
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //
00002 //
00003 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
00004 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
00005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
00006 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
00007 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00008 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/EDProduct.h"
00009 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Ref.h"
00010 #include "SimTracker/TrackAssociation/interface/TrackAssociatorByHits.h"
00011 #include "SimTracker/TrackerHitAssociation/interface/TrackerHitAssociator.h"
00012 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00013 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00015 //reco track
00016 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/TrackFwd.h"
00017 #include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/Track.h"
00018 #include "DataFormats/TrackingRecHit/interface/TrackingRecHit.h"
00019 //TrackingParticle
00020 #include "SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/interface/TrackingParticle.h"
00021 #include "SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/interface/TrackingParticleFwd.h"
00022 #include "SimDataFormats/EncodedEventId/interface/EncodedEventId.h"
00023 //##---new stuff
00024 #include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/GeomDetUnit.h"
00025 #include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h"
00026 #include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/TrackerGeometry.h"
00027 #include "DataFormats/SiStripDetId/interface/StripSubdetector.h"
00028 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelSubdetector.h"
00029 #include "DataFormats/SiStripDetId/interface/TECDetId.h" 
00030 #include "DataFormats/SiStripDetId/interface/TIBDetId.h" 
00031 #include "DataFormats/SiStripDetId/interface/TIDDetId.h"
00032 #include "DataFormats/SiStripDetId/interface/TOBDetId.h" 
00033 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PXBDetId.h"
00034 #include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PXFDetId.h"
00035 using namespace reco;
00036 using namespace std;
00038 /* Constructor */
00039 TrackAssociatorByHits::TrackAssociatorByHits (const edm::ParameterSet& conf) :  
00040   conf_(conf),
00041   AbsoluteNumberOfHits(conf_.getParameter<bool>("AbsoluteNumberOfHits")),
00042   SimToRecoDenominator(denomnone),
00043   quality_SimToReco(conf_.getParameter<double>("Quality_SimToReco")),
00044   purity_SimToReco(conf_.getParameter<double>("Purity_SimToReco")),
00045   cut_RecoToSim(conf_.getParameter<double>("Cut_RecoToSim")),
00046   UsePixels(conf_.getParameter<bool>("UsePixels")),
00047   UseGrouped(conf_.getParameter<bool>("UseGrouped")),
00048   UseSplitting(conf_.getParameter<bool>("UseSplitting")),
00049   ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial(conf_.getParameter<bool>("ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial"))
00050 {
00051   std::string tmp = conf_.getParameter<string>("SimToRecoDenominator");
00052   if (tmp=="sim") {
00053     SimToRecoDenominator = denomsim;
00054   } else if (tmp == "reco") {
00055     SimToRecoDenominator = denomreco;
00056   } 
00058   if (SimToRecoDenominator == denomnone) {
00059     throw cms::Exception("TrackAssociatorByHits") << "SimToRecoDenominator not specified as sim or reco";
00060   }
00062 }
00065 /* Destructor */
00066 TrackAssociatorByHits::~TrackAssociatorByHits()
00067 {
00068   //do cleanup here
00069 }
00071 //
00072 //---member functions
00073 //
00075 RecoToSimCollection  
00076 TrackAssociatorByHits::associateRecoToSim(const edm::RefToBaseVector<reco::Track>& tC, 
00077                                           const edm::RefVector<TrackingParticleCollection>& TPCollectionH,
00078                                           const edm::Event * e,
