
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "RecoTracker/TrackProducer/interface/GsfTrackProducerBase.h"
00002 // system include files
00003 #include <memory>
00004 // user include files
00005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
00006 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
00007 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00008 #include "DataFormats/GsfTrackReco/interface/GsfTrackExtra.h"
00009 #include "DataFormats/GsfTrackReco/interface/GsfTrackFwd.h"
00010 #include "TrackingTools/GeomPropagators/interface/Propagator.h"
00011 #include "TrackingTools/GeomPropagators/interface/AnalyticalPropagator.h"
00012 #include "TrackingTools/GsfTools/interface/GsfPropagatorAdapter.h"
00013 #include "TrackingTools/GsfTools/interface/MultiGaussianStateTransform.h"
00014 #include "TrackingTools/GsfTools/interface/MultiGaussianState1D.h"
00015 #include "TrackingTools/GsfTools/interface/GaussianSumUtilities1D.h"
00016 #include "TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/TransverseImpactPointExtrapolator.h"
00017 #include "TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/TSCBLBuilderNoMaterial.h"
00018 #include "TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/Trajectory.h"
00019 #include "TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/CollinearFitAtTM.h"
00021 #include "TrackingTools/GsfTracking/interface/TrajGsfTrackAssociation.h"
00023 #include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/TrackerGeometry.h"
00024 #include "DataFormats/SiStripDetId/interface/SiStripDetId.h"
00026 void 
00027 GsfTrackProducerBase::putInEvt(edm::Event& evt,
00028                                const Propagator* prop,
00029                                const MeasurementTracker* measTk,
00030                                std::auto_ptr<TrackingRecHitCollection>& selHits,
00031                                std::auto_ptr<reco::GsfTrackCollection>& selTracks,
00032                                std::auto_ptr<reco::TrackExtraCollection>& selTrackExtras,
00033                                std::auto_ptr<reco::GsfTrackExtraCollection>& selGsfTrackExtras,
00034                                std::auto_ptr<std::vector<Trajectory> >&   selTrajectories,
00035                                AlgoProductCollection& algoResults,
00036                                const reco::BeamSpot& bs)
00037 {
00039   TrackingRecHitRefProd rHits = evt.getRefBeforePut<TrackingRecHitCollection>();
00040   reco::TrackExtraRefProd rTrackExtras = evt.getRefBeforePut<reco::TrackExtraCollection>();
00041   reco::GsfTrackExtraRefProd rGsfTrackExtras = evt.getRefBeforePut<reco::GsfTrackExtraCollection>();
00042   reco::GsfTrackRefProd rTracks = evt.getRefBeforePut<reco::GsfTrackCollection>();
00044   edm::Ref<reco::TrackExtraCollection>::key_type idx = 0;
00045   edm::Ref<reco::TrackExtraCollection>::key_type hidx = 0;
00046   edm::Ref<reco::GsfTrackExtraCollection>::key_type idxGsf = 0;
00047   edm::Ref<reco::GsfTrackCollection>::key_type iTkRef = 0;
00048   edm::Ref< std::vector<Trajectory> >::key_type iTjRef = 0;
00049   std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int> tjTkMap;
00051   TSCBLBuilderNoMaterial tscblBuilder;
00053   for(AlgoProductCollection::iterator i=algoResults.begin(); i!=algoResults.end();i++){
00054     Trajectory * theTraj = (*i).first;
00055     if(trajectoryInEvent_) {
00056       selTrajectories->push_back(*theTraj);
00057       iTjRef++;
00058     }
00060     // const TrajectoryFitter::RecHitContainer& transHits = theTraj->recHits(useSplitting);  // NO: the return type in Trajectory is by VALUE
00061     TrajectoryFitter::RecHitContainer transHits = theTraj->recHits(useSplitting);
00062     reco::GsfTrack * theTrack = (*i).second.first;
00063     PropagationDirection seedDir = (*i).second.second;  
00065     LogDebug("TrackProducer") << "In GsfTrackProducerBase::putInEvt - seedDir=" << seedDir;
00067     reco::GsfTrack t = * theTrack;
00068     selTracks->push_back( t );
00069     iTkRef++;
00071     // Store indices in local map (starts at 0)
00072     if(trajectoryInEvent_) tjTkMap[iTjRef-1] = iTkRef-1;
00074     //sets the outermost and innermost TSOSs
00075     TrajectoryStateOnSurface outertsos;
00076     TrajectoryStateOnSurface innertsos;
00077     unsigned int innerId, outerId;
00079     // ---  NOTA BENE: the convention is to sort hits and measurements "along the momentum".
