
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //   COCOA class implementation file
00002 //Id:
00003 //CAT: Model
00004 //
00005 //   History: v1.0 
00006 //   Pedro Arce
00008 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/OptOSensor2D.h"
00009 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/LightRay.h"
00010 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/ALIPlane.h" 
00011 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/Measurement.h"
00012 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/Model.h"
00013 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/Entry.h"
00014 #include "Alignment/CocoaModel/interface/DeviationsFromFileSensor2D.h"
00015 #ifdef COCOA_VIS
00016 #include "Alignment/CocoaVisMgr/interface/ALIVRMLMgr.h"
00017 #include "Alignment/IgCocoaFileWriter/interface/IgCocoaFileMgr.h"
00018 #endif
00019 #include "Alignment/CocoaUtilities/interface/ALIFileIn.h"
00020 #include "Alignment/CocoaDDLObjects/interface/CocoaSolidShapeBox.h"
00021 #include "Alignment/CocoaUtilities/interface/GlobalOptionMgr.h"
00023 #include <iostream>
00024 #include <iomanip>
00025 #include <fstream>
00026 #include <cstdlib>
00028 using namespace CLHEP;
00030 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00031 //@@  Make measurement as distance to previous object 'screen'
00032 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00033 void OptOSensor2D::defaultBehaviour( LightRay& lightray, Measurement& meas )
00034 {
00035   makeMeasurement( lightray, meas);
00036 }
00039 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00040 //@@  Make measurement as distance to previous object 'screen'
00041 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00042 void OptOSensor2D::makeMeasurement( LightRay& lightray, Measurement& meas ) 
00043 {
00044   //---------- check is last and not the only one
00045   /*    if( vocite - OptOList().begin() == 0 ||
00046     OptOList().end() - vocite != 1) {
00047     std::cerr << " last and not only one Optical Object should be 'sensor2D' (unless you specify (:T)raverse) " <<
00048     OptOList().end() - vocite << " size " <<OptOList().size() << std::endl;
00049     DumpBadOrderOptOs(); 
00050     }*/
00052   //---------- Get simulated value 
00053   //---------- Get intersection
00054   CLHEP::Hep3Vector ZAxis(0.,0,1.);
00055   CLHEP::HepRotation rmt = rmGlob();
00056   ZAxis = rmt * ZAxis;
00057   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 4 ) {
00058     ALIUtils::dump3v( centreGlob(), " sensor2D centre Glob ");
00059     ALIUtils::dump3v( ZAxis, " snsor2D normal ");
00060   }
00061   //-  ALIUtils::dumprm( rmt, "rot global " );
00062   lightray.intersect( ALIPlane(centreGlob(), ZAxis) );
00063   CLHEP::Hep3Vector inters = lightray.point();
00065   ALIdouble* interslc;
00066   interslc = convertPointToLocalCoordinates( inters );
00067   ALIdouble interslcx = interslc[0];
00068   ALIdouble interslcy = interslc[1];
00069   meas.setValueSimulated( 0, interslcx );
00070   meas.setValueSimulated( 1, interslcy );
00072   //----- Dump info
00073   if (ALIUtils::debug >= 2) {
00074     //--- Special for range studies
00075     ALIstring chrg = "";
