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pat::Jet Class Reference

Analysis-level calorimeter jet class. More...

#include <DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Jet.h>

Inheritance diagram for pat::Jet:
pat::PATObject< reco::Jet > reco::Jet reco::CompositePtrCandidate reco::LeafCandidate reco::Candidate

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void addBDiscriminatorPair (const std::pair< std::string, float > &thePair)
 method to add a algolabel-discriminator pair
void addTagInfo (const std::string &label, const TagInfoFwdPtrCollection::value_type &info)
const reco::TrackRefVectorassociatedTracks () const
 method to return a vector of refs to the tracks associated to this jet
const std::vector< std::string > availableJECLevels (const int &set=0) const
const std::vector< std::string > availableJECLevels (const std::string &set) const
const std::vector< std::string > availableJECSets () const
 ---- methods for jet corrections ----
float bDiscriminator (const std::string &theLabel) const
 ---- methods for accessing b-tagging info ----
const CaloSpecificcaloSpecific () const
 retrieve the calo specific part of the jet
CaloTowerFwdPtrVector const & caloTowersFwdPtr () const
 Access to bare FwdPtr collections.
float chargedEmEnergy () const
float chargedEmEnergyFraction () const
 chargedEmEnergyFraction (relative to uncorrected jet energy)
float chargedHadronEnergy () const
float chargedHadronEnergyFraction () const
 chargedHadronEnergyFraction (relative to uncorrected jet energy)
int chargedHadronMultiplicity () const
float chargedMuEnergy () const
float chargedMuEnergyFraction () const
int chargedMultiplicity () const
virtual Jetclone () const
 required reimplementation of the Candidate's clone method
Jet correctedJet (const std::string &level, const std::string &flavor="none", const std::string &set="") const
Jet correctedJet (const unsigned int &level, const JetCorrFactors::Flavor &flavor=JetCorrFactors::NONE, const unsigned int &set=0) const
const LorentzVectorcorrectedP4 (const std::string &level, const std::string &flavor="none", const std::string &set="") const
const LorentzVectorcorrectedP4 (const unsigned int &level, const JetCorrFactors::Flavor &flavor=JetCorrFactors::NONE, const unsigned int &set=0) const
JetCorrFactors::Flavor currentJECFlavor () const
 return flavour of the current step of jet energy corrections
std::string currentJECLevel () const
 return the name of the current step of jet energy corrections
std::string currentJECSet () const
 returns the label of the current set of jet energy corrections
virtual const reco::Candidatedaughter (size_t i) const
float elecMultiplicity () const
const reco::TrackRefVectorelecsInVertexInCalo () const
 electrons fully contained in cone
const reco::TrackRefVectorelecsInVertexOutCalo () const
 electrons that curled out
const reco::TrackRefVectorelecsOutVertexInCalo () const
 electrons that curled in
float electronEnergy () const
int electronMultiplicity () const
float emEnergyFraction () const
 returns the jet electromagnetic energy fraction
float emEnergyInEB () const
 returns the jet electromagnetic energy in EB
float emEnergyInEE () const
 returns the jet electromagnetic energy in EE
float emEnergyInHF () const
 returns the jet electromagnetic energy extracted from HF
float energyFractionHadronic () const
 returns the jet hadronic energy fraction
const reco::GenJetgenJet () const
 return the matched generated jet
< reco::GenJetCollection >
const & 
genJetFwdRef () const
const reco::GenParticlegenParton () const
 ---- methods for MC matching ----
CaloTowerPtr getCaloConstituent (unsigned fIndex) const
 convert generic constituent to specific type
std::vector< CaloTowerPtr > const & getCaloConstituents () const
const std::vector< std::pair
< std::string, float > > & 
getPairDiscri () const
 get vector of paire labelname-disciValue
reco::PFCandidatePtr getPFConstituent (unsigned fIndex) const
 convert generic constituent to specific type
< reco::PFCandidatePtr > const & 
getPFConstituents () const
float hadEnergyInHB () const
 returns the jet hadronic energy in HB
float hadEnergyInHE () const
 returns the jet hadronic energy in HE
float hadEnergyInHF () const
 returns the jet hadronic energy in HF
float hadEnergyInHO () const
 returns the jet hadronic energy in HO
bool hasTagInfo (const std::string label) const
 check to see if the given tag info is nonzero
float HFEMEnergy () const
float HFEMEnergyFraction () const
 HFEMEnergyFraction (relative to corrected jet energy)
int HFEMMultiplicity () const
float HFHadronEnergy () const
float HFHadronEnergyFraction () const
 HFHadronEnergyFraction (relative to corrected jet energy)
int HFHadronMultiplicity () const
bool isBasicJet () const
 check to see if the jet is no more than a reco::BasicJet
bool isCaloJet () const
 check to see if the jet is a reco::CaloJet
bool isJPTJet () const
 check to see if the jet is a reco::JPTJet
bool isPFJet () const
 check to see if the jet is a reco::PFJet
float jecFactor (const std::string &level, const std::string &flavor="none", const std::string &set="") const
float jecFactor (const unsigned int &level, const JetCorrFactors::Flavor &flavor=JetCorrFactors::NONE, const unsigned int &set=0) const
bool jecSetAvailable (const std::string &set) const
bool jecSetAvailable (const unsigned int &set) const
bool jecSetsAvailable () const
 Jet (const edm::Ptr< reco::Jet > &aJetRef)
 constructor from ref to reco::Jet
 Jet (const reco::Jet &aJet)
 constructor from a reco::Jet
 Jet (const edm::RefToBase< reco::Jet > &aJetRef)
 constructor from ref to reco::Jet
 Jet ()
 default constructor
float jetCharge () const
 method to return the JetCharge computed when creating the Jet
reco::JetID const & jetID () const
 accessing Jet ID information
const JPTSpecificjptSpecific () const
 retrieve the pf specific part of the jet
float maxEInEmTowers () const
 returns the maximum energy deposited in ECAL towers
float maxEInHadTowers () const
 returns the maximum energy deposited in HCAL towers
float muonEnergy () const
float muonEnergyFraction () const
 muonEnergyFraction (relative to corrected jet energy)
int muonMultiplicity () const
const reco::TrackRefVectormuonsInVertexInCalo () const
 muons fully contained in cone
const reco::TrackRefVectormuonsInVertexOutCalo () const
 muons that curled out
const reco::TrackRefVectormuonsOutVertexInCalo () const
 muons that curled in
int n60 () const
 returns the number of constituents carrying a 60% of the total Jet energy*/
int n90 () const
 returns the number of constituents carrying a 90% of the total Jet energy*/
float neutralEmEnergy () const
float neutralEmEnergyFraction () const
 neutralEmEnergyFraction (relative to uncorrected jet energy)
float neutralHadronEnergy () const
float neutralHadronEnergyFraction () const
 neutralHadronEnergyFraction (relative to uncorrected jet energy)
int neutralHadronMultiplicity () const
int neutralMultiplicity () const
virtual size_t numberOfDaughters () const
int partonFlavour () const
 return the flavour of the parton underlying the jet
const & 
pfCandidatesFwdPtr () const
const PFSpecificpfSpecific () const
 retrieve the pf specific part of the jet
float photonEnergy () const
float photonEnergyFraction () const
 photonEnergyFraction (relative to corrected jet energy)
int photonMultiplicity () const
const reco::TrackRefVectorpionsInVertexInCalo () const
 pions fully contained in cone
const reco::TrackRefVectorpionsInVertexOutCalo () const
 pions that curled out
const reco::TrackRefVectorpionsOutVertexInCalo () const
 pions that curled in
void setAssociatedTracks (const reco::TrackRefVector &tracks)
 method to set the vector of refs to the tracks associated to this jet
void setCaloTowers (const CaloTowerFwdPtrCollection &caloTowers)
 method to store the CaloJet constituents internally
void setGenJetRef (const edm::FwdRef< reco::GenJetCollection > &gj)
 method to set the matched generated jet reference, embedding if requested
void setGenParton (const reco::GenParticleRef &gp, bool embed=false)
 method to set the matched parton
void setJetCharge (float jetCharge)
 method to set the jet charge
void setJetID (reco::JetID const &id)
 methods for jet ID
void setPartonFlavour (int partonFl)
 method to set the flavour of the parton underlying the jet
void setPFCandidates (const PFCandidateFwdPtrCollection &pfCandidates)
 method to store the PFCandidate constituents internally
const reco::BaseTagInfotagInfo (const std::string &label) const
tagInfoSecondaryVertex (const std::string &label="") const
TagInfoFwdPtrCollection const & tagInfosFwdPtr () const
const reco::SoftLeptonTagInfotagInfoSoftLepton (const std::string &label="") const
const reco::TrackIPTagInfotagInfoTrackIP (const std::string &label="") const
float towersArea () const
 returns area of contributing towers
void updateFwdCaloTowerFwdPtr (unsigned int index, edm::Ptr< CaloTower > updateFwd)
void updateFwdGenJetFwdRef (edm::Ref< reco::GenJetCollection > updateRef)
void updateFwdPFCandidateFwdPtr (unsigned int index, edm::Ptr< reco::PFCandidate > updateFwd)
void updateFwdTagInfoFwdPtr (unsigned int index, edm::Ptr< reco::BaseTagInfo > updateFwd)
const float & zspCorrection () const
 zero suppression correction
virtual ~Jet ()

