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3 # SiStripMonitorCluster
4 SiStripCalZeroBiasMonitorCluster = cms.EDAnalyzer("SiStripMonitorCluster",
5  # by default do not write out any file with histograms
6  # can overwrite this in .cfg file with: replace SiStripMonitorCluster.OutputMEsInRootFile = true
7  ClusterProducer = cms.InputTag("calZeroBiasClusters"),
8  OutputMEsInRootFile = cms.bool(False),
9  OutputFileName = cms.string('SiStripMonitorCluster.root'),
11  ResetMEsEachRun = cms.bool(False),
13  StripQualityLabel = cms.string('unbiased'),
15  SelectAllDetectors = cms.bool(True),
16  ShowMechanicalStructureView = cms.bool(True),
18  ClusterLabel = cms.string(''),
20  TkHistoMap_On = cms.bool(False),
22  TopFolderName = cms.string('AlcaReco/SiStrip'),
24  CreateTrendMEs = cms.bool(False),
25  Trending = cms.PSet(
26  Nbins = cms.int32(600),
27  xmin = cms.double(0.0),
28  xmax = cms.double(1.0*60*60),
29  ymin = cms.double(0.0),
30  ymax = cms.double(100000.0)
31  ),
32  TH1ClusterNoise = cms.PSet(
33  Nbinx = cms.int32(20),
34  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
35  xmax = cms.double(9.5),
36  layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
37  moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)
38  ),
40  TH1NrOfClusterizedStrips = cms.PSet(
41  Nbinx = cms.int32(20),
42  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
43  xmax = cms.double(99.5),
44  layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
45  moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)
46  ),
47  TH1ClusterPos = cms.PSet(
48  Nbinx = cms.int32(768),
49  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
50  xmax = cms.double(767.5),
51  layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
52  moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)
53  ),
54  TH1ClusterDigiPos = cms.PSet(
55  Nbinx = cms.int32(768),
56  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
57  xmax = cms.double(767.5),
58  layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
59  moduleswitchon = cms.bool(True)
60  ),
61  TH1ModuleLocalOccupancy = cms.PSet(
62  Nbinx = cms.int32(20),
63  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
64  xmax = cms.double(0.95),
65  layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
66  moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)
67  ),
68  TH1nClusters = cms.PSet(
69  Nbinx = cms.int32(11),
70  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
71  xmax = cms.double(10.5),
72  layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
73  moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)
74  ),
75  TH1ClusterStoN = cms.PSet(
76  Nbinx = cms.int32(100),
77  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
78  xmax = cms.double(299.5),
79  layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
80  moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)
81  ),
82  TH1ClusterStoNVsPos = cms.PSet(
83  Nbinx = cms.int32(768),
84  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
85  xmax = cms.double(767.5),
86  Nbiny = cms.int32(100),
87  ymin = cms.double(-0.5),
88  ymax = cms.double(299.5),
89  layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
90  moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)
91  ),
92  TH1ClusterCharge = cms.PSet(
93  Nbinx = cms.int32(200),
94  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
95  xmax = cms.double(799.5),
96  layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
97  moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)
98  ),
99  TH1ClusterWidth = cms.PSet(
100  Nbinx = cms.int32(20),
101  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
102  xmax = cms.double(19.5),
103  layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
104  moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)
105  ),
107  TProfNumberOfCluster = cms.PSet(
108  Nbinx = cms.int32(100),
109  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
110  xmax = cms.double(499.5),
111  layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
112  moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)
113  ),
115  TProfClusterWidth = cms.PSet(
116  Nbinx = cms.int32(100),
117  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
118  xmax = cms.double(499.5),
119  layerswitchon = cms.bool(False),
120  moduleswitchon = cms.bool(False)
121  ),
123  ClusterConditions = cms.PSet(
124  minWidth = cms.double(0.0),
125  On = cms.bool(True),
126  maxStoN = cms.double(10000.0),
127  minStoN = cms.double(0.0),
128  maxWidth = cms.double(10000.0)
129  ),
130  TProfTotalNumberOfClusters = cms.PSet(
131  Nbins = cms.int32(600),
132  xmin = cms.double(0.0),
133  xmax = cms.double(1.0*60*60),
134  ymin = cms.double(0.0),
135  ymax = cms.double(0.0),
136  subdetswitchon = cms.bool(False)
137  ),
139  TH1TotalNumberOfClusters = cms.PSet(
140  Nbinx = cms.int32(50),
141  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
142  xmax = cms.double(299.5),
143  subdetswitchon = cms.bool(True)
144  ),
145  TProfClustersApvCycle = cms.PSet(
146  Nbins = cms.int32(70),
147  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
148  xmax = cms.double(69.5),
149  Nbinsy = cms.int32(200),
150  ymin = cms.double(0.0),
151  ymax = cms.double(0.0),
152  subdetswitchon = cms.bool(False)
153  ),
155  TH2ClustersApvCycle = cms.PSet(
156  Nbinsx = cms.int32(70),
157  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
158  xmax = cms.double(69.5),
159  Nbinsy = cms.int32(200),
160  ymin = cms.double(0.0),
161  yfactor = cms.double(0.0002),
162  subdetswitchon = cms.bool(True)
163  ),
165  TProfClustersVsDBxCycle = cms.PSet(
166  Nbins = cms.int32(800),
167  xmin = cms.double(0.5),
168  xmax = cms.double(800.5),
169  ymin = cms.double(0.0),
170  ymax = cms.double(0.0),
171  subdetswitchon = cms.bool(False)
172  ),
174  TProf2ApvCycleVsDBx = cms.PSet(
175  Nbinsx = cms.int32(70),
176  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
177  xmax = cms.double(69.5),
178  Nbinsy = cms.int32(800),
179  ymin = cms.double(0.5),
180  ymax = cms.double(800.5),
181  zmin = cms.double(0.0),
182  zmax = cms.double(0.0),
183  subdetswitchon = cms.bool(False)
184  ),
186  TH2ApvCycleVsDBxGlobal = cms.PSet(
187  Nbinsx = cms.int32(70),
188  xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
189  xmax = cms.double(69.5),
190  Nbinsy = cms.int32(800),
191  ymin = cms.double(0.5),
192  ymax = cms.double(800.5),
193  globalswitchon = cms.bool(False)
194  ),
196  Mod_On = cms.bool(True),
198  HistoryProducer = cms.InputTag("consecutiveHEs"),
199  ApvPhaseProducer = cms.InputTag("APVPhases"),
201  UseDCSFiltering = cms.bool(True),
203  ShowControlView = cms.bool(False),
204  ShowReadoutView = cms.bool(False)
205 )