00080     // This is consistent with innermost and outermost labels only for tracks from LHC collision
00081     if (theTraj->direction() == alongMomentum) {
00082       outertsos = theTraj->lastMeasurement().updatedState();
00083       innertsos = theTraj->firstMeasurement().updatedState();
00084       outerId = theTraj->lastMeasurement().recHit()->geographicalId().rawId();
00085       innerId = theTraj->firstMeasurement().recHit()->geographicalId().rawId();
00086     } else { 
00087       outertsos = theTraj->firstMeasurement().updatedState();
00088       innertsos = theTraj->lastMeasurement().updatedState();
00089       outerId = theTraj->firstMeasurement().recHit()->geographicalId().rawId();
00090       innerId = theTraj->lastMeasurement().recHit()->geographicalId().rawId();
00091     }
00092     //build the TrackExtra
00093     GlobalPoint v = outertsos.globalParameters().position();
00094     GlobalVector p = outertsos.globalParameters().momentum();
00095     math::XYZVector outmom( p.x(), p.y(), p.z() );
00096     math::XYZPoint  outpos( v.x(), v.y(), v.z() );
00097     v = innertsos.globalParameters().position();
00098     p = innertsos.globalParameters().momentum();
00099     math::XYZVector inmom( p.x(), p.y(), p.z() );
00100     math::XYZPoint  inpos( v.x(), v.y(), v.z() );
00102     reco::TrackExtraRef teref= reco::TrackExtraRef ( rTrackExtras, idx ++ );
00103     reco::GsfTrack & track = selTracks->back();
00104     track.setExtra( teref );
00106     //======= I want to set the second hitPattern here =============
00107     if (theSchool.isValid())
00108       {
00109         NavigationSetter setter( *theSchool );
00110         setSecondHitPattern(theTraj,track,prop,measTk);
00111       }
00112     //==============================================================
00114     selTrackExtras->push_back( reco::TrackExtra (outpos, outmom, true, inpos, inmom, true,
00115                                                  outertsos.curvilinearError(), outerId,
00116                                                  innertsos.curvilinearError(), innerId,
00117                                                  seedDir, theTraj->seedRef()));
00120     reco::TrackExtra & tx = selTrackExtras->back();
00123     size_t i = 0;
00124     // ---  NOTA BENE: the convention is to sort hits and measurements "along the momentum".
00125     // This is consistent with innermost and outermost labels only for tracks from LHC collisions
00126     if (theTraj->direction() == alongMomentum) {
00127       for( TrajectoryFitter::RecHitContainer::const_iterator j = transHits.begin();
00128            j != transHits.end(); j ++ ) {
00129         if ((**j).hit()!=0){
00130           TrackingRecHit * hit = (**j).hit()->clone();
00131           track.setHitPattern( * hit, i ++ );
00132           selHits->push_back( hit );
00133           tx.add( TrackingRecHitRef( rHits, hidx ++ ) );
00134         }
00135       }
00136     }else{
00137       for( TrajectoryFitter::RecHitContainer::const_iterator j = transHits.end()-1;
00138            j != transHits.begin()-1; --j ) {
00139         if ((**j).hit()!=0){
00140           TrackingRecHit * hit = (**j).hit()->clone();
00141           track.setHitPattern( * hit, i ++ );
00142           selHits->push_back( hit );
00143         tx.add( TrackingRecHitRef( rHits, hidx ++ ) );
00144         }
00145       }
00146     }
00147     // ----
00149     std::vector<reco::GsfTangent> tangents;
00150     const Trajectory::DataContainer& measurements = theTraj->measurements();
00151     if ( measurements.size()>2 ) {
00152       tangents.reserve(measurements.size()-2);
00153       Trajectory::DataContainer::const_iterator ibegin,iend;
00154       int increment(0);
00155       if (theTraj->direction() == alongMomentum) {
00156         ibegin = measurements.begin() + 1;
00157         iend = measurements.end() - 1;
00158         increment = 1;
00159       }
00160       else {
00161         ibegin = measurements.end() - 2;
00162         iend = measurements.begin();
00163         increment = -1;
00164       }
00165       math::XYZPoint position;
00166       math::XYZVector momentum;
00167       Measurement1D deltaP;
00168       // only measurements on "mono" detectors
00169       for ( Trajectory::DataContainer::const_iterator i=ibegin;
00170             i!=iend; i+=increment ) {
00171         if ( i->recHit().get() ) {
00172           DetId detId(i->recHit()->geographicalId());
00173           if ( detId.det()==DetId::Tracker ) {
00174             int subdetId = detId.subdetId();
00175             if ( subdetId==SiStripDetId::TIB || subdetId==SiStripDetId::TID || 
00176                  subdetId==SiStripDetId::TOB || subdetId==SiStripDetId::TEC ) {
