Pythia6jets::_pythia6jets | |
python::Vispa::Main::AboutDialog::AboutDialog | |
python::Vispa::Main::AbstractTab::AbstractTab | |
python::Vispa::Views::AbstractView::AbstractView | |
pat::eventhypothesis::AcceptAllFilter | |
photonTools::AddPhotonUserIsolation | |
pat::helper::AddUserCand | |
pat::helper::AddUserFloat | |
pat::helper::AddUserInt | |
pat::helper::AddUserPtr | |
pat::eventhypothesis::AndFilter | |
python::Vispa::Main::Application::Application | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::ToolDataAccessor::ApplyTool | |
PhysicsTools::AtomicId | Cheap generic unique keyword identifier class |
pat::helper::BaseIsolator | |
python::Vispa::Share::BasicDataAccessor::BasicDataAccessor | |
python::Vispa::Share::BasicDataAccessor::BasicDataAccessorInterface | |
pat::helper::BasicOverlapTest | |
pyrootRender::batchRender | |
PixelToFEDAssociateFromAscii::Bdu | |
pat::DuplicatedElectronRemover::BestEoverP | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::BitSet | |
PhysicsTools::BitSet | A compact container for storing single bits |
pat::bJetSelector | |
PhysicsTools::TreeReader::Bool | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::BooleanProperty | |
python::Vispa::Gui::BoxContentDialog::BoxContentDialog | |
python::Vispa::Views::BoxDecayView::BoxDecayContainer | |
python::Vispa::Views::BoxDecayView::BoxDecayView | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::EdmDataAccessor::BranchDummy | |
perftools::EdmEventSize::BranchRecord | Information for each branch |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::BranchTableView::BranchTableView | |
PGlobalSimHit::BrlHit | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::Browser::BrowserPlugin::BrowserPlugin | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::Browser::BrowserTab::BrowserTab | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::Browser::BrowserTabController::BrowserTabController | |
pat::eventhypothesis::ByPdgId | |
pat::EventHypothesis::ByRole | |
pat::eventhypothesis::ByString | |
PixelToFEDAssociate::CablingRocId | |
PGlobalSimHit::CalHit | |
pftools::CalibCompare | |
pftools::Calibratable | Wraps essential single particle calibration data ready for export to a Root file |
pftools::CalibratableElement | Small wrapper class for storing individual rechit and cluster information |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainer::CalibratedProcessor | |
pftools::CalibrationResultWrapper | A small class designed to hold the result of a calibration of a SingleParticleWrapper |
pftools::Calibrator | Abstract base class for Particle Flow calibration algorithms |
pftools::CaloBox | |
pftools::CaloEllipse | |
pat::CaloIsolationEnergy | Calculates a lepton's calorimetric isolation energy |
pat::CaloJetSelector | Selects good Jets |
pftools::CaloRing | |
CaloSimParameters | Main class for Parameters in different subdetectors |
pat::tau::CaloSpecific | Structure to hold information specific to a CaloTau inside a pat::Tau |
pftools::CaloWindow | |
pat::CandidateSummaryTable | Produce a summary table of some candidate collections |
pftools::CandidateWrapper | Small wrapper class to store information associated with PFCandidates |
pat::CandKinResolution | |
python::editorTools::ChangeSource | |
PFTauDiscriminants::ChargedOutlierAngle | |
PFTauDiscriminants::ChargedOutlierPt | |
PFTauDiscriminants::ChargedOutlierSumPt | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::ClosableProperty | |
pixeltemp::Cluster1DCleaner< T > | |
pixeltemp::Cluster1DMerger< T > | |
python::cmscompleter::CMSCompleter | |
python::cmstools::cmserror | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::CodeTableView::CodeTableView | |
ParabolaFit::Column | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::ComboBoxReturn | |
pat::CompositeCandidate | Analysis-level particle class |
PFTauDecayModeCutMultiplexer::ComputerAndCut | |
PhysicsTools::VarProcessor::Config | Helper class for discriminator computer set-up procedure |
pat::VertexAssociationSelector::Config | |
PhysicsTools::VarProcessor::ConfigCtx | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::ConfigDataAccessor::ConfigDataAccessor | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::ConfigEditorBoxView::ConfigEditorBoxView | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::ConfigEditorPlugin::ConfigEditorPlugin | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::ConfigEditorTab::ConfigEditorTab | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::ConfigEditorTabController::ConfigEditorTabController | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::ConfigDataAccessor::ConfigFolder | |
python::ConfigToolBase::ConfigToolBase | |
python::Vispa::Gui::ConnectableWidget::ConnectableWidget | |
python::Vispa::Gui::ConnectableWidgetOwner::ConnectableWidgetOwner | |
python::Vispa::Gui::PortConnection::PointToPointConnection::ConnectionDirection | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::ConfigEditorBoxView::ConnectionStructureView | |
poly< T >::const_iterator | |
PhysicsTools::VarProcessor::ConfigCtx::Context | |
pat::Flags::Core | |
python::Vispa::Gui::PortConnection::PointToPointConnection::CornerType | |
PMuonSimHit::CSC | |
PGlobalRecHit::CSCRecHit | |
PGlobalDigi::CSCstripDigi | |
PGlobalDigi::CSCwireDigi | |
PFTauDiscriminants::Dalitz | |
python::XML2Python::DataNode | |
python::DBCopy::DBCopy | |
python::DBImpl::DBImpl | |
python::Vispa::Views::LineDecayView::DecayLine | |
PFTauDiscriminants::DecayMode | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByHPSSelection::DecayModeCuts | |
python::Vispa::Views::LineDecayView::DecayNode | |
python::Vispa::Views::LineDecayView::DecayObject | |
pftools::Deposition | This class holds an arbitrary energy deposition, specified in terms of angular position, energy, depth (optional) and detector element type |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputer::DerivContext | |
pftools::DetectorElement | Represents an energy-measuring region of our detector |
PixelToFEDAssociate::DetectorRocId | |
python::diff_provenance::difference | |
python::diffProv::difference | |
pat::DiObjectProxy | |
PFTauSelectorDefinition::DiscCutPair | |
PFTauDiscriminants::Discriminant | |
PFTauDiscriminants::DiscriminantBase< T > | |
PFTauMVAInputDiscriminantTranslator::DiscriminantInfo | |
PFTauDiscriminants::DiscriminantList | |
PlotAllDisplay::DisplayElecSetup | |
PlotAllDisplay::DisplaySetupStruct | |
pixeltemp::DivisiveClusterizer1D< T > | |
python::DOTExport::DotExport | |
python::DOTExport::DotProducer | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::DoubleProperty | |
popcon::DQMHistoryPopConHandler< U > | |
popcon::DQMReferenceHistogramRootFileSourceHandler | |
popcon::DQMSummarySourceHandler | |
