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3 pfRecoTauProducer = cms.EDProducer("PFRecoTauProducer",
5  Algorithm = cms.string("ConeBased"),
6  LeadPFCand_minPt = cms.double(5.0), #cut on lead object (can be track, or gamma)
8  #SignalCone parameters
9  TrackerSignalConeMetric = cms.string('DR'), ## *
10  TrackerSignalConeSizeFormula = cms.string('0.07'), ## **
11  TrackerSignalConeSize_min = cms.double(0.0),
13  #Important: the four-vector energy for the PFTau is defined as the candidates
14  # within the maximum tracker signal cone size (TrackerSignalConeSize_max_).
15  # For fixed cone taus, this should be set to the fixed cone size.
16  TrackerSignalConeSize_max = cms.double(0.07),
18  ECALSignalConeMetric = cms.string('DR'), ## *
19  ECALSignalConeSizeFormula = cms.string('0.15'), ## **
20  ECALSignalConeSize_min = cms.double(0.0),
21  ECALSignalConeSize_max = cms.double(0.6),
23  HCALSignalConeMetric = cms.string('DR'), ## *
24  HCALSignalConeSizeFormula = cms.string('0.10'), ## **
25  HCALSignalConeSize_min = cms.double(0.0),
26  HCALSignalConeSize_max = cms.double(0.6),
28  #IsolationCone parameters
29  TrackerIsolConeMetric = cms.string('DR'), ## *
30  TrackerIsolConeSizeFormula = cms.string('0.50'), ## **
31  TrackerIsolConeSize_min = cms.double(0.0),
32  TrackerIsolConeSize_max = cms.double(0.6),
34  ECALIsolConeMetric = cms.string('DR'), ## *
35  ECALIsolConeSizeFormula = cms.string('0.50'), ## **
36  ECALIsolConeSize_min = cms.double(0.0),
37  ECALIsolConeSize_max = cms.double(0.6),
39  HCALIsolConeMetric = cms.string('DR'), ## *
40  HCALIsolConeSizeFormula = cms.string('0.50'), ## **
41  HCALIsolConeSize_min = cms.double(0.0),
42  HCALIsolConeSize_max = cms.double(0.6),
44  # Cut on the number of tracker hits on isolation PF charged hadrons
45  #ChargedHadrCand_IsolAnnulus_minNhits = cms.uint32(8), # this cut is now applied in the PFTauDiscriminator
46  ChargedHadrCand_IsolAnnulus_minNhits = cms.uint32(0),
48  #Electron rejection parameters
49  ElectronPreIDProducer = cms.InputTag("elecpreid"),
50  EcalStripSumE_deltaPhiOverQ_minValue = cms.double(-0.1),
51  EcalStripSumE_deltaPhiOverQ_maxValue = cms.double(0.5),
52  EcalStripSumE_minClusEnergy = cms.double(0.1),
53  EcalStripSumE_deltaEta = cms.double(0.03),
54  ElecPreIDLeadTkMatch_maxDR = cms.double(0.01),
55  maximumForElectrionPreIDOutput = cms.double(-0.1),
57  #Lead track matching cone parameters
58  MatchingConeMetric = cms.string('DR'),
59  MatchingConeSizeFormula = cms.string('0.1'),
60  MatchingConeSize_min = cms.double(0.0), #min/max don't affect, as it is locked at 0.1
61  MatchingConeSize_max = cms.double(0.6), #just make sure they window 0.1!
63  # PFTaus are seeded by TauTagInfos (basically a jet wrapper/quality filter)
64  PFTauTagInfoProducer = cms.InputTag("pfRecoTauTagInfoProducer"),
65  JetPtMin = cms.double(0.0),
66  #Filter lead charged hadron cand. by DZ to vertex?
67  UseChargedHadrCandLeadChargedHadrCand_tksDZconstraint = cms.bool(True),
68  ChargedHadrCandLeadChargedHadrCand_tksmaxDZ = cms.double(1.0),
70  #Standard PV stuff
71  PVProducer = cms.InputTag('offlinePrimaryVertices'),
72  smearedPVsigmaY = cms.double(0.0015),
73  smearedPVsigmaX = cms.double(0.0015),
74  smearedPVsigmaZ = cms.double(0.005),
76  #FixedArea parameters
77  AreaMetric_recoElements_maxabsEta = cms.double(2.5),
79  DataType = cms.string("AOD"), # Computring tier (modifies how some values are retrieved..)
81  # The following parameters affect TRACKS ONLY.
82  # i.e., they use tracks, from the jet tracks associator, not PFChargedHadronCandidates
83  # Intended only as a cross check, don't use them unles syou need them!
85  # Track - PV filtering
86  LeadTrack_minPt = cms.double(0.0), # This should be cut on at the discriminator level,
87  # to make things consistent in the case where the tau
88  # has a leading PFGamma cand but no lead PFChargedCand
89  TrackLeadTrack_maxDZ = cms.double(1.0),
90  UseTrackLeadTrackDZconstraint = cms.bool(True),
91  Track_IsolAnnulus_minNhits = cms.uint32(3),
92  ### parameters for gammas in ellipse ###
93  AddEllipseGammas = cms.bool(False),
94  Rphi = cms.double(2.0), ## factor*Reta; Reta is the standard ecal signal cone size
95  MaxEtInEllipse = cms.double(2.0) # max pt for gammas inside the ellipse
96  ########################################
98 )
99  # * possible metrics : "DR", "angle", "area";
100  # if the "area" metric is chosen, AreaMetric_recoElements_maxabsEta parameter is considered, the area of a cone is increased by increasing the angle of the cone;
101  # functionnality to use a "DR" signal cone and an "area" isolation outer cone is not available;
102  # ** may depend on E(energy) and/or PT(transverse momentum) of the initial PFJet, ex. : "3.0/E" or "3.0/ET"
103  # if XXXConeSizeFormula>XXXConeSize_max then XXXConeSize_max is the considered cone size ; if XXXConeSizeFormula<XXXConeSize_min then XXXConeSize_min is the considered cone size;
104  # *** a PV is needed for computing a leading (charged hadron PFCand) rec. tk signed transverse impact parameter.
105  # For electron rejection variable