00079                                           const edm::EventSetup *setup ) const{
00081   //edm::LogVerbatim("TrackAssociator") << "Starting TrackAssociatorByHits::associateRecoToSim - #tracks="<<tC.size()<<" #TPs="<<TPCollectionH.size();
00082   int nshared = 0;
00083   float quality=0;//fraction or absolute number of shared hits
00084   std::vector< SimHitIdpr> SimTrackIds;
00085   std::vector< SimHitIdpr> matchedIds; 
00086   RecoToSimCollection  outputCollection;
00088   TrackerHitAssociator * associate = new TrackerHitAssociator(*e, conf_);
00090   TrackingParticleCollection tPC;
00091   if (TPCollectionH.size()!=0)  tPC = *const_cast<TrackingParticleCollection*>(TPCollectionH.product());
00093   //get the ID of the recotrack  by hits 
00094   int tindex=0;
00095   for (edm::RefToBaseVector<reco::Track>::const_iterator track=tC.begin(); track!=tC.end(); track++, tindex++){
00096     matchedIds.clear();
00097     int ri=0;//valid rechits
00098     //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "\nNEW TRACK - track number " << tindex <<" with pt =" << (*track)->pt() << " # valid=" << (*track)->found(); 
00099     getMatchedIds<trackingRecHit_iterator>(matchedIds, SimTrackIds, ri, (*track)->recHitsBegin(), (*track)->recHitsEnd(), associate);
00101     //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "MATCHED IDS LIST BEGIN" ;
00102     //for(size_t j=0; j<matchedIds.size(); j++){
00103     //  LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "matchedIds[j].first=" << matchedIds[j].first;
00104     //}
00105     //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "MATCHED IDS LIST END" ;
00106     //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "#matched ids=" << matchedIds.size() << " #tps=" << tPC.size();
00108     //save id for the track
00109     std::vector<SimHitIdpr> idcachev;
00110     if(!matchedIds.empty()){
00112       int tpindex =0;
00113       for (TrackingParticleCollection::iterator t = tPC.begin(); t != tPC.end(); ++t, ++tpindex) {
00114         //int nsimhit = t->trackPSimHit(DetId::Tracker).size(); 
00115         //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "TP number " << tpindex << " pdgId=" << t->pdgId() << " with number of PSimHits: "  << nsimhit;
00116         idcachev.clear();
00117         nshared = getShared(matchedIds, idcachev, t);
00119         //if electron subtract double counting
00120         if (abs(t->pdgId())==11&&(t->g4Track_end()-t->g4Track_begin())>1){
00121           nshared-=getDoubleCount<trackingRecHit_iterator>((*track)->recHitsBegin(), (*track)->recHitsEnd(), associate, t);
00122         }
00124         if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits) quality = static_cast<double>(nshared);
00125         else if(ri!=0) quality = (static_cast<double>(nshared)/static_cast<double>(ri));
00126         else quality = 0;
00127         //cut on the fraction
00128         //float purity = 1.0*nshared/ri;
00129         if(quality > cut_RecoToSim && !(ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial && ri==3 && nshared<3)){
00130           //if a track has just 3 hits we require that all 3 hits are shared
00131           outputCollection.insert(tC[tindex],
00132                                   std::make_pair(edm::Ref<TrackingParticleCollection>(TPCollectionH, tpindex),
00133                                                  quality));
00134 //          LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "reco::Track number " << tindex  << " with #hits=" << ri <<" pt=" << (*track)->pt() 
00135 //                                      << " associated to TP (pdgId, nb segments, p) = " 
00136 //                                      << (*t).pdgId() << " " << (*t).g4Tracks().size() 
00137 //                                      << " " << (*t).momentum() << " #hits=" << nsimhit
00138 //                                      << " TP index=" << tpindex<< " with quality =" << quality;
