
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "CalibTracker/SiStripCommon/interface/ShallowTracksProducer.h"
00003 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
00004 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00005 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/Track.h"
00006 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/TrackFwd.h"
00007 #include "TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/Trajectory.h"
00008 #include "boost/foreach.hpp"
00010 ShallowTracksProducer::ShallowTracksProducer(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
00011   :  theTracksLabel( iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("Tracks") ),
00012      Prefix       ( iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("Prefix")    ),
00013      Suffix       ( iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("Suffix")    )
00014 {
00015   produces <unsigned int>               ( Prefix + "number"    + Suffix );
00016   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "chi2"      + Suffix );
00017   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "ndof"      + Suffix );
00018   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "chi2ndof"  + Suffix );
00019   produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "charge"    + Suffix );
00020   produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "momentum"  + Suffix );
00021   produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "pt"        + Suffix );
00022   produces <std::vector<float> >        ( Prefix + "pterr"     + Suffix );
00023   produces <std::vector<unsigned int> > ( Prefix + "hitsvalid" + Suffix );
00024   produces <std::vector<unsigned int> > ( Prefix + "hitslost"  + Suffix );
00025   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "theta"     + Suffix );
00026   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "thetaerr"  + Suffix );
00027   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "phi"       + Suffix );
00028   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "phierr"    + Suffix );
00029   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "eta"       + Suffix );
00030   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "etaerr"    + Suffix );
00031   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "dxy"       + Suffix );
00032   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "dxyerr"    + Suffix );
00033   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "dsz"       + Suffix );
00034   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "dszerr"    + Suffix );
00035   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "qoverp"    + Suffix );
00036   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "qoverperr" + Suffix );
00037   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "vx"        + Suffix );
00038   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "vy"        + Suffix );
00039   produces <std::vector<double> >       ( Prefix + "vz"        + Suffix );
00040   produces <std::vector<int> >          ( Prefix + "algo"        + Suffix );
00041 }
00043 void ShallowTracksProducer::
00044 produce(edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) {
00045   std::auto_ptr<unsigned int>               number      ( new unsigned int(0)             );
00046   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       chi2        ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00047   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       ndof        ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00048   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       chi2ndof    ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00049   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        charge      ( new std::vector<float>()        );
00050   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        momentum    ( new std::vector<float>()        );
00051   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        pt          ( new std::vector<float>()        );
00052   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<float> >        pterr       ( new std::vector<float>()        );
00053   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<unsigned int> > hitsvalid   ( new std::vector<unsigned int>() );
00054   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<unsigned int> > hitslost    ( new std::vector<unsigned int>() );
00055   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       theta       ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00056   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       thetaerr    ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00057   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       phi         ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00058   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       phierr      ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00059   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       eta         ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00060   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       etaerr      ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00061   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       dxy         ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00062   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       dxyerr      ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00063   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       dsz         ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00064   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       dszerr      ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00065   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       qoverp      ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00066   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       qoverperr   ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00067   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       vx          ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00068   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       vy          ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00069   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<double> >       vz          ( new std::vector<double>()       );
00070   std::auto_ptr<std::vector<int> >          algo        ( new std::vector<int>() );
00072   edm::Handle<edm::View<reco::Track> > tracks;  iEvent.getByLabel(theTracksLabel, tracks);
00074   *number = tracks->size();
00075   BOOST_FOREACH( const reco::Track track, *tracks) {
00076     chi2->push_back(      track.chi2()              );
00077     ndof->push_back(      track.ndof()              );
00078     chi2ndof->push_back(  track.chi2()/track.ndof() );
00079     charge->push_back(    track.charge()            );
00080     momentum->push_back(  track.p()                 );
00081     pt->push_back(                );
00082     pterr->push_back(     track.ptError()           );
00083     hitsvalid->push_back( track.numberOfValidHits() );
00084     hitslost->push_back(  track.numberOfLostHits()  );
00085     theta->push_back(     track.theta()             );
00086     thetaerr->push_back(  track.thetaError()        );
00087     phi->push_back(       track.phi()               );
00088     phierr->push_back(    track.phiError()          );
00089     eta->push_back(       track.eta()               );
00090     etaerr->push_back(    track.etaError()          );
00091     dxy->push_back(       track.dxy()               );
00092     dxyerr->push_back(    track.dxyError()          );
00093     dsz->push_back(       track.dsz()               );
00094     dszerr->push_back(    track.dszError()          );
00095     qoverp->push_back(    track.qoverp()            );
00096     qoverperr->push_back( track.qoverpError()       );
00097     vx->push_back(        track.vx()                );
00098     vy->push_back(        track.vy()                );
00099     vz->push_back(        track.vz()                );
00100     algo->push_back(      (int) track.algo()              );
00101   }                       
00103   iEvent.put(number,       Prefix + "number"     + Suffix );
00104   iEvent.put(chi2,         Prefix + "chi2"       + Suffix );
00105   iEvent.put(ndof,         Prefix + "ndof"       + Suffix );
00106   iEvent.put(chi2ndof,     Prefix + "chi2ndof"   + Suffix );
00107   iEvent.put(charge,       Prefix + "charge"     + Suffix );
00108   iEvent.put(momentum,     Prefix + "momentum"   + Suffix );
00109   iEvent.put(pt,           Prefix + "pt"         + Suffix );
00110   iEvent.put(pterr,        Prefix + "pterr"      + Suffix );
00111   iEvent.put(hitsvalid,    Prefix + "hitsvalid"  + Suffix );
00112   iEvent.put(hitslost,     Prefix + "hitslost"   + Suffix );
00113   iEvent.put(theta,        Prefix + "theta"      + Suffix );
00114   iEvent.put(thetaerr,     Prefix + "thetaerr"   + Suffix );
00115   iEvent.put(phi,          Prefix + "phi"        + Suffix );
00116   iEvent.put(phierr,       Prefix + "phierr"     + Suffix );
00117   iEvent.put(eta,          Prefix + "eta"        + Suffix );
00118   iEvent.put(etaerr,       Prefix + "etaerr"     + Suffix );
00119   iEvent.put(dxy,          Prefix + "dxy"        + Suffix );
00120   iEvent.put(dxyerr,       Prefix + "dxyerr"     + Suffix );
00121   iEvent.put(dsz,          Prefix + "dsz"        + Suffix );
00122   iEvent.put(dszerr,       Prefix + "dszerr"     + Suffix );
00123   iEvent.put(qoverp,       Prefix + "qoverp"     + Suffix );
00124   iEvent.put(qoverperr,    Prefix + "qoverperr"  + Suffix );
00125   iEvent.put(vx,           Prefix + "vx"         + Suffix );
00126   iEvent.put(vy,           Prefix + "vy"         + Suffix );
00127   iEvent.put(vz,           Prefix + "vz"         + Suffix );
00128   iEvent.put(algo,         Prefix + "algo"         + Suffix );
00130 }