00177               if ( SiStripDetId(detId).stereo() )  continue;        
00178             }
00179           }
00180         }
00181         bool valid = computeModeAtTM(*i,position,momentum,deltaP);
00182         if ( valid ) {
00183           tangents.push_back(reco::GsfTangent(position,momentum,deltaP));
00184         }
00185       }
00186     }
00189     //build the GsfTrackExtra
00190     std::vector<reco::GsfComponent5D> outerStates;
00191     outerStates.reserve(outertsos.components().size());
00192     fillStates(outertsos,outerStates);
00193     std::vector<reco::GsfComponent5D> innerStates;
00194     innerStates.reserve(innertsos.components().size());
00195     fillStates(innertsos,innerStates);
00198     reco::GsfTrackExtraRef terefGsf = reco::GsfTrackExtraRef ( rGsfTrackExtras, idxGsf ++ );
00199     track.setGsfExtra( terefGsf );
00200     selGsfTrackExtras->push_back( reco::GsfTrackExtra (outerStates, outertsos.localParameters().pzSign(),
00201                                                        innerStates, innertsos.localParameters().pzSign(),
00202                                                        tangents));
00204     if ( innertsos.isValid() ) {
00205       GsfPropagatorAdapter gsfProp(AnalyticalPropagator(innertsos.magneticField(),anyDirection));
00206       TransverseImpactPointExtrapolator tipExtrapolator(gsfProp);
00207       fillMode(track,innertsos,gsfProp,tipExtrapolator,tscblBuilder,bs);
00208     }
00210     delete theTrack;
00211     delete theTraj;
00212   }
00214   LogTrace("TrackingRegressionTest") << "========== TrackProducer Info ===================";
00215   LogTrace("TrackingRegressionTest") << "number of finalGsfTracks: " << selTracks->size();
00216   for (reco::GsfTrackCollection::const_iterator it = selTracks->begin(); it != selTracks->end(); it++) {
00217     LogTrace("TrackingRegressionTest") << "track's n valid and invalid hit, chi2, pt : " 
00218                                        << it->found() << " , " 
00219                                        << it->lost()  <<" , " 
00220                                        << it->normalizedChi2() << " , "
00221                                        << it->pt() << " , "
00222                                        << it->eta() ;
00223   }
00224   LogTrace("TrackingRegressionTest") << "=================================================";
00227   rTracks_ = evt.put( selTracks );
00228   evt.put( selTrackExtras );
00229   evt.put( selGsfTrackExtras );
00230   evt.put( selHits );
00232   if(trajectoryInEvent_) {
00233     edm::OrphanHandle<std::vector<Trajectory> > rTrajs = evt.put(selTrajectories);
00235     // Now Create traj<->tracks association map
00236     std::auto_ptr<TrajGsfTrackAssociationCollection> trajTrackMap( new TrajGsfTrackAssociationCollection() );
00237     for ( std::map<unsigned int, unsigned int>::iterator i = tjTkMap.begin(); 
00238           i != tjTkMap.end(); i++ ) {
00239       edm::Ref<std::vector<Trajectory> > trajRef( rTrajs, (*i).first );
00240       edm::Ref<reco::GsfTrackCollection>    tkRef( rTracks_, (*i).second );
00241       trajTrackMap->insert( edm::Ref<std::vector<Trajectory> >( rTrajs, (*i).first ),
00242                             edm::Ref<reco::GsfTrackCollection>( rTracks_, (*i).second ) );
00243     }
00244     evt.put( trajTrackMap );
00245   }
00246 }
00248 void
00249 GsfTrackProducerBase::fillStates (TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
00250                                   std::vector<reco::GsfComponent5D>& states) const
00251 {
00252   reco::GsfComponent5D::ParameterVector pLocS;
00253   reco::GsfComponent5D::CovarianceMatrix cLocS;
00254   std::vector<TrajectoryStateOnSurface> components(tsos.components());
00255   for ( std::vector<TrajectoryStateOnSurface>::const_iterator i=components.begin();
00256         i!=components.end(); ++i ) {
00257     states.push_back(reco::GsfComponent5D(i->weight(),i->localParameters().vector(),i->localError().matrix()));
00258   }
00259 }
00261 void
00262 GsfTrackProducerBase::fillMode (reco::GsfTrack& track, const TrajectoryStateOnSurface innertsos,
00263                                 const Propagator& gsfProp,
00264                                 const TransverseImpactPointExtrapolator& tipExtrapolator,
00265                                 TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLineBuilder& tscblBuilder,
00266                                 const reco::BeamSpot& bs) const
00267 {
00268   // Get transverse impact parameter plane (from mean). This is a first approximation;
00269   // the mode is then extrapolated to the
00270   // final position closest to the beamline.