Protected Attributes

reco::TrackRefVector associatedTracks_
CaloTowerCollection caloTowers_
CaloTowerFwdPtrVector caloTowersFwdPtr_
std::vector< CaloTowerPtrcaloTowersTemp_
JetCorrFactors::Flavor currentJECFlavor_
unsigned int currentJECLevel_
unsigned int currentJECSet_
bool embeddedCaloTowers_
bool embeddedPFCandidates_
std::vector< reco::GenJetgenJet_
< reco::GenJetCollection
reco::GenJetRefVector genJetRef_
std::vector< pat::JetCorrFactorsjec_
float jetCharge_
reco::JetID jetID_
std::vector< std::pair
< std::string, float > > 
int partonFlavour_
reco::PFCandidateCollection pfCandidates_
reco::PFCandidateFwdPtrVector pfCandidatesFwdPtr_
std::vector< reco::PFCandidatePtrpfCandidatesTemp_
std::vector< CaloSpecificspecificCalo_
std::vector< JPTSpecificspecificJPT_
std::vector< PFSpecificspecificPF_
std::vector< std::string > tagInfoLabels_
edm::OwnVector< reco::BaseTagInfotagInfos_
TagInfoFwdPtrCollection tagInfosFwdPtr_

Private Member Functions

void addJECFactors (const JetCorrFactors &jec)
 add more sets of energy correction factors
void cacheCaloTowers () const
 method to cache the constituents to allow "user-friendly" access
void cachePFCandidates () const
 method to cache the constituents to allow "user-friendly" access
const JetCorrFactorscorrFactors_ (const std::string &set) const
 return the jet correction factors of a different set, for systematic studies
const JetCorrFactorscorrFactors_ () const
 return the correction factor for this jet. Throws if they're not available.
void currentJECFlavor (const JetCorrFactors::Flavor &flavor)
 update the current JEC flavor; used by correctedJet
void currentJECLevel (const unsigned int &level)
 update the current JEC level; used by correctedJet
void currentJECSet (const unsigned int &set)
 update the current JEC set; used by correctedJet
void initializeJEC (unsigned int level, const JetCorrFactors::Flavor &flavor=JetCorrFactors::NONE, unsigned int set=0)
 initialize the jet to a given JEC level during creation starting from Uncorrected
int jecSet (const std::string &label) const
 return true if this jet carries the jet correction factors of a different set, for systematic studies
template<typename T >
const TtagInfoByType () const
void tryImportSpecific (const reco::Jet &source)
 constructor helper that tries to import the specific info from the source jet

Private Attributes

bool isCaloTowerCached_
 cache calo towers
bool isPFCandidateCached_


class PATJetProducer
std::ostream & reco::operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Jet &obj)
 pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Jet with PFTopProjectors)

Detailed Description

Analysis-level calorimeter jet class.

Jet implements the analysis-level calorimeter jet class within the 'pat' namespace

Steven Lowette, Giovanni Petrucciani, Roger Wolf, Christian Autermann
Jet.h,v 1.54 2011/06/08 20:40:18 rwolf Exp

Definition at line 71 of file Jet.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Jet::Jet ( )

default constructor

Reimplemented from reco::Jet.

Definition at line 13 of file

Referenced by clone().

Jet::Jet ( const reco::Jet aJet)

constructor from a reco::Jet

Definition at line 25 of file

References tryImportSpecific().

Jet::Jet ( const edm::RefToBase< reco::Jet > &  aJetRef)

constructor from ref to reco::Jet

Definition at line 51 of file

References tryImportSpecific().

Jet::Jet ( const edm::Ptr< reco::Jet > &  aJetRef)

constructor from ref to reco::Jet

Definition at line 38 of file

References tryImportSpecific().

Jet::~Jet ( ) [virtual]


Reimplemented from reco::Jet.

Definition at line 106 of file


Member Function Documentation

void Jet::addBDiscriminatorPair ( const std::pair< std::string, float > &  thePair)

method to add a algolabel-discriminator pair

Definition at line 434 of file

References pairDiscriVector_.

Referenced by pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

void pat::Jet::addJECFactors ( const JetCorrFactors jec) [inline, private]

add more sets of energy correction factors

Definition at line 155 of file Jet.h.

References jec_.

Referenced by pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

{jec_.push_back(jec); };
void Jet::addTagInfo ( const std::string &  label,
const TagInfoFwdPtrCollection::value_type &  info 

sets a tagInfo with the given name from an edm::Ptr<T> to it. If the label ends with 'TagInfos', the 'TagInfos' is stripped out.

Definition at line 372 of file

References tagInfoLabels_, and tagInfosFwdPtr_.

Referenced by pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

    std::string::size_type idx = label.find("TagInfos");
    if (idx == std::string::npos) {
    } else {
const reco::TrackRefVector & Jet::associatedTracks ( ) const

method to return a vector of refs to the tracks associated to this jet

Definition at line 391 of file

References associatedTracks_.

Referenced by main().

  return associatedTracks_;
const std::vector< std::string > Jet::availableJECLevels ( const int &  set = 0) const

Definition at line 232 of file

References jec_.

  return set>=0 ? : std::vector<std::string>();
const std::vector<std::string> pat::Jet::availableJECLevels ( const std::string &  set) const [inline]

Definition at line 109 of file Jet.h.

References availableJECLevels(), and jecSet().

Referenced by availableJECLevels().

{ return availableJECLevels(jecSet(set)); };
const std::vector< std::string > Jet::availableJECSets ( ) const

---- methods for jet corrections ----

all available label-names of all sets of jet energy corrections

returns the labels of all available sets of jet energy corrections

Definition at line 224 of file

References jec_.

  std::vector<std::string> sets;
  for(std::vector<pat::JetCorrFactors>::const_iterator corrFactor=jec_.begin(); corrFactor!=jec_.end(); ++corrFactor)
  return sets;
float Jet::bDiscriminator ( const std::string &  theLabel) const

---- methods for accessing b-tagging info ----

get b discriminant from label name

Definition at line 308 of file

References first, i, and pairDiscriVector_.

Referenced by TtSemiLepJetComb::bTag(), bJetSelector::IsbTag(), TtSemiLRSignalSelObservables::CompareBdisc::operator()(), TtHadLRJetCombObservables::operator()(), TtHadLRSignalSelObservables::CompareBdisc::operator()(), and TtSemiLRJetCombObservables::operator()().

  float discriminator = -1000.;
  const std::string & theLabel = ((aLabel == "" || aLabel == "default")) ? "trackCountingHighEffBJetTags" : aLabel;
  for(unsigned int i=0; i!=pairDiscriVector_.size(); i++){
    if(pairDiscriVector_[i].first == theLabel){
      discriminator = pairDiscriVector_[i].second;
  return discriminator;
void Jet::cacheCaloTowers ( ) const [private]

method to cache the constituents to allow "user-friendly" access

Definition at line 446 of file

References edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::begin(), caloTowers_, caloTowersFwdPtr_, caloTowersTemp_, reco::CompositePtrCandidate::dau, reco::CompositePtrCandidate::daughterPtr(), embeddedCaloTowers_, edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::end(), Exception, edm::Ptr< T >::get(), edm::Ptr< T >::id(), isCaloTowerCached_, edm::Ptr< T >::key(), numberOfDaughters(), and edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::size().

Referenced by getCaloConstituents().

