
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "DQM/HcalMonitorClient/interface/HcalDetDiagLaserClient.h"
00002 #include "DQM/HcalMonitorClient/interface/HcalClientUtils.h"
00003 #include "DQM/HcalMonitorClient/interface/HcalHistoUtils.h"
00005 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalChannelStatus.h"
00006 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalChannelQuality.h"
00007 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalCondObjectContainer.h"
00009 #include "CalibCalorimetry/HcalAlgos/interface/HcalLogicalMapGenerator.h"
00010 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalLogicalMap.h"
00012 #include <iostream>
00014 /*
00015  * \file
00016  * 
00017  * $Date: 2010/03/25 16:47:29 $
00018  * $Revision: 1.5 $
00019  * \author J. Temple
00020  * \brief Hcal DetDiagLaser Client class
00021  */
00022 typedef struct{
00023 int eta;
00024 int phi;
00025 }Raddam_ch;
00026 Raddam_ch RADDAM_CH[56]={{-30,15},{-32,15},{-34,15},{-36,15},{-38,15},{-40,15},{-41,15},
00027                          {-30,35},{-32,35},{-34,35},{-36,35},{-38,35},{-40,35},{-41,35},
00028                          {-30,51},{-32,51},{-34,51},{-36,51},{-38,51},{-40,51},{-41,51},
00029                          {-30,71},{-32,71},{-34,71},{-36,71},{-38,71},{-40,71},{-41,71},
00030                          {30, 01},{32, 01},{34, 01},{36, 01},{38, 01},{40, 71},{41, 71},
00031                          {30, 21},{32, 21},{34, 21},{36, 21},{38, 21},{40, 19},{41, 19},
00032                          {30, 37},{32, 37},{34, 37},{36, 37},{38, 37},{40, 35},{41, 35},
00033                          {30, 57},{32, 57},{34, 57},{36, 57},{38, 57},{40, 55},{41, 55}};
00034 using namespace std;
00035 using namespace edm;
00037 HcalDetDiagLaserClient::HcalDetDiagLaserClient(std::string myname)
00038 {
00039   name_=myname;   status=0;
00040 }
00042 HcalDetDiagLaserClient::HcalDetDiagLaserClient(std::string myname, const edm::ParameterSet& ps)
00043 {
00044   name_=myname;
00045   enableCleanup_         = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("enableCleanup",false);
00046   debug_                 = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("debug",0);
00047   prefixME_              = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("subSystemFolder","Hcal/");
00048   if (prefixME_.substr(prefixME_.size()-1,prefixME_.size())!="/")
00049     prefixME_.append("/");
00050   subdir_                = ps.getUntrackedParameter<string>("DetDiagLaserFolder","DetDiagLaserMonitor_Hcal/"); // DetDiagLaserMonitor_Hcal/
00051   if (subdir_.size()>0 && subdir_.substr(subdir_.size()-1,subdir_.size())!="/")
00052     subdir_.append("/");
00053   subdir_=prefixME_+subdir_;
00055   validHtmlOutput_       = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("DetDiagLaser_validHtmlOutput",true);
00056   cloneME_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("cloneME", true);
00057   badChannelStatusMask_   = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("DetDiagLaser_BadChannelStatusMask",
00058                                                           ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("BadChannelStatusMask",0));
00060   minerrorrate_ = ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("DetDiagLaser_minerrorrate",
00061                                                    ps.getUntrackedParameter<double>("minerrorrate",0.05));
00062   minevents_    = ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("DetDiagLaser_minevents",
00063                                                 ps.getUntrackedParameter<int>("minevents",1));
00064   ProblemCells=0;
00065   ProblemCellsByDepth=0;
00066 }
00068 void HcalDetDiagLaserClient::analyze()
00069 {
00070   if (debug_>2) std::cout <<"\tHcalDetDiagLaserClient::analyze()"<<std::endl;
00071   calculateProblems();
00072 }
00074 void HcalDetDiagLaserClient::calculateProblems()
00075 {
00076  if (debug_>2) std::cout <<"\t\tHcalDetDiagLaserClient::calculateProblems()"<<std::endl;
00077   if(!dqmStore_) return;
00078   double totalevents=0;
00079   int etabins=0, phibins=0, zside=0;
00080   double problemvalue=0;
00082   // Clear away old problems
00083   if (ProblemCells!=0)
00084     {
00085       ProblemCells->Reset();
00086       (ProblemCells->getTH2F())->SetMaximum(1.05);
00087       (ProblemCells->getTH2F())->SetMinimum(0.);
00088     }
00089   for  (unsigned int d=0;d<ProblemCellsByDepth->depth.size();++d)
00090     {
00091       if (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]!=0) 
00092         {
00093           ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->Reset();
00094           (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->getTH2F())->SetMaximum(1.05);
00095           (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->getTH2F())->SetMinimum(0.);
00096         }
00097     }
00098   enoughevents_=true;
00099   // Get histograms that are used in testing
00100   // currently none used,
00102   std::vector<std::string> name = HcalEtaPhiHistNames();
00104   // This is a sample of how to get a histogram from the task that can then be used for evaluation purposes
00105   TH2F* BadTiming[4];
00106   TH2F* BadEnergy[4];
00107   MonitorElement* me;
00108   for (int i=0;i<4;++i)
00109     {
00110       BadTiming[i]=0;
00111       BadEnergy[i]=0;
00112       string s=subdir_+name[i]+" Problem Bad Laser Timing";
00113       me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00114       if (me!=0) BadTiming[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, BadTiming[i], debug_);
00115       else if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagLaserClient::calculateProblems> could not get histogram '"<<s<<"'"<<std::endl;
00116       s=subdir_+name[i]+" Problem Bad Laser Energy";
00117       me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00118       if (me!=0) BadEnergy[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, BadEnergy[i], debug_);
00119       else if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagLaserClient::calculateProblems> could not get histogram '"<<s<<"'"<<std::endl;
00120     }      
00122   // Because we're clearing and re-forming the problem cell histogram here, we don't need to do any cute
00123   // setting of the underflow bin to 0, and we can plot results as a raw rate between 0-1.
