPl(3,0);
02827     newTl = Tl * Ti.T();
02828     newR0 = Ti * R0 + di;
02830     std::cout<<" N "<<Norm.T()<<std::endl;
02831     std::cout<<" dtxl yl "<<Vm(0)-tsosMuon.localParameters().vector()(1)<<" "
02832              <<Vm(1)-tsosMuon.localParameters().vector()(2)<<std::endl;
02833     std::cout<<" dXl dYl "<<Vm(2)-tsosMuon.localParameters().vector()(3)<<" "
02834              <<Vm(3)-tsosMuon.localParameters().vector()(4)<<std::endl;
02835     std::cout<<" localM    "<<tsosMuon.localParameters().vector()<<std::endl;  
02836     std::cout<<"       Vm  "<<Vm<<std::endl;
02839     CLHEP::HepVector Rvc(3,0), Pvc(3,0), Rvg(3,0), Pvg(3,0);
02840     Rvc(1) = Vm(2); Rvc(2) = Vm(3);
02841     Pvc(3) = tsosMuon.localParameters().pzSign() * Pm0.norm() /
02842       sqrt(1 + Vm(0)*Vm(0) + Vm(1)*Vm(1));
02843     Pvc(1) = Pvc(3) * Vm(0);
02844     Pvc(2) = Pvc(3) * Vm(1);
02846     Rvg = newTl.T() * Rvc + newR0;
02847     Pvg = newTl.T() * Pvc;
02849     std::cout<<" newPl     "<<newPl.T()<<std::endl;
02850     std::cout<<"    Pvc    "<<Pvc.T()<<std::endl;
02851     std::cout<<"    Rvg    "<<Rvg.T()<<std::endl;
02852     std::cout<<"    Rm1    "<<Rm1.T()<<std::endl;
02853     std::cout<<"    Pvg    "<<Pvg.T()<<std::endl;
02854     std::cout<<"    Pm1    "<<Pm1.T()<<std::endl;
02855   }
02857   if(debug_){    //    ----------  how to transform cartesian from shifted to correct 
02859     std::cout<<" ----- Pm "<<Pm<<std::endl;
02860     std::cout<<"    T*Pm0 "<<Pm1.T()<<std::endl;
02861     //std::cout<<" Ti*T*Pm0 "<<(Ti*(T*Pm0)).T()<<std::endl;
02863     //CLHEP::HepVector Rml = (Rm0 + si*Pm0 - di) + di;
02864     CLHEP::HepVector Rml = Rm1(1)*ex + Rm1(2)*ey + Rm1(3)*ez + di;
02866     CLHEP::HepVector Rt0(3); 
02867     Rt0(1)=Rt.x();  Rt0(2)=Rt.y();  Rt0(3)=Rt.z();      
02869     //double sl = CLHEP::dot(T*(Rt0 - Rml), T*Norm) / CLHEP::dot(Ti * Pm1, Norm);     
02870     double sl = CLHEP_dot(T*(Rt0 - Rml), T*Norm) / CLHEP_dot(Ti * Pm1, Norm);     
02871     CLHEP::HepVector Rl = Rml + sl*(Ti*Pm1);
02873     //double A = CLHEP::dot(Ti*Pm1, Norm);
02874     //double B = CLHEP::dot(Rt0, Norm) - CLHEP::dot(Ti*Rm1, Norm) 
02875     //+ CLHEP::dot(Ti*d, Norm); 
02876     double A = CLHEP_dot(Ti*Pm1, Norm);
02877     double B = CLHEP_dot(Rt0, Norm) - CLHEP_dot(Ti*Rm1, Norm) 
02878       + CLHEP_dot(Ti*d, Norm); 
02879     double s = B/A;
02880     CLHEP::HepVector Dr = Ti*Rm1 - Ti*d  + s*(Ti*Pm1) - Rm0;
02881     CLHEP::HepVector Dp = Ti*Pm1 - Pm0;
02883     CLHEP::HepVector TiR = Ti * Rm0 + di;
02884     CLHEP::HepVector Ri = T * TiR + d;
02886     std::cout<<" --TTi-0 "<<(Ri-Rm0).T()<<std::endl;
02887     std::cout<<" --  Dr  "<<Dr.T()<<endl;
02888     std::cout<<" --  Dp  "<<Dp.T()<<endl;
02889     //std::cout<<" ex "<<ex.T()<<endl;
02890     //std::cout<<" ey "<<ey.T()<<endl;
02891     //std::cout<<" ez "<<ez.T()<<endl;
02892     //std::cout<<" ---- T  ---- "<<T<<std::endl;
02893     //std::cout<<" ---- Ti ---- "<<Ti<<std::endl;
02894     //std::cout<<" ---- d  ---- "<<d.T()<<std::endl;
02895     //std::cout<<" ---- di ---- "<<di.T()<<std::endl;
02896     std::cout<<" -- si sl s "<<si<<" "<<sl<<" "<<s<<std::endl;
02897     //std::cout<<" -- si sl "<<si<<" "<<sl<<endl;
02898     //std::cout<<" -- si s "<<si<<" "<<s<<endl;
02899     std::cout<<" -- Rml-(Rm0+si*Pm0) "<<(Rml - Rm0 - si*Pm0).T()<<std::endl;
02900     //std::cout<<" -- Rm0 "<<Rm0.T()<<std::endl;
02901     //std::cout<<" -- Rm1 "<<Rm1.T()<<std::endl;
02902     //std::cout<<" -- Rmi "<<Rmi.T()<<std::endl;
02903     //std::cout<<" --siPm "<<(si*Pm0).T()<<std::endl;
02904     //std::cout<<" --s2Pm "<<(s2*(T * Pm1)).T()<<std::endl;
02905     //std::cout<<" --R1-0 "<<(Rm1-Rm0).T()<<std::endl;