  // Clear the cache
  // Here is where we've embedded constituents
  if ( embeddedCaloTowers_ ) {
    // Refactorized PAT access
    if ( caloTowersFwdPtr_.size() > 0 ) {
      for ( CaloTowerFwdPtrVector::const_iterator ibegin=caloTowersFwdPtr_.begin(),
              iend = caloTowersFwdPtr_.end(),
              icalo = ibegin;
            icalo != iend; ++icalo ) {
        caloTowersTemp_.push_back( CaloTowerPtr(icalo->ptr() ) );
    // Compatibility access
    else if ( caloTowers_.size() > 0 ) {
      for ( CaloTowerCollection::const_iterator ibegin=caloTowers_.begin(),
              iend = caloTowers_.end(),
              icalo = ibegin;
            icalo != iend; ++icalo ) {
        caloTowersTemp_.push_back( CaloTowerPtr(&caloTowers_, icalo - ibegin ) );
  // Non-embedded access
  else {
    for ( unsigned fIndex = 0; fIndex < numberOfDaughters(); ++fIndex ) {
      Constituent const & dau = daughterPtr (fIndex);
      const CaloTower* caloTower = dynamic_cast <const CaloTower*> (dau.get());
      if (caloTower) {
        caloTowersTemp_.push_back( CaloTowerPtr(, caloTower,dau.key() ) );
      else {
        throw cms::Exception("Invalid Constituent") << "CaloJet constituent is not of CaloTower type";
  // Set the cache flag
void Jet::cachePFCandidates ( ) const [private]

method to cache the constituents to allow "user-friendly" access

Definition at line 488 of file

References reco::CompositePtrCandidate::dau, reco::CompositePtrCandidate::daughterPtr(), embeddedPFCandidates_, Exception, edm::Ptr< T >::get(), edm::Ptr< T >::id(), isPFCandidateCached_, edm::Ptr< T >::key(), numberOfDaughters(), pfCandidates_, pfCandidatesFwdPtr_, and pfCandidatesTemp_.

Referenced by getPFConstituents().

  // Clear the cache
  // Here is where we've embedded constituents
  if ( embeddedPFCandidates_ ) {
    // Refactorized PAT access
    if ( pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.size() > 0 ) {
      for ( PFCandidateFwdPtrCollection::const_iterator ibegin=pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.begin(),
              iend = pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.end(),
              ipf = ibegin;
            ipf != iend; ++ipf ) {
        pfCandidatesTemp_.push_back( reco::PFCandidatePtr(ipf->ptr() ) );
    // Compatibility access
    else if ( pfCandidates_.size() > 0 ) {
      for ( reco::PFCandidateCollection::const_iterator ibegin=pfCandidates_.begin(),
              iend = pfCandidates_.end(),
              ipf = ibegin;
            ipf != iend; ++ipf ) {
        pfCandidatesTemp_.push_back( reco::PFCandidatePtr(&pfCandidates_, ipf - ibegin ) );
  // Non-embedded access
  else {
    for ( unsigned fIndex = 0; fIndex < numberOfDaughters(); ++fIndex ) {
      Constituent const & dau = daughterPtr (fIndex);
      const reco::PFCandidate* pfCandidate = dynamic_cast <const reco::PFCandidate*> (dau.get());
      if (pfCandidate) {
        pfCandidatesTemp_.push_back( reco::PFCandidatePtr(, pfCandidate,dau.key() ) );
      else {
        throw cms::Exception("Invalid Constituent") << "PFJet constituent is not of PFCandidate type";
  // Set the cache flag
const CaloSpecific& pat::Jet::caloSpecific ( ) const [inline]

retrieve the calo specific part of the jet

Definition at line 230 of file Jet.h.

References specificCalo_.

Referenced by emEnergyFraction(), emEnergyInEB(), emEnergyInEE(), emEnergyInHF(), energyFractionHadronic(), hadEnergyInHB(), hadEnergyInHE(), hadEnergyInHF(), hadEnergyInHO(), maxEInEmTowers(), maxEInHadTowers(), and towersArea().

        if (specificCalo_.empty()) throw cms::Exception("Type Mismatch") << "This PAT jet was not made from a CaloJet.\n";
        return specificCalo_[0];
CaloTowerFwdPtrVector const& pat::Jet::caloTowersFwdPtr ( ) const [inline]

Access to bare FwdPtr collections.

Definition at line 436 of file Jet.h.

References caloTowersFwdPtr_.

{ return caloTowersFwdPtr_;}
float pat::Jet::chargedEmEnergy ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 571 of file Jet.h.

References Exception.

Referenced by chargedEmEnergyFraction().

  if(isPFJet()){ return pfSpecific().mChargedEmEnergy; }
  else if( isJPTJet() ){ return jptSpecific().mChargedEmEnergy;}
  else{ throw cms::Exception("Type Mismatch") << "This PAT jet was not made from a JPTJet nor from PFJet.\n"; }
float pat::Jet::chargedEmEnergyFraction ( ) const [inline]

chargedEmEnergyFraction (relative to uncorrected jet energy)

Definition at line 330 of file Jet.h.

References chargedEmEnergy(), reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), and jecFactor().

Referenced by PFJetIDSelectionFunctor::firstDataCuts(), and main().

{return chargedEmEnergy()/(jecFactor(0) * energy());}
float pat::Jet::chargedHadronEnergy ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 557 of file Jet.h.

References Exception, isJPTJet(), isPFJet(), jptSpecific(), reco::JPTJet::Specific::mChargedHadronEnergy, reco::PFJet::Specific::mChargedHadronEnergy, and pfSpecific().

Referenced by chargedHadronEnergyFraction().

  if(isPFJet()){ return pfSpecific().mChargedHadronEnergy; }
  else if( isJPTJet() ){ return jptSpecific().mChargedHadronEnergy; }
  else{ throw cms::Exception("Type Mismatch") << "This PAT jet was not made from a JPTJet nor from PFJet.\n"; }
float pat::Jet::chargedHadronEnergyFraction ( ) const [inline]

chargedHadronEnergyFraction (relative to uncorrected jet energy)

Definition at line 326 of file Jet.h.

References chargedHadronEnergy(), reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), and jecFactor().

Referenced by PFJetIDSelectionFunctor::firstDataCuts(), and main().

{return chargedHadronEnergy()/(jecFactor(0) * energy());}
int pat::Jet::chargedHadronMultiplicity ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 355 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mChargedHadronMultiplicity, and pfSpecific().

{return pfSpecific().mChargedHadronMultiplicity;}
float pat::Jet::chargedMuEnergy ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 369 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mChargedMuEnergy, and pfSpecific().

Referenced by chargedMuEnergyFraction().

{return pfSpecific().mChargedMuEnergy;}
float pat::Jet::chargedMuEnergyFraction ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 371 of file Jet.h.

References chargedMuEnergy(), and reco::LeafCandidate::energy().

{return chargedMuEnergy () / energy ();}
int pat::Jet::chargedMultiplicity ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 592 of file Jet.h.

References Exception.

Referenced by PFJetIDSelectionFunctor::firstDataCuts().

  if(isPFJet()){ return pfSpecific().mChargedMultiplicity; }
  else if( isJPTJet() ){ return jptSpecific().muonsInVertexInCalo.size()+jptSpecific().muonsInVertexOutCalo.size()+
  else{ throw cms::Exception("Type Mismatch") << "This PAT jet was not made from a JPTJet nor from PFJet.\n"; }
virtual Jet* pat::Jet::clone ( void  ) const [inline, virtual]

required reimplementation of the Candidate's clone method

Reimplemented from reco::CompositePtrCandidate.

Definition at line 90 of file Jet.h.

References Jet().

{ return new Jet(*this); }
Jet Jet::correctedJet ( const unsigned int &  level,
const JetCorrFactors::Flavor flavor = JetCorrFactors::NONE,
const unsigned int &  set = 0 
) const

copy of the jet corrected up to the given level for the set of jet energy correction factors, which is currently in use

copy of the jet with correction factor to target step for the set of correction factors, which is currently in use

Definition at line 290 of file

References correctedJet(), currentJECFlavor(), currentJECLevel(), currentJECSet(), jecFactor(), reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), and reco::LeafCandidate::setP4().

  Jet correctedJet(*this);
  //rescale p4 of the jet
  correctedJet.setP4(jecFactor(level, flavor, set)*p4());
  // update current level, flavor and set
  correctedJet.currentJECSet(set); correctedJet.currentJECLevel(level); correctedJet.currentJECFlavor(flavor);
  return correctedJet;
Jet Jet::correctedJet ( const std::string &  level,
const std::string &  flavor = "none",
const std::string &  set = "" 
) const

copy of the jet corrected up to the given level for the set of jet energy correction factors, which is currently in use

copy of the jet with correction factor to target step for the set of correction factors, which is currently in use

Definition at line 271 of file

References relativeConstraints::empty, Exception, and jec_.

Referenced by correctedJet(), correctedP4(), StEvtSolution::getRecBottom(), TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadb(), TtSemiEvtSolution::getRecHadb(), TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadbbar(), TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadj(), TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadk(), TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadp(), TtSemiEvtSolution::getRecHadp(), TtHadEvtSolution::getRecHadq(), TtSemiEvtSolution::getRecHadq(), TtDilepEvtSolution::getRecJetB(), TtDilepEvtSolution::getRecJetBbar(), TtSemiEvtSolution::getRecLepb(), StEvtSolution::getRecLight(), and PFJetIDSelectionFunctor::operator()().

