3 import os, sys, optparse, math
6 for i
in range(len(copyargs)):
9 if copyargs[i].
" ") != -1:
10 copyargs[i] =
"\"%s\"" % copyargs[i]
11 commandline =
" ".
13 usage =
15 Creates (overwrites) a directory for each of the iterations and creates (overwrites)
16 submitJobs.sh with the submission sequence and dependencies.
18 DIRNAME directories will be named DIRNAME01, DIRNAME02, etc.
19 ITERATIONS number of iterations
20 INITIALGEOM SQLite file containing muon geometry with tag names
21 DTAlignmentRcd, DTAlignmentErrorRcd, CSCAlignmentRcd, CSCAlignmentErrorRcd
22 INPUTFILES Python file defining 'fileNames', a list of input files as
23 strings (create with findQualityFiles.py)"""
25 parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage)
26 parser.add_option(
27 help=
"approximate number of \"gather\" subjobs",
31 parser.add_option(
32 help=
"alternate name of submitJobs.sh script (please include .sh extension); a file with this name will be OVERWRITTEN",
34 default=
36 parser.add_option(
37 help=
"if invoked, subjobs will also be run on cmscaf1nd",
40 parser.add_option(
41 help=
"if invoked, draw \"map plots\"",
44 parser.add_option(
45 help=
"if invoked, draw \"segment-difference plots\"",
48 parser.add_option(
49 help=
"if invoked, draw \"curvature plots\"",
51 dest=
52 parser.add_option(
53 help=
"GlobalTag for alignment/calibration conditions (typically all conditions except muon and tracker alignment)",
55 default=
57 parser.add_option(
58 help=
"connect string for tracker alignment (frontier://... or sqlite_file:...)",
61 dest=
62 parser.add_option(
63 help=
"name of TrackerAlignmentRcd tag",
66 dest=
67 parser.add_option(
68 help=
"connect string for tracker APEs (frontier://... or sqlite_file:...)",
71 dest=
72 parser.add_option(
73 help=
"name of TrackerAlignmentErrorRcd tag (tracker APEs)",
75 default=
77 parser.add_option(
78 help=
"connect string for GlobalPositionRcd (frontier://... or sqlite_file:...)",
82 parser.add_option(
83 help=
"name of GlobalPositionRcd tag",
85 default=
87 parser.add_option(
88 help=
"if invoked, use cosmic track refitter instead of the standard one",
91 parser.add_option(
92 help=
"alignable parameters for DT stations 1, 2, 3 (see SWGuideAlignmentAlgorithms#Selection_of_what_to_align)",
95 dest=
96 parser.add_option(
97 help=
"alignable parameters for DT station 4",
100 dest=
101 parser.add_option(
102 help=
"alignable parameters for CSC chambers",
106 parser.add_option(
107 help=
"minimum allowed track transverse momentum (in GeV)",
111 parser.add_option(
112 help=
"maximum allowed track transverse momentum (in GeV)",
116 parser.add_option(
117 help=
"minimum number of tracker hits",
120 dest=
121 parser.add_option(
122 help=
"maximum tracker chi^2 per degrees of freedom",
125 dest=
126 parser.add_option(
127 help=
"if invoked, allow tracks that pass through the tracker's !TID/!TEC region (recommended)",
130 parser.add_option(
131 help=
"if invoked, apply the \"two-bin method\" to control charge-antisymmetric errors",
134 parser.add_option(
135 help=
"if invoked, segments will be weighted by ndf/chi^2 in the alignment",
137 dest=
138 parser.add_option(
139 help=
"minimum number of segments required to align a chamber",
142 dest=
143 parser.add_option(
144 help=
"treat ME1/1a and ME1/1b as the same objects",
147 parser.add_option(
148 help=
