
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // Analysis of HF LED/Laser run: 
00002 // SPE calibration for low light intensity or raw SPE calibration for high light intensity
00003 // and HF performance based on this analysis
00004 //
00005 // Igor Vodopiyanov. Oct-2007 .... update Sept-2008
00006 // Thanks G.Safronov, M.Mohammadi, F.Ratnikov
00007 //
00008 #include <memory>
00009 #include <string>
00010 #include <iostream>
00012 #include "TH1F.h"
00013 #include "TH2F.h"
00014 #include "TFile.h"
00015 #include "math.h"
00016 #include "TMath.h"
00017 #include "TF1.h"
00019 #include "CalibCalorimetry/HcalStandardModules/interface/HFLightCal.h"
00021 #include "DataFormats/HcalDigi/interface/HcalDigiCollections.h"
00022 #include "DataFormats/HcalRecHit/interface/HcalRecHitCollections.h"
00024 #include "CalibFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalDbService.h"
00025 #include "CalibFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalDbRecord.h"
00026 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalQIEShape.h"
00027 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalQIECoder.h"
00029 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
00030 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00031 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
00032 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESHandle.h"
00034 using namespace std;
00035 Int_t Nev, runN=0, eventN=0;
00036 Int_t itsmax[26][36][2];
00037 Int_t itspinmax[8][3];
00039 namespace {
00040   //bool verbose = true;
00041   bool verbose = false;
00042 }
00044 HFLightCal::HFLightCal (const edm::ParameterSet& fConfiguration) {
00045   //std::string histfile = fConfiguration.getUntrackedParameter<string>("rootFile");
00046   histfile = fConfiguration.getUntrackedParameter<string>("rootFile");
00047   textfile = fConfiguration.getUntrackedParameter<string>("textFile");
00048   prefile = fConfiguration.getUntrackedParameter<string>("preFile");
00049 }
00051 HFLightCal::~HFLightCal () {
00052   //delete mFile;
00053 }
00055 void HFLightCal::beginJob() {
00057   char htit[64];
00058   Int_t neta,nphi,ndepth,nmax,nquad,npin;
00060   std::cout<<std::endl<<"HFLightCal beginJob: --> "<<std::endl;
00062   // Read info about signal timing in TS from PreAnalysis
00063   mFile = new TFile (histfile.c_str(),"RECREATE");
00064   if ((tFile = fopen(textfile.c_str(),"w"))==NULL) {
00065     printf("\nNo output textfile open\n\n");
00066     std::cout<<"Problem with output textFILE => exit"<<std::endl;
00067     exit(1);
00068   }
00069   //if ((preFile = fopen("hf_preanal.txt","r"))==NULL){
00070   if ((preFile = fopen(prefile.c_str(),"r"))==NULL){
00071     printf("\nNo input pre-file open\n\n");
00072     std::cout<<"Problem with input textFILE => exit"<<std::endl;
00073     exit(1);
00074   }
00075   rewind(preFile);
00076   for (int i=0; i<1728; i++) {
00077     fscanf(preFile,"%d%d%d%d\r",&neta,&nphi,&ndepth,&nmax);
00078     //std::cout<<neta<<"  "<<nphi<<"  "<<ndepth<<"  "<<nmax<<std::endl;
00079     if (neta>=29 && neta<=41 && nphi<72 && nphi>0 && ndepth>0 && ndepth<=2) 
00080       itsmax[neta-29][(nphi-1)/2][ndepth-1] = nmax;
00081     else if (neta<=-29 && neta>=-41 && nphi<72 && nphi>0 && ndepth>0 && ndepth<=2) 
00082       itsmax[13-neta-29][(nphi-1)/2][ndepth-1] = nmax;