00125   for (unsigned int d=0;d<ProblemCellsByDepth->depth.size();++d)
00126     {
00127       if (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]==0) continue;
00129       //totalevents=DigiPresentByDepth[d]->GetBinContent(0);
00130       totalevents=0;
00131       // Check underflow bins for events processed
00132       if (BadTiming[d]!=0) totalevents += BadTiming[d]->GetBinContent(0);
00133       if (BadEnergy[d]!=0) totalevents += BadEnergy[d]->GetBinContent(0);
00134       //if (totalevents==0 || totalevents<minevents_) continue;
00136       totalevents=1; // temporary value pending removal of histogram normalization from tasks
00138       etabins=(ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->getTH2F())->GetNbinsX();
00139       phibins=(ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->getTH2F())->GetNbinsY();
00140       for (int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta)
00141         {
00142           int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
00143           if (ieta==-9999) continue;
00144           for (int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)
00145             {
00146               problemvalue=0;
00147               if (BadTiming[d]!=0) problemvalue += BadTiming[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1)*1./totalevents;
00148               if (BadEnergy[d]!=0) problemvalue += BadEnergy[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1)*1./totalevents;
00149               if (problemvalue==0) continue;
00150               // problem value is a rate; we can normalize it here
00151               problemvalue = min(1.,problemvalue);
00153               zside=0;
00154               if (isHF(eta,d+1)) // shift ieta by 1 for HF
00155                 ieta<0 ? zside = -1 : zside = 1;
00157               // For problem cells that exceed our allowed rate,
00158               // set the values to -1 if the cells are already marked in the status database
00159               if (problemvalue>minerrorrate_)
00160                 {
00161                   HcalSubdetector subdet=HcalEmpty;
00162                   if (isHB(eta,d+1))subdet=HcalBarrel; 
00163                   else if (isHE(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalEndcap;
00164                   else if (isHF(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalForward;
00165                   else if (isHO(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalOuter;
00166                   HcalDetId hcalid(subdet, ieta, phi+1, (int)(d+1));
00167                   if (badstatusmap.find(hcalid)!=badstatusmap.end())
00168                     problemvalue=999;           
00169                 }
00171               ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[d]->setBinContent(eta+1,phi+1,problemvalue);
00172               if (ProblemCells!=0) ProblemCells->Fill(ieta+zside,phi+1,problemvalue);
00173             } // loop on phi
00174         } // loop on eta
00175     } // loop on depth
00177   if (ProblemCells==0)
00178     {
00179       if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagLaserClient::calculateProblems> ProblemCells histogram does not exist!"<<endl;
00180       return;
00181     }
00183   // Normalization of ProblemCell plot, in the case where there are errors in multiple depths
00184   etabins=(ProblemCells->getTH2F())->GetNbinsX();
00185   phibins=(ProblemCells->getTH2F())->GetNbinsY();
00186   for (int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta)
00187     {
00188       for (int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)
00189         {
00190           if (ProblemCells->getBinContent(eta+1,phi+1)>1. && ProblemCells->getBinContent(eta+1,phi+1)<999)
00191             ProblemCells->setBinContent(eta+1,phi+1,1.);
00192         }
00193     }
00195   FillUnphysicalHEHFBins(*ProblemCellsByDepth);
00196   FillUnphysicalHEHFBins(ProblemCells);
00197   return;
00198 }
00200 void HcalDetDiagLaserClient::beginJob()
00201 {
00202   dqmStore_ = Service<DQMStore>().operator->();
00203   if (debug_>0) 
00204     {
00205       std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagLaserClient::beginJob()>  Displaying dqmStore directory structure:"<<std::endl;
00206       dqmStore_->showDirStructure();
00207     }
00208 }
00209 void HcalDetDiagLaserClient::endJob(){}
00211 void HcalDetDiagLaserClient::beginRun(void)
00212 {
00213   enoughevents_=false;
00214   if (!dqmStore_) 
00215     {
00216       if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagLaserClient::beginRun> dqmStore does not exist!"<<std::endl;
00217       return;
00218     }
00219   dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder(subdir_);
00220   problemnames_.clear();
00222   // Put the appropriate name of your problem summary here
00223   ProblemCells=dqmStore_->book2D(" ProblemDetDiagLaser",
00224                                  " Problem DetDiagLaser Rate for all HCAL;ieta;iphi",
00225                                  85,-42.5,42.5,
00226                                  72,0.5,72.5);
00227   problemnames_.push_back(ProblemCells->getName());
00228   if (debug_>1)
00229     std::cout << "Tried to create ProblemCells Monitor Element in directory "<<subdir_<<"  \t  Failed?  "<<(ProblemCells==0)<<std::endl;
00230   dqmStore_->setCurrentFolder(subdir_+"problem_DetDiagLaser");
00231   ProblemCellsByDepth = new EtaPhiHists();
00232   ProblemCellsByDepth->setup(dqmStore_," Problem DetDiagLaser Rate");
00233   for (unsigned int i=0; i<ProblemCellsByDepth->depth.size();++i)
00234     problemnames_.push_back(ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[i]->getName());
00235   nevts_=0;
00236 }
00238 void HcalDetDiagLaserClient::endRun(void){analyze();}
00240 void HcalDetDiagLaserClient::setup(void){}
00241 void HcalDetDiagLaserClient::cleanup(void){}
00243 bool HcalDetDiagLaserClient::hasErrors_Temp(void)
00244 {
00245    if(status&2) return true;
00246     return false;
00248   if (!ProblemCells)
00249     {
00250       if (debug_>1) std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagLaserClient::hasErrors_Temp>  ProblemCells histogram does not exist!"<<std::endl;
00251       return false;
00252     }
00253   int problemcount=0;
00254   int ieta=-9999;
00256   for (int depth=0;depth<4; ++depth)
00257     {
00258       int etabins  = (ProblemCells->getTH2F())->GetNbinsX();
00259       int phibins  = (ProblemCells->getTH2F())->GetNbinsY();
00260       for (int hist_eta=0;hist_eta<etabins;++hist_eta)
00261         {
00262           for (int hist_phi=0; hist_phi<phibins;++hist_phi)
00263             {
00264               ieta=CalcIeta(hist_eta,depth+1);
00265               if (ieta==-9999) continue;
00266               if (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[depth]==0)
00267                   continue;
00268               if (ProblemCellsByDepth->depth[depth]->getBinContent(hist_eta,hist_phi)>minerrorrate_)
00269                 ++problemcount;
00271             } // for (int hist_phi=1;...)
00272         } // for (int hist_eta=1;...)
00273     } // for (int depth=0;...)
00275   if (problemcount>0) return true;
00276   return false;
00277 }
00279 bool HcalDetDiagLaserClient::hasWarnings_Temp(void){
00280     if(status&1) return true;
00281     return false;
00282 }
00283 bool HcalDetDiagLaserClient::hasOther_Temp(void){return false;}
00284 bool HcalDetDiagLaserClient::test_enabled(void){return true;}
00287 void HcalDetDiagLaserClient::updateChannelStatus(std::map<HcalDetId, unsigned int>& myqual)
00288 {
00289   // This gets called by HcalMonitorClient
00290   // trigger primitives don't yet contribute to channel status (though they could...)
