
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "TopQuarkAnalysis/TopJetCombination/plugins/TtSemiLepJetCombGeom.h"
00003 #include "Math/VectorUtil.h"
00005 #include "AnalysisDataFormats/TopObjects/interface/TtSemiLepEvtPartons.h"
00006 #include "DataFormats/RecoCandidate/interface/RecoCandidate.h"
00007 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00009 TtSemiLepJetCombGeom::TtSemiLepJetCombGeom(const edm::ParameterSet& cfg):
00010   jets_             (cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("jets"             )),
00011   leps_             (cfg.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("leps"             )),
00012   maxNJets_         (cfg.getParameter<int>          ("maxNJets"         )),
00013   useDeltaR_        (cfg.getParameter<bool>         ("useDeltaR"        )),
00014   useBTagging_      (cfg.getParameter<bool>         ("useBTagging"      )),
00015   bTagAlgorithm_    (cfg.getParameter<std::string>  ("bTagAlgorithm"    )),
00016   minBDiscBJets_    (cfg.getParameter<double>       ("minBDiscBJets"    )),
00017   maxBDiscLightJets_(cfg.getParameter<double>       ("maxBDiscLightJets"))
00018 {
00019   if(maxNJets_<4 && maxNJets_!=-1)
00020     throw cms::Exception("WrongConfig") 
00021       << "Parameter maxNJets can not be set to " << maxNJets_ << ". \n"
00022       << "It has to be larger than 4 or can be set to -1 to take all jets.";
00024   produces< std::vector<std::vector<int> > >();
00025 }
00027 TtSemiLepJetCombGeom::~TtSemiLepJetCombGeom()
00028 {
00029 }
00031 void
00032 TtSemiLepJetCombGeom::produce(edm::Event& evt, const edm::EventSetup& setup)
00033 {
00034   std::auto_ptr< std::vector<std::vector<int> > >pOut    (new std::vector<std::vector<int> >);
00036   std::vector<int> match;
00037   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) 
00038     match.push_back( -1 );
00040   // get jets
00041   edm::Handle< std::vector<pat::Jet> > jets;
00042   evt.getByLabel(jets_, jets);
00044   // get leptons
00045   edm::Handle< edm::View<reco::RecoCandidate> > leps; 
00046   evt.getByLabel(leps_, leps);
00048   // skip events with without lepton candidate or less than 4 jets
00049   if(leps->empty() || jets->size() < 4){
00050     pOut->push_back( match );
00051     evt.put(pOut);
00052     return;
00053   }
00055   unsigned maxNJets = maxNJets_;
00056   if(maxNJets_ == -1 || (int)jets->size() < maxNJets_) maxNJets = jets->size();
00058   std::vector<bool> isBJet;
00059   std::vector<bool> isLJet;
00060   int cntBJets = 0;
00061   if(useBTagging_) {
00062     for(unsigned int idx=0; idx<maxNJets; ++idx) {
00063       isBJet.push_back( ((*jets)[idx].bDiscriminator(bTagAlgorithm_) > minBDiscBJets_    ) );
00064       isLJet.push_back( ((*jets)[idx].bDiscriminator(bTagAlgorithm_) < maxBDiscLightJets_) );
00065       if((*jets)[idx].bDiscriminator(bTagAlgorithm_) > minBDiscBJets_    )cntBJets++;
00066     }
00067   }
00069   // -----------------------------------------------------
00070   // associate those two jets to the hadronic W boson that
00071   // have the smallest distance to each other
00072   // -----------------------------------------------------
00073   double minDist=-1.;
00074   int lightQ   =-1;
00075   int lightQBar=-1;
00076   for(unsigned int idx=0; idx<maxNJets; ++idx){
00077     if(useBTagging_ && (!isLJet[idx] || (cntBJets<=2 && isBJet[idx]))) continue;
00078     for(unsigned int jdx=(idx+1); jdx<maxNJets; ++jdx){
00079       if(useBTagging_ && (!isLJet[jdx] || (cntBJets<=2 && isBJet[jdx]) || (cntBJets==3 && isBJet[idx] && isBJet[jdx]))) continue;
00080       double dist = distance((*jets)[idx].p4(), (*jets)[jdx].p4());
00081       if( minDist<0. || dist<minDist ){
00082         minDist=dist;
00083         lightQ   =idx;
00084         lightQBar=jdx;
00085       }
00086     }
00087   }
00089   reco::Particle::LorentzVector wHad;
00090   if( isValid(lightQ, jets) && isValid(lightQBar, jets) )
00091     wHad = (*jets)[lightQ].p4() + (*jets)[lightQBar].p4();
00093   // -----------------------------------------------------
00094   // associate to the hadronic b quark the remaining jet
00095   // that has the smallest distance to the hadronic W 
00096   // -----------------------------------------------------
00097   minDist=-1.;
00098   int hadB=-1;
00099   if( isValid(lightQ, jets) && isValid(lightQBar, jets) ) {
00100     for(unsigned int idx=0; idx<maxNJets; ++idx){
00101       if(useBTagging_ && !isBJet[idx]) continue;
00102       // make sure it's not used up already from the hadronic W
00103       if( (int)idx!=lightQ && (int)idx!=lightQBar ) {
00104         double dist = distance((*jets)[idx].p4(), wHad);
00105         if( minDist<0. || dist<minDist ){
00106           minDist=dist;
00107           hadB=idx;
00108         }
00109       }
00110     }
00111   }
00113   // -----------------------------------------------------
00114   // associate to the leptonic b quark the remaining jet
00115   // that has the smallest distance to the leading lepton
00116   // -----------------------------------------------------
00117   minDist=-1.;
00118   int lepB=-1;
00119   for(unsigned int idx=0; idx<maxNJets; ++idx){
00120     if(useBTagging_ && !isBJet[idx]) continue;
00121     // make sure it's not used up already from the hadronic decay chain
00122     if( (int)idx!=lightQ && (int)idx!=lightQBar && (int)idx!=hadB ){
00123       double dist = distance((*jets)[idx].p4(), (*leps)[0].p4());
00124       if( minDist<0. || dist<minDist ){
00125         minDist=dist;
00126         lepB=idx;
00127       }
00128     }
00129   }
00131   match[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LightQ   ] = lightQ;
00132   match[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LightQBar] = lightQBar;
00133   match[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::HadB     ] = hadB;
00134   match[TtSemiLepEvtPartons::LepB     ] = lepB;
00136   pOut->push_back( match );
00137   evt.put(pOut);
00138 }
00140 double
00141 TtSemiLepJetCombGeom::distance(const math::XYZTLorentzVector& v1, const math::XYZTLorentzVector& v2)
00142 {
00143   // calculate the distance between two lorentz vectors 
00144   // using DeltaR or DeltaTheta
00145   if(useDeltaR_) return ROOT::Math::VectorUtil::DeltaR(v1, v2);
00146   return fabs(v1.theta() - v2.theta());
00147 }