
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 #
00004 # $Id:,v 1.25 2009/01/23 16:17:19 vadler Exp $
00005 #
00007 ## CMSSW/DQM/SiStripMonitorClient/scripts/
00008 #
00009 #  This script submits CRAB/LSF jobs to the CAF in order to process the full
00010 #  granularity SiStrip offline DQM.
00011 #  Questions and comments to:
00014 import sys
00015 import os
00016 import os.path
00017 import commands
00018 import shutil
00019 import string
00020 import math
00021 import urllib
00022 import time
00023 import datetime
00024 import smtplib
00026 # Constants
00028 # numbers
00029 OCT_rwx_r_r          = 0744
00030 LFLOAT_valueMagField = [0.0,2.0,3.0,3.5,3.8,4.0]
00031 TD_shiftUTC          = datetime.timedelta(hours = 2) # positive for timezones with later time than UTC
00032 # strings
00033 LSTR_true                = ['1','TRUE' ,'True' ,'true' ]
00034 LSTR_false               = ['0','FALSE','False','false']
00035 STR_default              = 'DEFAULT'
00036 STR_none                 = 'None'
00037 LSTR_auto                = ['AUTO','Auto','auto']
00038 STR_nameCmsswPackage     = 'DQM/SiStripMonitorClient'
00039 STR_textUsage            = """ CMSSW/DQM/SiStripMonitorClient/scripts/
00041  This script submits batch jobs to the CAF in order to process the full
00042  granularity SiStrip offline DQM.
00043  Questions and comments to:
00045  Func_Usage(): (-s, --submit | -c, --create |
00046                                   -h, --help)
00047                                  [-r, --run]
00048                                  [-C, --CRAB]
00049                                  [-S, --server]
00050                                  [-e, --email]
00051                                  [-j, --jobs]
00052                                  [-f, --filter]
00053                                  [-d, --dataset]
00054                                  [-o, --outpath]
00055                                  [-m, --mergepath]                               
00057    Function letters: One of the following options  m u s t  be used.
00059      -s, --submit
00060          create jobs and submit them to CAF;
00061          requires option '-r'
00063      -c, --create
00064          create jobs, but do not submit them;
00065          requires option '-r'
00067      -h, --help
00068          print this message
00070    Other options:
00072      -r, --run RUNNUMBER
00073          number of run to process;
00074          required by funtion letters '-s' and '-c'
00076      -d, --dataset PRIMARY_DATASET
00077          specify dataset for DBS query;
00078          required by funtion letters '-s' and '-c'
00080      -C, --CRAB TRUE/FALSE
00081          submit or submit not using CRAB;
00082          default: TRUE
00084          NOTE: This script runs only with CRAB 2.4.0 or higher.
00086      -S, --server CRAB_SERVER
00087          CRAB server to use;
00088          available: None (default)
00089                     caf  (works, but slow)
00090                     bari (CRAB version >= 2.4.1,
00091                           s.
00093          NOTE: CRAB server submission is disabled at the moment.
00095      -e, --email EMAIL_ADDRESS
00096          where the CRAB server should send its messages;
00097          default:
00099      -j, --jobs NUMBER
00100          number of jobs to create;
00101          default: 10
00103      -g, --global-tag GLOBAL_TAG
00104          global tag to be used;
00105          default: CRAFT_V4P::All
00107      -M, --magnetic-field FIELD
00108          specification of field to be used;
00109          can be:
00110          - average field during run in Tesla, given as float (e.g.: 3.8),
00111          - specification referring to existing configuration files (e.g.: 38T)
00112            (s. Configuration/StandardSequences/python/MagneticField_[FIELD],
00113          - usage of automatic average field determination from CMS WBM by using "auto"
