
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #! /usr/bin/env python
00003 if __name__ == "__main__":
00004     import optparse
00005     parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog [options] config.txt file1.root [file2.root]\nVisit\nfor full documentation.")
00006     modeGroup    = optparse.OptionGroup (parser, "Mode Conrols")
00007     tupleGroup   = optparse.OptionGroup (parser, "Tuple Controls")
00008     optionsGroup = optparse.OptionGroup (parser, "Options") 
00009     # mode group
00010     modeGroup.add_option ('--compare', dest='compare', action='store_true',
00011                           help='Compare tuple1 to tuple2')
00012     modeGroup.add_option ('--saveAs', dest='saveAs', type='string',
00013                           help='Save tuple1 as GO Root file')    
00014     modeGroup.add_option ('--printTuple', dest='printTuple',
00015                           action='store_true',
00016                           help='Print out all events in tuple1')
00017     modeGroup.add_option ('--interactive', dest='interactive',
00018                           action='store_true',
00019                           help='Loads files and prepares "event" '
00020                           'for interactive mode')
00021     # tuple group
00022     tupleGroup.add_option ('--tuple', dest='tuple', type='string',
00023                            default='',
00024                            help="Tuple type of 1st and 2nd tuple")
00025     tupleGroup.add_option ('--tuple1', dest='tuple1', type='string',
00026                            default='reco',
00027                            help="Tuple type of 1st tuple")
00028     tupleGroup.add_option ('--tuple2', dest='tuple2', type='string',
00029                            default='reco',
00030                            help="Tuple type of 2nd tuple")
00031     tupleGroup.add_option ('--file', dest='file', type='string',
00032                            default="",
00033                            help="1st and 2nd tuple file (debugging only)")
00034     tupleGroup.add_option ('--file1', dest='file1', type='string',
00035                            default="",
00036                            help="1st tuple file")
00037     tupleGroup.add_option ('--file2', dest='file2', type='string',
00038                            default="",
00039                            help="2nd tuple file")
00040     tupleGroup.add_option ('--numEvents', dest='numEvents', type='int',
00041                            default=0,
00042                            help="number of events for first and second file")
00043     tupleGroup.add_option ('--numEvents1', dest='numEvents1', type='int',
00044                            default=0,
00045                            help="number of events for first file")
00046     tupleGroup.add_option ('--numEvents2', dest='numEvents2', type='int',
00047                            default=0,
00048                            help="number of events for second file")
00049     tupleGroup.add_option ('--alias', dest='alias', type='string',
00050                            action='append',
00051                            help="Change alias ('tuple:object:alias')")
00052     tupleGroup.add_option ('--label', dest='label', type='string',
00053                            action='append',
00054                            help="Change label ('tuple^object^label')")
00055     tupleGroup.add_option ('--changeVariable', dest='changeVar', type='string',
00056                            action='append',
00057                            help="Change variable filling "
00058                            "('tuple:objName:varName:def')")
00059     # options group
00060     optionsGroup.add_option ('--config', dest='config', type='string',
00061                              default='config.txt',
00062                              help="Configuration file (default: '%default')")
00063     optionsGroup.add_option ('--printEvent', dest='printEvent',
00064                              action='store_true',
00065                              help='Prints loaded event to screen')
00066     optionsGroup.add_option ('--printGlobal', dest='printGlobal',
00067                              action='store_true',
00068                              help='Prints out global information' +
00069                              ' (for development)')
00070     optionsGroup.add_option ('--blur1', dest='blur', type='float',
00071                              default=0.,
00072                              help="Randomly changes values by 'BLUR'  " +\
00073                              "from tuple1.  For debugging only.")