00139         } else {
00140 //          LogTrace("TrackAssociator") <<"reco::Track number " << tindex << " with #hits=" << ri 
00141 //                                      << " NOT associated with quality =" << quality;
00142         }
00143       }//TP loop
00144     }
00145   }
00146   //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "% of Assoc Tracks=" << ((double)outputCollection.size())/((double)tC.size());
00147   delete associate;
00148   outputCollection.post_insert();
00149   return outputCollection;
00150 }
00153 SimToRecoCollection  
00154 TrackAssociatorByHits::associateSimToReco(const edm::RefToBaseVector<reco::Track>& tC, 
00155                                           const edm::RefVector<TrackingParticleCollection>& TPCollectionH,
00156                                           const edm::Event * e,
00157                                           const edm::EventSetup *setup ) const{
00158 //  edm::LogVerbatim("TrackAssociator") << "Starting TrackAssociatorByHits::associateSimToReco - #tracks="<<tC.size()<<" #TPs="<<TPCollectionH.size();
00159   float quality=0;//fraction or absolute number of shared hits
00160   int nshared = 0;
00161   std::vector< SimHitIdpr> SimTrackIds;
00162   std::vector< SimHitIdpr> matchedIds; 
00163   SimToRecoCollection  outputCollection;
00165   TrackerHitAssociator * associate = new TrackerHitAssociator(*e, conf_);
00167   TrackingParticleCollection tPC;
00168   if (TPCollectionH.size()!=0)  tPC = *const_cast<TrackingParticleCollection*>(TPCollectionH.product());
00170   //for (TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator t = tPC.begin(); t != tPC.end(); ++t) {
00171   //  LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "NEW TP DUMP";
00172   //  for (TrackingParticle::g4t_iterator g4T = t -> g4Track_begin();g4T !=  t -> g4Track_end(); ++g4T) {
00173   //    LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "(*g4T).trackId()=" <<(*g4T).trackId() ;
00174   //  }
00175   //}
00177   //get the ID of the recotrack  by hits 
00178   int tindex=0;
00179   for (edm::RefToBaseVector<reco::Track>::const_iterator track=tC.begin(); track!=tC.end(); track++, tindex++){
00180     //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "\nNEW TRACK - hits of track number " << tindex <<" with pt =" << (*track)->pt() << " # valid=" << (*track)->found(); 
00181     int ri=0;//valid rechits
00182     getMatchedIds<trackingRecHit_iterator>(matchedIds, SimTrackIds, ri, (*track)->recHitsBegin(), (*track)->recHitsEnd(), associate);
00184     //save id for the track
00185     std::vector<SimHitIdpr> idcachev;
00186     if(!matchedIds.empty()){
00188       int tpindex =0;
00189       for (TrackingParticleCollection::iterator t = tPC.begin(); t != tPC.end(); ++t, ++tpindex) {
00190         idcachev.clear();
00191         std::vector<PSimHit> trackerPSimHit( t->trackPSimHit(DetId::Tracker) );
00192         //int nsimhit = trackerPSimHit.size();
00193         float totsimhit = 0; 
00194         std::vector<PSimHit> tphits;
00195         //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "TP number " << tpindex << " pdgId=" << t->pdgId() << " with number of PSimHits: "  << nsimhit;
00197         nshared = getShared(matchedIds, idcachev, t);
00199         //for(std::vector<PSimHit>::const_iterator TPhit = t->trackerPSimHit_begin(); TPhit != t->trackerPSimHit_end(); TPhit++){
00200         //  unsigned int detid = TPhit->detUnitId();
00201         //  DetId detId = DetId(TPhit->detUnitId());
00202         //  LogTrace("TrackAssociator") <<  " hit trackId= " << TPhit->trackId() << " det ID = " << detid 
00203         //                                    << " SUBDET = " << detId.subdetId() << " layer = " << LayerFromDetid(detId); 
00204         //}
00206         if (nshared!=0) {//do not waste time recounting when it is not needed!!!!