00291   // see dead or hot cell code for an example
00293 } //void HcalDetDiagLaserClient::updateChannelStatus
00294 static void printTableHeader(ofstream& file,std::string  header){
00295      file << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">"<< endl;
00296      file << "<head>"<< endl;
00297      file << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>"<< endl;
00298      file << "<title>"<< header <<"</title>"<< endl;
00299      file << "<style type=\"text/css\">"<< endl;
00300      file << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"<< endl;
00301      file << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }"<< endl;
00302      file << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; text-align: center;}"<< endl;
00303      file << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }"<< endl;
00304      file << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }"<< endl;
00305      file << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }"<< endl;
00306      file << "</style>"<< endl;
00307      file << "<body>"<< endl;
00308      file << "<table>"<< endl;
00309 }
00310 static void printTableLine(ofstream& file,int ind,HcalDetId& detid,HcalFrontEndId& lmap_entry,HcalElectronicsId &emap_entry,std::string comment=""){
00311    if(ind==0){
00312      file << "<tr>";
00313      file << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">#</td>"    << endl;
00314      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ETA</td>"  << endl;
00315      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PHI</td>"  << endl;
00316      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DEPTH</td>"<< endl;
00317      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RBX</td>"  << endl;
00318      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM</td>"   << endl;
00319      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">PIXEL</td>"   << endl;
00320      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">RM_FIBER</td>"   << endl;
00321      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">FIBER_CH</td>"   << endl;
00322      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">QIE</td>"   << endl;
00323      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">ADC</td>"   << endl;
00324      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">CRATE</td>"   << endl;
00325      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">DCC</td>"   << endl;
00326      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">SPIGOT</td>"   << endl;
00327      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FIBER</td>"   << endl;
00328      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_SLOT</td>"   << endl;
00329      file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HTR_FPGA</td>"   << endl;
00330      if(comment[0]!=0) file << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">Comment</td>"   << endl;
00331      file << "</tr>"   << endl;
00332    }
00333    std::string raw_class;
00334    file << "<tr>"<< endl;
00335    if((ind%2)==1){
00336       raw_class="<td class=\"s2\" align=\"center\">";
00337    }else{
00338       raw_class="<td class=\"s3\" align=\"center\">";
00339    }
00340    file << "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">" << ind+1 <<"</td>"<< endl;
00341    file << raw_class<< detid.ieta()<<"</td>"<< endl;
00342    file << raw_class<< detid.iphi()<<"</td>"<< endl;
00343    file << raw_class<< detid.depth() <<"</td>"<< endl;
00344    file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.rbx()<<"</td>"<< endl;
00345    file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.rm() <<"</td>"<< endl;
00346    file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.pixel()<<"</td>"<< endl;
00347    file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.rmFiber() <<"</td>"<< endl;
00348    file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.fiberChannel()<<"</td>"<< endl;
00349    file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.qieCard() <<"</td>"<< endl;
00350    file << raw_class<< lmap_entry.adc()<<"</td>"<< endl;
00351    file << raw_class<< emap_entry.readoutVMECrateId()<<"</td>"<< endl;
00352    file << raw_class<< emap_entry.dccid()<<"</td>"<< endl;
00353    file << raw_class<< emap_entry.spigot()<<"</td>"<< endl;
00354    file << raw_class<< emap_entry.fiberIndex()<<"</td>"<< endl;
00355    file << raw_class<< emap_entry.htrSlot()<<"</td>"<< endl;
00356    file << raw_class<< emap_entry.htrTopBottom()<<"</td>"<< endl;
00357    if(comment[0]!=0) file << raw_class<< comment<<"</td>"<< endl;
00358 }
00359 static void printTableTail(ofstream& file){
00360      file << "</table>"<< endl;
00361      file << "</body>"<< endl;
00362      file << "</html>"<< endl;
00363 }
00365 bool HcalDetDiagLaserClient::validHtmlOutput(){
00366   string s=subdir_+"HcalDetDiagLaserMonitor Event Number";
00367   MonitorElement *me = dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00368   int n=0;
00369   if ( me ) {
00370     s = me->valueString();
00371     sscanf((s.substr(2,s.length()-2)).c_str(), "%d", &n);
00372   }
00373   if(n<100) return false;
00374   return true;
00375 }
00376 void HcalDetDiagLaserClient::htmlOutput(string htmlDir){
00377   if(dqmStore_==0){
00378       if (debug_>0) std::cout <<"<HcalDetDiagLaserClient::htmlOutput> dqmStore object does not exist!"<<std::endl;
00379       return;
00380   }
00381   if(debug_>2) std::cout <<"\t<HcalDetDiagLaserClient::htmlOutput>  Preparing html for task: "<<name_<<std::endl;
00384   HcalLogicalMapGenerator gen;
00385   HcalLogicalMap lmap(gen.createMap());
00386   HcalElectronicsMap emap=lmap.generateHcalElectronicsMap();
00389   string ref_run,s;
00390   MonitorElement* me;
00391   TH1F *hbheEnergy=0;
00392   TH1F *hbheTiming=0;
00393   TH1F *hbheEnergyRMS=0;
00394   TH1F *hbheTimingRMS=0;
00395   TH1F *hoEnergy=0;
00396   TH1F *hoTiming=0;
00397   TH1F *hoEnergyRMS=0;
00398   TH1F *hoTimingRMS=0;
00399   TH1F *hfEnergy=0;
00400   TH1F *hfTiming=0;
00401   TH1F *hfEnergyRMS=0;
00402   TH1F *hfTimingRMS=0;
00403   TH1F *hb=0;
00404   TH1F *he=0;
00405   TH1F *ho=0;
00406   TH1F *hf=0; 
00407   TH2F *Time2Dhbhehf=0;
00408   TH2F *Time2Dho=0;
00409   TH2F *Energy2Dhbhehf=0;
00410   TH2F *Energy2Dho=0;
00411   TH2F *refTime2Dhbhehf=0;
00412   TH2F *refTime2Dho=0;
00413   TH2F *refEnergy2Dhbhehf=0;
00414   TH2F *refEnergy2Dho=0;
00415   int HBpresent_=0,HEpresent_=0,HOpresent_=0,HFpresent_=0;
00418   me=dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"HcalInfo/HBpresent");
00419   if(me!=0) HBpresent_=me->getIntValue();
00420   me=dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"HcalInfo/HEpresent");
00421   if(me!=0) HEpresent_=me->getIntValue();
00422   me=dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"HcalInfo/HOpresent");
00423   if(me!=0) HOpresent_=me->getIntValue();
00424   me=dqmStore_->get(prefixME_+"HcalInfo/HFpresent");
00425   if(me!=0) HFpresent_=me->getIntValue();
00427   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HBHE Laser Energy Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str()); 
00428   if(me!=0) hbheEnergy=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hbheEnergy, debug_);  else return;
00429   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HBHE Laser Timing Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00430   if(me!=0) hbheTiming=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hbheTiming, debug_); else return;
00431   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HBHE Laser Energy RMS_div_Energy Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00432   if(me!=0) hbheEnergyRMS= HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hbheEnergyRMS, debug_); else return;
00433   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HBHE Laser Timing RMS Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00434   if(me!=0) hbheTimingRMS= HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hbheTimingRMS, debug_); else return;
00435   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO Laser Energy Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00436   if(me!=0) hoEnergy = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hoEnergy, debug_); else return;
00437   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO Laser Timing Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00438   if(me!=0) hoTiming = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hoTiming, debug_); else return;