  // rescale p4 of the jet; the update of current values is
  // done within the called jecFactor function
  for(unsigned int idx=0; idx<jec_.size(); ++idx){
    if(set.empty() ||{
        return correctedJet(jec_[idx].jecLevel(level), jec_[idx].jecFlavor(flavor), idx);
        throw cms::Exception("InvalidRequest") << "This JEC level " << level << " does not exist. \n";
  throw cms::Exception("InvalidRequest") << "This JEC set " << set << " does not exist. \n";
const LorentzVector& pat::Jet::correctedP4 ( const std::string &  level,
const std::string &  flavor = "none",
const std::string &  set = "" 
) const [inline]

p4 of the jet corrected up to the given level for the set of jet energy correction factors, which is currently in use

Definition at line 139 of file Jet.h.

References correctedJet(), and reco::LeafCandidate::p4().

Referenced by JetIDSelectionFunctor::operator()().

{ return correctedJet(level, flavor, set).p4(); };
const LorentzVector& pat::Jet::correctedP4 ( const unsigned int &  level,
const JetCorrFactors::Flavor flavor = JetCorrFactors::NONE,
const unsigned int &  set = 0 
) const [inline]

p4 of the jet corrected up to the given level for the set of jet energy correction factors, which is currently in use

Definition at line 142 of file Jet.h.

References correctedJet(), and reco::LeafCandidate::p4().

{ return correctedJet(level, flavor, set).p4(); };
const JetCorrFactors* pat::Jet::corrFactors_ ( ) const [private]

return the correction factor for this jet. Throws if they're not available.

const JetCorrFactors* pat::Jet::corrFactors_ ( const std::string &  set) const [private]

return the jet correction factors of a different set, for systematic studies

void pat::Jet::currentJECFlavor ( const JetCorrFactors::Flavor flavor) [inline, private]

update the current JEC flavor; used by correctedJet

Definition at line 153 of file Jet.h.

References currentJECFlavor_.

{ currentJECFlavor_=flavor; };
JetCorrFactors::Flavor pat::Jet::currentJECFlavor ( ) const [inline]

return flavour of the current step of jet energy corrections

Definition at line 124 of file Jet.h.

References currentJECFlavor_.

Referenced by correctedJet(), and initializeJEC().

{ return currentJECFlavor_; };
void pat::Jet::currentJECLevel ( const unsigned int &  level) [inline, private]

update the current JEC level; used by correctedJet

Definition at line 151 of file Jet.h.

References currentJECLevel_, and testEve_cfg::level.

std::string pat::Jet::currentJECLevel ( ) const [inline]

return the name of the current step of jet energy corrections

Definition at line 122 of file Jet.h.

References currentJECLevel_, currentJECSet_, and jec_.

Referenced by correctedJet(), initializeJEC(), PFJetIDSelectionFunctor::operator()(), JetIDSelectionFunctor::operator()(), and PatJetAnalyzer::print().

{ return currentJECSet_<jec_.size() ? : std::string("ERROR"); };
void pat::Jet::currentJECSet ( const unsigned int &  set) [inline, private]

update the current JEC set; used by correctedJet

Definition at line 149 of file Jet.h.

References currentJECSet_.

{ currentJECSet_=set; };
std::string pat::Jet::currentJECSet ( ) const [inline]

returns the label of the current set of jet energy corrections

Definition at line 120 of file Jet.h.

References currentJECSet_, and jec_.

Referenced by correctedJet(), and initializeJEC().

{ return currentJECSet_<jec_.size() ? : std::string("ERROR"); }
virtual const reco::Candidate* pat::Jet::daughter ( size_t  i) const [inline, virtual]

get a pointer to a Candididate constituent of the jet If using refactorized PAT, return that. (constituents size > 0) Else check the old version of PAT (embedded constituents size > 0) Else return the reco Jet number of constituents

Reimplemented from reco::CompositePtrCandidate.

Definition at line 389 of file Jet.h.

References caloTowers_, caloTowersFwdPtr_, embeddedCaloTowers_, embeddedPFCandidates_, isCaloJet(), isJPTJet(), isPFJet(), pfCandidates_, pfCandidatesFwdPtr_, and edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::size().

        if (isCaloJet() || isJPTJet() ) {
          if ( embeddedCaloTowers_ ) {
            if ( caloTowersFwdPtr_.size() > 0 ) return caloTowersFwdPtr_[i].get();
            else if ( caloTowers_.size() > 0 ) return &caloTowers_[i];
            else return reco::Jet::daughter(i);
        if (isPFJet()) {
          if ( embeddedPFCandidates_ ) {
            if ( pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.size() > 0 ) return pfCandidatesFwdPtr_[i].get();
            else if ( pfCandidates_.size() > 0 ) return &pfCandidates_[i];
            else return reco::Jet::daughter(i);
        return reco::Jet::daughter(i);
float pat::Jet::elecMultiplicity ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 308 of file Jet.h.

References reco::JPTJet::Specific::elecsInVertexInCalo, reco::JPTJet::Specific::elecsInVertexOutCalo, jptSpecific(), and edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size().

{return jptSpecific().elecsInVertexInCalo.size()+jptSpecific().elecsInVertexOutCalo.size();}
const reco::TrackRefVector& pat::Jet::elecsInVertexInCalo ( ) const [inline]

electrons fully contained in cone

Definition at line 300 of file Jet.h.

References reco::JPTJet::Specific::elecsInVertexInCalo, and jptSpecific().

{return jptSpecific().elecsInVertexInCalo; }
const reco::TrackRefVector& pat::Jet::elecsInVertexOutCalo ( ) const [inline]

electrons that curled out

Definition at line 302 of file Jet.h.

References reco::JPTJet::Specific::elecsInVertexOutCalo, and jptSpecific().

{return jptSpecific().elecsInVertexOutCalo;}
const reco::TrackRefVector& pat::Jet::elecsOutVertexInCalo ( ) const [inline]

electrons that curled in

Definition at line 304 of file Jet.h.

References reco::JPTJet::Specific::elecsOutVertexInCalo, and jptSpecific().

{return jptSpecific().elecsOutVertexInCalo;}
float pat::Jet::electronEnergy ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 340 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mElectronEnergy, and pfSpecific().

{return pfSpecific().mElectronEnergy;}
int pat::Jet::electronMultiplicity ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 361 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mElectronMultiplicity, and pfSpecific().

{return pfSpecific().mElectronMultiplicity;}
float pat::Jet::emEnergyFraction ( ) const [inline]

returns the jet electromagnetic energy fraction

Definition at line 254 of file Jet.h.

References caloSpecific(), and reco::CaloJet::Specific::mEnergyFractionEm.

Referenced by PatZjetsJetAnalyzer::analyze(), main(), and JetIDSelectionFunctor::operator()().

{return caloSpecific().mEnergyFractionEm;}
float pat::Jet::emEnergyInEB ( ) const [inline]

returns the jet electromagnetic energy in EB

Definition at line 264 of file Jet.h.

References caloSpecific(), and reco::CaloJet::Specific::mEmEnergyInEB.

{return caloSpecific().mEmEnergyInEB;}
float pat::Jet::emEnergyInEE ( ) const [inline]

returns the jet electromagnetic energy in EE

Definition at line 266 of file Jet.h.

References caloSpecific(), and reco::CaloJet::Specific::mEmEnergyInEE.

{return caloSpecific().mEmEnergyInEE;}
float pat::Jet::emEnergyInHF ( ) const [inline]

returns the jet electromagnetic energy extracted from HF

Definition at line 268 of file Jet.h.

References caloSpecific(), and reco::CaloJet::Specific::mEmEnergyInHF.

{return caloSpecific().mEmEnergyInHF;}
float pat::Jet::energyFractionHadronic ( ) const [inline]

returns the jet hadronic energy fraction

Definition at line 252 of file Jet.h.

References caloSpecific(), and reco::CaloJet::Specific::mEnergyFractionHadronic.

{return caloSpecific().mEnergyFractionHadronic;}
const reco::GenJet * Jet::genJet ( ) const

return the matched generated jet

Definition at line 193 of file

References genJet_, genJetFwdRef_, genJetRef_, edm::FwdRef< C, T, F >::get(), and edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size().

Referenced by main().

  if (genJet_.size()) return  &(genJet_.front());
  else if ( genJetRef_.size() ) return genJetRef_[0].get();
  else return genJetFwdRef_.get();
edm::FwdRef<reco::GenJetCollection> const& pat::Jet::genJetFwdRef ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 438 of file Jet.h.

References genJetFwdRef_.

{ return genJetFwdRef_; }
const reco::GenParticle* pat::Jet::genParton ( ) const [inline]

---- methods for MC matching ----

return the matched generated parton

Definition at line 95 of file Jet.h.

References pat::PATObject< reco::Jet >::genParticle().