02906     //std::cout<<" --Ri-0 "<<(Rmi-Rm0).T()<<std::endl;
02907     std::cout<<" --Rl-0 "<<(Rl-Rm0).T()<<std::endl;
02908     //std::cout<<" --Pi-0 "<<(Pmi-Pm0).T()<<std::endl;
02909   }      //                                --------   end of debug
02911   return;
02913 }  // end misalignMuonL
02916 // ----  refit any direction of transient track ------
02917 void 
02918 GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::trackFitter(reco::TrackRef alongTr, reco::TransientTrack& alongTTr,
02919                                        PropagationDirection direction,
02920                                        TrajectoryStateOnSurface& trackFittedTSOS)
02921 {
02922   bool info = false;
02923   bool smooth = false;
02925   if(info)
02926     std::cout<<" ......... start of trackFitter ......... "<<std::endl;  
02927   if(false && info){ 
02928     this->debugTrackHit(" Tracker track hits ", alongTr); 
02929     this->debugTrackHit(" Tracker TransientTrack hits ", alongTTr); 
02930   }
02932   edm::OwnVector<TrackingRecHit> recHit;
02933   DetId trackDetId = DetId(alongTr->innerDetId());
02934   for (trackingRecHit_iterator i=alongTr->recHitsBegin();i!=alongTr->recHitsEnd(); i++) {
02935     recHit.push_back((*i)->clone());
02936   }
02937   if(direction != alongMomentum)
02938     {
02939       edm::OwnVector<TrackingRecHit> recHitAlong = recHit;
02940       recHit.clear();
02941       for(unsigned int ihit = recHitAlong.size()-1; ihit+1>0; ihit--){
02942         recHit.push_back(recHitAlong[ihit]);
02943       }
02944       recHitAlong.clear();
02945     }
02946   if(info)
02947     std::cout<<" ... Own recHit.size() "<<recHit.size()<<" "<<trackDetId.rawId()<<std::endl;
02949   //MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder::ConstRecHitContainer recHitTrack;
02950   TransientTrackingRecHit::RecHitContainer recHitTrack;
02951   for (trackingRecHit_iterator i=alongTr->recHitsBegin();i!=alongTr->recHitsEnd(); i++) {
02952     if((*i)->isValid()){
02953       recHitTrack.push_back(TTRHBuilder->build(&**i ));} 
02954     else{
02955       recHitTrack.push_back(TTRHBuilder->build(&**i ));}  
02956   }
02958   if(info)
02959     std::cout<<" ... recHitTrack.size() "<<recHit.size()<<" "<<trackDetId.rawId()
02960              <<" ======> recHitMu "<<std::endl;
02962   MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder::ConstRecHitContainer recHitMu = recHitTrack;
02963   /*
02964     MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder::ConstRecHitContainer recHitMu =
02965     MuRHBuilder->build(alongTTr.recHitsBegin(), alongTTr.recHitsEnd());
02966   */
02967   if(info)
02968     std::cout<<" ...along.... recHitMu.size() "<<recHitMu.size()<<std::endl;
02969   if(direction != alongMomentum){
02970     MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder::ConstRecHitContainer recHitMuAlong = recHitMu;
02971     recHitMu.clear();
02972     for(unsigned int ihit = recHitMuAlong.size()-1; ihit+1>0; ihit--){
02973       recHitMu.push_back(recHitMuAlong[ihit]);
02974     }
02975     recHitMuAlong.clear();
02976   }
02977   if(info)
02978     std::cout<<" ...opposite... recHitMu.size() "<<recHitMu.size()<<std::endl;
02980   TrajectoryStateOnSurface firstTSOS;
02981   if(direction == alongMomentum) firstTSOS = alongTTr.innermostMeasurementState();
02982   else                           firstTSOS = alongTTr.outermostMeasurementState();
02984   AlgebraicSymMatrix55 CovLoc;
02985   CovLoc(0,0) = 1.   * firstTSOS.localError().matrix()(0,0);
02986   CovLoc(1,1) = 10.  * firstTSOS.localError().matrix()(1,1);
02987   CovLoc(2,2) = 10.  * firstTSOS.localError().matrix()(2,2);
02988   CovLoc(3,3) = 100. * firstTSOS.localError().matrix()(3,3);