popcon::DQMXMLFileSourceHandler | |
python::Vispa::Gui::PortConnection::PointToPointConnection::DrawOrientation | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::DropDownProperty | |
PMuonSimHit::DT | |
PGlobalDigi::DTDigi | |
PGlobalRecHit::DTRecHit | |
python::HiggsValidation_cff::dummy | |
PhysicsTools::VarProcessor::Dummy | |
PhysicsTools::TrainProcessor::Dummy | |
PFTauMVAInputDiscriminatorTranslator_cfi::Dummy | |
pat::DuplicatedElectronCleaner | Remove duplicates from the list of electrons |
pat::DuplicatedElectronRemover | |
pat::DuplicatedPhotonRemover | |
pat::eventhypothesis::DynCastCandPtr< T > | |
pat::eventhypothesis::DynCastCandPtr< reco::Candidate > | |
popcon::EcalChannelStatusHandler | |
popcon::EcalDAQHandler | |
popcon::EcalDCSHandler | |
PGlobalDigi::ECalDigi | |
popcon::EcalIntercalibHandler | |
popcon::EcalLaserHandler | |
popcon::EcalPedestalsHandler | |
PGlobalRecHit::ECalRecHit | |
popcon::EcalTPGBadTTHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGBadXTHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGFineGrainEBGroupHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGFineGrainEBIdMapHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGFineGrainStripEEHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGFineGrainTowerEEHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGLinConstHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGLutGroupHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGLutIdMapHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGPedestalsHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGPhysicsConstHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGSlidingWindowHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGWeightGroupHandler | |
popcon::EcalTPGWeightIdMapHandler | |
prof2calltree::EdgeCount | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::EdmBrowserBoxView::EdmBrowserBoxView | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::EdmBrowserPlugin::EdmBrowserPlugin | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::EdmBrowserTab::EdmBrowserTab | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::EdmBrowserTabController::EdmBrowserTabController | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::EdmDataAccessor::EdmDataAccessor | |
perftools::EdmEventSize | |
PixelToFEDAssociateFromAscii::Edu | |
pat::helper::EfficiencyLoader | |
pat::Electron | Analysis-level electron class |
pf2pat::ElectronIDPFCandidateSelectorDefinition | Selects PFCandidates basing on cuts provided with string cut parser |
pat::ElectronSelection | Structure defining the electron selection |
pat::ElectronSelector | Selects good electrons |
python::entryComment::entryComment | |
pat::DuplicatedPhotonRemover::EqualBySuperCluster | |
pat::DuplicatedPhotonRemover::EqualBySuperClusterSeed | |
pftools::Erl_mlp | |
perftools::EdmEventSize::Error | Generic exception |
PGlobalDigi::ESCalDigi | |
PFTauDiscriminants::Eta | |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputer::EvalContext | |
python::cmstools::Event | |
python::cmstools::EventBranch | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EventBrowser::EventBrowserPlugin::EventBrowserPlugin | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EventBrowser::EventBrowserTabController::EventBrowserTabController | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::EventContentDataAccessor::EventContentDataAccessor | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::EventContentDialog::EventContentDialog | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::EventContentView::EventContentView | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EventBrowser::EventFileAccessor::EventFileAccessor | |
pat::EventHypothesis | |
pf2pat::EventHypothesis | |
python::Events | ################## ## ## ############ ## ## ## ## Events ## ## ## ## ############ ## ## ################## ## |
python::cmstools::EventTree | |
popcon::Exception | |
pftools::Exercises3 | |
python::exporter::exporter | |
PhysicsTools::ProcessRegistry< Base_t, CalibBase_t, Parent_t >::Factory | Factory helper class to instantiate a processor |
popcon::RPCEMapSourceHandler::FEBStruct | |
PixelRecoUtilities::FieldAt0 | |
python::FileExportPlugin::FileExportPlugin | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::FileProperty | |
python::read_provenance::filereader | |
python::readProv::filereader | |
python::Vispa::Main::Filetype::Filetype | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::FileVectorProperty | |
PFTauDiscriminants::FilteredObjectPt | |
python::Vispa::Share::FindAlgorithm::FindAlgorithm | |
python::Vispa::Gui::FindDialog::FindDialog | |
pat::Flags | Flags used in PAT, and static translator from flags to strings |
python::Vispa::Gui::Header::FrameWithHeader | |
profilereader::FunctionInfo | |
PGlobalSimHit::FwdHit | |
PFRecoTauDecayModeDeterminator::gammaMatchContainer | |
PFTauDiscriminants::GammaOccupancy | |
PFTauDiscriminants::GammaPt | |
pat::GenericDuplicateRemover< Comparator, Arbitrator > | |
pat::GenericOverlapFinder< Distance > | |
pat::GenericParticle | Analysis-level Generic Particle class (e.g. for hadron or muon not fully reconstructed) |
pf2pat::GenericPFCandidateSelectorDefinition | Selects PFCandidates basing on cuts provided with string cut parser |
pat::PATGenCandsFromSimTracksProducer::GlobalContext | Global context for all recursive methods |
sipixelobjects::GlobalPixel | Global coordinates (row and column in DetUnit, as in PixelDigi) |
python::Handle | ################## ## ## ############ ## ## ## ## Handle ## ## ## ## ############ ## ## ################## ## |
pat::HardEventHypothesis | HardEventHypothesis is a pure virtual base class to implement a "hard" event hypothesis class |
PGlobalDigi::HCalDigi | |
PGlobalRecHit::HCalRecHit | |
python::Vispa::Gui::Header::Header | |
pat::HeavyIon | |
pat::Hemisphere | |
perftools::detail::Hist | |
python::rootplot::root2matplotlib::Hist | |
python::rootplot::utilities::Hist | |
python::rootplot::root2matplotlib::Hist2D | Define classes |
python::rootplot::utilities::Hist2D | Define classes |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::Histogram< Value_t, Axis_t > | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::Histogram2D< Value_t, AxisX_t, AxisY_t > | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::Histogram3D< Value_t, AxisX_t, AxisY_t, AxisZ_t > | |
python::rootplot::root2matplotlib::HistStack | |
python::rootplot::utilities::HistStack | |
PHcalTB06Info::Hit | |
PTrackerSimHit::Hit | |
python::HTMLExport::HTMLExport | |
python::IdGenerator::IdGenerator | |
python::Vispa::Share::ImageExporter::ImageExporter | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::ToolDataAccessor::ImportTool | |