00083     else {
00084       std::cout<<"Input pre-file: wrong channel record:"<<std::endl;
00085       std::cout<<"eta="<<neta<<"  phi="<<nphi<<"  depth="<<ndepth<<"  max="<<nmax<<std::endl;
00086     }
00087   }
00088   for (int i=0; i<24; i++) {
00089     fscanf(preFile,"%d%d%d\r",&nquad,&npin,&nmax);
00090     //std::cout<<nquad<<"  "<<npin<<"  "<<nmax<<std::endl;
00091     if (nquad>0 && nquad<=4 && npin<=3 && npin>0) 
00092       itspinmax[nquad-1][npin-1] = nmax;
00093     else if (nquad<0 && nquad>=-4 && npin<=3 && npin>0) 
00094       itspinmax[4-nquad-1][npin-1] = nmax;
00095     else {
00096       std::cout<<"Input pre-file: wrong PIN record:"<<std::endl;
00097       std::cout<<"quad="<<nquad<<"  pin="<<npin<<"  max="<<nmax<<std::endl;
00098     }
00099   }
00101   // General Histos
00102   htmax = new TH1F("htmax","Max TS",10,-0.5,9.5);
00103   htmean = new TH1F("htmean","Mean signal TS",100,0,10);
00104   hsignalmean = new TH1F("hsignalmean","Mean ADC 4maxTS",1201,-25,30000);
00105   hsignalrms = new TH1F("hsignalrms","RMS ADC 4maxTS",500,0,500);
00106   hpedmean = new TH1F("hpedmean","Mean ADC 4lowTS",200,-10,90);
00107   hpedrms = new TH1F("hpedrms","RMS ADC 4lowTS",200,0,100);
00108   hspes = new TH1F("hspes","SPE if measured",200,0,40);
00109   hnpevar = new TH1F("hnpevar","~N PE input",500,0,500);
00110   hsignalmapP = new TH2F("hsignalmapP","Mean(Response) - Mean(Pedestal) HFP;#eta;#phi",26,28.5,41.5,36,0,72);
00111   hsignalRMSmapP = new TH2F("hsignalRMSmapP","RMS Response HFP;#eta;#phi",26,28.5,41.5,36,0,72);
00112   hnpemapP = new TH2F("hnpemapP","~N PE input HFP;#eta;#phi",26,28.5,41.5,36,0,72);
00113   hnpemapP->SetOption("COLZ");hsignalmapP->SetOption("COLZ");hsignalRMSmapP->SetOption("COLZ");
00114   hsignalmapM = new TH2F("hsignalmapM","Mean(Response) - Mean(Pedestal) HFM;#eta;#phi",26,-41.5,-28.5,36,0,72);
00115   hsignalRMSmapM = new TH2F("hsignalRMSmapM","RMS Response HFM;#eta;#phi",26,-41.5,-28.5,36,0,72);
00116   hnpemapM = new TH2F("hnpemapM","~N PE input HFM;#eta;#phi",26,-41.5,-28.5,36,0,72);
00117   hnpemapM->SetOption("COLZ");hsignalmapM->SetOption("COLZ");hsignalRMSmapM->SetOption("COLZ");
00118   // Channel-by-channel histos
00119   for (int i=0;i<13;i++) for (int j=0;j<36;j++) for (int k=0;k<2;k++) {
00120     if (i>10 && j%2==0) continue;
00121     sprintf(htit,"ts_+%d_%d_%d",i+29,j*2+1,k+1);
00122     hts[i][j][k] = new TH1F(htit,htit,10,-0.5,9.5); // TimeSlices (pulse shape)
00123     sprintf(htit,"tsmean_+%d_%d_%d",i+29,j*2+1,k+1);
00124     htsm[i][j][k] = new TH1F(htit,htit,100,0,10);   // Mean signal time estimated from TS 
00125     sprintf(htit,"sp_+%d_%d_%d",i+29,j*2+1,k+1);
00126     hsp[i][j][k] = new TH1F(htit,htit,1201,-25,30000); // Big-scale spectrum (linear ADC)
00127     sprintf(htit,"spe_+%d_%d_%d",i+29,j*2+1,k+1);
00128     hspe[i][j][k] = new TH1F(htit,htit,200,-9.5,190.5); // Small-scale spectrum (linear ADC)
00129     sprintf(htit,"ped_+%d_%d_%d",i+29,j*2+1,k+1);
00130     hped[i][j][k] = new TH1F(htit,htit,200,-9.5,190.5); // Pedestal spectrum
00131     sprintf(htit,"ts_-%d_%d_%d",i+29,j*2+1,k+1);
00132     hts[i+13][j][k] = new TH1F(htit,htit,10,-0.5,9.5);
00133     sprintf(htit,"tsmean_-%d_%d_%d",i+29,j*2+1,k+1);
00134     htsm[i+13][j][k] = new TH1F(htit,htit,100,0,10);  
