
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "OutputDDToDDL.h"
00003 #include <FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h>
00004 #include <FWCore/Framework/interface/ESTransientHandle.h>
00006 #include <DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDLogicalPart.h>
00007 #include <DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDSpecifics.h>
00008 #include <DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDRoot.h>
00009 #include <DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDName.h>
00010 #include <DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDPosData.h>
00011 #include <DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDPartSelection.h>
00012 #include <DetectorDescription/OfflineDBLoader/interface/DDCoreToDDXMLOutput.h>
00013 #include <Geometry/Records/interface/IdealGeometryRecord.h>
00015 // for clhep stuff..
00016 #include "CLHEP/Units/GlobalSystemOfUnits.h"
00018 #include <iostream>
00019 #include <fstream>
00020 #include <string>
00021 #include <vector>
00022 #include <utility>
00024 bool ddsvaluesCmp::operator() ( const  DDsvalues_type& sv1, const DDsvalues_type& sv2 ) {
00025   if ( sv1.size() < sv2.size() ) return true;
00026   if ( sv2.size() < sv1.size() ) return false;
00027   size_t ind = 0;
00028   for (; ind < sv1.size(); ++ind) {
00029     if ( sv1[ind].first < sv2[ind].first ) return true;
00030     if ( sv2[ind].first < sv1[ind].first ) return false;
00031     if ( sv1[ind].second < sv2[ind].second ) return true;
00032     if ( sv2[ind].second < sv1[ind].second ) return false;
00033   }
00034   return false;
00035 }
00037 OutputDDToDDL::OutputDDToDDL(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig) : fname_()
00038 {
00039   //  std::cout<<"OutputDDToDDL::OutputDDToDDL"<<std::endl;
00040   rotNumSeed_ = iConfig.getParameter<int>("rotNumSeed");
00041   fname_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("fileName");
00042   if ( fname_ == "" ) {
00043     xos_ = &std::cout;
00044   } else {
00045     xos_ = new std::ofstream(fname_.c_str());
00046   }
00047   (*xos_) << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl;
00048   (*xos_) << "<DDDefinition xmlns=\"\"" << std::endl;
00049   (*xos_) << " xmlns:xsi=\"\"" << std::endl;
00050   (*xos_) << "xsi:schemaLocation=\" ../../../DetectorDescription/Schema/DDLSchema.xsd\">" << std::endl;
00051   (*xos_) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(18);
00052 }
00053 OutputDDToDDL::~OutputDDToDDL()
00054 {
00055   (*xos_) << "</DDDefinition>" << std::endl;
00056   (*xos_) << std::endl;
00057   xos_->flush();
00059 }
00061 void
00062 OutputDDToDDL::beginRun( const edm::Run&, edm::EventSetup const& es) 
00063 {
00064   std::cout<<"OutputDDToDDL::beginRun"<<std::endl;
00066   edm::ESTransientHandle<DDCompactView> pDD;
00068   es.get<IdealGeometryRecord>().get( pDD );
00070   DDCompactView::DDCompactView::graph_type gra = pDD->graph();
00071   // temporary stores:
00072   std::set<DDLogicalPart> lpStore;
00073   std::set<DDMaterial> matStore;
00074   std::set<DDSolid> solStore;
00075   // 2009-08-19: MEC: I've tried this with set<DDPartSelection> and
00076   // had to write operator< for DDPartSelection and DDPartSelectionLevel
00077   // the output from such an effort is different than this one.
00078   std::map<DDsvalues_type, std::set<DDPartSelection*>, ddsvaluesCmp > specStore;
00079   std::set<DDRotation> rotStore;
00081   DDCoreToDDXMLOutput out;
00083   std::string rn = fname_;
00084   size_t foundLastDot= rn.find_last_of('.');
00085   size_t foundLastSlash= rn.find_last_of('/');
00086   if ( foundLastSlash > foundLastDot && foundLastSlash != std::string::npos) {
00087     std::cout << "What? last . before last / in path for filename... this should die..." << std::endl;
00088   }
00089   if ( foundLastDot != std::string::npos && foundLastSlash != std::string::npos ) {
00090     out.ns_ = rn.substr(foundLastSlash,foundLastDot);
00091   } else if ( foundLastDot != std::string::npos ) {
00092     out.ns_ = rn.substr(0, foundLastDot);
00093   } else {
00094     std::cout << "What? no file name? Attempt at namespace =\"" << out.ns_ << "\" filename was " << fname_ <<  std::endl;
00095   }
00096   std::cout << "fname_=" << fname_ << " namespace = " << out.ns_ << std::endl;
00097   std::string ns_ = out.ns_;
00099   (*xos_) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(18);
00100   typedef  DDCompactView::graph_type::const_adj_iterator adjl_iterator;
00102   adjl_iterator git = gra.begin();
00103   adjl_iterator gend = gra.end();    
00105   DDCompactView::graph_type::index_type i=0;
00106   (*xos_) << "<PosPartSection label=\"" << ns_ << "\">" << std::endl;
00107   git = gra.begin();
00108   for (; git != gend; ++git) 
00109     {
00110       const DDLogicalPart & ddLP = gra.nodeData(git);
00111       if ( lpStore.find(ddLP) != lpStore.end() ) {
00112         addToSpecStore(ddLP, specStore);
00113       }
00114       lpStore.insert(ddLP);
00115       addToMatStore( ddLP.material(), matStore );
