
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "RecoTauTag/RecoTau/interface/RecoTauMVAHelper.h"
00002 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00004 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
00005 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
00007 #include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/TauTagMVAComputerRcd.h"
00008 #include "DataFormats/TauReco/interface/PFTau.h"
00009 #include "RecoTauTag/RecoTau/interface/RecoTauDiscriminantPlugins.h"
00011 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00013 namespace reco { namespace tau {
00015 RecoTauMVAHelper::RecoTauMVAHelper(const std::string &name,
00016                                    const std::string eslabel):
00017     name_(name), eslabel_(eslabel) {}
00019 void RecoTauMVAHelper::setEvent(const edm::Event& evt,
00020                                 const edm::EventSetup &es) {
00021   // Update the event info for all of our discriminators
00022   BOOST_FOREACH(PluginMap::value_type plugin, plugins_) {
00023     plugin.second->setup(evt, es);
00024   }
00025   // Update our MVA from the DB
00026   using PhysicsTools::Calibration::MVAComputerContainer;
00027   edm::ESHandle<MVAComputerContainer> handle;
00028   if (eslabel_.size()) {
00029     es.get<TauTagMVAComputerRcd>().get(eslabel_, handle);
00030   } else {
00031     es.get<TauTagMVAComputerRcd>().get(handle);
00032   }
00033   const MVAComputerContainer *container = handle.product();
00034   // Load our MVA
00035   bool reload = computer_.update(container, name_.c_str());
00036   // If the MVA changed, update our list of discriminant plugins
00037   if (reload && computer_.get())
00038     loadDiscriminantPlugins(container->find(name_));
00039 }
00041 void RecoTauMVAHelper::loadDiscriminantPlugins(
00042     const PhysicsTools::Calibration::MVAComputer &comp) {
00043   typedef std::vector<PhysicsTools::Calibration::Variable> VarList;
00044   // List of input variables for this MVA.
00045   const VarList &vars = comp.inputSet;
00046   // Load the plugin for each of the Var if needed
00047   BOOST_FOREACH(const VarList::value_type& var, vars) {
00048     // Check to make sure it isn't a magic variable
00049     if (std::strncmp(, "__", 2) != 0) {
00050       // If we haven't added yet, build it.
00051       PhysicsTools::AtomicId varId(;
00052       if (!plugins_.count(varId)) {
00053         edm::ParameterSet fakePSet;
00054         fakePSet.addParameter("name", "MVA_" +;
00055         plugins_.insert(
00056             varId, RecoTauDiscriminantPluginFactory::get()->create(
00057                 reco::tau::discPluginName(, fakePSet));
00058       }
00059     }
00060   }
00061 }
00063 void RecoTauMVAHelper::fillValues(const reco::PFTauRef& tau) const {
00064   // Loop over the relevant discriminators and the output
00065   for (PluginMap::const_iterator plugin = plugins_.begin();
00066        plugin != plugins_.end(); ++plugin) {
00067     PhysicsTools::AtomicId id = plugin->first;
00068     std::vector<double> pluginOutput = (plugin->second)->operator()(tau);
00069     // Check for nans
00070     for(size_t instance = 0; instance < pluginOutput.size(); ++instance) {
00071       if (std::isnan(pluginOutput[instance])) {
00072         edm::LogError("CorruptedMVAInput") << "A nan was detected in"
00073             << " the tau MVA variable " << id << " returning zero instead!";
00074         pluginOutput[instance] = 0.0;
00075       }
00076     }
00077     //std::cout << "id: " << id << " first: " << pluginOutput[0] << std::endl;
00078     // Build values and copy into values vector
00079     std::for_each(pluginOutput.begin(), pluginOutput.end(),
00080                   boost::bind(&PhysicsTools::Variable::ValueList::add,
00081                               boost::ref(values_), id, _1));
00082   }
00083 }
00085 // Get values
00086 const PhysicsTools::Variable::ValueList&
00087 RecoTauMVAHelper::discriminants(const PFTauRef& tau) const {
00088   values_.clear();
00089   fillValues(tau);
00090   return values_;
00091 }
00093 // Apply the MVA to a given tau
00094 double RecoTauMVAHelper::operator()(const reco::PFTauRef &tau) const {
00095   // Clear output
00096   values_.clear();
00097   // Build the values
00098   fillValues(tau);
00099   // Call the MVA
00100   return computer_->eval(values_);
00101 }
00103 void RecoTauMVAHelper::train(const reco::PFTauRef &tau, bool target,
00104                              double weight) const {
00105   static const PhysicsTools::AtomicId kTargetId("__TARGET__");
00106   static const PhysicsTools::AtomicId kWeightId("__WEIGHT__");
00107   if (!computer_)
00108     return;
00109   values_.clear();
00110   values_.add(kTargetId, target);
00111   values_.add(kWeightId, weight);
00112   // Build the discriminant values
00113   fillValues(tau);
00114   computer_->eval(values_);
00115 }
00117 }}  // end namespace reco::tau