02989   CovLoc(4,4) = 100. * firstTSOS.localError().matrix()(4,4);
02990   TrajectoryStateOnSurface initialTSOS(firstTSOS.localParameters(), LocalTrajectoryError(CovLoc),
02991                                        firstTSOS.surface(), &*magneticField_);
02992   TrajectoryStateTransform transformer;
02993   PTrajectoryStateOnDet* PTraj = 
02994     transformer.persistentState(initialTSOS, trackDetId.rawId());
02995   //const TrajectorySeed seedT(*PTraj, recHit, alongMomentum);  
02996   const TrajectorySeed seedT(*PTraj, recHit, direction);  
02998   std::vector<Trajectory> trajVec;
02999   if(direction == alongMomentum) trajVec = theFitter->fit(seedT, recHitMu, initialTSOS);
03000   else                           trajVec = theFitterOp->fit(seedT, recHitMu, initialTSOS);
03002   if(info){
03003     this->debugTrajectorySOSv(" innermostTSOS of TransientTrack", 
03004                              alongTTr.innermostMeasurementState());
03005     this->debugTrajectorySOSv(" outermostTSOS of TransientTrack", 
03006                              alongTTr.outermostMeasurementState());
03007     this->debugTrajectorySOS(" initialTSOS for theFitter ", initialTSOS);
03008     std::cout<<" . . . . . trajVec.size() "<<trajVec.size()<<std::endl;
03009     if(trajVec.size()) this->debugTrajectory(" theFitter trajectory ", trajVec[0]);
03010   }
03012   if(!smooth){
03013     if(trajVec.size()) trackFittedTSOS = trajVec[0].lastMeasurement().updatedState();}
03014   else{
03015     std::vector<Trajectory> trajSVec;
03016     if (trajVec.size()){
03017       if(direction == alongMomentum) trajSVec = theSmoother->trajectories(*(trajVec.begin()));
03018       else                           trajSVec = theSmootherOp->trajectories(*(trajVec.begin()));
03019     }
03020     if(info) std::cout<<" . . . . trajSVec.size() "<<trajSVec.size()<<std::endl;
03021     if(trajSVec.size()) this->debugTrajectorySOSv("smoothed geom InnermostState",
03022                                                   trajSVec[0].geometricalInnermostState());
03023     if(trajSVec.size()) trackFittedTSOS = trajSVec[0].geometricalInnermostState();
03024   }
03026   if(info) this->debugTrajectorySOSv(" trackFittedTSOS ", trackFittedTSOS);
03028 } // end of trackFitter
03030 // ----  refit any direction of muon transient track ------
03031 void 
03032 GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::muonFitter(reco::TrackRef alongTr, reco::TransientTrack& alongTTr,
03033                                        PropagationDirection direction,
03034                                        TrajectoryStateOnSurface& trackFittedTSOS)
03035 {  
03036   bool info = false;
03037   bool smooth = false;
03039   if(info)  std::cout<<" ......... start of muonFitter ........"<<std::endl;  
03040   if(false && info){  
03041     this->debugTrackHit(" Muon track hits ", alongTr); 
03042     this->debugTrackHit(" Muon TransientTrack hits ", alongTTr); 
03043   }
03045   edm::OwnVector<TrackingRecHit> recHit;
03046   DetId trackDetId = DetId(alongTr->innerDetId());
03047   for (trackingRecHit_iterator i=alongTr->recHitsBegin();i!=alongTr->recHitsEnd(); i++) {
03048     recHit.push_back((*i)->clone());
03049   }
03050   if(direction != alongMomentum)
03051     {
03052       edm::OwnVector<TrackingRecHit> recHitAlong = recHit;
03053       recHit.clear();
03054       for(unsigned int ihit = recHitAlong.size()-1; ihit+1>0; ihit--){
03055         recHit.push_back(recHitAlong[ihit]);
03056       }
03057       recHitAlong.clear();
03058     }
03059   if(info)
03060     std::cout<<" ... Own recHit.size() DetId==Muon "<<recHit.size()<<" "<<trackDetId.rawId()<<std::endl;
03062   MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder::ConstRecHitContainer recHitMu =