{ return genParticle(); }
CaloTowerPtr Jet::getCaloConstituent ( unsigned  fIndex) const

convert generic constituent to specific type

============= CaloJet methods ============

get specific constituent of the CaloJet. if the caloTowers were embedded, this reference is transient only and must not be persisted

Definition at line 111 of file

References caloTowers_, caloTowersFwdPtr_, reco::CompositePtrCandidate::dau, reco::CompositePtrCandidate::daughterPtr(), embeddedCaloTowers_, Exception, edm::Ptr< T >::get(), edm::Ptr< T >::id(), edm::Ptr< T >::key(), and edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::size().

Referenced by PatZjetsJetAnalyzer::analyze().

    if (embeddedCaloTowers_) {
      // Refactorized PAT access
      if ( caloTowersFwdPtr_.size() > 0 ) {
        return (fIndex < caloTowersFwdPtr_.size() ?
                caloTowersFwdPtr_[fIndex].ptr() : CaloTowerPtr());
      // Compatibility PAT access
      else {
        if ( caloTowers_.size() > 0 ) {
          return (fIndex < caloTowers_.size() ?
                  CaloTowerPtr(&caloTowers_, fIndex) : CaloTowerPtr());

    // Non-embedded access
    else {
      Constituent dau = daughterPtr (fIndex);
      const CaloTower* caloTower = dynamic_cast <const CaloTower*> (dau.get());
      if (caloTower != 0) {
        return CaloTowerPtr(, caloTower, dau.key() );
      else {
        throw cms::Exception("Invalid Constituent") << "CaloJet constituent is not of CaloTower type";


    return CaloTowerPtr ();
std::vector< CaloTowerPtr > const & Jet::getCaloConstituents ( ) const

get the constituents of the CaloJet. If the caloTowers were embedded, these reference are transient only and must not be persisted

Definition at line 145 of file

References cacheCaloTowers(), caloTowers_, caloTowersTemp_, isCaloTowerCached_, and edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::size().

Referenced by PatZjetsJetAnalyzer::analyze(), and JetIDSelectionFunctor::operator()().

const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, float > > & Jet::getPairDiscri ( ) const

get vector of paire labelname-disciValue

============= BTag information methods ============

Definition at line 303 of file

References pairDiscriVector_.

   return pairDiscriVector_;
reco::PFCandidatePtr Jet::getPFConstituent ( unsigned  fIndex) const

convert generic constituent to specific type

============= PFJet methods ============

get specific constituent of the CaloJet. if the caloTowers were embedded, this reference is transient only and must not be persisted

Definition at line 153 of file

References reco::CompositePtrCandidate::dau, reco::CompositePtrCandidate::daughterPtr(), embeddedPFCandidates_, Exception, edm::Ptr< T >::get(), edm::Ptr< T >::id(), edm::Ptr< T >::key(), pfCandidates_, and pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.

    if (embeddedPFCandidates_) {
      // Refactorized PAT access
      if ( pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.size() > 0 ) {
        return (fIndex < pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.size() ?
                pfCandidatesFwdPtr_[fIndex].ptr() : reco::PFCandidatePtr());
      // Compatibility PAT access
      else {
        if ( pfCandidates_.size() > 0 ) {
          return (fIndex < pfCandidates_.size() ?
                  reco::PFCandidatePtr(&pfCandidates_, fIndex) : reco::PFCandidatePtr());

    // Non-embedded access
    else {
      Constituent dau = daughterPtr (fIndex);
      const reco::PFCandidate* pfCandidate = dynamic_cast <const reco::PFCandidate*> (dau.get());
      if (pfCandidate) {
        return reco::PFCandidatePtr(, pfCandidate, dau.key() );
      else {
        throw cms::Exception("Invalid Constituent") << "PFJet constituent is not of PFCandidate type";


    return reco::PFCandidatePtr ();
std::vector< reco::PFCandidatePtr > const & Jet::getPFConstituents ( ) const

get the constituents of the CaloJet. If the caloTowers were embedded, these reference are transient only and must not be persisted

Definition at line 185 of file

References cachePFCandidates(), isPFCandidateCached_, pfCandidates_, and pfCandidatesTemp_.

float pat::Jet::hadEnergyInHB ( ) const [inline]

returns the jet hadronic energy in HB

Definition at line 256 of file Jet.h.

References caloSpecific(), and reco::CaloJet::Specific::mHadEnergyInHB.

{return caloSpecific().mHadEnergyInHB;}
float pat::Jet::hadEnergyInHE ( ) const [inline]

returns the jet hadronic energy in HE

Definition at line 260 of file Jet.h.

References caloSpecific(), and reco::CaloJet::Specific::mHadEnergyInHE.

{return caloSpecific().mHadEnergyInHE;}
float pat::Jet::hadEnergyInHF ( ) const [inline]

returns the jet hadronic energy in HF

Definition at line 262 of file Jet.h.

References caloSpecific(), and reco::CaloJet::Specific::mHadEnergyInHF.

{return caloSpecific().mHadEnergyInHF;}
float pat::Jet::hadEnergyInHO ( ) const [inline]

returns the jet hadronic energy in HO

Definition at line 258 of file Jet.h.

References caloSpecific(), and reco::CaloJet::Specific::mHadEnergyInHO.

{return caloSpecific().mHadEnergyInHO;}
bool pat::Jet::hasTagInfo ( const std::string  label) const [inline]

check to see if the given tag info is nonzero

Definition at line 167 of file Jet.h.

References tagInfo().

{ return tagInfo(label) != 0; }
float pat::Jet::HFEMEnergy ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 350 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mHFEMEnergy, and pfSpecific().

Referenced by HFEMEnergyFraction().

{return pfSpecific().mHFEMEnergy;}
float pat::Jet::HFEMEnergyFraction ( ) const [inline]

HFEMEnergyFraction (relative to corrected jet energy)

Definition at line 352 of file Jet.h.

References reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), and HFEMEnergy().

{return HFEMEnergy () / energy ();}
int pat::Jet::HFEMMultiplicity ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 366 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mHFEMMultiplicity, and pfSpecific().

{return pfSpecific().mHFEMMultiplicity;}
float pat::Jet::HFHadronEnergy ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 346 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mHFHadronEnergy, and pfSpecific().

Referenced by PFJetIDSelectionFunctor::firstDataCuts(), and HFHadronEnergyFraction().

{return pfSpecific().mHFHadronEnergy;}
float pat::Jet::HFHadronEnergyFraction ( ) const [inline]

HFHadronEnergyFraction (relative to corrected jet energy)

Definition at line 348 of file Jet.h.

References reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), and HFHadronEnergy().

{return HFHadronEnergy () / energy ();}
int pat::Jet::HFHadronMultiplicity ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 364 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mHFHadronMultiplicity, and pfSpecific().

{return pfSpecific().mHFHadronMultiplicity;}
void Jet::initializeJEC ( unsigned int  level,
const JetCorrFactors::Flavor flavor = JetCorrFactors::NONE,
unsigned int  set = 0 
) [private]

initialize the jet to a given JEC level during creation starting from Uncorrected

============= Jet Energy Correction methods ============

Definition at line 207 of file

References currentJECFlavor(), currentJECLevel(), currentJECSet(), jec_, reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), and reco::LeafCandidate::setP4().

Referenced by pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

  setP4(jec_[set].correction(level, flavor)*p4());
bool pat::Jet::isBasicJet ( ) const [inline]

check to see if the jet is no more than a reco::BasicJet

Definition at line 228 of file Jet.h.

References isCaloJet(), isJPTJet(), and isPFJet().

Referenced by PFJetIDSelectionFunctor::firstDataCuts().

{ return !(isCaloJet() || isPFJet() || isJPTJet()); }
bool pat::Jet::isCaloJet ( ) const [inline]

check to see if the jet is a reco::CaloJet

Definition at line 222 of file Jet.h.

References isJPTJet(), and specificCalo_.

Referenced by daughter(), isBasicJet(), numberOfDaughters(), JetIDSelectionFunctor::operator()(), and pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

{ return !specificCalo_.empty() && !isJPTJet(); }
bool pat::Jet::isJPTJet ( ) const [inline]

check to see if the jet is a reco::JPTJet

Definition at line 224 of file Jet.h.

References specificJPT_.

Referenced by chargedHadronEnergy(), daughter(), isBasicJet(), isCaloJet(), numberOfDaughters(), JetIDSelectionFunctor::operator()(), and pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

{ return !specificJPT_.empty(); }
bool pat::Jet::isPFJet ( ) const [inline]

check to see if the jet is a reco::PFJet

Definition at line 226 of file Jet.h.

References specificPF_.

Referenced by chargedHadronEnergy(), daughter(), PFJetIDSelectionFunctor::firstDataCuts(), isBasicJet(), numberOfDaughters(), and pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

{ return !specificPF_.empty(); }
float Jet::jecFactor ( const std::string &  level,
const std::string &  flavor = "none",
const std::string &  set = "" 
) const

correction factor to the given level for a specific set of correction factors, starting from the current level

Definition at line 239 of file

References relativeConstraints::empty, Exception, and jec_.