00208           //count the TP simhit
00209           //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "recounting of tp hits";
00210           for(std::vector<PSimHit>::const_iterator TPhit = trackerPSimHit.begin(); TPhit != trackerPSimHit.end(); TPhit++){
00211             DetId dId = DetId(TPhit->detUnitId());
00213             unsigned int subdetId = static_cast<unsigned int>(dId.subdetId());
00214             if (!UsePixels && (subdetId==PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel || subdetId==PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap) )
00215               continue;
00217             //unsigned int dRawId = dId.rawId();
00218             SiStripDetId* stripDetId = 0;
00219             if (subdetId==SiStripDetId::TIB||subdetId==SiStripDetId::TOB||
00220                 subdetId==SiStripDetId::TID||subdetId==SiStripDetId::TEC)
00221               stripDetId= new SiStripDetId(dId);
00222             //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "consider hit SUBDET = " << subdetId
00223             //                            << " layer = " << LayerFromDetid(dId) 
00224             //                            << " id = " << dId.rawId();
00225             bool newhit = true;
00226             for(std::vector<PSimHit>::const_iterator TPhitOK = tphits.begin(); TPhitOK != tphits.end(); TPhitOK++){
00227               DetId dIdOK = DetId(TPhitOK->detUnitId());
00228               //unsigned int dRawIdOK = dIdOK.rawId();
00229               //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "\t\tcompare with SUBDET = " << dIdOK.subdetId()
00230               //                            << " layer = " << LayerFromDetid(dIdOK)
00231               //                            << " id = " << dIdOK.rawId();
00232               //no grouped, no splitting
00233               if (!UseGrouped && !UseSplitting)
00234                 if (LayerFromDetid(dId)==LayerFromDetid(dIdOK) &&
00235                     dId.subdetId()==dIdOK.subdetId()) newhit = false;
00236               //no grouped, splitting
00237               if (!UseGrouped && UseSplitting)
00238                 if (LayerFromDetid(dId)==LayerFromDetid(dIdOK) &&
00239                     dId.subdetId()==dIdOK.subdetId() &&
00240                     (stripDetId==0 || stripDetId->partnerDetId()!=dIdOK.rawId()))
00241                   newhit = false;
00242               //grouped, no splitting
00243               if (UseGrouped && !UseSplitting)
00244                 if (LayerFromDetid(dId)==LayerFromDetid(dIdOK) &&
00245                     dId.subdetId()==dIdOK.subdetId() &&
00246                     stripDetId!=0 && stripDetId->partnerDetId()==dIdOK.rawId())
00247                   newhit = false;
00248               //grouped, splitting
00249               if (UseGrouped && UseSplitting)
00250                 newhit = true;
00251             }
00252             if (newhit) {
00253               //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "\t\tok";
00254               tphits.push_back(*TPhit);
00255             }
00256             //else LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "\t\tno";
00257             delete stripDetId;
00258           }
00259           totsimhit = tphits.size();
00260         }
00262         if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits) quality = static_cast<double>(nshared);
00263         else if(SimToRecoDenominator == denomsim && totsimhit!=0) quality = ((double) nshared)/((double)totsimhit);
00264         else if(SimToRecoDenominator == denomreco && ri!=0) quality = ((double) nshared)/((double)ri);
00265         else quality = 0;
00266         //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "Final count: nhit(TP) = " << nsimhit << " re-counted = " << totsimhit 
00267         //<< " nshared = " << nshared << " nrechit = " << ri;
00269         float purity = 1.0*nshared/ri;
00270         if (quality>quality_SimToReco && !(ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial && totsimhit==3 && nshared<3) && (AbsoluteNumberOfHits||(purity>purity_SimToReco))) {
00271           //if a track has just 3 hits we require that all 3 hits are shared
