3 hLTMuonPostVal = cms.EDAnalyzer(
8 subDirs = cms.untracked.vstring(
10 verbose = cms.untracked.uint32(0),
11 outputFileName = cms.untracked.string(
12 commands = cms.vstring(),
13 resolution = cms.vstring(),
15 efficiency = cms.vstring(
22 "recEffEta_L3Filtered '#eta Efficiency for L3Filtered; #eta of Reconstructed Muon;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All Rec muons' recPassEta_L3Filtered recPassEta_All",
23 "recEffPhi_L3Filtered '#phi Efficiency for L3Filtered; #phi of Reconstructed Muon;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassPhi_L3Filtered recPassPhi_All",
24 "recEffPtMax_L3Filtered 'P_T Efficiency for L3Filtered; Reconstructed Muon pt (GeV);# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassMaxPt_L3Filtered recPassMaxPt_All",
25 "recEffPt_L3Filtered 'P_T Efficiency for L3Filtered; Reconstructed Muon pt (GeV);# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassPt_L3Filtered recPassPt_All",
26 "recEffPhiVsEta_L3Filtered 'Efficiency for L3Filtered; Reconstructed Muon #eta (GeV); Rec #mu #phi / # All rec muons' recPhiVsRecEta_L3Filtered recPhiVsRecEta_All",
27 "recEffZ0_L3Filtered 'Z0 (from origin) Efficiency for L3Filtered; Reconstructed Muon Z0;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassZ0_L3Filtered recPassZ0_All",
28 "recEffZ0Beam_L3Filtered 'Z0 (from origin) Efficiency for L3Filtered; Reconstructed Muon Z0;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassZ0Beam_L3Filtered recPassZ0Beam_All",
29 "recEffD0Beam_L3Filtered 'd0 (from beamspot) Efficiency for L3Filtered; Reconstructed Muon d0 ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassD0Beam_L3Filtered recPassD0Beam_All",
30 "recEffD0_L3Filtered 'd0 (from beamspot) Efficiency for L3Filtered; Reconstructed Muon d0 ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassD0_L3Filtered recPassD0_All",
31 "recEffCharge_L3Filtered 'Charge Efficiency for L3Filtered; Reconstructed Muon Charge ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassCharge_L3Filtered recPassCharge_All",
32 "fakeEffPt_L3Filtered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L3Filtered; AOD Muon Pt; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandPt_L3Filtered allHltCandPt_L3Filtered",
33 "fakeEffEta_L3Filtered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L3Filtered; AOD Muon Eta; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandEta_L3Filtered allHltCandEta_L3Filtered",
34 "fakeEffPhi_L3Filtered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L3Filtered; AOD Muon Phi; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandPhi_L3Filtered allHltCandPhi_L3Filtered",
38 "recEffEta_L1Filtered '#eta Efficiency for L1Filtered; #eta of Reconstructed Muon;# Rec #mu Matched to L3Iso / # All rec muons' recPassEta_L1Filtered recPassEta_All",
39 "recEffPhi_L1Filtered '#phi Efficiency for L1Filtered; #phi of Reconstructed Muon;# Rec #mu Matched to L3Iso / # All rec muons' recPassPhi_L1Filtered recPassPhi_All",
40 "recEffPtMax_L1Filtered '#P_t Efficiency for L1Filtered; Reconstructed Muon pt (GeV);# Rec #mu Matched to L3Iso / # All rec muons' recPassMaxPt_L1Filtered recPassMaxPt_All",
41 "recEffPt_L1Filtered '#P_t Efficiency for L1Filtered; Reconstructed Muon pt (GeV);# Rec #mu Matched to L3Iso / # All rec muons' recPassPt_L1Filtered recPassPt_All",
42 "recEffZ0_L1Filtered 'Z0 (from origin) Efficiency for L1Filtered; Reconstructed Muon Z0;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassZ0_L1Filtered recPassZ0_All",
43 "recEffZ0Beam_L1Filtered 'Z0 (from origin) Efficiency for L1Filtered; Reconstructed Muon Z0;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassZ0Beam_L1Filtered recPassZ0Beam_All",