00271   GlobalPoint bsPos(bs.position().x()+(track.vz()-bs.position().z())*bs.dxdz(),
00272                     bs.position().y()+(track.vz()-bs.position().z())*bs.dydz(),
00273                     track.vz());
00274   TrajectoryStateOnSurface vtxTsos = tipExtrapolator.extrapolate(innertsos,bsPos);
00275   if ( !vtxTsos.isValid() )  vtxTsos = innertsos;
00276   // extrapolate mixture
00277   vtxTsos = gsfProp.propagate(innertsos,vtxTsos.surface());
00278   if ( !vtxTsos.isValid() )  return;              // failed (GsfTrack keeps mode = mean)
00279   // extract mode
00280   // build perigee parameters (for covariance to be stored)
00281   AlgebraicVector5 modeParameters;
00282   AlgebraicSymMatrix55 modeCovariance;
00283   // set parameters and variances for "mode" state (local parameters)
00284   for ( unsigned int iv=0; iv<5; ++iv ) {
00285     MultiGaussianState1D state1D = MultiGaussianStateTransform::multiState1D(vtxTsos,iv);
00286     GaussianSumUtilities1D utils(state1D);
00287     modeParameters(iv) = utils.mode().mean();
00288     modeCovariance(iv,iv) = utils.mode().variance();
00289     if ( !utils.modeIsValid() ) {
00290       // if mode calculation fails: use mean
00291       modeParameters(iv) = utils.mean();
00292       modeCovariance(iv,iv) = utils.variance();
00293     }
00294   }
00295   // complete covariance matrix
00296   // approximation: use correlations from mean
00297   const AlgebraicSymMatrix55& meanCovariance(vtxTsos.localError().matrix());
00298   for ( unsigned int iv1=0; iv1<5; ++iv1 ) {
00299     for ( unsigned int iv2=0; iv2<iv1; ++iv2 ) {
00300       double cov12 = meanCovariance(iv1,iv2) * 
00301         sqrt(modeCovariance(iv1,iv1)/meanCovariance(iv1,iv1)*
00302              modeCovariance(iv2,iv2)/meanCovariance(iv2,iv2));
00303       modeCovariance(iv1,iv2) = modeCovariance(iv2,iv1) = cov12;
00304     }
00305   }
00306   TrajectoryStateOnSurface modeTsos(LocalTrajectoryParameters(modeParameters,
00307                                                               vtxTsos.localParameters().pzSign()),
00308                                     LocalTrajectoryError(modeCovariance),
00309                                     vtxTsos.surface(),
00310                                     vtxTsos.magneticField(),
00311                                     vtxTsos.surfaceSide());
00312   TrajectoryStateClosestToBeamLine tscbl = tscblBuilder(*modeTsos.freeState(),bs);
00313   if ( !tscbl.isValid() )  return;            // failed (GsfTrack keeps mode = mean)
00314   //
00315   // extract state at PCA and create momentum vector and covariance matrix
00316   //
00317   FreeTrajectoryState fts = tscbl.trackStateAtPCA();
00318   GlobalVector tscblMom = fts.momentum();
00319   reco::GsfTrack::Vector mom(tscblMom.x(),tscblMom.y(),tscblMom.z());
00320   reco::GsfTrack::CovarianceMatrixMode cov;
00321   const AlgebraicSymMatrix55& tscblCov = fts.curvilinearError().matrix();
00322   for ( unsigned int iv1=0; iv1<reco::GsfTrack::dimensionMode; ++iv1 ) {
00323     for ( unsigned int iv2=0; iv2<reco::GsfTrack::dimensionMode; ++iv2 ) {
00324       cov(iv1,iv2) = tscblCov(iv1,iv2);
00325     }
00326   } 
00327   track.setMode(fts.charge(),mom,cov);
00328 }
00330 void
00331 GsfTrackProducerBase::localParametersFromQpMode (const TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos,