00114          default: 38T
00116          NOTE: "auto" is disabled for the moment due to unavailablity of CMS WBM outside '.cms' network.
00118      -f, --filter TRUE/FALSE
00119          use or use not HLT filters to select events to process;
00120          default: FALSE
00122      -o, --outpath PATH
00123          path to copy job output *.root files to;
00124          currently (almost) no check performed;
00125          must be in AFS or CASTOR
00126          default: /castor/
00128      -m, --mergepath PATH
00129          path to merge the job output *.root files;
00130          currently (almost) no check performed;
00131          must be in AFS or on local computer (e.g. /tmp/[user])
00132          default: /afs/
00133 """                        
00134 LSTR_datatiers = ['RECO','RAW']
00135 # argument vector
00136 LSTR_wordArgument = sys.argv[1:]
00137 # default arguments
00138 BOOL_CRAB         = True
00139 LSTR_server       = [STR_none,'caf','bari']
00140 STR_server        = LSTR_server[0]
00141 STR_email         = ''
00142 INT_jobs          = 10
00143 STR_globalTag     = 'CRAFT_V4P::All'
00144 STR_magField      = '38T'
00145 BOOL_magFieldAuto = False
00146 BOOL_filter       = False
00147 STR_outpath       = '/castor/'
00148 BOOL_useCastor    = True
00149 STR_mergepath     = '/afs/'
00150 # option lists
00151 LSTR_functionLetters = ['-s','-c','-h']
00152 DICT_functionLetters = {'--submit':LSTR_functionLetters[0],
00153                         '--create':LSTR_functionLetters[1],
00154                         '--help'  :LSTR_functionLetters[2]}
00155 LSTR_optionLetters   = ['-r','-C','-S','-e','-j','-M','-g','-f','-d','-o','-m']
00156 DICT_optionLetters   = {'--run'           :LSTR_optionLetters[0],  
00157                         '--CRAB'          :LSTR_optionLetters[1],  
00158                         '--server'        :LSTR_optionLetters[2],  
00159                         '--email'         :LSTR_optionLetters[3],  
00160                         '--jobs'          :LSTR_optionLetters[4],
00161                         '--magnetic-field':LSTR_optionLetters[5],
00162                         '--global-tag'    :LSTR_optionLetters[6],
00163                         '--filter'        :LSTR_optionLetters[7],
00164                         '--dataset'       :LSTR_optionLetters[8],
00165                         '--outpath'       :LSTR_optionLetters[9],
00166                         '--mergepath'     :LSTR_optionLetters[10]}
00167 STR_mailSmtp        = 'localhost'
00168 STR_mailServer      = ''
00169 STR_mailTextOpener  = """Dear """ + os.getenv('USER').capitalize() + """,
00171 on """ + str(time.ctime()) + """, you have submitted run """
00172 STR_mailText = """
00173 for SiStrip offline DQM at the CAF.
00174 Unfortunately, this needed to be done from your private account. So, only you
00175 are able to finalize this submission -- even after the end of your shift.
00176 To do so, please forward all emails from the LSF batch system referring to the
00177 respective jobs to the list  t h i s  message was sent to.
00178 -- and then your shift is  r e a l l y  done :-)
00180 We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
00181 Thanks a lot!
00183 Best regards,
00184 your SiStrip DQM team
00186 P.S.:
00187 To reply to this email, simply use the "Reply to all" function of your email
00188 client.
00189 """
00191 # Globals
00193 # arguments
00194 global Dict_arguments
00195 global Str_run
00196 global Bool_CRAB 
00197 global Str_server
00198 global Str_email
00199 global Int_jobs     
00200 global Str_globalTag
00201 global Bool_filter
00202 global Str_dataset   
00203 global Str_datatier
00204 global Str_magField
00205 global Float_magField   
00206 global Bool_magFieldAuto   
00207 global Str_outpath
00208 global Bool_useCastor
00209 global Str_mergepath
00210 # others
00211 global Str_pathCurrentDir
00212 global Str_pathCmsswBase
00213 global Str_nameCmsswRel
00214 global Str_pathCmsswBasePackage
00215 global Str_nameRun
00216 global Str_pathRunIncludeDir
00217 global Str_pathInputFilesCAFCff
00218 global Int_jobsNew
00219 global Str_magField
00220 # initialize arguments
00221 Dict_arguments    = {}
00222 Bool_CRAB         = BOOL_CRAB
00223 Str_server        = STR_server
00224 Str_email         = STR_email
00225 Int_jobs          = INT_jobs
00226 Str_globalTag     = STR_globalTag
00227 Bool_filter       = BOOL_filter
00228 Str_magField      = STR_magField
00229 Float_magField    = float(Str_magField[:-1])/10.
00230 Bool_magFieldAuto = BOOL_magFieldAuto
00231 Str_outpath       = STR_outpath
00232 Bool_useCastor    = BOOL_useCastor
00233 Str_mergepath     = STR_mergepath
00235 ## Function Func_Usage()
00236 #
00237 #  Displays usage of the script
00238 def Func_Usage():
00239   """ Function Func_Usage():
00240   Displays usage of the script
00241   """
00242   print STR_textUsage
00244 ## Function Func_Exit()