03063     MuRHBuilder->build(alongTTr.recHitsBegin(), alongTTr.recHitsEnd());
03064   if(info)
03065     std::cout<<" ...along.... recHitMu.size() "<<recHitMu.size()<<std::endl;
03066   if(direction != alongMomentum){
03067     MuonTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder::ConstRecHitContainer recHitMuAlong = recHitMu;
03068     recHitMu.clear();
03069     for(unsigned int ihit = recHitMuAlong.size()-1; ihit+1>0; ihit--){
03070       recHitMu.push_back(recHitMuAlong[ihit]);
03071     }
03072     recHitMuAlong.clear();
03073   }
03074   if(info)
03075     std::cout<<" ...opposite... recHitMu.size() "<<recHitMu.size()<<std::endl;
03077   TrajectoryStateOnSurface firstTSOS;
03078   if(direction == alongMomentum) firstTSOS = alongTTr.innermostMeasurementState();
03079   else                           firstTSOS = alongTTr.outermostMeasurementState();
03081   AlgebraicSymMatrix55 CovLoc;
03082   CovLoc(0,0) = 1.   * firstTSOS.localError().matrix()(0,0);
03083   CovLoc(1,1) = 10.  * firstTSOS.localError().matrix()(1,1);
03084   CovLoc(2,2) = 10.  * firstTSOS.localError().matrix()(2,2);
03085   CovLoc(3,3) = 100. * firstTSOS.localError().matrix()(3,3);
03086   CovLoc(4,4) = 100. * firstTSOS.localError().matrix()(4,4);
03087   TrajectoryStateOnSurface initialTSOS(firstTSOS.localParameters(), LocalTrajectoryError(CovLoc),
03088                                        firstTSOS.surface(), &*magneticField_);
03089   TrajectoryStateTransform transformer;
03090   PTrajectoryStateOnDet* PTraj = 
03091     transformer.persistentState(initialTSOS, trackDetId.rawId());
03092   //const TrajectorySeed seedT(*PTraj, recHit, alongMomentum);  
03093   const TrajectorySeed seedT(*PTraj, recHit, direction);  
03095   std::vector<Trajectory> trajVec;
03096   if(direction == alongMomentum) trajVec = theFitter->fit(seedT, recHitMu, initialTSOS);
03097   else                           trajVec = theFitterOp->fit(seedT, recHitMu, initialTSOS);
03099   if(info){
03100     this->debugTrajectorySOSv(" innermostTSOS of TransientTrack", 
03101                              alongTTr.innermostMeasurementState());
03102     this->debugTrajectorySOSv(" outermostTSOS of TransientTrack", 
03103                              alongTTr.outermostMeasurementState());
03104     this->debugTrajectorySOS(" initialTSOS for theFitter ", initialTSOS);
03105     std::cout<<" . . . . . trajVec.size() "<<trajVec.size()<<std::endl;
03106     if(trajVec.size()) this->debugTrajectory(" theFitter trajectory ", trajVec[0]);
03107   }
03109   if(!smooth){
03110     if(trajVec.size()) trackFittedTSOS = trajVec[0].lastMeasurement().updatedState();}
03111   else{
03112     std::vector<Trajectory> trajSVec;
03113     if (trajVec.size()){
03114       if(direction == alongMomentum) trajSVec = theSmoother->trajectories(*(trajVec.begin()));
03115       else                           trajSVec = theSmootherOp->trajectories(*(trajVec.begin()));
03116     }
03117     if(info) std::cout<<" . . . . trajSVec.size() "<<trajSVec.size()<<std::endl;
03118     if(trajSVec.size()) this->debugTrajectorySOSv("smoothed geom InnermostState",
03119                                                   trajSVec[0].geometricalInnermostState());
03120     if(trajSVec.size()) trackFittedTSOS = trajSVec[0].geometricalInnermostState();
03121   }
03123 } // end of muonFitter
03126 // ----  debug printout of hits from TransientTrack  ------
03127 void GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::debugTrackHit(const std::string title, TransientTrack& alongTr) 
03128 {
03129   std::cout<<" ------- "<<title<<" --------"<<std::endl;
03130   int nHit = 1;
03131   TransientTrackingRecHit::RecHitContainer recHit;
