This is the complete list of members for
edm::MixingModule, including all inherited members.
addPileups(const int bcr, EventPrincipal *, unsigned int EventId, unsigned int worker, const edm::EventSetup &e) | edm::MixingModule | [private, virtual] |
addSignals(const edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &es) | edm::MixingModule | [private, virtual] |
averageNumber() const | edm::BMixingModule | [inline] |
baseType() | edm::EDProducer | [static] |
beginJob() | edm::MixingModule | [inline, virtual] |
BMixingModule(const edm::ParameterSet &ps) | edm::BMixingModule | [explicit] |
branchesActivate(const std::string &friendlyName, const std::string &subdet, InputTag &tag, std::string &label) | edm::MixingModule | [private, virtual] |
bunchSpace_ | edm::BMixingModule | [protected] |
callWhenNewProductsRegistered(TProducer *iProd, TMethod iMethod) | edm::ProducerBase | [inline, protected] |
checkSignal(const edm::Event &e) | edm::MixingModule | [private, virtual] |
checktof_ | edm::BMixingModule | [protected] |
createnewEDProduct() | edm::MixingModule | [private, virtual] |
currentContext() const | edm::EDProducer | [protected] |
doit_ | edm::BMixingModule | [protected] |
doPileUp(edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &es) | edm::MixingModule | [private, virtual] |
dropUnwantedBranches(std::vector< std::string > const &wantedBranches) | edm::BMixingModule | [protected] |
EDProducer() | edm::EDProducer | |
endJob() | edm::BMixingModule | [protected, virtual] |
eventIDs_ | edm::BMixingModule | [protected] |
EventPrincipalVector typedef | edm::BMixingModule | |
fileSeqNrs_ | edm::BMixingModule | [protected] |
fillDescriptions(ConfigurationDescriptions &descriptions) | edm::EDProducer | [static] |
getEventStartInfo(edm::Event &e, const unsigned int s) | edm::MixingModule | [private, virtual] |
labelPlayback_ | edm::MixingModule | [private] |
maxBunch_ | edm::BMixingModule | [protected] |
maxNbSources_ | edm::BMixingModule | [protected, static] |
merge(const int bcr, const EventPrincipalVector &vec, unsigned int worker, const edm::EventSetup &c) | edm::BMixingModule | |
minBunch_ | edm::BMixingModule | [protected] |
MixingModule(const edm::ParameterSet &ps) | edm::MixingModule | [explicit] |
mixProdStep1_ | edm::MixingModule | [private] |
mixProdStep2_ | edm::MixingModule | [private] |
ModuleType typedef | edm::EDProducer | |
nrEvents_ | edm::BMixingModule | [protected] |
pileup_ | edm::BMixingModule | [protected] |
playback_ | edm::BMixingModule | [protected] |
playbackInfo_ | edm::MixingModule | [private] |
poisson() const | edm::BMixingModule | [inline] |
produce(edm::Event &e1, const edm::EventSetup &c) | edm::BMixingModule | [virtual] |
ProducerBase() | edm::ProducerBase | |
put(edm::Event &e, const edm::EventSetup &es) | edm::MixingModule | [private, virtual] |
registerProducts(ProducerBase *, ProductRegistry *, ModuleDescription const &) | edm::ProducerBase | |
registrationCallback | edm::ProducerBase | |
sel_ | edm::MixingModule | [private] |
setBcrOffset() | edm::BMixingModule | [inline, virtual] |
setEventStartInfo(const unsigned int s) | edm::MixingModule | [private, virtual] |
setSourceOffset(const unsigned int s) | edm::BMixingModule | [inline, virtual] |
TypeLabelList typedef | edm::ProducerBase | |
useCurrentProcessOnly_ | edm::MixingModule | [private] |
vectorEventIDs_ | edm::BMixingModule | [protected] |
vertexoffset | edm::BMixingModule | [protected, static] |
wantedBranches_ | edm::MixingModule | [private] |
workers_ | edm::MixingModule | [private] |
workersObjects_ | edm::MixingModule | [private] |
WorkerT class | edm::EDProducer | [friend] |
WorkerType typedef | edm::EDProducer | |
~BMixingModule() | edm::BMixingModule | [virtual] |
~EDProducer() | edm::EDProducer | [virtual] |
~MixingModule() | edm::MixingModule | [virtual] |
~ProducerBase() | edm::ProducerBase | [virtual] |