
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 ecalGlobalUncalibRecHit = cms.EDProducer("EcalUncalibRecHitProducer",
00004     EBdigiCollection = cms.InputTag("ecalDigis","ebDigis"),
00005     EEdigiCollection = cms.InputTag("ecalDigis","eeDigis"),
00006     EBhitCollection = cms.string("EcalUncalibRecHitsEB"),
00007     EEhitCollection = cms.string('EcalUncalibRecHitsEE'),
00009     # for ratio method
00010     EBtimeFitParameters = cms.vdouble(-2.015452e+00, 3.130702e+00, -1.234730e+01, 4.188921e+01, -8.283944e+01, 9.101147e+01, -5.035761e+01, 1.105621e+01),
00011     EEtimeFitParameters = cms.vdouble(-2.390548e+00, 3.553628e+00, -1.762341e+01, 6.767538e+01, -1.332130e+02, 1.407432e+02, -7.541106e+01, 1.620277e+01),
00012     EBamplitudeFitParameters = cms.vdouble(1.138,1.652),
00013     EEamplitudeFitParameters = cms.vdouble(1.890,1.400),
00014     EBtimeFitLimits_Lower = cms.double(0.2),
00015     EBtimeFitLimits_Upper = cms.double(1.4),
00016     EEtimeFitLimits_Lower = cms.double(0.2),
00017     EEtimeFitLimits_Upper = cms.double(1.4),
00018     # for kOutOfTime flag
00019     EBtimeConstantTerm= cms.double(.6),
00020     EBtimeNconst      = cms.double(28.5),
00021     EEtimeConstantTerm= cms.double(.6),
00022     EEtimeNconst      = cms.double(31.8),
00023     outOfTimeThresholdGain12pEB    = cms.double(5),      # times estimated precision
00024     outOfTimeThresholdGain12mEB    = cms.double(5),      # times estimated precision
00025     #outOfTimeThresholdGain61pEB    = cms.double(5),      # times estimated precision
00026     outOfTimeThresholdGain61pEB    = cms.double(1.e+05), # times estimated precision
00027     outOfTimeThresholdGain61mEB    = cms.double(5),      # times estimated precision
00028     outOfTimeThresholdGain12pEE    = cms.double(5),      # times estimated precision
00029     outOfTimeThresholdGain12mEE    = cms.double(5),      # times estimated precision
00030     #outOfTimeThresholdGain61pEE    = cms.double(5),      # times estimated precision
00031     outOfTimeThresholdGain61pEE    = cms.double(1.e+05), # times estimated precision
00032     outOfTimeThresholdGain61mEE    = cms.double(5),      # times estimated precision
00033     amplitudeThresholdEB    = cms.double(10),
00034     amplitudeThresholdEE    = cms.double(10),
00035     #amplitude-dependent time corrections; EE and EB have separate corrections
00036     #EXtimeCorrAmplitudes (ADC) and EXtimeCorrShifts (ns) need to have the same number of elements
00037     #Bins must be ordered in amplitude. First-last bins take care of under-overflows.
00038     doEBtimeCorrection = cms.bool(False),
00039     doEEtimeCorrection = cms.bool(False),
00041     EBtimeCorrAmplitudeBins = cms.vdouble(
00042     7.9,    8.9,    10.0,   11.2,   12.5,   14.1,   15.8,   17.7,    19.9,    22.3,   25.0,   28.1,   31.5,   35.3,   39.7,
00043     44.5,   49.9,   56.0,   62.8,   70.5,   79.1,   88.8,   99.6,    111.7,   125.4,  140.7,  157.9,  177.1,  198.7,  223.0,
00044     250.2,  280.7,  315.0,  353.4,  396.5,  444.9,  499.2,  560.1,   628.4,   705.1,  791.1,  887.7,  996.0,  1117.5, 1253.9,
00045     1406.8, 1578.5, 1771.1, 1987.2, 2229.7, 2501.8, 2807.0, 3149.5,  3533.8 , 3895.9, 3896.0 ),
00047     EBtimeCorrShiftBins     = cms.vdouble(
00048     -1.641,   -1.641,   -1.641,   -1.641,   -1.537,   -1.301,   -1.121,   -0.943,   -0.795,   -0.679,   -0.590,   -0.520,   -0.465,   -0.421,   -0.381,
00049     -0.345,   -0.318,   -0.293,   -0.273,   -0.253,   -0.235,   -0.220,   -0.206,   -0.196,   -0.188,   -0.181,   -0.167,   -0.148,   -0.136,   -0.130,
00050     -0.118,   -0.105,   -0.097,   -0.082,   -0.073,   -0.053,   -0.039,   -0.025,   -0.034,   -0.022,   -0.028,   -0.015,    0.025,    0.050,    0.069,
00051      0.107,    0.101,    0.130,    0.189,    0.191,    0.208,    0.237,    0.244,   0.251,     0.251,   -1.000 ),  
00053     EEtimeCorrAmplitudeBins = cms.vdouble(
00054     15.7,     17.6,     19.7,     22.1,     24.8,     27.9,     31.3,     35.1,     39.4,     44.2,     49.6,     55.6,     62.4,     70.0,     78.6,
00055     88.1,     98.9,     111.0,    124.5,    139.7,    156.7,    175.9,    197.3,    221.4,    248.4,    278.7,    312.7,    350.9,    393.7,    441.7,
00056     495.6,    556.1,    624.0,    700.1,    785.5,    881.4,    988.9,    1109.6,   1245.0,   1396.9,   1567.3,   1758.6,   1973.1,   2213.9,   2484.0,
00057     2787.1,   3127.2,   3508.8,   3936.9,   4417.3,   4956.3,   5561.1,   6239.6,   7001.0  ),
00059     EEtimeCorrShiftBins     = cms.vdouble(
00060     -1.052,   -1.052,   -1.052,   -1.052,   -0.719,   -0.531,   -0.383,   -0.271,   -0.190,   -0.145,   -0.107,   -0.077,   -0.076,   -0.072,   -0.075,
00061     -0.068,   -0.065,   -0.067,   -0.072,   -0.075,   -0.070,   -0.058,   -0.055,   -0.053,   -0.042,   -0.040,   -0.034,   -0.025,   -0.015,   -0.009,
00062     0.006,     0.013,    0.004,    0.003,   -0.013,    0.005,    0.029,    0.057,    0.076,    0.098,    0.123,    0.160,    0.195,    0.225,    0.253,
00063     0.278,     0.320,    0.360,    0.385,    0.358,    0.397,    0.367,    0.434,    0.428   ),                                     
00065     ebSpikeThreshold = cms.double(1.042),
00067     ebPulseShape = cms.vdouble( 5.2e-05,-5.26e-05 , 6.66e-05, 0.1168, 0.7575, 1.,  0.8876, 0.6732, 0.4741,  0.3194 ),
00068     eePulseShape = cms.vdouble( 5.2e-05,-5.26e-05 , 6.66e-05, 0.1168, 0.7575, 1.,  0.8876, 0.6732, 0.4741,  0.3194 ),
00070     kPoorRecoFlagEB = cms.bool(False),
00071     kPoorRecoFlagEE = cms.bool(False),
00072     chi2ThreshEB_ = cms.double(33.0),
00073     chi2ThreshEE_ = cms.double(33.0),
00074     EBchi2Parameters = cms.vdouble(2.122, 0.022, 2.122, 0.022),
00075     EEchi2Parameters = cms.vdouble(2.122, 0.022, 2.122, 0.022),
00077     algo = cms.string("EcalUncalibRecHitWorkerGlobal")
00078 )