
Go to the documentation of this file.
00009 #include "Alignment/LaserAlignmentSimulation/interface/MaterialProperties.h"
00010 #include "G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh" 
00012 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00014         MaterialProperties::MaterialProperties(int DebugLevel, double SiAbsLengthScale) 
00015         : theMaterialTable(), theMPDebugLevel(0), 
00016         theSiAbsLengthScalingFactor(0),
00017         theMPT(),
00018         theTECWafer(), theTOBWafer(), theTIBWafer()
00019 {
00020         theMPDebugLevel = DebugLevel;
00021         theSiAbsLengthScalingFactor = SiAbsLengthScale;
00022         /* *********************************************************************** */
00023         /* 
00024         define the materials for the sensitive detectors in TEC, TIB and TOB
00025                 we need this to specify different properties for Barrel and Endcap
00026                 detectors, which is by default no longer possible in CMSSW due to
00027                 the fact that all modules are made out of the same G4Material 
00028         */
00029         /* *********************************************************************** */
00030                 G4double theDensity = 2.33*g/cm3;
00031         G4double theAtomicWeight = 28.09*g/mole;
00032         G4double theAtomicNumber = 14.0;
00034         theTECWafer = new G4Material("TEC_Wafer", theAtomicNumber, theAtomicWeight, theDensity);
00035         theTOBWafer = new G4Material("TOB_Wafer", theAtomicNumber, theAtomicWeight, theDensity);
00036         theTIBWafer = new G4Material("TIB_Wafer", theAtomicNumber, theAtomicWeight, theDensity);
00038         // set the properties of the materials
00039         setMaterialProperties();
00040 }
00042 MaterialProperties::~MaterialProperties()
00043 {
00044         if ( theMPT != 0 )                  { delete theMPT; }
00045         if ( theTECWafer != 0 )             { delete theTECWafer; }
00046         if ( theTOBWafer != 0 )             { delete theTOBWafer; }
00047         if ( theTIBWafer != 0 )             { delete theTIBWafer; }
00048 }
00051 void MaterialProperties::setMaterialProperties()
00052 {
00053         /* *********************************************************************** */
00054         /* 
00055         use this function to define material properties (like refraction
00056                 index, absorptionlenght and so on) and add them to the 
00057                 MaterialPropertiesTable. Finally set the MPT to a give Material.
00058         */
00059         /* *********************************************************************** */
00061         // get the MaterialTable as it is defined in OSCAR (CMSSW now)
00062                 theMaterialTable = G4Material::GetMaterialTable();
00064         /* *********************************************************************** */
00065         /*
00066         with the following code one can access the MaterialTable defined in
00067                 OSCAR. This contains all the materials needed for the CMS detector,
00068                 which are defined in the Geometry and DDD packages. COBRA takes care 
00069                 of the proper conversion between a DDMaterial and a G4Material.
00070         */
00071         /* *********************************************************************** */
00073 //   if (theMPDebugLevel > 1)
00074 //     {
00075                         // print the materialtable
00076                 LogDebug("SimLaserAlignment:MaterialProperties") << " **** here comes the material table **** "
00077                 << *(G4Material::GetMaterialTable());
00078 //     }
00080         // define the MateriapropertiesTable for the Sensitive Regions in the Tracker
00081         // TOB_Wafer, TOB_Silicon, TID_Wafer, TIB_Wafer and TEC_Wafer
00083         const G4int nEntries = 3;
00085         // Photon energies
00086         G4double PhotonEnergy[nEntries] = { 1.10 * eV, 1.15 * eV, 1.20 * eV };
00088         // scintillation
00089         G4double Scintillation[nEntries] = { 0.1, 1.0, 0.1 };
00091         // Refractive Index
00092         G4double RefractiveIndex[nEntries] = { 3.5400, 3.5425, 3.5450 };
00093         // Refractive Index of the Mirrors (BK7)
00094         G4double RefractiveIndexMirror[nEntries] = { 1.50669, 1.50669, 1.50669 };
00096         /* *********************************************************************** */
00097         /*  set the refractive index for the other materials to 1.0. This is       *
00098         *  needed to propagate the optical photons through the detector according *
00099                 *  to Peter Gumplinger.                                                   */
00100         /* *********************************************************************** */
00101                 G4double RefractiveIndexGeneral[nEntries] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
00103         // Absorption Length
00104         // G4double AbsorptionLengthSi[nEntries] = { 198.8 * micrometer, 198.8 * micrometer, 198.8 * micrometer }; ///////////////////////////////////
00105         G4double AbsorptionLengthSi[nEntries] = { 1136 * micrometer, 1136 * micrometer, 1136 * micrometer };
00107         G4double AbsorptionLengthSiBarrel[nEntries] = { 0.1 * fermi, 
00108                 0.1 * fermi, 
00109                 0.1 * fermi };
00112         // Absorption length of the mirrors
00113         G4double AbsorptionLengthMirror[nEntries] = { 11.7 * cm, 0.5 * 11.7 * cm, 11.7 * cm };
00115         // Absorption Length for dead material in the tracker; set to small values
00116         // to kill the optical photons outside the TEC. Maybe this is later a problem
00117         // when implementing Ray 1 to connect both TECs which eachother and with TIB
00118         // and TOB!??