"maximum number of events",
152 parser.add_option(
153 help=
"number of events to be skipped",
157 parser.add_option(
158 help=
"if given nonempty string RUNLABEL, diagnostics and creation of plots will be run in the end of the last iteration; the RUNLABEL will be used to mark a run; the results will be put into a RUNLABEL_DATESTAMP.tgz tarball",
161 dest=
162 parser.add_option(
163 help=
"maximum residual slope y component",
167 parser.add_option(
168 help=
"minimum nsigma(deltax) position displacement in order to move a chamber for the final alignment result; default NSIGMA=3",
171 dest=
173 if len(sys.argv) < 5:
174 raise SystemError,
"Too few arguments.\n\n"+parser.format_help()
176 DIRNAME = sys.argv[1]
177 ITERATIONS = int(sys.argv[2])
178 INITIALGEOM = sys.argv[3]
179 INPUTFILES = sys.argv[4]
181 options, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[5:])
182 mapplots_ingeneral = options.mapplots
183 segdiffplots_ingeneral = options.segdiffplots
184 curvatureplots_ingeneral = options.curvatureplots
185 globaltag = options.globaltag
186 trackerconnect = options.trackerconnect
187 trackeralignment = options.trackeralignment
188 trackerAPEconnect = options.trackerAPEconnect
189 trackerAPE = options.trackerAPE
190 gprcdconnect = options.gprcdconnect
191 gprcd = options.gprcd
192 iscosmics = str(options.iscosmics)
193 station123params = options.station123params
194 station4params = options.station4params
195 cscparams = options.cscparams
196 minTrackPt = options.minTrackPt
197 maxTrackPt = options.maxTrackPt
198 minTrackerHits = str(options.minTrackerHits)
199 maxTrackerRedChi2 = options.maxTrackerRedChi2
200 allowTIDTEC = str(options.allowTIDTEC)
201 twoBin = str(options.twoBin)
202 weightAlignment = str(options.weightAlignment)
203 minAlignmentHits = str(options.minAlignmentHits)
204 combineME11 = str(options.combineME11)
205 maxEvents = options.maxEvents
206 skipEvents = options.skipEvents
207 validationLabel = options.validationLabel
208 maxResSlopeY = options.maxResSlopeY
209 theNSigma = options.motionPolicyNSigma
212 stepsize = int(math.ceil(1.*len(fileNames)/options.subjobs))
213 pwd = str(os.getcwdu())
215 bsubfile = [
222 if INITIALGEOM[-3:]==
224 print "Converting",INITIALGEOM,
" ...will be done in several seconds..."
225 exit_code = os.system(
"./Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/scripts/convertSQLiteXML.py %s %s" % (INITIALGEOM,INITIALXML))
227 print "problem: conversion exited with code:", exit_code
233 for iteration
in range(1, ITERATIONS+1):
235 inputdb = INITIALGEOM
236 inputdbdir = directory[:]
238 inputdb = director +
239 inputdbdir = directory[:]
241 directory =
"%s%02d/" % (DIRNAME, iteration)
242 director = directory[:-1]
243 os.system(
"rm -rf %s; mkdir %s" % (directory, directory))
244 os.system(
"cp gather_cfg.py %s" % directory)
245 os.system(
"cp align_cfg.py %s" % directory)
247 bsubfile.append(
"cd %s" % directory)
250 if mapplots_ingeneral
and (iteration == 1
or iteration == ITERATIONS): mapplots =
252 if segdiffplots_ingeneral
and (iteration == 1
or iteration == ITERATIONS): segdiffplots =
253 curvatureplots =
254 if curvatureplots_ingeneral
and (iteration == 1
or iteration == ITERATIONS): curvatureplots =
256 for jobnumber
in range(options.subjobs):
257 gather_fileName =
"%sgather%03d.sh" % (directory, jobnumber)
258 inputfiles =
" ".
