
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 #
00004 # $Id:,v 1.7 2008/11/27 17:36:56 vadler Exp $
00005 #
00007 ## CMSSW/DQM/SiStripMonitorClient/scripts/
00008 #
00009 #  For a given run, this script collects information useful for SiStrip DQM
00010 #  from web sources.
00011 #  Questions and comments to:
00014 import sys
00015 import os
00016 import string
00017 import urllib
00018 import time
00019 import datetime
00020 import getpass
00022 # Constants
00024 # numbers
00025 TD_shiftUTC = datetime.timedelta(hours = 2) # positive for timezones with later time than UTC
00026 INT_offset  = 8
00027 # strings
00028 STR_p5                                  = ''
00029 STR_wwwWBM                              = 'https://cmswbm/cmsdb/servlet'
00030 STR_SiStrip                             = 'SIST'
00031 STR_wwwDBSData                          = 'dbs_discovery/getData'
00032 LSTR_dbsInstances                       = ['cms_dbs_caf_analysis_01',
00033                                            'cms_dbs_prod_global'    ]
00034 STR_headDatasets                        = 'datasets'
00035 STR_headFiles                           = 'available data files'
00036 DICT_tagsRunRegistry                    = {}
00037 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['GLOBAL_NAME']     = 'global name                        '
00038 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['STATUS']          = 'status                             '
00039 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['IN_DBS']          = 'in DBS                             '
00040 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['SUBSYSTEMS']      = 'subsystems                         '
00041 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['EVENTS']          = '# of triggers                      '
00042 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['START_TIME']      = 'start time (local)                 '
00043 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['END_TIME']        = 'end time (local)                   '
00044 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['L1KEY']           = 'L1 key                             '
00045 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['HLTKEY']          = 'HLT key                            '
00046 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['L1SOURCES']       = 'L1 sources                         '
00047 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['RUN_RATE']        = 'event rate (Hz)                    '
00048 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['STOP_REASON']     = 'stop reason                        '
00049 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['SHIFTER']         = 'DQM shifter                        '
00050 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['CREATE_USER']     = 'entry created by                   '
00051 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['CREATE_TIME']     = 'entry creation time                '
00052 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['ONLINE_COMMENT']  = 'DQM online shifter\'s comment       '
00053 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['OFFLINE_COMMENT'] = 'DQM offline shifter\'s comment      '
00054 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['OFFLINE_COMMENT'] = 'DQM offline shifter\'s comment      '
00055 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['BFIELD']          = 'magnetic field at run creation time'
00056 DICT_tagsRunRegistry['BFIELD_COMMENT']  = 'comment on magnetic field          '
00057 STR_htlConfig = 'HLT Config ID'
00058 STR_runStart  = 'START_TIME'
00059 STR_runEnd    = 'STOP_TIME'
00060 DICT_keysRunSummary                       = {}
00061 DICT_keysRunSummary[STR_runStart]         = 'start time         '
00062 DICT_keysRunSummary[STR_runEnd]           = 'end time           '
00063 DICT_keysRunSummary['BField']             = 'magnetic field     '
00064 DICT_keysRunSummary['HLT Version']        = 'HLT version        '
00065 DICT_keysRunSummary['L1 Rate']            = 'L1 rate            '
00066 DICT_keysRunSummary['HLT Rate']           = 'HLT rate           '
00067 DICT_keysRunSummary['L1 Triggers']        = 'L1 triggers        '
00068 DICT_keysRunSummary['HLT Triggers']       = 'HLT triggers       '
00069 DICT_keysRunSummary['LHC Fill']           = 'LHC fill           '
00070 DICT_keysRunSummary['LHC Energy']         = 'LHC energy         '
00071 DICT_keysRunSummary['Initial Lumi']       = 'initial luminosity '
00072 DICT_keysRunSummary['Ending Lumi']        = 'ending luminosity  '
00073 DICT_keysRunSummary['Run Lumi']           = 'run luminosity     '
00074 DICT_keysRunSummary['Run Live Lumi']      = 'run live luminosity'