03132   for (trackingRecHit_iterator i=alongTr.recHitsBegin();i!=alongTr.recHitsEnd(); i++) {
03133     std::cout<<" Hit "<<nHit++<<" DetId "<<(*i)->geographicalId().det();
03134     if( (*i)->geographicalId().det() == DetId::Tracker ) std::cout<<" Tracker ";
03135     else if ( (*i)->geographicalId().det() == DetId::Muon ) std::cout<<" Muon "; 
03136     else std::cout<<" Unknown ";
03137     if(!(*i)->isValid()) std::cout<<" not valid "<<std::endl;  
03138     else std::cout<<std::endl;
03139   }
03140 }
03143 // ----  debug printout of hits from TrackRef   ------
03144 void GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::debugTrackHit(const std::string title, reco::TrackRef alongTr) 
03145 {
03146   std::cout<<" ------- "<<title<<" --------"<<std::endl;
03147   int nHit = 1;
03148   TransientTrackingRecHit::RecHitContainer recHit;
03149   for (trackingRecHit_iterator i=alongTr->recHitsBegin();i!=alongTr->recHitsEnd(); i++) {
03150     std::cout<<" Hit "<<nHit++<<" DetId "<<(*i)->geographicalId().det();
03151     if( (*i)->geographicalId().det() == DetId::Tracker ) std::cout<<" Tracker ";
03152     else if ( (*i)->geographicalId().det() == DetId::Muon ) std::cout<<" Muon "; 
03153     else std::cout<<" Unknown ";
03154     if(!(*i)->isValid()) std::cout<<" not valid "<<std::endl;  
03155     else std::cout<<std::endl;
03156   }
03157 }
03159 // ----  debug printout TrajectoryStateOnSurface  ------
03160 void GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::debugTrajectorySOS(const std::string title, 
03161                                                      TrajectoryStateOnSurface& trajSOS) 
03162 {
03163   std::cout<<"    --- "<<title<<" --- "<<std::endl;
03164   if(!trajSOS.isValid()) {std::cout<<"      Not valid !!!! "<<std::endl; return;}
03165   std::cout<<" R |p| "<<trajSOS.globalPosition().perp()<<" "
03166            <<trajSOS.globalMomentum().mag()<<" charge "<<trajSOS.charge()<<std::endl; 
03167   std::cout<<" x p  "<<trajSOS.globalParameters().vector()(0)<<" "
03168            <<trajSOS.globalParameters().vector()(1)<<" "
03169            <<trajSOS.globalParameters().vector()(2)<<" "
03170            <<trajSOS.globalParameters().vector()(3)<<" "
03171            <<trajSOS.globalParameters().vector()(4)<<" "
03172            <<trajSOS.globalParameters().vector()(5)<<std::endl;
03173   std::cout<<" +/- "<<sqrt(trajSOS.cartesianError().matrix()(0,0))<<" "
03174            <<sqrt(trajSOS.cartesianError().matrix()(1,1))<<" "
03175            <<sqrt(trajSOS.cartesianError().matrix()(2,2))<<" "
03176            <<sqrt(trajSOS.cartesianError().matrix()(3,3))<<" "
03177            <<sqrt(trajSOS.cartesianError().matrix()(4,4))<<" "
03178            <<sqrt(trajSOS.cartesianError().matrix()(5,5))<<std::endl;
03179   std::cout<<" q/p dxy/dz xy "<<trajSOS.localParameters().vector()(0)<<" "
03180            <<trajSOS.localParameters().vector()(1)<<" "
03181            <<trajSOS.localParameters().vector()(2)<<" "
03182            <<trajSOS.localParameters().vector()(3)<<" "
03183            <<trajSOS.localParameters().vector()(4)<<std::endl;
03184   std::cout<<"   +/- error  "<<sqrt(trajSOS.localError().matrix()(0,0))<<" "
03185            <<sqrt(trajSOS.localError().matrix()(1,1))<<" "
03186            <<sqrt(trajSOS.localError().matrix()(2,2))<<" "
03187            <<sqrt(trajSOS.localError().matrix()(3,3))<<" "
03188            <<sqrt(trajSOS.localError().matrix()(4,4))<<" "<<std::endl;
03189 }
03191 // ----  debug printout TrajectoryStateOnSurface  ------
03192 void GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::debugTrajectorySOSv(const std::string title, 
03193                                                      TrajectoryStateOnSurface trajSOS) 