pat::strbitset::index_type | |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputer::InputVar | Input variable configuration object |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::IntegerProperty | |
pyrootRender::interactiveRender | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::Interceptor | |
PhysicsTools::Interceptor | |
PFTauDiscriminants::InvariantMass | |
PFTauDiscriminants::InvariantMassOfSignal | |
PFTauDiscriminants::InvariantMassOfSignalWithFiltered | |
pftools::IO | |
python::iovInspector::Iov | |
pf2pat::IPCutPFCandidateSelectorDefinition | Selects PFCandidates basing on their compatibility with vertex |
pat::helper::IsoDepositIsolator | |
reco::IsolatedPFCandidate | Particle reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm |
pf2pat::IsolatedPFCandidateSelectorDefinition | |
pat::Flags::Isolation | |
PGeometricDet::Item | |
PGeometricDetExtra::Item | |
PXsensors::Item | |
PixelDCSObject< T >::Item | |
Pedestals::Item | |
PixelBarrelLinkMaker::Item | |
PixelEndcapLinkMaker::Item | |
PhysicsTools::BitSet::Iterator | Iterates over all set bits of a BitSet |
pat::Jet | Analysis-level calorimeter jet class |
PFJetAlgorithm::Jet | |
pat::JetCorrFactors | Class for the storage of jet correction factors |
pat::JetCorrFactorsProducer | Produces a ValueMap between JetCorrFactors and the to the originating reco jets |
pat::JetSelection | |
pat::JetSelector< JetType > | Selects good Jets |
python::JSONExport::JsonExport | |
pat::helper::KinResolutionsLoader | |
popcon::L1RPCHwConfigSourceHandler | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::EventContentView::LabelItem | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::LabelItem | |
python::Node::LeafNode | |
PhysicsTools::LeastSquares | |
pat::Lepton< LeptonType > | Analysis-level lepton class |
pat::LeptonJetIsolationAngle | Calculates a lepton's jet isolation angle |
pat::LeptonVertexSignificance | Calculates a lepton's vertex association significance |
pat::GenPlusSimParticleProducer::LessById | |
pat::PATGenCandsFromSimTracksProducer::LessById | |
PartitionGenerator::LessCollections | |
pftools::LinearCalibrator | |
python::Vispa::Gui::PortConnection::LinearPortConnection | |
python::Vispa::Views::LineDecayView::LineDecayContainer | |
python::Vispa::Views::LineDecayView::LineDecayView | |
pixelrecoutilities::LongitudinalBendingCorrection | |
pat::LookupTableRecord | Class to store the result of a lookup table fetch, e.g. for efficiencies |
pat::eventhypothesis::Looper< T > | |
python::LumiList::LumiList | |
python::Lumis | ################# ## ## ########### ## ## ## ## Lumis ## ## ## ## ########### ## ## ################# ## |
PFTauDiscriminants::MainTrackAngle | |
PFTauDiscriminants::MainTrackPt | |
python::Vispa::Main::MainWindow::MainWindow | |
PhysicsTools::BitSet::Manipulator | Opaque structure for transparent write access to individual bits |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::Matrix | |
python::Vispa::Gui::MenuWidget::MenuWidget | |
pat::MET | Analysis-level MET class |
pat::MHT | |
PhysicsTools::MLP | |
PhysicsTools::TrainerMonitoring::Module | |
python::readProv::filereader::Module | |
python::multivaluedict::mseqdict | |
pat::helper::MultiIsolator | |
python::Vispa::Share::UndoEvent::MultiUndoEvent | |
pat::Muon | Analysis-level muon class |
pf2pat::MuonIDPFCandidateSelectorDefinition | Selects PFCandidates basing on cuts provided with string cut parser |
pat::MuonSelection | Structure defining the muon selection |
pat::MuonSelector | Selects good muons |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::MVAComputer | |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputer | Main interface class to the generic discriminator computer framework |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::MVAComputerContainer | |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputerESSourceBase | |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputerESSourceImpl< RecordType > | |
PFTauMVADiscriminator::MVAComputerFromDB | |
PhysicsTools::MVAModuleHelperDefaultFiller< Object > | Default template for MVAModuleHelper "Filler" template argument |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainer | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerContainer | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerContainerLooperImpl< Record_t > | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerContainerSave | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerContainerSaveImpl< Record_t > | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerFileSave | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerFileSaveImpl< Record_t > | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerLooper | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerLooperImpl< Record_t > | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerSave | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerSaveImpl< Record_t > | |
python::multivaluedict::MyUserList | |
PFTauDiscriminants::NeutralOutlierAngle | |
PFTauDiscriminants::NeutralOutlierPt | |
PFTauDiscriminants::NeutralOutlierSumPt | |
python::Vispa::Main::Exceptions::NoCurrentTabControllerException | |
python::Node::Node | |
prof2calltree::Node | |
python::Vispa::Views::AbstractView::NoneView | |
pat::eventhypothesis::Looper< T >::null_deleter | |
PhysicsTools::TrainerMonitoring::Object | |
pat::ObjectEnergyScale< T > | Energy scale shifting and smearing module |
python::Vispa::Share::ObjectHolder::ObjectHolder | |
pat::ObjectResolutionCalc | Class to calculate MC resolutions for pat objects |
pat::ObjectSpatialResolution< T > | Energy scale shifting and smearing module |
PentiumTime::OneTick | |
python::rootplot::core::Options | Enter batch mode, unless outputting to C macros There is a bug in pyROOT that fails to export colors in batch mode |
PixelBarrelLinkMaker::Order | |
PixelEndcapLinkMaker::Order | |
pat::eventhypothesis::OrFilter | |
PFTauDiscriminants::OutlierAngle | |
PFTauDiscriminants::OutlierMass | |
PFTauDiscriminants::OutlierN | |
PFTauDiscriminants::OutlierNCharged | |
PFTauDiscriminants::OutlierPt | |
PFTauDiscriminants::OutlierSumPt | |
pat::Flags::Overlap | |
pat::OverlapByDeltaR | |
pat::helper::OverlapBySuperClusterSeed | |
pat::OverlapDistance< Comparator > | |
pat::helper::OverlapTest | |
PixelChannelIdentifier::Packing | |
pair | |
PairProductionSimulator | |
PairSelector< S1, S2 > | |
ParabolaFit | |
PixelCPEBase::Param | |
python::ConfigToolBase::parameter | |
parameter | |
reco::modules::ParameterAdapter< pat::VertexAssociationSelector > | Helper struct to convert from ParameterSet to ElectronSelection |
ParameterDescription | |
ParameterDescriptionBase | |
ParameterMgr | |
ParametersDefinerForTP | |
ParametersDefinerForTPESProducer | |
