
Go to the documentation of this file.
00007 #include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation.h"
00008 #include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/SurfaceDeformationFactory.h"
00010 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00012 // already included via header:
00013 // #include <vector>
00015 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00016 TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation(const std::vector<double> &pars)
00017   : theParameters(pars)
00018 {
00019   if (pars.size() != minParameterSize()) {
00020     edm::LogError("BadSetup") << "@SUB=TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation"
00021                               << "Input vector of wrong size " << pars.size()
00022                               << " instead of " << minParameterSize() << ", add zeros to fill up!";
00023   }
00024   while (theParameters.size() < minParameterSize()) theParameters.push_back(0.);
00025 }
00027 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00028 TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation* TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::clone() const
00029 {
00030   return new TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation(theParameters);
00031 }
00033 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00034 int TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::type() const
00035 {
00036   return SurfaceDeformationFactory::kTwoBowedSurfaces;
00037 }
00039 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00040 SurfaceDeformation::Local2DVector 
00041 TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::positionCorrection(const Local2DPoint &localPos,
00042                                                 const LocalTrackAngles &localAngles,
00043                                                 double length, double width) const
00044 {
00045   const double ySplit = this->parameters().back();
00047 // treatment of different widthes at high/low y could be done by theRelWidthLowY or so
00048 //   if (widthLowY > 0. && widthHighY != widthLowY) {
00049 //     std::cout << "SurfaceDeformation::positionCorrection2Bowed: Cannot yet deal "
00050 //            << " with different widthes, take " << widthHighY << " not " << widthLowY
00051 //            << std::endl;
00052 //   }
00053 //   const double width = widthHighY;
00055   // Some signs depend on whether we are in surface part below or above ySplit:
00056   const double sign = (localPos.y() < ySplit ? +1. : -1.); 
00057   const double yMiddle = ySplit * 0.5 - sign * length * .25;
00058   // 'calibrate' y length and transform y to be w.r.t. surface middle
00059   const double myY = localPos.y() - yMiddle;
00060   const double myLength = length * 0.5 + sign * ySplit;
00062   double uRel = 2. * localPos.x() / width;  // relative u (-1 .. +1)
00063   double vRel = 2. * myY / myLength;        // relative v (-1 .. +1)
00064   // 'range check':
00065   const double cutOff = 1.5;
00066   if (uRel < -cutOff) { uRel = -cutOff; } else if (uRel > cutOff) { uRel = cutOff; }
00067   if (vRel < -cutOff) { vRel = -cutOff; } else if (vRel > cutOff) { vRel = cutOff; }
00069   const std::vector<double> &pars = this->parameters();
00070   // 1st, get dw effect depending 
00071   // - on the surface sagittas (Legendre polynomials),
00072   //   see BowedSurfaceAlignmentDerivatives::operator()(..)
00073   // - relative dw
00074   // - surface specific dalpha (note that this shifts surface specific dw)
00075   // - surface specific dbeta
00076   const double dw 
00077     = (uRel * uRel - 1./3.) * (pars[0] + sign * pars[9])  // sagittaX
00078     +  uRel * vRel          * (pars[1] + sign * pars[10]) // sagittaXY
00079     + (vRel * vRel - 1./3.) * (pars[2] + sign * pars[11]) // sagittaY
00080     + sign * pars[5]                 // different dw
00081     + myY          * sign * pars[6]  // different dalpha
00082     - localPos.x() * sign * pars[7]; // different dbeta
00083   // 2nd, translate the dw effect to shifts in x and y
00084   // Positive dxdz/dydz and positive dw mean negative shift in x/y: 
00085   Local2DVector::ScalarType x = -dw * localAngles.dxdz();
00086   Local2DVector::ScalarType y = -dw * localAngles.dydz();
00087   // 3rd, treat in-plane differences depending on surface from xy-shifts... 
00088   x += (sign * pars[3]); // different du
00089   y += (sign * pars[4]); // different dv
00090   //     ...and gamma-rotation
00091   x -= myY          * (sign * pars[8]); // different dgamma for u
00092   y += localPos.x() * (sign * pars[8]); // different dgamma for v
00094   return Local2DVector(x, y);
00095 }
00097 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00098 bool TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::add(const SurfaceDeformation &other)
00099 {
00100   if (this->type() == other.type()) {
00101     const std::vector<double> otherParameters(other.parameters());
00102     if (otherParameters.size() == theParameters.size()) {
00103       if (theParameters.back() == otherParameters.back()) {
00104         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < theParameters.size() - 1; ++i) {// -1 for ySplit
00105           // mean bows, delta shifts, delta angles and delta bows can simply be added up
00106           theParameters[i] += otherParameters[i];
00107         }
00108         return true;
00109       } else { // ySplit values are different!
00110         LogDebug("Alignment") << "@SUB=TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::add"
00111                               << "Different ySplit: this " << theParameters.back() 
00112                               << ", to add " << otherParameters.back();
00113       }
00114     } // same size
00115   } // same type
00117   return false;
00118 }
00120 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00121 std::vector<double> TwoBowedSurfacesDeformation::parameters() const
00122 {
00123   return theParameters;
00124 }