00119         G4double AbsorptionLengthDead[nEntries] = { 0.001 * micrometer, 0.001 * micrometer,
00120                 0.001 * micrometer };
00122         // Absorption Length of the other Materials in the Tracker
00123         G4double AbsorptionLengthGeneral[nEntries] = { 75 * cm, 75 * cm, 75 * cm };
00125         // Absorption Length of the Air in the Tracker
00126         G4double AbsorptionLengthTAir[nEntries] = { 10 * m, 1.8 * m, 10 * m };
00128         G4double AbsorptionLengthAl[nEntries] = { 10 * mm, 10 * mm, 10 * mm};
00129         G4double AbsorptionLengthTOB_CF_Str[nEntries] = { 1 * cm, 10 * cm, 1 * cm };
00130         G4double AbsorptionLengthTOBCF[nEntries] = { 0.1 * mm, 20 * mm, 0.1 * mm };
00131         G4double AbsorptionLengthTIBCF[nEntries] = { 15.0 * cm, 15.0 * cm, 15.0 * cm };
00133         // Reflectivity of the modules
00134         G4double SiReflectivity[nEntries] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
00136         // Efficiency of the modules
00137         G4double TECEfficiency[nEntries] = { 0.9, 0.9, 0.9 };
00138         G4double BarrelEfficiency[nEntries] = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
00140         // Reflectivity of the mirrors in the Alignment Tubes
00141         G4double Reflectivity[nEntries] = { 0.05, 0.05, 0.05 };
00143         /* *********************************************************************** */
00145         /* *********************************************************************** */
00146         /* 
00147         define the materials for the sensitive detectors in TEC, TIB and TOB
00148                 we need this to specify different properties for Barrel and Endcap
00149                 detectors, which is by default no longer possible in CMSSW due to
00150                 the fact that all modules are made out of the same G4Material 
00151         */
00152         /* *********************************************************************** */
00154         // set the options for the materials 
00155         {
00156                 for(G4MaterialTable::const_iterator theMTEntry = theMaterialTable->begin();
00157                 theMTEntry != theMaterialTable->end(); theMTEntry++) 
00158                 {
00159                         if(*theMTEntry)
00160                         {
00161                                 G4Material * theMaterial = const_cast<G4Material*>(*theMTEntry);
00163                                 if (theMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable())
00164                                 { 
00165                                         theMPT = theMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable(); 
00166                                 }
00167                                 else
00168                                 { 
00169                                         theMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable; 
00170                                 }
00172                         // properties of the TEC_Wafer
00173                                 if ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TEC_Wafer" )
00174                                 {
00175                                         theMPT->AddProperty("FASTCOMPONENT", PhotonEnergy, Scintillation, nEntries);
00176                                         theMPT->AddProperty("SLOWCOMPONENT", PhotonEnergy, Scintillation, nEntries);
00177                                         theMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, RefractiveIndex, nEntries);
00178                                         theMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AbsorptionLengthSi, nEntries);
00179                                         theMPT->AddProperty("EFFICIENCY", PhotonEnergy, TECEfficiency, nEntries);
00181                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONYIELD", 12000.0/MeV);
00182                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("RESOLTUIONSCALE", 1.0);
00183                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("FASTTIMECONSTANT", 20.0 * ns);
00184                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("SLOWTIMECONSTANT", 45.0 * ns);
00185                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("YIELDRATIO", 1.0);
00187                 // set the MaterialPropertiesTable
00188                                         theMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(theMPT);
00189                                 }
00191                         // properties of Silicon (used as Module Material in CMSSW)
00192                                 else if ( theMaterial->GetName() == "Silicon" )
00193                                 {
00194                                         theMPT->AddProperty("FASTCOMPONENT", PhotonEnergy, Scintillation, nEntries);
00195                                         theMPT->AddProperty("SLOWCOMPONENT", PhotonEnergy, Scintillation, nEntries);
00196                                         theMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, RefractiveIndex, nEntries);
00197                                         theMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AbsorptionLengthSi, nEntries);
00198                                         theMPT->AddProperty("EFFICIENCY", PhotonEnergy, TECEfficiency, nEntries);
00200                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONYIELD", 12000.0/MeV);
00201                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("RESOLTUIONSCALE", 1.0);
00202                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("FASTTIMECONSTANT", 20.0 * ns);
00203                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("SLOWTIMECONSTANT", 45.0 * ns);
00204                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("YIELDRATIO", 1.0);
00206                 // set the MaterialPropertiesTable
