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6 muonTrackValidator = cms.EDAnalyzer("MuonTrackValidator",
7  # input TrackingParticle collections
8  label_tp_effic = cms.InputTag("mergedtruth","MergedTrackTruth"),
9  label_tp_fake = cms.InputTag("mergedtruth","MergedTrackTruth"),
10  # input reco::Track collection
11  label = cms.VInputTag(cms.InputTag("globalMuons")),
12  # switches to be set according to the input Track collection to properly count SimHits
13  usetracker = cms.bool(True),
14  usemuon = cms.bool(True),
15  #
16  useGsf=cms.bool(False),
17  beamSpot = cms.InputTag("offlineBeamSpot"),
18  # set true if you do not want that MTV launch an exception
19  # if the track collection is missing (e.g. HLT):
20  ignoremissingtrackcollection=cms.untracked.bool(False),
21  #
22  # selection of TP for evaluation of efficiency, from "TrackingParticleSelectionForEfficiency"
23  signalOnlyTP = cms.bool(True),
24  chargedOnlyTP = cms.bool(True),
25  pdgIdTP = cms.vint32(13,-13),
26  minHitTP = cms.int32(0),
27  ptMinTP = cms.double(0.9),
28  minRapidityTP = cms.double(-2.4),
29  maxRapidityTP = cms.double(2.4),
30  tipTP = cms.double(3.5),
31  lipTP = cms.double(30.0),
32  # collision like tracks
33  parametersDefiner = cms.string('LhcParametersDefinerForTP'),
34  # cosmics tracks
35  # parametersDefiner = cms.string('CosmicParametersDefinerForTP'),
36  #
37  # if *not* uses associators, the TP-RecoTrack maps has to be specified
38  UseAssociators = cms.bool(False),
39  associators = cms.vstring('a_MuonAssociator'),
40  associatormap = cms.InputTag("tpToMuonTrackAssociation"),
41  #
42  # BiDirectional Logic for RecoToSim association corrects the Fake rates (counting ghosts and split tracks as fakes)
43  # setting it to False the ghost and split tracks are counted as good ones (old setting of Muon Validation up to CMSSW_3_6_0_pre4)
44  # the default setting is True: should NOT be changed !
45  BiDirectional_RecoToSim_association = cms.bool(True),
46  #
47  # set true if you do not want efficiency fakes and resolution fit
48  # to be calculated in the end run (for automated validation):
49  skipHistoFit=cms.untracked.bool(True),
50  #
51  # Output File / Directory
52  outputFile = cms.string(''),
53  dirName = cms.string('Muons/RecoMuonV/MultiTrack/'),
54  #
55  # Parameters for plots
56  useFabsEta = cms.bool(False),
57  min = cms.double(-2.5),
58  max = cms.double(2.5),
59  nint = cms.int32(50),
60  #
61  ptRes_nbin = cms.int32(100),
62  ptRes_rangeMin = cms.double(-0.3),
63  ptRes_rangeMax = cms.double(0.3),
64  #
65  phiRes_nbin = cms.int32(100),
66  phiRes_rangeMin = cms.double(-0.05),
67  phiRes_rangeMax = cms.double(0.05),
68  #
69  etaRes_rangeMin = cms.double(-0.05),
70  etaRes_rangeMax = cms.double(0.05),
71  #
72  cotThetaRes_nbin = cms.int32(120),
73  cotThetaRes_rangeMin = cms.double(-0.01),
74  cotThetaRes_rangeMax = cms.double(0.01),
75  #
76  dxyRes_nbin = cms.int32(100),
77  dxyRes_rangeMin = cms.double(-0.02),
78  dxyRes_rangeMax = cms.double(0.02),
79  #
80  dzRes_nbin = cms.int32(150),
81  dzRes_rangeMin = cms.double(-0.05),
82  dzRes_rangeMax = cms.double(0.05),
83  #
84  minpT = cms.double(0.1),
85  maxpT = cms.double(1500),
86  nintpT = cms.int32(40),
87  useLogPt=cms.untracked.bool(False),
88  useInvPt = cms.bool(False),
89  #
90  minHit = cms.double(-0.5),
91  maxHit = cms.double(74.5),
92  nintHit = cms.int32(75),
93  #
94  minPhi = cms.double(-3.1416),
95  maxPhi = cms.double(3.1416),
96  nintPhi = cms.int32(36),
97  #
98  minDxy = cms.double(-3),
99  maxDxy = cms.double(3),
100  nintDxy = cms.int32(100),
101  #
102  minDz = cms.double(-10),
103  maxDz = cms.double(10),
104  nintDz = cms.int32(100),
105  # TP originating vertical position
106  minVertpos = cms.double(0),
107  maxVertpos = cms.double(5),
108  nintVertpos = cms.int32(100),
109  # TP originating z position
110  minZpos = cms.double(-10),
111  maxZpos = cms.double(10),
112  nintZpos = cms.int32(100)
113 )