Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

KineParticleFilter Class Reference

#include <KineParticleFilter.h>

Inheritance diagram for KineParticleFilter:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 KineParticleFilter (const edm::ParameterSet &kine)
void setMainVertex (const XYZTLorentzVector &mv)
const XYZTLorentzVectorvertex () const
virtual ~KineParticleFilter ()

Private Member Functions

virtual bool isOKForMe (const RawParticle *p) const
 the real selection is done here

Private Attributes

double cos2Max
double cos2PreshMax
double cos2PreshMin
double EMax
double EMin
double etaMax
double etaMin
std::set< int > forbiddenPdgCodes
XYZTLorentzVector mainVertex
double phiMax
double phiMin
double pTMax
double pTMin

Detailed Description

Definition at line 19 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

KineParticleFilter::KineParticleFilter ( const edm::ParameterSet kine)

Definition at line 9 of file

References filterCSVwithJSON::copy, cos2Max, cos2PreshMax, cos2PreshMin, gather_cfg::cout, EMax, EMin, etaMax, funct::exp(), forbiddenPdgCodes, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), and pTMin.

  : BaseRawParticleFilter() 

  // Set the kinematic cuts
  // Upper abs(eta) bound
  etaMax = kine.getParameter<double>("etaMax"); 
  // Lower pT  bound (charged, in GeV/c)
  pTMin  = kine.getParameter<double>("pTMin");
  // Lower E  bound - reject (all, in GeV)
  EMin   = kine.getParameter<double>("EMin");
  // Lower E  bound - accept (all, in GeV)
  EMax   = kine.getParameter<double>("EProton");

  // pdg codes of the particles to be removed from the events
  // ParameterSet cannot handle sets, only vectors
  std::vector<int> tmpcodes 
    = kine.getUntrackedParameter< std::vector<int> >
    ("forbiddenPdgCodes", std::vector<int>() );
            std::insert_iterator< std::set<int> >(forbiddenPdgCodes,
                                                  forbiddenPdgCodes.begin() ));
  if( !forbiddenPdgCodes.empty() ) {
    std::cout<<"KineParticleFilter : Forbidden PDG codes : ";
    copy(forbiddenPdgCodes.begin(), forbiddenPdgCodes.end(), 
         std::ostream_iterator<int>(std::cout, " "));

  // Change eta cuts to cos**2(theta) cuts (less CPU consuming)
  if ( etaMax > 20. ) etaMax = 20.; // Protection against paranoid people.
  double cosMax = (std::exp(2.*etaMax)-1.) / (std::exp(2.*etaMax)+1.);
  cos2Max = cosMax*cosMax;

  double etaPreshMin = 1.479;
  double etaPreshMax = 1.594;
  double cosPreshMin = (std::exp(2.*etaPreshMin)-1.) / (std::exp(2.*etaPreshMin)+1.);
  double cosPreshMax = (std::exp(2.*etaPreshMax)-1.) / (std::exp(2.*etaPreshMax)+1.);
  cos2PreshMin = cosPreshMin*cosPreshMin;
  cos2PreshMax = cosPreshMax*cosPreshMax;

  // Change pt cut to pt**2 cut (less CPU consuming)
  pTMin *= pTMin;

virtual KineParticleFilter::~KineParticleFilter ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 22 of file KineParticleFilter.h.


Member Function Documentation

bool KineParticleFilter::isOKForMe ( const RawParticle p) const [private, virtual]

the real selection is done here

Implements BaseRawParticleFilter.

Definition at line 57 of file

References abs, RawParticle::charge(), cos2Max, cos2PreshMax, cos2PreshMin, RawParticle::cos2Theta(), RawParticle::cos2ThetaV(), EMax, EMin, forbiddenPdgCodes, mainVertex, RawParticle::pid(), pTMin, RawParticle::R2(), RawParticle::vertex(), and RawParticle::Z().