00272           outputCollection.insert(edm::Ref<TrackingParticleCollection>(TPCollectionH, tpindex), 
00273                                   std::make_pair(tC[tindex],quality));
00274 //          LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "TrackingParticle number " << tpindex << " with #hits=" << nsimhit 
00275 //                                      << " re-counted = "  << totsimhit << " nshared = " << nshared 
00276 //                                      << " associated to track number " << tindex << " with pt=" << (*track)->pt() 
00277 //                                      << " with hit quality =" << quality ;
00278         } else {
00279 //          LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "TrackingParticle number " << tpindex << " with #hits=" << nsimhit 
00280 //                                      << " re-counted = "  << totsimhit << " nshared = " << nshared 
00281 //                                      << " NOT associated with quality =" << quality;
00282         }
00283       }
00284     }
00285   }
00286   //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "% of Assoc TPs=" << ((double)outputCollection.size())/((double)TPCollectionH.size());
00287   delete associate;
00288   outputCollection.post_insert();
00289   return outputCollection;
00290 }
00292 int TrackAssociatorByHits::LayerFromDetid(const DetId& detId ) const
00293 {
00294   int layerNumber=0;
00295   unsigned int subdetId = static_cast<unsigned int>(detId.subdetId()); 
00296   if ( subdetId == StripSubdetector::TIB) 
00297     { 
00298       TIBDetId tibid(detId.rawId()); 
00299       layerNumber = tibid.layer();
00300     }
00301   else if ( subdetId ==  StripSubdetector::TOB )
00302     { 
00303       TOBDetId tobid(detId.rawId()); 
00304       layerNumber = tobid.layer();
00305     }
00306   else if ( subdetId ==  StripSubdetector::TID) 
00307     { 
00308       TIDDetId tidid(detId.rawId());
00309       layerNumber = tidid.wheel();
00310     }
00311   else if ( subdetId ==  StripSubdetector::TEC )
00312     { 
00313       TECDetId tecid(detId.rawId()); 
00314       layerNumber = tecid.wheel(); 
00315     }
00316   else if ( subdetId ==  PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel ) 
00317     { 
00318       PXBDetId pxbid(detId.rawId()); 
00319       layerNumber = pxbid.layer();  
00320     }
00321   else if ( subdetId ==  PixelSubdetector::PixelEndcap ) 
00322     { 
00323       PXFDetId pxfid(detId.rawId()); 
00324       layerNumber = pxfid.disk();  
00325     }
00326   else
00327     LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "Unknown subdetid: " <<  subdetId;
00329   return layerNumber;
00330 } 
00332 RecoToSimCollectionSeed  
00333 TrackAssociatorByHits::associateRecoToSim(edm::Handle<edm::View<TrajectorySeed> >& seedCollectionH,
00334                                           edm::Handle<TrackingParticleCollection>&  TPCollectionH,     
00335                                           const edm::Event * e,
00336                                           const edm::EventSetup *setup ) const{
00338   edm::LogVerbatim("TrackAssociator") << "Starting TrackAssociatorByHits::associateRecoToSim - #seeds="
00339                                       <<seedCollectionH->size()<<" #TPs="<<TPCollectionH->size();
00340   int nshared = 0;
00341   float quality=0;//fraction or absolute number of shared hits
00342   std::vector< SimHitIdpr> SimTrackIds;
00343   std::vector< SimHitIdpr> matchedIds; 
00344   RecoToSimCollectionSeed  outputCollection;
00346   TrackerHitAssociator * associate = new TrackerHitAssociator(*e, conf_);
00348   const TrackingParticleCollection tPC   = *(TPCollectionH.product());
00350   const edm::View<TrajectorySeed> sC = *(seedCollectionH.product()); 
00352   //get the ID of the recotrack  by hits 
00353   int tindex=0;
00354   for (edm::View<TrajectorySeed>::const_iterator seed=sC.begin(); seed!=sC.end(); seed++, tindex++) {
00355     matchedIds.clear();
00356     int ri=0;//valid rechits
00357     int nsimhit = seed->recHits().second-seed->recHits().first;
00358     LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "\nNEW SEED - seed number " << tindex << " # valid=" << nsimhit;
