This is the complete list of members for
PFRecHitProducerHCAL, including all inherited members.
applyLongShortDPG_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
applyPulseDPG_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
applyTimeDPG_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
baseType() | edm::EDProducer | [static] |
beginRun(edm::Run &run, const edm::EventSetup &es) | PFRecHitProducer | [virtual] |
callWhenNewProductsRegistered(TProducer *iProd, TMethod iMethod) | edm::ProducerBase | [inline, protected] |
createHcalRecHit(const DetId &detid, double energy, PFLayer::Layer layer, const CaloSubdetectorGeometry *geom, unsigned newDetId=0) | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
createRecHits(std::vector< reco::PFRecHit > &rechits, std::vector< reco::PFRecHit > &rechitsCleaned, edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private, virtual] |
currentContext() const | edm::EDProducer | [protected] |
ECAL_Compensate_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
ECAL_Compensation_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
ECAL_Dead_Code_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
ECAL_Threshold_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
EDProducer() | edm::EDProducer | |
EM_Depth_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
endRun() | PFRecHitProducer | [virtual] |
fillDescriptions(ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions) | edm::EDProducer | [static] |
findRecHitNeighbours(reco::PFRecHit &rh, const std::map< unsigned, unsigned > &sortedHits, const CaloSubdetectorTopology &barrelTopo, const CaloSubdetectorGeometry &barrelGeom, const CaloSubdetectorTopology &endcapTopo, const CaloSubdetectorGeometry &endcapGeom) | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
findRecHitNeighboursCT(reco::PFRecHit &rh, const std::map< unsigned, unsigned > &sortedHits, const CaloSubdetectorTopology &topology) | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
getNorth(const DetId &id, const CaloSubdetectorTopology &topology) | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
getSouth(const DetId &id, const CaloSubdetectorTopology &topology) | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
HAD_Depth_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
HCAL_Calib_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
HCAL_Calib_29 | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
HF_Calib_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
HF_Calib_29 | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
IDH typedef | PFRecHitProducer | [protected] |
inputTagCaloTowers_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
inputTagHcalRecHitsHBHE_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
inputTagHcalRecHitsHF_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
longFibre_Cut | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
longFibre_Fraction | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
longShortFibre_Cut | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
maxLongTiming_Cut | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
maxShortTiming_Cut | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
minLongTiming_Cut | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
minShortTiming_Cut | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
ModuleType typedef | edm::EDProducer | |
myPFCorr | PFRecHitProducer | [protected] |
navigation_HF_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
PFRecHitProducer(const edm::ParameterSet &) | PFRecHitProducer | [explicit] |
PFRecHitProducerHCAL(const edm::ParameterSet &) | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [explicit] |
produce(edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) | PFRecHitProducer | [virtual] |
ProducerBase() | edm::ProducerBase | |
registerProducts(ProducerBase *, ProductRegistry *, ModuleDescription const &) | edm::ProducerBase | |
registrationCallback | edm::ProducerBase | |
shortFibre_Cut | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
shortFibre_Fraction | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
theEcalChStatus | PFRecHitProducer | [protected] |
theHcalChStatus | PFRecHitProducer | [protected] |
theTowerConstituentsMap | PFRecHitProducer | [protected] |
thresh_Barrel_ | PFRecHitProducer | [protected] |
thresh_Endcap_ | PFRecHitProducer | [protected] |
thresh_HF_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
TypeLabelList typedef | edm::ProducerBase | |
verbose_ | PFRecHitProducer | [protected] |
weight_HFem_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
weight_HFhad_ | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | [private] |
WorkerT class | edm::EDProducer | [friend] |
WorkerType typedef | edm::EDProducer | |
~EDProducer() | edm::EDProducer | [virtual] |
~PFRecHitProducer() | PFRecHitProducer | |
~PFRecHitProducerHCAL() | PFRecHitProducerHCAL | |
~ProducerBase() | edm::ProducerBase | [virtual] |