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3 #
4 # standard parameter-set entries for module
5 #
6 # RoadSeachSeedFinder
7 #
8 # located in
9 #
10 # RecoTracker/RoadSearchSeedFinder
11 #
12 # function:
13 #
14 # produces RoadSearchSeeds for seeding track reconstruction
15 #
16 roadSearchSeeds = cms.EDProducer("RoadSearchSeedFinder",
17  #***top-bottom
18  AllPositiveOnly = cms.bool(False),
19  AllNegativeOnly = cms.bool(False),
20  #***
21  # TrackingRecHit access configuration for outer seed rings
22  # access mode for TrackingTools/RoadSearchHitAccess, allowed values: "STANDARD",'RPHI'
23  OuterSeedRecHitAccessMode = cms.string('RPHI'),
24  # module label of SiPixelRecHitConverter
25  pixelRecHits = cms.InputTag("siPixelRecHits"),
26  MaximalEndcapImpactParameter = cms.double(1.2),
27  MergeSeedsCenterCut_C = cms.double(0.4),
28  MergeSeedsCenterCut_B = cms.double(0.25),
29  # seed cleaning cuts, if two compared seeds fulfill cuts, newer is dropped
30  # cuts on percentage of difference in seed circle centers vs. average of seed circle centers and
31  # percentage of difference in seed circle radii vs. average of seed circle radii
32  # in three different eta regions: |eta| <= 1.1 (A), 1.1 < |eta| <= 1.6 (B), |eta| > 1.6 (C)
33  MergeSeedsCenterCut_A = cms.double(0.05),
34  # cut on maximal number of hits different between circle seeds to merge, all hits have to be on different layers
35  MergeSeedsDifferentHitsCut = cms.uint32(1),
36  rphiStripRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","rphiRecHit"),
37  # maximal impact parameter cut on seeds in cm
38  MaximalBarrelImpactParameter = cms.double(0.2),
39  # enable/disable checking of the number of clusters per event
40  # (only used during cosmic tracking)
41  doClusterCheck = cms.bool(False),
42  stereoStripRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","stereoRecHit"),
43  # roads service label
44  RoadsLabel = cms.string(''),
45  ClusterCollectionLabel = cms.InputTag("siStripClusters"),
46  PixelClusterCollectionLabel = cms.InputTag("siPixelClusters"),
47  # In the case of double sided sensors, return in addition to matched also stereo rechits which have not been matched
48  OuterSeedRecHitAccessUseStereo = cms.bool(False),
49  # restrict track reconstruction to events which have less than MaxNumberOfCosmicClusters;
50  # doClusterCheck needs to be 'true' in order to have an effect
51  MaxNumberOfCosmicClusters = cms.uint32(300),
52  MaxNumberOfPixelClusters = cms.uint32(300),
53  # minimal transverse momentum of reconstructed tracks cut on seeds in GeV
54  MinimalReconstructedTransverseMomentum = cms.double(1.5),
55  # phi range in radians to restrict loop over detid's in rings
56  PhiRangeForDetIdLookupInRings = cms.double(0.5),
57  # seeding mode: STANDARD, STRAIGHT-LINE
58  Mode = cms.string('STANDARD'),
59  MergeSeedsRadiusCut_A = cms.double(0.05),
60  # TrackingRecHit access configuration for inner seed rings
61  # access mode for TrackingTools/RoadSearchHitAccess, allowed values: "STANDARD",'RPHI'
62  InnerSeedRecHitAccessMode = cms.string('RPHI'),
63  # In the case of double sided sensors, return in addition to matched also stereo rechits which have not been matched
64  InnerSeedRecHitAccessUseStereo = cms.bool(False),
65  # In the case of double sided sensors, return in addition to matched also rphi rechits which have not been matched
66  OuterSeedRecHitAccessUseRPhi = cms.bool(False),
67  MergeSeedsRadiusCut_B = cms.double(0.25),
68  MergeSeedsRadiusCut_C = cms.double(0.4),
69  # strip rechit collections
70  matchedStripRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
71  # In the case of double sided sensors, return in addition to matched also rphi rechits which have not been matched
72  InnerSeedRecHitAccessUseRPhi = cms.bool(False),
73  # Cut on max allowed # of seeds
74  MaxNumberOfSeeds = cms.int32(-1)
75 )