
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 pythiaUESettingsBlock = cms.PSet(
00004     pythiaUESettings = cms.vstring(
00005         'MSTU(21)=1     ! Check on possible errors during program execution', 
00006         'MSTJ(22)=2     ! Decay those unstable particles', 
00007         'PARJ(71)=10.   ! for which ctau  10 mm', 
00008         'MSTP(2)=1      ! which order running alphaS', 
00009         'MSTP(33)=0     ! no K factors in hard cross sections', 
00010         'MSTP(51)=7     ! structure function chosen (internal PDF CTEQ5L)',
00011         'MSTP(52)=1     ! work with internal PDF',
00012         'PARJ(1)=0.073  ! FLAV (Tuned by Professor on LEP data)',
00013         'PARJ(2)=0.2    ! FLAV (Tuned by Professor on LEP data)',
00014         'PARJ(3)=0.94   ! FLAV (Tuned by Professor on LEP data)',
00015         'PARJ(4)=0.032  ! FLAV (Tuned by Professor on LEP data)',
00016         'PARJ(11)=0.31  ! FLAV (Tuned by Professor on LEP data)',
00017         'PARJ(12)=0.4   ! FLAV (Tuned by Professor on LEP data)',
00018         'PARJ(13)=0.54  ! FLAV (Tuned by Professor on LEP data)',
00019         'PARJ(25)=0.63  ! FLAV (Tuned by Professor on LEP data)',
00020         'PARJ(26)=0.12  ! FLAV (Tuned by Professor on LEP data)', 
00021         'MSTJ(11)=5     ! HAD Choice of the fragmentation function',    
00022         'PARJ(21)=0.313 ! HAD', 
00023         'PARJ(41)=0.49  ! HAD',                        
00024         'PARJ(42)=1.2   ! HAD',                                     
00025         'PARJ(46)=1.0   ! HAD',                                     
00026         'PARJ(47)=1.0   ! HAD',                                     
00027         'MSTP(64)=3     ! ISR',
00028         'PARP(64)=2.0   ! ISR',            
00029         'MSTP(67)=2     ! ISR',            
00030         'PARP(67)=1.0   ! ISR',
00031         'MSTP(70)=2     ! ISR',
00032         'MSTP(72)=1     ! ISR',
00033         'PARJ(81)=0.257 ! FSR',
00034         'PARJ(82)=0.8   ! FSR',
00035         'PARP(71)=2.0   ! FSR',
00036         'MSTP(81)=21    ! MPI 21 is Pythia new set of MPI models', 
00037         'MSTP(82)=5     ! MPI model', 
00038         'PARP(82)=2.2   ! MPI pt cutoff for multiparton interactions', 
00039         'PARP(89)=1800. ! MPI sqrts for which PARP82 is set', 
00040         'PARP(83)=1.7   ! MPI matter distrbn parameter', 
00041         'PARP(90)=0.23  ! MPI rescaling power', 
00042         'MSTP(95)=6     ! CR (color reconnection parameters)',
00043         'PARP(77)=0.33  ! CR',
00044         'PARP(78)=0.9   ! CR',
00045         'MSTP(88)=0     ! BR', 
00046         'PARP(79)=2.0   ! BR', 
00047         'PARP(80)=0.05  ! BR', 
00048         'MSTP(91)=1     ! BR', 
00049         'PARP(91)=2.0   ! BR kt distribution', 
00050         'PARP(93)=10.0  ! BR'
00051     )
00052 )