03194 {
03195   std::cout<<"    --- "<<title<<" --- "<<std::endl;
03196   if(!trajSOS.isValid()) {std::cout<<"      Not valid !!!! "<<std::endl; return;}
03197   std::cout<<" R |p| "<<trajSOS.globalPosition().perp()<<" "
03198            <<trajSOS.globalMomentum().mag()<<" charge "<<trajSOS.charge()<<std::endl; 
03199   std::cout<<" x p  "<<trajSOS.globalParameters().vector()(0)<<" "
03200            <<trajSOS.globalParameters().vector()(1)<<" "
03201            <<trajSOS.globalParameters().vector()(2)<<" "
03202            <<trajSOS.globalParameters().vector()(3)<<" "
03203            <<trajSOS.globalParameters().vector()(4)<<" "
03204            <<trajSOS.globalParameters().vector()(5)<<std::endl;
03205   std::cout<<" +/- "<<sqrt(trajSOS.cartesianError().matrix()(0,0))<<" "
03206            <<sqrt(trajSOS.cartesianError().matrix()(1,1))<<" "
03207            <<sqrt(trajSOS.cartesianError().matrix()(2,2))<<" "
03208            <<sqrt(trajSOS.cartesianError().matrix()(3,3))<<" "
03209            <<sqrt(trajSOS.cartesianError().matrix()(4,4))<<" "
03210            <<sqrt(trajSOS.cartesianError().matrix()(5,5))<<std::endl;
03211   std::cout<<" q/p dxy/dz xy "<<trajSOS.localParameters().vector()(0)<<" "
03212            <<trajSOS.localParameters().vector()(1)<<" "
03213            <<trajSOS.localParameters().vector()(2)<<" "
03214            <<trajSOS.localParameters().vector()(3)<<" "
03215            <<trajSOS.localParameters().vector()(4)<<std::endl;
03216   std::cout<<"   +/- error  "<<sqrt(trajSOS.localError().matrix()(0,0))<<" "
03217            <<sqrt(trajSOS.localError().matrix()(1,1))<<" "
03218            <<sqrt(trajSOS.localError().matrix()(2,2))<<" "
03219            <<sqrt(trajSOS.localError().matrix()(3,3))<<" "
03220            <<sqrt(trajSOS.localError().matrix()(4,4))<<" "<<std::endl;
03221 }
03223 // ----  debug printout Trajectory   ------
03224 void GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::debugTrajectory(const std::string title, Trajectory& traj) 
03225 {
03226   std::cout<<"\n"<<"    ...... "<<title<<" ...... "<<std::endl;
03227   if(!traj.isValid()) {std::cout<<"          Not valid !!!!!!!!  "<<std::endl; return;}
03228   std::cout<<" chi2/Nhit "<<traj.chiSquared()<<" / "<<traj.foundHits();
03229   if(traj.direction() == alongMomentum) std::cout<<" alongMomentum  >>>>"<<std::endl;
03230   else                                  std::cout<<" oppositeToMomentum  <<<<"<<std::endl;
03231   this->debugTrajectorySOSv(" firstMeasurementTSOS ",traj.firstMeasurement().updatedState());
03232   //this->debugTrajectorySOSv(" firstMeasurementTSOS ",traj.firstMeasurement().predictedState());
03233   this->debugTrajectorySOSv(" lastMeasurementTSOS ",traj.lastMeasurement().updatedState());
03234   //this->debugTrajectorySOSv(" geom InnermostState", traj.geometricalInnermostState());
03235   std::cout<<"    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \n"<<std::endl;
03236 }
03239 // ----  write GlobalPositionRcd   ------
03240 void GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment::writeGlPosRcd(CLHEP::HepVector& paramVec) 
03241 {
03242   //paramVec(1) = 0.1; paramVec(2) = 0.2; paramVec(3) = 0.3;         //0123
03243   //paramVec(4) = 0.0001; paramVec(5) = 0.0002; paramVec(6) = 0.0003;
03244   //paramVec(1) = 0.3; paramVec(2) = 0.4; paramVec(3) = 0.5;         //03450123
03245   //paramVec(4) = 0.0001; paramVec(5) = 0.0002; paramVec(6) = 0.0003;
03246   //paramVec(1) = 2.; paramVec(2) = 2.; paramVec(3) = 2.;               //222
03247   //paramVec(4) = 0.02; paramVec(5) = 0.02; paramVec(6) = 0.02;
03248   //paramVec(1) = -10.; paramVec(2) = -20.; paramVec(3) = -30.;         //102030