00075 DICT_keysRunSummaryTrigger                = {}
00076 DICT_keysRunSummaryTrigger['L1 Key']      = 'L1 key             '
00077 DICT_keysRunSummaryTrigger['HLT Key']     = 'HLT key            '
00078 DICT_keysRunSummaryTrigger[STR_htlConfig] = 'HLT config ID      '
00080 # Globals
00082 global Str_passwd
00083 global Str_userID
00084 global Str_run
00085 global Dict_runRegistry
00086 global Float_magneticField
00087 global Dict_wbmRunSummary
00088 global Lstr_hltPaths
00089 global DictDict_dbsDatasets
00090 global DictDict_dbsEvents
00091 global Dict_dbsDatasets
00092 global Dict_maxLenDbsDatasets
00093 # initialise
00094 Str_run                = sys.argv[1]
00095 Dict_runRegistry       = {}
00096 Float_magneticField    = -999.0
00097 Dict_wbmRunSummary     = {}
00098 Lstr_hltPaths          = []
00099 DictDict_dbsDatasets   = {}
00100 DictDict_dbsEvents     = {}
00101 Dict_dbsDatasets       = {}
00102 Dict_maxLenDbsDatasets = {}
00104 ## FUNCTIONS
00106 ## Func_GetHtmlTags(str_text)
00107 #
00108 # Gets HTML tags from a string
00109 def Func_GetHtmlTags(str_text):
00110   """  Func_GetHtmlTags(str_text):
00111   Gets HTML tags from a string
00112   """
00113   dict_tags  = {}
00114   # first look for tags w/ values
00115   lstr_split = str_text.split('</')
00116   for str_split in lstr_split[1:]:
00117     str_key            = str_split.split('>')[0]
00118     dict_tags[str_key] = str_key in dict_tags
00119   # second look for tags w/o values
00120   lstr_split = str_text.split('/>')
00121   for str_split in lstr_split[:-1]:
00122     str_key            = str_split.split('<')[-1].split()[0]
00123     dict_tags[str_key] = str_key in dict_tags
00124   return dict_tags
00126 ## Func_GetHtmlTagValue(str_tag, str_text)
00127 #
00128 # Gets the value of the n-th oocurence a given HTML tag from a string
00129 def Func_GetHtmlTagValue(str_tag, str_text, int_index = 1):
00130   """  Func_GetHtmlTagValue(str_tag, str_text):
00131    Gets the value of the n-th oocurence a given HTML tag from a string
00132   """
00133   if int_index > str_text.count('<'+str_tag):
00134     return ''
00135   str_1 = str_text.split('<'+str_tag)[int_index]
00136   if str_1[0] != '>':
00137     if str_1.split('>')[0][-1] == '/':
00138       return ''
00139   return str_1.split('>',1)[1].split('</'+str_tag+'>')[0]
00141 ## Func_GetHtmlTagValues(str_text)
00142 #
00143 # Gets HTML tag values from a string
00144 def Func_GetHtmlTagValues(str_text):
00145   """  Func_GetHtmlTagValues(str_text):
00146   Gets HTML tag values from a string
00147   """
00148   lstr_split   = str_text.split('</')
00149   lstr_values  = []
00150   for str_split in lstr_split[:-1]:
00151     lstr_values.append(str_split.split('>')[-1])
00152   return lstr_values
00154 ## Func_GetHtmlTagValueAttr(str_tag, str_text)
00155 #
00156 # Gets the (last) attribute of a given HTML tag value from a string
00157 def Func_GetHtmlTagValueAttr(str_value, str_text):
00158   """  Func_GetHtmlTagValueAttr(str_value, str_text):
00159   Gets the (last) attributes of a given HTML tag value from a string
00160   """
00161   return str_text.split('\">'+str_value+'<')[0].split('=\"')[-1]
00163 ## Func_MakeShellWord(str_python)
00164 #
00165 # Adds shell escape charakters to Python strings
00166 def Func_MakeShellWord(str_python):
00167   """  Func_MakeShellWord(str_python)
00168   Adds shell escape charakters to Python strings
00169   """
00170   return str_python.replace('?','\\?').replace('=','\\=').replace(' ','\\ ').replace('&','\\&').replace(':','\\:')
00172 ## Func_GetWBMInfo(str_name, str_path)
00173 #
00174 # Logs in on cmsusr0, retrieves WBM information and stores it locally
00175 def Func_GetWBMInfo(str_name, str_path):
00176   """ Func_GetWBMInfo(str_name, str_path)
00177   Logs in on cmsusr0, retrieves WBM information and stores it locally
00178   """
00179   pid, fd = os.forkpty()
00180   if pid == 0:
00181     os.execv('/usr/bin/ssh', ['/usr/bin/ssh', '-l', Str_userID, STR_p5] + ['rm', '-f', '\"'+str_name + '\" && ' + 'wget', '\"'+str_path+'/'+str_name+'\"'])
00182   else:
00183     time.sleep(1)
00184, 1000)
00185     time.sleep(1)
00186     os.write(fd, Str_passwd)
00187     time.sleep(1)
00188     c = 0
00189     s =, 1)
00190     while s:
00191       c += 1
00192       s  =, 1)
00193       if c >= 2:
00194         break
00196 ## Func_CopyWBMInfo(str_name)
00197 #
00198 # Logs in on cmsusr0 and copies file from there
00199 def Func_CopyWBMInfo(str_name):
00200   """ Func_CopyWBMInfo(str_name)
00201   Logs in on cmsusr0 and copies file from there
00202   """
00203   pid, fd = os.forkpty()
00204   if pid == 0:
00205     os.execv('/usr/bin/scp', ['/usr/bin/scp', Str_userID+'@'+STR_p5+':~/'+str_name, '.'])