00359     getMatchedIds<edm::OwnVector<TrackingRecHit>::const_iterator>(matchedIds, SimTrackIds, ri, seed->recHits().first, seed->recHits().second, associate );
00361     //save id for the track
00362     std::vector<SimHitIdpr> idcachev;
00363     if(!matchedIds.empty()){
00365       int tpindex =0;
00366       for (TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator t = tPC.begin(); t != tPC.end(); ++t, ++tpindex) {
00367         LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "TP number " << tpindex << " pdgId=" << t->pdgId() << " with number of PSimHits: "  << nsimhit;
00368         idcachev.clear();
00369         nshared = getShared(matchedIds, idcachev, t);
00371         //if electron subtract double counting
00372         if (abs(t->pdgId())==11&&(t->g4Track_end()-t->g4Track_begin())>1){
00373           nshared-=getDoubleCount<edm::OwnVector<TrackingRecHit>::const_iterator>(seed->recHits().first, seed->recHits().second, associate, t);
00374         }
00376         if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits) quality = static_cast<double>(nshared);
00377         else if(ri!=0) quality = (static_cast<double>(nshared)/static_cast<double>(ri));
00378         else quality = 0;
00379         //cut on the fraction
00380         if(quality > cut_RecoToSim && !(ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial && ri==3 && nshared<3) ){
00381           //if a track has just 3 hits we require that all 3 hits are shared
00382           outputCollection.insert(edm::RefToBase<TrajectorySeed>(seedCollectionH,tindex), 
00383                                   std::make_pair(edm::Ref<TrackingParticleCollection>(TPCollectionH, tpindex),quality));
00384           LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "Seed number " << tindex << " with #hits=" << ri
00385                                       << "associated to TP (pdgId, nb segments, p) = " 
00386                                       << (*t).pdgId() << " " << (*t).g4Tracks().size() 
00387                                       << " " << (*t).momentum() <<" number " << tpindex << " with quality =" << quality;
00388         } else {
00389           LogTrace("TrackAssociator") <<"Seed number " << tindex << " with #hits=" << ri << " NOT associated with quality =" << quality;
00390         }
00391       }//TP loop
00392     }
00393   }
00394   LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "% of Assoc Seeds=" << ((double)outputCollection.size())/((double)seedCollectionH->size());
00395   delete associate;
00396   outputCollection.post_insert();
00397   return outputCollection;
00398 }
00401 SimToRecoCollectionSeed
00402 TrackAssociatorByHits::associateSimToReco(edm::Handle<edm::View<TrajectorySeed> >& seedCollectionH,
00403                                           edm::Handle<TrackingParticleCollection>& TPCollectionH, 
00404                                           const edm::Event * e,
00405                                           const edm::EventSetup *setup ) const{
00407   edm::LogVerbatim("TrackAssociator") << "Starting TrackAssociatorByHits::associateSimToReco - #seeds="
00408                                       <<seedCollectionH->size()<<" #TPs="<<TPCollectionH->size();
00409   float quality=0;//fraction or absolute number of shared hits
00410   int nshared = 0;
00411   std::vector< SimHitIdpr> SimTrackIds;
00412   std::vector< SimHitIdpr> matchedIds; 
00413   SimToRecoCollectionSeed  outputCollection;
00415   TrackerHitAssociator * associate = new TrackerHitAssociator(*e, conf_);
00417   TrackingParticleCollection tPC =*const_cast<TrackingParticleCollection*>(TPCollectionH.product());
00419   const edm::View<TrajectorySeed> sC = *(seedCollectionH.product()); 
00421   //get the ID of the recotrack  by hits 
00422   int tindex=0;
00423   for (edm::View<TrajectorySeed>::const_iterator seed=sC.begin(); seed!=sC.end(); seed++, tindex++) {
00424     int ri=0;//valid rechits
00425     LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "\nNEW SEED - seed number " << tindex << " # valid=" << seed->recHits().second-seed->recHits().first;
00426     getMatchedIds<edm::OwnVector<TrackingRecHit>::const_iterator>(matchedIds, SimTrackIds, ri, seed->recHits().first, seed->recHits().second, associate );