00076     /*t    if(Model::Ncmslinkrange >= 1 && Model::Ncmslinkrange <= 8 ) {
00077       chrg = "RG";
00078     } else {
00079       chrg = "";
00080       } t*/
00081     CLHEP::Hep3Vector measvv( meas.value()[0], meas.value()[1], 0.);
00082     measvv = rmt*measvv;
00083     ALIUtils::dump3v( measvv, " $$$$$$MEAS IN LOCAL FRAME");
00084     ALIUtils::dump3v( measvv+centreGlob(), " $$$$$$MEAS IN GLOBAL FRAME");
00086     ALIdouble detH =  1000*meas.valueSimulated(0); if(fabs(detH) <= 1.e-9 ) detH = 0.;
00087     ALIdouble detV =  1000*meas.valueSimulated(1); if(fabs(detV) <= 1.e-9 ) detV = 0.;
00088     std::cout << "REAL value: " << chrg << meas.valueType(0) << ": " << 1000*meas.value()[0] << chrg << " " << meas.valueType(1) << ": " << 1000*meas.value()[1]  << " (mm)  " << (this)->name() 
00089          << "   DIFF= " << detH-1000*meas.value()[0] << " " << detV-1000*meas.value()[1] << std::endl;
00090     std::cout << "SIMU value: " << chrg << " " << meas.valueType(0) << ": "
00091       // << setprecision(3) << setw(4)
00092               << detH 
00093               << chrg << " " << meas.valueType(1) << ": " << detV 
00094               << " (mm)  " << (this)->name() << std::endl;
00095     /*-    std::cout << "SIMU value: " << chrg << " " << meas.valueType(0) << ": "
00096       // << setprecision(3) << setw(4)
00097               << detH / 0.3125
00098               << chrg << " " << meas.valueType(1) << ": " << detV / 0.3125
00099               << " STRIPS  " << (this)->name() << std::endl; */
00100     //   << detH 
00101     //   << chrg << " V: " << detV 
00102     //   << " (mm)  " << (this)->name() << std::endl;
00103     ALIUtils::dump3v( 1000.*(inters - parent()->centreGlob()) , " $$$$$$SIMU inters - parent centre");
00104     ALIUtils::dump3v(  1000.*(inters - centreGlob()) , " $$$$$$SIMU inters - centre");
00105   }
00106   //t    delete &lightray;    
00108   // store the lightray position and direction
00109   meas.setLightRayPosition( lightray.point() );
00110   meas.setLightRayDirection( lightray.direction() );
00112   delete[] interslc;
00113 }
00116 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00117 //@@ Fast simulation of Light Ray traverses
00118 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00119 void OptOSensor2D::fastTraversesLightRay( LightRay& lightray )
00120 {
00121   verbose = ALIUtils::debug;
00122   if (ALIUtils::debug >= 2) std::cout << "LR: FAST TRAVERSES SENSOR2D  " << name() << std::endl;
00124   //---------- Shift and Deviate
00125   ALIdouble shiftX = findExtraEntryValue("shiftX");
00126   ALIdouble shiftY = findExtraEntryValue("shiftY");
00127   ALIdouble shift;
00128   ALIbool bb = findExtraEntryValueIfExists("shift", shift);
00129   if( bb ) {
00130     shiftX = shift;
00131     shiftY = shift;
00132   }
00134   //---------- Get intersection 
00135   CLHEP::Hep3Vector ZAxis(0.,0,1.);
00136   CLHEP::HepRotation rmt = rmGlob();
00137   ZAxis = rmt * ZAxis;
00138   lightray.intersect( ALIPlane(centreGlob(), ZAxis) );
00139   CLHEP::Hep3Vector inters = lightray.point();
00141   ALIdouble deviX, deviY, devi;
00142   // if deviationsFromFile are applied and this sensors has them get the deviations that corresponds to the intersection point.