00206   else:
00207     time.sleep(1)
00208, 1000)
00209     time.sleep(1)
00210     os.write(fd, Str_passwd)
00211     time.sleep(1)
00212     c = 0
00213     s =, 1)
00214     while s:
00215       c += 1
00216       s  =, 1)
00217       if c >= 163:
00218         break
00220 ## Func_FillInfoRunRegistry()
00221 #    
00222 # Retrieves run info from RunRegistry and fills it into containers
00223 def Func_FillInfoRunRegistry():
00224   """ Func_FillInfoRunRegistry():
00225   Retrieves run info from RunRegistry and fills it into containers
00226   """  
00227   str_runRegistry     = urllib.urlencode({'format':'xml', 'intpl':'xml', 'qtype':'RUN_NUMBER', 'sortname':'RUN_NUMBER'})
00228   file_runRegistry    = urllib.urlopen("", str_runRegistry)
00229   str_runRegistryLong = ''
00230   for str_runRegistry in file_runRegistry.readlines():
00231     str_runRegistryLong += str_runRegistry.splitlines()[0]
00232   bool_foundRun      = False
00233   str_runRunRegistry = ''
00234   for int_runIndex in range(1,int(str_runRegistryLong.split('<RUNS')[1].split('>')[0].split('total=\"')[1].split('\"')[0])):
00235     str_runRunRegistry = Func_GetHtmlTagValue('RUN', str_runRegistryLong, int_runIndex)
00236     if Func_GetHtmlTagValue('NUMBER', str_runRunRegistry) == Str_run:
00237       bool_foundRun = True
00238       break
00239   if not bool_foundRun:
00240     print '> > run %s not found in run registry' %(Str_run)
00241     return False
00242   dict_tagsRunRegistry = Func_GetHtmlTags(str_runRunRegistry)
00243   for str_tagRunRegistry in dict_tagsRunRegistry.keys():
00244     if dict_tagsRunRegistry[str_tagRunRegistry] == False:
00245       Dict_runRegistry[str_tagRunRegistry] = Func_GetHtmlTagValue(str_tagRunRegistry, str_runRunRegistry)
00246   if Dict_runRegistry['SUBSYSTEMS'].find(STR_SiStrip) < 0:
00247     print '> > SiStrip was not in this run'
00248     return False
00249   return True
00251 ## Func_FillInfoRunSummary()
00252 #    
00253 # Retrieves run info from RunSummary and fills it into containers
00254 def Func_FillInfoRunSummary():
00255   """ Func_FillInfoRunSummary():
00256   Retrieves run info from RunSummary and fills it into containers
00257   """
00258   str_nameRunSummary = 'RunSummary?RUN=' + Str_run
00259   Func_GetWBMInfo(str_nameRunSummary, STR_wwwWBM)
00260   Func_CopyWBMInfo(Func_MakeShellWord(str_nameRunSummary))
00261   file_wbmRunSummary = file(str_nameRunSummary, 'r')
00262   bool_table      = False
00263   int_tableHeader = 0
00264   int_tableItem   = 0
00265   int_startItem   = 0
00266   int_endItem     = 0
00267   for str_wbmRunSummary in file_wbmRunSummary.readlines():
00268     if str_wbmRunSummary.find('<TABLE CLASS="params"><THEAD><TR>') >= 0:
00269       bool_table = True
00270     if str_wbmRunSummary.find('</TBODY></TABLE>') >= 0:
00271       bool_table = False
00272     if bool_table:
00273       if str_wbmRunSummary.startswith('<TH>'):
00274         int_tableHeader += 1
00275         if str_wbmRunSummary.find(STR_runStart) >= 0:
00276           int_startItem = int_tableHeader
00277         if str_wbmRunSummary.find(STR_runEnd) >= 0:
00278           int_endItem = int_tableHeader
00279       if str_wbmRunSummary.startswith('<TD'):
00280         int_tableItem += 1
