Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

TagProbeFitTreeProducer Class Reference

#include <>

Inheritance diagram for TagProbeFitTreeProducer:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TagProbeFitTreeProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~TagProbeFitTreeProducer ()

Private Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)
bool checkMother (const reco::GenParticleRef &ref) const
 Return true if ref is not null and has an ancestor with pdgId inside 'motherPdgId_'.
virtual void endJob ()

Private Attributes

edm::InputTag allProbes_
 InputTag to the collection of all probes.
bool checkMotherInUnbiasEff_
 Check mother pdgId in unbiased inefficiency measurement.
bool isMC_
 Is this sample MC?
bool makeMCUnbiasTree_
 Do we have to compute this.
< tnp::BaseTreeFiller
< tnp::BaseTreeFiller
 The object that actually computes variables and fills the tree for unbiased MC.
std::set< int32_t > motherPdgId_
 Possible pdgids for the mother. If empty, any truth-matched mu will be considered good.
< tnp::BaseTreeFiller
< tnp::BaseTreeFiller
edm::InputTag probeMatches_
< tnp::BaseTreeFiller
edm::InputTag tagMatches_
 InputTag to an edm::Association<reco::GenParticle> from tags & probes to MC truth.
tnp::TagProbePairMaker tagProbePairMaker_
 The object that produces pairs of tags and probes, making any arbitration needed.
std::auto_ptr< tnp::TPTreeFillertreeFiller_
 The object that actually computes variables and fills the tree for T&P.

Detailed Description

Description: <one line="" class="" summary>="">

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">

Definition at line 51 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TagProbeFitTreeProducer::TagProbeFitTreeProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 94 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::addParameter(), allProbes_, edm::ParameterSet::empty(), edm::ParameterSet::existsAs(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), isMC_, makeMCUnbiasTree_, mcFiller_, mcUnbiasFiller_, motherPdgId_, pairFiller_, probeMatches_, tagFiller_, tagMatches_, and treeFiller_.

    makeMCUnbiasTree_(isMC_ ? iConfig.getParameter<bool>("makeMCUnbiasTree") : false),
    checkMotherInUnbiasEff_(makeMCUnbiasTree_ ? iConfig.getParameter<bool>("checkMotherInUnbiasEff") : false),
    treeFiller_(new tnp::TPTreeFiller(iConfig)),
    oldTagFiller_((iConfig.existsAs<bool>("fillTagTree") && iConfig.getParameter<bool>("fillTagTree")) ? new tnp::BaseTreeFiller("tag_tree",iConfig) : 0)
    if (isMC_) { 
        // For mc efficiency we need the MC matches for tags & probes
        tagMatches_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("tagMatches");
        probeMatches_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("probeMatches");
        //.. and the pdgids of the possible mothers
        if (iConfig.existsAs<int32_t>("motherPdgId")) {
        } else {
            std::vector<int32_t> motherIds = iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<int32_t> >("motherPdgId");
            motherPdgId_.insert(motherIds.begin(), motherIds.end());

        // For unbiased efficiency we also need the collection of all probes
        if (makeMCUnbiasTree_) {
            allProbes_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("allProbes");
            mcUnbiasFiller_.reset(new tnp::BaseTreeFiller("mcUnbias_tree",iConfig));

    edm::ParameterSet tagPSet;
    if (iConfig.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("tagVariables")) tagPSet.addParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("variables", iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("tagVariables"));
    if (iConfig.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("tagFlags"    )) tagPSet.addParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("flags",     iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("tagFlags"));
    if (!tagPSet.empty()) { tagFiller_.reset(new tnp::BaseTreeFiller(*treeFiller_, tagPSet, "tag_")); }
    edm::ParameterSet mcPSet;
    if (iConfig.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("mcVariables")) mcPSet.addParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("variables", iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("mcVariables"));
    if (iConfig.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("mcFlags"    )) mcPSet.addParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("flags",     iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("mcFlags"));
    if (!mcPSet.empty()) { mcFiller_.reset(new tnp::BaseTreeFiller(*treeFiller_, mcPSet, "mc_")); }
    edm::ParameterSet pairPSet;
    if (iConfig.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("pairVariables")) pairPSet.addParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("variables", iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("pairVariables"));
    if (iConfig.existsAs<edm::ParameterSet>("pairFlags"    )) pairPSet.addParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("flags",     iConfig.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("pairFlags"));
    if (!pairPSet.empty()) { pairFiller_.reset(new tnp::BaseTreeFiller(*treeFiller_, pairPSet, "pair_")); }
TagProbeFitTreeProducer::~TagProbeFitTreeProducer ( )

Definition at line 136 of file


Member Function Documentation

void TagProbeFitTreeProducer::analyze ( const edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 147 of file

References allProbes_, checkMother(), checkMotherInUnbiasEff_, edm::Event::getByLabel(), i, isMC_, edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), makeMCUnbiasTree_, mcFiller_, mcUnbiasFiller_, n, oldTagFiller_, pairFiller_, probeMatches_, tnp::TagProbePairMaker::run(), align_tpl::src, tagFiller_, tagMatches_, tagProbePairMaker_, and treeFiller_.