00143   // Set this deviation as original one, as it will not be changed for derivatives
00144   if( DeviationsFromFileSensor2D::apply() && fdevi_from_file) {
00145     //-    std::cout << " DeviationsFromFileSensor2D::apply() " << DeviationsFromFileSensor2D::apply() << std::endl;
00146     if(ALIUtils::debug >= 4) {
00147       std::cout << "fdeviFromFile" << fdevi_from_file << std::endl;
00148       //-      std::cout << "deviFromFile" << deviFromFile << std::endl;
00149     }
00150     //--------- get measurement value of the current sensor
00151     std::vector< Measurement* >& measv = Model::MeasurementList();
00152     unsigned int ii;
00153     Measurement *omeas = 0;
00154     for( ii = 0; ii < measv.size(); ii++ ) {
00155       //-   std::cout << " sensor2d finding meas " <<  measv[ii]->sensorName() << " " << name() << std::endl;
00156       if( measv[ii]->sensorName() == name() ) {
00157         omeas = measv[ii];
00158         break;
00159       }
00160     }
00161     if( omeas == 0 ) {
00162       std::cerr << "!!!EXITING OptOSensor2D::fastTraversesLightRay: meas " << name() << " not found " << std::endl;
00163     }
00165     ALIdouble interslcx = omeas->value( 0 );
00166     ALIdouble interslcy = omeas->value( 1 );
00167     if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5) std::cout << " interslcx " << interslcx << " interslcy " << interslcy << std::endl;
00168     //----- transform in milimeters and positive
00169     //mum    interslcx = interslcx*1.E6 + 10000.;
00170     //mum    interslcy = interslcy*1.E6 + 10000.;
00171     ALIdouble df = ALIUtils::LengthValueDimensionFactor();
00172     interslcx = interslcx/df + 0.010/df;
00173     interslcy = interslcy/df + 0.010/df;
00174      if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5) std::cout << " interslcx " << interslcx << " interslcy " << interslcy << std::endl;
00176     //---------- Get deviations from file (they are in microrads)
00177     std::pair< ALIdouble, ALIdouble> devis = deviFromFile->getDevis( interslcx, interslcy );
00178     deviX = devis.second;
00179     deviY = -devis.first;
00180      // deviX = devis.first;
00181      //  deviY = devis.second;
00183     //o  deviX = *((deviFromFile->deviationsInX()).begin() + pointY*deviFromFile->nPoints() + pointX) * 1.E-6;;
00184     //o  deviY = *((deviFromFile->deviationsInY().begin()) + pointY*deviFromFile->nPoints() + pointX) * 1.E-6;
00186     //---------- Set this deviation value as original one, as it will not be changed for derivatives (change the entry and also the ExtraEntryValueOriginalList())
00187     ALIuint entryNo = extraEntryNo( "deviX" );
00188     if( verbose >= 3 ) std::cout << "entrynox" << entryNo << name() << verbose << std::endl;
00189     Entry* entryDeviX = *(ExtraEntryList().begin()+entryNo);
00190     entryDeviX->setValue( deviX );
00191     //-    std::vector< ALIdouble >::const_iterator eevolite = static_cast<std::vector< ALIdouble >::iterator>( ExtraEntryValueOriginalList().begin() );
00192     std::vector< ALIdouble > eevil = ExtraEntryValueOriginalList();
00193     //-    std::vector< ALIdouble >::const_iterator eevolite = ( ExtraEntryValueOriginalList().begin() );
00194     std::vector< ALIdouble >::iterator eevolite = eevil.begin();
00196     *(eevolite+entryNo) = deviX;
00197     if( verbose >= 3 ) std::cout<< " entryDeviX name " << entryDeviX->name() << entryDeviX->value() << std::endl;
00198     entryNo = extraEntryNo( "deviY" );
00199     Entry* entryDeviY = *(ExtraEntryList().begin()+entryNo);
00200     //- std::cout << "entrynoy" << entryNo << name() << std::endl;
00201     entryDeviY->setValue( deviY );
00202     *(eevolite+entryNo) = deviY;
00203     //-  std::cout<< entryDeviY << " entryDeviY name " << entryDeviY->name() << entryDeviY->value() << std::endl;
00205   } else {
00206     deviX = findExtraEntryValue("deviX");
00207     deviY = findExtraEntryValue("deviY");
00209     //??? why previous does not work??