00245 #
00246 #  Exit after error
00247 def Func_Exit():
00248   """ Function Func_Exit():
00249   Exit after error
00250   """
00251   print '                           exit'
00252   print
00253   sys.exit(1)
00255 ## Function Func_ExitUsage()
00256 #
00257 #  Exit after wrong invocation of script
00258 def Func_ExitUsage():
00259   """ Function Func_ExitUsage():
00260   Exit after wrong invocation of script
00261   """
00262   print '                           exit'
00263   print
00264   Func_Usage()
00265   sys.exit(1)
00267 ## Function Func_ExitBool()
00268 #
00269 #  Exit after wrong assignment of bool option
00270 def Func_ExitBool(int_index):
00271   """ Function Func_ExitBool():
00272   Exit after wrong assignment of bool option
00273   """
00274   print '> > option %s expects 0/1, FALSE/TRUE, False/True or false/true' %(DICT_optionLetters.items()[int_index])
00275   Func_Exit()
00277 ## Function Func_MkDir()
00278 #
00279 #  Create new directory
00280 def Func_MkDir(str_path):
00281   """ Function Func_MkDir():
00282   Create new directory
00283   """
00284   shutil.rmtree(str_path, True)
00285   os.mkdir(str_path)
00287 ## Function Func_MagConfig(float_magFieldMeasured)
00288 #
00289 # Determine configuration to be used for a given magnetic field
00290 def Func_MagConfig(float_magFieldMeasured):
00291   """ Func_MagConfig(float_magFieldMeasured):
00292   Determine configuration to be used for a given magnetic field
00293   """
00294   float_magField = 0.0
00295   for float_valueMagField in LFLOAT_valueMagField:
00296     if math.fabs(float_valueMagField-float_magFieldMeasured) < math.fabs(float_magField-float_magFieldMeasured):
00297       float_magField = float_valueMagField
00298   return float_magField
00300 ## Main program
00302 print
00304 # Current environment
00306 Str_pathCurrentDir       = os.getcwd()
00307 Str_pathCmsswBase        = os.getenv('CMSSW_BASE')
00308 if not Str_pathCmsswBase:
00309   print '> > CMSSW environment not set properly;'
00310   print '                           first do'
00311   print
00312   print '                           $ cd [your/CMSSW/release/area]/src'
00313   print '                           $ cmsenv'
00314   print
00315   Func_Exit()
00316 Str_nameCmsswRel         = os.getenv('CMSSW_VERSION')
00317 Str_pathCmsswBasePackage = Str_pathCmsswBase + '/src/' + STR_nameCmsswPackage
00318 str_suffixShell          = 'csh'
00319 if not os.getenv('SHELL')[-3:] == str_suffixShell:
00320   str_suffixShell = 'sh'
00322 # Check function letters
00324 if len(LSTR_wordArgument) == 0:
00325   Func_ExitUsage()
00326 int_nFunctionLetters = 0
00327 for str_argument in LSTR_wordArgument:
00328   if str_argument in LSTR_functionLetters       or\
00329      DICT_functionLetters.has_key(str_argument)   :
00330     int_nFunctionLetters += 1
00331 if int_nFunctionLetters == 0:
00332   print '> > no or unknown function letter used'
00333   Func_ExitUsage()
00334 elif int_nFunctionLetters > 1:
00335   print '> > too many function letter used'
00336   Func_ExitUsage()
00338 # Check options
00340 str_argumentFormer = ''
00341 bool_standBy       = False
00342 for str_argument in LSTR_wordArgument:
00343   if not ( str_argument in LSTR_functionLetters or DICT_functionLetters.has_key(str_argument) or\
00344            str_argument in LSTR_optionLetters   or DICT_optionLetters.has_key(str_argument)     ):
00345     if str_argument[0] == '-':
00346       print '> > unknown option used'
00347       Func_ExitUsage()
00348     if not bool_standBy:
00349       print '> > value without option used'
00350       Func_ExitUsage()
00351     Dict_arguments[str_argumentFormer] = str_argument
00352     bool_standBy                       = False
00353   else:
00354     if bool_standBy:
00355       Dict_arguments[str_argumentFormer] = STR_default
00356       if str_argumentFormer in LSTR_optionLetters or\
00357          DICT_optionLetters.has_key(str_argumentFormer):
00358         print '> > option "%s" w/o value' %(str_argumentFormer)
00359         print '                           default used'
00360         print
00361     bool_standBy = not ( str_argument in LSTR_functionLetters       or\
00362                          DICT_functionLetters.has_key(str_argument)   )
00363     if not bool_standBy:
00364       Dict_arguments[str_argument] = STR_default
00365   str_argumentFormer = str_argument
00366 if bool_standBy:
00367   Dict_arguments[str_argumentFormer] = STR_default
00368   if str_argumentFormer in LSTR_optionLetters       or\
00369      DICT_optionLetters.has_key(str_argumentFormer)   :
00370     print '> > option "%s" w/o value' %(str_argumentFormer)
00371     print '                           default used'
00372     print
00374 # Correct arguments' dictionary
00376 dict_arguments = Dict_arguments
00377 for str_key, str_value in dict_arguments.items():
