Source code (CVS tag: V01-00-05 ) - Administrative privileges
- RecoMuon.cff : configuration fragment which defines the sequence
- RecoMuon_EventContent.cff : configuration fragment which contains blocks definitions for FullEvent, RECO and AOD
Available Blocks
- muonreco : sequence to perform the whole muon reconstruction.
inputs are:
- DT's segments: InputTag: dt4DSegments
- CSC's segments: InputTag: cscSegments
- RPC' hits: InputTags: rpcRecHits
Note. The following inputs are automatically taken into account inside the reconstruction's chain:
- The seed producer needs the DT and(or) CSC's segments
- The stand alone producer needs the DT and CSC's segments, RPC's rechits and the seed
- The global producer needs the DT and CSC's segments, RPC's rechits and the standalone track (trajectory if present in the event)
products are:
- Seed: TrajectorySeedCollection. InputTag: MuonSeed
- Stand Alone: TrackCollection. InputTag: standAloneMuons
- Global: TrackCollection and a MuonCollection. InputTag: globalMuons
- the FEVT (Full Event), RECO and AOD Tier save the following products:
The main output of the Stand Alone muon reconstruction is a TrackCollection, but to upload all the information in the event, two other collections are created:
- TrackExtraCollection
- TrackingRecHitCollection
The main output of the Global muon reconstruction are a MuonCollection and a TrackCollection. The TrackCollection contains the muon's tracks with both the information from the tracker and the muon's systems (matching and refit of the two independent tracks). The MuonCollection contains the three reference at the three Tracks: stand alone track, matched track in the tracker, combined track. As for the stand alone reco two collections are uploaded in the event.
Last updated: @ Riccardo Bellan