Go to the source code of this file.
dictionary | relval_steps.dataReco |
dictionary | relval_steps.K100byK1 = {'--relval':'100000,1000'} |
dictionary | relval_steps.K9by100 = {'--relval':'9000,100'} |
dictionary | relval_steps.K9by25 = {'--relval':'9000,25'} |
dictionary | relval_steps.K9by250 = {'--relval':'9000,250'} |
dictionary | relval_steps.K9by50 = {'--relval':'9000,50'} |
dictionary | relval_steps.stCond = {'--conditions':'auto:startup'} |
| Production test section ####. More...
dictionary | relval_steps.step1 = {} |
dictionary | relval_steps.step1Defaults |
tuple | relval_steps.step1FastDefaults = merge([{'-s':'GEN,FASTSIM,HLT:GRun,VALIDATION', '--eventcontent':'FEVTDEBUGHLT','--datatier':'GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO','--relval':'27000,1000'},step1Defaults]) |
| fastsim section #### no forseen to do things in two steps GEN-SIM then FASTIM->end: maybe later More...
dictionary | relval_steps.step2 = {} |
dictionary | relval_steps.step2Defaults |
dictionary | relval_steps.step3 = {} |
dictionary | relval_steps.step3Defaults |
dictionary | relval_steps.step4 = {} |
dictionary | relval_steps.step4Defaults |
list | relval_steps.stepList = [step1, step2, step3, step4] |
| for special wfs ### More...