  // Do not consider quarks, gluons, Z, W, strings, diquarks
  // ... and supesymmetric particles
  int pId = abs(p->pid());

  // Vertices are coming with pId = 0
  if ( pId != 0 ) { 
    bool particleCut = ( pId > 10  && pId != 12 && pId != 14 && 
                         pId != 16 && pId != 18 && pId != 21 &&
                         (pId < 23 || pId > 40  ) &&
                         (pId < 81 || pId > 100 ) && pId != 2101 &&
                         pId != 3101 && pId != 3201 && pId != 1103 &&
                         pId != 2103 && pId != 2203 && pId != 3103 &&
                         pId != 3203 && pId != 3303 );
    //    particleCut = particleCut || pId == 0;

    if ( !particleCut ) return false;

    // Keep protons with energy in excess of 5 TeV
    bool protonTaggers =  (pId == 2212 && p->E() >= EMax) ;
    if ( protonTaggers ) return true;

    std::set<int>::iterator is = forbiddenPdgCodes.find(pId);
    if( is != forbiddenPdgCodes.end() ) return false;

  //  bool kineCut = pId == 0;
  // Cut on kinematic properties
    // Cut on the energy of all particles
    bool eneCut = p->E() >= EMin;
    if (!eneCut) return false;

    // Cut on the transverse momentum of charged particles
    bool pTCut = p->charge()==0 || p->Perp2()>=pTMin;
    if (!pTCut) return false;

    // Cut on eta if the origin vertex is close to the beam
    //    bool etaCut = (p->vertex()-mainVertex).perp()>5. || fabs(p->eta())<=etaMax;
    bool etaCut = (p->vertex()-mainVertex).Perp2()>25. || p->cos2Theta()<= cos2Max;

    if ( etaCut != etaCut2 ) 
      cout << "WANRNING ! etaCut != etaCut2 " 
           << etaCut << " " 
           << etaCut2 << " "
           << (p->eta()) << " " << etaMax << " " 
           << p->vect().cos2Theta() << " " << cos2Max << endl; 
    if (!etaCut) return false;

    // Cut on the origin vertex position (prior to the ECAL for all 
    // particles, except for muons  ! Just modified: Muons included as well !
    double radius2 = p->R2();
    double zed = fabs(p->Z());
    double cos2Tet = p->cos2ThetaV();
    // Ecal entrance
    bool ecalAcc = ( (radius2<129.01*129.01 && zed<317.01) ||
                     (cos2Tet>cos2PreshMin && cos2Tet<cos2PreshMax 
                      && radius2<171.11*171.11 && zed<317.01) );

    return ecalAcc;

  } else { 
    // Cut for vertices
    double radius2 = p->Perp2();
    double zed = fabs(p->Pz());
    double cos2Tet = p->cos2Theta();

    // Vertices must be before the Ecal entrance
    bool ecalAcc = ( (radius2<129.01*129.01 && zed<317.01) ||
                     (cos2Tet>cos2PreshMin && cos2Tet<cos2PreshMax 
                      && radius2<171.11*171.11 && zed<317.01) );

    return ecalAcc;


void KineParticleFilter::setMainVertex ( const XYZTLorentzVector mv) [inline]

Definition at line 24 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

References mainVertex.

{ mainVertex=mv; }
const XYZTLorentzVector& KineParticleFilter::vertex ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 26 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

References mainVertex.

{ return mainVertex; }

Member Data Documentation

double KineParticleFilter::cos2Max [private]

Definition at line 33 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

Referenced by isOKForMe(), and KineParticleFilter().

Definition at line 33 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

Referenced by isOKForMe(), and KineParticleFilter().

Definition at line 33 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

Referenced by isOKForMe(), and KineParticleFilter().

double KineParticleFilter::EMax [private]

Definition at line 32 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

Referenced by isOKForMe(), and KineParticleFilter().

double KineParticleFilter::EMin [private]

Definition at line 32 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

Referenced by isOKForMe(), and KineParticleFilter().

double KineParticleFilter::etaMax [private]

Definition at line 32 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

Referenced by KineParticleFilter().

double KineParticleFilter::etaMin [private]

Definition at line 32 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

std::set<int> KineParticleFilter::forbiddenPdgCodes [private]

Definition at line 36 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

Referenced by isOKForMe(), and KineParticleFilter().

Definition at line 34 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

Referenced by isOKForMe(), setMainVertex(), and vertex().

double KineParticleFilter::phiMax [private]

Definition at line 32 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

double KineParticleFilter::phiMin [private]

Definition at line 32 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

double KineParticleFilter::pTMax [private]

Definition at line 32 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

double KineParticleFilter::pTMin [private]

Definition at line 32 of file KineParticleFilter.h.

Referenced by isOKForMe(), and KineParticleFilter().