00439   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO Laser Energy RMS_div_Energy Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00440   if(me!=0) hoEnergyRMS = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hoEnergyRMS, debug_); else return;
00441   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO Laser Timing RMS Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00442   if(me!=0) hoTimingRMS  = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hoTimingRMS, debug_); else return;
00443   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HF Laser Energy Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00444   if(me!=0) hfEnergy  = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hfEnergy, debug_); else return;
00445   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HF Laser Timing Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00446   if(me!=0) hfTiming  = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hfTiming, debug_); else return;
00447   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HF Laser Energy RMS_div_Energy Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00448   if(me!=0) hfEnergyRMS = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hfEnergyRMS, debug_); else return;
00449   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HF Laser Timing RMS Distribution"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00450   if(me!=0) hfTimingRMS = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hfTimingRMS, debug_); else return;
00452   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HB RBX average Time-Ref"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00453   if(me!=0) hb     = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hb, debug_); else return;
00454   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HE RBX average Time-Ref"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00455   if(me!=0) he     = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, he, debug_); else return;
00456   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO RBX average Time-Ref"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00457   if(me!=0) ho     = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, ho, debug_); else return;
00458   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HF RoBox average Time-Ref"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00459   if(me!=0) hf     = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, hf, debug_); else return;
00461   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/Laser Timing HBHEHF"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00462   if(me!=0) Time2Dhbhehf  = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Time2Dhbhehf, debug_); else return;
00463   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/Laser Timing HO"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00464   if(me!=0) Time2Dho      = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Time2Dho, debug_); else return;
00465   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/Laser Energy HBHEHF"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00466   if(me!=0) Energy2Dhbhehf= HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Energy2Dhbhehf, debug_); else return;
00467   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/Laser Energy HO"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00468   if(me!=0) Energy2Dho    = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, Energy2Dho, debug_); else return;
00469   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HBHEHF Laser (Timing-Ref)+1"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00470   if(me!=0) refTime2Dhbhehf  = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, refTime2Dhbhehf, debug_); else return;
00471   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO Laser (Timing-Ref)+1"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00472   if(me!=0) refTime2Dho      = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, refTime2Dho, debug_); else return;
00473   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HBHEHF Laser Energy_div_Ref"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00474   if(me!=0) refEnergy2Dhbhehf= HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, refEnergy2Dhbhehf, debug_); else return;
00475   s=subdir_+"Summary Plots/HO Laser Energy_div_Ref"; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00476   if(me!=0) refEnergy2Dho    = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, refEnergy2Dho, debug_); else return;
00478   TH1F *Raddam[56];
00479   char str[100];
00480   for(int i=0;i<56;i++){  
00481        sprintf(str,"RADDAM (%i %i)",RADDAM_CH[i].eta,RADDAM_CH[i].phi);
00482        s=subdir_+"Raddam Plots/"+str; me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00483        if(me!=0) Raddam[i] = HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH1F*>(me, cloneME_, Raddam[i], debug_);
00484        Raddam[i]->SetXTitle("TS");
00485        Raddam[i]->SetTitle(str);
00486   }
00488   int ievt_ = -1,runNo=-1;
00489   s=subdir_+"HcalDetDiagLaserMonitor Event Number";
00490   me = dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00491   if ( me ) {
00492     s = me->valueString();
00493     sscanf((s.substr(2,s.length()-2)).c_str(), "%d", &ievt_);
00494   }
00495   s=subdir_+"HcalDetDiagLaserMonitor Run Number";
00496   me = dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00497   if ( me ) {
00498     s = me->valueString();
00499     sscanf((s.substr(2,s.length()-2)).c_str(), "%d", &runNo);
00500   }
00501   s=subdir_+"HcalDetDiagLaserMonitor Reference Run";
00502   me = dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00503   if(me) {
00504     string s=me->valueString();
00505     char str[200]; 
00506     sscanf((s.substr(2,s.length()-2)).c_str(), "%s", str);
00507     ref_run=str;
00508   }
00510   int  badT=0;
00511   int  badE=0;
00512   int  HBP[2]={0,0};
00513   int  HBM[2]={0,0};
00514   int  HEP[2]={0,0};
00515   int  HEM[2]={0,0};
00516   int  HFP[2]={0,0};
00517   int  HFM[2]={0,0};
00518   int  HO[2] ={0,0};
00519   int  newHBP[2]={0,0};
00520   int  newHBM[2]={0,0};
00521   int  newHEP[2]={0,0};
00522   int  newHEM[2]={0,0};
00523   int  newHFP[2]={0,0};
00524   int  newHFM[2]={0,0};
00525   int  newHO[2] ={0,0};
00527   TH2F* BadTiming_val[4];
00528   TH2F* BadEnergy_val[4];
00529   std::vector<std::string> name = HcalEtaPhiHistNames();
00530   for(int i=0;i<4;++i){
00531       BadTiming_val[i]=0;
00532       BadEnergy_val[i]=0;
00533       string s=subdir_+"Plots for client/"+name[i]+" Laser Timing difference";
00534       me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00535       if (me!=0) BadTiming_val[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, BadTiming_val[i], debug_); else return;
00536       s=subdir_+"Plots for client/"+name[i]+" Laser Energy difference";
00537       me=dqmStore_->get(s.c_str());
00538       if (me!=0) BadEnergy_val[i]=HcalUtilsClient::getHisto<TH2F*>(me, cloneME_, BadEnergy_val[i], debug_); else return;
00539   }
00542   ofstream badTiming; 
00544   printTableHeader(badTiming,"Bad Timing Channels list");
00545   ofstream badEnergy; 
00547   printTableHeader(badEnergy,"Bad Energy Channels list");
00549  for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
00550       int etabins=BadTiming_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
00551       int phibins=BadTiming_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
00552       for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
00553           int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
00554           if(ieta==-9999) continue;
00555           HcalSubdetector subdet=HcalEmpty;
00556           if(isHB(eta,d+1))subdet=HcalBarrel;
00557              else if (isHE(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalEndcap;
00558              else if (isHF(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalForward;
00559              else if (isHO(eta,d+1)) subdet=HcalOuter;
00560           HcalDetId hcalid(subdet, ieta, phi+1, (int)(d+1));
00561           float val=BadTiming_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
00562           if(val!=0){
00563             if(subdet==HcalBarrel){
00564                if(ieta>0){ HBP[0]++;}else{ HBM[0]++;} badT++;
00565                if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHBP[0]++;}else{ newHBM[0]++;}}
00566             }   
00567             if(subdet==HcalEndcap){
00568                if(ieta>0){ HEP[0]++;}else{ HEM[0]++;} badT++;