00428     //save id for the track
00429     std::vector<SimHitIdpr> idcachev;
00430     if(!matchedIds.empty()){
00431       int tpindex =0;
00432       for (TrackingParticleCollection::iterator t = tPC.begin(); t != tPC.end(); ++t, ++tpindex) {
00433         idcachev.clear();
00434         int nsimhit = t->trackPSimHit(DetId::Tracker).size(); 
00435         LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "TP number " << tpindex << " pdgId=" << t->pdgId() << " with number of PSimHits: "  << nsimhit;
00436         nshared = getShared(matchedIds, idcachev, t);
00438         if (AbsoluteNumberOfHits) quality = static_cast<double>(nshared);
00439         else if(ri!=0) quality = ((double) nshared)/((double)ri);
00440         else quality = 0;
00441         //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "Final count: nhit(TP) = " << nsimhit 
00442         //<< " nshared = " << nshared 
00443         //<< " nrechit = " << ri;
00444         if(quality > quality_SimToReco && !(ThreeHitTracksAreSpecial && ri==3 && nshared<3) ){
00445           outputCollection.insert(edm::Ref<TrackingParticleCollection>(TPCollectionH, tpindex), 
00446                                   std::make_pair(edm::RefToBase<TrajectorySeed>(seedCollectionH,tindex), quality));
00447           LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "TrackingParticle number " << tpindex << " with #hits=" << nsimhit
00448                                       << " associated to seed number " << tindex << " with #hits=" << ri 
00449                                       << " with hit quality =" << quality ;
00450         }
00451         else {
00452           LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "TrackingParticle number " << tpindex << " with #hits=" << nsimhit << " NOT associated with quality =" << quality;
00453         }
00454       }
00455     }
00456   }
00457   LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "% of Assoc TPs=" << ((double)outputCollection.size())/((double)TPCollectionH->size());
00458   delete associate;
00459   outputCollection.post_insert();
00460   return outputCollection;
00461 }
00463 template<typename iter>
00464 void TrackAssociatorByHits::getMatchedIds(std::vector<SimHitIdpr>& matchedIds, 
00465                                           std::vector<SimHitIdpr>& SimTrackIds, 
00466                                           int& ri, 
00467                                           iter begin,
00468                                           iter end,
00469                                           TrackerHitAssociator* associate ) const {
00470     matchedIds.clear();
00471     ri=0;//valid rechits
00472     for (iter it = begin;  it != end; it++){
00473       const TrackingRecHit *hit=getHitPtr(it);
00474       if (hit->isValid()){
00475         ri++;
00476         uint32_t t_detID=  hit->geographicalId().rawId();
00477         SimTrackIds.clear();      
00478         associate->associateHitId(*hit, SimTrackIds);
00479         //save all the id of matched simtracks
00480         if(!SimTrackIds.empty()){
00481          for(size_t j=0; j<SimTrackIds.size(); j++){
00482            LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << " hit # " << ri << " valid=" << hit->isValid() 
00483                                        << " det id = " << t_detID << " SimId " << SimTrackIds[j].first 
00484                                        << " evt=" << SimTrackIds[j].second.event() 
00485                                        << " bc=" << SimTrackIds[j].second.bunchCrossing();  
00486            matchedIds.push_back(SimTrackIds[j]);                        
00487          }
00488         }
00490         //****to be used when the crossing frame is in the event and with flag TrackAssociatorByHitsESProducer.associateRecoTracks = false
00491         //std::vector<PSimHit> tmpSimHits = associate->associateHit(*getHitPtr(it));
00493         //for(size_t j=0; j<tmpSimHits.size(); j++) {
00494         //  LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << " hit # " << ri << " valid=" << getHitPtr(it)->isValid()
