
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00003 generalV0Candidates = cms.EDProducer("V0Producer",
00005     # InputTag that tells which TrackCollection to use for vertexing
00006     trackRecoAlgorithm = cms.InputTag('generalTracks'),
00008     # These bools decide whether or not to reconstruct
00009     #  specific V0 particles
00010     selectKshorts = cms.bool(True),
00011     selectLambdas = cms.bool(True),
00013     # Recommend leaving this one as is.
00014     vertexFitter = cms.InputTag('KalmanVertexFitter'),
00016     # set to true, uses tracks refit by the KVF for V0Candidate kinematics
00017     #  NOTE: useSmoothing is automatically set to FALSE
00018     #  if using the AdaptiveVertexFitter (which is NOT recommended)
00019     useSmoothing = cms.bool(True),
00021     # Select tracks using TrackBase::TrackQuality.
00022     # Select ALL tracks by leaving this vstring empty, which
00023     #   is equivalent to using 'loose'
00024     #trackQualities = cms.vstring('highPurity', 'goodIterative'),
00025     trackQualities = cms.vstring('loose'),
00027     # The next parameters are cut values.
00028     # All distances are in cm, all energies in GeV, as usual.
00030     # --Track quality/compatibility cuts--
00031     #   Normalized track Chi2 <
00032     tkChi2Cut = cms.double(5.0),
00033     #   Number of valid hits on track >=
00034     tkNhitsCut = cms.int32(6),
00035     #   Track impact parameter significance >
00036     impactParameterSigCut = cms.double(2.),
00037     # We calculate the PCA of the tracks quickly in RPhi, extrapolating
00038     # the z position as well, before vertexing.  Used in the following 2 cuts:
00039     #   m_pipi calculated at PCA of tracks <
00040     mPiPiCut = cms.double(0.6),
00041     #   PCA distance between tracks <
00042     tkDCACut = cms.double(1.),
00044     # --V0 Vertex cuts--
00045     #   Vertex chi2 < 
00046     vtxChi2Cut = cms.double(7.0),
00047     #   Lambda collinearity cut
00048     #   (UNUSED)
00049     collinearityCut = cms.double(0.02),
00050     #   Vertex radius cut >
00051     #   (UNUSED)
00052     rVtxCut = cms.double(0.0),
00053     #   V0 decay length from primary cut >
00054     #   (UNUSED)
00055     lVtxCut = cms.double(0.0),
00056     #   Radial vertex significance >
00057     vtxSignificance2DCut = cms.double(15.0),
00058     #   3D vertex significance using primary vertex
00059     #   (UNUSED)
00060     vtxSignificance3DCut = cms.double(0.0),
00061     #   V0 mass window, Candidate mass must be within these values of
00062     #     the PDG mass to be stored in the collection
00063     kShortMassCut = cms.double(0.07),
00064     lambdaMassCut = cms.double(0.05),
00065     #   Mass window cut using normalized mass (mass / massError)
00066     #   (UNUSED)
00067     kShortNormalizedMassCut = cms.double(0.0),
00068     lambdaNormalizedMassCut = cms.double(0.0),
00069     # We check if either track has a hit inside (radially) the vertex position
00070     #  minus this number times the sigma of the vertex fit
00071     #  NOTE: Set this to -1 to disable this cut, which MUST be done
00072     #  if you want to run V0Producer on the AOD track collection!
00073     innerHitPosCut = cms.double(4.)
00074 )