Referenced by chargedEmEnergyFraction(), chargedHadronEnergyFraction(), TtFullHadKinFitter::KinFit::corJet(), correctedJet(), main(), neutralEmEnergyFraction(), and neutralHadronEnergyFraction().

  for(unsigned int idx=0; idx<jec_.size(); ++idx){
    if(set.empty() ||{
        return jecFactor(jec_[idx].jecLevel(level), jec_[idx].jecFlavor(flavor), idx);
        throw cms::Exception("InvalidRequest") << "This JEC level " << level << " does not exist. \n";
  throw cms::Exception("InvalidRequest") << "This jet does not carry any jet energy correction factor information \n"
                                         << "for a jet energy correction set with label " << set << "\n";
float Jet::jecFactor ( const unsigned int &  level,
const JetCorrFactors::Flavor flavor = JetCorrFactors::NONE,
const unsigned int &  set = 0 
) const

correction factor to the given level for a specific set of correction factors, starting from the current level

Definition at line 257 of file

References currentJECFlavor_, currentJECLevel_, currentJECSet_, Exception, jec_, jecSetAvailable(), and jecSetsAvailable().

    throw cms::Exception("InvalidRequest") << "This jet does not carry any jet energy correction factor information \n";
    throw cms::Exception("InvalidRequest") << "This jet does not carry any jet energy correction factor information \n"
                                           << "for a jet energy correction set with index " << set << "\n";
  return, flavor)/, currentJECFlavor_);
int Jet::jecSet ( const std::string &  label) const [private]

return true if this jet carries the jet correction factors of a different set, for systematic studies

index of the set of jec factors with given label; returns -1 if no set of jec factors exists with the given label

Definition at line 216 of file

References jec_.

Referenced by availableJECLevels(), and jecSetAvailable().

  for(std::vector<pat::JetCorrFactors>::const_iterator corrFactor=jec_.begin(); corrFactor!=jec_.end(); ++corrFactor)
    if( corrFactor->jecSet()==set ){ return (corrFactor-jec_.begin()); }
  return -1;
bool pat::Jet::jecSetAvailable ( const std::string &  set) const [inline]

returns true if the jet carries a set of jet energy correction factors with the given label

Definition at line 115 of file Jet.h.

References jecSet().

Referenced by jecFactor().

{return (jecSet(set)>=0); };
bool pat::Jet::jecSetAvailable ( const unsigned int &  set) const [inline]

returns true if the jet carries a set of jet energy correction factors with the given label

Definition at line 118 of file Jet.h.

References jec_.

{return (set<jec_.size()); };
bool pat::Jet::jecSetsAvailable ( ) const [inline]

returns true if the jet carries jet energy correction information at all

Definition at line 112 of file Jet.h.

References jec_.

Referenced by jecFactor().

{ return !jec_.empty(); }
float Jet::jetCharge ( ) const

method to return the JetCharge computed when creating the Jet

Definition at line 386 of file

References jetCharge_.

Referenced by setJetCharge().

  return jetCharge_;
reco::JetID const& pat::Jet::jetID ( ) const [inline]

accessing Jet ID information

Definition at line 432 of file Jet.h.

References jetID_.

Referenced by main(), and JetIDSelectionFunctor::operator()().

{ return jetID_;}
const JPTSpecific& pat::Jet::jptSpecific ( ) const [inline]

retrieve the pf specific part of the jet

Definition at line 235 of file Jet.h.

References specificJPT_.

Referenced by chargedHadronEnergy(), elecMultiplicity(), elecsInVertexInCalo(), elecsInVertexOutCalo(), elecsOutVertexInCalo(), muonsInVertexInCalo(), muonsInVertexOutCalo(), muonsOutVertexInCalo(), pionsInVertexInCalo(), pionsInVertexOutCalo(), pionsOutVertexInCalo(), and zspCorrection().

        if (specificJPT_.empty()) throw cms::Exception("Type Mismatch") << "This PAT jet was not made from a JPTJet.\n";
        return specificJPT_[0];
float pat::Jet::maxEInEmTowers ( ) const [inline]

returns the maximum energy deposited in ECAL towers

Definition at line 248 of file Jet.h.

References caloSpecific(), and reco::CaloJet::Specific::mMaxEInEmTowers.

{return caloSpecific().mMaxEInEmTowers;}
float pat::Jet::maxEInHadTowers ( ) const [inline]

returns the maximum energy deposited in HCAL towers

Definition at line 250 of file Jet.h.

References caloSpecific(), and reco::CaloJet::Specific::mMaxEInHadTowers.

{return caloSpecific().mMaxEInHadTowers;}
float pat::Jet::muonEnergy ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 342 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mMuonEnergy, and pfSpecific().

Referenced by muonEnergyFraction().

{return pfSpecific().mMuonEnergy;}
float pat::Jet::muonEnergyFraction ( ) const [inline]

muonEnergyFraction (relative to corrected jet energy)

Definition at line 344 of file Jet.h.

References reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), and muonEnergy().

{return muonEnergy () / energy ();}
int pat::Jet::muonMultiplicity ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 585 of file Jet.h.

References Exception.

  if(isPFJet()){ return pfSpecific().mMuonMultiplicity; }
  else if( isJPTJet() ){ return jptSpecific().muonsInVertexInCalo.size()+jptSpecific().muonsInVertexOutCalo.size();}
  else{ throw cms::Exception("Type Mismatch") << "This PAT jet was not made from a JPTJet nor from PFJet.\n"; }
const reco::TrackRefVector& pat::Jet::muonsInVertexInCalo ( ) const [inline]

muons fully contained in cone

Definition at line 294 of file Jet.h.

References jptSpecific(), and reco::JPTJet::Specific::muonsInVertexInCalo.

{return jptSpecific().muonsInVertexInCalo; }
const reco::TrackRefVector& pat::Jet::muonsInVertexOutCalo ( ) const [inline]

muons that curled out

Definition at line 296 of file Jet.h.

References jptSpecific(), and reco::JPTJet::Specific::muonsInVertexOutCalo.

{return jptSpecific().muonsInVertexOutCalo;}
const reco::TrackRefVector& pat::Jet::muonsOutVertexInCalo ( ) const [inline]

muons that curled in

Definition at line 298 of file Jet.h.

References jptSpecific(), and reco::JPTJet::Specific::muonsOutVertexInCalo.

{return jptSpecific().muonsOutVertexInCalo;}
int pat::Jet::n60 ( ) const [inline]

returns the number of constituents carrying a 60% of the total Jet energy*/

Definition at line 274 of file Jet.h.

References reco::Jet::nCarrying().

{return nCarrying (0.6);}
int pat::Jet::n90 ( ) const [inline]

returns the number of constituents carrying a 90% of the total Jet energy*/

Definition at line 272 of file Jet.h.

References reco::Jet::nCarrying().

{return nCarrying (0.9);}
float pat::Jet::neutralEmEnergy ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 578 of file Jet.h.

References Exception.

Referenced by neutralEmEnergyFraction().

  if(isPFJet()){ return pfSpecific().mNeutralEmEnergy; }
  else if( isJPTJet() ){ return jptSpecific().mNeutralEmEnergy;}
  else{ throw cms::Exception("Type Mismatch") << "This PAT jet was not made from a JPTJet nor from PFJet.\n"; }
float pat::Jet::neutralEmEnergyFraction ( ) const [inline]

neutralEmEnergyFraction (relative to uncorrected jet energy)

Definition at line 332 of file Jet.h.

References reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), jecFactor(), and neutralEmEnergy().

Referenced by PFJetIDSelectionFunctor::firstDataCuts(), and main().

{return neutralEmEnergy()/(jecFactor(0) * energy());}
float pat::Jet::neutralHadronEnergy ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 564 of file Jet.h.

References Exception.

Referenced by PFJetIDSelectionFunctor::firstDataCuts(), and neutralHadronEnergyFraction().

  if(isPFJet()){ return pfSpecific().mNeutralHadronEnergy; }
  else if( isJPTJet() ){ return jptSpecific().mNeutralHadronEnergy; }
  else{ throw cms::Exception("Type Mismatch") << "This PAT jet was not made from a JPTJet nor from PFJet.\n"; }
float pat::Jet::neutralHadronEnergyFraction ( ) const [inline]

neutralHadronEnergyFraction (relative to uncorrected jet energy)

Definition at line 328 of file Jet.h.

References reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), jecFactor(), and neutralHadronEnergy().

Referenced by main().

{return neutralHadronEnergy()/(jecFactor(0) * energy());}
int pat::Jet::neutralHadronMultiplicity ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 357 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mNeutralHadronMultiplicity, and pfSpecific().