00210     if( fdevi_from_file ) {
00211       if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5) std::cout << "fdeviFromFile" << fdevi_from_file << std::endl;
00212       ALIuint entryNo = extraEntryNo( "deviX" );
00213       Entry* entryDeviX = *(ExtraEntryList().begin()+entryNo);
00214      if( verbose >= 3 ) std::cout<< entryDeviX << " entryDeviX name " << entryDeviX->name() << entryDeviX->value() << std::endl;
00215       deviX = entryDeviX->value();
00216       entryNo = extraEntryNo( "deviY" );
00217       Entry* entryDeviY = *(ExtraEntryList().begin()+entryNo);
00218       if( verbose >= 3 )  std::cout<< entryDeviY << " entryDeviY name " << entryDeviY->name() << entryDeviY->value() << std::endl;
00219       deviY = entryDeviY->value();
00221     } else {
00222       bb = findExtraEntryValueIfExists("devi", devi);
00223       if( bb ) {
00224         deviX = devi;
00225         deviY = devi;
00226       }
00227     }
00228   }
00229   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 4) {
00230     std::cout << "devi " << devi << " devi x  " << deviX << " devi y  " << deviY << std::endl;
00231   }
00233   lightray.setPoint( inters );
00235   //  lightray.shiftAndDeviateWhileTraversing( this, shiftX, shiftY, 0., deviX, deviY, 0.);
00236   lightray.shiftAndDeviateWhileTraversing( this, 'T' );
00237   if (ALIUtils::debug >= 2) {
00238     lightray.dumpData("Shifted and Deviated");
00239   }
00241 }      
00244 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00245 //@@ Fast simulation of Light Ray traverses
00246 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00247 void OptOSensor2D::detailedTraversesLightRay( LightRay& lightray )
00248 {
00249   if (ALIUtils::debug >= 4) std::cout << "%%% LR: DETAILED TRAVERSES SENSOR2D  " << name() << std::endl;
00250   if( DeviationsFromFileSensor2D::apply() && fdevi_from_file) {
00251    DeviationsFromFileSensor2D::setApply( 0 );
00252    //- std::cout << "fdeviFromFile" << fdevi_from_file << std::endl;
00253     if(ALIUtils::debug >= 0 )std::cerr << "!!WARNING: sensor " << name() << " has read deviation from file and it will not be taken into account. Please use FAST TRAVERSES" << deviFromFile << std::endl;
00254   }
00256   //---------- If width is 0, just keep the intersection point 
00257   ALIdouble width = findExtraEntryValue("width");
00258   if( width == 0 ) {
00259     //---------- Get intersection 
00260     CLHEP::Hep3Vector ZAxis(0.,0,1.);
00261     CLHEP::HepRotation rmt = rmGlob();
00262     ZAxis = rmt * ZAxis;
00263     lightray.intersect( ALIPlane(centreGlob(), ZAxis) );
00264     CLHEP::Hep3Vector inters = lightray.point();
00265     lightray.setPoint( inters );
00266     if (ALIUtils::debug >= 2) {
00267       lightray.dumpData("LightRay Sensor2D traversed: "); 
00268     }
00269     return;
00270   }
00272   if (ALIUtils::debug >= 4) std::cout << std::endl << "$$$ LR: REFRACTION IN FORWARD PLATE " << std::endl;
00273   //---------- Get forward plate
00274   ALIPlane plate = getPlate(1, 1);
00275   //---------- Refract while entering object
00276   ALIdouble refra_ind1 = 1.;
00277   ALIdouble refra_ind2 = findExtraEntryValueMustExist("refra_ind");
00278   lightray.refract( plate, refra_ind1, refra_ind2 );
00280   if (ALIUtils::debug >= 4) std::cout << std::endl << "$$$ LR: REFRACTION IN BACKWARD PLATE " << std::endl;
00281   //---------- Get backward plate
00282   plate = getPlate(0, 1);
00283   //---------- Refract while exiting splitter
00284   lightray.refract( plate, refra_ind2, refra_ind1 );
00286   CLHEP::Hep3Vector inters = lightray.point();