00569                if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHEP[0]++;}else{ newHEM[0]++;}}
00570             }   
00571             if(subdet==HcalForward){
00572                if(ieta>0){ HFP[0]++;}else{ HFM[0]++;} badT++;
00573                if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHFP[0]++;}else{ newHFM[0]++;}}
00574             }   
00575             if(subdet==HcalOuter){
00576                HO[0]++;badT++;
00577                if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){newHO[0]++;}
00578             }   
00579          }
00580          val=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
00581          if(val!=0){
00582             if(subdet==HcalBarrel){
00583                if(ieta>0){ HBP[1]++;}else{ HBM[1]++;} badE++;
00584                if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHBP[1]++;}else{ newHBM[1]++;}}
00585             }   
00586             if(subdet==HcalEndcap){
00587                if(ieta>0){ HEP[1]++;}else{ HEM[1]++;} badE++;
00588                if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHEP[1]++;}else{ newHEM[1]++;}}
00589             }   
00590             if(subdet==HcalForward){
00591                if(ieta>0){ HFP[1]++;}else{ HFM[1]++;} badE++;
00592                if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){if(ieta>0){ newHFP[1]++;}else{ newHFM[1]++;}}
00593             }   
00594             if(subdet==HcalOuter){
00595                HO[1]++;badT++;
00596                if(badstatusmap.find(hcalid)==badstatusmap.end()){newHO[1]++;}
00597             }   
00598         }
00599      }
00600   }
00603   int cnt=0;
00604   if((HBP[0]+HBM[0])>0){
00605     badTiming << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HB" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << endl;
00606     for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
00607       int etabins=BadTiming_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
00608       int phibins=BadTiming_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
00609       for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
00610           int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
00611           if(ieta==-9999) continue;
00612           if(!isHB(eta,d+1)) continue;
00613           float val=BadTiming_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
00614           if(val==0) continue;
00615           HcalDetId hcalid(HcalBarrel,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
00616           HcalFrontEndId    lmap_entry=lmap.getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
00617           HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
00618           sprintf(str,"Time-Ref=%.2f",val);
00619           printTableLine(badTiming,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,str);
00620       } 
00621     }
00622   } 
00623   cnt=0;
00624   if((HEP[0]+HEM[0])>0){
00625     badTiming << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HE" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << endl;
00626     for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
00627       int etabins=BadTiming_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
00628       int phibins=BadTiming_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
00629       for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
00630           int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
00631           if(ieta==-9999) continue;
00632           if(!isHE(eta,d+1)) continue;
00633           float val=BadTiming_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
00634           if(val==0) continue;
00635           HcalDetId hcalid(HcalEndcap,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
00636           HcalFrontEndId    lmap_entry=lmap.getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
00637           HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
00638           sprintf(str,"Time-Ref=%.2f",val);
00639           printTableLine(badTiming,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,str);
00640       } 
00641     } 
00642   }
00643   cnt=0;
00644   if(HO[0]>0){
00645     badTiming << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HO" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << endl;
00646     for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
00647       int etabins=BadTiming_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
00648       int phibins=BadTiming_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
00649       for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
00650           int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
00651           if(ieta==-9999) continue;
00652           if(!isHO(eta,d+1)) continue;
00653           float val=BadTiming_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
00654           if(val==0) continue;
00655           HcalDetId hcalid(HcalOuter,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
00656           HcalFrontEndId    lmap_entry=lmap.getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
00657           HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
00658           sprintf(str,"Time-Ref=%.2f",val);
00659           printTableLine(badTiming,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,str);
00660       } 
00661     } 
00662   }
00663   cnt=0;
00664   if((HFP[0]+HFM[0])>0){
00665     badTiming << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HF" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << endl;
00666     for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
00667       int etabins=BadTiming_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
00668       int phibins=BadTiming_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
00669       for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
00670           int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
00671           if(ieta==-9999) continue;
00672           if(!isHF(eta,d+1)) continue;
00673           float val=BadTiming_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
00674           if(val==0) continue;
00675           HcalDetId hcalid(HcalForward,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
00676           HcalFrontEndId    lmap_entry=lmap.getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
00677           HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
00678           sprintf(str,"Time-Ref=%.2f",val);
00679           printTableLine(badTiming,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,str);
00680       } 
00681     } 
00682   }
00684   cnt=0;
00685   if((HBP[1]+HBM[1])>0){
00686     badEnergy << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HB" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << endl;
00687     for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
00688       int etabins=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
00689       int phibins=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
00690       for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
00691           int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
00692           if(ieta==-9999) continue;
00693           if(!isHB(eta,d+1)) continue;
00694           float val=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
00695           if(val==0) continue;
00696           HcalDetId hcalid(HcalBarrel,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
00697           HcalFrontEndId    lmap_entry=lmap.getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
00698           HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
00699           sprintf(str,"Energy/Ref=%.2f",val);
00700           printTableLine(badEnergy,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,str);
00701       } 
00702     }
00703   } 
00704   cnt=0;
00705   if((HEP[1]+HEM[1])>0){
00706     badEnergy << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HE" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << endl;
00707     for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
00708       int etabins=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
00709       int phibins=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
00710       for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
00711           int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
00712           if(ieta==-9999) continue;
00713           if(!isHE(eta,d+1)) continue;
00714           float val=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
00715           if(val==0) continue;