00135     sprintf(htit,"sp_-%d_%d_%d",i+29,j*2+1,k+1);
00136     hsp[i+13][j][k] = new TH1F(htit,htit,1201,-25,30000);
00137     sprintf(htit,"spe_-%d_%d_%d",i+29,j*2+1,k+1);
00138     hspe[i+13][j][k] = new TH1F(htit,htit,200,-9.5,190.5); 
00139     sprintf(htit,"ped_-%d_%d_%d",i+29,j*2+1,k+1);
00140     hped[i+13][j][k] = new TH1F(htit,htit,200,-9.5,190.5); 
00141   } 
00142   // PIN-diodes histos
00143   for (int i=0;i<4;i++) for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
00144     sprintf(htit,"ts_PIN%d_+Q%d",j+1,i+1);
00145     htspin[i][j] = new TH1F(htit,htit,10,-0.5,9.5);
00146     sprintf(htit,"sp_PIN%d_+Q%d",j+1,i+1);
00147     hsppin[i][j] = new TH1F(htit,htit,1601,-25,40000);
00148     sprintf(htit,"spe_PIN%d_+Q%d",j+1,i+1);
00149     hspepin[i][j] = new TH1F(htit,htit,200,-9.5,190.5);
00150     sprintf(htit,"ped_PIN%d_+Q%d",j+1,i+1);
00151     hpedpin[i][j] = new TH1F(htit,htit,200,-9.5,190.5);
00152     sprintf(htit,"tsmean_PIN%d_+Q%d",j+1,i+1);
00153     htsmpin[i][j] = new TH1F(htit,htit,100,0,10);  
00154     sprintf(htit,"ts_PIN%d_-Q%d",j+1,i+1);
00155     htspin[i+4][j] = new TH1F(htit,htit,10,-0.5,9.5);
00156     sprintf(htit,"sp_PIN%d_-Q%d",j+1,i+1);
00157     hsppin[i+4][j] = new TH1F(htit,htit,1601,-25,40000);
00158     sprintf(htit,"spe_PIN%d_-Q%d",j+1,i+1);
00159     hspepin[i+4][j] = new TH1F(htit,htit,200,-9.5,190.5);
00160     sprintf(htit,"ped_PIN%d_-Q%d",j+1,i+1);
00161     hpedpin[i+4][j] = new TH1F(htit,htit,200,-9.5,190.5);
00162     sprintf(htit,"tsmean_PIN%d_-Q%d",j+1,i+1);
00163     htsmpin[i+4][j] = new TH1F(htit,htit,100,0,10);  
00164   }
00165   std::cout<<std::endl<<"histfile="<<histfile.c_str()<<"  textfile="<<textfile.c_str()<<std::endl;
00166   return;
00167 }
00169 void HistSpecs(TH1F* hist, Double_t &mean, Double_t &rms, Double_t range=4) {
00170   Double_t xmin,xmax;
00171   mean=hist->GetMean();
00172   rms=hist->GetRMS();
00173   xmin=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmin();
00174   xmax=hist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax();
00175   hist->SetAxisRange(mean-range*rms-100,mean+range*rms+100);
00176   mean=hist->GetMean();
00177   rms=hist->GetRMS();
00178   hist->SetAxisRange(mean-range*rms-100,mean+range*rms+100);
00179   mean=hist->GetMean();
00180   rms=hist->GetRMS();
00181   hist->SetAxisRange(xmin,xmax);
00182   return;
00183 }
00185 Double_t FitFun(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { 
00186 // Spectra fit function: Pedestal Gaussian + asymmetric 1PE + 2PE +3PE peaks
00188   Double_t sum,xx,A0,C0,r0,sigma0,mean1,sigma1,A1,C1,r1,mean2,sigma2,A2,C2,r2,mean3,sigma3,A3,C3,r3;
00190   const Double_t k0=2.0, k1=1.6, k2=2.0;
00192   xx=x[0];
00193   sigma0 = par[2];
00194   A0 = 2*Nev/(2+2*par[0]+par[0]*par[0]+pow(par[0],3)/3+pow(par[0],4)/12+
00195               pow(par[0],5)/60+pow(par[0],6)/360);
00196   r0 = ((xx-par[1])/sigma0);
00197   C0 = 1/(sigma0* TMath::Exp(-k0*k0/2)/k0 +
00198           sigma0*sqrt(2*3.14159)*0.5*(1+TMath::Erf(k0/1.41421)));
00199   //sum = 1/(sqrt(2*3.14159)*par[2])*A0*TMath::Exp(-0.5*r0*r0);
00200   if(r0 < k0) sum = C0*A0*TMath::Exp(-0.5*r0*r0);
00201   else sum = C0*A0*TMath::Exp(0.5*k0*k0-k0*r0);
00203   mean1 = par[1]+par[3];
00204   sigma1 = par[4];