00378   if str_key in DICT_functionLetters.keys():
00379     del Dict_arguments[str_key]
00380     Dict_arguments[DICT_functionLetters[str_key]] = str_value
00381   if str_key in DICT_optionLetters.keys():
00382     del Dict_arguments[str_key]
00383     Dict_arguments[DICT_optionLetters[str_key]] = str_value
00385 # Help (exit)
00387 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_functionLetters[2]):
00388   Func_Usage()
00389   sys.exit(0)
00391 # Check and assign arguments
00393 # run number
00394 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_optionLetters[0])        and\
00395    Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[0]] != STR_default    :
00396   Str_run = Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[0]]
00397 else:   
00398   print '> > no run number given'
00399   Func_Exit()
00400 # use CRAB
00401 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_optionLetters[1])        and\
00402    Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[1]] != STR_default    :
00403   if Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[1]] in LSTR_true:
00404     Bool_CRAB = True
00405   elif Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[1]] in LSTR_false:  
00406     Bool_CRAB = False
00407   else:
00408     Func_ExitBool(1)
00409 # name of CRAB server
00410 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_optionLetters[2])        and\
00411    Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[2]] != STR_default    :
00412   Str_server = Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[2]]
00413 # email address to be used by CRAB server
00414 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_optionLetters[3])        and\
00415    Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[3]] != STR_default    :
00416   Str_email = Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[3]]
00417 # number of jobs to create
00418 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_optionLetters[4])        and\
00419    Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[4]] != STR_default    :
00420   Int_jobs  = int(Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[4]])
00421 # magnetic field
00422 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_optionLetters[5])        and\
00423    Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[5]] != STR_default    :
00424   Str_magField = Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[5]]
00425 if Str_magField in LSTR_auto:
00426 #   Bool_magFieldAuto = True
00427   print '> > automatic determination of magnetic field disabled at the moment'
00428   Func_Exit()
00429 # global tag
00430 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_optionLetters[6])        and\
00431    Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[6]] != STR_default    :
00432   Str_globalTag  = Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[6]]
00433 # use HLT to filter events
00434 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_optionLetters[7])        and\
00435    Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[7]] != STR_default    :
00436   if Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[7]] in LSTR_true:
00437     Bool_filter = True
00438   elif Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[7]] in LSTR_false:  
00439     Bool_filter = False
00440   else:
00441     Func_ExitBool(7)
00442 # primary dataset
00443 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_optionLetters[8])        and\
00444    Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[8]] != STR_default    :
00445   Str_dataset = Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[8]]
00446 else:   
00447   print '> > no primary dataset given'
00448   Func_Exit()
00449 # path for job output
00450 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_optionLetters[9])        and\
00451    Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[9]] != STR_default    :
00452   Str_outpath = Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[9]]
00453 # path for merged output
00454 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_optionLetters[10])        and\
00455    Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[10]] != STR_default    :
00456   Str_mergepath = Dict_arguments[LSTR_optionLetters[10]]
00458 # React on arguments
00460 # on use CRAB
00461 if Bool_CRAB:
00462   str_buffer  = commands.getoutput('which crab')
00463   if str_buffer.find('which: no crab in') >= 0:
00464     str_suffixShell          = 'csh'
00465     if not os.getenv('SHELL')[-3:] == str_suffixShell:
00466       str_suffixShell = 'sh'
00467     print '> > CRAB environment not set properly;'
00468     print '                           please use'
00469     print
00470     print '                           $ source /afs/' %(str_suffixShell)
00471     print
00472     Func_Exit()
00473 # on name of CRAB server
00474 if not Str_server in LSTR_server:
00475   print '> > CRAB server "%s" not available' %(Str_server)
00476   Func_Exit()
00477 # on number of jobs
00478 if Int_jobs == 0:
00479   Int_jobs = 1
00480   print '> > number of requested jobs was 0'
00481   print '                           set to 1'
00482 # on magnetic field
00483 if Str_magField in LSTR_auto:
00484 #   Bool_magFieldAuto = True
00485   print '> > automatic determination of magnetic field disabled at the moment'
00486   Func_Exit()
00487 elif Str_magField[-1] == 'T':
00488   bool_foundField = False
00489   for float_valueMagField in LFLOAT_valueMagField:
00490     if str(int(float_valueMagField*10)) == Str_magField[:-1]:
00491       Float_magField = float_valueMagField
00492       bool_foundField = True
00493       break
00494   if not bool_foundField:
00495     print '> > no magnet configuration for \'%s\' available' %(Str_magField)
00496     Func_Exit()
00497 else:
00498   Float_magField = float(Str_magField) # FIXME protect better from wrong user input
00499 # on primary dataset
00500 # data tier
00501 str_datatier = Str_dataset.split('/')[-1]
00502 if str_datatier == 'RAW-RECO':
00503   Str_datatier = LSTR_datatiers[1] # FIXME: This should be an option
00504 else:
00505   Str_datatier = str_datatier
00506 Str_datatier = Str_dataset.split('/')[-1]
00507 if not Str_datatier in LSTR_datatiers:
00508   print '> > datatier "%s" not processable' %(Str_datatier)
00509   Func_Exit()
00510 # on path for job output
00511 # use CASTOR
00512 if Str_outpath.split('/')[1] == 'afs':
00513   Bool_useCastor = False
00514 elif Str_outpath.split('/')[1] != 'castor':
00515   print '> > output path not accepted'
00516   Func_ExitUsage()
00517 str_castorCp = 'cp'
00518 if Bool_useCastor:
00519   str_castorCp = 'rfcp'
00520 # on path for merged output
00521 if Str_mergepath.split('/')[1] != 'afs':
00522   print '> > merge path not accepted'
00523   Func_ExitUsage()
00525 # Prepare work area
00527 # string identifying run (run name)  
00528 Str_nameRun = 'R' + Str_run.zfill(9)
00529 #  directories
00530 Func_MkDir(Str_nameRun)
00531 Str_pathRunIncludeDir = Str_pathCmsswBasePackage + '/python/' + Str_nameRun
00532 Func_MkDir(Str_pathRunIncludeDir)
00533 str_nameInputFilesFile = Str_nameRun + '/' + Str_nameRun + '.txt'
00534 str_nameRunIncludeDir  = STR_nameCmsswPackage.replace('/','.') + '.' + Str_nameRun
00536 # Retrieving information from the web
00538 # input files
00539 int_nInputFiles    = 0
00540 file_inputFilesCff = file(str_nameInputFilesFile, 'w')
00541 # DBS query for list of input files
00542 str_dbsParams  = urllib.urlencode({'dbsInst':'cms_dbs_prod_global', 'blockName':'*', 'dataset':Str_dataset, 'userMode':'user', 'run':Str_run, 'what':'py'})
00543 file_dbsOutput = urllib.urlopen("", str_dbsParams)
00544 for str_iLine in file_dbsOutput.readlines():
00545   lstr_wordsLine = str_iLine.split("/")
00546   if len(lstr_wordsLine) >= 5:
00547     if                  lstr_wordsLine[1]  == 'store'      and\
00548                         lstr_wordsLine[2]  == 'data'       and\
00549        Str_dataset.find(lstr_wordsLine[3]) >= 0            and\
00550        Str_dataset.find(lstr_wordsLine[4]) >= 0            and\
00551                         lstr_wordsLine[5]  == str_datatier    :
00552       int_nInputFiles += 1
00553       file_inputFilesCff.write(str_iLine)
00554 if int_nInputFiles == 0:
00555   print '> > no input files found in DBS for run %s in dataset %s' %(Str_run,Str_dataset)
00556   Func_Exit()
00557 file_inputFilesCff.close()
00558 print '> > input files for run %s:   %i' %(Str_run,int_nInputFiles)
00559 if int_nInputFiles < Int_jobs:
00560   Int_jobs = int_nInputFiles
00561   print '                           number of requested jobs reduced accordingly'
00562 Int_jobsNew = Int_jobs
00563 print
00565 # magnetic field
00566 if Bool_magFieldAuto:
00567   # extract time stamps of the run
00568   str_cmsmonParams  = urllib.urlencode({'RUN':Str_run})
00569   file_cmsmonOutput = urllib.urlopen("", str_cmsmonParams)
00570   str_timeBegin     = ''
00571   str_timeEnd       = ''
00572   for str_cmsmonOutput in file_cmsmonOutput.readlines():
00573     if str_cmsmonOutput.find('HREF=Component?RUN=' + Str_run + '&NAME=TRACKER') >= 0:
00574       lstr_timeQuery = str_cmsmonOutput.split('HREF=Component?RUN=' + Str_run + '&NAME=TRACKER&')[1].split('>TRACKER')[0].split('&')
00575       for str_timeQuery in lstr_timeQuery:
00576         str_nameStamp = str_timeQuery.split('=')[0]
00577         lstr_timeDate = str_timeQuery.split('=')[1].split('_')[0].split('.')
00578         lstr_timeTime = str_timeQuery.split('=')[1].split('_')[1].split(':')
00579         dt_stampOld   = datetime.datetime(int(lstr_timeDate[0]),int(lstr_timeDate[1]),int(lstr_timeDate[2]),int(lstr_timeTime[0]),int(lstr_timeTime[1]),int(lstr_timeTime[2]))
00580         dt_stampNew   = dt_stampOld - TD_shiftUTC