00716           HcalDetId hcalid(HcalEndcap,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
00717           HcalFrontEndId    lmap_entry=lmap.getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
00718           HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
00719           sprintf(str,"Energy/Ref=%.2f",val);
00720           printTableLine(badEnergy,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,str);
00721       } 
00722     } 
00723   }
00724   cnt=0;
00725   if(HO[1]>0){
00726     badEnergy << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HO" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << endl;
00727     for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
00728       int etabins=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
00729       int phibins=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
00730       for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
00731           int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
00732           if(ieta==-9999) continue;
00733           if(!isHO(eta,d+1)) continue;
00734           float val=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
00735           if(val==0) continue;
00736           HcalDetId hcalid(HcalOuter,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
00737           HcalFrontEndId    lmap_entry=lmap.getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
00738           HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
00739           sprintf(str,"Energy/Ref=%.2f",val);
00740           printTableLine(badEnergy,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,str);
00741       } 
00742     } 
00743   }
00744   cnt=0;
00745   if((HFP[1]+HFM[1])>0){
00746     badEnergy << "<tr><td align=\"center\"><h3>"<< "HF" <<"</h3></td></tr>" << endl;
00747     for(int d=0;d<4;++d){
00748       int etabins=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetNbinsX();
00749       int phibins=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetNbinsY();
00750       for(int phi=0;phi<phibins;++phi)for(int eta=0;eta<etabins;++eta){
00751           int ieta=CalcIeta(eta,d+1);
00752           if(ieta==-9999) continue;
00753           if(!isHF(eta,d+1)) continue;
00754           float val=BadEnergy_val[d]->GetBinContent(eta+1,phi+1);
00755           if(val==0) continue;
00756           HcalDetId hcalid(HcalForward,ieta,phi+1,d+1);
00757           HcalFrontEndId    lmap_entry=lmap.getHcalFrontEndId(hcalid);
00758           HcalElectronicsId emap_entry=emap.lookup(hcalid);
00759           sprintf(str,"Energy/Ref=%.2f",val);
00760           printTableLine(badEnergy,cnt++,hcalid,lmap_entry,emap_entry,str);
00761       } 
00762     } 
00763   }
00765   printTableTail(badTiming);
00766   badTiming.close();
00767   printTableTail(badEnergy);
00768   badEnergy.close();
00771   ofstream htmlFile;
00772   string outfile=htmlDir+name_+".html";
00775   gROOT->SetBatch(true);
00776   gStyle->SetCanvasColor(0);
00777   gStyle->SetPadColor(0);
00778   gStyle->SetOptStat(111110);
00779   gStyle->SetPalette(1);
00780   TCanvas *can=new TCanvas("HcalDetDiagLaserClient","HcalDetDiagLaserClient",0,0,500,350);
00781   can->cd();
00783   if(Raddam[0]->GetEntries()>0){
00784      ofstream RADDAM;
00785 + "RADDAM_"+name_).c_str());
00786      RADDAM << "</html><html xmlns=\"\">"<< endl;
00787      RADDAM << "<head>"<< endl;
00788      RADDAM << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html\"/>"<< endl;
00789      RADDAM << "<title>"<< "RADDAM channels" <<"</title>"<< endl;
00790      RADDAM << "<style type=\"text/css\">"<< endl;
00791      RADDAM << " body,td{ background-color: #FFFFCC; font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-size: 12px; }"<< endl;
00792      RADDAM << "   td.s0 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; }"<< endl;
00793      RADDAM << "   td.s1 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC169; text-align: center;}"<< endl;
00794      RADDAM << "   td.s2 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #eeeeee; }"<< endl;
00795      RADDAM << "   td.s3 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #d0d0d0; }"<< endl;
00796      RADDAM << "   td.s4 { font-family: arial, arial ce, helvetica; background-color: #FFC169; }"<< endl;
00797      RADDAM << "</style>"<< endl;
00798      RADDAM << "<body>"<< endl;
00799      RADDAM << "<h2>Run "<< runNo<<": RADDAM channels event shape </h2>" << endl;
00800      RADDAM << "<table>"<< endl;
00802      char str[100];
00803      for(int i=0;i<28;i++){
00804          RADDAM << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00805          //Raddam[2*i]->SetStats(0);
00806          //Raddam[2*i+1]->SetStats(0);
00807          Raddam[2*i]->Draw();    sprintf(str,"%02d",2*i);    can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "raddam_ch"+str+".gif").c_str());
00808          Raddam[2*i+1]->Draw();  sprintf(str,"%02d",2*i+1);  can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "raddam_ch"+str+".gif").c_str());
00809          sprintf(str,"raddam_ch%02d.gif",2*i);
00810          RADDAM << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\""<<str<<"\" alt=\"raddam channel\">   </td>" << endl;
00811          sprintf(str,"raddam_ch%02d.gif",2*i+1);
00812          RADDAM << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\""<<str<<"\" alt=\"raddam channel\">   </td>" << endl;
00813          RADDAM << "</tr>" << endl;
00814      }
00816      RADDAM << "</table>"<< endl;
00817      RADDAM << "</body>"<< endl;
00818      RADDAM << "</html>"<< endl;
00819      RADDAM.close();
00820   }
00822   Time2Dhbhehf->SetXTitle("i#eta");
00823   Time2Dhbhehf->SetYTitle("i#phi");
00824   Time2Dho->SetXTitle("i#eta");
00825   Time2Dho->SetYTitle("i#phi");
00826   Energy2Dhbhehf->SetXTitle("i#eta");
00827   Energy2Dhbhehf->SetYTitle("i#phi");
00828   Energy2Dho->SetXTitle("i#eta");
00829   Energy2Dho->SetYTitle("i#phi");
00830   refTime2Dhbhehf->SetXTitle("i#eta");
00831   refTime2Dhbhehf->SetYTitle("i#phi");
00832   refTime2Dho->SetXTitle("i#eta");
00833   refTime2Dho->SetYTitle("i#phi");
00834   refEnergy2Dhbhehf->SetXTitle("i#eta");
00835   refEnergy2Dhbhehf->SetYTitle("i#phi");
00836   refEnergy2Dho->SetXTitle("i#eta");
00837   refEnergy2Dho->SetYTitle("i#phi");
00838   refTime2Dhbhehf->SetMinimum(0);
00839   refTime2Dhbhehf->SetMaximum(2);
00840   refTime2Dho->SetMinimum(0);
00841   refTime2Dho->SetMaximum(2);
00842   refEnergy2Dhbhehf->SetMinimum(0.5);
00843   refEnergy2Dhbhehf->SetMaximum(1.5);
00844   refEnergy2Dho->SetMinimum(0.5);
00845   refEnergy2Dho->SetMaximum(1.5);
00847   Time2Dhbhehf->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
00848   Time2Dho->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
00849   Energy2Dhbhehf->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
00850   Energy2Dho->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
00851   refTime2Dhbhehf->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
00852   refTime2Dho->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
00853   refEnergy2Dhbhehf->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
00854   refEnergy2Dho->SetNdivisions(36,"Y");
00856   // html page header
00857   htmlFile << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\">  " << endl;
00858   htmlFile << "<html>  " << endl;
00859   htmlFile << "<head>  " << endl;
00860   htmlFile << "  <meta content=\"text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\"  " << endl;
00861   htmlFile << " http-equiv=\"content-type\">  " << endl;
00862   htmlFile << "  <title>Detector Diagnostics Laser Monitor</title> " << endl;
00863   htmlFile << "</head>  " << endl;
00864   htmlFile << "<style type=\"text/css\"> td { font-weight: bold } </style>" << endl;
00866   htmlFile << "<style type=\"text/css\">"<< endl;
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00873   std::string state[4]={"<td class=\"s2\" align=\"center\">",
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00875                         "<td class=\"s4\" align=\"center\">",
00876                         "<td class=\"s5\" align=\"center\">"};
00877   htmlFile << "</style>"<< endl;
00879   htmlFile << "<body>  " << endl;
00880   htmlFile << "<br>  " << endl;
00881   htmlFile << "<h2>Run:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" << endl;
00882   htmlFile << "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span " << endl;
00883   htmlFile << " style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 153);\">" << runNo << "</span></h2>" << endl;