00495         //                              << " det id = " << t_detID << " SimId " << SimTrackIds[j].first
00496         //                              << " evt=" << SimTrackIds[j].second.event()
00497         //                              << " bc=" << SimTrackIds[j].second.bunchCrossing()
00498         //                              << " process=" << tmpSimHits[j].processType()
00499         //                              << " eloss=" << tmpSimHits[j].energyLoss()
00500         //                              << " part type=" << tmpSimHits[j].particleType()
00501         //                              << " pabs=" << tmpSimHits[j].pabs()
00502         //                              << " trId=" << tmpSimHits[j].trackId();
00503         //}
00505       }else{
00506         LogTrace("TrackAssociator") <<"\t\t Invalid Hit On "<<hit->geographicalId().rawId();
00507       }
00508     }//trackingRecHit loop
00509 }
00512 int TrackAssociatorByHits::getShared(std::vector<SimHitIdpr>& matchedIds, 
00513                                      std::vector<SimHitIdpr>& idcachev,
00514                                      TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator t) const {
00515   int nshared = 0;
00516   if (t->trackPSimHit().size()==0) return nshared;//should use trackerPSimHit but is not const
00518   for(size_t j=0; j<matchedIds.size(); j++){
00519     //LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "now matchedId=" << matchedIds[j].first;
00520     if(find(idcachev.begin(), idcachev.end(),matchedIds[j]) == idcachev.end() ){
00521       //only the first time we see this ID 
00522       idcachev.push_back(matchedIds[j]);
00524       for (TrackingParticle::g4t_iterator g4T = t -> g4Track_begin(); g4T !=  t -> g4Track_end(); ++g4T) {
00525 //      LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << " TP   (ID, Ev, BC) = " << (*g4T).trackId() 
00526 //                                  << ", " << t->eventId().event() << ", "<< t->eventId().bunchCrossing()
00527 //                                  << " Match(ID, Ev, BC) = " <<  matchedIds[j].first
00528 //                                  << ", " << matchedIds[j].second.event() << ", "
00529 //                                  << matchedIds[j].second.bunchCrossing() ;
00530                                     //<< "\t G4  Track Momentum " << (*g4T).momentum() 
00531                                     //<< " \t reco Track Momentum " << track->momentum();             
00532         if((*g4T).trackId() == matchedIds[j].first && t->eventId() == matchedIds[j].second){
00533                 int countedhits = std::count(matchedIds.begin(), matchedIds.end(), matchedIds[j]);
00534                 nshared += countedhits;
00536 //              LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "hits shared by this segment : " << countedhits;
00537 //              LogTrace("TrackAssociator") << "hits shared so far : " << nshared;
00538         }
00539       }//g4Tracks loop
00540     }
00541   }
00542   return nshared;
00543 }
00546 template<typename iter>
00547 int TrackAssociatorByHits::getDoubleCount(iter begin,
00548                                           iter end,
00549                                           TrackerHitAssociator* associate,
00550                                           TrackingParticleCollection::const_iterator t) const {
00551   int doublecount = 0 ;
00552   std::vector<SimHitIdpr> SimTrackIdsDC;
00553   //  cout<<begin-end<<endl;
00554   for (iter it = begin;  it != end; it++){
00555     int idcount = 0;
00556     SimTrackIdsDC.clear();
00557     associate->associateHitId(*getHitPtr(it), SimTrackIdsDC);
00558     //    cout<<SimTrackIdsDC.size()<<endl;
00559     if(SimTrackIdsDC.size()>1){
00560       //     cout<<(t->g4Track_end()-t->g4Track_begin())<<endl;
00561       for (TrackingParticle::g4t_iterator g4T = t -> g4Track_begin(); g4T !=  t -> g4Track_end(); ++g4T) {
00562         if(find(SimTrackIdsDC.begin(), SimTrackIdsDC.end(),SimHitIdpr((*g4T).trackId(), SimTrackIdsDC.begin()->second)) != SimTrackIdsDC.end() ){
00563           idcount++;
00564         }
00565       }
00566     }
00567     if (idcount>1) doublecount+=(idcount-1);
00568   }
00569   return doublecount;
00570 }