00207                                         theMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(theMPT);
00208                                 }
00210                         // properties of the TOB_Wafer, TOB_Silicon, TIB_Wafer
00211                                 else if ( ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_Wafer" ) || 
00212                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TIB_Wafer" ) )
00213                                 {
00214                                         theMPT->AddProperty("FASTCOMPONENT", PhotonEnergy, Scintillation, nEntries);
00215                                         theMPT->AddProperty("SLOWCOMPONENT", PhotonEnergy, Scintillation, nEntries);
00216                                         theMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, RefractiveIndex, nEntries);
00217                                         theMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AbsorptionLengthSiBarrel, nEntries);
00218                                         theMPT->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", PhotonEnergy, SiReflectivity, nEntries);
00219                                         theMPT->AddProperty("EFFICIENCY", PhotonEnergy, BarrelEfficiency, nEntries);
00221                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONYIELD", 12000.0/MeV);
00222                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("RESOLTUIONSCALE", 1.0);
00223                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("FASTTIMECONSTANT", 20.0 * ns);
00224                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("SLOWTIMECONSTANT", 45.0 * ns);
00225                                         theMPT->AddConstProperty("YIELDRATIO", 1.0);
00227                 // set the MaterialPropertiesTable
00228                                         theMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(theMPT);
00229                                 }
00231                         // properties of the TIB_ledge_side
00232                                 else if ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TIB_ledge_side" )
00233                                 {
00234                 // set the refractive index
00235                                         theMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, RefractiveIndexGeneral, nEntries);
00236                                         theMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AbsorptionLengthGeneral, nEntries);
00238                 // set the MaterialPropertiesTable
00239                                         theMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(theMPT);
00240                                 }
00242                         // properties of air
00243                                 else if ( ( theMaterial->GetName() == "T_Air" ) ||
00244                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "Air" ) )
00245                                 {
00246                 // set the refractive index
00247                                         theMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, RefractiveIndexGeneral, nEntries);
00248                 // set the reflectivity
00249                                         theMPT->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", PhotonEnergy, SiReflectivity, nEntries);
00250                 // set the absorptionlength
00251                                         theMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AbsorptionLengthTAir, nEntries);
00253                 // set the MaterialPropertiesTable
00254                                         theMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(theMPT);
00255                                 }
00257                         // properties of some materials in the Barrel
00258                         // used to absorb photons to avoid hits in other TEC
00259                                 else if ( ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TIB_connector" ) ||  
00260                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TIB_cylinder" ) || 
00261                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TID_Connector" ) )
00262                                 {
00263                 // set the refractive index
00264                                         theMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, RefractiveIndexGeneral, nEntries);
00265                 // set the reflectivity
00266                                         theMPT->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", PhotonEnergy, SiReflectivity, nEntries);
00267                 // set the absorptionlength
00268                                         theMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AbsorptionLengthDead, nEntries);
00270                 // set the MaterialPropertiesTable
00271                                         theMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(theMPT);
00272                                 }
00274                         // properties of SiO2; used for the mirrors of the Alignment Tubes
00275                                 else if ( theMaterial->GetName() == "Si O_2" )
00276                                 {
00277                 // set the refractive index
00278                                         theMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy,RefractiveIndexMirror, nEntries);
00279                 //set the absorptionlength
00280                                         theMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AbsorptionLengthMirror, nEntries);
00281                 // set the reflectivity
00282                                         theMPT->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY",PhotonEnergy,Reflectivity, nEntries);
00284                 // set the MaterialPropertiesTable
00285                                         theMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(theMPT);