03249   //paramVec(4) = -0.1; paramVec(5) = -0.2; paramVec(6) = -0.3;
03250   //paramVec(1) = 0.; paramVec(2) = 0.; paramVec(3) = 1.;               //1z
03251   //paramVec(4) = 0.0000; paramVec(5) = 0.0000; paramVec(6) = 0.0000;
03253   std::cout<<" paramVector "<<paramVec.T()<<std::endl;
03255   CLHEP::Hep3Vector colX, colY, colZ;
03258   colX = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(          1.,  -paramVec(6),  paramVec(5));
03259   colY = CLHEP::Hep3Vector( paramVec(6),            1., -paramVec(4));
03260   colZ = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(-paramVec(5),   paramVec(4),           1.);
03261 #else 
03262   double s1 = std::sin(paramVec(4)), c1 = std::cos(paramVec(4));
03263   double s2 = std::sin(paramVec(5)), c2 = std::cos(paramVec(5));
03264   double s3 = std::sin(paramVec(6)), c3 = std::cos(paramVec(6));
03265   colX = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(               c2 * c3,               -c2 * s3,       s2);
03266   colY = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(c1 * s3 + s1 * s2 * c3, c1 * c3 - s1 * s2 * s3, -s1 * c2);
03267   colZ = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(s1 * s3 - c1 * s2 * c3, s1 * c3 + c1 * s2 * s3,  c1 * c2);
03268 #endif
03270   CLHEP::HepVector  param0(6,0);
03272   Alignments* globalPositions = new Alignments();  
03274   //Tracker
03275   AlignTransform tracker(iteratorTrackerRcd->translation(),
03276                          iteratorTrackerRcd->rotation(),
03277                          DetId(DetId::Tracker).rawId());
03278   // Muon
03279   CLHEP::Hep3Vector posMuGlRcd = iteratorMuonRcd->translation();
03280   CLHEP::HepRotation rotMuGlRcd = iteratorMuonRcd->rotation();
03281   CLHEP::HepEulerAngles angMuGlRcd = iteratorMuonRcd->rotation().eulerAngles();
03282   if(debug_)
03283     std::cout<<" Old muon Rcd Euler angles "<<angMuGlRcd.phi()<<" "<<angMuGlRcd.theta()
03284              <<" "<<angMuGlRcd.psi()<<std::endl;
03285   AlignTransform muon;
03286   if((angMuGlRcd.phi() == 0.) && (angMuGlRcd.theta() == 0.) && (angMuGlRcd.psi() == 0.) &&
03287      (posMuGlRcd.x() == 0.) && (posMuGlRcd.y() == 0.) && (posMuGlRcd.z() == 0.)){
03288     std::cout<<" New muon parameters are stored in Rcd"<<std::endl; 
03290     AlignTransform muonNew(AlignTransform::Translation(paramVec(1),
03291                                                        paramVec(2),
03292                                                        paramVec(3)),
03293                            AlignTransform::Rotation   (colX,
03294                                                        colY,
03295                                                        colZ),
03296                            DetId(DetId::Muon).rawId());
03297     muon = muonNew;
03298   }
03299   else if((paramVec(1) == 0.) && (paramVec(2) == 0.) && (paramVec(3) == 0.) && 
03300           (paramVec(4) == 0.) && (paramVec(5) == 0.) && (paramVec(6) == 0.)){
03301     std::cout<<" Old muon parameters are stored in Rcd"<<std::endl; 
03303     AlignTransform muonNew(iteratorMuonRcd->translation(),
03304                            iteratorMuonRcd->rotation(),
03305                            DetId(DetId::Muon).rawId());
03306     muon = muonNew;  
03307   }
03308   else{
03309     std::cout<<" New + Old muon parameters are stored in Rcd"<<std::endl; 
03310     CLHEP::Hep3Vector posMuGlRcdThis = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(paramVec(1), paramVec(2), paramVec(3));   
03311     CLHEP::HepRotation rotMuGlRcdThis = CLHEP::HepRotation(colX, colY, colZ);   
03312     CLHEP::Hep3Vector posMuGlRcdNew = rotMuGlRcdThis * posMuGlRcd + posMuGlRcdThis;
03313     CLHEP::HepRotation rotMuGlRcdNew = rotMuGlRcdThis * rotMuGlRcd;
