
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef DEUTILS_H
00002 #define DEUTILS_H
00004 /*\class template DEutils
00005  *\description data|emulation auxiliary template
00006                collection operations struct
00007  *\author Nuno Leonardo (CERN)
00008  *\date 07.04
00009  */
00011 #include "L1Trigger/HardwareValidation/interface/DEtrait.h"
00013 template <typename T> 
00014 struct DEutils {
00016   typedef typename T::size_type col_sz;
00017   typedef typename T::const_iterator col_cit;
00018   typedef typename T::iterator col_it;
00019   typedef DEtrait<T> de_trait;
00020   typedef typename de_trait::cand_type cand_type;
00021   typedef typename de_trait::coll_type coll_type;
00023   public:
00025   DEutils() {
00026     if(de_type()>38)
00027       edm::LogError("L1ComparatorDeutilsCollType") //throw cms::Exception("ERROR") 
00028         << "DEutils::DEutils() :: "
00029         << "specialization is still missing for collection of type:" 
00030         << de_type() << std::endl;
00031   }
00032   ~DEutils(){}
00034   inline int de_type() const {return de_trait::de_type();}
00035   bool   de_equal     (const cand_type&, const cand_type&);
00036   bool   de_equal_loc (const cand_type&, const cand_type&);
00037   bool   de_nequal    (const cand_type&, const cand_type&);
00038   bool   de_nequal_loc(const cand_type&, const cand_type&);
00039   col_it de_find      ( col_it, col_it,  const cand_type&);
00040   //col_it de_find_loc  ( col_it, col_it,  const cand_type&);
00042   std::string print(col_cit) const;
00043   bool is_empty(col_cit) const;
00044   std::string GetName(int) const;
00046   L1DataEmulDigi DEDigi(col_cit itd, col_cit itm, int ctype);
00048 };
00053 template <typename T> 
00054 L1DataEmulDigi DEutils<T>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00056   return L1DataEmulDigi();
00057 }
00059 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00060 DEutils<EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00061   int cid = de_type();
00062   int errt = aflag;
00063   //fill data if flagged, otherwise emulator
00064   double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->id().iphi() : itm->id().iphi();
00065   double x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->id().ieta() : itm->id().ieta();
00066   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::ETP,cid, x1,x2,0, errt);
00067   unsigned int dwS = (aflag==4)?0:itd->sample(itd->sampleOfInterest()).raw();
00068   unsigned int ewS = (aflag==3)?0:itm->sample(itm->sampleOfInterest()).raw();
00069   //dw1 &= 0x01ff; ew1 &= 0x01ff; //9-bit: fg(8),energy(7:0)
00070   unsigned int mask = 0x0eff; //fg bit temporary(!) mask
00071   dwS &= mask;   ewS &= mask; 
00072   unsigned int dwI = (aflag==4)?0:itd->id().rawId();
00073   unsigned int ewI = (aflag==3)?0:itm->id().rawId();
00074   //dw2 &= 0xfe00ffff; ew2 &= 0xfe00ffff; //32-bit, reset unused (24:16)
00075   //merge id and sample words
00076   unsigned int dw = (dwI & 0xfe00ffff ) | ( (dwS & 0x000001ff)<<16 ); 
00077   unsigned int ew = (ewI & 0xfe00ffff ) | ( (ewS & 0x000001ff)<<16 );
00078   digi.setData(dw,ew);
00079   int de = (aflag==4)?0:itd->compressedEt() ;
00080   int ee = (aflag==3)?0:itm->compressedEt() ;
00081   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00082   L1MonitorDigi dedata(dedefs::ETP,cid, itd->id().iphi(),itd->id().ieta(),0, 
00083                        itd->compressedEt(),itd->id().rawId());
00084   L1MonitorDigi deemul(dedefs::ETP,cid, itm->id().iphi(),itm->id().ieta(),0, 
00085                        itm->compressedEt(),itm->id().rawId());
00086   digi.setDEpair(dedata,deemul);
00087   return digi;
00088 }
00090 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00091 DEutils<HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00092   int cid = de_type();
00093   int errt = aflag;
00094   double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->id().iphi() : itm->id().iphi();
00095   double x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->id().ieta() : itm->id().ieta();
00096   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::HTP,cid, x1,x2,0, errt);
00097   unsigned int dw = (aflag==4)?0:itd->t0().raw();
00098   unsigned int ew = (aflag==3)?0:itm->t0().raw();
00099   //16-bit; bits 10:9 not set(?); 
00100   // bits 15:11 not accessible in emulator (slb/channel ids)
00101   unsigned int mask = 0x01ff;
00102   dw &= mask; ew &= mask; 
00103   digi.setData(dw,ew); 
00104   int de = (aflag==4)?0:itd->SOI_compressedEt();
00105   int ee = (aflag==3)?0:itm->SOI_compressedEt();
00106   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00107   return digi;
00108 }
00110 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00111 DEutils<L1CaloEmCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00112   int cid = de_type();
00113   int errt = aflag;
00114   double x1, x2, x3(0.);
00115   // global index ieta (0-21), iphi (0-17), card (0-6)
00116   x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->regionId().iphi() : itm->regionId().iphi();
00117   x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->regionId().ieta() : itm->regionId().ieta();
00118   x3 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->regionId().rctCard() : itm->regionId().rctCard();
00119   //alternative coordinates: rctCrate(), rctCard(), index()
00120   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::RCT,cid, x1,x2,x3, errt);
00121   unsigned int dw = itd->raw(); 
00122   unsigned int ew = itm->raw();
00123   dw &= 0x3ff;
00124   dw += (((itd->rctCrate())&0x1f)<<10);
00125   dw += (((itd->isolated()?1:0)&0x1)<<15);
00126   dw += (((itd->index())&0x3)<<16);
00127   ew &= 0x3ff;
00128   ew += (((itm->rctCrate())&0x1f)<<10);
00129   ew += (((itm->isolated()?1:0)&0x1)<<15);
00130   ew += (((itm->index())&0x3)<<16);
00131   dw = (aflag==4)?0:dw;
00132   ew = (aflag==3)?0:ew;
00136   digi.setData(dw,ew); 
00137   int de = (aflag==4)?0:itd->rank();
00138   int ee = (aflag==3)?0:itm->rank();
00139   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00140   return digi;
00141 }
00143 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00144 DEutils<L1CaloRegionCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00145   int cid = de_type();
00146   int errt = aflag;
00147   double x1, x2, x3(0.);
00148   x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->id().iphi() : itm->id().iphi();
00149   x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->id().ieta() : itm->id().ieta();
00150   x3 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->id().rctCard() : itm->id().rctCard();
00151   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::RCT,cid, x1,x2,x3, errt);
00152   unsigned int dw = itd->raw(); 
00153   unsigned int ew = itm->raw();
00154   unsigned int mask = 0x3fff;
00155   //mask (temporary) mip(12), quiet (13)
00156   mask = 0x0fff;
00157   dw &= mask;
00158   dw += (((itd->id().ieta())&0x1f)<<14);
00159   dw += (((itd->id().iphi())&0x1f)<<19);
00160   ew &= mask;
00161   ew += (((itm->id().ieta())&0x1f)<<14);
00162   ew += (((itm->id().iphi())&0x1f)<<19);
00163   dw = (aflag==4)?0:dw;
00164   ew = (aflag==3)?0:ew;
00166   digi.setData(dw,ew); 
00167   int de = (aflag==4)?0:itd->et();
00168   int ee = (aflag==3)?0:itm->et();
00169   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00170   return digi;
00171 }
00173 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00174 DEutils<L1GctEmCandCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00175   int cid = de_type();
00176   int errt = aflag;
00177   //phi: 0..17; eta: 0..21
00178   // bring it to global coordinates
00179   double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->regionId().iphi() : itm->regionId().iphi();
00180   double x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->regionId().ieta() : itm->regionId().ieta();
00181   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::GCT,cid, x1,x2,0., errt);
00182   unsigned int dw = (aflag==4)?0:itd->raw();
00183   unsigned int ew = (aflag==3)?0:itm->raw();
00184   dw &= 0x7fff; ew &= 0x7fff; //15-bit
00185   digi.setData(dw,ew); 
00186   int de = (aflag==4)?0:itd->rank();
00187   int ee = (aflag==3)?0:itm->rank();
00188   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00189   return digi;
00190 }
00192 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00193 DEutils<L1GctJetCandCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00194   int cid = de_type();
00195   int errt = aflag;
00196   //phi: 0..17; eta: -6..-0,+0..+6; eta sign:1(z-),0(z+)
00197   // bring it to global coordinates 0..21 below
00198   double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->phiIndex() : itm->phiIndex();
00199   unsigned deta(0), eeta(0);
00200   if (!itd->isForward()) deta=(itd->etaSign()==1?10-(itd->etaIndex()&0x7):(itd->etaIndex()&0x7)+11);
00201   else                   deta=(itd->etaSign()==1? 3-(itd->etaIndex()&0x7):(itd->etaIndex()&0x7)+18 );
00202   if (!itm->isForward()) eeta=(itm->etaSign()==1?10-(itm->etaIndex()&0x7):(itm->etaIndex()&0x7)+11);
00203   else                   eeta=(itm->etaSign()==1? 3-(itm->etaIndex()&0x7):(itm->etaIndex()&0x7)+18 );
00204   double x2 = (aflag!=4) ? deta : eeta;
00205   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::GCT,cid, x1,x2,0., errt);
00206   unsigned int dw = (aflag==4)?0:itd->raw();
00207   unsigned int ew = (aflag==3)?0:itm->raw();
00208   dw &= 0x7fff; ew &= 0x7fff; //15-bit
00209   digi.setData(dw,ew); 
00210   int de = (aflag==4)?0:itd->rank();
00211   int ee = (aflag==3)?0:itm->rank();
00212   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00213   return digi;
00214 }
00216 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00217 DEutils<L1GctEtHadCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00218   int cid = de_type();
00219   int errt = aflag;
00220   double x1 = 0;  double x2 = 0; //no 'location' associated with candidates...