260 if mapplots
or segdiffplots
or curvatureplots: copyplots =
264 if trackerconnect[0:12] ==
"sqlite_file:": copytrackerdb +=
"%s " % trackerconnect[12:]
265 if trackerAPEconnect[0:12] ==
"sqlite_file:": copytrackerdb +=
"%s " % trackerAPEconnect[12:]
266 if gprcdconnect[0:12] ==
"sqlite_file:": copytrackerdb +=
"%s " % gprcdconnect[12:]
268 if len(inputfiles) > 0:
269 file(gather_fileName,
272 export ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR=`pwd`
275 eval `scramv1 run -sh`
276 export ALIGNMENT_AFSDIR=`pwd`
278 export ALIGNMENT_INPUTFILES='%(inputfiles)s'
279 export ALIGNMENT_ITERATION=%(iteration)d
280 export ALIGNMENT_JOBNUMBER=%(jobnumber)d
281 export ALIGNMENT_MAPPLOTS=%(mapplots)s
282 export ALIGNMENT_SEGDIFFPLOTS=%(segdiffplots)s
283 export ALIGNMENT_CURVATUREPLOTS=%(curvatureplots)s
284 export ALIGNMENT_GLOBALTAG=%(globaltag)s
285 export ALIGNMENT_INPUTDB=%(inputdb)s
286 export ALIGNMENT_TRACKERCONNECT=%(trackerconnect)s
287 export ALIGNMENT_TRACKERALIGNMENT=%(trackeralignment)s
288 export ALIGNMENT_TRACKERAPECONNECT=%(trackerAPEconnect)s
289 export ALIGNMENT_TRACKERAPE=%(trackerAPE)s
290 export ALIGNMENT_GPRCDCONNECT=%(gprcdconnect)s
291 export ALIGNMENT_GPRCD=%(gprcd)s
292 export ALIGNMENT_ISCOSMICS=%(iscosmics)s
293 export ALIGNMENT_STATION123PARAMS=%(station123params)s
294 export ALIGNMENT_STATION4PARAMS=%(station4params)s
295 export ALIGNMENT_CSCPARAMS=%(cscparams)s
296 export ALIGNMENT_MINTRACKPT=%(minTrackPt)s
297 export ALIGNMENT_MAXTRACKPT=%(maxTrackPt)s
298 export ALIGNMENT_MINTRACKERHITS=%(minTrackerHits)s
299 export ALIGNMENT_MAXTRACKERREDCHI2=%(maxTrackerRedChi2)s
301 export ALIGNMENT_TWOBIN=%(twoBin)s
302 export ALIGNMENT_WEIGHTALIGNMENT=%(weightAlignment)s
303 export ALIGNMENT_MINALIGNMENTHITS=%(minAlignmentHits)s
304 export ALIGNMENT_COMBINEME11=%(combineME11)s
305 export ALIGNMENT_MAXEVENTS=%(maxEvents)s
306 export ALIGNMENT_SKIPEVENTS=%(skipEvents)s
307 export ALIGNMENT_MAXRESSLOPEY=%(maxResSlopeY)s
309 cp -f %(directory)sgather_cfg.py %(inputdbdir)s%(inputdb)s %(copytrackerdb)s $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/
314 cp -f *.tmp %(copyplots)s $ALIGNMENT_AFSDIR/%(directory)s
316 os.system(
"chmod +x %s" % gather_fileName)
317 bsubfile.append(
"echo %sgather%03d.sh" % (directory, jobnumber))
319 if last_align
is None: waiter =
320 else: waiter =
"-w \"ended(%s)\"" % last_align
321 if options.big: queue =
322 else: queue =
324 bsubfile.append(
"bsub -R \"type==SLC5_64\" -q %s -J \"%s_gather%03d\" %s gather%03d.sh" % (queue, director, jobnumber, waiter, jobnumber))
326 bsubnames.append(
"ended(%s_gather%03d)" % (director, jobnumber))
328 file(
"%sconvert-db-to-xml_cfg.py" % directory,
"""from Alignment.MuonAlignment.convertSQLitetoXML_cfg import *
329 process.PoolDBESSource.connect = \"sqlite_file:%(directory)s%(director)s.db\"
330 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.fileName = \"%(directory)s%(director)s.xml\"
331 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.relativeto = \"ideal\"
332 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressDTChambers = False
333 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressDTSuperLayers = True
334 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressDTLayers = True
335 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressCSCChambers = False
336 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.outputXML.suppressCSCLayers = True
338 process.MuonGeometryDBConverter.getAPEs = True
339 process.PoolDBESSource.toGet = cms.VPSet(
340 cms.PSet(record = cms.string(\"DTAlignmentRcd\"), tag = cms.string(\"DTAlignmentRcd\")),
341 cms.PSet(record = cms.string(\"DTAlignmentErrorRcd\"), tag = cms.string(\"DTAlignmentErrorRcd\")),
342 cms.PSet(record = cms.string(\"CSCAlignmentRcd\"), tag = cms.string(\"CSCAlignmentRcd\")),