    using namespace edm; using namespace std; 
    Handle<reco::CandidateView> src, allProbes;
    Handle<Association<vector<reco::GenParticle> > > tagMatches, probeMatches;

    treeFiller_->init(iEvent); // read out info from the event if needed (external vars, list of passing probes, ...)
    if (oldTagFiller_.get()) oldTagFiller_->init(iEvent);
    if (tagFiller_.get())    tagFiller_->init(iEvent);
    if (pairFiller_.get())   pairFiller_->init(iEvent);
    if (mcFiller_.get())     mcFiller_->init(iEvent);

    // on mc we want to load also the MC match info
    if (isMC_) {
        iEvent.getByLabel(tagMatches_, tagMatches);
        iEvent.getByLabel(probeMatches_, probeMatches);

    // get the list of (tag+probe) pairs, performing arbitration 
    tnp::TagProbePairs pairs =;
    // loop on them to fill the tree
    for (tnp::TagProbePairs::const_iterator it = pairs.begin(), ed = pairs.end(); it != ed; ++it) {
        // on mc, fill mc info (on non-mc, let it to 'true', the treeFiller will ignore it anyway
        bool mcTrue = false;
        if (isMC_) {
            reco::GenParticleRef mtag = (*tagMatches)[it->tag], mprobe = (*probeMatches)[it->probe];
            mcTrue = checkMother(mtag) && checkMother(mprobe);
            if (mcTrue && mcFiller_.get()) mcFiller_->fill(reco::CandidateBaseRef(mprobe));
        // fill in the variables for this t+p pair
        if (tagFiller_.get())    tagFiller_->fill(it->tag);
        if (oldTagFiller_.get()) oldTagFiller_->fill(it->tag);
        if (pairFiller_.get())   pairFiller_->fill(it->pair);
        treeFiller_->fill(it->probe, it->mass, mcTrue);

    if (isMC_ && makeMCUnbiasTree_) {
        // read full collection of probes
        iEvent.getByLabel(allProbes_, allProbes);
        // init the tree filler
        // loop on probes
        for (size_t i = 0, n = allProbes->size(); i < n; ++i) {
            const reco::CandidateBaseRef & probe = allProbes->refAt(i);
            // check mc match, and possibly mother match
            reco::GenParticleRef probeMatch = (*probeMatches)[probe];
            bool probeOk = checkMotherInUnbiasEff_ ? checkMother(probeMatch) : probeMatch.isNonnull();
            // fill the tree only for good ones
            if (probeOk) mcUnbiasFiller_->fill(probe);
bool TagProbeFitTreeProducer::checkMother ( const reco::GenParticleRef ref) const [private]

Return true if ref is not null and has an ancestor with pdgId inside 'motherPdgId_'.

Definition at line 202 of file

References abs, edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::begin(), edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::end(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNull(), m, and motherPdgId_.

Referenced by analyze().

    if (ref.isNull()) return false;
    if (motherPdgId_.empty()) return true;
    if (motherPdgId_.find(abs(ref->pdgId())) != motherPdgId_.end()) return true;
    reco::GenParticle::mothers m = ref->motherRefVector();
    for (reco::GenParticle::mothers::const_iterator it = m.begin(), e = m.end(); it != e; ++it) {
        if (checkMother(*it)) return true;
    return false;
void TagProbeFitTreeProducer::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 216 of file

References edm::getProcessParameterSet(), and treeFiller_.

    // ask to write the current PSet info into the TTree header

Member Data Documentation

InputTag to the collection of all probes.

Definition at line 77 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and TagProbeFitTreeProducer().

Check mother pdgId in unbiased inefficiency measurement.

Definition at line 75 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Is this sample MC?

Definition at line 63 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and TagProbeFitTreeProducer().

Do we have to compute this.

Definition at line 73 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and TagProbeFitTreeProducer().

Definition at line 88 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and TagProbeFitTreeProducer().

The object that actually computes variables and fills the tree for unbiased MC.

Definition at line 84 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and TagProbeFitTreeProducer().

std::set<int32_t> TagProbeFitTreeProducer::motherPdgId_ [private]

Possible pdgids for the mother. If empty, any truth-matched mu will be considered good.

Definition at line 67 of file

Referenced by checkMother(), and TagProbeFitTreeProducer().

Definition at line 85 of file

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 87 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and TagProbeFitTreeProducer().

Definition at line 65 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and TagProbeFitTreeProducer().

Definition at line 86 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and TagProbeFitTreeProducer().

InputTag to an edm::Association<reco::GenParticle> from tags & probes to MC truth.

Definition at line 65 of file

Referenced by analyze(), and TagProbeFitTreeProducer().

The object that produces pairs of tags and probes, making any arbitration needed.

Definition at line 80 of file

Referenced by analyze().

The object that actually computes variables and fills the tree for T&P.

Definition at line 82 of file

Referenced by analyze(), endJob(), and TagProbeFitTreeProducer().