00221   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::GCT,cid, x1,x2,0., errt);
00222   unsigned int dw = (aflag==4)?0:itd->raw();
00223   unsigned int ew = (aflag==3)?0:itm->raw();
00224   dw &= 0x1fff; ew &= 0x1fff; //13-bit
00225   digi.setData(dw,ew); 
00226   int de = (aflag==4)?0:itd->et();
00227   int ee = (aflag==3)?0:itm->et();
00228   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00229   return digi;
00230 }
00231 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00232 DEutils<L1GctEtMissCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00233   int cid = de_type();
00234   int errt = aflag;
00235   double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->phi() : itm->phi();
00236   double x2 = 0; //no 'eta' associated with candidates... 
00237   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::GCT,cid, x1,x2,0., errt);
00238   unsigned int dw = (aflag==4)?0:itd->raw();
00239   unsigned int ew = (aflag==3)?0:itm->raw();
00240   dw &= 0x8f1fff; ew &= 0x8f1fff; //22-bit (bits 13,14,15 not set)
00241   digi.setData(dw,ew); 
00242   int de = (aflag==4)?0:itd->et();
00243   int ee = (aflag==3)?0:itm->et();
00244   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00245   return digi;
00246 }
00248 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00249 DEutils<L1GctEtTotalCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00250   int cid = de_type();
00251   int errt = aflag;
00252   double x1 = 0;  double x2 = 0; //no 'location' associated with candidates...
00253   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::GCT,cid, x1,x2,0., errt);
00254   unsigned int dw = (aflag==4)?0:itd->raw();
00255   unsigned int ew = (aflag==3)?0:itm->raw();
00256   dw &= 0x1fff; ew &= 0x1fff; //13-bit
00257   digi.setData(dw,ew); 
00258   int de = (aflag==4)?0:itd->et();
00259   int ee = (aflag==3)?0:itm->et();
00260   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00261   return digi;
00262 }
00263 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00264 DEutils<L1GctHFBitCountsCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00265   int cid = de_type();
00266   int errt = aflag;
00267   double x1 = 0;  double x2 = 0; //no 'location' associated with candidates...
00268   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::GCT,cid, x1,x2,0., errt);
00269   unsigned int dw = (aflag==4)?0:itd->raw();
00270   unsigned int ew = (aflag==3)?0:itm->raw();
00271   digi.setData(dw,ew); 
00272   int de = 0;  int ee = 0; //no 'rank' associated with candidates...
00273   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00274   return digi;
00275 }
00276 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00277 DEutils<L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00278   int cid = de_type();
00279   int errt = aflag;
00280   double x1 = 0;  double x2 = 0; //no 'location' associated with candidates...
00281   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::GCT,cid, x1,x2,0., errt);
00282   unsigned int dw = (aflag==4)?0:itd->raw();
00283   unsigned int ew = (aflag==3)?0:itm->raw();
00284   digi.setData(dw,ew); 
00285   int de = 0;  int ee = 0; //no 'rank' associated with candidates...
00286   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00287   return digi;
00288 }
00289 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00290 DEutils<L1GctHtMissCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00291   int cid = de_type();
00292   int errt = aflag;
00293   double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->phi() : itm->phi();
00294   double x2 = 0; //no 'eta' associated with candidates... 
00295   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::GCT,cid, x1,x2,0., errt);
00296   unsigned int dw = (aflag==4)?0:itd->raw();
00297   unsigned int ew = (aflag==3)?0:itm->raw();
00298   dw &= 0x8f1fff; ew &= 0x8f1fff; //22-bit (bits 13,14,15 not set)
00299   digi.setData(dw,ew); 
00300   int de = (aflag==4)?0:itd->et();
00301   int ee = (aflag==3)?0:itm->et();
00302   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00303   return digi;
00304 }
00306 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00307 DEutils<L1GctJetCountsCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00308   int cid = de_type();
00309   int errt = aflag;
00310   double x1 = 0;  double x2 = 0; //no 'location' associated with candidates...
00311   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::GCT,cid, x1,x2,0., errt);
00312   unsigned int dw = (aflag==4)?0:itd->raw0();//raw0, raw1...
00313   unsigned int ew = (aflag==3)?0:itm->raw0();//raw0, raw1...
00314   digi.setData(dw,ew); 
00315   int de = 0;  int ee = 0; //no 'rank' associated with candidates...
00316   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00317   return digi;
00318 }
00320 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00321 DEutils<L1MuRegionalCandCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00322   int sid;
00323   switch(itd->type_idx()) { // 0 DT, 1 bRPC, 2 CSC, 3 fRPC
00324   case 0:  sid=dedefs::DTF; break;
00325   case 1:  sid=dedefs::RPC; break;
00326   case 2:  sid=dedefs::CTF; break;
00327   case 3:  sid=dedefs::RPC; break;
00328   default: sid=-1;
00329   }
00330   int cid = de_type();
00331   int errt = aflag;
00332   //double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->phiValue() : itm->phiValue();
00333   //double x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->etaValue() : itm->etaValue();
00334   double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->phi_packed() : itm->phi_packed();
00335   double x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->eta_packed() : itm->eta_packed();
00336   L1DataEmulDigi digi(sid,cid, x1,x2,0, errt);
00337   unsigned int dw = (aflag==4)?0 : itd->getDataWord();
00338   unsigned int ew = (aflag==3)?0 : itm->getDataWord();
00339   unsigned int mask = 0xffffffff; //32-bit
00340   //RPC: mask bits 25-29 (including synch bits)
00341   // emulator doesn't set these bits (permanent masking)
00342   if(sid==dedefs::RPC)
00343     mask &= 0xc1ffffff;
00344   dw &= mask; ew &= mask;
00345   digi.setData(dw,ew);
00346   int de = (aflag==4)?0:itd->pt_packed();//ptValue();
00347   int ee = (aflag==3)?0:itm->pt_packed();//ptValue();
00348   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00349   //note: phi,eta,pt 'values' not always set for all muon tf systems
00350   //(under discussion) need universal mechanism for setting up physical units
00351   if(0) //check print
00352     std::cout << "L1DataEmulDigi DEutils<L1MuRegionalCandCollection>] dedigi info"
00353       //<< " phivalue:" << itd->phiValue()   << "," << itm->phiValue()
00354       //<< " etavalue:" << itd->etaValue()   << "," << itm->etaValue()
00355               << " phipackd:" << itd->phi_packed() << "," << itm->phi_packed()
00356               << " etapackd:" << itd->eta_packed() << "," << itm->eta_packed()
00357               << std::endl;
00358   return digi;
00359 }
00361 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00362 DEutils<L1MuGMTCandCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00363   int cid = de_type();
00364   int errt = aflag;
00365   //double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->phiValue() : itm->phiValue();
00366   //double x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->etaValue() : itm->etaValue();
00367   double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->phiIndex() : itm->phiIndex();
00368   double x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->etaIndex() : itm->etaIndex();
00369   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::GMT,cid, x1,x2,0, errt);
00370   unsigned int dw = (aflag==4)?0 : itd->getDataWord();
00371   unsigned int ew = (aflag==3)?0 : itm->getDataWord();
00372   unsigned int mask = 0x3ffffff; //26-bit
00373   //mask bits 22 (isolation), 23 (mip) [not permanent!]
