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Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | o2o |
Functions | |
def | o2o::get_iovs |
def | o2o::get_tags |
def | o2o::guess_condition_from_tag |
def | o2o::make_popcon_config_file |
def | o2o::run_popcon |
Variables | |
string | o2o::base_dir = "." |
list | o2o::condition_type = guessed_condition['condition_type'] |
string | o2o::dropbox_comment = 'generated by CaloOnlineTools/HcalOnlineDb/test/o2o.py script' |
string | o2o::dropbox_destination_db = 'oracle://cms_orcon_prod/CMS_COND_31X_HCAL' |
string | o2o::dropbox_dir = "./dropbox" |
tuple | o2o::dropbox_file_name_prefix = str(output_dir) |
tuple | o2o::dropbox_txt_file = open(dropbox_txt_file_name, "w") |
tuple | o2o::dropbox_txt_file_name = str(dropbox_file_name_prefix) |
tuple | o2o::gotten_iovs = get_iovs(tag, input_pool_connect_string, mode) |
tuple | o2o::guessed_condition = guess_condition_from_tag(tag) |
int | o2o::i = 0 |
string | o2o::input_pool_connect_string = "sqlite_file:/nfshome0/kukartse/hcal/dcs/HcalDcsValues_v1.00_offline.db" |
tuple | o2o::iov = int(line) |
list | o2o::isnewtag = gotten_iovs['newtag'] |
string | o2o::mode = 'online' |
list | o2o::o2o_iovs = gotten_iovs['iovs'] |
string | o2o::o2o_tag_list_file = "o2o_tag_list.txt" |
string | o2o::omds_accessor_string = "occi://CMS_HCL_APPUSER_R@anyhost/cms_omds_lb?PASSWORD=HCAL_Reader_44" |
string | o2o::output_dir = "." |
string | o2o::output_pool_connect_string = "sqlite_file:/nfshome0/kukartse/hcal/dcs/HcalDcsValues_v1.00_offline.db" |
string | o2o::pool_auth_path = "/nfshome0/popcondev/conddb" |
o2o::pool_iov = iov | |
string | o2o::pool_logconnect = "sqlite_file:/nfshome0/kukartse/hcal/dcs/log.db" |
list | o2o::pool_record = guessed_condition['pool_record'] |
string | o2o::python_popcon_file = "dbwrite_o2o.py" |
string | o2o::python_popcon_template_file = "dbwrite_o2o_template.py" |
tuple | o2o::query = query_file.read() |
tuple | o2o::query_file = open(query_file_name, "r") |
list | o2o::query_file_name = guessed_condition['query_file_name'] |
o2o::query_save = query | |
tuple | o2o::run_result = run_popcon() |
tuple | o2o::tag = tag_name.strip() |
tuple | o2o::tags = get_tags(base_dir+"/"+o2o_tag_list_file) |
string | o2o::use_dropbox = 'false' |