00581         str_timeStamp = str(dt_stampNew).replace('-','.') 
00582         if str_nameStamp == 'TIME_BEGIN':
00583           str_timeBegin = str_timeStamp
00584         elif str_nameStamp == 'TIME_END':
00585           str_timeEnd = str_timeStamp
00586   # get magnetic field itself
00587   str_cmsmonParams  = urllib.urlencode({'TIME_BEGIN':str_timeBegin, 'TIME_END':str_timeEnd})
00588   file_cmsmonOutput = urllib.urlopen("", str_cmsmonParams)
00589   bool_foundField = False
00590   for str_cmsmonOutput in file_cmsmonOutput.readlines():
00591     if str_cmsmonOutput.find('BFIELD, Tesla') >= 0:
00592       Float_magField = float(str_cmsmonOutput.split('</A>')[0].split('>')[-1])
00593       bool_foundField = True
00594       break
00595   if not bool_foundField:
00596     print  '> > could not extract magnetic field'
00597     print  '                           please provide value'
00598     Func_Exit()
00599 # determine corresponding configuration file to be included
00600 float_magField = Func_MagConfig(Float_magField)
00601 Str_magField   = str(int(float_magField*10)) + 'T'
00602 print '> > (average) magnetic field in run %s:   %s T' %(Str_run,Float_magField)
00603 print '                           using %s T for configuration' %(float_magField)
00604 print
00606 # Create scripts
00608 int_nLinesRead     = 0
00609 file_inputFilesCff = file(str_nameInputFilesFile)
00610 lstr_linesInput    = file_inputFilesCff.readlines()
00611 file_inputFilesCff.close()
00613 # create harvesting config file and job script
00614 str_sedCommand  = 'sed '
00615 str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xMAG_FIELDx#'         + Str_magField          + '#g\" '
00616 str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xGLOBAL_TAGx#'        + Str_globalTag         + '#g\" '
00617 str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xINCLUDE_DIRECTORYx#' + str_nameRunIncludeDir + '#g\" '
00618 str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xMERGE_PATHx#'        + Str_mergepath         + '#g\" '
00619 str_sedCommand += Str_pathCmsswBasePackage + '/test/ > ' + Str_nameRun + '/'
00620 os.system(str_sedCommand)
00621 str_sedCommand  = 'sed '
00622 str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xCMSSW_BASEx#'    + Str_pathCmsswBase  + '#g\" '
00623 str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xRUN_NAMEx#'      + Str_nameRun        + '#g\" '
00624 str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xMERGE_PATHx#'    + Str_mergepath      + '#g\" '
00625 str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xCURRENT_DIRx#'   + Str_pathCurrentDir + '#g\" '
00626 str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xDATA_TIERx#'     + Str_datatier       + '#g\" '
00627 str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xCMSSW_VERSIONx#' + Str_nameCmsswRel   + '#g\" '
00628 str_sedCommand += Str_pathCmsswBasePackage + '/scripts/SiStripDQMCAFHarvest_template.job > ' + Str_nameRun + '/SiStripCAFHarvest.job'
00629 os.system(str_sedCommand)
00630 # create included CAF input files list (mainly for compilation)
00631 Str_pathInputFilesCAFCff = Str_pathRunIncludeDir + '/'
00632 file_inputFilesCAFCff = file(Str_pathInputFilesCAFCff, 'w')
00633 file_inputFilesCAFCff.write('import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nsource = cms.Source ("PoolSource",\n    processingMode = cms.untracked.string( \'Runs\' ),\n    fileNames      = cms.untracked.vstring(\n')
00634 for int_iJob in range(1,Int_jobs+1):
00635   str_lineInput = Str_outpath + '/SiStripDQMOfflineGlobalRunCAF-' + Str_nameRun + '_' + str(int_iJob) + '.root'
00636   if Bool_useCastor:
00637     str_lineInput = 'rfio:' + str_lineInput
00638   str_lineInput = '        \'' + str_lineInput + '\''
00639   if int_iJob == Int_jobs:
00640     str_lineInput += '\n'
00641     file_inputFilesCAFCff.write(str_lineInput)
00642     break
00643   str_lineInput += ',\n'
00644   file_inputFilesCAFCff.write(str_lineInput)
00645 file_inputFilesCAFCff.write('    )\n)\n')
00646 file_inputFilesCAFCff.close()
00648 str_sedCommandCommon = 'sed '
00649 if Bool_filter:
00650   str_sedCommandCommon += '-e \"s#xHLT_FILTERx#    #g\" '
00651 else:
00652   str_sedCommandCommon += '-e \"s#xHLT_FILTERx#\#     #g\" '
00653 if Str_datatier == 'RECO':
00654   str_sedCommandCommon += '-e \"s#xRECO_FROM_RAWx#\#     #g\" '
00655   str_sedCommandCommon += '-e \"s#xDQM_FROM_RAWx#\#     #g\" '
00656 else:
00657   str_sedCommandCommon += '-e \"s#xRECO_FROM_RAWx#    #g\" '
00658   str_sedCommandCommon += '-e \"s#xDQM_FROM_RAWx#    #g\" '
00659 str_sedCommandCommon += '-e \"s#xMAG_FIELDx#'  + Str_magField  + '#g\" '
00660 str_sedCommandCommon += '-e \"s#xGLOBAL_TAGx#' + Str_globalTag + '#g\" '
00661 str_sedCommandCommon += '-e \"s#xRUN_NAMEx#'   + Str_nameRun   + '#g\" '
00663 if Bool_CRAB:
00664   os.chdir(Str_nameRun)     
00665   str_outputDir = '.'