00374   mask &= (~(0x0c00000)); 
00375   dw &= mask; ew &= mask;
00376   digi.setData(dw,ew);
00377   int de = (aflag==4)?0:itd->ptIndex();//ptValue();
00378   int ee = (aflag==3)?0:itm->ptIndex();//ptValue();
00379   digi.setRank((float)de,(float)ee);
00380   if(0) //check print
00381   std::cout << "l1dataemuldigi l1mugmtcandcoll type:" << cid 
00382     //<< " eta:" << itd->etaValue() << ", " << itm->etaValue()
00383     //<< " phi:" << itd->phiValue() << ", " << itm->phiValue()
00384             << std::hex << " word d:" << dw << "e:" << ew << std::dec 
00385             << std::endl;
00386   return digi;
00387 }
00389 template<> 
00390 inline L1DataEmulDigi DEutils<L1MuDTChambPhDigiCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00391   int cid = de_type();
00392   int errt = aflag;
00393   double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->scNum() : itm->scNum();
00394   double x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->whNum() : itm->whNum();
00395   double x3 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->stNum() : itm->stNum();
00396   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::DTP,cid, x1,x2,x3, errt);
00397   //other coordinate methods phi(), phiB()
00398   //note: no data word defined for candidate
00399   int dr = (aflag==4)?0:itd->code();
00400   int er = (aflag==3)?0:itm->code();
00401   digi.setRank((float)dr,(float)er);
00402   return digi;
00403 }
00405 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00406 DEutils<L1MuDTChambThDigiCollection>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00407   int cid = de_type();
00408   int errt = aflag;
00409   double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->scNum() : itm->scNum();
00410   double x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->whNum() : itm->whNum();
00411   double x3 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->stNum() : itm->stNum();
00412   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::DTP,cid, x1,x2,x3, errt);
00413   //note: no data word defined for candidate
00414   int dr(0), er(0);
00415   for(int i=0; i<7;i++){
00416     if(itd->code(i)>=dr) dr=itd->quality(i);
00417     if(itm->code(i)>=er) er=itm->quality(i);
00418   }
00419   //alternatives: code() = quality() + positions()
00420   dr = (aflag==4)?0:dr;
00421   er = (aflag==3)?0:er;
00422   digi.setRank((float)dr,(float)er);
00423   return digi;
00424 }
00427 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00428 DEutils<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection_>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00429   int cid = de_type();
00430   int errt = aflag;
00431   double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->getStrip() : itm->getStrip();
00432   double x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->getKeyWG() : itm->getKeyWG();
00433   double x3 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->getTrknmb(): itm->getTrknmb();
00434   //multiple subsystem ctp,ctf
00435   L1DataEmulDigi digi(-1,cid, x1,x2,x3, errt);
00436   int dq = (aflag==4)?0:itd->getQuality();
00437   int eq = (aflag==3)?0:itm->getQuality();
00438   digi.setRank((float)dq,(float)eq);
00439  // Pack LCT digi members into 32-bit data words.
00440   static const int kValidBitWidth     = 1; // Reverse the order of the 1st
00441   static const int kQualityBitWidth   = 4; // frame to keep the valid bit
00442   static const int kPatternBitWidth   = 4; // first and quality second, as
00443   static const int kWireGroupBitWidth = 7; // is done in ALCT and CLCT.
00444   static const int kHalfstripBitWidth = 8;
00445   static const int kBendBitWidth      = 1;
00446   static const int kBxBitWidth        = 1;
00447   // Use sync_err and bx0_local bits to store MPC link.
00448   static const int kMPCLinkBitWidth   = 2;
00449   static const int kCSCIdBitWidth     = 4;
00450   // While packing, check that the right number of bits is retained.
00451   unsigned shift = 0, dw = 0, ew = 0;
00452   dw  =  itd->isValid()    & ((1<<kValidBitWidth)-1);
00453   dw += (itd->getQuality() & ((1<<kQualityBitWidth)-1))   <<
00454     (shift += kValidBitWidth);
00455   dw += (itd->getPattern() & ((1<<kPatternBitWidth)-1))   <<
00456     (shift += kQualityBitWidth);
00457   dw += (itd->getKeyWG()   & ((1<<kWireGroupBitWidth)-1)) <<
00458     (shift += kPatternBitWidth);
00459   dw += (itd->getStrip()   & ((1<<kHalfstripBitWidth)-1)) <<
00460     (shift += kWireGroupBitWidth);
00461   dw += (itd->getBend()    & ((1<<kBendBitWidth)-1))      <<
00462     (shift += kHalfstripBitWidth);
00463   dw += (itd->getBX()      & ((1<<kBxBitWidth)-1))        <<
00464     (shift += kBendBitWidth);
00465   dw += (itd->getMPCLink() & ((1<<kMPCLinkBitWidth)-1))   <<
00466     (shift += kBxBitWidth);
00467   dw += (itd->getCSCID()   & ((1<<kCSCIdBitWidth)-1))     <<
00468     (shift += kMPCLinkBitWidth);
00469   shift = 0;
00470   ew  =  itm->isValid()    & ((1<<kValidBitWidth)-1);
00471   ew += (itm->getQuality() & ((1<<kQualityBitWidth)-1))   <<
00472     (shift += kValidBitWidth);
00473   ew += (itm->getPattern() & ((1<<kPatternBitWidth)-1))   <<
00474     (shift += kQualityBitWidth);
00475   ew += (itm->getKeyWG()   & ((1<<kWireGroupBitWidth)-1)) <<
00476     (shift += kPatternBitWidth);
00477   ew += (itm->getStrip()   & ((1<<kHalfstripBitWidth)-1)) <<
00478     (shift += kWireGroupBitWidth);
00479   ew += (itm->getBend()    & ((1<<kBendBitWidth)-1))      <<
00480     (shift += kHalfstripBitWidth);
00481   ew += (itm->getBX()      & ((1<<kBxBitWidth)-1))        <<
00482     (shift += kBendBitWidth);
00483   ew += (itm->getMPCLink() & ((1<<kMPCLinkBitWidth)-1))   <<
00484     (shift += kBxBitWidth);
00485   ew += (itm->getCSCID()   & ((1<<kCSCIdBitWidth)-1))     <<
00486     (shift += kMPCLinkBitWidth);
00487   digi.setData(dw, ew);
00488   return digi;
00489 }
00491 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00492 DEutils<CSCALCTDigiCollection_>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00493   int cid = de_type();
00494   int errt = aflag;
00495   double x2 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->getKeyWG () : itm->getKeyWG ();
00496   double x3 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->getTrknmb() : itm->getTrknmb();
00497   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::CTP,cid, 0,x2,x3, errt);
00498   int dq = (aflag==4)?0:itd->getQuality();
00499   int eq = (aflag==3)?0:itm->getQuality();
00500   digi.setRank((float)dq,(float)eq);
00501   // Pack anode digi members into 17-bit data words.
00502   static const int kValidBitWidth     = 1;
00503   static const int kQualityBitWidth   = 2;
00504   static const int kAccelBitWidth     = 1;
00505   static const int kPatternBBitWidth  = 1;
00506   static const int kWireGroupBitWidth = 7;
00507   static const int kBxBitWidth        = 5;
00508   // While packing, check that the right number of bits is retained.
00509   unsigned shift = 0, dw = 0, ew = 0;
00510   dw  =  itd->isValid()        & ((1<<kValidBitWidth)-1);
00511   dw += (itd->getQuality()     & ((1<<kQualityBitWidth)-1))   <<
00512     (shift += kValidBitWidth);
00513   dw += (itd->getAccelerator() & ((1<<kAccelBitWidth)-1))     <<
00514     (shift += kQualityBitWidth);
00515   dw += (itd->getCollisionB()  & ((1<<kPatternBBitWidth)-1))  <<
00516     (shift += kAccelBitWidth);
00517   dw += (itd->getKeyWG()       & ((1<<kWireGroupBitWidth)-1)) <<
00518     (shift += kPatternBBitWidth);
00519   dw += (itd->getBX()          & ((1<<kBxBitWidth)-1))        <<
00520     (shift += kWireGroupBitWidth);
00521   shift = 0;
00522   ew  =  itm->isValid()        & ((1<<kValidBitWidth)-1);
00523   ew += (itm->getQuality()     & ((1<<kQualityBitWidth)-1))   <<
00524     (shift += kValidBitWidth);
00525   ew += (itm->getAccelerator() & ((1<<kAccelBitWidth)-1))     <<
00526     (shift += kQualityBitWidth);
00527   ew += (itm->getCollisionB()  & ((1<<kPatternBBitWidth)-1))  <<
00528     (shift += kAccelBitWidth);
00529   ew += (itm->getKeyWG()       & ((1<<kWireGroupBitWidth)-1)) <<
00530     (shift += kPatternBBitWidth);
00531   ew += (itm->getBX()          & ((1<<kBxBitWidth)-1))        <<
00532     (shift += kWireGroupBitWidth);
00533   digi.setData(dw, ew);
00534   return digi;
00535 }
00536 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00537 DEutils<CSCCLCTDigiCollection_>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00538   int cid = de_type();
00539   int errt = aflag;
00540   double x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->getKeyStrip() : itm->getKeyStrip();
00541   double x3 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->getTrknmb() : itm->getTrknmb();
00542   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::CTP,cid, x1,0,x3, errt);
00543   int dq = (aflag==4)?0:itd->getQuality();
00544   int eq = (aflag==3)?0:itm->getQuality();
00545   digi.setRank((float)dq,(float)eq);
00546   // Pack cathode digi members into 19-bit data words.
00547   static const int kValidBitWidth     = 1;
00548   static const int kQualityBitWidth   = 3;
00549   static const int kPatternBitWidth   = 4;
00550   static const int kBendBitWidth      = 1;
00551   static const int kHalfstripBitWidth = 5;
00552   static const int kCFEBBitWidth      = 3;
00553   static const int kBxBitWidth        = 2;
00554   // While packing, check that the right number of bits is retained.