03315     AlignTransform muonNew(posMuGlRcdNew,
03316                            rotMuGlRcdNew, 
03317                            DetId(DetId::Muon).rawId());
03318     muon = muonNew;
03319   }
03321   // Ecal
03322   AlignTransform ecal(iteratorEcalRcd->translation(),
03323                          iteratorEcalRcd->rotation(),
03324                          DetId(DetId::Ecal).rawId());
03325   // Hcal
03326   AlignTransform hcal(iteratorHcalRcd->translation(),
03327                          iteratorHcalRcd->rotation(),
03328                          DetId(DetId::Hcal).rawId());
03329   // Calo
03330   AlignTransform calo(AlignTransform::Translation(param0(1),
03331                                                   param0(2),
03332                                                   param0(3)),
03333                       AlignTransform::EulerAngles(param0(4),
03334                                                   param0(5),
03335                                                   param0(6)),
03336                       DetId(DetId::Calo).rawId());
03338   std::cout << "Tracker (" << tracker.rawId() << ") at " << tracker.translation() 
03339             << " " << tracker.rotation().eulerAngles() << std::endl;
03340   std::cout << tracker.rotation() << std::endl;
03342   std::cout << "Muon (" << muon.rawId() << ") at " << muon.translation() 
03343             << " " << muon.rotation().eulerAngles() << std::endl;
03344   std::cout << "          rotations angles around x,y,z "
03345             << " ( " << -muon.rotation().zy() << " " << muon.rotation().zx() 
03346             << " " << -muon.rotation().yx() << " )" << std::endl;
03347    std::cout << muon.rotation() << std::endl;
03349    std::cout << "Ecal (" << ecal.rawId() << ") at " << ecal.translation() 
03350              << " " << ecal.rotation().eulerAngles() << std::endl;
03351    std::cout << ecal.rotation() << std::endl;
03353    std::cout << "Hcal (" << hcal.rawId() << ") at " << hcal.translation()
03354              << " " << hcal.rotation().eulerAngles() << std::endl;
03355    std::cout << hcal.rotation() << std::endl;
03357    std::cout << "Calo (" << calo.rawId() << ") at " << calo.translation()
03358              << " " << calo.rotation().eulerAngles() << std::endl;
03359    std::cout << calo.rotation() << std::endl;
03361    globalPositions->m_align.push_back(tracker);
03362    globalPositions->m_align.push_back(muon);
03363    globalPositions->m_align.push_back(ecal);
03364    globalPositions->m_align.push_back(hcal);
03365    globalPositions->m_align.push_back(calo);
03367    std::cout << "Uploading to the database..." << std::endl;
03369    edm::Service<cond::service::PoolDBOutputService> poolDbService;
03371    if (!poolDbService.isAvailable())
03372      throw cms::Exception("NotAvailable") << "PoolDBOutputService not available";
03374    //    if (poolDbService->isNewTagRequest("GlobalPositionRcd")) {
03375 //       poolDbService->createNewIOV<Alignments>(&(*globalPositions), poolDbService->endOfTime(), "GlobalPositionRcd");
03376 //    } else {
03377 //       poolDbService->appendSinceTime<Alignments>(&(*globalPositions), poolDbService->currentTime(), "GlobalPositionRcd");
03378 //    }
03379    poolDbService->writeOne<Alignments>(&(*globalPositions), 
03380                                        poolDbService->currentTime(),
03381                                        //poolDbService->beginOfTime(),
03382                                        "GlobalPositionRcd");
03383    std::cout << "done!" << std::endl;
03385    return;
03386 }
03389 //define this as a plug-in
03390 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(GlobalTrackerMuonAlignment);