00074     optionsGroup.add_option ('--blurRate', dest='blurRate', type='float',
00075                              default=0.02,
00076                              help="Rate at which objects will be changed. " + \
00077                              "(%default default)")
00078     optionsGroup.add_option ('--compRoot', dest='compRoot', type='string',
00079                              default='',
00080                              help="Write out root file for file comparisons")
00081     optionsGroup.add_option ('--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true',
00082                              help="Print debugging information")
00083     optionsGroup.add_option ('--strictPairing', dest='strictPairing',
00084                              action='store_true',
00085                              help="Objects are paired uniquely by order in collection")
00086     optionsGroup.add_option ('--relative', dest='relative',
00087                              action='store_true', default=True,
00088                              help='Precision is checked against relative difference')
00089     optionsGroup.add_option ('--absolute', dest='relative',
00090                              action='store_false',
00091                              help='Precision is checked against absolute difference')
00092     optionsGroup.add_option 
00093     parser.add_option_group (modeGroup)
00094     parser.add_option_group (tupleGroup)
00095     parser.add_option_group (optionsGroup)
00096     (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
00097     from Validation.Tools.GenObject import *
00098     ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch()
00100     lenArgs = len (args)
00101     if lenArgs >= 1:
00102         options.config = args[0]
00103     if lenArgs >= 2:
00104         options.file1  = args[1]
00105     if lenArgs == 3:
00106         options.file2  = args[2]
00107     if lenArgs > 3:
00108         raise RuntimeError, "Too many arguments"
00110     # Here we go
00111     random.seed( os.getpid() )
00112     GenObject.loadConfigFile (options.config)
00113     ROOT.gSystem.Load("")
00114     ROOT.AutoLibraryLoader.enable()
00115     # Let's parse any args
00116     doubleColonRE = re.compile (r'(.+):(.+):(.+)')
00117     if options.alias:
00118         for arg in options.alias:
00119             aliasMatch = doubleColonRE.match (arg)
00120             if aliasMatch:
00121                 print "aM", aliasMatch
00122                 GenObject.changeAlias ( (1),
00123                               (2),
00124                               (3))
00125                 continue
00126             # if we're here, then we have an argument that we don't understand
00127             raise RuntimeError, "Unknown alias format '%s'" % arg
00128     tripleColonRE = re.compile (r'(.+):(.+):(.+):(.+)')
00129     if options.changeVar:
00130         for arg in options.changeVar:
00131             changeMatch = tripleColonRE.match (arg)
00132             if changeMatch:
00133                 GenObject.changeVariable ( (1),
00134                                  (2),
00135                                 (3),
00136                                  (4))
00137                 continue
00138             # if we're here, then we have an argument that we don't understand
00139             raise RuntimeError, "Unknown changeVar format '%s'" % arg
00140     if options.label:
00141         for label in options.label:            
00142             pieces = label.split('^')
00143             if len (pieces) != 3:
00144                 raise RuntimeError, "Can't process label command '%s'" \
00145                       % options.label
00146             GenObject.changeLabel (*pieces)
00147     # We don't want to use options beyond the main code, so let the
00148     # kitchen sink know what we want
00149     GenObject.setGlobalFlag ('printEvent',    options.printEvent)
00150     GenObject.setGlobalFlag ('debug',         options.debug)
00151     GenObject.setGlobalFlag ('relative',      options.relative)
00152     GenObject.setGlobalFlag ('strictPairing', options.strictPairing)
00153     if options.blur:
00154         GenObject.setGlobalFlag ('blur',      options.blur)
00155         GenObject.setGlobalFlag ('blurRate',  options.blurRate)
00156     # take care of any 'double' options now
00157     if options.tuple:
00158         options.tuple1 = options.tuple2 = options.tuple
00159     if options.file:
00160         options.file1 = options.file2 = options.file
00161     if options.numEvents:
00162         options.numEvents1 = options.numEvents2 = options.numEvents
00163     if
00164         # Compare two files
00165         chain1 = GenObject.prepareTuple (options.tuple1, options.file1,
00166                                          options.numEvents1)
00167         chain2 = GenObject.prepareTuple (options.tuple2, options.file2,
00168                                          options.numEvents2)
00169         problems = \
00170                  GenObject.compareTwoTrees (chain1, chain2,
00171                                             diffOutputName = options.compRoot)
00172         print "Summary"
00173         pprint.pprint (problems)
00174     if options.saveAs:
00175         chain1 = GenObject.prepareTuple (options.tuple1, options.file1,
00176                                          options.numEvents1)
00177         GenObject.saveTupleAs (chain1, options.saveAs)
00178     if options.printTuple:
00179         print "printing tuple"
00180         GenObject.setGlobalFlag ('printEvent', True)
00181         chain1 = GenObject.prepareTuple (options.tuple1, options.file1,
00182                                          options.numEvents1)
00183         GenObject.printTuple (chain1)
00184         #GenObject.saveTupleAs (chain1, options.saveAs)
00185     if options.printGlobal:
00186         GenObject.printGlobal()
00187     if options.interactive:
00188         chain1 = chain2 = 0
00189         if len (options.file1):
00190             chain1 = GenObject.prepareTuple (options.tuple1, options.file1,
00191                                              options.numEvents1)
00192         if len (options.file2):
00193             chain2 = GenObject.prepareTuple (options.tuple2, options.file2)
00194         #############################################
00195         ## Load and save command line history when ##
00196         ## running interactively.                  ##
00197         #############################################
00198         import os, readline
00199         import atexit
00200         historyPath = os.path.expanduser("~/.pyhistory")
00202         def save_history (historyPath=historyPath):
00203             import readline
00204             readline.write_history_file(historyPath)
00205             if os.path.exists(historyPath):
00206                 readline.read_history_file(historyPath)
00208         atexit.register(save_history)
00209         readline.parse_and_bind("set show-all-if-ambiguous on")
00210         readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
00211         if os.path.exists (historyPath) :
00212             readline.read_history_file(historyPath)
00213             readline.set_history_length(-1)