44 "recEffD0Beam_L1Filtered 'd0 (from beamspot) Efficiency for L1Filtered; Reconstructed Muon d0 ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassD0Beam_L1Filtered recPassD0Beam_All",
45 "recEffD0_L1Filtered 'd0 (from beamspot) Efficiency for L1Filtered; Reconstructed Muon d0 ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassD0_L1Filtered recPassD0_All",
46 "recEffCharge_L1Filtered 'Charge Efficiency for L1Filtered; Reconstructed Muon Charge ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassCharge_L1Filtered recPassCharge_All",
47 "recEffPhiVsEta_L1Filtered 'Efficiency for L1Filtered; Reconstructed Muon #eta (GeV); Rec #mu #phi / # All rec muons' recPhiVsRecEta_L1Filtered recPhiVsRecEta_All",
48 "fakeEffPt_L1Filtered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L1Filtered; AOD Muon Pt; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandPt_L1Filtered allHltCandPt_L1Filtered",
49 "fakeEffEta_L1Filtered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L1Filtered; AOD Muon Eta; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandEta_L1Filtered allHltCandEta_L1Filtered",
50 "fakeEffPhi_L1Filtered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L1Filtered; AOD Muon Phi; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandPhi_L1Filtered allHltCandPhi_L1Filtered",
55 "recEffEta_L2Filtered '#eta Efficiency for L2Filtered; #eta of Reconstructed Muon;# Rec #mu Matched to L3Iso / # All rec muons' recPassEta_L2Filtered recPassEta_All",
56 "recEffPhi_L2Filtered '#phi Efficiency for L2Filtered; #phi of Reconstructed Muon;# Rec #mu Matched to L3Iso / # All rec muons' recPassPhi_L2Filtered recPassPhi_All",
57 "recEffPtMax_L2Filtered '#P_t Efficiency for L2Filtered; Reconstructed Muon pt (GeV);# Rec #mu Matched to L3Iso / # All rec muons' recPassMaxPt_L2Filtered recPassMaxPt_All",
58 "recEffPt_L2Filtered '#P_t Efficiency for L2Filtered; Reconstructed Muon pt (GeV);# Rec #mu Matched to L3Iso / # All rec muons' recPassPt_L2Filtered recPassPt_All",
59 "recEffZ0_L2Filtered 'Z0 (from origin) Efficiency for L2Filtered; Reconstructed Muon Z0;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassZ0_L2Filtered recPassZ0_All",
60 "recEffZ0Beam_L2Filtered 'Z0 (from origin) Efficiency for L2Filtered; Reconstructed Muon Z0;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassZ0Beam_L2Filtered recPassZ0Beam_All",
61 "recEffD0Beam_L2Filtered 'd0 (from beamspot) Efficiency for L2Filtered; Reconstructed Muon d0 ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassD0Beam_L2Filtered recPassD0Beam_All",
62 "recEffD0_L2Filtered 'd0 (from beamspot) Efficiency for L2Filtered; Reconstructed Muon d0 ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassD0_L2Filtered recPassD0_All",
63 "recEffCharge_L2Filtered 'Charge Efficiency for L2Filtered; Reconstructed Muon Charge ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassCharge_L2Filtered recPassCharge_All",
64 "recEffPhiVsEta_L2Filtered 'Efficiency for L2Filtered; Reconstructed Muon #eta (GeV); Rec #mu #phi / # All rec muons' recPhiVsRecEta_L2Filtered recPhiVsRecEta_All",
65 "fakeEffPt_L2Filtered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L2Filtered; AOD Muon Pt; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandPt_L2Filtered allHltCandPt_L2Filtered",
66 "fakeEffEta_L2Filtered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L2Filtered; AOD Muon Eta; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandEta_L2Filtered allHltCandEta_L2Filtered",
67 "fakeEffPhi_L2Filtered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L2Filtered; AOD Muon Phi; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandPhi_L2Filtered allHltCandPhi_L2Filtered",
