RPCDetId Member List

This is the complete list of members for RPCDetId, including all inherited members.
buildfromDB(int region, int ring, int layer, int sector, const std::string &subsector, const std::string &roll, const std::string &dbname)RPCDetId
buildfromTrIndex(int trIndex)RPCDetId
Calo enum valueDetId
chamberId() const RPCDetId [inline]
chamberIdMask_RPCDetId [private, static]
det() const DetId [inline]
Detector enum nameDetId
DetId()DetId [inline]
DetId(uint32_t id)DetId [inline]
DetId(Detector det, int subdet)DetId [inline]
Ecal enum valueDetId
Hcal enum valueDetId
id_DetId [protected]
init(int region, int ring, int station, int sector, int layer, int subsector, int roll)RPCDetId [private]
kDetOffsetDetId [static]
kSubdetOffsetDetId [static]
layer() const RPCDetId [inline]
LayerMask_RPCDetId [private, static]
LayerNumBits_RPCDetId [private, static]
LayerStartBit_RPCDetId [private, static]
maxLayerIdRPCDetId [static]
maxRegionIdRPCDetId [static]
maxRingBarrelIdRPCDetId [static]
maxRingForwardIdRPCDetId [static]
maxRollIdRPCDetId [static]
maxSectorBarrelIdRPCDetId [static]
maxSectorForwardIdRPCDetId [static]
maxSectorIdRPCDetId [static]
maxStationIdRPCDetId [static]
maxSubSectorBarrelIdRPCDetId [static]
maxSubSectorForwardIdRPCDetId [static]
maxSubSectorIdRPCDetId [static]
minLayerIdRPCDetId [static]
minRegionIdRPCDetId [static]
minRingBarrelIdRPCDetId [static]
minRingForwardIdRPCDetId [static]
minRollIdRPCDetId [static]
minSectorBarrelIdRPCDetId [static]
minSectorForwardIdRPCDetId [static]
minSectorIdRPCDetId [static]
minStationIdRPCDetId [static]
minSubSectorBarrelIdRPCDetId [static]
minSubSectorForwardIdRPCDetId [static]
minSubSectorIdRPCDetId [static]
Muon enum valueDetId
null() const DetId [inline]
operator uint32_t() const DetId [inline]
operator!=(DetId id) const DetId [inline]
operator()() const DetId [inline]
operator<(const RPCDetId &r) const RPCDetId [inline]
DetId::operator<(DetId id) const DetId [inline]
operator==(DetId id) const DetId [inline]
rawId() const DetId [inline]
region() const RPCDetId [inline]
RegionMask_RPCDetId [private, static]
RegionNumBits_RPCDetId [private, static]
RegionStartBit_RPCDetId [private, static]
ring() const RPCDetId [inline]
RingBarrelOffSetRPCDetId [static]
RingMask_RPCDetId [private, static]
RingNumBits_RPCDetId [private, static]
RingStartBit_RPCDetId [private, static]
roll() const RPCDetId [inline]
RollMask_RPCDetId [private, static]
RollNumBits_RPCDetId [private, static]
RollStartBit_RPCDetId [private, static]
RPCDetId(uint32_t id)RPCDetId
RPCDetId(DetId id)RPCDetId
RPCDetId(int region, int ring, int station, int sector, int layer, int subsector, int roll)RPCDetId
sector() const RPCDetId [inline]
SectorMask_RPCDetId [private, static]
SectorNumBits_RPCDetId [private, static]
SectorStartBit_RPCDetId [private, static]
station() const RPCDetId [inline]
StationMask_RPCDetId [private, static]
StationNumBits_RPCDetId [private, static]
StationStartBit_RPCDetId [private, static]
subdetId() const DetId [inline]
subsector() const RPCDetId [inline]
SubSectorMask_RPCDetId [private, static]
SubSectorNumBits_RPCDetId [private, static]
SubSectorStartBit_RPCDetId [private, static]
Tracker enum valueDetId
trindRPCDetId [private]
trIndex() const RPCDetId [inline]