00666   # create main configuration file
00667   str_sedCommand = str_sedCommandCommon
00668   str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xINCLUDE_DIRECTORYx#' + str_nameRunIncludeDir + '#g\" '
00669   str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xOUTPUT_DIRECTORYx#'  + str_outputDir         + '#g\" '
00670   str_sedCommand += Str_pathCmsswBasePackage + '/test/ >'
00671   os.system(str_sedCommand)
00672   # create included input files list
00673   str_pathInputFilesJobCff = Str_pathRunIncludeDir + '/'
00674   file_inputFilesJobCff = file(str_pathInputFilesJobCff, 'w')
00675   file_inputFilesJobCff.write('import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nsource = cms.Source ("PoolSource",\n    fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring (\n')
00676   nLines = 0
00677   for str_linesInput in lstr_linesInput:
00678     nLines += 1
00679     str_correctedLine1 = str_linesInput.replace(') );',',')
00680     str_correctedLine  = str_correctedLine1.replace(' ] );',',')
00681     if nLines == len(lstr_linesInput):
00682       str_actualLine = str_correctedLine.replace(',','\n    )\n)\n')
00683     elif nLines%255 == 0: # FIXME add this check also to LSF
00684       str_actualLine = str_correctedLine.replace(',','\n    )\n)\nsource.fileNames.extend(\n    (')
00685     else:
00686       str_actualLine = str_correctedLine
00687     file_inputFilesJobCff.write(str_actualLine)
00688   file_inputFilesJobCff.close()
00689   # create CRAB configuration file
00690   lstr_outpath = Str_outpath.split('/', 3)
00691   str_outpath  = lstr_outpath[0] + '/' + lstr_outpath[1] + '/' + lstr_outpath[2] 
00692   str_sedCommand  = 'sed '
00693   str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xSERVER_NAMEx#'    + Str_server               + '#g\" '
00694   str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xDATASETPATHx#'    + Str_dataset              + '#g\" '
00695   str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xRUNSELECTIONx#'   + Str_run                  + '#g\" '
00696   str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xNUMBER_OF_JOBSx#' + str(Int_jobs)            + '#g\" '
00697   str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xEMAILx#'          + Str_email                + '#g\" '
00698   str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xRUN_NAMEx#'       + Str_nameRun              + '#g\" '
00699   str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xSTORAGE_PATHx#'   + str_outpath              + '#g\" '
00700   str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xLFNx#'            + lstr_outpath[3]          + '#g\" '
00701   str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xCOPY_DATAx#'      + str(int(Bool_useCastor)) + '#g\" '
00702   str_sedCommand += Str_pathCmsswBasePackage + '/test/SiStripDQMOfflineCAF_template.crab > crab.cfg'
00703   os.system(str_sedCommand)
00704   os.chdir(Str_pathCurrentDir)
00705 else:
00706   # FIXME: following calculation has to be reviewed
00707   int_nInputFilesJob = int(int_nInputFiles/Int_jobs) + 1
00708   if int_nInputFiles%Int_jobs == 0:
00709     int_nInputFilesJob -= 1
00710   if int_nInputFiles == int_nInputFilesJob*(Int_jobs-1) and Int_jobs > 1:
00711     Int_jobs -= 1
00712   # loop over single jobs
00713   for int_iJob in range(1,Int_jobs+1):
00714     str_nameJob = Str_nameRun + '_' + str(int_iJob).zfill(4)
00715     # prepare job dir
00716     str_nameJobDir        = Str_nameRun + "/" + str_nameJob
00717     str_outputDir         = '/tmp/' + os.getenv('USER') + '/' + str_nameJobDir
00718     str_pathJobIncludeDir = Str_pathRunIncludeDir + '/' + str_nameJob
00719     str_nameJobIncludeDir = STR_nameCmsswPackage.replace('/','.') + '.' + str_nameJobDir.replace('/','.')
00720     os.mkdir(str_nameJobDir)
00721     os.chdir(str_nameJobDir)     
00722     # create job script
00723     str_sedCommand = 'sed '
00724     str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xCMSSW_BASEx#'  + Str_pathCmsswBase  + '#g\" '
00725     str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xRUN_NAMEx#'    + Str_nameRun        + '#g\" '
00726     str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xJOB_NAMEx#'    + str_nameJob        + '#g\" '
00727     str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xCURRENT_DIRx#' + Str_pathCurrentDir + '#g\" '
00728     str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xCOPYx#'        + str_castorCp       + '#g\" '
00729     str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xOUTPUT_DIRx#'  + Str_outpath        + '#g\" '
00730     str_sedCommand += Str_pathCmsswBasePackage + '/scripts/SiStripDQMOfflineCAF_template.job > SiStripDQMOfflineCAF.job'
00731     os.system(str_sedCommand)
00732     # create main configuration file
00733     str_sedCommand = str_sedCommandCommon
00734     str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xINCLUDE_DIRECTORYx#' + str_nameJobIncludeDir + '#g\" '
00735     str_sedCommand += '-e \"s#xOUTPUT_DIRECTORYx#'  + str_outputDir         + '#g\" '
00736     str_sedCommand += Str_pathCmsswBasePackage + '/test/ >'
00737     os.system(str_sedCommand)
00738     # prepare job include dir
00739     os.mkdir(str_pathJobIncludeDir)
00740     # create included input files list
00741     str_pathInputFilesJobCff = str_pathJobIncludeDir + '/'
00742     file_inputFilesJobCff = file(str_pathInputFilesJobCff, 'w')
00743     file_inputFilesJobCff.write('import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nsource = cms.Source ("PoolSource",\n    fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring (\n')
00744     for n_iActualLine in range(int_nLinesRead, min(int_nLinesRead+int_nInputFilesJob, int_nInputFiles)):
00745       str_linesInput = lstr_linesInput[n_iActualLine].replace(') );',',')
00746       # fix commata and end of line
00747       str_actualLine = str_linesInput
00748       if (n_iActualLine+1)%int_nInputFilesJob == 0 or int_nLinesRead == int_nInputFiles-1:
00749         str_actualLine = str_linesInput.split(',')[0] + '\n'
00750       file_inputFilesJobCff.write(str_actualLine)
00751       int_nLinesRead += 1
00752     file_inputFilesJobCff.write('    )\n)\n')
00753     file_inputFilesJobCff.close()
00754     # finalize job creation
00755     os.chdir(Str_pathCurrentDir)
00756     # FIXME: This protection is currently needed. Review calculations again!
