
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "MappingRules.h"
00002 //
00003 #include <sstream>
00004 #include <vector>
00005 #include <cctype>
00006 // externals
00007 #include "Reflex/Type.h"
00009 std::string ora::MappingRules::sequenceNameForContainerId(){
00010   static std::string s_sequenceName("CONTAINER_ID");
00011   return s_sequenceName;
00012 }
00014 std::string ora::MappingRules::sequenceNameForContainer( const std::string& containerName ){
00015   std::string ret("C_");
00016   return ret+containerName;
00017 }
00019 std::string
00020 ora::MappingRules::sequenceNameForDependentClass( const std::string& containerName,
00021                                                   const std::string& className ){
00022   std::string ret(containerName);
00023   ret+="_";
00024   ret+=className;
00025   return ret;
00026 }
00028 std::string ora::MappingRules::sequenceNameForMapping(){
00029   static std::string s_mappingSequenceName("MAPPING_ELEMENT_ID");
00030   return s_mappingSequenceName;
00031 }
00033 std::string
00034 ora::MappingRules::mappingPropertyNameInDictionary()
00035 {
00036   static std::string s_propertyName("mapping");
00037   return s_propertyName;
00038 }
00040 bool
00041 ora::MappingRules::isMappedToBlob(const std::string& mappingProperty){
00042   return (mappingProperty == "Blob" || mappingProperty == "blob" || mappingProperty == "BLOB" );
00043 }
00045 std::string
00046 ora::MappingRules::classId( const std::string& className,
00047                             const std::string& classVersion ){
00048   return className+".V"+classVersion;
00049 }
00051 std::string ora::MappingRules::classVersionFromId( const std::string& classId ){
00052   std::string ret("");
00053   size_t idx = classId.find('.');
00054   if( idx != std::string::npos ){
00055     ret = classId.substr( idx+2 );
00056   }
00057   return ret;
00058 }
00060 std::string
00061 ora::MappingRules::baseIdForClass( const std::string& className ){
00062   return className+"."+baseClassVersion();
00063 }
00065 std::string
00066 ora::MappingRules::baseClassVersion()
00067 {
00068   static std::string classVersion("BASE");
00069   return classVersion;
00070 }
00072 std::pair<bool,std::string> ora::MappingRules::classNameFromBaseId( const std::string& classId ){
00073   std::pair<bool,std::string> ret(false,"");
00074   size_t cut = classId.find("."+baseClassVersion() );
00075   if( cut != std::string::npos ){
00076     ret.first = true;
00077     ret.second = classId.substr(0,cut);
00078   }
00079   return ret;
00080 }
00082 std::string
00083 ora::MappingRules::defaultClassVersion(const std::string& className)
00084 {
00085   std::string classVersion(className);
00086   classVersion.append("_default");
00087   return classVersion;
00088 }
00090 std::string
00091 ora::MappingRules::classVersionPropertyNameInDictionary()
00092 {
00093   static std::string s_propertyName("class_version");
00094   return s_propertyName;
00096 }
00098 std::string
00099 ora::MappingRules::newMappingVersion( const std::string& itemName,
00100                                       int iteration,
00101                                       char versionTrailer ){
00102   std::ostringstream os;
00103   os << itemName;
00104   os << "_" << versionTrailer;
00105   if ( iteration > 0 ) {
00106     if ( iteration < 10 ) os << "0";
00107     if ( iteration < 100 ) os << "0";
00108     os << iteration;
00109   } else {
00110     os << "000";
00111   }
00112   return os.str();  
00113 }
00115 std::string
00116 ora::MappingRules::newMappingVersionForContainer( const std::string& containerName,
00117                                                   int iteration ){
00118   return newMappingVersion( containerName, iteration, 'M' );
00119 }
00121 std::string
00122 ora::MappingRules::newMappingVersionForDependentClass( const std::string& containerName,
00123                                                        const std::string& className,
00124                                                        int iteration )
00125 {
00126   std::string contDependencyName = containerName+"_"+className;
00127   return newMappingVersion( contDependencyName, iteration, 'D' );
00128 }
00130 std::string
00131 ora::MappingRules::scopedVariableName( const std::string& variableName,
