DTTrigGeom Member List

This is the complete list of members for DTTrigGeom, including all inherited members.
_debugDTTrigGeom [private]
_HDTTrigGeom [private]
_NCELLDTTrigGeom [private]
_PHICHDTTrigGeom [private]
_PITCHDTTrigGeom [private]
_statDTTrigGeom [private]
_ZSLDTTrigGeom [private]
cellH() const DTTrigGeom [inline]
cellPitch() const DTTrigGeom [inline]
CMSPosition(const DTBtiId obj) const DTTrigGeom [inline]
CMSPosition(const DTTracoId obj) const DTTrigGeom [inline]
distSL() const DTTrigGeom [inline]
DTTrigGeom(DTChamber *stat, bool debug)DTTrigGeom
dumpGeom() const DTTrigGeom
dumpLUT(short int btic)DTTrigGeom
getGeom()DTTrigGeom [private]
IEEE32toDSP(float f, short int &DSPmantissa, short int &DSPexp)DTTrigGeom
localPosition(const DTBtiId) const DTTrigGeom
localPosition(const DTTracoId) const DTTrigGeom
mapTubeInFEch(int nsl, int nlay, int ntube) const DTTrigGeom
nCell(int sl) const DTTrigGeom [inline]
phiCh() const DTTrigGeom [inline]
posFE(int sl) const DTTrigGeom
sector() const DTTrigGeom [inline]
setGeom(const DTChamber *stat)DTTrigGeom
stat() const DTTrigGeom [inline]
statId() const DTTrigGeom [inline]
station() const DTTrigGeom [inline]
toGlobal(const LocalPoint p) const DTTrigGeom [inline]
toGlobal(const LocalVector v) const DTTrigGeom [inline]
toLocal(const GlobalPoint p) const DTTrigGeom [inline]
toLocal(const GlobalVector v) const DTTrigGeom [inline]
tubePosInCh(int nsl, int nlay, int ntube) const DTTrigGeom
wheel() const DTTrigGeom [inline]
ZcenterSL() const DTTrigGeom [inline]
ZSL(int) const DTTrigGeom