00205   //sigma1 = 1.547+0.125*par[3]+0.004042*par[3]*par[3];
00206   //sigma1 = (sigma1+(9.1347e-3+3.845e-2*par[3])*par[4]*2.0)*par[2];
00207   A1 = A0*par[0];
00208   C1 = 1/(sigma1* TMath::Exp(-k1*k1/2)/k1 +
00209           sigma1*sqrt(2*3.14159)*0.5*(1+TMath::Erf(k1/1.41421)));
00210   r1 = ((xx-mean1)/sigma1);
00211   if(r1 < k1) sum += C1*A1*TMath::Exp(-0.5*r1*r1);
00212   else sum += C1*A1*TMath::Exp(0.5*k1*k1-k1*r1);
00214   mean2 = 2*par[3]+par[1];
00215   sigma2 = sqrt(2*sigma1*sigma1 - pow(par[2],2));
00216   //A2 = A0*par[5]*par[0]*par[0]/2;
00217   A2 = A0*par[0]*par[0]/2;
00218   C2 = 1/(sigma2* TMath::Exp(-k2*k2/2)/k2 +
00219           sigma2*sqrt(2*3.14159)*0.5*(1+TMath::Erf(k2/1.41421)));
00220   r2 = ((xx-mean2)/sigma2);
00221   if(r2 < k2) sum += C2*A2*TMath::Exp(-0.5*r2*r2);
00222   else sum += C2*A2*TMath::Exp(0.5*k2*k2-k2*r2);
00224   mean3 = 3*par[3]+par[1];
00225   sigma3 = sqrt(3*sigma1*sigma1 - 2*pow(par[2],2));
00226   A3 = A0*par[0]*par[0]*par[0]/6;
00227   C3 = 1/(sigma3*sqrt(2*3.14159));
00228   r3 = ((xx-mean3)/sigma3);
00229   sum += C3*A3*TMath::Exp(-0.5*r3*r3);
00231   return sum;
00232 }
00234 void HFLightCal::endJob(void)
00235 {
00236   Double_t mean,rms,meanped,rmsped,npevar;
00237   Double_t par[5],dspe=0,dnpe;
00238   Int_t tsmax,intspe;
00239   std::cout<<std::endl<<"HFLightCal endJob --> ";
00240   fprintf(tFile,"#RunN %d   Events processed %d",runN,eventN);
00242   for (int i=0;i<26;i++) for (int j=0;j<36;j++) for (int k=0;k<2;k++) {
00243     if (i>10 && i<13 && j%2==0) continue;
00244     if (i>23 && j%2==0) continue;
00245     meanped=rmsped=mean=rms=0;
00246     if (hsp[i][j][k]->Integral()>0) {
00247       HistSpecs(hped[i][j][k],meanped,rmsped);
00248       HistSpecs(hsp[i][j][k],mean,rms);
00249       if (hspe[i][j][k]->Integral()>hsp[i][j][k]->Integral()*0.9 || mean<100) {
00250         HistSpecs(hspe[i][j][k],mean,rms);
00251       }
00252       hsignalmean->Fill(mean);
00253       hsignalrms->Fill(rms);
00254       hpedmean->Fill(meanped);
00255       hpedrms->Fill(rmsped);
00256     }
00257   }
00259   meanped=hpedmean->GetMean();
00260   rmsped=hpedrms->GetMean();
00261   mean=hsignalmean->GetMean();
00262   rms=hsignalrms->GetMean();
00263   fprintf(tFile,"   MeanInput=<%.2f> [linADCcount]   RMS=<%.2f>\n",mean,rms);
00264   fprintf(tFile,"#eta/phi/depth  sum4maxTS     RMS      ~N_PE  sum4lowTS     RMS  maxTS  SPE +/- Err   Comment\n");
00265   TF1* fPed = new TF1("fPed","gaus",0,120);
00266   fPed->SetNpx(200);
00267   TF1 *fTot = new TF1("fTot",FitFun ,0,200,5);
00268   fTot->SetNpx(800);
00269   for (int i=0;i<26;i++) for (int j=0;j<36;j++) for (int k=0;k<2;k++) {
00270     if (i>10 && i<13 && j%2==0) continue;
00271     if (i>23 && j%2==0) continue;
00272     HistSpecs(hped[i][j][k],meanped,rmsped);
00273     HistSpecs(hsp[i][j][k],mean,rms);
00274     par[3]=0;
00275     if (hspe[i][j][k]->Integral()>hsp[i][j][k]->Integral()*0.9 || mean<100) {
00276       HistSpecs(hspe[i][j][k],mean,rms);
00277       if (hspe[i][j][k]->Integral(1,(int) (meanped+3*rmsped+12))/Nev>0.1) {
00278         //if (hspe[i][j][k]->Integral()>100 && mean-meanped<100) {
00279         if (mean+rms*3-meanped-rmsped*3>2 && rmsped>0) { // SPE fit if low intensity>0
00280           par[1] = meanped;
00281           par[2] = rmsped;