{return pfSpecific().mNeutralHadronMultiplicity;}
int pat::Jet::neutralMultiplicity ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 374 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mNeutralMultiplicity, and pfSpecific().

{return pfSpecific().mNeutralMultiplicity;}
virtual size_t pat::Jet::numberOfDaughters ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Return number of daughters: If using refactorized PAT, return that. (constituents size > 0) Else check the old version of PAT (embedded constituents size > 0) Else return the reco Jet number of constituents

Reimplemented from reco::CompositePtrCandidate.

Definition at line 413 of file Jet.h.

References caloTowers_, caloTowersFwdPtr_, embeddedCaloTowers_, embeddedPFCandidates_, isCaloJet(), isJPTJet(), isPFJet(), pfCandidates_, pfCandidatesFwdPtr_, and edm::SortedCollection< T, SORT >::size().

Referenced by cacheCaloTowers(), cachePFCandidates(), and PFJetIDSelectionFunctor::firstDataCuts().

        if (isCaloJet() || isJPTJet()) {
          if ( embeddedCaloTowers_ ) {
            if ( caloTowersFwdPtr_.size() > 0 ) return caloTowersFwdPtr_.size();
            else if ( caloTowers_.size() > 0 ) return caloTowers_.size();
            else return reco::Jet::numberOfDaughters();
        if (isPFJet()) {
          if ( embeddedPFCandidates_ ) {
            if ( pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.size() > 0 ) return pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.size();
            else if ( pfCandidates_.size() > 0 ) return pfCandidates_.size();
            else return reco::Jet::numberOfDaughters();
        return reco::Jet::numberOfDaughters();
int Jet::partonFlavour ( ) const

return the flavour of the parton underlying the jet

Definition at line 200 of file

References partonFlavour_.

Referenced by TtDilepLRSignalSelObservables::operator()().

  return partonFlavour_;
reco::PFCandidateFwdPtrVector const& pat::Jet::pfCandidatesFwdPtr ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 437 of file Jet.h.

References pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.

{ return pfCandidatesFwdPtr_; }
const PFSpecific& pat::Jet::pfSpecific ( ) const [inline]

retrieve the pf specific part of the jet

Definition at line 240 of file Jet.h.

References specificPF_.

Referenced by chargedHadronEnergy(), chargedHadronMultiplicity(), chargedMuEnergy(), electronEnergy(), electronMultiplicity(), HFEMEnergy(), HFEMMultiplicity(), HFHadronEnergy(), HFHadronMultiplicity(), muonEnergy(), neutralHadronMultiplicity(), neutralMultiplicity(), photonEnergy(), and photonMultiplicity().

        if (specificPF_.empty()) throw cms::Exception("Type Mismatch") << "This PAT jet was not made from a PFJet.\n";
        return specificPF_[0];
float pat::Jet::photonEnergy ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 336 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mPhotonEnergy, and pfSpecific().

Referenced by photonEnergyFraction().

{return pfSpecific().mPhotonEnergy;}
float pat::Jet::photonEnergyFraction ( ) const [inline]

photonEnergyFraction (relative to corrected jet energy)

Definition at line 338 of file Jet.h.

References reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), and photonEnergy().

{return photonEnergy () / energy ();}
int pat::Jet::photonMultiplicity ( ) const [inline]


Definition at line 359 of file Jet.h.

References reco::PFJet::Specific::mPhotonMultiplicity, and pfSpecific().

{return pfSpecific().mPhotonMultiplicity;}
const reco::TrackRefVector& pat::Jet::pionsInVertexInCalo ( ) const [inline]

pions fully contained in cone

Definition at line 288 of file Jet.h.

References jptSpecific(), and reco::JPTJet::Specific::pionsInVertexInCalo.

{return jptSpecific().pionsInVertexInCalo; }
const reco::TrackRefVector& pat::Jet::pionsInVertexOutCalo ( ) const [inline]

pions that curled out

Definition at line 290 of file Jet.h.

References jptSpecific(), and reco::JPTJet::Specific::pionsInVertexOutCalo.

{return jptSpecific().pionsInVertexOutCalo;}
const reco::TrackRefVector& pat::Jet::pionsOutVertexInCalo ( ) const [inline]

pions that curled in

Definition at line 292 of file Jet.h.

References jptSpecific(), and reco::JPTJet::Specific::pionsOutVertexInCalo.

{return jptSpecific().pionsOutVertexInCalo;}
void Jet::setAssociatedTracks ( const reco::TrackRefVector tracks)

method to set the vector of refs to the tracks associated to this jet

Definition at line 396 of file

References associatedTracks_, and testEve_cfg::tracks.

Referenced by pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

void Jet::setCaloTowers ( const CaloTowerFwdPtrCollection caloTowers)

method to store the CaloJet constituents internally

Definition at line 401 of file

References caloTowersFwdPtr_, embeddedCaloTowers_, i, and isCaloTowerCached_.

Referenced by pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < caloTowers.size(); ++i) {
    caloTowersFwdPtr_.push_back( );
  embeddedCaloTowers_ = true;
  isCaloTowerCached_ = false;
void Jet::setGenJetRef ( const edm::FwdRef< reco::GenJetCollection > &  gj)

method to set the matched generated jet reference, embedding if requested

Definition at line 421 of file

References genJetFwdRef_.

Referenced by pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

  genJetFwdRef_ = gj;
void pat::Jet::setGenParton ( const reco::GenParticleRef gp,
bool  embed = false 
) [inline]

method to set the matched parton

Definition at line 209 of file Jet.h.

References embed, and pat::PATObject< reco::Jet >::setGenParticleRef().

Referenced by pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

void Jet::setJetCharge ( float  jetCharge)

method to set the jet charge

Definition at line 439 of file

References jetCharge(), and jetCharge_.

Referenced by pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

void pat::Jet::setJetID ( reco::JetID const &  id) [inline]

methods for jet ID

Definition at line 217 of file Jet.h.

References jetID_.

Referenced by pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

{ jetID_ = id; }
void Jet::setPartonFlavour ( int  partonFl)

method to set the flavour of the parton underlying the jet

Definition at line 429 of file

References partonFlavour_.

Referenced by pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

  partonFlavour_ = partonFl;
void Jet::setPFCandidates ( const PFCandidateFwdPtrCollection pfCandidates)

method to store the PFCandidate constituents internally

method to store the CaloJet constituents internally

Definition at line 411 of file

References embeddedPFCandidates_, i, isPFCandidateCached_, and pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.

Referenced by pat::PATJetProducer::produce().

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < pfCandidates.size(); ++i) {
  embeddedPFCandidates_ = true;
  isPFCandidateCached_ = false;
const reco::BaseTagInfo * Jet::tagInfo ( const std::string &  label) const

get a tagInfo with the given name, or NULL if none is found. You should omit the 'TagInfos' part from the label

Definition at line 319 of file

References spr::find(), label, edm::OwnVector< T, P >::size(), tagInfoLabels_, tagInfos_, and tagInfosFwdPtr_.

Referenced by hasTagInfo(), tagInfoSecondaryVertex(), tagInfoSoftLepton(), and tagInfoTrackIP().

    std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = std::find(tagInfoLabels_.begin(), tagInfoLabels_.end(), label);
    if (it != tagInfoLabels_.end()) {
      if ( tagInfosFwdPtr_.size() > 0 ) return tagInfosFwdPtr_[it - tagInfoLabels_.begin()].get();
      else if ( tagInfos_.size() > 0 )  return & tagInfos_[it - tagInfoLabels_.begin()];
      return 0;
    return 0;
template<typename T >
const T * Jet::tagInfoByType ( ) const [private]

Definition at line 331 of file

References i, n, edm::OwnVector< T, P >::size(), tagInfos_, and tagInfosFwdPtr_.

  // First check the factorized PAT version
    for (size_t i = 0, n = tagInfosFwdPtr_.size(); i < n; ++i) {
      TagInfoFwdPtrCollection::value_type const & val = tagInfosFwdPtr_[i];
      reco::BaseTagInfo const * baseTagInfo = val.get();
      if ( typeid(*baseTagInfo) == typeid(T) ) {
        return static_cast<const T *>( baseTagInfo );
    // Then check compatibility version
    for (size_t i = 0, n = tagInfos_.size(); i < n; ++i) {
      edm::OwnVector<reco::BaseTagInfo>::value_type const & val = tagInfos_[i];
      reco::BaseTagInfo const * baseTagInfo = &val;
      if ( typeid(*baseTagInfo) == typeid(T) ) {
        return static_cast<const T *>( baseTagInfo );
    return 0;
const reco::SecondaryVertexTagInfo * Jet::tagInfoSecondaryVertex ( const std::string &  label = "") const

get a tagInfo with the given name and type or NULL if none is found. If the label is empty or not specified, it returns the first tagInfo of that type (if any one exists) you should omit the 'TagInfos' part from the label

Definition at line 366 of file

References tagInfo().

    return (label.empty() ? tagInfoByType<reco::SecondaryVertexTagInfo>()
                          : dynamic_cast<const reco::SecondaryVertexTagInfo *>(tagInfo(label)) );
TagInfoFwdPtrCollection const& pat::Jet::tagInfosFwdPtr ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 439 of file Jet.h.