00555   unsigned shift = 0, dw = 0, ew = 0;
00556   dw  =  itd->isValid()    & ((1<<kValidBitWidth)-1);
00557   dw += (itd->getQuality() & ((1<<kQualityBitWidth)-1))   <<
00558     (shift += kValidBitWidth);
00559   dw += (itd->getPattern() & ((1<<kPatternBitWidth)-1))   <<
00560     (shift += kQualityBitWidth);
00561   dw += (itd->getBend()    & ((1<<kBendBitWidth)-1))      <<
00562     (shift += kPatternBitWidth);
00563   dw += (itd->getStrip()   & ((1<<kHalfstripBitWidth)-1)) <<
00564     (shift += kBendBitWidth);
00565   dw += (itd->getCFEB()    & ((1<<kCFEBBitWidth)-1))      <<
00566     (shift += kHalfstripBitWidth);
00567   dw += (itd->getBX()      & ((1<<kBxBitWidth)-1))        <<
00568     (shift += kCFEBBitWidth);
00569   shift = 0;
00570   ew  =  itm->isValid()    & ((1<<kValidBitWidth)-1);
00571   ew += (itm->getQuality() & ((1<<kQualityBitWidth)-1))   <<
00572     (shift += kValidBitWidth);
00573   ew += (itm->getPattern() & ((1<<kPatternBitWidth)-1))   <<
00574     (shift += kQualityBitWidth);
00575   ew += (itm->getBend()    & ((1<<kBendBitWidth)-1))      <<
00576     (shift += kPatternBitWidth);
00577   ew += (itm->getStrip()   & ((1<<kHalfstripBitWidth)-1)) <<
00578     (shift += kBendBitWidth);
00579   ew += (itm->getCFEB()    & ((1<<kCFEBBitWidth)-1))      <<
00580     (shift += kHalfstripBitWidth);
00581   ew += (itm->getBX()      & ((1<<kBxBitWidth)-1))        <<
00582     (shift += kCFEBBitWidth);
00583   digi.setData(dw, ew);
00584   return digi;
00585 }
00587 template<> inline L1DataEmulDigi 
00588 DEutils<L1CSCSPStatusDigiCollection_>::DEDigi(col_cit itd,  col_cit itm, int aflag) {
00589   int cid = de_type();
00590   int errt = aflag;
00591   double x1; //sector/slot
00592   x1 = (aflag!=4) ? itd->slot() : itm->slot();
00593   //sector-slot map to be in principle to be provided from event setup
00594   //int de_cscstatus_slot2sector[22] = 
00595   // {0,0,0,0,0, 0,1,2,3,4, 5,6,0,0,0, 0,7,8,9,10,  11,12};
00596   //x1 = (aflag!=4) ? slot2sector[itd->slot()] : slot2sector[itm->slot()];
00597   L1DataEmulDigi digi(dedefs::CTF,cid, x1,0,0, errt);
00598   //note: no data word and rank defined for candidate
00599   return digi;
00600 }
00604 template <typename T> typename 
00605 DEutils<T>::col_it DEutils<T>::de_find( col_it first, col_it last, const cand_type& value ) {
00606   for ( ;first!=last; first++) 
00607     if ( de_equal(*first,value) ) break;
00608   return first;
00609 }
00611 /*
00612 template <typename T> typename 
00613 DEutils<T>::col_it DEutils<T>::de_find_loc( col_it first, col_it last, const cand_type& value ) {
00614   for ( ;first!=last; first++) 
00615     if ( de_equal_loc(*first,value) ) break;
00616   return first;
00617 }
00618 */
00622 template <typename T>
00623 bool DEutils<T>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00624   //declare candidate matching by default
00625   return true;
00626 }
00627 template <typename T>
00628 bool DEutils<T>::de_nequal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00629   return !de_equal(lhs,rhs);
00630 }
00632 template <> inline bool 
00633 DEutils<EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00634   bool val = true;
00635   unsigned int mask = 0x0fff; //keep only ttf[11:9], fg [8], Et [7:0]
00636   mask &= 0x0eff; //fg bit temporary(!) mask
00637   val &= ((lhs[lhs.sampleOfInterest()].raw()&mask) == (rhs[rhs.sampleOfInterest()].raw()&mask));
00638   val &= (                  ==;
00639   return val;
00640 }
00642 template <> inline bool 
00643 DEutils<HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00644   bool val = true;
00645   unsigned int mask = 0x01ff;
00646   val &= ((lhs.t0().raw()&mask) == (rhs.t0().raw()&mask));
00647   val &= (      ==;
00648   return val;
00649 }
00651 template <> inline bool 
00652 DEutils<L1CaloEmCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00653   bool val = true;
00654   val &= (lhs.raw()      == rhs.raw()     );
00655   val &= (lhs.rctCrate() == rhs.rctCrate());
00656   val &= (lhs.isolated() == rhs.isolated());
00657   val &= (lhs.index()    == rhs.index()   );
00658   //val &= (lhs.bx()       == rhs.bx()      );
00659   return val;
00660 }
00662 template <> inline bool 
00663 DEutils<L1CaloRegionCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00664   bool val = true;
00665   val &= (        ==       );
00666   val &= (lhs.rctCrate()  == rhs.rctCrate() );  
00667   val &= (lhs.rctRegionIndex() == rhs.rctRegionIndex());
00668   val &= ( ==;  
00669   if (!{
00670     val &= (lhs.overFlow()  == rhs.overFlow() );
00671     val &= (lhs.tauVeto()   == rhs.tauVeto()  );
00672     //mask temporarily (!) mip and quiet bits
00673     //val &= (lhs.mip()       == rhs.mip()      );
00674     //val &= (lhs.quiet()     == rhs.quiet()    );
00675     val &= (lhs.rctCard()   == rhs.rctCard()  );
00676   } else {
00677     val &= (lhs.fineGrain() == rhs.fineGrain());
00678   }
00679   return val;
00680 }
00682 template <> inline bool 
00683 DEutils<L1GctEmCandCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {return lhs==rhs;}
00685 template <> inline bool  DEutils<L1GctJetCandCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {return lhs==rhs;}
00687 template <> inline bool  DEutils<L1GctEtHadCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {return lhs==rhs;}
00688 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctEtMissCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {return lhs==rhs;}
00689 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctEtTotalCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {return lhs==rhs;}
00690 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctHtMissCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {return lhs==rhs;}
00691 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {return lhs==rhs;}
00692 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctHFBitCountsCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {return lhs==rhs;}
00693 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctJetCountsCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {return lhs==rhs;}
00696 template <> inline bool 
00697 DEutils<L1MuDTChambPhDigiCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00698   bool val = true;
00699   val &= (lhs.whNum() ==rhs.whNum() );
00700   val &= (lhs.scNum() ==rhs.scNum() );
00701   val &= (lhs.stNum() ==rhs.stNum() );
00702   //val &= (lhs.phi()   ==rhs.phi()   );
00703   //val &= (lhs.phiB()  ==rhs.phiB()  );
00704   val &= (lhs.code()  ==rhs.code()  );
00705   val &= (lhs.Ts2Tag()==rhs.Ts2Tag());
00706   //val &= (lhs.BxCnt() ==rhs.BxCnt() ); 
00707   //val &= (lhs.bxNum() ==rhs.bxNum() );
00708   return val;
00709 }
00711 template <> inline bool 
00712 DEutils<L1MuDTChambThDigiCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00713   bool val = true;
00714   val &= (lhs.whNum() ==rhs.whNum() );
00715   val &= (lhs.scNum() ==rhs.scNum() );
00716   val &= (lhs.stNum() ==rhs.stNum() );
00717   //for(int i=0; i<7; i++) {
00718   //  val &= (lhs.code(i)    ==rhs.code(i)    );
00719   //  val &= (lhs.position(i)==rhs.position(i));
00720   //  val &= (lhs.quality(i) ==rhs.quality(i) );
00721   //}
00722   //val &= (lhs.bxNum() ==rhs.bxNum() );
00723   return val;
00724 }
00726 template <> inline bool 
00727 DEutils<L1MuRegionalCandCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00728   bool val = true;
00729   val &= (lhs.type_idx() == rhs.type_idx());
00730   val &= (lhs.bx()       == rhs.bx());
00731   if(!val) return val;
00732   unsigned int dw = lhs.getDataWord();
00733   unsigned int ew = rhs.getDataWord();
00734   unsigned int mask = 0xffffffff; //32-bit
00735   //RPC: mask bits 25-29 (including synch bits)
00736   // emulator doesn't set these bits (permanent masking)
00737   // 0 DT, 1 bRPC, 2 CSC, 3 fRPC
00738   if(rhs.type_idx()==1 || rhs.type_idx()==3)
00739     mask &= 0xc1ffffff;
00740   dw &= mask; ew &= mask;
00741   val &= (dw==ew);
00742   //val &= (lhs.getDataWord() == rhs.getDataWord() );
00743   //check whether collections being compared refer to same system and bx!