00757     if int_nLinesRead >= int_nInputFiles:
00758       Int_jobsNew = int_iJob
00759       break
00761 # Compile
00763 os.chdir(Str_pathRunIncludeDir+'/..')
00764 os.system('scramv1 b python')
00765 os.chdir(Str_pathCurrentDir)
00766 print
00768 # Create CRAB
00770 if Bool_CRAB:
00771   os.chdir(Str_nameRun)     
00772   os.system('crab -create')
00773   print
00774   # extract number of really created jobs
00775   bool_found = False
00776   file_logCRAB = file('crab'+Str_nameRun+'/log/crab.log')
00777   for str_iLine in file_logCRAB.readlines():
00778     if str_iLine.startswith('Total of ') and str_iLine.endswith(' jobs created.\n'):
00779       bool_found = True
00780       Int_jobsNew = int(str_iLine.split()[2])
00781       break
00782   file_logCRAB.close()
00783   os.chdir(Str_pathCurrentDir)
00784   if not bool_found:
00785     print '> > could not extract number of jobs created by CRAB; check'
00786     print '                           %s' %(Str_pathInputFilesCAFCff)
00787     print '                           and modify manually, if necessary'
00788     print
00790 # recreate included CAF input files list according to number of created jobs, if necessary
00792 print '> > number of created jobs: %i' %(Int_jobsNew)
00793 print
00794 if Int_jobsNew != Int_jobs:
00795   file_inputFilesCAFCff = file(Str_pathInputFilesCAFCff, 'w')
00796   file_inputFilesCAFCff.write('import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms\n\nsource = cms.Source ("PoolSource",\n    processingMode = cms.untracked.string( \'Runs\' ),\n    fileNames      = cms.untracked.vstring(\n')
00797   for int_iJob in range(1,Int_jobsNew+1): # FIXME use number of CRAB jobs created
00798     str_lineInput = Str_outpath + '/SiStripDQMOfflineGlobalRunCAF-' + Str_nameRun + '_' + str(int_iJob) + '.root'
00799     if Bool_useCastor:
00800       str_lineInput = 'rfio:' + str_lineInput
00801     str_lineInput = '        \'' + str_lineInput + '\''
00802     if int_iJob == Int_jobsNew:
00803       str_lineInput += '\n'
00804       file_inputFilesCAFCff.write(str_lineInput)
00805       break
00806     str_lineInput += ',\n'
00807     file_inputFilesCAFCff.write(str_lineInput)
00808   file_inputFilesCAFCff.write('    )\n)\n')
00809   file_inputFilesCAFCff.close()
00811 # Submit jobs
00813 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_functionLetters[0]):
00814   os.chdir(Str_nameRun)
00815   if Bool_CRAB:
00816     str_crabCommand = 'crab -submit -c crab' + Str_nameRun
00817     print '> >'
00818     print '  %s : %s' %(os.getcwd(),str_crabCommand)
00819     os.system(str_crabCommand)
00820     print
00821     time.sleep(5)
00822     os.system('crab -status -c crab' + Str_nameRun)
00823   else:
00824     for int_iJob in range(Int_jobs):
00825       str_nameJobDir = Str_nameRun + '_' + str(int_iJob).zfill(4)
00826       os.chdir(str_nameJobDir)     
00827       os.chmod('SiStripDQMOfflineCAF.job',OCT_rwx_r_r)
00828       str_batchCommand = 'bsub -q cmscaf SiStripDQMOfflineCAF.job'
00829       print '> >'
00830       print '  %s : %s' %(os.getcwd(),str_batchCommand)
00831       os.system(str_batchCommand)
00832       print
00833       os.chdir('../')
00834     time.sleep(5)
00835     os.system('bjobs -q cmscaf')
00836   os.chmod('SiStripCAFHarvest.job',OCT_rwx_r_r)
00837   os.chdir(Str_pathCurrentDir)
00839 # Send reminder email to submitter (not needed for CRAB)
00841 if Dict_arguments.has_key(LSTR_functionLetters[0]) and not Bool_CRAB:
00842   str_mailFrom    = os.getenv('USER') + STR_mailServer
00843   str_mailTo      = [str_mailFrom,
00844                      '',
00845                      '',
00846                      '',
00847                      '']
00848   str_mailSubject = 'Your SiStrip offline DQM shift on ' + str( + ', run ' + Str_run
00849   str_mailText    = STR_mailTextOpener + Str_run + STR_mailText
00850   str_mailMessage = """From: %s
00851 To: %s
00852 Subject: %s
00854 %s
00855 """  % (str_mailFrom, ", ".join(str_mailTo), str_mailSubject, str_mailText)   
00856   server = smtplib.SMTP(STR_mailSmtp)
00857   server.sendmail(str_mailFrom, str_mailTo, str_mailMessage)
00858   server.quit()