00286                                 }
00288                         // properties of Aluminium
00289                                 else if ( ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_Aluminium" ) || 
00290                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "Aluminium" ) )
00291                                 {
00292                 // set the refractive index
00293                                         theMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, RefractiveIndexGeneral, nEntries);
00294                 // set the reflectivity
00295                                         theMPT->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", PhotonEnergy, SiReflectivity, nEntries);
00296                 // set the absorptionlength
00297                                         theMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AbsorptionLengthAl, nEntries);
00299                 // set the MaterialPropertiesTable
00300                                         theMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(theMPT);
00301                                 }
00303                         // properties of TOB_CF_Str
00304                                 else if ( ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_CF_Str" ) )
00305                                 {
00306                 // set the refractive index
00307                                         theMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, RefractiveIndexGeneral, nEntries);
00308                 // set the reflectivity
00309                                         theMPT->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", PhotonEnergy, SiReflectivity, nEntries);
00310                 // set the absorptionlength
00311                                         theMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AbsorptionLengthTOB_CF_Str, nEntries);
00313                 // set the MaterialPropertiesTable
00314                                         theMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(theMPT);
00315                                 }
00317                         // some other Tracker materials
00318                                 else if ( ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TID_CF" ) ||
00319                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "Nomex" ) || 
00320                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_Nomex" ) ||
00321                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TID_Nomex" ) ||
00322                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_plate_C" ) ||
00323                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_rod" ) || 
00324                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_cool_DS" ) ||
00325                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_cool_SS" ) ||
00326                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TID_in_cable" ) ||
00327                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_PA_rphi" ) ||
00328                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_frame_ele" ) ||
00329                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_PA_ster" ) ||
00330                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_ICB" ) ||
00331                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_CONN1" ) || 
00332                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_CONN2" ) || 
00333                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_CONN3" ) || 
00334                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_rail" ) ||
00335                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_sid_rail1" ) ||
00336                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TOB_sid_rail2" ) )
00337                                 {
00338                 // set the refractive index
00339                                         theMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, RefractiveIndexGeneral, nEntries);
00340                 // set the reflectivity
00341                                         theMPT->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", PhotonEnergy, SiReflectivity, nEntries);
00342                 // set the absorptionlength
00343                                         theMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AbsorptionLengthTOBCF, nEntries);
00345                 // set the MaterialPropertiesTable
00346                                         theMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(theMPT);
00347                                 }
00349                         // properties of some TIB materials
00350                                 else if ( ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TIB_CF" ) || 
00351                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TIB_cables_ax_out" ) ||
00352                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TIB_outer_supp" ) ||
00353                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TIB_PA_rphi" ) ||
00354                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TIB_rail" ) ||
00355                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TIB_sid_rail1" ) ||
00356                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TIB_sid_rail2" ) ||
00357                                         ( theMaterial->GetName() == "TIB_mod_cool" ) )
00358                                 {
00359                 // set the refractive index
00360                                         theMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, RefractiveIndexGeneral, nEntries);
00361                 // set the reflectivity
00362                                         theMPT->AddProperty("REFLECTIVITY", PhotonEnergy, SiReflectivity, nEntries);