00744   return val;
00745 }
00747 template <> inline bool 
00748 DEutils<L1MuGMTCandCollection>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00749   //return (lhs.getDataWord() == rhs.getDataWord() );
00750   //return lhs==rhs; //(dataword,bx..)
00751   bool val = true;
00752   unsigned int dw = rhs.getDataWord();
00753   unsigned int ew = lhs.getDataWord();
00754   unsigned int mask = 0x3ffffff; //26-bit
00755   //mask bits 22 (isolation), 23 (mip) [not permanent!]
00756   mask &= (~(0x0c00000)); 
00757   dw &= mask; ew &= mask;
00758   val &= (dw==ew);
00759   return val;
00760   }
00762 template <> inline bool 
00763 DEutils<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection_>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00764   // Exclude track number from comparison since it is only meaningful for
00765   // LCTs upstream of the MPC but not downstream (the latter ones are
00766   // unpacked by the CSC TF unpacker).
00767   bool val = true;
00768   val &= (lhs.isValid()    == rhs.isValid()   );
00769   val &= (lhs.getQuality() == rhs.getQuality());
00770   val &= (lhs.getKeyWG()   == rhs.getKeyWG()  );
00771   val &= (lhs.getStrip()   == rhs.getStrip()  );
00772   val &= (lhs.getPattern() == rhs.getPattern());
00773   val &= (lhs.getBend()    == rhs.getBend()   );
00774   val &= (lhs.getBX()      == rhs.getBX()     );    
00775   val &= (lhs.getMPCLink() == rhs.getMPCLink()); 
00776   val &= (lhs.getCSCID()   == rhs.getCSCID()  );
00777   return val;
00778   //return lhs==rhs;
00779 }
00780 template <> inline bool 
00781 DEutils<CSCALCTDigiCollection_>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00782   return lhs==rhs;
00783 }
00784 template <> inline bool 
00785 DEutils<CSCCLCTDigiCollection_>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00786   return lhs==rhs;
00787 }
00788 template <> inline bool 
00789 DEutils<L1CSCSPStatusDigiCollection_>::de_equal(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00790   bool val = true;
00791   val &= (lhs.slot() == rhs.slot());
00792   val &= (lhs.BXN () == rhs.BXN ());
00793   val &= (lhs.FMM () == rhs.FMM ());
00794   val &= (lhs.SEs () == rhs.SEs ());
00795   val &= (lhs.SMs () == rhs.SMs ());
00796   val &= (lhs.BXs () == rhs.BXs ());
00797   val &= (lhs.AFs () == rhs.AFs ());
00798   val &= (lhs.VPs () == rhs.VPs ());
00799   return val;
00800 }
00804 template <typename T>
00805 bool DEutils<T>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00806   //declare candidate matching by default
00807   return true;
00808 }
00809 template <typename T>
00810 bool DEutils<T>::de_nequal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00811   return !de_equal_loc(lhs,rhs);
00812 }
00815 template <> inline bool 
00816 DEutils<EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00817   bool val = true;
00818   val &= (   ==  );
00819   val &= ( ==;
00820   val &= (    ==   );
00821   return val;
00822 }
00824 template <> inline bool 
00825 DEutils<HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00826   bool val = true;
00827   val &= (   ==  );
00828   val &= ( ==;
00829   val &= (    ==   );
00830   return val;
00831 }
00833 template <> inline bool 
00834 DEutils<L1CaloEmCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00835   bool val = true;
00836   val &= (lhs.rctCrate()  == rhs.rctCrate());
00837   val &= (lhs.rctCard()   == rhs.rctCard());
00838   val &= (lhs.rctRegion() == rhs.rctRegion());
00839   return val;
00840 }
00842 template <> inline bool 
00843 DEutils<L1CaloRegionCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00844   bool val = true;
00845   val &= (lhs.rctCrate()  == rhs.rctCrate() );  
00846   val &= ( ==;  
00847   if (!
00848     val &= (lhs.rctCard() == rhs.rctCard()  );
00849   val &= (lhs.rctRegionIndex() == rhs.rctRegionIndex());
00850   return val;
00851 }
00853 template <> inline bool 
00854 DEutils<L1GctEmCandCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00855   bool val = true;
00856   val &= (lhs.etaIndex() == rhs.etaIndex());
00857   val &= (lhs.phiIndex() == rhs.phiIndex());
00858   return val;
00859 }
00860 template <> inline bool 
00861 DEutils<L1GctJetCandCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00862   bool val = true;
00863   val &= (lhs.etaIndex() == rhs.etaIndex());
00864   val &= (lhs.phiIndex() == rhs.phiIndex());
00865   return val;
00866 }
00868 template <> inline bool 
00869 DEutils<L1GctEtHadCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00870   return true; // no associated location defined
00871 }
00872 template <> inline bool 
00873 DEutils<L1GctEtMissCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00874   bool val = true;
00875   val &= (lhs.phi() == rhs.phi());
00876   return val;
00877 }
00878 template <> inline bool 
00879 DEutils<L1GctEtTotalCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00880   return true; // no associated location defined
00881 }
00882 template <> inline bool 
00883 DEutils<L1GctHtMissCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00884   bool val = true;
00885   val &= (lhs.phi() == rhs.phi());
00886   return val;
00887 }
00888 template <> inline bool 
00889 DEutils<L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00890   return true; // no associated location defined
00891 }
00892 template <> inline bool 
00893 DEutils<L1GctHFBitCountsCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00894   return true; // no associated location defined
00895 }
00896 template <> inline bool 
00897 DEutils<L1GctJetCountsCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00898   return true; // no associated location defined
00899 }
00902 template <> inline bool 
00903 DEutils<L1MuRegionalCandCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00904   bool val = true;
00905   val &= (lhs.phi_packed() ==rhs.phi_packed() );
00906   val &= (lhs.eta_packed() ==rhs.eta_packed() );
00907   //val &= (lhs.type_idx() == rhs.type_idx());
00908   //val &= (lhs.bx()       == rhs.bx());
00909   return val;
00910 }
00912 template <> inline bool 
00913 DEutils<L1MuGMTCandCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00914   bool val = true;
00915   val &= (lhs.phiIndex() ==rhs.phiIndex() );
00916   val &= (lhs.etaIndex() ==rhs.etaIndex() );
00917   return val;
00918 }
00920 template <> inline bool 
00921 DEutils<L1MuDTChambPhDigiCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00922   bool val = true;
00923   val &= (lhs.whNum() ==rhs.whNum() );
00924   val &= (lhs.scNum() ==rhs.scNum() );
00925   val &= (lhs.stNum() ==rhs.stNum() );
00926   //val &= (lhs.phi()   ==rhs.phi()   );
00927   //val &= (lhs.phiB()  ==rhs.phiB()  );
00928   //val &= (lhs.bxNum() ==rhs.bxNum() );
00929   return val;
00930 }
00932 template <> inline bool 
00933 DEutils<L1MuDTChambThDigiCollection>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00934   bool val = true;
00935   val &= (lhs.whNum() ==rhs.whNum() );
00936   val &= (lhs.scNum() ==rhs.scNum() );
00937   val &= (lhs.stNum() ==rhs.stNum() );
00938   //val &= (lhs.bxNum() ==rhs.bxNum() );
00939   return val;
00940 }
00942 template <> inline bool 
00943 DEutils<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection_>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00944   bool val = true;
00945   val &= (lhs.getCSCID() == rhs.getCSCID() );
00946   val &= (lhs.getStrip() == rhs.getStrip() );
00947   val &= (lhs.getKeyWG() == rhs.getKeyWG() );
00948   return val;
00949 }
00951 template <> inline bool 
00952 DEutils<CSCALCTDigiCollection_>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00953   bool val = true;
00954   val &= (lhs.getTrknmb() == rhs.getTrknmb() );
00955   val &= (lhs.getKeyWG()  == rhs.getKeyWG()  );
00956   return val;
00957 }
00958 template <> inline bool 
00959 DEutils<CSCCLCTDigiCollection_>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00960   bool val = true;
00961   val &= (lhs.getTrknmb()   == rhs.getTrknmb()   );
00962   val &= (lhs.getKeyStrip() == rhs.getKeyStrip() );
00963   return val;
00964 }
00965 template <> inline bool 
00966 DEutils<L1CSCSPStatusDigiCollection_>::de_equal_loc(const cand_type& lhs, const cand_type& rhs) {
00967   bool val = true;
00968   val &= (lhs.slot() == rhs.slot());
00969   return val;
00970 }
00974 template <typename T> 
00975 bool DEutils<T>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
00976   //declare candidate non-empty by default
00977   return false; 
00978 }
00980 template<>
00981 inline bool DEutils<EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
00982   bool val = false;
00983   unsigned int raw = it->sample(it->sampleOfInterest()).raw();
00984   unsigned int mask = 0x0fff;
00985   mask = 0x0eff; //fg bit temporary(!) mask
00986   raw &= mask;
00987   val |= (raw==0);
00988   if(val) return val;
00989   unsigned int ttf = it->ttFlag();
00990   val |= ((ttf!=0x1) && (ttf!=0x3)); //compare only if ttf is 1 or 3
00991   return val;  
00992   //  return ( it->size()==0 || it->sample(it->sampleOfInterest()).raw()==0);
00993 }
00995 template<>
00996 inline bool DEutils<HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
00997   unsigned int mask = 0x01ff;
00998   return (  it->size()==0 || ((it->t0().raw()&mask)==0) || it->SOI_compressedEt()==0 );
00999 }
01001 template<>
01002 inline bool DEutils<L1CaloEmCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
01003   return  ((it->rank())==0);
01004   //return it->empty();
01005 }
01007 template<>
01008 inline bool DEutils<L1CaloRegionCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
01009   return  ((it->et())==0);
01010   //return it->empty();
01011 }
01013 template<>
01014 inline bool DEutils<L1GctEmCandCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
01015   return (it->empty());
01016 }
01018 template<>
01019 inline bool DEutils<L1GctJetCandCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
01020     return  (it->empty());
01021 }
01023 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctEtHadCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const {return(it->empty());}
01024 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctEtMissCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const {return(it->empty());}
01025 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctEtTotalCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const {return(it->empty());}
01026 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctHtMissCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const {return(it->empty());}
01027 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const {return(it->empty());}
01028 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctHFBitCountsCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const {return(it->empty());}
01029 template <> inline bool DEutils<L1GctJetCountsCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const {return(it->empty());}
01032 template<>
01033 inline bool DEutils<L1MuDTChambPhDigiCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
01034   return (it->bxNum() != 0 || it->code() == 7); 
01035   //return (it->qualityCode() == 7); 
01036   //return  false;
01037 }
01038 template<>
01039 inline bool DEutils<L1MuDTChambThDigiCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
01040   return (it->whNum()==0 && it->scNum()==0 && it->stNum()==0);//tmp!
