
Go to the documentation of this file.
00004 #include <map>
00005 #include <string>
00006 #include "poly.h"
00007 #include "TDirectory.h"
00008 #include "TH1.h"
00009 #include "TH1D.h"
00010 #include "TH2D.h"
00011 #include "TProfile.h"
00012 #include "TH3D.h"
00013 #include <boost/regex.hpp>
00014 #include <boost/iterator/filter_iterator.hpp>
00016 class Book {
00018   typedef   const double             double_t;
00019   typedef   const unsigned long        uint_t;
00020   typedef   const std::string        string_t;
00021   typedef std::map<std::string, TH1*>  book_t;
00023   book_t book_;
00024   std::string title_;
00025   TDirectory* directory;
00027   struct match_name {
00028     match_name(string_t re) : expression(re) {}
00029     bool operator()(const book_t::const_iterator::value_type& p) { return regex_match( p.first, expression); }
00030     private:  boost::regex expression;
00031   };
00033  public:
00035   Book() : title_(""), directory(0) {}
00036   Book(string_t t) : title_(t), directory(new TDirectory(t.c_str(),t.c_str())) {}
00038   string_t& title() const { return title_;}
00039   bool empty()   const { return book_.empty(); }
00040   long size ()   const { return book_.size(); }
00042   TH1* book(string_t name, TH1*const hist)   { book_[name]=hist; hist->SetDirectory(directory); if(!hist->GetSumw2N()) hist->Sumw2(); return hist;}
00043   TH1*& operator[](string_t name)       { return book_[name]; }
00044   const TH1*  operator[](string_t name) const { book_t::const_iterator it = book_.find(name); return it==book_.end() ? 0 : it->second;}
00046   typedef boost::filter_iterator<match_name,book_t::iterator> iterator;
00047   typedef boost::filter_iterator<match_name,book_t::const_iterator> const_iterator;
00048   iterator       begin(string_t re = ".*")       {book_t::iterator       b(book_.begin()), e(book_.end()); return boost::make_filter_iterator(match_name(re),b,e);}
00049   const_iterator begin(string_t re = ".*") const {book_t::const_iterator b(book_.begin()), e(book_.end()); return boost::make_filter_iterator(match_name(re),b,e);}
00050   iterator       end(  string_t re = ".*")       {book_t::iterator       e(book_.end()); return boost::make_filter_iterator(match_name(re),e,e);}
00051   const_iterator end(  string_t re = ".*") const {book_t::const_iterator e(book_.end()); return boost::make_filter_iterator(match_name(re),e,e);}
00052   iterator       find (string_t name, string_t re = ".*")       { return boost::make_filter_iterator(match_name(re),book_.find(name),book_.end()); }
00053   const_iterator find (string_t name, string_t re = ".*") const { return boost::make_filter_iterator(match_name(re),book_.find(name),book_.end()); }
00054   std::pair<iterator,iterator>             filter_range(string_t re = ".*")       { return std::make_pair(begin(re), end(re) ); }
00055   std::pair<const_iterator,const_iterator> filter_range(string_t re = ".*") const { return std::make_pair(begin(re), end(re) ); }
00057   void erase(string_t name) { book_t::iterator it = book_.find(name); if(it!=book_.end()) {delete it->second; book_.erase(it); } }
00058   void erase(iterator it) { delete it->second; book_.erase(it.base()); }
00060   void fill( double_t X, const char* name, 
00061              uint_t NbinsX, double_t Xlow, double_t Xup, double_t W=1 ) { fill(X,std::string(name),NbinsX,Xlow,Xup,W);}
00062   void fill( double_t X, const poly<std::string>& names, 
00063              uint_t NbinsX, double_t Xlow, double_t Xup, double_t W=1 ) 
00064   { 
00065     BOOST_FOREACH(string_t name, std::make_pair(names.begin(),names.end())) {
00066       book_t::const_iterator current = book_.find(name);
00067       if( current == book_.end() )
00068         book(name, new TH1D(name.c_str(), "", NbinsX, Xlow, Xup))->Fill(X,W);
00069       else current->second->Fill(X,W);
00070     }
00071   }
00072   void fill( double_t X, double_t Y, const char* name, 
00073              uint_t NbinsX, double_t Xlow, double_t Xup, double_t W=1 ) {fill(X,Y,std::string(name),NbinsX,Xlow,Xup,W);}
00074   void fill( double_t X, double_t Y, const poly<std::string>& names, 
00075              uint_t NbinsX, double_t Xlow, double_t Xup, double_t W=1 )
00076   { 
00077     BOOST_FOREACH(string_t name, std::make_pair(names.begin(),names.end())) {
00078       book_t::const_iterator current = book_.find(name);
00079       if( current == book_.end() )
00080         static_cast<TProfile*>(book(name, new TProfile(name.c_str(), "", NbinsX, Xlow, Xup)))->Fill(X,Y,W);
00081       else static_cast<TProfile*>(current->second)->Fill(X,Y,W);
00082     }
00083   }
00084   void fill( double_t X, double_t Y, const char* name, 
00085              uint_t NbinsX, double_t Xlow, double_t Xup,
00086              uint_t NbinsY, double_t Ylow, double_t Yup, double_t W=1 ) { fill(X,Y,std::string(name),NbinsX,Xlow,Xup,NbinsY,Ylow,Yup,W);}
00087   void fill( double_t X, double_t Y, const poly<std::string>& names, 
00088              uint_t NbinsX, double_t Xlow, double_t Xup,
00089              uint_t NbinsY, double_t Ylow, double_t Yup, double_t W=1 )
00090   { 
00091     BOOST_FOREACH(string_t name, std::make_pair(names.begin(),names.end())) {
00092       book_t::const_iterator current = book_.find(name);
00093       if( current == book_.end() )
00094         static_cast<TH2*>(book(name, new TH2D(name.c_str(), "", NbinsX, Xlow, Xup, NbinsY, Ylow, Yup)))->Fill(X,Y,W);
00095       else static_cast<TH2*>(current->second)->Fill(X,Y,W);
00096     }
00097   }
00098   void fill( double_t X, double_t Y, double_t Z,  const char* name, 
00099              uint_t NbinsX, double_t Xlow, double_t Xup,
00100              uint_t NbinsY, double_t Ylow, double_t Yup,
00101              uint_t NbinsZ, double_t Zlow, double_t Zup, double_t W=1 ) {fill(X,Y,Z,std::string(name),NbinsX,Xlow,Xup,NbinsY,Ylow,Yup,NbinsZ,Zlow,Zup);}
00102   void fill( double_t X, double_t Y, double_t Z,  const poly<std::string>& names, 
00103              uint_t NbinsX, double_t Xlow, double_t Xup,
00104              uint_t NbinsY, double_t Ylow, double_t Yup,
00105              uint_t NbinsZ, double_t Zlow, double_t Zup, double_t W=1 )
00106   { 
00107     BOOST_FOREACH(string_t name, std::make_pair(names.begin(),names.end())) {
00108       book_t::const_iterator current = book_.find(name);
00109       if( current == book_.end() )
00110         static_cast<TH3*>(book(name, new TH3D(name.c_str(), "", NbinsX, Xlow, Xup, NbinsY, Ylow, Yup, NbinsZ, Zlow, Zup)))->Fill(X,Y,Z,W);
00111       else static_cast<TH3*>(current->second)->Fill(X,Y,Z,W);
00112     }
00113   }
00115 };
00117 #endif