ParameterSet | |
ParameterSetDescription | |
ParameterSetDescriptionFiller | |
ParameterSetDescriptionFillerBase | |
ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory | |
ParametersToParametersDerivatives | |
ParametrisedPhysics | |
ParametrizedMagneticFieldProducer | |
ParametrizedSubtractor | |
ParentParticleFitter | |
parserPerfsuiteMetadata::parserPerfsuiteMetadata | |
pat::Particle | Analysis-level particle class |
ParticleBase | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::ParticleDataList::ParticleData | |
python::Vispa::Share::ParticleDataAccessor::ParticleDataAccessor | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::EdmBrowser::ParticleDataList::ParticleDataList | |
ParticleDecayDrawer | |
python::ParticleDecayDrawer::ParticleDecayDrawer | |
ParticleDecayProducer | |
ParticleDeposit | An object that encapsualtes energy depositions (real, MC or otherwise) made by particle in N DetectorElement objects |
pftools::ParticleDeposit | |
pat::eventhypothesis::ParticleFilter | |
pftools::ParticleFiltrationDecision | Articulates the decision of the ParticleFilter in RecoParticleFlow/PFAnalyses |
ParticleKinematicLinearizedTrackState | |
ParticleKinematicLinearizedTrackStateFactory | |
ParticleListDrawer | Module to analyze the particle listing as provided by common event generators |
ParticlePropagator | |
ParticlePtGreater | |
ParticleTable | |
ParticleTreeDrawer | |
python::Vispa::Views::LineDecayView::ParticleWidget | |
PartitionGenerator | |
PartonJetCorrectionExample | |
PartonQualifier | |
PartonSelector | |
PasswordReader | |
pat_ | |
PatBasicAnalyzer | |
PatBJetTagAnalyzer | |
PatBJetTrackAnalyzer | |
PatBJetVertexAnalyzer | |
PatBTagAnalyzer | |
PatBTagCommonHistos | |
pat::PATCleaner< PATObjType > | PAT Cleaner module for PAT Objects |
pat::PATCompositeCandidateProducer | Produces the pat::CompositeCandidate |
PatElectronAnalyzer | |
pat::PATElectronProducer | Produces pat::Electron's |
pat::PATGenericParticleProducer | Produces the pat::GenericParticle |
profilereader::Path | |
PATHeavyIonProducer | |
PATHemisphereProducer | |
PathTimerInserter | |
PathToPlane2Order | |
PathTracker | |
PatJetAnalyzer | Module to analyze pat::Jets in the context of a more complex exercise |
pat::PATJetProducer | Produces pat::Jet's |
pat::PATJetSelector | |
PatJPsiProducer | |
pat::PATLeptonCountFilter | |
PatMCMatching | |
PatMCMatchingExtended | |
pat::PATMETProducer | Produces the pat::MET |
pat::PATMHTProducer | |
PATMHTProducer | |
pat::PATMuonProducer | Class definition |
pat::PATObject< ObjectType > | Templated PAT object container |
pat::PATPFParticleProducer | Produces pat::PFParticle's |
pat::PATPhotonProducer | Produces the pat::Photon |
PatPhotonSimpleAnalyzer | |
PATPrimaryVertexSelector | |
pat::PATPrimaryVertexSelector | |
PatShapeAna | |
pat::PATSingleVertexSelector | Produces a list containing a single vertex selected by some criteria |
PATStringCutObjectSelector | |
PATStringObjectFunction | |
PatTauAnalyzer | |
pat::PATTauProducer | Produces pat::Tau's |
PatTopSelectionAnalyzer | |
PatTrackAnalyzer | |
PatTriggerAnalyzer | |
pat::PATTriggerEventProducer | Produces the central entry point to full PAT trigger information |
pat::PATTriggerMatchEmbedder< PATObjectType > | |
pat::PATTriggerMatchSelector< T1, T2 > | |
pat::PATTriggerProducer | Produces the full or stand-alone PAT trigger information collections |
PatTriggerTagAndProbe | |
pat::PATUserDataHelper< ObjectType > | Assists in assimilating all pat::UserData into pat objects |
pat::PATUserDataMerger< ObjectType, Operation > | Assimilates pat::UserData into pat objects |
PatVertexAnalyzer | |
pat::PATVertexAssociationProducer | Produces VertexAssociation and a ValueMap to the originating reco jets |
PatZjetsElectronAnalyzer | |
PatZjetsJetAnalyzer | |
PatZToMuMuAnalyzer | Module to analyze the performance of muon reconstruction on the example of Z->mumu events |
python::iovInspector::PayLoad | |
PCaloGeometry | |
PCaloGeometryBuilder | |
PCaloHit | |
PCaloHitCompareTimes | |
PCaloTowerRcd | |
PCastorRcd | |
PCLMetadataWriter | |
PCrossingFrame< T > | |
PdfInfo | |
PdfSystematicsAnalyzer | |
PdfWeightProducer | |
PdgEntryReplacer | |
PdgIdExcluder | |
pf2pat::PdgIdPFCandidateSelectorDefinition | |
PdgIdSelector | |
PdtEntry | |
PDTRecord | |
PEcalBarrelRcd | |
PEcalEndcapRcd | |
PEcalPreshowerRcd | |
PEcalTBInfo | |
PEcalValidInfo | |
PedeLabeler | |
PedeLabelerBase | |
PedeLabelerPluginFactory | |
PedeReader | |
Pedestals | |
PedestalsAlgorithm | Histogram-based analysis for pedestal run |
PedestalsAnalysis | Histogram-based analysis for pedestal run |
PedestalsHistograms | |
PedestalsHistosUsingDb | |
PedestalsRcd | |
PedestalsSummaryFactory | |
PedestalsTask | |
PedeSteerer | |
PedsFullNoiseAlgorithm | Histogram-based analysis for pedestal run |
PedsFullNoiseAnalysis | Histogram-based analysis for pedestal run |
PedsFullNoiseHistograms | |
PedsFullNoiseHistosUsingDb | |
PedsFullNoiseSummaryFactory | |
PedsFullNoiseTask | |
PedsOnlyAlgorithm | Histogram-based analysis for pedestal run |
PedsOnlyAnalysis | Histogram-based analysis for pedestal run |
PedsOnlyHistograms | |
PedsOnlyHistosUsingDb | |
PedsOnlySummaryFactory | |
PedsOnlyTask | |
PentiumTime | |
PercentileCMNSubtractor | |
PerformanceAnalyzer | |
PerformancePayload | |
PerformancePayloadFromTable | |
PerformancePayloadFromTFormula | |
PerformancePayloadRecord | |
PerformanceResult | |
PerformanceWorkingPoint | |
PerformanceWPRecord | |
PerigeeConversions | |
PerigeeKinematicState | |
PerigeeLinearizedTrackState | |
PerigeeMultiLTS | |
PerigeeRefittedTrackState | |
PerigeeTrajectoryError | |
PerigeeTrajectoryParameters | |
PeriodicBinFinderInPhi< T > | |
PeriodicBinFinderInZ< T > | |
PerpendicularBoundPlaneBuilder | |
PFAlgo | |
PFAlgoTestBenchConversions | Particle Flow Algorithm test bench for the electron team |
PFAlgoTestBenchElectrons | Particle Flow Algorithm test bench for the electron team |
PFBenchmarkAlgo | |
PFBlockAlgo | Particle Flow Algorithm |
PFBlockElementSCEqual | |
PFBlockLink | Link between 2 elements |
PFBlockProducer | Producer for particle flow blocks |
PFCalibrationRcd | |
PFCandCommonVertexFitter< Fitter > | |
PFCandCommonVertexFitterBase | |
PFCandConnector | Based on a class from : V. Roberfroid, February 2008 |
reco::PFCandidate | Particle reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm |
PFCandidateBenchmark | |
PFCandidateBenchmarkAnalyzer | |
PFCandidateDQMAnalyzer | |
PFCandidateManager | A benchmark managing several benchmarks |
PFCandidateManagerAnalyzer | |
PFCandidateMergerBase | |
PFCandidateMonitor | |
pf2pat::PFCandidateSelectorDefinition | |
PFCandidateStripMerger | |
PFCheckHitPattern | PFCheckHitPatter |
PFClient | |