00116       addToSolStore( ddLP.solid(), solStore, rotStore );
00117       ++i;
00118       if (git->size()) 
00119         {
00120           // ask for children of ddLP  
00121           DDCompactView::graph_type::edge_list::const_iterator cit  = git->begin();
00122           DDCompactView::graph_type::edge_list::const_iterator cend = git->end();
00123           for (; cit != cend; ++cit) 
00124             {
00125               const DDLogicalPart & ddcurLP = gra.nodeData(cit->first);
00126               if (lpStore.find(ddcurLP) != lpStore.end()) {
00127                 addToSpecStore(ddcurLP, specStore);
00128               }
00129               lpStore.insert(ddcurLP);
00130               addToMatStore(ddcurLP.material(), matStore);
00131               addToSolStore(ddcurLP.solid(), solStore, rotStore);
00132               rotStore.insert(gra.edgeData(cit->second)->rot_);
00133               out.position(ddLP, ddcurLP, gra.edgeData(cit->second), rotNumSeed_, *xos_);
00134             } // iterate over children
00135         } // if (children)
00136     } // iterate over graph nodes  
00137   //  std::cout << "specStore.size() = " << specStore.size() << std::endl;
00139   (*xos_) << "</PosPartSection>" << std::endl;
00141   (*xos_) << std::scientific << std::setprecision(18);
00142   std::set<DDMaterial>::const_iterator it(matStore.begin()), ed(matStore.end());
00143   (*xos_) << "<MaterialSection label=\"" << ns_ << "\">" << std::endl;
00144   for (; it != ed; ++it) {
00145     if (! it->isDefined().second) continue;
00146     out.material(*it, *xos_);
00147   }
00148   (*xos_) << "</MaterialSection>" << std::endl;
00150   (*xos_) << "<RotationSection label=\"" << ns_ << "\">" << std::endl;
00151   (*xos_) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(18);
00152   std::set<DDRotation>::iterator rit(rotStore.begin()), red(rotStore.end());
00153   for (; rit != red; ++rit) {
00154     if (! rit->isDefined().second) continue;
00155     if ( rit->toString() != ":" ) {
00156       DDRotation r(*rit);
00157       out.rotation(r, *xos_);
00158     }
00159   } 
00160   (*xos_) << "</RotationSection>" << std::endl;
00162   (*xos_) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(18);
00163   std::set<DDSolid>::const_iterator sit(solStore.begin()), sed(solStore.end());
00164   (*xos_) << "<SolidSection label=\"" << ns_ << "\">" << std::endl;
00165   for (; sit != sed; ++sit) {
00166     if (! sit->isDefined().second) continue;  
00167     out.solid(*sit, *xos_);
00168   }
00169   (*xos_) << "</SolidSection>" << std::endl;
00171   std::set<DDLogicalPart>::iterator lpit(lpStore.begin()), lped(lpStore.end());
00172   (*xos_) << "<LogicalPartSection label=\"" << ns_ << "\">" << std::endl;
00173   for (; lpit != lped; ++lpit) {
00174     if (! lpit->isDefined().first) continue;  
00175     const DDLogicalPart & lp = *lpit;
00176       out.logicalPart(lp, *xos_);
00177   }
00178   (*xos_) << "</LogicalPartSection>" << std::endl;
00180   (*xos_) << std::fixed << std::setprecision(18);
00181   std::map<DDsvalues_type, std::set<DDPartSelection*> >::const_iterator mit(specStore.begin()), mend (specStore.end());
00182   (*xos_) << "<SpecParSection label=\"" << ns_ << "\">" << std::endl;
00183   for (; mit != mend; ++mit) {
00184     out.specpar ( *mit, *xos_ );
00185   } 
00186   (*xos_) << "</SpecParSection>" << std::endl;
00188 }
00190 void  OutputDDToDDL::addToMatStore( const DDMaterial& mat, std::set<DDMaterial> & matStore) {
00191   matStore.insert(mat);
00192   if ( mat.noOfConstituents() != 0 ) {
00193     DDMaterial::FractionV::value_type frac;
00194     int findex(0);
00195     while ( findex < mat.noOfConstituents() ) {
00196       if ( matStore.find(mat.constituent(findex).first) == matStore.end() ) {
00197         addToMatStore( mat.constituent(findex).first, matStore );
00198       }
00199       ++findex;
00200     }
00201   }
00202 }
00204 void  OutputDDToDDL::addToSolStore( const DDSolid& sol, std::set<DDSolid> & solStore, std::set<DDRotation>& rotStore ) {
00205       solStore.insert(sol);
00206       if ( sol.shape() == ddunion || sol.shape() == ddsubtraction || sol.shape() == ddintersection ) {
00207         const DDBooleanSolid& bs (sol);
00208         if ( solStore.find(bs.solidA()) == solStore.end()) {
00209           addToSolStore(bs.solidA(), solStore, rotStore);
00210         }
00211         if ( solStore.find(bs.solidB()) == solStore.end()) {
00212           addToSolStore(bs.solidB(), solStore, rotStore);
00213         }
00214         rotStore.insert(bs.rotation());
00215       }
00216 }
00218 void OutputDDToDDL::addToSpecStore( const DDLogicalPart& lp, std::map<DDsvalues_type, std::set<DDPartSelection*>, ddsvaluesCmp > & specStore ) {
00219   std::vector<std::pair<DDPartSelection*, DDsvalues_type*> >::const_iterator spit(lp.attachedSpecifics().begin()), spend(lp.attachedSpecifics().end());
00220   for ( ; spit != spend; ++spit ) {
00221     specStore[*spit->second].insert(spit->first);
00222   }
00223 }
00225 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"