
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "Geometry/HcalTowerAlgo/interface/CaloTowerHardcodeGeometryLoader.h"
00002 #include "Geometry/HcalTowerAlgo/src/HcalHardcodeGeometryData.h"
00003 #include "DataFormats/CaloTowers/interface/CaloTowerDetId.h"
00004 #include "DataFormats/GeometryVector/interface/GlobalPoint.h"
00005 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/IdealObliquePrism.h"
00006 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00008 std::auto_ptr<CaloSubdetectorGeometry> CaloTowerHardcodeGeometryLoader::load() {
00009   CaloTowerGeometry* geom=new CaloTowerGeometry();
00011   if( 0 == geom->cornersMgr() ) geom->allocateCorners ( 
00012      CaloTowerGeometry::k_NumberOfCellsForCorners ) ;
00013   if( 0 == geom->parMgr() ) geom->allocatePar (
00014      CaloTowerGeometry::k_NumberOfParametersPerShape*CaloTowerGeometry::k_NumberOfShapes,
00015      CaloTowerGeometry::k_NumberOfParametersPerShape ) ;
00017   int nnn=0;
00018   // simple loop
00019   for (int ieta=-limits.lastHFRing(); ieta<=limits.lastHFRing(); ieta++) {
00020     if (ieta==0) continue; // skip not existing eta=0 ring
00021     for (int iphi=1; iphi<=72; iphi++) {
00022       if (abs(ieta)>=limits.firstHFQuadPhiRing() && ((iphi-1)%4)==0) continue;
00023       if (abs(ieta)>=limits.firstHEDoublePhiRing() && ((iphi-1)%2)!=0) continue;
00024       ++nnn;
00025     }
00026   }
00027   if( geom->cornersMgr() == 0 ) geom->allocateCorners( nnn ) ; 
00028   if( geom->parMgr()     == 0 ) geom->allocatePar( 41, 3 ) ;
00030   int n=0;
00031   // simple loop
00032   for (int ieta=-limits.lastHFRing(); ieta<=limits.lastHFRing(); ieta++) {
00033     if (ieta==0) continue; // skip not existing eta=0 ring
00034     for (int iphi=1; iphi<=72; iphi++) {
00035       if (abs(ieta)>=limits.firstHFQuadPhiRing() && ((iphi-1)%4)==0) continue;
00036       if (abs(ieta)>=limits.firstHEDoublePhiRing() && ((iphi-1)%2)!=0) continue;
00037       geom->addCell(CaloTowerDetId(ieta,iphi),makeCell(ieta,iphi, geom));
00038       n++;
00039     }
00040   }
00041   edm::LogInfo("Geometry") << "CaloTowersHardcodeGeometry made " << n << " towers.";
00042   return std::auto_ptr<CaloSubdetectorGeometry>(geom); 
00043 }
00045 CaloCellGeometry* 
00046 CaloTowerHardcodeGeometryLoader::makeCell( int ieta,
00047                                            int iphi,
00048                                            CaloSubdetectorGeometry* geom ) const {
00049   const double EBradius = 143.0; // cm
00050   const double HOradius = 406.0+1.0;
00051   const double EEz = 320.0; // rough (cm)
00052   const double HEz = 568.0; // back (cm)
00053   const double HFz = 1100.0;
00054   const double HFthick = 165;
00055   // Tower 17 is the last EB tower
00057   int etaRing=abs(ieta);
00058   int sign=(ieta>0)?(1):(-1);
00059   double eta1, eta2;
00060   if (etaRing>limits.lastHERing()) {
00061     eta1 = theHFEtaBounds[etaRing-limits.firstHFRing()];
00062     eta2 = theHFEtaBounds[etaRing-limits.firstHFRing()+1];
00063   } else {
00064     eta1 = theHBHEEtaBounds[etaRing-1];
00065     eta2 = theHBHEEtaBounds[etaRing];
00066   }
00067   double eta = 0.5*(eta1+eta2);
00068   double deta = (eta2-eta1);  
00070   // in radians
00071   double dphi_nominal = 2.0*M_PI / limits.nPhiBins(1); // always the same
00072   double dphi_half = M_PI / limits.nPhiBins(etaRing); // half-width
00074   double phi_low = dphi_nominal*(iphi-1); // low-edge boundaries are constant...
00075   double phi = phi_low+dphi_half;
00077   double x,y,z,thickness;
00078   bool alongZ=true;
00079   if (etaRing>limits.lastHERing()) { // forward
00080     z=HFz;
00081     double r=z/sinh(eta);
00082     x=r * cos(phi);
00083     y=r * sin(phi);
00084     thickness=HFthick/tanh(eta);
00085   } else if (etaRing>17) { // EE-containing
00086     z=EEz;
00087     double r=z/sinh(eta);
00088     x=r * cos(phi);
00089     y=r * sin(phi);
00090     thickness=(HEz-EEz)/tanh(eta);
00091   } else { // EB-containing
00092     x=EBradius * cos(phi);
00093     y=EBradius * sin(phi);
00094     alongZ=false;
00095     z=EBradius * sinh(eta);
00096     thickness=(HOradius-EBradius) * cosh(eta);
00097   }
00099   z*=sign;
00100   GlobalPoint point(x,y,z);
00102   const double mysign ( !alongZ ? 1 : -1 ) ;
00103   std::vector<double> hh ;
00104   hh.reserve(5) ;
00105   hh.push_back( deta/2 ) ;
00106   hh.push_back( dphi_half ) ;
00107   hh.push_back( mysign*thickness/2. ) ;
00109   hh.push_back( fabs( eta ) ) ;
00110   hh.push_back( fabs( z ) ) ;
00112   return new calogeom::IdealObliquePrism(
00113      point,
00114      geom->cornersMgr(),
00115      CaloCellGeometry::getParmPtr( hh, 
00116                                    geom->parMgr(), 
00117                                    geom->parVecVec() ) );
00118 }