reco::PFCluster | Particle flow cluster, see clustering algorithm in PFClusterAlgo |
PFClusterAlgo | Algorithm for particle flow clustering |
pftools::PFClusterCalibration | |
PFClusterProducer | Producer for particle flow clusters (PFCluster) |
PFClusterRefCandidateMerger | |
PFClusterRefCandidateProducer | |
PFClusterShapeAlgo | |
PFClusterShapeProducer | |
PFClusterSpecificAlgo | |
PFClusterWidthAlgo | |
PFConcretePFCandidateProducer | |
PFConversionAlgo | |
PFConversionProducer | |
PFDisplacedTrackerVertexProducer | |
PFDisplacedVertexCandidateFinder | |
PFDisplacedVertexCandidateProducer | Producer for DisplacedVertices |
PFDisplacedVertexFinder | |
PFDisplacedVertexHelper | Displaced Vertex Finder Algorithm |
PFDisplacedVertexProducer | Producer for DisplacedVertices |
PFDQMEventSelector | |
PFElecTkProducer | Abstract |
PFElectronAlgo | |
PFElectronExtraEqual | |
PFElectronExtraKfEqual | |
PFElectronSelector | |
PFElectronTranslator | |
PFEnergyCalibration | |
PFEnergyCalibrationHF | |
PFEnergyResolution | |
PFFilter | |
PFGeometry | General CMS geometry parameters used during Particle Flow reconstruction or drawing. All methods and members are static |
PFGsfHelper | |
pf2pat::PFIsoDepositAlgo | |
PFIsoDepositAlgo | Computes the iso deposits for a collection of PFCandidates |
PFJetAlgorithm | |
PFJetAnalyzer | |
PFJetAnalyzerBase | |
PFJetBenchmark | |
PFJetBenchmarkAnalyzer | |
PFJetDQMAnalyzer | |
PFJetFilter | |
PFJetIDSelectionFunctor | PF Jet selector for pat::Jets |
PFJetMonitor | |
PFJetTester | |
PFJetToCaloProducer | |
PFLayer | Layer definition for PFRecHit and PFCluster |
PFMCTruthTreeProducer | |
pf2pat::PFMETAlgo | |
PFMETAnalyzer | |
PFMETAnalyzerBase | |
PFMETBenchmark | |
PFMETBenchmarkAnalyzer | |
PFMETDQMAnalyzer | |
PFMETFilter | |
PFMETMonitor | |
PFMuonAlgo | |
PFMuonSelector | |
PFNuclearProducer | |
pat::PFParticle | Analysis-level class for reconstructed particles |
reco::PFParticleIdTag | Particle ID component tag |
PFPhotonAlgo | |
PFPhotonTranslator | |
PFPileUp | Identifies pile-up candidates from a collection of PFCandidates, and produces the corresponding collection of PileUpCandidates |
PFProducer | Producer for particle flow reconstructed particles (PFCandidates) |
reco::PFRecHit | Particle flow rechit (rechit + geometry and topology information). See clustering algorithm in PFClusterAlgo |
PFRecHitProducer | Base producer for particle flow rechits (PFRecHit) |
PFRecHitProducerECAL | Producer for particle flow rechits (PFRecHit) in ECAL |
PFRecHitProducerPS | Producer for particle flow rechits (PFRecHit) |
PFRecoTauAlgorithm | |
PFRecoTauAlgorithmBase | |
PFRecoTauCorrectedInvariantMassProducer | |
PFRecoTauDecayModeDeterminator | |
PFRecoTauDecayModeIndexProducer | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectron | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstMuon | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByCharge | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByDeltaE | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByFlight | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByFlightPathSignificance | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByHPSSelection | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByInvMass | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByIsolation | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByLeadingObjectPtCut | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByNProngs | |
PFRecoTauDiscriminationByTauPolarization | |
PFRecoTauProducer | |
PFRecoTauTagInfoAlgorithm | |
PFRecoTauTagInfoProducer | |
PFResolutionMap | Resolution Map (resolution as a function of eta and E) |
PFResolutionMapManager | |
PFRootEventManagerColin | |
PFSCEnergyCalibration | |
PFSimParticleProducer | Producer for PFRecTracks and PFSimParticles |
pat::tau::PFSpecific | Structure to hold information specific to a PFTau inside a pat::Tau |
PFSpecificAlgo | |
PFTauDecayModeCutMultiplexer | |
PFTauDiscriminants::PFTauDiscriminantManager | |
PFTauDiscriminatorLogicalAndProducer | |
PFTauElecRejectionBenchmark | |
PFTauElecRejectionBenchmarkAnalyzer | |
PFTauElementsOperators | |
PFTauExtractor | |
PFTauHLTTest | |
PFTauMVADiscriminator | |
PFTauMVAInputDiscriminantTranslator | |
PFTauQualityCutWrapper | |
PFTauRandomDiscriminator | |
PFTauSelectorDefinition | |
PFTauToJetProducer | |
PFTauViewRefMerger | |
PFTauViewRefSelector | |
PFTester | |
pftools::PFToolsException | General purpose exception class for use by classes in the pftools namespace |
PFTrackProducer | |
PFTrackTransformer | |
PFV0Producer | |
PGeometricDet | |
PGeometricDetBuilder | |
PGeometricDetExtra | |
PGeometricDetExtraBuilder | |
PGeometricDetExtraRcd | |
PGlobalDigi | |
PGlobalRecHit | |
PGlobalSimHit | |
PgTiming | |
PHcalRcd | |
PHcalTB04Info | |
PHcalTB06Info | |
PHcalValidInfoJets | |
PHcalValidInfoLayer | |
PHcalValidInfoNxN | |
PhiBorderFinder | |
PhiLess | |
PhiRangeSelector | |
PhiScaleHelper | |
PhiSymmetryCalibration | |
PhiSymmetryCalibration_step2 | |
PhiSymmetryCalibration_step2_SM | |
pat::Photon | Analysis-level Photon class |
PhotonAnalyzer | EgammaCoreTools |
PhotonConversionMVAComputerRcd | |
PhotonCoreProducer | |
PhotonDataCertification | |
PhotonEnrichmentFilter | |
PhotonIDProducer | |
PhotonIDSimpleAnalyzer | |
PhotonIsolationCalculator | |
PhotonMCTruth | |
PhotonMCTruthFinder | |
PhotonOfflineClient | |
PhotonPostprocessing | |
PhotonProducer | |
PhotonQualifier | |
PhotonSelector | |
PhotonSelectorAlgo | |
PhotonSimpleAnalyzer | |
PhotonsWithConversionsAnalyzer | |
PhotonTkIsolation | |
PhotonValidator | |
PhysDecl | |
PhysicalPartsTree | |
PhysicsList | |
PhysicsListMaker< T > | |
PhysicsListMakerBase | |
PhysicsObjectsMonitor | |
PhysicsPerformanceDBWriterFromFile_WPandPayload | |
PhysicsPerformanceDBWriterFromFile_WPandPayload_IOV | |
PhysicsPerformanceDBWriterTFormula_fromfile_WPandPL | |
PhysicsPerformancePayload | |
PhysicsTFormulaPayload | |
PhysicsTower | |
PhysicsTowerOrganizer | |
Pi0CalibXMLwriter | |
Pi0FixedMassWindowCalibration | |
PickEvents | |
PileUpFP420 | |
PileupInformation | |
PileupMixingContent | |
reco::PileUpPFCandidate | Particle reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm |
PileUpProducer | |
PileUpSimulator | |
PileUpSubtractor | |
PileupSummaryInfo | |
pos::PixelAliasList | |
PixelBarrelLayer | |
PixelBarrelLayerBuilder | |
PixelBarrelLinkMaker | |
PixelBarrelName | |
PixelBlade | |
PixelBladeBuilder | |
PixelCaenChannelIMonRcd | |
PixelCaenChannelIsOnRcd | |
PixelCaenChannelRcd | |
pos::PixelCalibBase | |
pos::PixelCalibConfiguration | This class implements the steps that are used in a scan over Threshold and CalDelay |
pos::PixelChannel | |
PixelChannelIdentifier | |
PixelClusterizerBase | |