00282           par[0] = hped[i][j][k]->GetMaximum();
00283           fPed->SetParameters(par);
00284           hped[i][j][k]->Fit(fPed,"BQ0");
00285           fPed->GetParameters(&par[0]);
00286           hped[i][j][k]->Fit(fPed,"B0Q","",par[1]-par[2]*3,par[1]+par[2]*3);
00287           fPed->GetParameters(par);
00288           hped[i][j][k]->Fit(fPed,"BLIQ","",par[1]-par[2]*3,par[1]+par[2]*3);
00289           fPed->GetParameters(&par[0]);
00290           Nev = (int) hspe[i][j][k]->Integral();
00291           par[0]=0.1;
00292           par[3]=10;
00293           par[4]=6;
00294           fTot->SetParameters(par);
00295           fTot->SetParLimits(0,0,2);
00296           //fTot->FixParameter(1,par[1]);
00297           fTot->SetParLimits(1,par[1]-1,par[1]+1);
00298           fTot->FixParameter(2,par[2]);
00299           fTot->SetParLimits(3,1.2,100);
00300           //fTot->SetParLimits(4,-1.64,1.64);
00301           //fTot->SetParLimits(5,0.5,3);
00302           hspe[i][j][k]->Fit(fTot,"BLEQ","");
00303           fTot->GetParameters(par);
00304           hspe[i][j][k]->Fit(fTot,"BLEQ","",-10,par[1]+par[3]*5);
00305           fTot->GetParameters(par);
00306           dspe=fTot->GetParError(3);
00307           dnpe=fTot->GetParError(0);
00308           if (par[3]<1.21 || dnpe>par[0]) par[3]=-1;
00309           else if (par[0]>1.96 || par[3]>49) par[3]=0;
00310           else {
00311             hspes->Fill(par[3]);
00312           }
00313         } 
00314       }
00315     }
00317     // NPE
00318     npevar=0;
00319     if (par[3]>0) npevar=par[0];                          // NPE from SPE fit
00320     else {                                                // NPE from high intensity signal
00321       if (hspe[i][j][k]->Integral()>hsp[i][j][k]->Integral()*0.98) {
00322         HistSpecs(hspe[i][j][k],mean,rms,3);
00323       }
00324       else {
00325         HistSpecs(hsp[i][j][k],mean,rms,3);
00326       }
00327       if (rmsped>0) {
00328         if (rms*rms-rmsped*rmsped>1 && mean>meanped) {
00329           npevar=(mean-meanped)*(mean-meanped)/(rms*rms-rmsped*rmsped);
00330         }
00331         else if (mean<100) {
00332           intspe=int(hspe[i][j][k]->Integral());
00333           hspe[i][j][k]->SetAxisRange(meanped+rmsped*4,300);
00334           npevar=hspe[i][j][k]->Integral()/intspe;
00335           if (npevar>0.01) npevar=-1;
00336           else npevar=0;
00337           hspe[i][j][k]->SetAxisRange(-20,300);
00338         }
00339       }
00340     }
00341     if (npevar>5.0e-5) hnpevar->Fill(npevar);
00343     if (i<13) {
00344       hsignalmapP->Fill(i+28.6+k/2.0,j*2+1,mean-meanped); 
00345       hsignalRMSmapP->Fill(i+28.6+k/2.0,j*2+1,rms);
00346       if (npevar>0) hnpemapP->Fill(i+28.6+k/2.0,j*2+1,npevar);
00347       fprintf(tFile,"%3d%4d%5d  %11.2f%8.2f",i+29,j*2+1,k+1,mean,rms);
00348     }
00349     else {
00350       fprintf(tFile,"%3d%4d%5d  %11.2f%8.2f",13-i-29,j*2+1,k+1,mean,rms);
00351       hsignalmapM->Fill(13-i-28.6-k/2.0,j*2+1,mean-meanped);
00352       hsignalRMSmapM->Fill(13-i-28.6-k/2.0,j*2+1,rms);
00353       if (npevar>0) hnpemapM->Fill(13-i-28.6-k/2.0,j*2+1,npevar);
00354     }
00355     if (npevar>0) fprintf(tFile,"  %9.4f",npevar);
00356     else  fprintf(tFile,"      0    ");
00357     fprintf(tFile,"   %8.2f%8.2f",meanped,rmsped);