01041   //return  false;
01042 }
01044 template<>
01045 inline bool DEutils<L1MuRegionalCandCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
01046   //note: following call used to give trouble sometimes
01048   //restrict further processing to bx==0 for RPC 
01049   if(it->type_idx()==1 || it->type_idx()==3) //rpc
01050     if (it->bx()!=0) 
01051       return true; 
01053   return (it->empty()); 
01054   //virtual bool empty() const { return readDataField( PT_START, PT_LENGTH) == 0; }
01055   //return  (it->getDataWord()==0);
01056   //return  (it->pt_packed()==0);
01057 }
01059 template<>
01060 inline bool DEutils<L1MuGMTCandCollection>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
01061   return (it->empty());
01062   //return (it->ptIndex()==0);
01063   //return  (it->getDataWord()==0);
01064 }
01066 template<>
01067 inline bool DEutils<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection_>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
01068   return !(it->isValid());
01069 }
01070 template<>
01071 inline bool DEutils<CSCALCTDigiCollection_>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
01072   return !(it->isValid());
01073 }
01074 template<>
01075 inline bool DEutils<CSCCLCTDigiCollection_>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
01076   return !(it->isValid());
01077 }
01079 template<>
01080 inline bool DEutils<L1CSCSPStatusDigiCollection_>::is_empty(col_cit it) const { 
01081   unsigned data = 
01082     it->slot() | it->BXN () | it->FMM () | it->SEs () |
01083     it->SMs () | it->BXs () | it->AFs () | it->VPs ();
01084   return data==0;
01085 }
01089 template <typename T> 
01090 std::string DEutils<T>::print(col_cit it) const {
01091   std::stringstream ss;
01092   ss << "[DEutils<T>::print()] specialization still missing for collection!";
01093   //ss << *it; // default
01094   ss << std::endl;
01095   return ss.str();
01096 }
01098 template <> 
01099 inline std::string DEutils<EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>::print(col_cit it) const {
01100   std::stringstream ss;
01101   ss << "0x" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex 
01102      << it->sample(it->sampleOfInterest()).raw()
01103      << std::setfill(' ') << std::dec 
01104      << ", et:"   << std::setw(3) << it->compressedEt() 
01105      << ", fg:"   << std::setw(1) << it->fineGrain()
01106      << ", ttf:"  << std::setw(2) << it->ttFlag()
01107      << ", sdet:" << ((it->id().subDet()==EcalBarrel)?("Barrel"):("Endcap")) 
01108      << ", iz:"   << ((it->id().zside()>0)?("+"):("-")) 
01109      << ", ieta:" << std::setw(2) << it->id().ietaAbs()
01110      << ", iphi:" << std::setw(2) << it->id().iphi()
01111     //<< "\n\t: " << *it 
01112      << std::endl;
01113   return ss.str();
01114 }
01116 template <> 
01117 inline std::string DEutils<HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>::print(col_cit it) const {
01118   std::stringstream ss;
01119   ss << "0x" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex 
01120      << it->t0().raw()
01121      << std::setfill(' ') << std::dec 
01122      << ", et:"   << std::setw(3) << it->SOI_compressedEt()
01123      << ", fg:"   << std::setw(1) << it->SOI_fineGrain()
01124      << ", sdet:" << it->id().subdet()
01125      << ", iz:"   << ((it->id().zside()>0)?("+"):("-")) 
01126      << ", ieta:" << std::setw(2) << it->id().ietaAbs()
01127      << ", iphi:" << std::setw(2) << it->id().iphi()
01128      << std::endl;
01129   //ss << *it << std::endl;
01130   return ss.str();
01131 }
01133 template <> 
01134 inline std::string DEutils<L1CaloEmCollection>::print(col_cit it) const {
01135   std::stringstream ss;
01136   ss << "0x" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << it->raw() 
01137      << ", rank=0x"<< std::setw(2) << std::hex << it->rank()
01138      << std::setfill(' ') << std::dec 
01139      << ", region:"<< std::setw(1) << it->rctRegion() 
01140      << ", card:"  << std::setw(1) << it->rctCard() 
01141      << ", crate:" << std::setw(2) << it->rctCrate()
01142      << ", ieta:"  << std::setw(2) << it->regionId().ieta() //0..21
01143      << ", iphi:"  << std::setw(2) << it->regionId().iphi() //0..17
01144     //<< ", eta:"   << std::setw(2) << it->regionId().rctEta() //0..10
01145     //<< ", phi:"   << std::setw(2) << it->regionId().rctPhi() //0..1
01146      << ", iso:"   << std::setw(1) << it->isolated()
01147      << ", index:" << std::setw(1) << it->index() 
01148      << ", bx:"    << it->bx()
01149      << std::endl;
01150   //ss << *it;
01151   return ss.str();
01152 }
01154 template <> 
01155 inline std::string DEutils<L1CaloRegionCollection>::print(col_cit it) const {
01156   std::stringstream ss;
01157   ss << "L1CaloRegion:"
01158      << " et=" << it->et()
01159      << " o/f=" << it->overFlow()
01160      << " f/g=" << it->fineGrain()
01161      << " tau=" << it->tauVeto()
01162      << " rct(crate=" << it->rctCrate()
01163      << " card=" << it->rctCard()
01164      << " rgn=" << it->rctRegionIndex()
01165      << " eta=" << it->rctEta()
01166      << " phi=" << it->rctPhi()
01167      << ")\n\t\t"
01168      << "gct(eta=" << it->gctEta()
01169      << " phi=" << it->gctPhi()
01170      << ")"
01171      << std::hex << " cap_block=" << it->capBlock() 
01172      << std::dec << " index=" << it->capIndex()
01173      << " bx=" << it->bx()
01174      << std::endl;
01175   //ss << *it; ///replace due to too long unformatted verbose
01176   //note: raw() data accessor missing in dataformats
01177   return ss.str();
01178 }
01180 template <> 
01181 inline std::string DEutils<L1GctEmCandCollection>::print(col_cit it) const {
01182   std::stringstream ss;
01183   //get rct index
01184   //int ieta = (it->etaIndex()&0x7); ieta = it->etaSign() ? 10-ieta:11+ieta; 
01185   ss << "0x" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << it->raw() 
01186      << ", rank=0x"<< std::setw(2) << std::hex << it->rank()
01187      << std::setfill(' ') << std::dec 
01188      << ", etaSign:"   <<  it->etaSign() 
01189      << ", eta:"       << (it->etaIndex()&0x7)           //0..6
01190      << ", phi:"      << std::setw(2) << it->phiIndex()  //0..17
01191      << " (ieta:" << std::setw(2) << it->regionId().ieta() //0..21
01192      << ",iphi:"  << std::setw(2) << it->regionId().iphi() << ")" //0..17
01193      << ", iso:"       <<  it->isolated()
01194      << ", cap block:" << std::setw(3) << it->capBlock() 
01195      << ", index:"     <<  it->capIndex() 
01196      << ", bx:"        <<  it->bx()
01197      << std::endl;
01198   //<< " " << *it << std::dec << std::endl;
01199   return ss.str();
01200 }
01202 /*notes on rct/gct indices
01203  ieta: 0 .. 11 .. 21  ->  rctEta: 10 .. 0 .. 10   ie: ieta<11?10-ieta:ieta-11
01204  gct from rct  eta: rctEta&0x7 (7..0..7) | etaSign(==ieta<11)
01205  rct from gct  eta: +-(0..7) -> 3..18  ie: sign?10-eta:eta+11
01206  rct iphi = gct phi
01207 */
01209 template <> 
01210 inline std::string DEutils<L1GctJetCandCollection>::print(col_cit it) const {
01211   std::stringstream ss;
01212   ss << "0x" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << it->raw() 
01213      << " " << *it << std::dec << std::endl; 
01214   return ss.str();
01215 }
01216 template <> inline std::string DEutils<L1GctEtHadCollection	   >::print(col_cit it) const {std::stringstream ss; ss<<*it; return ss.str();}
01217 template <> inline std::string DEutils<L1GctEtMissCollection	   >::print(col_cit it) const {std::stringstream ss; ss<<*it; return ss.str();}
01218 template <> inline std::string DEutils<L1GctEtTotalCollection	   >::print(col_cit it) const {std::stringstream ss; ss<<*it; return ss.str();}
01219 template <> inline std::string DEutils<L1GctHtMissCollection	   >::print(col_cit it) const {std::stringstream ss; ss<<*it; return ss.str();}