References tagInfosFwdPtr_.

{ return tagInfosFwdPtr_; }
const reco::SoftLeptonTagInfo * Jet::tagInfoSoftLepton ( const std::string &  label = "") const

get a tagInfo with the given name and type or NULL if none is found. If the label is empty or not specified, it returns the first tagInfo of that type (if any one exists) you should omit the 'TagInfos' part from the label

Definition at line 360 of file

References tagInfo().

    return (label.empty() ? tagInfoByType<reco::SoftLeptonTagInfo>()
                          : dynamic_cast<const reco::SoftLeptonTagInfo *>(tagInfo(label)) );
const reco::TrackIPTagInfo * Jet::tagInfoTrackIP ( const std::string &  label = "") const

get a tagInfo with the given name and type or NULL if none is found. If the label is empty or not specified, it returns the first tagInfo of that type (if any one exists) you should omit the 'TagInfos' part from the label

Definition at line 354 of file

References tagInfo().

    return (label.empty() ? tagInfoByType<reco::TrackIPTagInfo>()
                          : dynamic_cast<const reco::TrackIPTagInfo *>(tagInfo(label)) );
float pat::Jet::towersArea ( ) const [inline]

returns area of contributing towers

Definition at line 270 of file Jet.h.

References caloSpecific(), and reco::CaloJet::Specific::mTowersArea.

{return caloSpecific().mTowersArea;}
void Jet::tryImportSpecific ( const reco::Jet source) [private]

constructor helper that tries to import the specific info from the source jet

Definition at line 81 of file

References edm::RefToBase< T >::get(), reco::JPTJet::getCaloJetRef(), reco::CaloJet::getSpecific(), reco::JPTJet::getSpecific(), edm::RefToBase< T >::isAvailable(), edm::RefToBase< T >::isNonnull(), LaserTracksInput_cfi::source, specificCalo_, specificJPT_, and specificPF_.

Referenced by Jet().

  const std::type_info & type = typeid(source);
  if( type == typeid(reco::CaloJet) ){
    specificCalo_.push_back( (static_cast<const reco::CaloJet&>(source)).getSpecific() );
  } else if( type == typeid(reco::JPTJet) ){
    reco::JPTJet const & jptJet = static_cast<reco::JPTJet const &>(source);
    specificJPT_.push_back( jptJet.getSpecific() );
    reco::CaloJet const * caloJet = 0;
    if ( jptJet.getCaloJetRef().isNonnull() && jptJet.getCaloJetRef().isAvailable() ) {
      caloJet = dynamic_cast<reco::CaloJet const *>( jptJet.getCaloJetRef().get() );
    if ( caloJet != 0 ) {
      specificCalo_.push_back( caloJet->getSpecific() );
    else {
      edm::LogWarning("OptionalProductNotFound") << " in pat::Jet, Attempted to add Calo Specifics to JPT Jets, but failed."
                                                 << " Jet ID for JPT Jets will not be available for you." << std::endl;
  } else if( type == typeid(reco::PFJet) ){
    specificPF_.push_back( (static_cast<const reco::PFJet&>(source)).getSpecific() );
void pat::Jet::updateFwdCaloTowerFwdPtr ( unsigned int  index,
edm::Ptr< CaloTower updateFwd 
) [inline]

Update bare FwdPtr and FwdRef "forward" pointers while keeping the "back" pointers the same (i.e. the ref "forwarding")

Definition at line 443 of file Jet.h.

References caloTowersFwdPtr_, and Exception.

        if ( index < caloTowersFwdPtr_.size() ) {
          caloTowersFwdPtr_[index] = CaloTowerFwdPtrVector::value_type( updateFwd, caloTowersFwdPtr_[index].backPtr() );
        } else {
          throw cms::Exception("OutOfRange") << "Index " << index << " is out of range" << std::endl;
void pat::Jet::updateFwdGenJetFwdRef ( edm::Ref< reco::GenJetCollection updateRef) [inline]
void pat::Jet::updateFwdPFCandidateFwdPtr ( unsigned int  index,
edm::Ptr< reco::PFCandidate updateFwd 
) [inline]

Definition at line 451 of file Jet.h.

References Exception, and pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.

        if ( index < pfCandidatesFwdPtr_.size() ) {
          pfCandidatesFwdPtr_[index] = reco::PFCandidateFwdPtrVector::value_type( updateFwd, pfCandidatesFwdPtr_[index].backPtr() );
        } else {
          throw cms::Exception("OutOfRange") << "Index " << index << " is out of range" << std::endl;
void pat::Jet::updateFwdTagInfoFwdPtr ( unsigned int  index,
edm::Ptr< reco::BaseTagInfo updateFwd 
) [inline]

Definition at line 460 of file Jet.h.

References Exception, and tagInfosFwdPtr_.

        if ( index < tagInfosFwdPtr_.size() ) {
          tagInfosFwdPtr_[index] = TagInfoFwdPtrCollection::value_type( updateFwd, tagInfosFwdPtr_[index].backPtr() );
        } else {
          throw cms::Exception("OutOfRange") << "Index " << index << " is out of range" << std::endl;
const float& pat::Jet::zspCorrection ( ) const [inline]

zero suppression correction

Definition at line 306 of file Jet.h.

References jptSpecific(), and reco::JPTJet::Specific::mZSPCor.

{return jptSpecific().mZSPCor;}

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class PATJetProducer [friend]

make friends with PATJetProducer so that it can set the an initial jet energy scale unequal to raw calling the private initializeJEC function, which should be non accessible to any other user

Definition at line 75 of file Jet.h.

std::ostream& reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const Jet obj 
) [friend]

pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Jet with PFTopProjectors)

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 524 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by associatedTracks(), and setAssociatedTracks().

std::vector<CaloTowerPtr> pat::Jet::caloTowersTemp_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 480 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by cacheCaloTowers(), and getCaloConstituents().

Definition at line 511 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by currentJECFlavor(), and jecFactor().

unsigned int pat::Jet::currentJECLevel_ [protected]

Definition at line 508 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by currentJECLevel(), and jecFactor().

unsigned int pat::Jet::currentJECSet_ [protected]

Definition at line 506 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by currentJECLevel(), currentJECSet(), and jecFactor().

std::vector<reco::GenJet> pat::Jet::genJet_ [protected]

Definition at line 493 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by genJet().

Definition at line 495 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by genJet(), genJetFwdRef(), setGenJetRef(), and updateFwdGenJetFwdRef().

Definition at line 494 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by genJet().

bool pat::Jet::isCaloTowerCached_ [mutable, private]

cache calo towers

Definition at line 549 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by cacheCaloTowers(), getCaloConstituents(), and setCaloTowers().

bool pat::Jet::isPFCandidateCached_ [mutable, private]

Definition at line 551 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by cachePFCandidates(), getPFConstituents(), and setPFCandidates().

std::vector<pat::JetCorrFactors> pat::Jet::jec_ [protected]
float pat::Jet::jetCharge_ [protected]

Definition at line 523 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by jetCharge(), and setJetCharge().

Definition at line 533 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by jetID(), and setJetID().

std::vector<std::pair<std::string, float> > pat::Jet::pairDiscriVector_ [protected]

Definition at line 515 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by addBDiscriminatorPair(), bDiscriminator(), and getPairDiscri().

int pat::Jet::partonFlavour_ [protected]

Definition at line 496 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by partonFlavour(), and setPartonFlavour().

std::vector<reco::PFCandidatePtr> pat::Jet::pfCandidatesTemp_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 486 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by cachePFCandidates(), and getPFConstituents().

std::vector<CaloSpecific> pat::Jet::specificCalo_ [protected]

Definition at line 528 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by caloSpecific(), isCaloJet(), and tryImportSpecific().

std::vector<JPTSpecific> pat::Jet::specificJPT_ [protected]

Definition at line 529 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by isJPTJet(), jptSpecific(), and tryImportSpecific().

std::vector<PFSpecific> pat::Jet::specificPF_ [protected]

Definition at line 530 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by isPFJet(), pfSpecific(), and tryImportSpecific().

std::vector<std::string> pat::Jet::tagInfoLabels_ [protected]

Definition at line 516 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by addTagInfo(), and tagInfo().

Definition at line 517 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by tagInfo(), and tagInfoByType().

Definition at line 518 of file Jet.h.

Referenced by addTagInfo(), tagInfo(), tagInfoByType(), tagInfosFwdPtr(), and updateFwdTagInfoFwdPtr().