00358     tsmax=hts[i][j][k]->GetMaximumBin()-1;
00359     fprintf(tFile," %4d",tsmax);
00360     if (par[3]>0 && par[3]<99)  fprintf(tFile,"%8.2f%7.2f",par[3],dspe);
00361     else if (npevar>0) fprintf(tFile,"%8.2f    0  ",(mean-meanped)/npevar);
00362     else fprintf(tFile,"     0      0  ");
00364     // Diagnostics 
00365     fprintf(tFile,"    ");
00366     if (hsp[i][j][k]->GetEntries()<=0) fprintf(tFile,"NoSignal\n");
00367     else if (hsp[i][j][k]->GetEntries()<=10) fprintf(tFile,"Nev<10\n");
00368     else {
00369       if (hsp[i][j][k]->Integral()<=10 || mean>12000)  fprintf(tFile,"SignalOffRange\n");
00370       else {
00371         if (hsp[i][j][k]->Integral()<100)  fprintf(tFile,"Nev<100/");
00372         if (npevar>0 && par[3]>0 && (npevar*Nev<10 || npevar<0.001)) 
00373           fprintf(tFile,"LowSignal/");
00374         else if (npevar==0 && fabs(mean-meanped)<3) fprintf(tFile,"LowSignal/");
00375         if (par[3]<0)  fprintf(tFile,"BadFit/");
00376         else if (par[3]==0)  fprintf(tFile,"NoSPEFit/");
00377         else if (par[3]>0 && npevar>1)   fprintf(tFile,"NPE>1/");
00378         if (npevar<0)   fprintf(tFile,"Problem/");
00379         if (mean<2) fprintf(tFile,"LowMean/");
00380         if (rms<0.5) fprintf(tFile,"LowRMS/"); 
00381         if (meanped<-1) fprintf(tFile,"LowPed/");
00382         else if (meanped>25) fprintf(tFile,"HighPed/"); 
00383         if (rmsped<0.5 && rmsped>0) fprintf(tFile,"NarrowPed/"); 
00384         else if (rmsped>10) fprintf(tFile,"WidePed/");
00385         if (hped[i][j][k]->GetBinContent(201)>10) fprintf(tFile,"PedOffRange"); 
00386         fprintf(tFile,"-\n");
00387       }
00388     }
00389   }
00391   for (int i=0;i<8;i++) for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
00392     HistSpecs(hpedpin[i][j],meanped,rmsped);
00393     HistSpecs(hsppin[i][j],mean,rms);
00394     if (hspepin[i][j]->Integral()>hsppin[i][j]->Integral()*0.9 || mean<100) {
00395       HistSpecs(hspepin[i][j],mean,rms);
00396     }
00397     if (i<4) fprintf(tFile," PIN%d  +Q%d  %12.2f  %6.2f",j+1,i+1,mean,rms);
00398     else fprintf(tFile," PIN%d  -Q%d  %12.2f  %6.2f",j+1,i-3,mean,rms);
00399     fprintf(tFile,"  %15.2f  %6.2f",meanped,rmsped);
00400     tsmax=htspin[i][j]->GetMaximumBin()-1;
00401     fprintf(tFile,"  %4d\n",tsmax);
00402   } 
00404   mFile->Write();
00405   mFile->Close();
00406   fclose(tFile);
00407   std::cout<<std::endl<<" --endJob-- done"<<std::endl;
00408   return;
00409 }
00411 void HFLightCal::analyze(const edm::Event& fEvent, const edm::EventSetup& fSetup) {
00413   // event ID
00414   edm::EventID eventId =;
00415   int runNer = ();
00416   int eventNumber = eventId.event ();
00417   if (runN==0) runN=runNer;
00418   eventN++;
00419   if (verbose) std::cout << "========================================="<<std::endl
00420                          << "run/event: "<<runNer<<'/'<<eventNumber<<std::endl;
00422   Double_t buf[20];
00423   Double_t maxADC,signal,ped=0,meant;
00424   Int_t maxisample=0,i1=3,i2=6;
00426   // HF PIN-diodes
00427   edm::Handle<HcalCalibDigiCollection> calib;  
00428   fEvent.getByType(calib);
00429   if (verbose) std::cout<<"Analysis-> total CAL digis= "<<calib->size()<<std::endl;
00431   /* COMMENTED OUT by J. Mans (7-28-2008) as major changes needed with new Calib DetId 