PixelClusterSelectorTopBottom | |
pos::PixelConfig | This class implements. |
pos::PixelConfigAlias | |
pos::PixelConfigBase | This file contains the base class for "pixel configuration data" management |
pos::PixelConfigFile | |
pos::PixelConfigKey | This class implements. |
pos::PixelConfigList | This class implements. |
pos::PixelConfigurationVerifier | This class performs various tests to make sure that configurations are consistent |
PixelCPEBase | |
PixelCPEGeneric | |
PixelCPEGenericESProducer | |
PixelCPEParmErrorsRcd | |
PixelCPETemplateReco | |
PixelCPETemplateRecoESProducer | |
pos::PixelDACScanRange | |
pos::PixelDACSettings | This class is responsible for manipulating the DACsettings of a ROC |
PixelDataFormatter | |
PixelDCSObject< T > | |
pos::PixelDelay25Calib | This class manages data and files used in the Delay25 calibration |
pos::PixelDetectorConfig | This is the documentation about PixelDetectorConfig.. |
PixelDigi | |
PixelDigiCollection | |
PixelDigiSimLink | |
PixelEndcapLinkMaker | |
PixelEndcapName | |
pos::PixelFECConfig | This class specifies which FEC boards are used and how they are addressed |
pos::PixelFECConfigInterface | This class implements. |
pos::PixelFECParameters | This class implements. |
PixelFEDCabling | |
pos::PixelFEDCard | This is the documentation about PixelFEDCard.. |
pos::PixelFEDConfig | This is the documentation about PixelFEDConfig.. |
PixelFEDLink | |
pos::PixelFEDParameters | This class implements. |
pos::PixelFEDTestDAC | This class implements. |
PixelFitter | |
PixelFitterByConformalMappingAndLine | |
PixelFitterByHelixProjections | |
PixelForwardLayer | |
PixelForwardLayerBuilder | |
PixelGeomDetType | |
PixelGeomDetUnit | |
pos::PixelGlobalDelay25 | This class specifies which delay25 channels are delayed over the entire pixel detector and by how much |
pos::PixelHdwAddress | Store mfec, mfecchannel etc |
PixelHitMatcher | |
PixelIndices | |
PixelKeys | |
pos::PixelLowVoltageMap | This is the documentation about PixelLowVoltageMap.. |
pos::PixelLTCConfig | This is the documentation about PixelLTCConfig.. |
pos::PixelMaskAllPixels | This is the documentation about PixelMaskAllPixels.. |
pos::PixelMaskBase | This is the documentation about PixelMaskBase.. |
pos::PixelMaskOverride | This is the documentation about PixelMaskOverride.. |
pos::PixelMaskOverrideBase | This is the documentation about PixelMaskOverrideBase.. |
PixelMatchNextLayers | |
PixelMatchStartLayers | |
pos::PixelMaxVsf | This is the documentation about PixelMaxVsf.. |
PixelModuleName | |
pos::PixelModuleName | This class implements. |
pos::PixelNameTranslation | This is the documentation about PixelNameTranslation.. |
PixelPannelType | |
PixelPopConCalibAnalyzer | |
PixelPopConCalibSourcehandler | |
PixelPopConCalibSourceHandler | |
PixelPopConDCSCablingSourceHandler | |
PixelPopConDCSInfoSourceHandler | |
PixelPopConDCSSourceHandler< Type > | |
PixelPopConDisabledModSourceHandler | |
PixelPopConFEDCablingSourceHandler | |
PixelPopConSourceHandler< T > | |
pos::PixelPortCardConfig | This is the documentation about PixelNameTranslation.. |
pos::PixelPortcardMap | |
PixelPSimHitSelector | PixelPSimHitSelector class |
PixelRecoLineRZ | |
PixelRecoPointRZ | |
PixelRecoRange< T > | |
PixelROC | |
pos::PixelROCDACSettings | This class implements. |
pos::PixelROCInfo | |
pos::PixelROCMaskBits | This class implements. |
pos::PixelROCName | This class implements. |
pos::PixelROCStatus | This class implements. |
pos::PixelROCTrimBits | This class implements. |
PixelRod | |
PixelRodBuilder | |
PixelSLinkDataInputSource | |
PixelSubdetector | |
pos::PixelTBMChannel | Simple class to hold either "A" or "B" for the TBM channel |
pos::PixelTBMSettings | This is the documentation about PixelTBMSettings.. |
PixelThresholdClusterizer | An explicit threshold-based clustering algorithm |
pos::PixelTimeFormatter | |
pos::PixelTKFECConfig | This class specifies which TKFEC boards are used and how they are addressed |
pos::PixelTKFECParameters | This class implements. |
PixelToFEDAssociate | |
PixelToFEDAssociateFromAscii | |
PixelToFEDAssociateFromAsciiESProducer | |
PixelToLNKAssociateFromAscii | |
PixelToLNKAssociateFromAsciiESProducer | |
PixelTopology | |
PixelTopologyBuilder | |
PixelTrackBuilder | |
PixelTrackCleaner | |
PixelTrackCleanerBySharedHits | |
PixelTrackCleanerWrapper | |
PixelTrackFilter | |
PixelTrackFilterByKinematics | |
PixelTrackProducer | |
PixelTrackReconstruction | |
PixelTracksProducer | |
pos::PixelTrimAllPixels | |
pos::PixelTrimBase | This class implements. |
pos::PixelTrimCommon | This class implements. |
pos::PixelTrimOverride | |
pos::PixelTrimOverrideBase | |
PixelTripletHLTGenerator | |
PixelTripletLargeTipGenerator | |
PixelTripletLowPtGenerator | |
PixelTripletNoTipGenerator | |
pos::PixelTTCciConfig | |
pos::PixelVersionAlias | |
PixelVertexProducer | |
PixelVertexProducerClusters | |
PixelVertexProducerMedian | |
Pixinfo | |
PiZeroAnalyzer | EgammaCoreTools |
PFTauDiscriminants::PiZeroAngle | |
PiZeroDiscriminatorProducer | |
PizeroMCTruth | |
PizeroMCTruthFinder | |
PFTauDiscriminants::PiZeroPt | |
PlanarVolumeBoundary | |
Plane | |
PlaneBuilder | |
PlaneBuilderForGluedDet | |
PlaneBuilderFromGeometricDet | |
PlaybackRawDataProvider | |
python::rootplot::tree2hists::Plot | |
PlotAllDisplay | |
PlotCombiner | |
PlotCompareUtility | |
plotData | |
PlotEcalRecHits | |
PlotMakerL1 | |
PlotMakerReco | |
PlotMilleMonitor | |
PlotMillePede | |
PlotRecHits | |
PlotRecTracks | |
PatTrackAnalyzer::Plots | |
PatBJetVertexAnalyzer::Plots | |
PatBJetTagAnalyzer::Plots | |
PatBJetTrackAnalyzer::Plots | |
PlotSimTracks | |
Plotter | |
PlottingDevice | |
PlotUtils | |
PLTSensitiveDetector | |
PluginCapabilities | |
PluginFactory | |
PluginFactoryBase | |
PluginFactoryManager | |
python::Vispa::Main::Exceptions::PluginIgnoredException | |
PluginInfo | |
PluginManager | |
python::Vispa::Main::Exceptions::PluginNotLoadedException | |
PMTResponse | |
PMuonSimHit | |
PoinetComparator | |
ParabolaFit::Point | |
Point2DBase< T, FrameTag > | |
Point3DBase< T, FrameTag > | |
pf2pat::PFCandidateSelectorDefinition::Pointer | |
PointerComparator< C > | |
PointingKinematicConstraint | |
PointTag | |
python::Vispa::Gui::PortConnection::PointToPointConnection | |
poly< T > | |
PolyFit2DParametrizedMagneticField | |
PolyFit3DParametrizedMagneticField | |
PomwigProducer | |
PoolDBESSource | |
PoolDBOutputService | |
popcon::PopCon | |
popcon::PopConAnalyzer< S > | |
popcon::PopConSourceHandler< T > | |
PopulateDB::PopulateDB | |
python::Vispa::Gui::PortConnection::PortConnection | |
python::Vispa::Gui::PortWidget::PortWidget | |
PositionCalc | |
PositionClac | |
PositionCorrector | |
PosteriorWeightsCalculator | |
