
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #-*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*-
00003 #
00004 # Copyright 2008 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. All rights reserved.
00005 #
00006 # Author:  Valentin Kuznetsov, 2008
00008 """
00009 DBS data discovery command line interface
00010 """
00012 import httpslib, urllib, types, string, os, sys
00013 from optparse import OptionParser
00015 class DDOptionParser: 
00016   """
00017      DDOptionParser is main class to parse options for L{DDHelper} and L{DDServer}.
00018   """
00019   def __init__(self):
00020     self.parser = OptionParser()
00021     self.parser.add_option("--dbsInst",action="store", type="string", dest="dbsInst",
00022          help="specify DBS instance to use, e.g. --dbsInst=cms_dbs_prod_global")
00023     self.parser.add_option("-v","--verbose",action="store", type="int", default=0, dest="verbose",
00024          help="specify verbosity level, 0-none, 1-info, 2-debug")
00025     self.parser.add_option("--input",action="store", type="string", default=False, dest="input",
00026          help="specify input for your request.")
00027     self.parser.add_option("--xml",action="store_true",dest="xml",
00028          help="request output in XML format")
00029     self.parser.add_option("--cff",action="store_true",dest="cff",
00030          help="request output for files in CMS cff format")
00031     self.parser.add_option("--host",action="store",type="string",dest="host",
00032          help="specify a host name of Data Discovery service, e.g.")
00033     self.parser.add_option("--port",action="store",type="string",dest="port",
00034          help="specify a port to be used by Data Discovery host")
00035     self.parser.add_option("--iface",action="store",default="dd",type="string",dest="iface",
00036          help="specify which interface to use for queries dd or dbsapi, default is dbsapi.")
00037     self.parser.add_option("--details",action="store_true",dest="details",
00038          help="show detailed output")
00039     self.parser.add_option("--case",action="store",default="on",type="string",dest="case",
00040          help="specify if your input is case sensitive of not, default is on.")
00041     self.parser.add_option("--page",action="store",type="string",default="0",dest="page",
00042          help="specify output page, should come together with --limit and --details")
00043     self.parser.add_option("--limit",action="store",type="string",default="10",dest="limit",
00044          help="specify a limit on output, e.g. 50 results, the --limit=-1 will list all results")
00045   def getOpt(self):
00046     """
00047         Returns parse list of options
00048     """
00049     return self.parser.parse_args()
00051 def sendMessage(host,port,dbsInst,userInput,page,limit,xml=0,case='on',iface='dd',details=0,cff=0,debug=0):
00052     """
00053        Send message to server, message should be an well formed XML document.
00054     """
00055     if xml: xml=1
00056     else:   xml=0
00057     if cff: cff=1
00058     else:   cff=0
00059     input=urllib.quote(userInput)
00060     if debug:
00061        httpslib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1
00062        print "Contact",host,port
00063     _port=443
00064     if host.find("https://")!=-1:
00065        _port=80
00066     if host.find("https://")!=-1:
00067        _port=443
00068     host=host.replace("https://","").replace("https://","")
00069     if host.find(":")==-1:
00070        port=_port
00071     prefix_path=""
00072     if host.find("/")!=-1:
00073        hs=host.split("/")
00074        host=hs[0]
00075        prefix_path='/'.join(hs[1:])
00076     if host.find(":")!=-1:
00077        host,port=host.split(":")
00078     port=int(port)
00079 #    print "\n\n+++",host,port
00080     if port==443:
00081        https_conn = httpslib.HTTPS(host,port)
00082     else:
00083        https_conn = httpslib.HTTP(host,port)
00084     if details: details=1
00085     else:       details=0
00086     path='/aSearch?dbsInst=%s&html=0&caseSensitive=%s&_idx=%s&pagerStep=%s&userInput=%s&xml=%s&details=%s&cff=%s&method=%s'%(dbsInst,case,page,limit,input,xml,details,cff,iface)
00087     if prefix_path:
00088        path="/"+prefix_path+path[1:]
00089     https_conn.putrequest('POST',path)
00090     https_conn.putheader('Host',host)
00091     https_conn.putheader('Content-Type','text/html; charset=utf-8')
00092     https_conn.putheader('Content-Length',str(len(input)))
00093     https_conn.endheaders()
00094     https_conn.send(input)
00096     (status_code,msg,reply)=https_conn.getreply()
00097     data=https_conn.getfile().read()
00098     if debug or msg!="OK":
00099        print
00100        print https_conn.headers
00101        print "*** Send message ***"
00102        print input
00103        print "************************************************************************"
00104        print "status code:",status_code
00105        print "message:",msg
00106        print "************************************************************************"
00107        print reply
00108     return data
00110 #
00111 # main
00112 #
00113 if __name__ == "__main__":
00114     host= ""
00115     port= 443
00116     dbsInst="cms_dbs_prod_global"
00117     optManager  = DDOptionParser()
00118     (opts,args) = optManager.getOpt()
00119     if
00120     if host.find("https://")!=-1:
00121        host=host.replace("https://","")
00122 #    if host.find(":")!=-1:
00123 #       host,port=host.split(":")
00124     if host[-1]!="/":
00125        host+="/"
00126     if opts.port:
00127        port = opts.port
00128     if opts.dbsInst: dbsInst=opts.dbsInst
00129     if opts.input:
00130        if os.path.isfile(opts.input):
00131           input=open(opts.input,'r').readline()
00132        else:
00133           input=opts.input
00134     else:
00135        print "\nUsage: %s --help"%sys.argv[0]
00136        sys.exit(0)
00137     result = sendMessage(host,port,dbsInst,input,,opts.limit,opts.xml,,opts.iface,opts.details,opts.cff,opts.verbose)
00138     print result