
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 discriminantConfiguration = cms.PSet(
00005     FlightPathSignificance = cms.PSet(
00006         plugin = cms.string("RecoTauDiscriminantFromDiscriminator"),
00007         discSrc = cms.InputTag('hpsTancTausDiscriminationByFlightPath')
00008     ),
00010     InvariantOpeningAngle = cms.PSet(
00011         plugin = cms.string("RecoTauDiscriminantInvariantWidth"),
00012         decayModes = cms.VPSet(
00013             cms.PSet(
00014                 nCharged = cms.uint32(1),
00015                 nPiZeros = cms.uint32(1),
00016                 mean = cms.string("5.0e-3 + 0.43/max(pt, 1.0)"),
00017                 rms = cms.string("2.7e-3 + 0.23/max(pt, 1.0)"),
00018             ),
00019             cms.PSet(
00020                 nCharged = cms.uint32(1),
00021                 nPiZeros = cms.uint32(2),
00022                 mean = cms.string("4.7e-3 + 0.9/max(pt, 1.0)"),
00023                 rms = cms.string("7.5e-3 + 0.3/max(pt, 1.0)"),
00024             ),
00025             cms.PSet(
00026                 nCharged = cms.uint32(3),
00027                 nPiZeros = cms.uint32(0),
00028                 mean = cms.string("0.87/max(pt, 1.0)"),
00029                 rms = cms.string("0.38/max(pt, 1.0)"),
00030             ),
00031         ),
00032         # These shouldn't happen.
00033         defaultMean = cms.string("max(0.87/max(pt, 1.0), 0.005)"),
00034         defaultRMS = cms.string("max(0.3/max(pt, 1.0), 0.005)"),
00035     ),
00037     # Binned isolation plugins are defined in
00038     # RecoTauTag/RecoTau/plugins/
00039     BinnedTrackIsolation = cms.PSet(
00040         plugin = cms.string("RecoTauDiscriminationBinnedTrackIsolation"),
00041         vtxSource = cms.InputTag("recoTauPileUpVertices"),
00042         binning = cms.VPSet(
00043             cms.PSet(
00044                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(0),
00045                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(0.50, 0.86, 1.87)
00046             ),
00047             cms.PSet(
00048                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(1),
00049                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(0.51, 0.86, 1.87)
00050             ),
00051             cms.PSet(
00052                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(2),
00053                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(0.51, 0.86, 1.87)
00054             ),
00055             cms.PSet(
00056                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(3),
00057                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(0.52, 0.86, 1.87)
00058             ),
00059             cms.PSet(
00060                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(4),
00061                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(0.52, 0.86, 1.87)
00062             ),
00063         ),
00064         defaultBinning = cms.vdouble(0.52, 0.86, 1.87)
00065     ),
00067     BinnedMaskedEcalIsolation = cms.PSet(
00068         plugin = cms.string("RecoTauDiscriminationBinnedMaskedECALIsolation"),
00069         vtxSource = cms.InputTag("recoTauPileUpVertices"),
00070         mask = cms.PSet(
00071             ecalCone = cms.double(0.15),
00072             hcalCone = cms.double(0.3),
00073             finalHcalCone = cms.double(0.08),
00074             maxSigmas = cms.double(2)
00075         ),
00076         binning = cms.VPSet(
00077             cms.PSet(
00078                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(0),
00079                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(0.50, 0.85, 1.84)
00080             ),
00081             cms.PSet(
00082                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(1),
00083                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(0.63, 0.91, 1.84)
00084             ),
00085             cms.PSet(
00086                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(2),
00087                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(0.70, 0.96, 1.85)
00088             ),
00089             cms.PSet(
00090                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(3),
00091                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(0.75, 0.99, 1.85)
00092             ),
00093             cms.PSet(
00094                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(4),
00095                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(0.79, 1.02, 1.86)
00096             ),
00097         ),
00098         defaultBinning = cms.vdouble(0.79, 1.02, 1.86)
00099     ),
00101     BinnedMaskedHcalIsolation = cms.PSet(
00102         plugin = cms.string("RecoTauDiscriminationBinnedMaskedHCALIsolation"),
00103         vtxSource = cms.InputTag("recoTauPileUpVertices"),
00104         mask = cms.PSet(
00105             ecalCone = cms.double(0.15),
00106             hcalCone = cms.double(0.3),
00107             finalHcalCone = cms.double(0.08),
00108             maxSigmas = cms.double(2)
00109         ),
00110         binning = cms.VPSet(
00111             cms.PSet(
00112                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(0),
00113                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(1.00, 1.79, 4.03)
00114             ),
00115             cms.PSet(
00116                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(1),
00117                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(1.15, 1.80, 4.03)
00118             ),
00119             cms.PSet(
00120                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(2),
00121                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(1.22, 1.81, 4.03)
00122             ),
00123             cms.PSet(
00124                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(3),
00125                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(1.27, 1.83, 4.03)
00126             ),
00127             cms.PSet(
00128                 nPUVtx = cms.int32(4),
00129                 binLowEdges = cms.vdouble(1.31, 1.84, 4.03)
00130             ),
00131         ),
00132         defaultBinning = cms.vdouble(1.31, 1.84, 4.03)
00133     ),
00134 )