00432    re-commented out by R.Ofierzynski (11.Nov.2008) - to be able to provide a consistent code for CMSSW_3_0_0_pre3:
00433    major changes are needed for the new Calib DetId which does not have the old methods any more
00435   for (unsigned j = 0; j < calib->size (); ++j) {
00436     const HcalCalibDataFrame digi = (*calib)[j];
00437     HcalElectronicsId elecId = digi.elecId();
00438     HcalCalibDetId calibId =;
00439     if (verbose) std::cout<<calibId.sectorString().c_str()<<" "<<calibId.rbx()<<" "<<elecId.fiberChanId()<<std::endl;
00440     int isector = calibId.rbx()-1;
00441     int ipin = elecId.fiberChanId();
00442     int iside = -1;
00443     if (calibId.sectorString() == "HFP") iside = 0; 
00444     else if (calibId.sectorString() == "HFM") iside = 4;
00445     maxisample = itspinmax[isector+iside][ipin]-1;
00447     if (iside != -1) {
00448       for (int isample = 0; isample < digi.size(); ++isample) {
00449         int adc = digi[isample].adc();
00450         int capid = digi[isample].capid ();
00451         double linear_ADC = digi[isample].nominal_fC();
00452         if (verbose) std::cout<<"PIN linear_ADC = "<<linear_ADC<<"  atMAXTS="<<maxisample<<std::endl;
00453         htspin[isector+iside][ipin]->Fill(isample,linear_ADC);
00454         buf[isample]=linear_ADC;
00455       }
00456       i1=maxisample-1;
00457       i2=maxisample+2;
00458       if (i1<0) {i1=0;i2=3;}
00459       else if (i2>9) {i1=6;i2=9;} 
00460       if      (i1==0) ped=buf[8]+buf[9]+buf[6]+buf[7];
00461       else if (i1==1) ped=buf[8]+buf[9]+buf[6]+buf[7];
00462       else if (i1==2) ped=buf[0]+buf[1]+buf[6]+buf[7];
00463       else if (i1==3) ped=buf[0]+buf[1]+buf[2]+buf[7];
00464       else if (i1>=4) ped=buf[0]+buf[1]+buf[2]+buf[3];
00465       signal=0;
00466       for (ii=0;ii<4;ii++) signal+=TMath::Max(buf[ii+i1],ped/4.0);
00467       hsppin[isector+iside][ipin]->Fill(signal);
00468       hspepin[isector+iside][ipin]->Fill(signal);
00469       hpedpin[isector+iside][ipin]->Fill(ped);
00471       // Mean signal time estimation
00472       ped=ped/4;
00473       meant=0;
00474       for (ii=0;ii<4;ii++) meant+=(TMath::Max(buf[ii+i1],ped)-ped)*(ii+i1);
00475       if (signal-ped*4>0) meant/=(signal-ped*4); 
00476       else meant=i1+1;
00477       htsmpin[isector+iside][ipin]->Fill(meant);
00478     }
00479   }
00480   */  
00482   // HF
00483   edm::Handle<HFDigiCollection> hf_digi;
00484   fEvent.getByType(hf_digi);
00485   if (verbose) std::cout<<"Analysis-> total HF digis= "<<hf_digi->size()<<std::endl;
00487   for (unsigned ihit = 0; ihit < hf_digi->size (); ++ihit) {
00488     const HFDataFrame& frame = (*hf_digi)[ihit];
00489     HcalDetId detId =;
00490     int ieta = detId.ieta();
00491     int iphi = detId.iphi();
00492     int depth = detId.depth();
00493     if (verbose) std::cout <<"HF digi # " <<ihit<<": eta/phi/depth: "
00494                            <<ieta<<'/'<<iphi<<'/'<< depth << std::endl;
00496     if (ieta>0) ieta = ieta-29;
00497     else ieta = 13-ieta-29;
00499     maxADC=-99;
00500     for (int isample = 0; isample < frame.size(); ++isample) {
00501       int adc = frame[isample].adc();
00502       int capid = frame[isample].capid ();
00503       double linear_ADC = frame[isample].nominal_fC();
