
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 # The following comments couldn't be translated into the new config version:
00003 # Higgs decays
00005 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00007 from Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *
00008 from GeneratorInterface.ExternalDecays.TauolaSettings_cff import *
00009 Generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia6GeneratorFilter",
00010     pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),
00011     # put here the efficiency of your filter (1. if no filter)
00012     filterEfficiency = cms.untracked.double(1.0),
00013     comEnergy = cms.double(10000.0),
00014     pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(False),
00015     ExternalDecays = cms.PSet(
00016         Tauola = cms.untracked.PSet(
00017             TauolaPolar,
00018             TauolaDefaultInputCards
00019         ),
00020         parameterSets = cms.vstring('Tauola')
00021     ),
00022     # put here the cross section of your process (in pb)
00023     crossSection = cms.untracked.double(0.388),
00024     maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(3),
00025     PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
00026         pythiaUESettingsBlock,
00027         processParameters = cms.vstring('PMAS(25,1)=135.0        !mass of Higgs', 
00028             'MSEL=0                  !user selection for process', 
00029             'MSUB(123)=1             !ZZ fusion to H', 
00030             'MSUB(124)=1             !WW fusion to H', 
00031             'MDME(210,1)=0           !Higgs decay into dd', 
00032             'MDME(211,1)=0           !Higgs decay into uu', 
00033             'MDME(212,1)=0           !Higgs decay into ss', 
00034             'MDME(213,1)=0           !Higgs decay into cc', 
00035             'MDME(214,1)=0           !Higgs decay into bb', 
00036             'MDME(215,1)=0           !Higgs decay into tt', 
00037             'MDME(216,1)=0           !Higgs decay into', 
00038             'MDME(217,1)=0           !Higgs decay into Higgs decay', 
00039             'MDME(218,1)=0           !Higgs decay into e nu e', 
00040             'MDME(219,1)=0           !Higgs decay into mu nu mu', 
00041             'MDME(220,1)=1           !Higgs decay into tau tau', 
00042             'MDME(221,1)=0           !Higgs decay into Higgs decay', 
00043             'MDME(222,1)=0           !Higgs decay into g g', 
00044             'MDME(223,1)=0           !Higgs decay into gam gam', 
00045             'MDME(224,1)=0           !Higgs decay into gam Z', 
00046             'MDME(225,1)=0           !Higgs decay into Z Z', 
00047             'MDME(226,1)=0           !Higgs decay into W W'),
00048         parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings', 
00049             'processParameters')
00050     )
00051 )