00363                 // set the absorptionlength
00364                                         theMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AbsorptionLengthTIBCF, nEntries);
00366                 // set the MaterialPropertiesTable
00367                                         theMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(theMPT);
00368                                 }
00370                         // properties of all other materials in the detector
00371                                 else
00372                                 {
00373                 // set the refractive index
00374                                         theMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, RefractiveIndexGeneral, nEntries);
00375                 // set the absorptionlength
00376                                         theMPT->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", PhotonEnergy, AbsorptionLengthGeneral, nEntries);
00378                 // set the MaterialPropertiesTable
00379                                         theMaterial->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(theMPT);
00380                                 }
00382                         }
00383                 }
00384         }
00386         // loop over the logical volumes and set the material for the sensitive detectors
00387                 const G4LogicalVolumeStore * theLogicalVolumeStore = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance();
00388         std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::const_iterator theLogicalVolume;
00390         for ( theLogicalVolume = theLogicalVolumeStore->begin(); theLogicalVolume != theLogicalVolumeStore->end(); theLogicalVolume++ )
00391         {
00392                 if ( ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TECModule0StereoActive" ) ||
00393                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TECModule0RphiActive" ) ||
00394                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TECModule1StereoActive" ) ||
00395                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TECModule1RphiActive" ) ||
00396                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TECModule2RphiActive" ) ||
00397                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TECModule3RphiActive" ) ||
00398                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TECModule4StereoActive" ) ||
00399                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TECModule4RphiActive" ) ||
00400                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TECModule5RphiActive" ) ||
00401                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TECModule6RphiActive" ) )
00402                 {
00403                 // set the material
00404                         (*theLogicalVolume)->SetMaterial(theTECWafer);
00406                         if (theMPDebugLevel > 2)
00407                         {
00408                                 std::cout << "  AC1CMS: found a logical volume: " << (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() << std::endl;
00409                                 std::cout << "  AC1CMS: the logical volume material = " << (*theLogicalVolume)->GetMaterial()->GetName() << std::endl;
00410                                 std::cout << "  AC1CMS: the MaterialPropertiesTable = " << std::endl;
00411                                 (*theLogicalVolume)->GetMaterial()->GetMaterialPropertiesTable()->DumpTable();
00412                         }
00413                 }
00414                 else if ( ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TOBActiveSter0" ) ||
00415                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TOBActiveRphi0" ) ||
00416                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TOBActiveRphi2" ) ||
00417                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TOBActiveRphi4" ) )
00418                 {
00419                 // set the material
00420                         (*theLogicalVolume)->SetMaterial(theTOBWafer);
00422                         if (theMPDebugLevel > 2)
00423                         {
00424                                 std::cout << "  AC1CMS: found a logical volume: " << (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() << std::endl;
00425                                 std::cout << "  AC1CMS: the logical volume material = " << (*theLogicalVolume)->GetMaterial()->GetName() << std::endl;
00426                                 std::cout << "  AC1CMS: the MaterialPropertiesTable = " << std::endl;
00427                                 (*theLogicalVolume)->GetMaterial()->GetMaterialPropertiesTable()->DumpTable();
00428                         }
00429                 }
00430                 else if ( ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TIBActiveSter0" ) ||
00431                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TIBActiveRphi0" ) ||
00432                         ( (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() == "TIBActiveRphi2" ) )
00433                 {
00434                 // set the material
00435                         (*theLogicalVolume)->SetMaterial(theTIBWafer);
00437                         if (theMPDebugLevel > 2)
00438                         {
00439                                 std::cout << "  AC1CMS: found a logical volume: " << (*theLogicalVolume)->GetName() << std::endl;
00440                                 std::cout << "  AC1CMS: the logical volume material = " << (*theLogicalVolume)->GetMaterial()->GetName() << std::endl;
00441                                 std::cout << "  AC1CMS: the MaterialPropertiesTable = " << std::endl;
00442                                 (*theLogicalVolume)->GetMaterial()->GetMaterialPropertiesTable()->DumpTable();
00443                         }
00444                 }
00445         }
00446 }