00287   lightray.setPoint( inters );
00289   if (ALIUtils::debug >= 4) {
00290     lightray.dumpData("LightRay Sensor2D traversed: "); 
00291   }
00294 }     
00297 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00298 //@@ fillExtraEntry: fill it from file or fill it the usual way
00299 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00300 void OptOSensor2D::fillExtraEntry( std::vector<ALIstring>& wordlist )
00301 {
00303   if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5) std::cout << "OptOSensor2D fillExtraEntry wordlist[1] " << wordlist[1] << std::endl;
00304   //---------- check if it is deviation read from file 
00305   fdevi_from_file = 0;
00306   //-  std::cout << "WL " << wordlist[1]<< "WL " << wordlist[2]<< "WL " << wordlist[3] << std::endl;
00307   if( wordlist[1] == ALIstring("devi") && wordlist[2] == ALIstring("from_file") ) {
00308     //---------- Open file
00309     ALIstring fnam;
00310     if( wordlist.size() >= 4) {
00311       fnam = wordlist[3];
00312     } else {
00313     //----- Build up file name if it does not exists
00314       fnam = "dat/devi-";
00315       fnam += shortName(); 
00316       fnam += ".dat";
00317     }
00319     ALIFileIn& ifdevi = ALIFileIn::getInstance( fnam );
00321     //----- Check that file exists 
00322     if(ALIUtils::debug >= 4) std::cout << "Opening deviation file: " << fnam << std::endl;
00323     /*-    if( !ifdevi ) {
00324       std::cerr << " !!! Sensor2D Deviation file not found: " << fnam << " of object " << name() << std::endl;
00325       exit(1);
00326       }*/
00328     deviFromFile = new DeviationsFromFileSensor2D();
00329     fdevi_from_file = 1;
00330     if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << "deviFromFile " << deviFromFile << std::endl; 
00331     //----- Read header
00332     ALIstring sensor1_name, sensor2_name;
00333     ALIint sensor1_side, sensor2_side;
00334     ALIdouble sensor_dist;
00335     ALIdouble prec_deviX,prec_deviY;
00337     std::vector<ALIstring> wl;
00338     ifdevi.getWordsInLine( wl );
00339     sensor1_name = wl[0];
00340     sensor2_name = wl[1];
00341     sensor_dist = atof( wl[2].c_str() );
00342     // 'c' means that light is traversing the glass
00343     sensor1_side = 1;
00344     if(sensor1_name[sensor1_name.size()-2] == 'c') {
00345       sensor1_side = 2;
00346       sensor1_name = sensor1_name.substr(0,sensor1_name.size()-1);
00347     }
00348     sensor2_side = 1;
00349     if(sensor2_name[sensor2_name.size()-2] == 'c') {
00350       sensor2_side = 2;
00351       sensor2_name = sensor2_name.substr(0,sensor2_name.size()-1);
00352     }
00353     if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5) std::cout << "sensor1_name " << sensor1_name << " sensor2_name " << sensor2_name  << " sensor_dist " << sensor_dist << " unknown " << wl[3] << std::endl;
00355     ifdevi.getWordsInLine( wl );
00356     prec_deviX = atof( wl[0].c_str() );
00357     prec_deviY = atof( wl[1].c_str() );
00359     if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5) std::cout << "prec_deviX " <<  prec_deviX  << " prec_deviY " << prec_deviY << std::endl;
00361     deviFromFile = new DeviationsFromFileSensor2D();
00362     ALIdouble offsetX, offsetY;
00363     if( wl.size() == 5 ) {
00364       offsetX = ALIUtils::getFloat( wl[3] );
00365       offsetY = ALIUtils::getFloat( wl[4] );
00366       deviFromFile->setOffset( offsetX, offsetY );
00367     }
00368     deviFromFile->readFile( ifdevi );
00369     fdevi_from_file = 1;