01220 template <> inline std::string DEutils<L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection>::print(col_cit it) const {std::stringstream ss; ss<<*it; return ss.str();}
01221 template <> inline std::string DEutils<L1GctHFBitCountsCollection >::print(col_cit it) const {std::stringstream ss; ss<<*it; return ss.str();}
01222 template <> inline std::string DEutils<L1GctJetCountsCollection   >::print(col_cit it) const {std::stringstream ss; ss<<*it; return ss.str();}
01224 template <> 
01225 inline std::string DEutils<L1MuDTChambPhDigiCollection>::print(col_cit it) const {
01226   std::stringstream ss;
01227   ss << ""
01228      << " bxNum:"  << it->bxNum()  
01229      << " whNum:"  << it->whNum()  
01230      << " scNum:"  << it->scNum()  
01231      << " stNum:"  << it->stNum()  
01232      << " phi:"    << it->phi()    
01233      << " phiB:"   << it->phiB()   
01234      << " code:"   << it->code()   
01235      << " Ts2Tag:" << it->Ts2Tag() 
01236      << " BxCnt:"  << it->BxCnt()  
01237      << std::endl;
01238   //nb: operator << not implemented in base class L1MuDTChambPhDigi
01239   return ss.str();
01240 }
01242 template <> 
01243 inline std::string DEutils<L1MuDTChambThDigiCollection>::print(col_cit it) const {
01244   std::stringstream ss;
01245   ss << ""
01246      << " bxNum:"  << it->bxNum()  
01247      << " whNum:"  << it->whNum()  
01248      << " scNum:"  << it->scNum()  
01249      << " stNum:"  << it->stNum()  
01250      << std::endl;
01251   //nb: operator << not implemented in base class L1MuDTChambThDigi
01252   return ss.str();
01253 }
01255 template <> 
01256 inline std::string DEutils<L1MuRegionalCandCollection>::print(col_cit it) const {
01257   std::stringstream ss;
01258   //const float noval = -10; //L1MuRegionalCand::m_invalidValue;
01259   ss << std::setiosflags(std::ios::showpoint | std::ios::fixed | std::ios::right | std::ios::adjustfield);
01260   ss   << std::hex << std::setfill('0')    
01261        << " 0x"    << std::setw(8) << it->getDataWord();
01262   //if(it->phiValue()==noval || it->etaValue()==noval || it->ptValue()==noval )
01263     ss << std::hex << std::setfill('0')    
01264        << " pt:0x" << std::setw(2) << it->pt_packed() 
01265        << " phi:0x"<< std::setw(2) << it->phi_packed()
01266        << " eta:0x"<< std::setw(2) << it->eta_packed();
01267   //else
01268   //  ss << std::dec << std::setfill(' ')
01269   //     << " pt:"   << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(1) << it->ptValue() <<"[GeV]"
01270   //     << " phi:"  << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3) << it->phiValue()<<"[rad]"
01271   //     << " eta:"  << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(3) << it->etaValue(); 
01272   ss   << std::dec << std::setfill(' ')
01273        << " qua:"  << std::setw(1) << it->quality() 
01274        << " cha:"  << std::setw(2) << it->chargeValue() 
01275        << " chav:" << std::setw(1) << it->chargeValid() 
01276        << " fh:"   << std::setw(1) << it->isFineHalo() 
01277        << " bx:"   << std::setw(4) << it->bx() 
01278        << " [id:"  << std::setw(1) << it->type_idx() << "]" // 0 DT, 1 bRPC, 2 CSC, 3 fRPC
01279        << std::endl;  
01280   //ss << it->print() 
01281   return ss.str();
01282 }
01284 template <> 
01285 inline std::string DEutils<L1MuGMTCandCollection>::print(col_cit it) const {
01286   std::stringstream ss;
01287   ss << std::setiosflags(std::ios::showpoint | std::ios::fixed | std::ios::right | std::ios::adjustfield);
01288   //const float noval = -10; //L1MuGMTCand::m_invalidValue;
01289   ss   << std::hex << std::setfill('0')    
01290        << " 0x"    << std::setw(7) << it->getDataWord();
01291   //if(it->phiValue()==noval || it->etaValue()==noval || it->ptValue()==noval)
01292     ss << std::hex << std::setfill('0')    
01293        << " pt:0x" << std::setw(2) << it->ptIndex()
01294        << " eta:0x"<< std::setw(2) << it->etaIndex()
01295        << " phi:0x"<< std::setw(3) << it->phiIndex();
01296   //else
01297   //  ss << std::dec << std::setfill(' ')    
01298   //     << " pt:"   << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(1) << it->ptValue() <<"[GeV]"
01299   //     << " phi:"  << std::setw(5) << std::setprecision(3) << it->phiValue()<<"[rad]"
01300   //     << " eta:"  << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << it->etaValue();
01301   ss   << std::dec << std::setfill(' ')
01302        << " cha:"  << std::setw(2) << it->charge()  
01303        << " qua:"  << std::setw(3) << it->quality() 
01304        << " iso:"  << std::setw(1) << it->isol()    
01305        << " mip:"  << std::setw(1) << it->mip() 
01306        << " bx:"                   << it->bx() 
01307        << std::endl;
01308   //ss << it->print() 
01309   return ss.str();
01310 }
01312 template <> 
01313 inline std::string DEutils<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection_>::print(col_cit it) const {
01314   std::stringstream ss;
01315   ss 
01316     //<< " lct#:"     << it->getTrknmb()
01317     //<< " val:"      << it->isValid()
01318     //<< " qua:"      << it->getQuality() 
01319     //<< " strip:"    << it->getStrip()
01320     //<< " bend:"     << ((it->getBend() == 0) ? 'L' : 'R')
01321     //<< " patt:"     << it->getPattern()
01322     //<<"  key wire:" << it->getKeyWG()
01323     //<< " bx:"       << it->getBX()
01324     //<< " mpc-link:" << it->getMPCLink()
01325     //<< " csc id:"   << it->getCSCID()
01326     //<< std::endl;
01327     << *it;
01328   return ss.str();
01329 }
01331 template <> 
01332 inline std::string DEutils<CSCALCTDigiCollection_>::print(col_cit it) const {
01333   std::stringstream ss;
01334   ss
01335     << *it
01336     << std::endl;
01337   return ss.str();
01338 }
01340 template <> 
01341 inline std::string DEutils<CSCCLCTDigiCollection_>::print(col_cit it) const {
01342   std::stringstream ss;
01343   ss 
01344     << *it
01345     << std::endl;
01346   return ss.str();
01347 }
01349 template <> 
01350 inline std::string DEutils<L1CSCSPStatusDigiCollection_>::print(col_cit it) const {
01351   std::stringstream ss;
01352   ss 
01353     << " slot:"<< it->slot()
01354     << " bxn:" << it->BXN ()
01355     << " fmm:" << it->FMM ()
01356     << " ses:" << it->SEs ()
01357     << " sms:" << it->SMs ()
01358     << " bxs:" << it->BXs ()
01359     << " afs:" << it->AFs ()
01360     << " vps:" << it->VPs ()
01361     << std::endl;
01362   return ss.str();
01363 }
01367 template <typename T> 
01368 std::string DEutils<T>::GetName(int i=0) const {
01370   const int nlabel = 16;
01371   if(!(i<nlabel)) 
01372     return                  "un-defined" ;
01373   std::string str[nlabel]= {"un-registered"};
01375   switch(de_type()) {
01376   case dedefs::ECALtp:
01377     str[0] = "ECAL tp";
01378     str[1] = "EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection";
01379     str[2] = "EcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi";
01380   break;
01381   case dedefs::HCALtp:
01382     str[0] = "HCAL tp";
01383     str[1] = "HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection";
01384     str[2] = "HcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi";
01385   break;
01386   case dedefs::RCTem:
01387     str[0] = "RCT em";
01388     str[1] = "L1CaloEmCollection";
01389     str[2] = "L1CaloEmCand";
01390   break;
01391   case dedefs::RCTrgn:
01392     str[0] = "RCT region";
01393     str[1] = "L1CaloRegionCollection";
01394     str[2] = "L1CaloRegion";
01395     break;
01396   case dedefs::GCTisolaem:
01397     str[0] = "GCT em isolated";
01398     str[1] = "L1GctEmCandCollection";
01399     str[2] = "L1GctEmCand";
01400    break;
01401   case dedefs::GCTnoisoem:
01402     str[0] = "GCT em non-isolated";
01403     str[1] = "L1GctEmCandCollection";