00281         if int_tableItem == int_startItem:
00282           Dict_wbmRunSummary[STR_runStart] = str_wbmRunSummary.split('&nbsp;</TD>')[0].split('<TD>')[-1]
00283         if int_tableItem == int_endItem:
00284           Dict_wbmRunSummary[STR_runEnd] = str_wbmRunSummary.split('&nbsp;</TD>')[0].split('<TD>')[-1]
00285       continue
00286     for str_keyRunSummary in DICT_keysRunSummary.keys():
00287       if str_wbmRunSummary.find(str_keyRunSummary) >= 0:
00288         Dict_wbmRunSummary[str_keyRunSummary] = str_wbmRunSummary.split('</TD></TR>')[0].split('>')[-1]
00289         break
00290     for str_summaryKeysTrigger in DICT_keysRunSummaryTrigger.keys():
00291       if str_wbmRunSummary.find(str_summaryKeysTrigger) >= 0:
00292         Dict_wbmRunSummary[str_summaryKeysTrigger] = str_wbmRunSummary.split('</A></TD></TR>')[0].split('>')[-1]
00293         if str_summaryKeysTrigger == 'HLT Key':
00294            Dict_wbmRunSummary[STR_htlConfig] = str_wbmRunSummary.split('HLTConfiguration?KEY=')[1].split('>')[0]
00295   file_wbmRunSummary.close()
00296   os.remove(str_nameRunSummary)
00298 ## Func_FillInfoMagnetHistory()
00299 #    
00300 # Retrieves run info from MagnetHistory and fills it into containers
00301 def Func_FillInfoMagnetHistory(str_timeStart, str_timeEnd):
00302   """ Func_FillInfoMagnetHistory():
00303   Retrieves run info from MagnetHistory and fills it into containers
00304   """
00305   str_nameMagnetHistory = 'MagnetHistory?TIME_BEGIN=' + str_timeStart + '&TIME_END=' + str_timeEnd
00306   Func_GetWBMInfo(str_nameMagnetHistory, STR_wwwWBM)
00307   Func_CopyWBMInfo(Func_MakeShellWord(str_nameMagnetHistory))
00308   file_wbmMagnetHistory = file(str_nameMagnetHistory, 'r')
00309   float_avMagMeasure = Float_magneticField
00310   for str_wbmMagnetHistory in file_wbmMagnetHistory.readlines():
00311     if str_wbmMagnetHistory.find('BFIELD, Tesla') >= 0:
00312       float_avMagMeasure = float(str_wbmMagnetHistory.split('</A>')[0].split('>')[-1])
00313   file_wbmMagnetHistory.close()
00314   os.remove(str_nameMagnetHistory)
00315   return float_avMagMeasure
00317 ## Func_FillInfoHlt()
00318 #    
00319 # Retrieves run info from Hlt and fills it into containers
00320 def Func_FillInfoHlt():
00321   """ Func_FillInfoHlt():
00322   Retrieves run info from Hlt and fills it into containers
00323   """
00324   str_nameHlt = 'HLTConfiguration?KEY=' + Dict_wbmRunSummary[STR_htlConfig]
00325   Func_GetWBMInfo(str_nameHlt, STR_wwwWBM)
00326   Func_CopyWBMInfo(Func_MakeShellWord(str_nameHlt))
00327   file_wbmHlt     = file(str_nameHlt, 'r')
00328   bool_foundPaths = False
00329   bool_foundPath  = False
00330   for str_wbmHlt in file_wbmHlt.readlines():
00331     if str_wbmHlt.find('<H3>Paths</H3>') >= 0:
00332       bool_foundPaths = True
00333     if bool_foundPaths and str_wbmHlt.find('<HR><H3>') >= 0:
00334       bool_foundPaths = False
00335     if bool_foundPaths and str_wbmHlt.startswith('<TR><TD ALIGN=RIGHT>'):
00336       Lstr_hltPaths.append(str_wbmHlt.split('</TD>')[1].split('<TD>')[-1])
00337   file_wbmHlt.close()
00338   os.remove(str_nameHlt)
00339   return (len(Lstr_hltPaths)>0)
00341 ## Func_FillInfoDBS(str_dbsInstance)
00342 #
00343 # Retrieves run info from DBS and fills it into containers