00504       double nominal_fC = detId.subdet () == HcalForward ? 2.6 *  linear_ADC : linear_ADC;
00506       if (verbose) std::cout << "Analysis->     HF sample # " << isample 
00507                              << ", capid=" << capid 
00508                              << ": ADC=" << adc 
00509                              << ", linearized ADC=" << linear_ADC
00510                              << ", nominal fC=" << nominal_fC <<std::endl;
00512       hts[ieta][(iphi-1)/2][depth-1]->Fill(isample,linear_ADC);
00513       buf[isample]=linear_ADC;
00514       /*
00515       if (maxADC<linear_ADC) {
00516         maxADC=linear_ADC;
00517         maxisample=isample;
00518       }
00519       */
00520     }
00522     maxADC=-99;
00523     for (int ii=0; ii<10; ii++) {
00524       signal=buf[ii];
00525       if      (ii<2) signal -= (buf[ii+4]+buf[ii+8])/2.0;
00526       else if (ii<4) signal -= buf[ii+4];
00527       else if (ii<6) signal -= (buf[ii+4]+buf[ii-4])/2.0;
00528       else if (ii<8) signal -= buf[ii-4];
00529       else           signal -= (buf[ii-4]+buf[ii-8])/2.0;
00530       if (signal>maxADC) {
00531         maxADC=signal;
00532         maxisample=ii;
00533       }
00534     }
00535     //maxisample=itsmax[ieta][(iphi-1)/2][depth-1]-1;
00536     if (abs(maxisample-itsmax[ieta][(iphi-1)/2][depth-1]+1)>1)  maxisample=itsmax[ieta][(iphi-1)/2][depth-1]-1;
00537     if (verbose) std::cout<<eventNumber<<"/"<<ihit<<": maxTS="<<maxisample<<endl;
00539     // Signal = four capIDs found by PreAnal, Pedestal = four capIDs off the signal
00540     htmax->Fill(maxisample);
00541     i1=maxisample-1;
00542     i2=maxisample+2;
00543     if (i1<0) {i1=0;i2=3;}
00544     else if (i2>9) {i1=6;i2=9;} 
00545     else if (i2<9 && maxisample<=itsmax[ieta][(iphi-1)/2][depth-1]-1) {
00546       if (buf[i1]<buf[i2+1]) {i1=i1+1;i2=i2+1;}
00547     }
00548     signal=buf[i1]+buf[i1+1]+buf[i1+2]+buf[i1+3];
00549     hsp[ieta][(iphi-1)/2][depth-1]->Fill(signal);
00550     hspe[ieta][(iphi-1)/2][depth-1]->Fill(signal);
00551     /*
00552     if      (i1==0) ped=(buf[4]+buf[8])/2.0+(buf[5]+buf[9])/2.0+buf[6]+buf[7];
00553     else if (i1==1) ped=(buf[0]+buf[8])/2.0+(buf[5]+buf[9])/2.0+buf[6]+buf[7];
00554     else if (i1==2) ped=(buf[0]+buf[8])/2.0+(buf[1]+buf[9])/2.0+buf[6]+buf[7];
00555     else if (i1==3) ped=(buf[0]+buf[8])/2.0+(buf[1]+buf[9])/2.0+buf[2]+buf[7];
00556     else if (i1==4) ped=(buf[0]+buf[8])/2.0+(buf[1]+buf[9])/2.0+buf[2]+buf[3];
00557     else if (i1==5) ped=(buf[0]+buf[4])/2.0+(buf[1]+buf[9])/2.0+buf[2]+buf[3];
00558     else if (i1==6) ped=(buf[0]+buf[4])/2.0+(buf[1]+buf[5])/2.0+buf[2]+buf[3];
00559     */
00561     if      (i1<2) ped=buf[8]+buf[9]+buf[6]+buf[7];
00562     else if (i1==2) ped=buf[6]+buf[9]+buf[7]+buf[0];
00563     else if (i1==3) ped=buf[0]+buf[1]+buf[2]+buf[7];
00564     else if (i1>=4) ped=buf[0]+buf[1]+buf[2]+buf[3];
00566     hped[ieta][(iphi-1)/2][depth-1]->Fill(ped);
00568     // Mean signal time estimation
00569     ped=ped/4;
00570     meant=(buf[i1]-ped)*i1+(buf[i1+1]-ped)*(i1+1)+(buf[i1+2]-ped)*(i1+2)+(buf[i1+3]-ped)*(i1+3);
00571     meant /= (buf[i1]-ped)+(buf[i1+1]-ped)+(buf[i1+2]-ped)+(buf[i1+3]-ped);
00572     htmean->Fill(meant);
00573     htsm[ieta][(iphi-1)/2][depth-1]->Fill(meant);
00574   }
00575 }