
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef PhysicsTools_Utilities_Simplify_begin_h
00002 #define PhysicsTools_Utilities_Simplify_begin_h
00003 #undef PhysicsTools_Utilities_Simplify_end_h
00004 #define TYP0    
00006 #define TYPT1 typename A
00007 #define TYPT2 typename A, typename B
00008 #define TYPT3 typename A, typename B, typename C
00009 #define TYPT4 typename A, typename B, typename C, typename D
00011 #define TYPN1 int n
00012 #define TYPN2 int n, int m
00013 #define TYPN3 int n, int m, int k
00014 #define TYPN4 int n, int m, int k, int l
00016 #define TYPN1T1 int n, typename A
00017 #define TYPN1T2 int n, typename A, typename B
00018 #define TYPN2T1 int n, int m, typename A
00019 #define TYPN2T2 int n, int m, typename A, typename B
00020 #define TYPN3T1 int n, int m, int k, typename A
00022 #define TYPX typename X
00024 #define TYPXT1 typename X, typename A
00025 #define TYPXT2 typename X, typename A, typename B
00027 #define TYPXN1 typename X, int n
00028 #define TYPXN2 typename X, int n, int m
00030 #define TYPXN1T1 typename X, int n, typename A
00031 #define TYPXN2T1 typename X, int n, int m, typename A
00033 #define TEMPL(X) template< TYP##X >
00035 #define NUM(N) Numerical< N >
00036 #define FRACT(N, M) typename Fraction< N, M >::type
00037 #define SUM_S(A, B) SumStruct<A, B>
00038 #define MINUS_S(A) MinusStruct<A>
00039 #define PROD_S(A, B) ProductStruct<A, B>
00040 #define RATIO_S(A, B) RatioStruct<A, B>
00041 #define POWER_S(A, B) PowerStruct<A, B>
00042 #define FRACT_S(N, M) FractionStruct<N, M>
00043 #define SQRT_S(A) SqrtStruct<A>
00044 #define EXP_S(A) ExpStruct<A>
00045 #define LOG_S(A) LogStruct<A>
00046 #define SIN_S(A) SinStruct<A>
00047 #define COS_S(A) CosStruct<A>
00048 #define TAN_S(A) TanStruct<A>
00049 #define ABS_S(A) AbsStruct<A>
00050 #define SGN_S(A) SgnStruct<A>
00052 #define SUM(A, B) typename Sum< A, B >::type
00053 #define DIFF(A, B) typename Difference< A, B >::type
00054 #define MINUS(A) typename Minus< A >::type
00055 #define PROD(A, B) typename Product< A, B >::type
00056 #define RATIO(A, B) typename Ratio< A, B >::type
00057 #define POWER(A, B) typename Power< A, B >::type
00058 #define SQUARE(A) typename Square< A >::type
00059 #define SQRT(A) typename Sqrt< A >::type
00060 #define EXP(A) typename Exp< A >::type
00061 #define LOG(A) typename Log< A >::type
00062 #define SIN(A) typename Sin< A >::type
00063 #define COS(A) typename Cos< A >::type
00064 #define SIN2(A) typename Sin2< A >::type
00065 #define COS2(A) typename Cos2< A >::type
00066 #define TAN(A) typename Tan< A >::type
00067 #define ABS(A) typename Abs< A >::type
00068 #define SGN(A) typename Sgn< A >::type
00070 #define COMBINE(A, B, RES) \
00071 inline static type combine (const A& _1, const B& _2) { \
00072   return RES; \
00073 } \
00074 struct __useless_ignoreme
00076 #define MINUS_RULE(TMPL, T, RES, COMB) \
00077 template<TMPL> \
00078 struct Minus<T> { \
00079   typedef RES type; \
00080   inline static type operate(const T& _) { return COMB; } \
00081 }
00083 #define SUM_RULE(TMPL, T1, T2, RES, COMB) \
00084 template<TMPL> \
00085 struct Sum<T1, T2> { \
00086   typedef RES type; \
00087   inline static type combine(const T1& _1, const T2 & _2) { return COMB; } \
00088 }
00090 #define DIFF_RULE(TMPL, T1, T2, RES, COMB) \
00091 template<TMPL> \
00092 struct Difference<T1, T2> { \
00093   typedef RES type; \
00094   inline static type combine(const T1& _1, const T2 & _2) { return COMB; } \
00095 }
00097 #define PROD_RULE(TMPL, T1, T2, RES, COMB) \
00098 template<TMPL> \
00099 struct Product<T1, T2> { \
00100   typedef RES type; \
00101   inline static type combine(const T1& _1, const T2 & _2) { return COMB; } \
00102 }
00104 #define RATIO_RULE(TMPL, T1, T2, RES, COMB) \
00105 template<TMPL> \
00106 struct Ratio<T1, T2> { \
00107   typedef RES type; \
00108   inline static type combine(const T1& _1, const T2 & _2) { return COMB; } \
00109 }
00111 #define POWER_RULE(TMPL, T1, T2, RES, COMB) \
00112 template<TMPL> \
00113 struct Power<T1, T2> { \
00114   typedef RES type; \
00115   inline static type combine(const T1& _1, const T2 & _2) { return COMB; } \
00116 }
00118 #define EXP_RULE(TMPL, T, RES, COMB) \
00119 template< TMPL >\
00120 struct Exp< T > { \
00121   typedef RES type; \
00122   inline static type compose(const T& _) { return COMB; } \
00123 }
00125 #define LOG_RULE(TMPL, T, RES, COMB) \
00126 template< TMPL > \
00127 struct Log< T > { \
00128   typedef RES type; \
00129   inline static type compose(const T& _) { return COMB; } \
00130 }
00132 #define SIN_RULE(TMPL, T, RES, COMB) \
00133 template< TMPL > \
00134 struct Sin< T > { \
00135   typedef RES type; \
00136   inline static type compose(const T& _) { return COMB; } \
00137 }
00139 #define COS_RULE(TMPL, T, RES, COMB) \
00140 template< TMPL > \
00141 struct Cos< T > { \
00142   typedef RES type; \
00143   inline static type compose(const T& _) { return COMB; } \
00144 }
00146 #define TAN_RULE(TMPL, T, RES, COMB) \
00147 template< TMPL > \
00148 struct Tan< T > { \
00149   typedef RES type; \
00150   inline static type compose(const T& _) { return COMB; } \
00151 }
00153 #define GET(A, RES) \
00154 inline static type get(const A& _) { return RES; } \
00155  \
00156 struct __useless_ignoreme
00158 #define DERIV(X, A) typename Derivative<X, A>::type
00159 #define PRIMIT(X, A) typename Primitive<A, X>::type
00161 #define DERIV_RULE(TMPL, T, RES, COMB) \
00162 template<TMPL> \
00163 struct Derivative<X, T> \
00164 { \
00165   typedef RES type; \
00166   inline static type get(const T& _) { return COMB; } \
00167 }
00169 #define PRIMIT_RULE(TMPL, T, RES, COMB) \
00170 template<TMPL> \
00171 struct Primitive<T, X> \
00172 { \
00173   typedef RES type; \
00174   inline static type get(const T& _) { return COMB; } \
00175 }
00177 #endif