
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #
00002 # iov info server backend
00003 #
00004 #  it assumes that all magic and incantations are done...
00005 #
00006 import time
00007 import pluginCondDBPyInterface as CondDB
00009 class WhatDescription :
00010        def __init__(self,w) :
00011               self.__me = w
00012               self.__ret ={}
00013        def describe(self) :
00014               _w = self.__me
00015               _atts = (att for att in dir(self.__me) if not (att[0]=='_' or att[0:4]=='set_' or att[0:6]=='descr_'))
00016               for _att in _atts:
00017                      exec('_a=_w.'+_att+'()')
00018                      if (_a.__class__==CondDB.VInt):
00019                             if(hasattr(self.__me,'descr_'+_att)) :
00020                                    self.multiple(_att)
00021                             else :
00022                                    self.commaSeparated(_att)
00023                      else :
00024                             self.single(_att,_a)
00025               return self.__ret
00027        def single(self,att,a) :
00028               self.__ret[att]=('single',[val for val in dir(a) if not (val[0]=='_' or val=='name'or val=='values')])
00030        def multiple(self,att) :
00031               _w = self.__me
00032               exec('_d=_w.descr_'+att+'()')
00033               self.__ret[att]=('multiple',[val for val in _d])
00035        def commaSeparated(self,att) :
00036               self.__ret[att]=('commaSeparated',[])
00039 def extractorWhat(db, tag) :
00040        exec('import '+db.moduleName(tag)+' as Plug')
00041        ret ={}
00042        w =  WhatDescription(Plug.What())
00043        return w.describe()
00045 def setWhat(w,ret) :
00046        for key in ret.keys():
00047               _val = ret[key]
00048               if (type(_val)==type([])) :
00049                      _vi = CondDB.VInt()
00050                      for i in _val :
00051                             _vi.append(i)
00052                      exec ('w.set_'+key+'(_vi)')
00053               else :
00054                      exec ('w.set_'+key+'(w.'+key+'().'+ret[key]+')')
00055        return w
00058 class Iov :
00059        def __init__(self, db, tag, since=0, till=0, head=0, tail=0) :
00060            self.__db = db
00061            self.__tag = tag
00062            try : 
00063                self.__modName = db.moduleName(tag)
00064                exec('import '+self.__modName+' as Plug')
00065            except RuntimeError :
00066                self.__modName = 0
00067            self.__me = db.iov(tag)
00068            if (till) : self.__me.setRange(since,till)
00069            if (head) : self.__me.head(head)
00070            if (tail) : self.__me.tail(tail)
00072        def list(self) :
00073            ret = []
00074            for elem in self.__me.elements :
00075                ret.append( (elem.payloadToken(), elem.since(), elem.till(),0))
00076            return ret
00078        def payloadSummaries(self):
00079            ret = []
00080            for elem in self.__me.elements:
00081               payloadtoken=elem.payloadToken()
00082               exec('import '+self.__db.moduleName(payloadtoken)+' as Plug')
00083               payload = Plug.Object(self.__db.payLoad(payloadtoken))
00084               ret.append(payload.summary())
00085            return ret
00087        def summaries(self) :
00088            if (self.__modName==0) : return ["no plugin for "  + self.__tag+" no summaries"]
00089            exec('import '+self.__modName+' as Plug')
00090            ret = []
00091            for elem in self.__me.elements :
00092                p = Plug.Object(elem)
00093                ret.append( (elem.payloadToken(), elem.since(), elem.till(), p.summary()))
00094            return ret
00096        def trend(self, what) :
00097            if (self.__modName==0) : return ["no plugin for "  + self.__tag+" no trend"]
00098            exec('import '+self.__modName+' as Plug')
00099            ret = []
00100            w = setWhat(Plug.What(),what)
00101            ex = Plug.Extractor(w)
00102            for elem in self.__me.elements :
00103                p = Plug.Object(elem)
00104                p.extract(ex)
00105                v = [i for i in ex.values()]
00106                ret.append((elem.since(),elem.till(),v))
00107            return ret
00109        def trendinrange(self, what, head, tail) :
00110            '''extract trend in the given range. the input parameters are in 64bit integer format. Users should pack the timestamp or lumiid before calling this method
00111            '''
00112            if (self.__modName==0) : return ["no plugin for "  + self.__tag+" no trend"]
00113            exec('import '+self.__modName+' as Plug')
00114            ret = []
00115            w = setWhat(Plug.What(),what)
00116            ex = Plug.Extractor(w)
00118            for elem in self.__me.elements :
00119                   since = elem.since()
00120                   till = elem.till()
00121                   if (head < since < tail) or (since < head < till) or (since < tail < till):
00122                          p = Plug.Object(elem)
00123                          p.extract(ex)
00124                          v = [i for i in ex.values()]
00125                          ret.append((elem.since(),elem.till(),v))
00126            return ret
00128        def timetype(self):
00129            return  self.__me.timetype()
00130        def comment(self):
00131            return self.__me.comment()
00132        def revision(self):
00133            return self.__me.revision()
00134        def timestamp(self):
00135            return  CondDB.unpackTime(self.__me.timestamp())
00136        def payloadContainerName(self):
00137            return self.__me.payloadContainerName()
00138        def payLoad(self, since):
00139            listOfIovElem= [iovElem for iovElem in self.__me.elements if iovElem.since() == since]
00140            IOVElem = listOfIovElem[0]
00141            exec('import '+self.__db.moduleName(IOVElem.payloadToken())+' as Plug')
00142            payload = Plug.Object(IOVElem)
00143            #print payload
00144            return payload
00148 class PayLoad :
00149     def __init__(self, db, token) :
00150         self.__db = db
00151         self.__token = token
00152         exec('import '+db.moduleName(token)+' as Plug')
00154         self.__me = Plug.Object(db.payLoad(token))
00156     def __str__(self) :
00157         return self.__me.dump()
00159     def object(self) :
00160         return self.__me
00162     def summary(self) :
00163         return self.__me.summary()
00165     def dump(self) :
00166         return self.__me.dump()
00168     def plot(self, fname, s, il, fl) :
00169         vi = CondDB.VInt()
00170         vf = CondDB.VFloat()
00171         for i in il:
00172             vi.append(int(i))
00173         for i in fl:
00174             vf.append(float(i))
00175         return self.__me.plot(fname,s,vi,vf)
00177     def trend_plot(self, fname, s, il, fl, sl) :
00178         vi = CondDB.VInt()
00179         vf = CondDB.VFloat()
00180         vs = CondDB.VString()
00181         for i in il:
00182             vi.append(int(i))
00183         for i in fl:
00184             vf.append(float(i))
00185         for i in sl:
00186             vs.append(str(i))
00187         return self.__me.trend_plot(fname,s,vi,vf,vs)
00189     def summary_adv(self, s, il, fl, sl):
00190         #i = int(i)
00191         vi = CondDB.VInt()
00192         vf = CondDB.VFloat()
00193         vs = CondDB.VString()
00194         for i in il:
00195             vi.append(int(i))
00196         for i in fl:
00197             vf.append(float(i))
00198         for i in sl:
00199             vs.append(str(i))
00200         return self.__me.summary_adv(s,vi,vf,vs)
00202     def dumpFile(self, fname, s, il, fl, sl):
00203         vi = CondDB.VInt()
00204         vf = CondDB.VFloat()
00205         vs = CondDB.VString()
00206         for i in il:
00207             vi.append(int(i))
00208         for i in fl:
00209             vf.append(float(i))
00210         for i in sl:
00211             vs.append(str(i))
00212         return self.__me.dumpFile(fname,s,vi,vf,vs)