01404     str[2] = "L1GctEmCand";
01405    break;
01406   case dedefs::GCTcenjets:
01407     str[0] = "GCT central jet";
01408     str[1] = "L1GctJetCandCollection";
01409     str[2] = "L1GctJetCand";
01410    break;
01411   case dedefs::GCTforjets:
01412     str[0] = "GCT forward jet";
01413     str[1] = "L1GctJetCandCollection";
01414     str[2] = "L1GctJetCand";
01415    break;
01416   case dedefs::GCTtaujets:
01417     str[0] = "GCT tau jet";
01418     str[1] = "L1GctJetCandCollection";
01419     str[2] = "L1GctJetCand";
01420    break;
01421   case dedefs::GCTethad:
01422     str[0] = "GCT ht";
01423     str[1] = "L1GctEtHadCollection";
01424     str[2] = "L1GctEtHad";
01425    break;
01426   case dedefs::GCTetmiss:
01427     str[0] = "GCT et miss";
01428     str[1] = "L1GctEtMissCollection";
01429     str[2] = "L1GctEtMiss";
01430    break;
01431   case dedefs::GCTettot:
01432     str[0] = "GCT et total";
01433     str[1] = "L1GctEtTotalCollection";
01434     str[2] = "L1GctEtTotal";
01435    break;
01436   case dedefs::GCThtmiss:
01437     str[0] = "GCT ht miss";
01438     str[1] = "L1GctHtMissCollection";
01439     str[2] = "L1GctHtMiss";
01440    break;
01441   case dedefs::GCThfring:
01442     str[0] = "GCT hf ring";
01443     str[1] = "L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection";
01444     str[2] = "L1GctHFRingEtSums";
01445    break;
01446   case dedefs::GCThfbit:
01447     str[0] = "GCT hf bit counts";
01448     str[1] = "L1GctHFBitCountsCollection";
01449     str[2] = "L1GctHFBitCounts";
01450    break;
01452   case dedefs::DTtpPh:
01453     str[0] = "DT tp phi";
01454     str[1] = "L1MuDTChambPhDigiCollection";
01455     str[2] = "L1MuDTChambPhDigi";
01456    break;
01457   case dedefs::DTtpTh:
01458     str[0] = "DT tp theta";
01459     str[1] = "L1MuDTChambThDigiCollection";
01460     str[2] = "L1MuDTChambThDigi";
01461    break;
01462   case dedefs::CSCtpa:
01463     str[0] = "CSC tpa";
01464     str[1] = "CSCALCTDigiCollection";
01465     str[2] = "CSCALCTDigi";
01466    break;
01467   case dedefs::CSCtpc:
01468     str[0] = "CSC tpc";
01469     str[1] = "CSCCLCTDigiCollection";
01470     str[2] = "CSCCLCTDigi";
01471    break;
01472   case dedefs::CSCtpl:
01473     str[0] = "CSC tp";
01474     str[1] = "CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection";
01475     str[2] = "CSCCorrelatedLCTDigi";
01476    break;
01477   case dedefs::CSCsta:
01478     str[0] = "CSC tf status";
01479     str[1] = "L1CSCSPStatusDigiCollection_";
01480     str[2] = "L1CSCSPStatusDigi";
01481    break;
01482   case dedefs::MUrtf:
01483     str[0] = "Mu reg tf";
01484     str[1] = "L1MuRegionalCandCollection";
01485     str[2] = "L1MuRegionalCand";
01486    break;
01487   case dedefs::LTCi:
01488     str[0] = "LTC";
01489     str[1] = "LTCDigiCollection";
01490     str[2] = "LTCDigi";
01491     break;
01492   case dedefs::GMTcnd:
01493     str[0] = "GMT cand";
01494     str[1] = "L1MuGMTCandCollection";
01495     str[2] = "L1MuGMTCand";
01496     break;
01497   case dedefs::GMTrdt:
01498     str[0] = "GMT record";
01499     str[1] = "L1MuGMTReadoutRecordCollection";
01500     str[2] = "L1MuGMTReadoutRecord";
01501     break;
01502   case dedefs::GTdword:
01503     str[0] = "";
01504     str[1] = "";
01505     str[2] = "";
01506     break;
01507     //default:
01508   }
01509   return str[i];
01510 }
01514 template <typename T>
01515 struct de_rank : public DEutils<T> , public std::binary_function<typename DEutils<T>::cand_type, typename DEutils<T>::cand_type, bool> {
01516   typedef DEtrait<T> de_trait;
01517   typedef typename de_trait::cand_type cand_type;
01518   bool operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y) const {
01519     return false; //default
01520   }
01521 };
01523 template <> inline bool de_rank<EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y) const { return x.compressedEt() > y.compressedEt(); }
01524 template <> inline bool de_rank<HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y) const { return x.SOI_compressedEt() > y.SOI_compressedEt(); }
01526 template <> 
01527 inline bool de_rank<L1CaloEmCollection>::operator() 
01528      (const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y) const {
01529   if       (x.rank()      != y.rank())     {
01530     return (x.rank()      <  y.rank())     ;
01531   } else if(x.isolated()  != y.isolated()) {
01532     return (x.isolated())?1:0;
01533   } else if(x.rctRegion() != y.rctRegion()){
01534     return (x.rctRegion() <  y.rctRegion());
01535   } else if(x.rctCrate()  != y.rctCrate()) {
01536     return (x.rctCrate()  <  y.rctCrate()) ;
01537   } else if(x.rctCard()   != y.rctCard())  {
01538     return (x.rctCard()   <  y.rctCard())  ;
01539   } else {
01540     return x.raw() < y.raw();
01541   }
01542 }
01544 template <> inline bool de_rank<L1CaloRegionCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y) const { return <; }
01546 template <> inline bool de_rank<L1GctEmCandCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const { if(x.rank()!=y.rank()){return x.rank() < y.rank();} else{if(x.etaIndex()!=y.etaIndex()){return y.etaIndex() < x.etaIndex();}else{ return x.phiIndex() < y.phiIndex();}}}
01547 template <> inline bool de_rank<L1GctJetCandCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const { if(x.rank()!=y.rank()){return x.rank() < y.rank();} else{if(x.etaIndex()!=y.etaIndex()){return y.etaIndex() < x.etaIndex();}else{ return x.phiIndex() < y.phiIndex();}}}
01548 //template <> inline bool de_rank<L1GctEtHadCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const { }
01549 //template <> inline bool de_rank<L1GctEtMissCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const { }
01550 //template <> inline bool de_rank<L1GctEtTotalCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const { }
01551 //template <> inline bool de_rank<L1GctHtMissCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const { }
01552 //template <> inline bool de_rank<L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const { }
01553 //template <> inline bool de_rank<L1GctHFBitCountsCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const { }
01554 //template <> inline bool de_rank<L1GctJetCountsCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const { }
01556 template <> inline bool de_rank<L1MuDTChambPhDigiCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const { if(x.whNum()!=y.whNum()){return x.whNum() < y.whNum();} else{if(x.scNum()!=y.scNum()){return y.scNum() < x.scNum();}else{ return x.stNum() < y.stNum();}}}
01557 template <> inline bool de_rank<L1MuDTChambThDigiCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const { if(x.whNum()!=y.whNum()){return x.whNum() < y.whNum();} else{if(x.scNum()!=y.scNum()){return y.scNum() < x.scNum();}else{ return x.stNum() < y.stNum();}}}
01559 template <> inline bool de_rank<L1MuRegionalCandCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const {if(x.phi_packed()!=y.phi_packed()){return x.phi_packed() < y.phi_packed();} else{if(x.eta_packed()!=y.eta_packed()){return y.eta_packed() < x.eta_packed();}else{ return x.quality_packed() < y.quality_packed();}}}
01561 template <> inline bool de_rank<L1MuGMTCandCollection>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const {
01562   if(x.bx()!=y.bx()){return x.bx() < y.bx();} 
01563   else if(x.ptIndex()!=y.ptIndex()){return x.ptIndex() < y.ptIndex();}
01564   else{ return x.quality() < y.quality();}
01565 }
01567 template <> inline bool de_rank<CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection_>::operator()(const cand_type& x, const cand_type& y)const {if(x.getTrknmb()!=y.getTrknmb()){return x.getTrknmb() < y.getTrknmb();} else{if(x.getKeyWG()!=y.getKeyWG()){return y.getKeyWG() < x.getKeyWG();} else{ return x.getQuality() < y.getQuality();}}}
01569 #endif