00884   htmlFile << "<h2>Monitoring task:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <span " << endl;
00885   htmlFile << " style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 153);\">Detector Diagnostics Laser Monitor</span></h2> " << endl;
00886   htmlFile << "<h2>Events processed:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span " << endl;
00887   htmlFile << " style=\"color: rgb(0, 0, 153);\">" << ievt_ << "</span></h2>" << endl;
00888   htmlFile << "<hr>" << endl;
00890   htmlFile << "<table width=100% border=1>" << endl;
00891   htmlFile << "<tr>" << endl;
00892   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s0\" width=20% align=\"center\">SebDet</td>" << endl;
00893   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s0\" width=20% align=\"center\">Bad Timing</td>" << endl;
00894   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s0\" width=20% align=\"center\">Bad Energy</td>" << endl;
00895   htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << endl;
00896   int ind1=0,ind2=0;
00897   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HB+</td>" << endl;
00898   if(HBP[0]==0) ind1=2; if(HBP[0]>0 && HBP[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(HBP[0]>12) ind1=0; 
00899   if(HBP[1]==0) ind2=2; if(HBP[1]>0 && HBP[1]<=12) ind2=1; if(HBP[1]>12) ind2=0; 
00900   if(!HBpresent_) ind1=ind2=3;  
00901   htmlFile << state[ind1] << HBP[0] <<"</td>" << endl;
00902   htmlFile << state[ind2] << HBP[1] <<"</td>" << endl;
00903   htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << endl;
00904   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HB-</td>" << endl;
00905   if(HBM[0]==0) ind1=2; if(HBM[0]>0 && HBP[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(HBM[0]>12) ind1=0; 
00906   if(HBM[1]==0) ind2=2; if(HBM[1]>0 && HBP[1]<=12) ind2=1; if(HBM[1]>12) ind2=0; 
00907   if(!HBpresent_) ind1=ind2=3;  
00908   htmlFile << state[ind1] << HBM[0] <<"</td>" << endl;
00909   htmlFile << state[ind2] << HBM[1] <<"</td>" << endl;
00910   htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << endl;
00911   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HE+</td>" << endl;
00912   if(HEP[0]==0) ind1=2; if(HEP[0]>0 && HEP[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(HEP[0]>12) ind1=0; 
00913   if(HEP[1]==0) ind2=2; if(HEP[1]>0 && HEP[1]<=12) ind2=1; if(HEP[1]>12) ind2=0;
00914   if(!HEpresent_) ind1=ind2=3;  
00915   if(ind1==0 || ind2==0) status|=2; else if(ind1==1 || ind2==1) status|=1;
00916   htmlFile << state[ind1] << HEP[0] <<"</td>" << endl;
00917   htmlFile << state[ind2] << HEP[1] <<"</td>" << endl;
00918   htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << endl;
00919   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HE-</td>" << endl;
00920   if(HEM[0]==0) ind1=2; if(HEM[0]>0 && HEM[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(HEM[0]>12) ind1=0; 
00921   if(HEM[1]==0) ind2=2; if(HEM[1]>0 && HEM[1]<=12) ind2=1; if(HEM[1]>12) ind2=0; 
00922   if(!HEpresent_) ind1=ind2=3;  
00923   if(ind1==0 || ind2==0) status|=2; else if(ind1==1 || ind2==1) status|=1;
00924   htmlFile << state[ind1] << HEM[0] <<"</td>" << endl;
00925   htmlFile << state[ind2] << HEM[1] <<"</td>" << endl;
00926   htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << endl;
00927   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HF+</td>" << endl;
00928   if(HFP[0]==0) ind1=2; if(HFP[0]>0 && HFP[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(HFP[0]>12) ind1=0; 
00929   if(HFP[1]==0) ind2=2; if(HFP[1]>0 && HFP[1]<=12) ind2=1; if(HFP[1]>12) ind2=0; 
00930   if(!HOpresent_) ind1=ind2=3;  
00931   if(ind1==0 || ind2==0) status|=2; else if(ind1==1 || ind2==1) status|=1;
00932   htmlFile << state[ind1] << HFP[0] <<"</td>" << endl;
00933   htmlFile << state[ind2] << HFP[1] <<"</td>" << endl;
00934   htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << endl;
00935   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HF-</td>" << endl;
00936   if(HFM[0]==0) ind1=2; if(HFM[0]>0 && HFM[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(HFM[0]>12) ind1=0; 
00937   if(HFM[1]==0) ind2=2; if(HFM[1]>0 && HFM[1]<=12) ind2=1; if(HFM[1]>12) ind2=0; 
00938   if(!HFpresent_) ind1=ind2=3;  
00939   if(ind1==0 || ind2==0) status|=2; else if(ind1==1 || ind2==1) status|=1;
00940   htmlFile << state[ind1] << HFM[0] <<"</td>" << endl;
00941   htmlFile << state[ind2] << HFM[1] <<"</td>" << endl;
00942   htmlFile << "</tr><tr>" << endl;
00943   htmlFile << "<td class=\"s1\" align=\"center\">HO</td>" << endl;
00944   if(HO[0]==0) ind1=2; if(HO[0]>0 && HO[0]<=12) ind1=1; if(HO[0]>12) ind1=0; 
00945   if(HO[1]==0) ind2=2; if(HO[1]>0 && HO[1]<=12) ind2=1; if(HO[1]>12) ind2=0; 
00946   if(!HFpresent_) ind1=ind2=3;  
00947   if(ind1==0 || ind2==0) status|=2; else if(ind1==1 || ind2==1) status|=1;
00948   htmlFile << state[ind1] << HO[0] <<"</td>" << endl;
00949   htmlFile << state[ind2] << HO[1] <<"</td>" << endl;
00951   htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00952   htmlFile << "<hr>" << endl;
00954   if((badT+badE)>0){
00955       htmlFile << "<table width=100% border=1><tr>" << endl;
00956       if(badT>0)  htmlFile << "<td><a href=\"" << "bad_timing_table.html" <<"\">list of bad timing channels</a></td>";
00957       if(badE>0) htmlFile << "<td><a href=\"" << "bad_energy_table.html" <<"\">list of bad energy channels</a></td>";
00958       htmlFile << "</tr></table>" << endl;
00959   }
00963   if(Raddam[0]->GetEntries()>0){
00964     htmlFile << "<h2 align=\"center\"><a href=\"" << ("RADDAM_"+name_).c_str() <<"\">RADDAM channels</a><h2>";
00965     htmlFile << "<hr>" << endl;
00966   }
00968   htmlFile << "<h2 align=\"center\">Stability Laser plots (Reference run "<<ref_run<<")</h2>" << endl;
00969   htmlFile << "<table width=100% border=0><tr>" << endl;
00971   can->SetGridy();
00972   can->SetGridx();
00974   htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
00975   refTime2Dhbhehf->SetStats(0);
00976   refTime2Dho->SetStats(0);
00977   refTime2Dhbhehf->Draw("COLZ");    can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ref_laser_timing_hbhehf.gif").c_str());
00978   refTime2Dho->Draw("COLZ");        can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ref_laser_timing_ho.gif").c_str());
00979   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"ref_laser_timing_hbhehf.gif\" alt=\"ref laser timing distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
00980   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"ref_laser_timing_ho.gif\" alt=\"ref laser timing distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
00981   htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
00984   if(hb!=0 && he!=0 && ho!=0 && hf!=0){
00985   hb->SetMarkerStyle(22);
00986   hb->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
00987   hb->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(hb->GetMinimum()-1,hb->GetMaximum()+1);
00988   hb->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(520);
00990   he->SetMarkerStyle(22);
00991   he->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
00992   he->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(he->GetMinimum()-1,he->GetMaximum()+1);
00993   he->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(520);
00995   ho->SetMarkerStyle(22);
00996   ho->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
00997   ho->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(ho->GetMinimum()-1,ho->GetMaximum()+1);
00998   ho->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(520);
01000   hf->SetMarkerStyle(22);
01001   hf->SetMarkerColor(kRed);
01002   hf->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(hf->GetMinimum()-1,hf->GetMaximum()+1);
01003   hf->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(520);  
01004   hb->SetStats(0);
01005   he->SetStats(0);
01006   ho->SetStats(0);
01007   hf->SetStats(0);
01010   hb->GetXaxis()->SetBit(TAxis::kLabelsVert);
01011   he->GetXaxis()->SetBit(TAxis::kLabelsVert);
01012   ho->GetXaxis()->SetBit(TAxis::kLabelsVert);
01013   hf->GetXaxis()->SetBit(TAxis::kLabelsVert);
01014   hb->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
01015   he->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
01016   ho->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
01017   hf->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.05);
01020   htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
01021   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"hb_rbx_timing1D.gif\" alt=\"rbx timing\">   </td>" << endl;
