
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef ROOT_TEcnaHeader
00002 #define ROOT_TEcnaHeader
00005 //                                                                      //
00006 // TEcnaHeader   Header of CNA ROOT file                                 //
00007 //                                                                      //
00008 //                                                                      //
00009 //                                                                      //
00011 #include "TROOT.h"
00012 #include "TObject.h"
00013 #include "TString.h"
00014 #include "TNamed.h"
00015 #include "Riostream.h"
00016 #include <time.h>
00017 #include <TMath.h>
00019 class TEcnaHeader : public TNamed {
00021 protected:
00023   void      Init();
00025 public:
00027   Int_t   fCnew;
00028   Int_t   fCdelete;
00030   Int_t   fgMaxCar;   // Max nb of caracters for char*
00032   //....... Header parameters
00033   TString fTypAna;              // name of the analysis (default = "std")
00034   Int_t   fNbOfSamples;         // Number of samples for calculations
00035   Int_t   fRunNumber;           // Run number
00036   Int_t   fFirstReqEvtNumber;   // First requested event number
00037   Int_t   fLastReqEvtNumber;    // Number of taken evts
00038   Int_t   fReqNbOfEvts;         // Requested number of events
00039   Int_t   fStex;                // Stex number
00041   time_t  fStartTime;           // Start time
00042   time_t  fStopTime;            // Stop time
00043   TString fStartDate;           // Start date
00044   TString fStopDate;            // Stop date
00046   Int_t   fRunType;             // run type
00048   //....... Header counters
00049   Int_t   fStinNumbersCalc;     // Nb of entries of type StinNumbers
00050   Int_t   fNbOfEvtsCalc;        // Nb of entries of type NbOfEvts
00052   Int_t   fAdcEvtCalc;          // *Nb of entries of type SampTime
00053   Int_t   fMSpCalc;             // *Nb of entries of type Ev
00054   Int_t   fSSpCalc;             // *Nb of entries of type Var
00055   Int_t   fAvTnoCalc;           // *Nb of entries of type AvTotn
00056   Int_t   fAvLfnCalc;           // *Nb of entries of type AvLfn
00057   Int_t   fAvHfnCalc;           // *Nb of entries of type AvHfn
00059   Int_t   fCovCssCalc;          // *Nb of entries of type CovCss
00060   Int_t   fCorCssCalc;          // *Nb of entries of type CorCss
00061   Int_t   fHfCovCalc;           // *Nb of entries of type HfCov
00062   Int_t   fHfCorCalc;           // *Nb of entries of type HfCor
00063   Int_t   fLfCovCalc;           // *Nb of entries of type LfCov
00064   Int_t   fLfCorCalc;           // *Nb of entries of type LfCor
00065   Int_t   fLFccMoStinsCalc;     // *Nb of entries of type LFccMoStins
00066   Int_t   fHFccMoStinsCalc;     // *Nb of entries of type HFccMoStins
00067   Int_t   fPedCalc;             // *Nb of entries of type Ped
00068   Int_t   fTnoCalc;             // *Nb of entries of type Tno
00069   Int_t   fMeanCorssCalc;       // *Nb of entries of type EvCorCss
00070   Int_t   fLfnCalc;             // *Nb of entries of type Lfn
00071   Int_t   fHfnCalc;             // *Nb of entries of type Hfn
00072   Int_t   fSigCorssCalc;        // *Nb of entries of type SigCorCss
00074   Int_t   fAvPedCalc;           // *Nb of entries of type AvPed
00075   Int_t   fAvMeanCorssCalc;     // *Nb of entries of type AvEvCorss
00076   Int_t   fAvSigCorssCalc;      // *Nb of entries of type AvSigCorss
00078   //------------------------------- methods
00079   TEcnaHeader();
00080   TEcnaHeader(const Text_t*, const Text_t*);
00081   ~TEcnaHeader();
00083 //  void HeaderParameters(Text_t*, Text_t*, TString,      const Int_t&, 
00084 //                        const Int_t&,     const Int_t&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&,
00085 //                      const  Int_t&);
00086 //  void HeaderParameters(Text_t*,  Text_t*, TString,    const Int_t&, 
00087 //                      const Int_t&,    const Int_t&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&);
00089   void HeaderParameters( TString,      const Int_t&, const Int_t&,
00090                          const Int_t&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&);
00091   void HeaderParameters( TString,      const Int_t&, const Int_t&,
00092                          const Int_t&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&, const Int_t&);
00094   void Print();
00095   ClassDef(TEcnaHeader,1)  //Header of CNA ROOT file
00096 };
00097 #endif