PhysicsTools::SourceVariableSet::PosVar | |
PreciseFloatType< T, U > | Default definition is double |
PreciseFloatType< long double, long double > | |
PreciseFloatType< long double, T > | Long double is more precise by default than other types |
PreciseFloatType< T, long double > | |
PreciseFloatType< T, T > | If the two types are identical that is also the precise type |
PrescalerFHN | |
PrescaleWeightProvider | This class takes a vector of HLT paths and returns a weight based on their HLT and L1 prescales. The weight is equal to the lowest combined (L1*HLT) prescale of the selected paths |
PreshowerAnalyzer | |
PreshowerClusterAlgo | |
PreshowerClusterProducer | |
PreshowerClusterShapeProducer | |
PreshowerDetIdAssociator | |
PreshowerHitMaker | |
PreshowerLayer1Properties | |
PreshowerLayer2Properties | |
PreshowerProperties | |
PreshowerStrip | A base class to handle the shape of preshower strips |
PrimaryTransformer | |
PrimaryVertexAnalyzer | |
PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU | |
PrimaryVertexGenerator | |
PrimaryVertexMonitor | |
PrimaryVertexProducer | |
PrimaryVertexProducerAlgorithm | |
PrimaryVertexSorter | |
PrimaryVertexValidation | |
Primitive | |
PrincipalGetAdapter | |
print_eventsetup_record_dependencies | |
PrintEventSetupContent | |
PrintEventSetupDataRetrieval | |
PrintGeomInfoAction | |
PrintLoadingPlugins | |
PrintMaterialBudgetInfo | |
PrintoutHelper | |
PrintSensitive | |
PrintTrackNumberAction | |
ProbeTreeProducer | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcCategory | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcClassed | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcCount | |
ProcessingController | |
ProcessInputSignal | |
PhysicsTools::MVAComputer::Processor | Variable processor container |
PhysicsTools::ProcessRegistry< Base_t, CalibBase_t, Parent_t > | Generic registry template for polymorphic processor implementations |
ProcessTestSignal | |
ProcessTypeEnumerator | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcExternal | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcForeach | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcLikelihood | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcLinear | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcMatrix | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcMLP | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcMultiply | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcNormalize | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcOptional | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcSort | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcSplitter | |
prodname | |
produce_helpers | |
ProduceIsolationMap | |
ProducePlots::ProducePlots | |
ProductLookupIndex | |
ProductTransientIndex | |
profilereader::ProfileData | |
Profiler | |
ProfilerAnalyzer | |
ProfilerService | |
ProjectedRecHit2D | |
ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D | |
ProjectMatrix< T, N, D > | |
PromptTrackCountingComputer | |
PropagateToCal | |
PropagateToMuon | Propagate an object (usually a track) to the second muon station. Support for other muon stations will be added on request |
PropagationDirectionChooser | |
PropagationDirectionFromPath | |
PropagationException | Common base class |
Propagator | |
PropagatorWithMaterial | |
PropagatorWithMaterialESProducer | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::Property | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::PropertyView | |
ProtoJetPtGreater | |
ProtonTaggerFilter | Fast simulation of near-beam detector acceptance |
ProvenanceDumper | |
ProxyArgumentFactoryTemplate | |
ProxyBase< T, Cloner > | |
ProxyFactory | |
ProxyFactoryBase | |
ProxyFactoryTemplate | |
ProxyPixelTopology | |
ProxyStripTopology | |
PSimHit | |
PSimHitMap | |
PSimHitSelector | PSimHitSelector class |
PFTauDiscriminants::Pt | |
pt_address | |
pt_data | |
PtComparator | |
PTDRElectronID | |
PtGreater | |
PtGreaterRef | |
ptHatFilter | |
PtHatReweightUserHook | |
PtIsolationAlgo< T, C > | |
pf2pat::PtMinPFCandidateSelectorDefinition | |
PtMinSelector | |
Ptr< T > | |
PTrackerSimHit | |
PTrajectoryStateOnDet | |
PtrVector | |
PtrVectorBase | |
PtSorter | |
PUEvent | |
PulseFit | |
PulseFitWithFunction | |
PulseFitWithShape | |
PUEvent::PUMinBiasEvt | |
PUEvent::PUParticle | |
PV2DBase< T, PVType, FrameType > | |
PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType > | |
PVCluster | |
PVClusterComparer | |
PVFitter | |
PVObjectSelector | |
PVPositionBuilder | |
PVSelector | |
PVSSIDReader | |
PvSvFilter | |
PXBDetId | |
PXFDetId | |
PXsensors | |
PXsensorsRcd | |
PyquenHadronizer | |
Pythia6Decays | |
Pythia6Gun | |
Pythia6jets | |
Pythia8Hadronizer | |
PythiaDauFilter | |
PythiaFilter | |
PythiaFilterEMJet | |
PythiaFilterEMJetHeep | |
PythiaFilterGammaGamma | |
PythiaFilterGammaJet | |
PythiaFilterGammaJetIsoPi0 | |
PythiaFilterGammaJetWithBg | |
PythiaFilterGammaJetWithOutBg | |
PythiaFilterIsolatedTrack | |
PythiaFilterTTBar | |
PythiaFilterZgamma | |
PythiaFilterZJet | |
PythiaFilterZJetWithOutBg | |
PythiaHLTSoupFilter | |
PythonFilter | |
PythonManager | |
PythonManagerHandle | |
PythonParameterSet | |
PythonProcessDesc | |
PythonService | |
PZdcRcd | |
PFTauQualityCutWrapper::QualityCutSet | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::Range< Axis_t > | |
pat::CandidateSummaryTable::Record | |
popcon::PopConSourceHandler< T >::Ref | |
pat::helper::RefHelper< T > | |
PhysicsTools::TrainProcessor::Registry< Instance_t > | |
python::Vispa::Share::RelativeDataAccessor::RelativeDataAccessor | |
ParabolaFit::Result | |
pat::eventhypothesis::RoleRegexpFilter | |
python::Vispa::Views::RootCanvasView::RootCanvasView | |
python::rootplot::utilities::RootFile | |
python::rootplot::root2matplotlib::RootFile | |
PhysicsTools::TrainerMonitoring::RootObject< T > | |
python::rootplot::tree2hists::RootTree | Define classes and generators ####################################### |
python::Vispa::Main::RotatingIcon::RotatingIcon | |
PMuonSimHit::RPC | |
popcon::RpcDataFebmap | |
popcon::RpcDataGasMix | |
popcon::RpcDataI | |
popcon::RpcDataS | |
popcon::RpcDataT | |
popcon::RpcDataUXC | |
popcon::RpcDataV | |
popcon::RPCEMapSourceHandler | |
popcon::RpcObGasData | |
popcon::RPCObPVSSmapData | |
PGlobalRecHit::RPCRecHit | |
python::Runs | ################ ## ## ########## ## ## ## ## Runs ## ## ## ## ########## ## ## ################ ## |
pat::DuplicatedElectronRemover::SameSuperclusterOrTrack | |
plotscripts::SawTeethFunction | |
PhysicsTools::Spline::Segment | Internal class describing a "segment" (between two x points) |
pat::Flags::Selection | |
pat::SelectorByFlags | |