01022   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"he_rbx_timing1D.gif\" alt=\"rbx timing\">   </td>" << endl;
01023   htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
01024   htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
01025   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"ho_rbx_timing1D.gif\" alt=\"rbx timing\">   </td>" << endl;
01026   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"hf_rbx_timing1D.gif\" alt=\"rbx timing\">   </td>" << endl;
01027   htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
01028   }else printf("Error\n");
01032   htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
01033   refEnergy2Dhbhehf->SetStats(0);
01034   refEnergy2Dho->SetStats(0);
01035   refEnergy2Dhbhehf->Draw("COLZ");    can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ref_laser_energy_hbhehf.gif").c_str());
01036   refEnergy2Dho->Draw("COLZ");        can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ref_laser_energy_ho.gif").c_str());
01037   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"ref_laser_energy_hbhehf.gif\" alt=\"ref laser energy distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01038   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"ref_laser_energy_ho.gif\" alt=\"ref laser energy distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01039   htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
01041   htmlFile << "</table>" << endl;
01044   htmlFile << "<h2 align=\"center\">Summary Laser plots</h2>" << endl;
01045   htmlFile << "<table width=100% border=0><tr>" << endl;
01046   htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
01047   Time2Dhbhehf->SetStats(0);
01048   Time2Dho->SetStats(0);
01049   Time2Dhbhehf->Draw("COLZ");    can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "laser_timing_hbhehf.gif").c_str());
01050   Time2Dho->Draw("COLZ");        can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "laser_timing_ho.gif").c_str());
01051   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"laser_timing_hbhehf.gif\" alt=\"laser timing distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01052   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"laser_timing_ho.gif\" alt=\"laser timing distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01053   htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
01055   htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
01056   Energy2Dhbhehf->SetStats(0);
01057   Energy2Dho->SetStats(0);
01058   Energy2Dhbhehf->Draw("COLZ");    can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "laser_energy_hbhehf.gif").c_str());
01059   Energy2Dho->Draw("COLZ");        can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "laser_energy_ho.gif").c_str());
01060   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"laser_energy_hbhehf.gif\" alt=\"laser energy distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01061   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"laser_energy_ho.gif\" alt=\"laser energy distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01062   htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
01065   htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;  
01066   hbheEnergy->Draw();    can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hbhe_laser_energy_distribution.gif").c_str());
01067   hbheEnergyRMS->Draw(); can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hbhe_laser_energy_rms_distribution.gif").c_str());
01068   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"hbhe_laser_energy_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hbhe laser energy distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01069   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"hbhe_laser_energy_rms_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hbhelaser energy rms distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01070   htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
01071   htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
01072   hbheTiming->Draw();    can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hbhe_laser_timing_distribution.gif").c_str());
01073   hbheTimingRMS->Draw(); can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hbhe_laser_timing_rms_distribution.gif").c_str());
01074   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"hbhe_laser_timing_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hbhe laser timing distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01075   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"hbhe_laser_timing_rms_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hbhe laser timing rms distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01076   htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
01078   htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;  
01079   hoEnergy->Draw();    can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ho_laser_energy_distribution.gif").c_str());
01080   hoEnergyRMS->Draw(); can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ho_laser_energy_rms_distribution.gif").c_str());
01081   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"ho_laser_energy_distribution.gif\" alt=\"ho laser energy distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01082   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"ho_laser_energy_rms_distribution.gif\" alt=\"ho laser energy rms distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01083   htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
01084   htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
01085   hoTiming->Draw();    can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ho_laser_timing_distribution.gif").c_str());
01086   hoTimingRMS->Draw(); can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ho_laser_timing_rms_distribution.gif").c_str());
01087   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"ho_laser_timing_distribution.gif\" alt=\"ho laser timing distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01088   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"ho_laser_timing_rms_distribution.gif\" alt=\"ho laser timing rms distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01090   htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
01091   htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;  
01092   hfEnergy->Draw();    can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hf_laser_energy_distribution.gif").c_str());
01093   hfEnergyRMS->Draw(); can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hf_laser_energy_rms_distribution.gif").c_str());
01094   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"hf_laser_energy_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hf laser energy distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01095   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"hf_laser_energy_rms_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hf laser energy rms distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01096   htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
01097   htmlFile << "<tr align=\"left\">" << endl;
01098   hfTiming->Draw();    can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hf_laser_timing_distribution.gif").c_str());
01099   hfTimingRMS->Draw(); can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hf_laser_timing_rms_distribution.gif").c_str());
01100   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"hf_laser_timing_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hf laser timing distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01101   htmlFile << "<td align=\"center\"><img src=\"hf_laser_timing_rms_distribution.gif\" alt=\"hf laser timing rms distribution\">   </td>" << endl;
01102   htmlFile << "</tr>" << endl;
01104   can->SetBottomMargin(0.2);  
01105   if(hb->GetEntries()>0)hb->Draw("P");else hb->Draw(); can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hb_rbx_timing1D.gif").c_str());
01106   if(he->GetEntries()>0)he->Draw("P");else he->Draw(); can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "he_rbx_timing1D.gif").c_str());
01107   if(ho->GetEntries()>0)ho->Draw("P");else ho->Draw(); can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "ho_rbx_timing1D.gif").c_str());
01108   if(hf->GetEntries()>0)hf->Draw("P");else hf->Draw(); can->SaveAs((htmlDir + "hf_rbx_timing1D.gif").c_str());  
01110   htmlFile << "</table>" << endl;
01112   htmlFile << "</body> " << endl;
01113   htmlFile << "</html> " << endl;
01114   can->Close();
01116   htmlFile.close();
01117   return;
01118 }