343 cms.PSet(record = cms.string(\"CSCAlignmentErrorRcd\"), tag = cms.string(\"CSCAlignmentErrorRcd\")),
348 if trackerconnect[0:12] ==
"sqlite_file:": copytrackerdb +=
"%s " % trackerconnect[12:]
349 if trackerAPEconnect[0:12] ==
"sqlite_file:": copytrackerdb +=
"%s " % trackerAPEconnect[12:]
350 if gprcdconnect[0:12] ==
"sqlite_file:": copytrackerdb +=
"%s " % gprcdconnect[12:]
352 file(
"%salign.sh" % directory,
355 export ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR=`pwd`
358 eval `scramv1 run -sh`
359 export ALIGNMENT_AFSDIR=`pwd`
360 export ALIGNMENT_INPUTDB=%(inputdb)s
361 export ALIGNMENT_ITERATION=%(iteration)d
362 export ALIGNMENT_GLOBALTAG=%(globaltag)s
363 export ALIGNMENT_TRACKERCONNECT=%(trackerconnect)s
364 export ALIGNMENT_TRACKERALIGNMENT=%(trackeralignment)s
365 export ALIGNMENT_TRACKERAPECONNECT=%(trackerAPEconnect)s
366 export ALIGNMENT_TRACKERAPE=%(trackerAPE)s
367 export ALIGNMENT_GPRCDCONNECT=%(gprcdconnect)s
368 export ALIGNMENT_GPRCD=%(gprcd)s
369 export ALIGNMENT_ISCOSMICS=%(iscosmics)s
370 export ALIGNMENT_STATION123PARAMS=%(station123params)s
371 export ALIGNMENT_STATION4PARAMS=%(station4params)s
372 export ALIGNMENT_CSCPARAMS=%(cscparams)s
373 export ALIGNMENT_MINTRACKPT=%(minTrackPt)s
374 export ALIGNMENT_MAXTRACKPT=%(maxTrackPt)s
375 export ALIGNMENT_MINTRACKERHITS=%(minTrackerHits)s
376 export ALIGNMENT_MAXTRACKERREDCHI2=%(maxTrackerRedChi2)s
378 export ALIGNMENT_TWOBIN=%(twoBin)s
379 export ALIGNMENT_WEIGHTALIGNMENT=%(weightAlignment)s
380 export ALIGNMENT_MINALIGNMENTHITS=%(minAlignmentHits)s
381 export ALIGNMENT_COMBINEME11=%(combineME11)s
382 export ALIGNMENT_MAXRESSLOPEY=%(maxResSlopeY)s
384 cp -f %(directory)salign_cfg.py %(directory)sconvert-db-to-xml_cfg.py %(inputdbdir)s%(inputdb)s %(directory)s*.tmp %(copytrackerdb)s $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/
386 export ALIGNMENT_ALIGNMENTTMP=`ls alignment*.tmp`
390 cp -f MuonAlignmentFromReference_report.py $ALIGNMENT_AFSDIR/%(directory)s%(director)s_report.py
391 cp -f MuonAlignmentFromReference_outputdb.db $ALIGNMENT_AFSDIR/%(directory)s%(director)s.db
392 cp -f MuonAlignmentFromReference_plotting.root $ALIGNMENT_AFSDIR/%(directory)s%(director)s.root
395 cmsRun %(directory)sconvert-db-to-xml_cfg.py
397 # if it's 1st or last iteration, combine _plotting.root files into one:
398 if [ \"$ALIGNMENT_ITERATION\" == \"1\" ] || [ \"$ALIGNMENT_ITERATION\" == \"%(ITERATIONS)s\" ]; then
399 nfiles=$(ls %(directory)splotting0*.root 2> /dev/null | wc -l)
400 if [ \"$nfiles\" != \"0\" ]; then
401 hadd -f1 %(directory)s%(director)s_plotting.root %(directory)splotting0*.root
402 #if [ $? == 0 ]; then rm %(directory)splotting0*.root; fi
406 # if it's last iteration, apply chamber motion policy
407 if [ \"$ALIGNMENT_ITERATION\" == \"%(ITERATIONS)s\" ]; then
408 # convert this iteration's geometry into detailed xml
409 ./Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/scripts/convertSQLiteXML.py %(directory)s%(director)s.db %(directory)s%(director)s_extra.xml
410 # perform motion policy
411 ./Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/scripts/motionPolicyChamber.py \
412 %(INITIALXML)s %(directory)s%(director)s_extra.xml \
413 %(directory)s%(director)s_report.py \
414 %(directory)s%(director)s_final.xml \
415 --nsigma %(theNSigma)s
416 # convert the resulting xml into the final sqlite geometry
417 ./Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/scripts/convertSQLiteXML.py %(directory)s%(director)s_final.xml %(directory)s%(director)s_final.db
421 os.system(
"chmod +x %salign.sh" % directory)
423 bsubfile.append(
"echo %salign.sh" % directory)
424 bsubfile.append(
"bsub -R \"type==SLC5_64\" -q cmscaf1nd -J \"%s_align\" -w \"%s\" align.sh" % (director,
" && ".
