Go to the documentation of this file.00001
00002 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
00004 BeamSpotFakeConditions = cms.ESSource("BeamSpotFakeConditions",
00006 getDataFromFile = cms.bool(False),
00007 InputFilename = cms.FileInPath("RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer/test/EarlyCollision.txt"),
00009 X0 = cms.double(0.246815),
00010 Y0 = cms.double(0.398387),
00011 Z0 = cms.double(-0.617015),
00012 dxdz = cms.double(5.37945e-05),
00013 dydz = cms.double(-6.85109e-05),
00014 sigmaZ = cms.double(3.84749),
00015 widthX = cms.double(0.0293),
00016 widthY = cms.double(0.0293),
00017 emittanceX = cms.double(0.),
00018 emittanceY = cms.double(0.),
00019 betaStar = cms.double(0.),
00020 errorX0 = cms.double(0.0012087),
00021 errorY0 = cms.double(0.00163803),
00022 errorZ0 = cms.double(0.309234),
00023 errordxdz = cms.double(0.000307662),
00024 errordydz = cms.double(0.000408403),
00025 errorSigmaZ = cms.double(0.251521 ),
00026 errorWidth = cms.double(0.01)
00028 )