python::seqvaluedict::seqdict | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::ConfigEditorBoxView::SequenceStructureView | |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::ProcLikelihood::SigBkg | |
PhysicsTools::TrainProcessor::SigBkg | |
PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::SimEvent | |
PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::SimPart | |
python::Vispa::Gui::SimpleDraggableTreeWidget::SimpleDraggableTreeWidget | |
pat::helper::SimpleIsolator | |
PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::simPrimaryVertex | |
PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::simPrimaryVertex | |
python::Vispa::Gui::PortWidget::SinkPort | |
SiPixelCluster | Pixel cluster -- collection of neighboring pixels above threshold |
PGlobalDigi::SiPixelDigi | |
PGlobalRecHit::SiPixelRecHit | |
popcon::SiStripDetVOffHandler | |
PGlobalDigi::SiStripDigi | |
popcon::SiStripPopConConfigDbObjHandler< T > | |
popcon::SiStripPopConDbObjHandler< T, U > | |
popcon::SiStripPopConHandlerUnitTest< T > | |
popcon::SiStripPopConHandlerUnitTestGain< T > | |
popcon::SiStripPopConHandlerUnitTestNoise< T > | |
PGlobalRecHit::SiStripRecHit | |
PhotonValidator::sortPhotons | |
PhysicsTools::Source | |
python::Vispa::Gui::PortWidget::SourcePort | |
PhysicsTools::SourceVariable | |
PhysicsTools::SourceVariableSet | |
pftools::SpaceManager | A tool to associate SpaceVoxels with Calibrator objects |
pftools::SpaceVoxel | A multi-dimensional volume element to subdivide the detector into different calibration regions |
PhysicsTools::Spline | A simple class for cubic splines |
python::Vispa::Main::SplitterTab::SplitterTab | |
python::Vispa::Main::SplitterTab::SplitterToolBar | |
python::Vispa::Main::StartupScreen::StartupScreen | |
pat::strbitset | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::StringProperty | |
PhotonIDSimpleAnalyzer::struct_recPhoton | |
PatPhotonSimpleAnalyzer::struct_recPhoton | |
PixelForwardLayer::SubTurbineCrossings | |
python::Vispa::Main::TabController::TabController | |
python::Vispa::Views::TableView::TableView | |
python::Vispa::Views::TableView::TableWidgetItem | |
python::tagInventory::tagInventory | |
python::TagTree::tagTree | |
pat::Tau | Analysis-level tau class |
pat::tau::TauCaloSpecific | |
pat::tau::TauPFSpecific | |
PerformanceCurvePlotter::TauValidationInfo | |
pftools::TestCaloWindow | |
python::editorTools::TestEditorTools | |
python::iterators::TestIterators | |
python::EnablePSetHistory::TestModificationTracking | |
printPaths::TestPrintPath | |
python::Vispa::Gui::TextDialog::TextDialog | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::TextEdit | |
python::Vispa::Views::PropertyView::TextEditWithButtonProperty | |
python::Vispa::Gui::VispaWidget::TextField | |
python::Vispa::Share::ThreadChain::ThreadChain | |
python::Vispa::Gui::ToolBoxContainer::ToolBoxContainer | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::ToolDataAccessor::ToolDataAccessor | |
python::Vispa::Plugins::ConfigEditor::ToolDialog::ToolDialog | |
PedeLabelerBase::TopLevelAlignables | |
pf2pat::TopProjectorAlgo< Top, Bottom > | |
PhysicsTowerOrganizer::towercmp | |
PFTauDiscriminants::TrackAngle | |
pat::TrackerIsolationPt | Calculates a lepton's tracker isolation pt |
PFTauDiscriminants::TrackPt | |
PFDisplacedVertexHelper::TracksSelector | Tool which store the information for the tracks selection |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerLooper::Trainer | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerContainerLooperImpl< Record_t >::Trainer | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerLooper::TrainerContainer | |
PhysicsTools::TrainerMonitoring | |
PhysicsTools::TrainProcessor | |
python::XML2Python::TreeBuilder | |
PhysicsTools::TreeReader | |
PhysicsTools::TreeTrainer | |
pftools::TreeUtility | Utility class to create particles and detector elements from a Root file |
python::Vispa::Views::TreeView::TreeView | |
pat::TriggerAlgorithm | Analysis-level L1 trigger algorithm class |
pat::TriggerCondition | Analysis-level L1 trigger condition class |
pat::TriggerEvent | Analysis-level trigger event class |
pat::TriggerFilter | Analysis-level HLTrigger filter class |
pat::helper::TriggerHelper | Helper class to remove unwanted dependencies from DataFormats/PatCandidates related to PAT trigger data formats |
pat::helper::TriggerMatchHelper | |
pat::TriggerObject | Analysis-level trigger object class |
pat::TriggerObjectStandAlone | Analysis-level trigger object class (stand-alone) |
pat::TriggerPath | Analysis-level HLTrigger path class |
popcon::PopConSourceHandler< T >::Triplet | |
PGlobalSimHit::Trk | |
PTrackerSimHit::Trk | |
PMuonSimHit::Trk | |
pat::PATMHTProducer::uncertaintyFunctions | |
pat::MET::UncorInfo | |
python::Vispa::Share::UndoEvent::UndoEvent | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerLooper::UntrainedMVAComputer | |
PhysicsTools::MVATrainerLooper::UntrainedMVAComputerContainer | |
python::editorTools::UserCodeTool | |
pat::UserData | Base class for data that users can add to pat objects |
pat::UserHolder< T > | |
pftools::Utils | |
PhysicsTools::TreeReader::Value | |
PhysicsTools::MVAModuleHelper< Record, Object, Filler >::Value | |
PhysicsTools::Variable::Value | Helper class that can contain an identifier-value pair |
PhysicsTools::VarProcessor::ValueIterator | |
PhysicsTools::Variable::ValueList | Helper class that can contain an list of identifier-value pairs |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::Variable | |
PhysicsTools::Variable | Class describing an input variable |
PhysicsTools::VarProcessor | Common base class for variable processors |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::VarProcessor | |
popcon::VerifyState | |
pat::VertexAssociation | Analysis-level structure for vertex-related information |
pat::VertexAssociationSelector | |
PFDisplacedVertexHelper::VertexIdentifier | Tool which store the information for the vertex identification |
pat::helper::VertexingHelper | Produces and/or checks pat::VertexAssociation's |
PhysicsTools::Calibration::VHistogramD2D | |
python::Vispa::Main::VispaPlugin::VispaPlugin | |
python::Vispa::Gui::VispaWidget::VispaWidget | |
python::Vispa::Gui::VispaWidgetOwner::VispaWidgetOwner | |
PGlobalSimHit::Vtx | |
PHcalTB06Info::Vtx | |
PMuonSimHit::Vtx | |
PTrackerSimHit::Vtx | |
python::iovInspector::WhatDescription | |
python::Vispa::Gui::WidgetContainer::WidgetContainer | |
python::Vispa::Views::WidgetView::WidgetView | |
pat::xxxEventHypothesis | |
pat::xxxEventHypothesisProducer | |
python::Vispa::Gui::Zoomable::Zoomable | |
python::Vispa::Gui::ZoomableScrollableWidgetOwner::ZoomableScrollableWidgetOwner | |
python::Vispa::Gui::ZoomableScrollArea::ZoomableScrollArea | |
python::Vispa::Gui::ZoomableWidget::ZoomableWidget | |