00344 def Func_FillInfoDBS(str_dbsInstance):
00345   """ Func_FillInfoDBS(str_dbsInstance)
00346   Retrieves run info from DBS and fills it into containers
00347   """
00348   str_dbsRuns      = urllib.urlencode({'ajax':'0', '_idx':'0', 'pagerStep':'0', 'userMode':'user', 'release':'Any', 'tier':'Any', 'dbsInst':str_dbsInstance, 'primType':'Any', 'primD':'Any', 'minRun':Str_run, 'maxRun':Str_run})
00349   file_dbsRuns     = urllib.urlopen("", str_dbsRuns)
00350   lstr_dbsRuns     = []
00351   lstr_dbsDatasets = []
00352   dict_dbsDatasets = {}
00353   dict_dbsEvents   = {}
00354   for str_dbsRuns in file_dbsRuns.readlines():
00355     lstr_dbsRuns.append(str_dbsRuns)
00356     if str_dbsRuns.find(STR_wwwDBSData) >= 0:
00357       if str_dbsRuns.split('&amp;proc=')[1].find('&amp;') >= 0:
00358         lstr_dbsDatasets.append(str_dbsRuns.split('&amp;proc=')[1].split('&amp;')[0])
00359       else:
00360         lstr_dbsDatasets.append(str_dbsRuns.split('&amp;proc=')[1])
00361   int_maxLenDbsDatasets = 0
00362   for str_dbsDataset in lstr_dbsDatasets:
00363     str_dbsLFN  = urllib.urlencode({'dbsInst':str_dbsInstance, 'blockName':'*', 'dataset':str_dbsDataset, 'userMode':'user', 'run':Str_run})
00364     file_dbsLFN = urllib.urlopen("", str_dbsLFN)
00365     lstr_dbsLFN = []
00366     int_events  = 0
00367     for str_dbsLFN in file_dbsLFN.readlines():
00368       lstr_dbsLFN.append(str_dbsLFN)
00369       if str_dbsLFN.find('contians') >= 0 and str_dbsLFN.find('file(s)'): # FIXME: be careful, this typo might be corrected sometimes on the web page...
00370         dict_dbsDatasets[str_dbsDataset] = str_dbsLFN.split()[1]
00371       if str_dbsLFN.startswith('/store/data/'):
00372         int_events += int(Func_GetHtmlTagValue('td' ,lstr_dbsLFN[len(lstr_dbsLFN)-4]))
00373     dict_dbsEvents[str_dbsDataset] = str(int_events)
00374     if len(str_dbsDataset) > int_maxLenDbsDatasets:
00375       int_maxLenDbsDatasets = len(str_dbsDataset)
00376   DictDict_dbsDatasets[str_dbsInstance]   = dict_dbsDatasets
00377   DictDict_dbsEvents[str_dbsInstance]     = dict_dbsEvents
00378   Dict_dbsDatasets[str_dbsInstance]       = lstr_dbsDatasets
00379   Dict_maxLenDbsDatasets[str_dbsInstance] = int_maxLenDbsDatasets
00383 print
00384 print '> > information on run \t*** %s ***' %(Str_run)
00385 print
00387 # enter online password
00389 Str_userID = getpass.getuser()
00390 Str_passwd = getpass.getpass('> > '+Str_userID+'@'+STR_p5+'\'s password: ') + '\n'
00392 # get run RunRegistry entries
00394 bool_runRegistry = Func_FillInfoRunRegistry()
00396 # print run RunRegistry info
00398 if bool_runRegistry:
00399   print
00400   print '> > * information from run registry *'
00401   print
00402   for str_htmlTag in DICT_tagsRunRegistry.keys():
00403     if str_htmlTag in Dict_runRegistry:
00404       print '> > %s: %s' %(DICT_tagsRunRegistry[str_htmlTag],Dict_runRegistry[str_htmlTag])
00406 # get run RunSummary entries
00408 Func_FillInfoRunSummary()
00410 # print run RunSummary info
00412 print
00413 print '> > * information from run summary *'
00414 print
00415 for str_key in DICT_keysRunSummary.keys():
00416   if str_key in Dict_wbmRunSummary:
00417     print '> > %s: %s' %(DICT_keysRunSummary[str_key],Dict_wbmRunSummary[str_key])