72 "recEffEta_L3PreFiltered '#eta Efficiency for L3PreFiltered; #eta of Reconstructed Muon;# Rec #mu Matched to L3Pre / # All rec muons' recPassEta_L3PreFiltered recPassEta_All",
73 "recEffPhi_L3PreFiltered '#phi Efficiency for L3PreFiltered; #phi of Reconstructed Muon;# Rec #mu Matched to L3Pre / # All rec muons' recPassPhi_L3PreFiltered recPassPhi_All",
74 "recEffPtMax_L3PreFiltered '#P_t Efficiency for L3PreFiltered; Reconstructed Muon pt (GeV);# Rec #mu Matched to L3Pre / # All rec muons' recPassMaxPt_L3PreFiltered recPassMaxPt_All",
75 "recEffPt_L3PreFiltered '#p_t Efficiency for L3PreFiltered; Reconstructed Muon #p_T (GeV);# Rec #mu Matched to L3Pre / # All rec muons' recPassPt_L3PreFiltered recPassPt_All",
77 "recEffZ0_L3PreFiltered 'Z0 (from origin) Efficiency for L3PreFiltered; Reconstructed Muon Z0;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassZ0_L3PreFiltered recPassZ0_All",
78 "recEffD0Beam_L3PreFiltered 'd0 (from beamspot) Efficiency for L3PreFiltered; Reconstructed Muon d0 ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassD0Beam_L3PreFiltered recPassD0Beam_All",
79 "recEffCharge_L3PreFiltered 'Charge Efficiency for L3PreFiltered; Reconstructed Muon Charge ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassCharge_L3PreFiltered recPassCharge_All",
80 "fakeEffPt_L3PreFiltered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L3PreFiltered; AOD Muon Pt; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandPt_L3PreFiltered allHltCandPt_L3PreFiltered",
81 "fakeEffEta_L3PreFiltered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L3PreFiltered; AOD Muon Eta; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandEta_L3PreFiltered allHltCandEta_L3PreFiltered",
82 "fakeEffPhi_L3PreFiltered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L3PreFiltered; AOD Muon Phi; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandPhi_L3PreFiltered allHltCandPhi_L3PreFiltered",
87 "recEffEta_L3IsoFiltered '#eta Efficiency for L3IsoFiltered; #eta of Reconstructed Muon;# Rec #mu Matched to L3Iso / # All rec muons' recPassEta_L3IsoFiltered recPassEta_All",
88 "recEffPhi_L3IsoFiltered '#phi Efficiency for L3IsoFiltered; #phi of Reconstructed Muon;# Rec #mu Matched to L3Iso / # All rec muons' recPassPhi_L3IsoFiltered recPassPhi_All",
89 "recEffPtMax_L3IsoFiltered '#P_t Efficiency for L3IsoFiltered; Reconstructed Muon pt (GeV);# Rec #mu Matched to L3Iso / # All rec muons' recPassMaxPt_L3IsoFiltered recPassMaxPt_All",
90 "recEffPt_L3IsoFiltered '#P_t Efficiency for L3IsoFiltered; Reconstructed Muon pt (GeV);# Rec #mu Matched to L3Iso / # All rec muons' recPassPt_L3IsoFiltered recPassPt_All",
91 "recEffZ0_L3IsoFiltered 'Z0 (from origin) Efficiency for L3IsoFiltered; Reconstructed Muon Z0;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassZ0_L3IsoFiltered recPassZ0_All",
92 "recEffD0Beam_L3IsoFiltered 'd0 (from beamspot) Efficiency for L3IsoFiltered; Reconstructed Muon d0 ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassD0Beam_L3IsoFiltered recPassD0Beam_All",
93 "recEffCharge_L3IsoFiltered 'Charge Efficiency for L3IsoFiltered; Reconstructed Muon Charge ;# Rec #mu Matched to L3 / # All rec muons' recPassCharge_L3IsoFiltered recPassCharge_All",
94 "fakeEffPt_L3IsoFiltered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L3IsoFiltered; AOD Muon Pt; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandPt_L3IsoFiltered allHltCandPt_L3IsoFiltered",
95 "fakeEffEta_L3IsoFiltered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L3IsoFiltered; AOD Muon Eta; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandEta_L3IsoFiltered allHltCandEta_L3IsoFiltered",
96 "fakeEffPhi_L3IsoFiltered 'Efficiency for Fakes passing L3IsoFiltered; AOD Muon Phi; #Fakes / #HLT Muons' fakeHltCandPhi_L3IsoFiltered allHltCandPhi_L3IsoFiltered",