00332                                                  AlgebraicVector5& parameters,
00333                                                  AlgebraicSymMatrix55& covariance) const
00334 {
00335   //
00336   // parameters and errors from combined state
00337   //
00338   parameters = tsos.localParameters().vector();
00339   covariance = tsos.localError().matrix();
00340   //
00341   // mode for parameter 0 (q/p)
00342   //
00343   MultiGaussianState1D qpState(MultiGaussianStateTransform::multiState1D(tsos,0));
00344   GaussianSumUtilities1D qpGS(qpState);
00345   if ( !qpGS.modeIsValid() )  return;
00346   double qp = qpGS.mode().mean();
00347   double varQp = qpGS.mode().variance();
00348   //
00349   // replace q/p value and variance, rescale correlation terms
00350   //   (heuristic procedure - alternative would be mode in 5D ...)
00351   //
00352   double VarQpRatio = sqrt(varQp/covariance(0,0));
00353   parameters(0) = qp;
00354   covariance(0,0) = varQp;
00355   for ( int i=1; i<5; ++i )  covariance(i,0) *= VarQpRatio;
00356 }
00358 bool
00359 GsfTrackProducerBase::computeModeAtTM (const TrajectoryMeasurement& tm,
00360                                        reco::GsfTrackExtra::Point& position,
00361                                        reco::GsfTrackExtra::Vector& momentum,
00362                                        Measurement1D& deltaP) const
00363 {  
00364   //
00365   // states
00366   //
00367   TrajectoryStateOnSurface fwdState = tm.forwardPredictedState();
00368   TrajectoryStateOnSurface bwdState = tm.backwardPredictedState();
00369   TrajectoryStateOnSurface upState  = tm.updatedState();
00372   if ( !fwdState.isValid() || !bwdState.isValid() || !upState.isValid() ) {
00373     return false;
00374   }
00375   //
00376   // position from mean, momentum from mode (in cartesian coordinates)
00377   //  following PF code
00378   //
00379   GlobalPoint pos = upState.globalPosition();
00380   position = reco::GsfTrackExtra::Point(pos.x(),pos.y(),pos.z());
00381   MultiTrajectoryStateMode mts;
00382   GlobalVector mom;
00383   bool result = mts.momentumFromModeCartesian(upState,mom);
00384   if ( !result ) {
00385 //     std::cout << "momentumFromModeCartesian failed" << std::endl;
00386     return false;
00387   }
00388   momentum = reco::GsfTrackExtra::Vector(mom.x(),mom.y(),mom.z());
00389   //
00390   // calculation from deltaP from fit to forward & backward predictions
00391   //  (momentum from mode) and hit
00392   //
00393   // prepare input parameter vectors and covariance matrices
00394   AlgebraicVector5 fwdPars = fwdState.localParameters().vector();
00395   AlgebraicSymMatrix55 fwdCov = fwdState.localError().matrix();
00396   localParametersFromQpMode(fwdState,fwdPars,fwdCov);
00397   AlgebraicVector5 bwdPars = bwdState.localParameters().vector();
00398   AlgebraicSymMatrix55 bwdCov = bwdState.localError().matrix();
00399   localParametersFromQpMode(bwdState,bwdPars,bwdCov);
00400   LocalPoint hitPos(0.,0.,0.);
00401   LocalError hitErr(-1.,-1.,-1.);
00402   if ( tm.recHit()->isValid() ) {
00403     hitPos = tm.recHit()->localPosition();
00404     hitErr = tm.recHit()->localPositionError();
00405   }    
00406   CollinearFitAtTM2 collinearFit(fwdPars,fwdCov,bwdPars,bwdCov,hitPos,hitErr);
00407   deltaP = collinearFit.deltaP();
00409   return true;
00410 }