
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 #
00004 # Ecal part
00005 #
00006 from RecoLocalCalo.Configuration.ecalLocalRecoSequenceCosmics_cff import *
00007 from RecoLocalCalo.EcalRecAlgos.EcalSeverityLevelESProducer_cfi import *
00009 #defines a sequence ecalLocalRecoSequence
00010 #
00011 # Hcal part
00012 #
00013 # calo geometry
00014 #
00015 # changed by tommaso. now the calibrations are read from Configuration/StaqndardSequences/data/*Conditions.cff
00016 #
00017 # HCAL calibrations
00018 #include "CalibCalorimetry/HcalPlugins/data/hardwired_conditions.cfi"
00019 #HCAL reconstruction
00020 from RecoLocalCalo.Configuration.hcalLocalReco_cff import *
00021 #
00022 # sequence CaloLocalReco and CaloGlobalReco
00023 #
00024 calolocalreco = cms.Sequence(ecalLocalRecoSequence+hcalLocalRecoSequence)
00025 hbheprereco.firstSample = 1
00026 hbheprereco.samplesToAdd = 8
00027 hbheprereco.correctForTimeslew = True
00028 hbheprereco.correctForPhaseContainment = True
00029 hbheprereco.correctionPhaseNS = 10.0
00030 horeco.firstSample = 1
00031 horeco.samplesToAdd = 8
00032 horeco.correctForTimeslew = True
00033 horeco.correctForPhaseContainment = True
00034 horeco.correctionPhaseNS = 10.
00035 hfreco.firstSample = 1
00036 hfreco.samplesToAdd = 8
00037 hfreco.correctForTimeslew = True
00038 hfreco.correctForPhaseContainment = True
00039 hfreco.correctionPhaseNS = 10.
00040 #--- special temporary DB-usage unsetting 
00041 hbheprereco.tsFromDB = False
00042 hfreco.tsFromDB = False
00043 horeco.tsFromDB = False
00044 #zdcreco.firstSample = 1
00045 #zdcreco.samplesToAdd = 8
00046 zdcreco.correctForTimeslew = True
00047 zdcreco.correctForPhaseContainment = True
00048 zdcreco.correctionPhaseNS = 10.
00049 #caloglobalreco = cms.Sequence(hcalGlobalRecoSequence)
00051 #
00052 # R.Ofierzynski (29.Oct.2009): add NZS sequence
00053 #
00054 from RecoLocalCalo.Configuration.hcalLocalRecoNZS_cff import *
00055 calolocalrecoNZS = cms.Sequence(ecalLocalRecoSequence+hcalLocalRecoSequence+hcalLocalRecoSequenceNZS)