
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef UtilsClient_H
00002 #define UtilsClient_H
00012 #include <string>
00014 #include "DQMServices/Core/interface/MonitorElement.h"
00016 #include "TH1.h"
00017 #include "TProfile2D.h"
00023 class UtilsClient {
00025  public:
00033   template<class T> static T getHisto( const MonitorElement* me, bool clone = false, T ret = 0) {
00034     if( me ) {
00035       // std::cout << "Found '" << me->getName() <<"'" << std::endl;
00036       TObject* ob = const_cast<MonitorElement*>(me)->getRootObject();
00037       if( ob ) { 
00038         if( clone ) {
00039           if( ret ) {
00040             delete ret;
00041           }
00042           std::string s = "ME " + me->getName();
00043           ret = dynamic_cast<T>(ob->Clone(s.c_str())); 
00044           if( ret ) {
00045             ret->SetDirectory(0);
00046           }
00047         } else {
00048           ret = dynamic_cast<T>(ob); 
00049         }
00050       } else {
00051         ret = 0;
00052       }
00053     } else {
00054       if( !clone ) {
00055         ret = 0;
00056       }
00057     }
00058     return ret;
00059   }
00067   template<class T> static void printBadChannels( const MonitorElement* me, const T* hi, bool positive_only = false ) {
00068     if ( ! me ) {
00069       std::cout << "printBadChannels() failed, NULL pointer to MonitorElement !"
00070                 << std::endl;
00071       return;
00072     }
00073     if ( ! hi ) {
00074       std::cout << "printBadChannels() failed, NULL pointer to ROOT histogram !"
00075                 << std::endl;
00076       return;
00077     }
00078     bool title = false;
00079     TProfile2D* hj = dynamic_cast<TProfile2D*>(const_cast<T*>(hi));
00080     int kx = -1;
00081     int ky = -1;
00082     for ( int ix = 1; ix <= me->getNbinsX(); ix++ ) {
00083       int jx = ix * hi->GetNbinsX() / me->getNbinsX();
00084       if ( jx == kx ) continue;
00085       kx = jx;
00086       for ( int iy = 1; iy <= me->getNbinsY(); iy++ ) {
00087         int jy = iy * hi->GetNbinsY() / me->getNbinsY();
00088         if ( jy == ky ) continue;
00089         ky = jy;
00090         if ( positive_only ) {
00091           if ( hi->GetBinContent(hi->GetBin(jx, jy)) <= 0 ) continue;
00092         } else {
00093           float val = me->getBinContent( ix, iy );
00094           //  0/3 = red/dark red
00095           //  1/4 = green/dark green
00096           //  2/5 = yellow/dark yellow
00097           //  6   = unknown
00098           if ( val == 6 ) continue;
00099           if ( int(val) % 3 != 0 ) continue;
00100         }
00101         if ( ! title ) {
00102           std::cout << " Channels failing \"" << me->getName() << "\""
00103                     << " (" << hi->GetName() << ") "
00104                     << std::endl << std::endl;
00105           title = true;
00106         }
00107         std::cout << " ("
00108                   << hi->GetXaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(jx)
00109                   << ", "
00110                   << hi->GetYaxis()->GetBinUpEdge(jy);
00111         if ( hj )
00112         std::cout << ", "
00113                   << hj->GetBinEntries(hj->GetBin(jx, jy));
00114         std::cout << ") = "
00115                   << hi->GetBinContent(hi->GetBin(jx, jy))
00116                   << " +- "
00117                   << hi->GetBinError(hi->GetBin(jx, jy))
00118                   << std::endl;
00119       }
00120     }
00121     if ( title ) std::cout << std::endl;
00122     return;
00123   }
00133   template<class T> static bool getBinStatistics( const T* histo, const int ix, const int iy, float& num, float& mean, float& rms ) {
00134     num  = -1.; mean = -1.; rms  = -1.;
00135     float n_min_bin = 1.;
00137     if ( histo ) {
00138       num = histo->GetBinEntries(histo->GetBin(ix, iy));
00139       if ( num >= n_min_bin ) {
00140         mean = histo->GetBinContent(ix, iy);
00141         rms  = histo->GetBinError(ix, iy);
00142         return true;
00143       }
00144     }
00145     return false;
00146   }
00153   static bool getBinQuality( const MonitorElement* me, const int ix, const int iy ) {
00154     if ( me ) {
00155       float val = me->getBinContent(ix, iy);
00156       //  0/3 = red/dark red
00157       //  1/4 = green/dark green
00158       //  2/5 = yellow/dark yellow
00159       //  6   = unknown
00160       if ( val == 0. || val == 2 || val == 6 ) return false;
00161       if ( val == 1. || val == 3 || val == 4 || val == 5 ) return true;
00162     }
00163     return false;
00164   }
00171   static bool getBinStatus( const MonitorElement* me, const int ix, const int iy ) {
00172     if ( me ) {
00173       float val = me->getBinContent(ix, iy);
00174       //  0/3 = red/dark red
00175       //  1/4 = green/dark green
00176       //  2/5 = yellow/dark yellow
00177       //  6   = unknown
00178       if ( val == 0. || val == 3 ) return true;
00179       return false;
00180     }
00181     return false;
00182   }
00189   static void maskBinContent( const MonitorElement* me, const int ix, const int iy ) {
00190     if ( me ) {
00191       float val = me->getBinContent(ix, iy);
00192       //  0/3 = red/dark red
00193       //  1/4 = green/dark green
00194       //  2/5 = yellow/dark yellow
00195       //  6   = unknown
00196       if ( val >= 0. && val <= 2. ) {
00197         const_cast<MonitorElement*>(me)->setBinContent(ix, iy, val+3);
00198       }
00199     }
00200   }
00206   static int getFirstNonEmptyChannel( const TProfile2D* histo ) {
00207     if ( histo ) {
00208       int ichannel = 1;
00209       while ( ichannel <= histo->GetNbinsX() ) {
00210         double counts = histo->GetBinContent(ichannel, 1);
00211         if ( counts > 0 ) return( ichannel );
00212         ichannel++;
00213       }
00214     }
00215     return( 1 );
00216   }
00218  private:
00220   UtilsClient() {}; // Hidden to force static use
00221   ~UtilsClient() {}; // Hidden to force static use
00223 };
00225 #endif