00132                                        const std::string& scope ){
00133   std::stringstream scopedName;
00134   if(!scope.empty()) scopedName << scope << "::";
00135   scopedName << variableName;
00136   return scopedName.str();
00137 }
00139 std::string
00140 ora::MappingRules::variableNameForArrayIndex( const std::string& arrayVariable,
00141                                               unsigned int index ){
00142   std::ostringstream arrayElementLabel;
00143   arrayElementLabel << arrayVariable << "[" << index << "]";
00144   return arrayElementLabel.str();
00145 }
00147 std::string
00148 ora::MappingRules::variableNameForArrayColumn( unsigned int arrayIndex ){
00149   std::ostringstream arrayElementLabel;
00150   arrayElementLabel << "I" << arrayIndex;
00151   return arrayElementLabel.str();
00152 }
00154 std::string
00155 ora::MappingRules::variableNameForArrayColumn( const Reflex::Type& array ){
00156   std::stringstream contentTypeName;
00157   contentTypeName << "A" << array.ArrayLength();
00158   return contentTypeName.str();
00159 }
00161 std::string ora::MappingRules::variableNameForContainerValue(){
00162   static std::string s_cv("CV");
00163   return s_cv;
00164 }
00166 std::string ora::MappingRules::variableNameForContainerKey(){
00167   static std::string s_ck("CK");
00168   return s_ck;
00169 }
00171 std::string
00172 ora::MappingRules::scopedVariableForSchemaObjects( const std::string& variableName,
00173                                                    const std::string& scope ){
00174   std::stringstream scopedName;
00175   if(!scope.empty()) scopedName << formatName(scope, ClassNameLengthForSchema) << "_";
00176   scopedName << variableName;
00177   return scopedName.str();  
00178 }
00181 #include "CondCore/ORA/interface/Exception.h"
00182 namespace ora {
00183   static std::string validChars("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-0123456789");
00184   void checkString( const std::string& s, int code, bool thro=true){
00185     for( size_t i=0;i<s.size();i++){
00186       if( validChars.find( s[i])==std::string::npos ) {
00187         std::stringstream mess;
00188         mess <<" code="<<code<<" in string ["<<s<<"] found a wrong char=["<<s[i]<<"].";
00189         if( thro ) throwException( mess.str(),"validChars");
00190       }
00191     }    
00192   } 
00194 }
00196 std::string
00197 ora::MappingRules::newNameForSchemaObject( const std::string& initialName,
00198                                            unsigned int index,
00199                                            size_t maxLength,
00200                                            char indexTrailer){
00201   unsigned int digitsForPostfix = 3;
00202   if(index<10) digitsForPostfix = 2;
00203   size_t newSize = initialName.size()+digitsForPostfix;
00204   if(newSize > maxLength) newSize = maxLength;
00205   unsigned int cutSize = newSize - digitsForPostfix;
00206   std::stringstream newStr("");
00207   if( initialName[cutSize-1]=='_' ) cutSize -= 1;
00208   std::string cutString = initialName.substr(0, cutSize );
00209   newStr << cutString << "_";
00210   if( indexTrailer !=0 ) newStr<< indexTrailer;
00211   newStr<< index;
00212   //checkString( newStr.str(), 7 );
00213   return newStr.str();
00214 }
00216 std::string
00217 ora::MappingRules::newNameForDepSchemaObject( const std::string& initialName,
00218                                            unsigned int index,
00219                                            size_t maxLength)
00220 {
00221   return newNameForSchemaObject( initialName, index, maxLength, 'D' );
00222 }
00224 std::string
00225 ora::MappingRules::newNameForArraySchemaObject( const std::string& initialName,
00226                                                 unsigned int index,
00227                                                 size_t maxL)
00228 {
00229   return newNameForSchemaObject( initialName, index, maxL, 'A' );
00230 }
00232 std::string
00233 ora::MappingRules::nameForSchema( const std::string& variableName ){
00234   std::string varName( variableName );
00235   //first turn className into uppercase
00236   MappingRules::ToUpper up(std::locale::classic());
00237   std::transform(varName.begin(), varName.end(),varName.begin(),up);
00238   size_t cutPoint = varName.size();