00370     if(ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) std::cout << "deviFromFile " << deviFromFile << std::endl; 
00373     //--- Fill extra entries 'deviX' & 'deviY' to compute derivatives 
00374     std::vector<ALIstring> wlo; 
00375     char chartmp[20];
00376     wlo.push_back( wordlist[0] );
00377     wlo.push_back("deviX");
00378     wlo.push_back("0"); // value is set to 0 as it is on the file and the point of intersection is not computed yet
00379     gcvt( prec_deviX, 10, chartmp );
00380     wlo.push_back( ALIstring(chartmp) );
00381     wlo.push_back("cal");
00382     std::vector<ALIstring> wl2(wlo); 
00383     OpticalObject::fillExtraEntry( wlo );
00385     wl2[1] = "deviY";   
00386     gcvt( prec_deviY, 10, chartmp );
00387     wl2[3] = ALIstring( chartmp );
00388     OpticalObject::fillExtraEntry( wl2 ); 
00390   } else {
00391     OpticalObject::fillExtraEntry( wordlist );
00392   }
00393 }
00396 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00397 //@@ 
00398 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00399 ALIdouble* OptOSensor2D::convertPointToLocalCoordinates( const CLHEP::Hep3Vector& point)
00400 {
00401   ALIdouble* interslc = new ALIdouble[2];
00403   //----- X value
00404   CLHEP::HepRotation rmt = rmGlob();
00405   CLHEP::Hep3Vector XAxism(1.,0.,0.);
00406   XAxism*=rmt;
00407   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5) ALIUtils::dump3v( (this)->centreGlob(),  "centre glob sensor2D" );
00408   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5) ALIUtils::dumprm( rmt,  "rotation matrix sensor2D" );
00409   //t  ALIUtils::dump3v(point - (this)->centreGlob() , "inters - (this)->centreGlob()");
00410   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5) ALIUtils::dump3v(XAxism , "XAxism");
00411   interslc[0] = (point - (this)->centreGlob() ) * XAxism;
00413   //----- Y value
00414   CLHEP::Hep3Vector YAxism(0.,1.,0.);
00415   YAxism*=rmt;
00416   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5)
00417 ALIUtils::dump3v(YAxism , "YAxism");
00418   interslc[1] = (point - (this)->centreGlob() ) * YAxism;
00420   if( ALIUtils::debug >= 5 ) {
00421     std::cout << " intersection in local coordinates: X= " << interslc[0] << "  Y= " << interslc[1] << std::endl;
00422     ALIUtils::dump3v( point - (this)->centreGlob() , " inters - centre " );
00423   }
00424   return interslc;
00425 }
00427 #ifdef COCOA_VIS
00428 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00429 void OptOSensor2D::fillVRML()
00430 {
00431   //-  std::cout << " filling optosensor " << std::endl;
00432   ALIVRMLMgr& vrmlmgr = ALIVRMLMgr::getInstance();
00433   ALIColour* col = new ALIColour( 0., 0., 1., 0. );
00434   vrmlmgr.AddBox( *this, 1., 1., .2, col);
00435   vrmlmgr.SendReferenceFrame( *this, 0.6); 
00436   vrmlmgr.SendName( *this, 0.1 );
00437 }
00440 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00441 void OptOSensor2D::fillIguana()
00442 {
00443   ALIColour* col = new ALIColour( 0., 0., 1., 0. );
00444   std::vector<ALIdouble> spar;
00445   spar.push_back(20.);
00446   spar.push_back(20.);
00447   spar.push_back(5.);
00448   IgCocoaFileMgr::getInstance().addSolid( *this, "BOX", spar, col);
00449 }
00450 #endif
00453 //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
00454 void OptOSensor2D::constructSolidShape()
00455 {
00456   ALIdouble go;
00457   GlobalOptionMgr* gomgr = GlobalOptionMgr::getInstance();
00458   gomgr->getGlobalOptionValue("VisScale", go );
00460   theSolidShape = new CocoaSolidShapeBox( "Box", go*4.*cm/m, go*4.*cm/m, go*1.*cm/m ); //COCOA internal units are meters
00461 }