425 bsubfile.append(
"cd ..")
427 last_align =
"%s_align" % director
430 if len(validationLabel)
and iteration == ITERATIONS:
432 directory1 =
"%s01/" % DIRNAME
433 director1 = directory1[:-1]
435 file(
"%svalidation.sh" % directory,
438 export ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR=`pwd`
443 eval `scramv1 run -sh`
445 ALIGNMENT_ITERATION=%(iteration)d
450 # copy the scripts to CAFDIR
451 cd Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/scripts/
452 cp -f plotscripts.py $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/
453 cp -f mutypes.py $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/
454 cp -f alignmentValidation.py $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/
455 cp -f phiedges_fitfunctions.C $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/
456 cp -f createTree.py $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/
458 cp Alignment/MuonAlignmentAlgorithms/test/browser/tree* $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/out/
460 # copy the results to CAFDIR
461 cp -f %(directory1)s%(director1)s_report.py $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/files/
462 cp -f %(directory)s%(director)s_report.py $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/files/
463 cp -f %(directory1)s%(director1)s.root $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/files/
464 cp -f %(directory)s%(director)s.root $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/files/
465 if [ -e %(directory1)s%(director1)s_plotting.root ] && [ -e %(directory)s%(director)s_plotting.root ]; then
466 cp -f %(directory1)s%(director1)s_plotting.root $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/files/
467 cp -f %(directory)s%(director)s_plotting.root $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/files/
468 ALIGNMENT_MAPPLOTS=%(mapplots)s
469 ALIGNMENT_SEGDIFFPLOTS=%(segdiffplots)s
470 ALIGNMENT_CURVATUREPLOTS=%(curvatureplots)s
474 echo \" ### Start running ###\"
477 # do fits and median plots first
478 ./alignmentValidation.py -l %(validationLabel)s -i $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR --i1 files --iN files --i1prefix %(director1)s --iNprefix %(director)s -o $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/out --createDirSructure --dt --csc --fit --median
480 if [ $ALIGNMENT_MAPPLOTS == \"True\" ]; then
481 ./alignmentValidation.py -l %(validationLabel)s -i $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR --i1 files --iN files --i1prefix %(director1)s --iNprefix %(director)s -o $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/out --dt --csc --map
484 if [ $ALIGNMENT_SEGDIFFPLOTS == \"True\" ]; then
485 ./alignmentValidation.py -l %(validationLabel)s -i $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR --i1 files --iN files --i1prefix %(director1)s --iNprefix %(director)s -o $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/out --dt --csc --segdiff
488 if [ $ALIGNMENT_CURVATUREPLOTS == \"True\" ]; then
489 ./alignmentValidation.py -l %(validationLabel)s -i $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR --i1 files --iN files --i1prefix %(director1)s --iNprefix %(director)s -o $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/out --dt --csc --curvature
492 # run simple diagnostic
493 ./alignmentValidation.py -l %(validationLabel)s -i $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR --i1 files --iN files --i1prefix %(director1)s --iNprefix %(director)s -o $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/out --dt --csc --diagnostic
495 # fill the tree browser structure:
496 ./createTree.py -i $ALIGNMENT_CAFDIR/out
498 timestamp=`date \"+%%y-%%m-%%d %%H:%%M:%%S\"`
499 echo \"%(validationLabel)s.plots (${timestamp})\" > out/label.txt
502 timestamp=`date +%%Y%%m%%d%%H%%M%%S`
503 tar czf %(validationLabel)s_${timestamp}.tgz out
504 cp -f %(validationLabel)s_${timestamp}.tgz $ALIGNMENT_AFSDIR/
507 os.system(
"chmod +x %svalidation.sh" % directory)
509 bsubfile.append(
"echo %svalidation.sh" % directory)
510 bsubfile.append(
"bsub -R \"type==SLC5_64\" -q cmscaf1nd -J \"%s_validation\" -w \"ended(%s)\" validation.sh" % (director, last_align))
511 bsubfile.append(
"cd ..")
516 file(options.submitJobs,
517 os.system(
"chmod +x %s" % options.submitJobs)
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
static std::string join(char **cmd)