00239   if(cutPoint && varName[varName.size()-1] == '_' ) cutPoint -= 1;
00240   if(!cutPoint) return "";
00241   size_t start = 0;
00242   if(varName.size() && varName[0]== '_' ) start = 1;
00243   return varName.substr(start,cutPoint);
00244 }
00246 std::string ora::MappingRules::shortNameByUpperCase( const std::string& className,
00247                                                      size_t maxL ){
00248   if( !maxL ) return "";
00249   if( className.size() < maxL ) return className;
00250   std::vector< size_t>  uppers;
00251   for( size_t i=0;i<className.size();i++) {
00252     if(::isupper(className[i]) || ::isdigit(className[i]) ) uppers.push_back(i);
00253   }
00254   std::stringstream shName;
00255   size_t usize = uppers.size();
00256   if( usize < maxL ){
00257     size_t start = 0;
00258     size_t cut = maxL-usize;
00259     if( usize && (cut > uppers[0]) ) cut = uppers[0];
00260     shName << className.substr( start, cut );
00261     size_t left = maxL-cut-usize;
00262     if( usize > 1) left = 0;
00263     size_t curs = 0;
00264     for( size_t i=0; i<usize;i++){
00265       size_t st = uppers[i];
00266       curs = st+left+1;
00267       shName << className.substr(st,left+1);
00268       left = 0;
00269     }
00270     size_t maxIndex = className.size();
00271     if( shName.str().size()<maxL && curs < maxIndex ){
00272       size_t more = maxL - shName.str().size();
00273       size_t max = curs+more;
00274       if(max > className.size()) max = className.size();
00275       for( size_t j=curs;j<max-1;j++ ){
00276         shName << className[j];
00277       }
00278     }
00280     //checkString( shName.str(), 0 );
00281   } else {
00282     shName << className[0];
00283     for(size_t i=0 ;i<maxL-1;i++) {
00284       if( uppers[i] != 0 ) shName << className[uppers[i]];
00285     }
00286     //checkString( shName.str(), 1 );
00287   }
00289   return shName.str();
00290 }
00292 std::string ora::MappingRules::shortScopedName( const std::string& scopedClassName,
00293                                                 size_t maxLength ){
00294   if( !maxLength ) return "";
00295   std::string cn = scopedClassName;
00296   std::string sn("");
00297   size_t ns = cn.rfind("::");
00298   if( ns!= std::string::npos ){
00299     cn = scopedClassName.substr( ns+2 );
00300     sn = scopedClassName.substr( 0, ns );
00301   }
00302   //
00303   ns = cn.find(" ");
00304   while( ns != std::string::npos ){
00305     cn = cn.replace( ns, 1, "_");
00306     ns = cn.find(" ");
00307   }
00308   //
00309   ns = sn.find("::");
00310   if( ns == 0 ){
00311     sn = sn.substr( 2 );
00312     ns = sn.find("::");
00313   } 
00314   while( ns != std::string::npos ){
00315     sn = sn.replace( ns, 2, "_");
00316     ns = sn.find("::");
00317   }
00318   //
00319   if( sn[sn.size()-1]=='_' ) sn = sn.substr(0,sn.size()-1);
00320   // ignore if namespace==std
00321   if( sn == "std" ) sn = "";
00323   size_t currSize = sn.size()+cn.size()+1;
00324   if( currSize > maxLength+1 ){
00325     // a cut is required...
00326     size_t maxScopeLen = maxLength/3;
00327     if( maxScopeLen ==0 ) maxScopeLen = 1;
00328     if( maxScopeLen > 1 ) maxScopeLen -= 1;
00329     if( sn.size() > maxScopeLen ){
00330       sn = sn.substr( 0,maxScopeLen );
00331     }
00332     size_t availableSize = maxLength-sn.size();
00333     if( sn.size() ) availableSize -= 1;
00334     cn =shortNameByUpperCase( cn, availableSize );
00335   }
00336   std::string ret = sn;
00337   if(!ret.empty()) ret += "_";
00338   ret += cn;
00339   //checkString( ret, 2 );
00340   return ret;
00341 }
00343 std::string ora::MappingRules::nameFromTemplate( const std::string templateClassName,
00344                                                  size_t maxLength ){
00345   if( !maxLength ) return "";
00346   std::string newName("");
00347   size_t ind0 = templateClassName.find('<',0);
00348   if( ind0 != std::string::npos ){
00349     size_t ind1 = templateClassName.rfind('>');
00350     std::string templArg = templateClassName.substr( ind0+1, ind1-ind0-1 );
00351     std::string prefix = shortScopedName( templateClassName.substr( 0, ind0 ), maxLength );
00352     size_t currSize = templArg.size()+prefix.size()+1;
00353     if( currSize > maxLength+1 ){
00354       // a cut is required...