00418 for str_key in DICT_keysRunSummaryTrigger.keys():
00419   if str_key in Dict_wbmRunSummary:
00420     print '> > %s: %s' %(DICT_keysRunSummaryTrigger[str_key],Dict_wbmRunSummary[str_key])
00422 # get run MagnetHistory info
00424 if Dict_wbmRunSummary.has_key(STR_runStart) and Dict_wbmRunSummary.has_key(STR_runEnd): # need run summary start and end time here
00425   Float_magneticField = Func_FillInfoMagnetHistory(Dict_wbmRunSummary[STR_runStart],Dict_wbmRunSummary[STR_runEnd])
00427 # print run MagnetHistory info
00429 if Float_magneticField >= 0.0:
00430   print
00431   print '> > * information from magnet history *'
00432   print
00433   print '> > (average) magnetic field: %s T' %(str(Float_magneticField))
00435 # get run HLT info
00437 bool_hlt = False   
00438 if Dict_wbmRunSummary.has_key(STR_htlConfig): # need HLT config ID from run summary here
00439   bool_hlt = Func_FillInfoHlt()
00441 # print run HLT info
00443 if bool_hlt:
00444   print
00445   print '> > * information from HLT configuration %s *' %(Dict_wbmRunSummary[STR_htlConfig])
00446   print
00447   print '> > HLT paths included:'
00448   print '> -----------------------------------'
00449   for str_hltPaths in Lstr_hltPaths:
00450     if str_hltPaths.find('CandHLTTrackerCosmics') >= 0 or str_hltPaths.find('HLT_TrackerCosmics') >= 0 or str_hltPaths.find('HLTTrackerCosmics') >= 0: 
00451       print '                  %s \t<====== FOR SURE!' %(str_hltPaths)
00452     elif str_hltPaths.find('Tracker') >= 0:
00453       print '                  %s \t<====== maybe?' %(str_hltPaths)
00454     else:
00455       print '                  %s' %(str_hltPaths)
00457 # get run DBS entries
00459 for str_dbsInstance in LSTR_dbsInstances:
00460   Func_FillInfoDBS(str_dbsInstance)
00462 # print run DBS info
00464 print
00465 print '> > * information from DBS *'
00466 for str_dbsInstance in LSTR_dbsInstances:
00467   print
00468   print '> > DBS instance: %s' %(str_dbsInstance)
00469   if str_dbsInstance == LSTR_dbsInstances[0]:
00470     print '                  (This is the instance used at CAF!)'
00471   str_print = '> > ' + STR_headDatasets
00472   for int_i in range(Dict_maxLenDbsDatasets[str_dbsInstance]-len(STR_headDatasets)):
00473     str_print += ' '
00474   str_print += ' '
00475   int_length = len(str_print)
00476   print '%s%s' %(str_print,STR_headFiles)
00477   str_print = '                  '
00478   for int_i in range(int_length-16+len(STR_headFiles)/2+INT_offset+8):
00479     str_print += '-'
00480   print str_print
00481   for str_dbsDataset in Dict_dbsDatasets[str_dbsInstance]:
00482     str_print = '                  ' + str_dbsDataset
00483     for int_i in range(Dict_maxLenDbsDatasets[str_dbsInstance]-len(str_dbsDataset)):
00484       str_print += ' '
00485     str_print += ' '
00486     for int_i in range(len(STR_headFiles)/2-len(DictDict_dbsDatasets[str_dbsInstance][str_dbsDataset])):
00487       str_print += ' '
00488     str_print += DictDict_dbsDatasets[str_dbsInstance][str_dbsDataset] + ' ('
00489     for int_i in range(INT_offset-len(DictDict_dbsEvents[str_dbsInstance][str_dbsDataset])):
00490       str_print += ' '
00491     print '%s%s events)' %(str_print,DictDict_dbsEvents[str_dbsInstance][str_dbsDataset])
00493 print