00355       size_t prefixL = maxLength/3;
00356       if( prefixL == 0 ) prefixL = 1;
00357       if( prefixL >1 ) prefixL -=1;
00358       prefix = shortScopedName( prefix, prefixL );
00359     }
00360     size_t templMaxSize = maxLength-prefix.size()-1;
00361     templArg = nameFromTemplate( templArg,  templMaxSize );
00362     newName = prefix+"_"+ templArg;
00363   } else {
00364     newName = shortScopedName( templateClassName, maxLength );
00365   }
00366   //checkString( newName, 3 );
00367   return newName;
00368 }
00370 std::string
00371 ora::MappingRules::tableNameForItem( const std::string& itemName )
00372 {
00373   return "ORA_C_"+nameForSchema(formatName( itemName, MaxTableNameLength-5 ));
00374 }
00376 std::string
00377 ora::MappingRules::columnNameForId()
00378 {
00379   return std::string("ID");
00380 }
00382 std::string
00383 ora::MappingRules::columnNameForRefColumn()
00384 {
00385   return std::string("REF_ID");
00386 }
00388 std::string
00389 ora::MappingRules::columnNameForVariable( const std::string& variableName,
00390                                           const std::string& scopeName,
00391                                           bool forData )
00392 {
00393   std::ostringstream totalString;
00394   int scopeMaxSize = MaxColumnNameLength/4-1;
00395   int extraSize = MaxColumnNameLength-variableName.size()-2;
00396   if( extraSize>0 && extraSize>scopeMaxSize ) scopeMaxSize = extraSize;
00397   if( !scopeName.empty() ) {
00398     size_t scopeCut = scopeName.size();
00399     if( scopeCut> (size_t)scopeMaxSize ) scopeCut = scopeMaxSize;
00400     totalString << scopeName.substr(0,scopeCut);
00401     totalString << "_";
00402   }
00403   size_t varMaxSize = MaxColumnNameLength-totalString.str().size();
00405   size_t fp = variableName.find('[');
00406   if( fp != std::string::npos ){
00407     // process for c-arrays
00408     std::string arrayVar = variableName.substr(0,fp);
00409     std::string indexVar = variableName.substr(fp);
00410     for( size_t ind = 0; ind!=std::string::npos; ind=indexVar.find('[',ind+1 ) ){
00411       indexVar = indexVar.replace(ind,1,"I");
00412     }
00413     for( size_t ind = indexVar.find(']'); ind!=std::string::npos; ind=indexVar.find(']',ind+1 ) ){
00414       indexVar = indexVar.replace(ind,1,"_");
00415     }
00416     size_t arrayVarCut = 0;
00417     size_t varCut = variableName.size()+1;
00418     if( varCut>varMaxSize ) varCut = varMaxSize;
00419     if( varCut>(indexVar.size()+1) ) arrayVarCut = varCut-indexVar.size()-1;
00420     totalString << arrayVar.substr(0,arrayVarCut);
00421     totalString << "_" << indexVar;
00422   } else {
00423     size_t varCut = variableName.size();
00424     if( varCut>varMaxSize ) varCut = varMaxSize;
00425     // other types
00426     totalString << variableName.substr(0,varCut);
00427   }
00429   std::stringstream ret;
00430   if(forData) ret << "D";
00431   ret << nameForSchema(totalString.str());
00432   //return formatForSchema(ret.str(),MaxColumnNameLength);
00433   return formatName(ret.str(),MaxColumnNameLength);
00434 }
00436 std::string
00437 ora::MappingRules::columnNameForOID( const std::string& variableName,
00438                                      const std::string& scope,
00439                                      unsigned int index )
00440 {
00441   std::stringstream ret;
00442   ret << "R" << columnNameForVariable( variableName, scope, false )<<"_OID"<<index;
00443   return ret.str();
00444 }
00446 std::string
00447 ora::MappingRules::columnNameForNamedReference( const std::string& variableName,
00448                                                 const std::string& scope )
00449 {
00450   std::stringstream ret;
00451   ret << "R" << columnNameForVariable( variableName, scope, false )<<"_NAME";
00452   return ret.str();
00453 }
00455 std::string
00456 ora::MappingRules::columnNameForRefMetadata( const std::string& variableName,
00457                                              const std::string& scope )
00458 {
00459   std::stringstream ret;
00460   ret << "M" << columnNameForVariable( variableName, scope, false );
00461   return ret.str();
00462 }
00464 std::string
00465 ora::MappingRules::columnNameForRefId( const std::string& variableName,
00466                                        const std::string& scope )
00467 {
00468   std::stringstream ret;
00469   ret << "RID_" << columnNameForVariable( variableName, scope, false );
00470   return ret.str();
00471 }
00473 std::string
00474 ora::MappingRules::columnNameForPosition()
00475 {
00476   return std::string("POS");
00477 }
00479 std::string
00480 ora::MappingRules::fkNameForIdentity( const std::string& tableName, int index )
00481 {
00482   std::stringstream ret;
00483   ret << tableName <<"_ID_FK";
00484   if( index ) ret << "_"<<index;
00485   return ret.str();
00486 }
00488 std::string ora::MappingRules::formatName( const std::string& variableName,
00489                                            size_t maxLength ){
00490   return nameFromTemplate( variableName, maxLength );
00491 }